1. dwayne is giving a speech on ronald reagan and intends to follow his life story from childhood until his death to structure his speech. which speech structure is dwayne using? a. spatial b. narrative c. chronological d. cause and effect


Answer 1

Dwayne is giving a speech on Ronald Reagan and intends to follow his life story from childhood until his death to structure his speech. Chronological speech structure is Dwayne using. So the option C is correct.

Dwayne is using chronological speech structure. This structure involves organizing information according to the timeline of events, from earliest to latest. This type of structure works well for biographical speeches, such as Dwayne's speech on Ronald Reagan, since it allows the audience to follow the story of the subject's life.

Chronological speech is a type of speech that follows a timeline. The speaker will start from the beginning of the story and move through each event in order from the oldest to the newest. This type of speech is often used to tell stories, as it allows the listener to easily follow the sequence of events. So the option C is correct.

To learn more about Chronological speech link is here



Related Questions

Select the answer that best rewrites the sentence below:

He found his neighbor who lived next door to be attractive in appearance

a. His neighbor who lived next door, he found attractive.
b. He found his neighbor attractive.
c. His next door neighbor was attractive to him.
d.none of these

Please select the best answer from the choices provided:


B. He found his neighbor attractive

Explain how collaborating skills might resolve conflict and contribute to harmonies relationship during your grade academic year


Cooperation may settle issues & establish connections in Grade 12. Harmony results through collaboration and compromise towards shared objectives.

What is the justification for the above response?

During the academic year, collaboration is a skill that may significantly help with dispute resolution and fostering positive connections. Finding a solution that fulfils everyone's wants and interests requires collaboration.

When disputes emerge, working together can enable all parties to determine the underlying source of the problem, come up with a number of alternatives, and weigh the advantages and disadvantages of each one. Individuals can develop mutual regard, trust, and understanding through working together. Collaboration may also foster a sense of shared accountability and ownership, which can result in a more constructive and effective learning environment.

So, individuals may attempt to resolve disagreements and develop solid, enduring connections with their peers by exercising the skill of collaboration.

Learn more about Collaborating at:



Full Question: Explain how each of the following skills might resolve conflict and contribute to harmonious relationships during your grade 12 academic year.

My sister wants to study astronomy in college. Which context clue shows the meaning of astronomy?



The context clue that shows the meaning of astronomy is "study."

"Astronomy" is a noun that refers to the scientific study of celestial objects, such as stars, planets, and galaxies. In this sentence, "study" is a verb that suggests the action of learning or exploring a particular subject, which indicates that "astronomy" is the specific subject of interest.

does anyone know this?



B. Mass Japanese relocation was justified because there was no time to separate the guilty from the innocent.


maritime imagery and women as sirens: how is fitzgerald creating/using these ideas throughout the chapter?


In chapter four of "The Great Gatsby," F. Scott Fitzgerald employs maritime imagery and women as sirens to reveal the underlying themes of the novel. These two ideas are interrelated and serve as a critical component of the literary devices that Fitzgerald uses to construct meaning in the novel.

Maritime imagery is used in the book to refer to a way of life that is hedonistic, exotic, and associated with the sea. It is linked to the idea of an unattainable lifestyle that is desirable and exciting. The sailors who return from the sea have a special kind of energy that is linked to the life of adventure and the sea, and this energy is often portrayed as highly desirable.

Fitzgerald uses the imagery of the sirens to represent the women in the novel who are seductive and dangerous. In the Odyssey, the sirens lured sailors to their doom, and in the novel, Fitzgerald employs this idea to explore the dangers of unbridled desire. The women in the novel are alluring and powerful, but they are also dangerous, and they have the power to destroy the men who are attracted to them.

Throughout the novel, Fitzgerald employs the imagery of the sea to create an atmosphere of desire and longing. The sea represents an unattainable lifestyle, and the men in the novel are always trying to reach it. The women, on the other hand, represent the danger of desire, and they are often portrayed as a threat to the men who desire them.

To know more about The Great Gatsby refer to-




Identify two poetic devices, give examples of the devices, AND explain the impact/significance of the devices.

POETIC DEVICES TO CHOOSE FROM: Alliteration, repetition, rhyme, assonance, metaphor, personification, imagery, form.



