1) If the average response for Parent knowledge for the Intervention group at posttest is 71.32 and the
average response for Parent knowledge for the Control group at posttest is 61.38. What is the value of
d for the difference between them?


Answer 1

We cannot determine the value of d for the difference between the two group means.

What is mean?

In statistics, in addition to the mode and median, the mean is one of the measures of central tendency. Simply put, the mean is the average of the values in the given set.

To calculate the effect size d for the difference between the Intervention and Control group means, we can use the following formula:

d = (M₁ - M₂) / SDpooled

where M₁ is the mean for the Intervention group, M₂ is the mean for the Control group, and SDpooled is the pooled standard deviation.

Since we do not have the standard deviations for the two groups, we cannot calculate SDpooled. However, we can estimate d using the difference between the means and the assumption that the standard deviation for each group is equal. This is known as the pooled variance estimate.

To calculate d using the pooled variance estimate, we can use the following formula:

d = (M₁ - M₂) / Spooled

where Spooled is the pooled standard deviation estimate, which is calculated as follows:

Spooled = sqrt[((n₁-1) * S₁² + (n₂-1) * S₂²) / (n₁ + n₂ - 2)]

where n₁ and n₂ are the sample sizes for the Intervention and Control groups, respectively, and S₁ and S₂ are the sample standard deviations for the two groups.

Since we do not have the sample sizes or standard deviations for the two groups, we cannot calculate Spooled or d using the pooled variance estimate. Therefore, we cannot determine the value of d for the difference between the two group means.

Learn more about mean on:



Related Questions

Evaluate (2-5i)(p+q)(i) when p=2 and q=5i




Step-by-step explanation:

While multiplying complex numbers we should remember that i^2=−1.

As p=2 and q=5i,


= (2−5i)(2+5i)i

= (2×2+2×5i−5i×2−5i×5i)×i

= (4+10i−10i−25×i2)×i

= (4+10i−10i−25×(−1))×i

= (4+25)×i


Charlie invests $325 in an account that pays 8% simple interest for 15 years.

Use the simple interest formula, I = P ∙ r ∙ t, to answer the following questions.

How much interest will Charlie’s initial investment earn over the 15-year period?

How much money does Charlie have after the 15 years?


Answer:          To answer these questions using the simple interest formula, we need to know the values of P (the principal or initial investment), r (the interest rate), and t (the time period in years).

In this case, P = $325, r = 0.08 (8% expressed as a decimal), and t = 15.

Using the simple interest formula, I = P ∙ r ∙ t, we can calculate:

I = $325 ∙ 0.08 ∙ 15 = $390

Therefore, Charlie's initial investment will earn $390 in interest over the 15-year period.

To calculate how much money Charlie will have after the 15 years, we need to add the interest earned to the initial investment.

The total amount of money that Charlie will have after the 15 years is:

Total amount = Initial investment + Interest earned

Total amount = $325 + $390

Total amount = $715

Therefore, Charlie will have $715 after 15 years.

Step-by-step explanation:

The mean starting salary for nurses is 67,694 dollars nationally. The standard deviation is approximately
10,333 dollars. Assume that the starting salary is normally distributed.
Round the probabilities to four decimal places.
It is possible with rounding for a probability to be 0.0000.
a) State the random variable.
rv X a randomly selected nurse
b) Find the probability that a randomly selected nurse has a starting salary of 78371.8 dollars or more.
c) Find the probability that a randomly selected nurse has a starting salary of 91407.1 dollars or less.
d) Find the probability that a randomly selected nurse has a starting salary between 78371.8 and 91407.1
e) Find the probability that randomly selected nurse has a starting salary that is at most 41861.5 dollars.
f) is a starting salary of 41861.5 dollars unusually low for a randomly selected nurse?
Why or why not?
Select an answer
g) What starting salary do 65% of all nurses have more than?
Round your answer to two decimal places in the first box.
Put the correct units in the second box.


Therefore, 65% of all nurses have a starting salary of more than $71,725.31.