Poem: “Say Thank You Say I’m Sorry” by Jericho Brown

I don’t know whose side you’re on,
But I am here for the people
Who work in grocery stores that glow in the morning
And close down for deep cleaning at night
Right up the street and in cities I mispronounce,
In towns too tiny for my big black
Car to quit, and in every wide corner
Of Kansas where going to school means
At least one field trip
To a slaughterhouse. I want so little: another leather bound
Book, a gimlet with a lavender gin, bread
So good when I taste it I can tell you
How it’s made. I’d like us to rethink
What it is to be a nation. I’m in a mood about America
Today. I have PTSD
About the Lord. God save the people who work
In grocery stores. They know a bit of glamour
Is a lot of glamour. They know how much
It costs for the eldest of us to eat. Save
My loves and not my sentences. Before I see them,
I draw a mole near my left dimple,
Add flair to the smile they can’t see
Behind my mask. I grin or lie or maybe
I wear the mouth of a beast. I eat wild animals
While some of us grow up knowing
What gnocchi is. The people who work at the grocery don’t care.
They say, Thank you. They say, Sorry,
We don’t sell motor oil anymore with a grief so thick
You could touch it. Go on. Touch it.
It is early. It is late. They have washed their hands.
They have washed their hands for you.
And they take the bus home.


Answer:  Alliteration: In towns too tiny for my big black

Car to quit...

Metaphor:  They say, Sorry,

We don’t sell motor oil anymore with a grief so thick

You could touch it. Go on. Touch it.

It is early. It is late. They have washed their hands.

They have washed their hands for you.

Explanation:  alliteration provides an alternative to formal rhyme - it creates a melodic and/or rhythmic touch to the poem.  Here, the repetition of the t sound and the b sound give the poem a poetic feel as it were, contrasting the t of tiny with the b of big and black, adjective - noun, adjective - noun

The second quote is much more complex.  The juxtaposition of oil and grief both linked by the adjective thick, which we often associate with oil here extended to the grief of the grocery store workers.  The repetition of the word touch - touch the grief, touch the oil - which one are we touching?  There is also a religious or at least spiritual metaphor here, with oil having a significant part to play in Christian religious rituals.  There is no oil now and the grocery store workers have washed their hands, washed their hands for you, another religious metaphor.  It shows that the grocery workers care but they also perform simple religious rituals.  This is a kind of secular prayer, honouring the humble grocery store workers and the simplicity of their lives and of their beliefs, compared to the more complex issues that the poet is concerned with:

' I’d like us to rethink //What it is to be a nation'.  and his PTSD with God.  Perhaps the poet is/was a soldier who has had his faith challenged.

how does prospero haunt this act, even though he does not make a formal appearance in any scene? in what ways is prospero different from all the other characters?


In Act V of The Tempest, Prospero haunts the scene, even though he does not appear formally. Prospero is unique among all the other characters because he is the only one who has magical powers that he uses for his own purposes.

In Act V of The Tempest, Prospero haunts the scene, even though he does not appear formally. He is a ghost-like figure that keeps his presence felt by the characters. The following are the ways in which Prospero haunts Act V of The Tempest: Caliban, Stephano, and Trinculo saw him as a ghost, which frightened them. Prospero uses his magic to control the events taking place on the island.

He is present when Ariel's song is sung during the masque, which confirms his ghostly presence. The absence of Prospero makes him even more powerful and omnipresent than the other characters. Prospero is unique among all the other characters because he is the only one who has magical powers that he uses for his own purposes.

Moreover, Prospero is different in the following ways: He is the creator of the storm and the mastermind of the plot, which makes him a central figure to the plot. He is the only character who has the power to control the natural elements and spirits. He forgives his enemies and frees Ariel and Caliban, which makes him an even more unique character. He chooses to renounce his magic and forgive his enemies, which makes him different from other revengeful characters.

know more about magical powers here



Read the paragraph from a student’s report about germs.

They are so tiny, they can only be seen with a microscope, and they multiply faster than the blink of an eye. They can be found in our water, our air, and our homes. They lurk in our clothing and on our bodies. They have lived on the planet much longer than humans have and are not going away any time soon. What are these creatures? They are microbes, better known as germs. Bacteria, viruses, and fungi are all types of germs. Germs can be dangerous or beneficial.

Which feature could the student add to help readers better understand what makes germs helpful or harmful?

a diagram showing steps for proper hand washing

a chart comparing dangerous and beneficial germs

boldface type for the names of the kinds of germs

a picture of a scientist with a microscope



Boldface type for the names of the kind of germs

Explanation:it makes common sense

On September 12, 1962, President John F. Kennedy delivered his "We Choose to Go to the Moon" speech to a crowd of thousands at Rice University Stadium in Houston, Texas. The country was unsure about the time and cost of sending a man to the moon, and President Kennedy's speech addressed their uncertainty. Read the excerpts from Kennedy's speech. Then, respond to the prompt that follows.

I am delighted to be here, and I'm particularly delighted to be here on this occasion. We meet at a college noted for knowledge, in a city noted for progress, in a State noted for strength, and we stand in need of all three, for we meet in an hour of change and challenge, in a decade of hope and fear, in an age of both knowledge and ignorance. The greater our knowledge increases, the greater our ignorance unfolds.

Despite the striking fact that most of the scientists that the world has ever known are alive and working today, despite the fact that this Nation's own scientific manpower is doubling every 12 years in a rate of growth more than three times that of our population as a whole, despite that, the vast stretches of the unknown and the unanswered and the unfinished still far outstrip our collective comprehension.

If this capsule history of our progress teaches us anything, it is that man, in his quest for knowledge and progress, is determined and cannot be deterred. The exploration of space will go ahead, whether we join in it or not, and it is one of the great adventures of all time, and no nation which expects to be the leader of other nations can expect to stay behind in the race for space.

Those who came before us made certain that this country rode the first waves of the industrial revolutions, the first waves of modern invention, and the first wave of nuclear power, and this generation does not intend to founder in the backwash of the coming age of space. We mean to be a part of it—we mean to lead it. For the eyes of the world now look into space, to the moon and to the planets beyond, and we have vowed that we shall not see it governed by a hostile flag of conquest, but by a banner of freedom and peace.

We set sail on this new sea because there is new knowledge to be gained, and new rights to be won, and they must be won and used for the progress of all people. For space science, like nuclear science and all technology, has no conscience of its own. Whether it will become a force for good or ill depends on man, and only if the United States occupies a position of pre-eminence can we help decide whether this new ocean will be a sea of peace or a new terrifying theater of war. I do not say that we should or will go unprotected against the hostile misuse of space any more than we go unprotected against the hostile use of land or sea, but I do say that space can be explored and mastered without feeding the fires of war, without repeating the mistakes that man has made in extending his writ around this globe of ours.



On September 12, 1962, President John F. Kennedy delivered a speech at Rice University Stadium in Houston, Texas, in which he declared his intention to send a man to the moon. In his speech, Kennedy acknowledged the uncertainty surrounding the time and cost of this endeavor, but insisted that the exploration of space was necessary for progress and leadership in the world. Kennedy emphasized the importance of knowledge, progress, and strength, and noted that despite the vast increase in scientific knowledge and manpower, there were still vast unknowns to explore. He also pointed out that the United States needed to take a leading role in space exploration in order to prevent it from being governed by a hostile flag of conquest, and that it was important to use new knowledge and rights for the progress of all people. Kennedy acknowledged the high cost of the space program, but argued that it was worth the investment for the benefits that would come from exploring space. He famously declared, "We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard." Kennedy's speech is considered a landmark moment in American history, as it set the goal that led to the successful Apollo 11 moon landing in 1969.





Based on what you've shared, it seems that the purpose of President Kennedy's speech at Rice University in 1962 was to build public support for his proposal to land a man on the Moon before the end of the decade. By speaking at a university known for its expertise in science and technology, Kennedy likely aimed to inspire and rally the academic and scientific community behind his vision for space exploration, while also appealing to the broader public's sense of national pride and curiosity about the unknown. The speech also aimed to reassure Americans that their government was committed to advancing the country's scientific and technological capabilities, especially in the midst of the Cold War.

Read the following passage about advancements in ancient Egypt during the reign of Cleopatra. Then, answer the question that follows.

Leather was also prepared by workers with great skill for various purposes, and the knife employed by them in the process, between three and four thousand years ago, is precisely similar to that used by modern curriers.

Based on the use of a comparison context clue, what can you infer the word curriers means in this passage?

Jewelry makers

Leather workers

Pyramid builders

Stone carvers



Leather workers


Based on the use of comparison context clue "Leather workers" infer the word curriers means in this passage.

Who is leather workers here?