Random variable: X, the starting salary of a randomly selected nurse.

b) P(X ≥ 78371.8) = 1 - P(X < 78371.8)

Using the Z-score formula:

z = (X - μ) / σ = (78371.8 - 67694) / 10333 ≈ 1.03

Looking up the probability in the standard normal table or using a calculator, we get:

P (Z ≥ 1.03) ≈ 0.1492

Therefore, P (X ≥ 78371.8) ≈ 0.1492.

c) P (X ≤ 91407.1)

Using the Z-score formula:

z = (X - μ) / σ = (91407.1 - 67694) / 10333 ≈ 2.30

Looking up the probability in the standard normal table or using a calculator, we get:

P(Z ≤ 2.30) ≈ 0.9893

Therefore, P (X ≤ 91407.1) ≈ 0.9893.

d) P (78371.8 < X < 91407.1) = P(X < 91407.1) - P(X < 78371.8)

Using the Z-score formula:

z1 = (78371.8 - 67694) / 10333 ≈ 1.03

z2 = (91407.1 - 67694) / 10333 ≈ 2.30

Looking up the probabilities in the standard normal table or using a calculator, we get:

P(Z < 1.03) ≈ 0.8498

P(Z < 2.30) ≈ 0.9893

Therefore, P (78371.8 < X < 91407.1) ≈ 0.9893 - 0.8498 ≈ 0.1395.

e) P (X ≤ 41861.5)

Using the Z-score formula:

z = (41861.5 - 67694) / 10333 ≈ -2.50

Looking up the probability in the standard normal table or using a calculator, we get:

P (Z ≤ -2.50) ≈ 0.0062

Therefore, P (X ≤ 41861.5) ≈ 0.0062.

f) Yes, a starting salary of 41861.5 dollars is unusually low for a randomly selected nurse, because it is more than 3 standard deviations below the mean. A salary this low would be in the bottom 0.62% of all nurse salaries.

g) To find the starting salary that 65% of all nurses have more than, we need to find the z-score that corresponds to the 65th percentile, and then use the Z-score formula to solve for X.

Using a standard normal table or calculator, we find that the z-score corresponding to the 65th percentile is approximately 0.3853.

Using the Z-score formula:

z = (X - μ) / σ

Substituting μ = 67694, σ = 10333, and z = 0.3853, we get:

0.3853 = (X - 67694) / 10333

Solving for X, we get:

X = 10333(0.3853) + 67694 ≈ 71725.31

To know more about standard deviation visit:



The most important of the Shinto gods is the sun goddess who gave light to the world, named ______.



Answer: Amaterasu

Step-by-step explanation: The sun goddess Amaterasu is considered the most important of the Shinto gods because she is believed to be the ancestor of the Japanese imperial family, and therefore the protector of the Japanese people. She is also associated with agriculture, which was a vital part of Japanese society.

The distance from Cory's home to the library is 2 6 mile. Which point is at 2 6 on the number line?


As a result, the point on the number line that represents 10 miles would be much more to the right and outside the bounds of the image.

What is the example's line number?

The line number 10.12, for instance, refers to page 10, line 12. The part of the line number to the left of the period is referred to as the "page" or "part," and the part to the right is referred to as the "line."

What is number line defined simply?

A number line is a representation of numbers along a straight line. It acts as a template for grouping and contrasting numbers. Any real number, including all whole numbers and natural numbers, can be represented by it.

To know more about number line visit:-




The distance from Cory's home to the library is mile. Which point is at on the number line?

A. Point A

B. Point B

C. Point C

D. Point D

Rita read 1,362 words in 6 minutes. Joy read 1,456 words in 7 minutes. Who read at the faster rate? Joy read at the faster rate because 208 words per minute < 227 words per minute. Rita read at the faster rate because 227 words per minute > 208 words per minute. Joy read at the faster rate because 208 words per minute > 227 words per minute. Both Rita and Joy read at the same rate.


The correct answer is "Rita read at the faster rate because 227 words per minute > 208 words per minute".

How do you calculate rate of something?

The rate of something is a measure of how fast or slow it changes over time or another variable. The general formula for calculating rate is:

Rate = Change in value / Time interval or Change in value / Change in another variable Rates can be expressed in different units, such as miles per hour, dollars per day, or units per minute. It's important to ensure that the units are consistent throughout the calculation to obtain accurate results. In summary, the rate of something can be calculated by dividing the change in value by the time interval or the change in another variable.