The passage is describing the skill and expertise of ancient workers who prepared leather for various purposes in ancient Egypt during the reign of Cleopatra, which is estimated to be between three and four thousand years ago. The passage notes that these workers used a knife in the leather preparation process that was similar to the one used by modern curriers. Curriers are skilled workers who specialize in the finishing and preparation of leather. They use a variety of tools and techniques to clean, dye, and treat leather to make it more durable and suitable for various purposes, such as clothing, furniture, and footwear. The passage is describing the skill and expertise of ancient workers who prepared leather for various purposes in ancient Egypt during the reign of Cleopatra, which is estimated to be between three and four thousand years ago.

Know more about Leather workers Visit:



English … ELA… 9th grade…page 370 answer?


Shakespeare's references to the tone of a phrase or section typically allude to the mood or specific attitude a speaker is conveying. The speaker's tone fluctuates between bitter and melancholy. Sometimes, his tone is joyous, victorious, or celebratory.

What tone mood and purpose of the two plays of Shakespeare?

Romeo and Juliet have a sympathetic tone that acknowledges the young lovers' predicament. The play's equal emphasis on essentially eternal love and sexual desire offers a realistic, sympathetic approach to their story. Romeo and Juliet have a depressing and mournful tone. Romeo and Juliet deal with opposites that cross over or merge into one another.

As Hamlet is given the mission of avenging his father's ghost, his desire to learn the truth gives him a sense of urgency and purpose. Earlier in the play, Hamlet is depressed and in a dark mood. The plot of the play centers on Hamlet's sluggish, dizzying pursuit of his uncle's retribution. Retribution, politics, and family are some of Hamlet's central themes. Hamlet's attempts to get revenge on his father for his murder demonstrate how the idea of vengeance is developed for the audience.

To learn more about Hamlet, visit:



The complete question is:

English … ELA… 9th grade…page 370

Shakespeare in the Modern Age

Analyze two texts to evaluate whether the author’s tone is appropriate to the audience and purpose.

You are invited to attend our wedding. It will take place _ Saturday.
It will begin _2 PM. Find the address on the enclosed card. When
you reach the church, walk _ the gate. Then go _ the hill
in back. The ceremony will take place the garden on the top of the hill.


You will need to complete the blanks with the following words, which must be placed in the order in which the blanks appear: on, at, to, to.

The full text will be:

You are invited to attend our wedding. It will happen on Saturday. It will start at 2 pm. Find the address on the attached card. When you arrive at the church, walk to the gate. Then go to the hill in the back. The ceremony will take place in the garden at the top of the hill.

What is the function of these words in the text?"On" is a preposition used to indicate days of the week."At" is a preposition used to indicate the team."To" is a preposition used to indicate a place.

It is important to know the correct prepositions when writing a text to maintain the grammatical and syntactic order of the language, but also to maintain a correct meaning in the text and a fluid and coherent reading.

Learn more about prepositions:



in the ones who walk away from omelas, most of the people choose to remain. however, some people leave. please classify those who leave as grade one, grade two, or grade three thinkers (based on william golding's thinking as a hobby.)


In "The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas," the individuals who leave Omelas after discovering the terrible truth are not classified as grade one, grade two, or grade three thinkers.

This is because the classification system used by William Golding in "Thinking as a Hobby" is not relevant to the story of "The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas."Instead, the decision to leave Omelas after discovering the truth is not based on the individual's intellectual ability or reasoning skills, but on their moral convictions.

The individuals who leave Omelas after discovering the truth are those who cannot accept the suffering of the child as a necessary sacrifice for the happiness of the rest of the community. These individuals have a strong sense of empathy and compassion, and are willing to make personal sacrifices in order to stand up for what they believe is right.

As such, the decision to leave Omelas is not based on one's intellectual capacity, but on their moral convictions and willingness to act on those convictions.These are the final lines of The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas: They leave Omelas, they walk ahead into the darkness, and they do not come back. The place they go towards is a place even less imaginable to most of us than the city of happiness.

To know more about Omelas : https://brainly.com/question/30638944


what language does douglass use to make the comparison before and after mrs.auld became a slaveholder


Frederick Douglass is known for using colorful language when recounting his experiences with slavery and its effects on both people and society. He constantly used metaphors, similes, and images as rhetorical tactics to emphasize his points.

Frederick Douglass: Who was he?