To find out who read at the faster rate, we need to calculate the rate of reading for each person. We can do this by dividing the number of words read by the time taken to read them.

Rita's reading rate = 1362/6 = 227 words per minute

Joy's reading rate = 1456/7 = 208 words per minute

Therefore, Rita read at a faster rate than Joy, with a reading rate of 227 words per minute compared to Joy's reading rate of 208 words per minute.

To know more about rate visit:



I need help pleaseee


According to the factor form of the quadratic equation 4 · x² - 484, x = - 11 and x = 11 are the lesser x and the greater x of the expression.

How to determine the zeros of a quadratic equation

Herein we find a quadratic equation of the form a² · x² - b², whose factor form is introduced below by means of algebra properties:

a² · x² - b² = a² · (x² - b² / a²) = a² · (x - b / a) · (x + b / a)

Where - b /a is the lesser x and + b / a is the greater x.

If we know that a² = 4 and b² = 484, then the roots of the quadratic equation are:

4 · x² - 484 = 4 · (x - 11) · (x + 11)

The lesser x and the greater x are - 11 and 11, respectively.

To learn more on quadratic equations: https://brainly.com/question/24817658


how to solve 3(x+6) = x + 8 + x


the solution to the equation  is x = -10.use the distributive property of multiplication over addition to simplify the left-hand side of the equation

what is distributive property ?

The distributive property is a mathematical property that is used to simplify expressions that involve multiplication and addition or subtraction. It states that when you multiply a number (or variable) by a sum or difference,

In the given question,

To solve the equation 3(x+6) = x + 8 + x, you can use the distributive property of multiplication over addition to simplify the left-hand side of the equation, and then combine like terms on both sides of the equation.

Here are the steps:

Distribute the 3 on the left-hand side of the equation:

3(x+6) = 3x + 18

Combine the two x terms on the right-hand side of the equation:

3x + 18 = 2x + 8

Subtract 2x from both sides of the equation:

3x - 2x + 18 = 2x - 2x + 8

Simplifying this expression gives:

x + 18 = 8

Finally, subtract 18 from both sides of the equation:

x + 18 - 18 = 8 - 18

Simplifying this expression gives:

x = -10

Therefore, the solution to the equation 3(x+6) = x + 8 + x is x = -10.

To know more about distributive property , visit:



The edge of a cube-shaped box measures 1 foot long. Three students each
made an observation about the box.
• Grace said that the perimeter of each face is 48 inches long.
• Maddy said that the area of each face is 144 square inches.
• Elena said that the volume of the box is 3 cubic feet.
Whose observations are correct?
A Grace, Maddy, and Elena
B Elena and Grace
C Grace and Maddy
D Elena and Maddy


The only observations that are correct are Grace's and Maddy's. The answer is Option C.

Whose observations are correct among Grace, Maddy and Elena?

We can start by finding the perimeter, area, and volume of one face of the cube, and then see which observation is correct.

The perimeter of one face of the cube is 4 times the length of one edge, which is:

= 4 × 12 inches

= 48 inches. So Grace's observation is correct.

The area of one face of the cube is the length of one edge squared, which is:

= 12 inches × 12 inches

= 144 square inches. So Maddy's observation is also correct.

The volume of the cube is the length of one edge cubed, which is:

= 1 foot × 1 foot × 1 foot

= 1 cubic foot. So Elena's observation is not correct.

Read more about observations



a. (10 points) The number of brownies sold by a bakery on a random day is a random variable with a mean value of 38 and a standard deviation of 6. What is the probability that the total number of brownies sold for a random sample of 56 days is less than 2070? Explain. b. (10 Points) Let X₁, X2, X3, and X4 represent the weight of shipment packages at a certain shipment facility. Suppose they are independent normal random variables with means µ4 7.4 pounds and μ₁ = 3.6, μ₂ = 0.9, µ3 = 1.8, μ4 µ2 variances o² = 0 = 0 = 0 = 1. Find P (2X₁ + 1X₂ + 3X3 + 1X4 ≤ 17.6). -​


a. The probability that the total number of brownies sold for a random sample of 56 days is less than 2070 is approximately 0.0107.

b. The probability that 2X₁ + X₂ + 3X₃ + X₄ is less than or equal to 17.6

Explain probability

Probability is the measure of the likelihood or chance of an event occurring. It is expressed as a number between 0 and 1, where 0 means the event will not occur, and 1 means the event will definitely occur. Probability is a fundamental concept in mathematics and is used in many fields, including statistics, science, and finance.

According to the given information

a. The total number of brownies sold for a random sample of 56 days, Y, is a normal random variable with mean µ_Y = 56µ_X = 5638 = 2128 and standard deviation σ_Y = √(56)*σ_X = √(56)*6 = 25.21.

We want to find P(Y < 2070). Standardizing Y, we get:

Z = (Y - µ_Y) / σ_Y = (2070 - 2128) / 25.21 = -2.31

Using a standard normal distribution table or calculator, we can find that P(Z < -2.31) is approximately 0.0107. Therefore, the probability that the total number of brownies sold for a random sample of 56 days is less than 2070 is approximately 0.0107.

b. 2X₁ + X₂ + 3X₃ + X₄ is also a normal random variable with mean 2µ₁ + µ₂ + 3µ₃ + µ₄ = 2(3.6) + 0.9 + 3(1.8) + 7.4 = 18.5 and variance 4o² + o² + 9o² + o² = 14o².

We want to find P(2X₁ + X₂ + 3X₃ + X₄ ≤ 17.6). Standardizing the variable, we get:

Z = (17.6 - 18.5) / √(14o²) = -0.5735 / √(o²)

To find P(Z ≤ -0.5735 / √(o²)), we need to know the value of o². If o² = 1, then P(Z ≤ -0.5735) = 0.2831. If o² is a different value, we would need to adjust accordingly.

Therefore, the probability that 2X₁ + X₂ + 3X₃ + X₄ is less than or equal to 17.6

To know more about probability visit



Find any solution(s) (refer to attachment) of and select the correct statement.

A. The equation has no solution.

B. The equation has two solutions.

C. The equation has one solution.

D. The equation has one solution and one extraneous solution.


x1=-2, x2=1

Use the graph to answer the questions


The diagram of the Gateway Arch on the coordinate plane, analyzed using quadratic equations indicates;

1. The vertex point is (50, 630)

2. The solution point are; (20, 0), and (80, 0)

3. Vertex form; f(x) = -0.7·(x - 50)² + 630

4. Factored form; f(x) = -0.7·(x - 20)·(x - 80)

What is a quadratic equation?

A quadratic equation is an equation of the form f(x) = a·x² + b·x + c

1. The vertex obtained from the graphical diagram of the Gateway Arch indicates that the point corresponding to the vertex point is; (50, 9 × 70 = 630)

The vertex point is; (50, 630)

2. The solution are the points the curve of the Gateway intersects the x-axis, which are points where the y-axis values are zero, therefore;

The solutions are; (20, 0), and (80, 0)

3. The vertex form of a quadratic equation is; f(x) = a·(x - h)² + k


(h, k) = The coordinates of the vertex


(h, k) = (50, 630)

f(20) = 0 = a·(20 - 50)² + 630

a·(20 - 50)² = -630

a = -630/((20 - 50)²) = -630/900 = -7/10

a = -7/10 = -0.7

The vertex form quadratic equation is therefore; f(x) = -0.7·(x - 50)² + 630

4. The factored form of a quadratic equation is; f(x) = a·(x - r₁)·(x - r₂)

r₁ = 20, and r₂ = 80, a obtained from the vertex is; a = -0.7

The factored form is therefore; f(x) = -0.7·(x - 20)·(x - 80)

Learn more on the factored form of a quadratic equation here: https://brainly.com/question/25094938


Part A Select the location of -2 and -9 on the number line. Select the places on the number line to plot the points. -10 20 10 Part B Use mathematical symbols to write an inequality that compares -2 and -9. Explain how the number line can be used to show that your inequality is correct. Enter your inequality and your explanation in the space provided. 109 10 - Math symbols + px C 1 1 0 ▷ Relations ▸ Geometry X . 00 1.1 0.8​


It should be noted that to select the location of -2 and -9 on the number line, the steps are given below.

What are the steps?