American social reformer, abolitionist, orator, author, and statesman Frederick Douglass (1818–1895). He was born into slavery in Maryland, but at the age of 20, he managed to free himself, going on to become a well-known figure in the abolitionist cause.

Douglass was a gifted speaker and author who used these skills to speak out against slavery and promote equality for all people. He also penned many autobiographies, notably Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave, which was a best-seller and an influential portrayal of the reality of slavery. He also produced his own newspaper, The North Star.

Learn more about Frederick Douglass with the help of the given link:



when beowulf arrives at the moor what images and descriptions let the reader know that death has happened there


The descriptions of the ground, water, and Danes in Beowulf suggest that death has occurred on the moor.

Explain the images and descriptions which suggest death has occurred.

When Beowulf arrives at the moor, the reader is presented with several images and descriptions that suggest that death has occurred in the area. Here are some examples:

"The ground surged and shuddered" - This suggests that there has been some sort of violent activity that has disturbed the earth."The road led straight to that fiendish water, covered over with a tainted mist" - The use of the word "fiendish" and the description of the water being covered with a "tainted mist" suggests that something evil or unnatural has occurred in the area."The Danes stood there, on the hill, staring out at the horror, the monster's domain" - The fact that the Danes are standing on a hill, rather than on the moor itself, implies that they are afraid to approach the area where the "horror" has occurred. This suggests that something deadly has taken place."A path led down to the water, over bright, shimmering stones" - The contrast between the bright, shimmering stones and the "tainted mist" creates a sense of unease and suggests that there is something dangerous or deadly lurking beneath the surface.

Taken together, these images and descriptions create a sense of foreboding and suggest that death has occurred in the area. The reader is left with a sense of dread and anticipation as Beowulf prepares to confront whatever evil has caused this disturbance.

To learn more about Beowulf, visit:



At first, the narrator looks on the Civil War with distrust, as if it were some “play affair.” What happens to change his mind about the war, and encourage him to enlist? Cite textual evidence to support your answer.


The narrator wanted to take part in the glory and victory of battle. The newspapers, the talk of the village, his own imaginings, had excited him to an uncontrollable degree. They were in truth, fighting finely down there. Almost every day the newspapers talked of victory.

Why does Ms.jones avoid asking him about his family or background?



You provided no context my friend.


But you can say it's because Ms. Jones doesn't want to appear nosy or intrusive. It is possible that she respects his privacy and doesnor want to make him uncomfortable by prying into his personal life.

Please Help Me I Will Give Out Extra Points And The 4.0
Re-read this excerpt from "To a Poor Old Woman" by William Carlos Williams

They taste good to her
They taste good
to her. They taste
good to her
The purpose of the repetition is to --
Question 4 options:

illustrate the strength of the woman's hunger

illustrate the speaker's jealousy of the woman

emphasize that the woman is poor

emphasize the joy the woman finds in eating her plums


Answer: hope this helps pretty sure its this

emphasize the joy the woman finds in eating her plums


Repetition can create expectations, which can be fulfilled. It can create a sense of boredom and complacency, but it can also incite enchantment and inspire bliss.

what does john tear up at the end of act 2? why does he tear up his confession at the end of this act


At the end of Act 2, John tears up his confession that he had signed, which was a lie in The Crucible by Arthur Miller.  John Proctor had already agreed to confess to being in contact with the devil, as he was tired of being accused of things he didn't do.

However, he refused to implicate others as well. However, in Act 2, he felt the weight of the consequences and the loss of his good name, which led him to sign a false confession. At the end of Act 2, he saw that other people were also falsely confessing to witchcraft to avoid being executed.

John tears up his confession because he chooses to die rather than confess to a falsehood. He realizes that he can't accept the results of signing a false confession. It is the only way to ensure that he will die with his integrity and honesty intact. He wants his life to have meaning and to be remembered with dignity. He refuses to be another one of Salem's liars, even if it means facing the gallows.

know more about confession here



in treasure island chapter 23 what is the connection between the men wrestling on the ship and the boisterous singing on shore?



They were dr*nk and the 2 left on the ship.


They were dr*nk and the only 2 left on the ship.

hazel had a perfectly average intelligence, which meant she couldn't think about anything except in short bursts. and george, while his intelligence was way above normal, had a little mental handicap radio in his ear. he was required by law to wear it at all times. irony?