Draw a number line with zero in the center and a positive direction to the right and a negative direction to the left.

Find the position of -9 by counting 9 units to the left of zero on the number line. Mark this point with a dot or a cross.

Find the position of -2 by counting 2 units to the left of zero on the number line. Mark this point with a dot or a cross.

Label the points as -9 and -2 to indicate their values.

Your number line should now have two marked points at positions -9 and -2.

Learn more about number line on



Determine the effective tax rate for a taxable income of $115,500. Round theginal answer to the nearest hundredth
A) 18.71%
B) 17.20%
C) 24.10%
D) 24.75%


The effective tax rate for a taxable income of $115,500 is A) 18.71%

How to calculate the tax

The introductory $10,275 is subjected to a 10% tax burden, with the converted dollar amount representing $1,027.50 in taxes. The additional taxable sum of $30,900 ($41,175 - $10,275) is accessed at a 12% charge and aggregates to $3,708 worth of duties. An extra levy of 22% is imposed on the total $47,900 that lies between the two stipulated ranges ($89,075 - $41,175). The final evaluation stands at 24%, which provides an identical tax rate for the remaining $25,350 ($115,500 - $89,075). ).

Effective Tax Rate = (Total Tax Paid / Taxable Income) x 100%; which further articulates to ($21,357.50 / $115,500) x 100%,

= 18%

Learn more about tax on



What is the product of the binomials below? (d-1)(d+2)(d-3)


The product of the binomial (d-1)(d+2)(d-3) is d³-2d²-5d+6.

What are binomials?

A binomial is an expression with two terms. For example 3x+4 is an example of binomial and also 3x²+3x is also an example of binomial.

To find the product of (d-1)(d+2)(d-3) , we multiply the three binomial together to give us a polynomial expression.

(d-1)(d+2) = d(d+2) -1( d+2)

= d²+2d-d-2

= d²+d-2

now solving (d²+d-2)(d-3)

= d( d²+d-2) -3(d²+d-2)

= d³+d²-2d-3d²-3d+6

collect like terms

= d³+d²-3d²-2d-3d+6

= d³-2d²-5d+6

therefore the product of (d-1)(d+2)(d-3) is d³-2d²-5d+6

learn more about binomials from



Please help me i really need this done



Step-by-step explanation:





8(7x + 3)/8

7x + 3

24r + 16

8(3r + 2)

is 2m-3 same as 4(1/2m-3)

2m-3 = 2m-12

: no

-2(10-15x) same as 14x-20+16x

-20+30x = -20+30x

: yes

Naya has a pitcher that contains 3 cups of salted lassi, a yogurt drink with sait and sites. She pours 6 fluid ounces of lassi into each glass. If she uses all of the lassi, how many glasses does Naya use?
A. 2
B. 4
C. 16
D. 18


After 6 fluid ounces , Naya uses 4 glasses as a result.

Define ounces?

A unit of weight is an ounce. There are various kinds of ounces, including avoirdupois, troy, and fluid ounces. One sixteenth of a pound is equivalent to one avoirdupois ounce .  A troy ounce, often known as an apothecaries' measure, is equivalent to 480 grains or one-twelfth of a pound. A volume unit is a fluid ounce. 1/8 of a cup, 2 tablespoons, or 6 teaspoons make to one fluid ounce

In Naya's pitcher, there are three glasses of salted lassi.

She fills each glass with six fluid ounces of lassi.

By translating cups to fluid ounces and dividing the entire amount of lassi by the amount put into each glass, we can determine how many glasses Naya uses if she consumes all of the lassi.

8 fluid ounces make constitute a cup.

Consequently, 3 cups equal 24 fluid ounces (3 x 8).

24 divided by 6 results in:

4 glasses are equal to 24/6.

Naya uses four glasses as a result.

To know more about ounces visit:



Given this equation what is the value of x at the indicated point?(image)




Step-by-step explanation:

The equation [tex]y=\frac{7}{2}x+3[/tex] tells us that, to find y, we must multiply x by [tex]\frac{7}{2}[/tex] and then add 3. Here, we are given the y value. We simply must plug in y and solve for x.