Irony in the given statement is when Hazel has an average intelligence while George, who has a superior intellect, is required to wear a mental handicap radio in his ear by law.

The government has passed a law mandating that all people of superior intellect wear radios that emit loud sounds at regular intervals. The objective of this law is to prevent people with above-average intelligence from becoming too powerful and overthrowing the government.

Hazel, on the other hand, has a perfectly average intellect, which makes it difficult for her to think for an extended period. Despite not being required by law to wear a mental handicap radio, she is nevertheless limited in her abilities by her average intelligence.

Irony is, therefore, created when one character with above-average intelligence is being held back by a device meant to bring him down to the same level as those with average intelligence, while another character with average intelligence is free to operate without a handicap, despite being limited by their natural abilities.

For more such questions on mental handicap radio, click on:



Choose the word or words that, when inserted in the sentence to replace the blank or blanks, best fits the meaning of sentence
Despite his reputation for ……………., his social life blossomed during his college years as he made innumerable friends across his university.


I believe it would be introversion.



4. introversion

“A very old man with enormous wings”

How does the old man transform physically throughout the story?use specific examples from the text support your answer


The work discussed in the question is “A very old man with enormous wings” by Gabriel Garcia Marquez.

How does the old man transform physically throughout the story?

In Gabriel Garcia Marquez's "A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings," the old man undergoes several physical transformations throughout the story. At the beginning of the story, the old man is introduced as having enormous wings, which causes him to be mistaken for an angel. However, his appearance is not what one would expect of an angel as his wings are dirty, and scraggly, and seem to be more like those of a scavenger bird than of a majestic angel.

As the story progresses, the old man's physical condition deteriorates. For instance, when he is first captured, the old man is confined to a chicken coop where he is exposed to the elements and suffers from cold, hunger, and neglect. In this state, the old man becomes "so soiled that it was hard to tell what his original colours were," which is an indication of his worsening condition.

Moreover, the old man's wings begin to lose their feathers, which makes them appear even more unimpressive. When the priest comes to see the old man, he observes that "the feathers of his wings were becoming plucked out." This further indicates the physical deterioration of the old man's wings and serves to emphasize his declining state.

Finally, towards the end of the story, the old man's wings fall off completely, leaving him as a vulnerable, powerless, and ordinary old man. This transformation represents the loss of his special and mysterious identity and highlights the cruelty and indifference of the townspeople towards him. Overall, the old man's physical transformations serve to underscore the theme of human indifference and the transient nature of physical appearances.

To learn more about Gabriel Garcia Marquez, visit:



In this stanza, the poet uses imagery that appeals to the reader’s senses of

sight and sound.
smell and taste.
sight and touch.
sound and touch.


Sight and sound
This right or whatever

what would be a logical conclusion from the information wells provided in the speech excerpted here?


The logical conclusion from the information provided in the speech excerpt is that the speaker is advocating for more meaningful action in order to bring about positive change in society. The speaker emphasizes the need for greater progress in terms of social justice, and suggests that people need to take practical steps in order to make a difference.

They discuss how individuals can take the initiative to make a real impact, from volunteering to making sure to vote in local elections. Ultimately, the speaker is making the point that if people want to see change, then they have to be the ones to bring it about. They need to make sure that their voices are heard and that they are taking meaningful action to bring about the change that they wish to see in the world. By doing this, individuals can be the agents of the change that they wish to see.

know more about social justice here



what would be a logical conclusion from the information wells provided in the speech excerpted here? The speech is :

In March 1892, trouble erupted in Memphis, Tennessee. That spring was supposed to bring a celebratory mood to the city that had just built the first bridge across the Mississippi south of the Ohio River. The bridge was intended to attract a railroad and enhance commerce. Instead, the city plunged into a violent racial episode that represented the realities of the lives of African Americans living in the segregated South.

A racially mixed group of boys was gambling at a local general store for white patrons when tensions flared and a father of one of the white boys whipped a black child. The owner of the general store, W.H. Barrett, went to a nearby competing grocery and violently confronted an African American clerk named Calvin McDowell and pistol-whipped him. McDowell fought back and bloodied Barrett. As a result, a white judge issued an arrest warrant for McDowell.

Deputies led a white mob to serve the warrant and confronted a large band of armed black men at the grocery store. Shots were fired and three deputies and some of the civilians were wounded in the exchange of gunfire. The deputies took a dozen African Americans into custody. Angry whites went on a rampage and rounded up dozens more African American men while ransacking their homes.

what should a sympathy letter include? a statement describing the recent death of your own relative an offer of assistance positive and negative qualities of the deceased


A sympathy letter should include a few key elements. First, start with a statement describing the recent death of your own relative. It's important to remember that it's okay to express your own emotions and acknowledge the gravity of the situation.

After that, you can provide an offer of assistance. This could be offering to help with planning a memorial service or providing meals. Lastly, you should express positive and negative qualities of the deceased. This can provide a sense of closure, but it's important to make sure that you remain respectful and tactful. A sympathy letter should include expressions of sympathy, offer of help, and positive qualities of the deceased.

A sympathy letter is a letter written to console or comfort someone who is grieving or experiencing a tragedy. It may be hard to write, but the letter can offer a great deal of solace to the recipient. A well-crafted letter demonstrates your concern and care, and it provides you with the opportunity to express your condolences and offer support to the recipient.

know more about sympathy here



which is the correct order of the credibility that an audience experiences toward a speaker during a speech?



Initial credibility, derived credibility, terminal credibility





what traits of eliza's speech does professor higgins appear to be targeting? why might eliza be training to reduce them?


Professor Higgins appears to be targeting the lower-class traits of Eliza's speech. The reason why Eliza is training to reduce these traits is that they are not considered acceptable by the upper class and can limit her opportunities to advance in society.

Eliza's speech was heavily influenced by her upbringing in a lower-class environment. Her accent, pronunciation, and vocabulary were all characteristic of someone from the lower classes. This is not acceptable in high society, and this is where Professor Higgins comes in to help her improve her speech to be able to integrate better into upper-class society. Eliza is training to reduce these traits to fit into high society and make the people there feel more comfortable around her.

She has to learn to speak correctly, to use the proper vocabulary and to be eloquent in her speech. Eliza also knows that her accent and speech patterns are limiting her opportunities to advance in society. She is aware that to improve her chances of success, she needs to reduce these traits and learn to speak like a lady. In conclusion,

know more about speech here



Read these lines from the poem.
Did He smile His work to see?
Did He who made the lamb make thee?
These lines allude to God or a creator.
How does this allusion affect the meaning of the poem?
The speaker wonders whether the creator who made
the lamb would make the tiger.
o The allusion reveals the speaker's resentment
regarding religious beliefs and rituals,
The allusion suggests that the speaker values the
lamb more than he values the tiger.
The speaker prays to his creator in the hope that
someone will rescue him.


His allusion affects the meaning of the poem as A. The speaker wonders whether the creator who made the lamb would make the tiger.

What is the allusion about?

The allusion to God or a creator in the lines "Did He smile His work to see? / Did He who made the lamb make thee?" suggests that the poem is contemplating the idea of divine creation and questioning why a benevolent creator would also create something as fierce and dangerous as the tiger. This allusion emphasizes the speaker's sense of wonder and awe at the power and mystery of creation.

Therefore, the correct interpretation is that the allusion suggests that the speaker values the lamb more than he values the tiger. It emphasizes the contrast between the gentle and innocent nature of the lamb and the ferocity and power of the tiger, and prompts the speaker to reflect on the paradoxical nature of creation.

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when readers are first introduced to dene oxendene,we learn of his impulse to tag various spots around the city. how did you interpret this act? How does graffiti culture work to recontextualize public spaces


Quiet, introspective, curious, and affable, Dene takes his obligation as a storyteller significantly whilst at the equal time feeling immense private gratitude and delight at the risk to hear so many unique, painful, and extraordinary tales of growing up and dwelling as an Urban Indian in Oakland.

What does Dene Oxendene favor to do with his video project?

Dene Oxendene wishes to make a film to capture the stories of urban Native Americans. He desperately wishes a cultural arts furnish to make that happen. Jacquie Red Feather is turning her lifestyles round after an alcohol dependancy that has brought about her to lose her kids to her sister

Who is dene oxendene?

Dene Oxendene – young documentary filmmaker enrolled in the Cheyenne and Arapaho tribes. Born and raised in Oakland. Is carrying on a assignment in reminiscence of his uncle, amassing the memories of Native human beings in the Oakland area. Opal Viola Victoria Bear Shield – woman in her fifties of Cheyenne descent.

Learn more about oxendene here;



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