We are given: the equation [tex]y=\frac{7}{2}x+3[/tex], and [tex]y=-4[/tex]

So, we have:

[tex]y=\frac{7}{2}x+3 =\\\\-4 =\frac{7}{2}x+3[/tex]

Solve for the variable x.

[tex]-4=\frac{7}{2}x+3=\\\\\\-7 = \frac{7}{2}x =\\-14 = 7x=\\-2 = x[/tex]

Therefore, when y is equal to -4, x is equal to -2.

Use the box plot showing the ages of those who watch the television show 'The Code" to answer the question that follows.
Which value is the best approximation for the range in ages for the middle 50% of viewers?
A) 10
B) 15
C) 20
D) 45


The range in ages for the middle 50% of viewers is the interquartile range (IQR), which is the height of the box in the box plot. The best approximation is C) 20.

What is interqurtile range?

The interquartile range (IQR) is a measure of statistical dispersion that represents the difference between the 75th percentile (Q3) and the 25th percentile (Q1) of a dataset. It is a useful measure of spread because it is not influenced by outliers.

What is Range?

Range is a statistical measure that represents the difference between the highest and lowest values in a set of data. It provides a simple indication of the spread or variability of the data.

According to the given information:

A box plot is a graphical representation of the distribution of a dataset. The box in the plot represents the middle 50% of the data, with the lower end of the box representing the 25th percentile (Q1) and the upper end of the box representing the 75th percentile (Q3). The distance between Q1 and Q3, which is represented by the height of the box, is called the interquartile range (IQR).

To answer the question, we need to find the best approximation for the range in ages for the middle 50% of viewers. From the box plot, we can see that the height of the box is approximately 20 units, which is the IQR. Therefore, the best approximation for the range in ages for the middle 50% of viewers is option C) 20. This means that 50% of viewers are between Q1-10 to Q3+10, where Q1 is the 25th percentile and Q3 is the 75th percentile.

To know more about interquartile range and range visit:



A partial table of nutrients and Daily Values (DVS)
based on a 2000-calorie diet is provided. The Sodium row and the Vitamin D row are completed, and each % of the DV is calculated.
Compare each amount with the amount on the given nutrition label. Now use the amount of
saturated fat on the nutrition label to calculate its
% of DV, X. Use the saturated fat amount on the nutrition label
to calculate the %DV for saturated fat.


Note that the %DV for saturated fat in this 2 tbsp serving size is approximately 18%.

What is the explanation for the above response?

To calculate the %DV for saturated fat, we need to first calculate how many grams of saturated fat are in the 2 tablespoon (tbsp) serving size.

From the label, we see that the serving size contains 3.5g of saturated fat.

To calculate the %DV for saturated fat, we use the equation:

%DV = (amount of nutrient per serving / DV) x 100%

Plugging in the values for saturated fat, we get:

%DV = (3.5g / 19g) x 100%

%DV = 0.1842 x 100%

%DV ≈ 18%

Therefore, the %DV for saturated fat in this 2 tbsp serving size is approximately 18%.

Learn more about %DV at:



In​ 2012, the population of a city was 5.51 million. The exponential growth rate was 3.82​% per year.
​a) Find the exponential growth function.
​b) Estimate the population of the city in 2018.
​c) When will the population of the city be 10 ​million?
​d) Find the doubling time.




a) To find the exponential growth function, we can use the formula:

P(t) = P0 * e^(rt)


P(t) = the population at time t

P0 = the initial population (in this case, 5.51 million)

e = the mathematical constant e (approximately 2.71828)

r = the annual growth rate (in decimal form)

t = the number of years

Substituting the given values, we have:

P(t) = 5.51 * e^(0.0382t)

b) To estimate the population of the city in 2018, we can substitute t = 6 (since 2018 is 6 years after 2012) into the exponential growth function:

P(6) = 5.51 * e^(0.0382*6) ≈ 6.93 million

Therefore, the estimated population of the city in 2018 is approximately 6.93 million.

c) To find when the population of the city will be 10 million, we can set P(t) = 10 and solve for t:

10 = 5.51 * e^(0.0382t)

e^(0.0382t) = 10/5.51

0.0382t = ln(10/5.51)

t ≈ 11.7 years

Therefore, the population of the city will be 10 million in approximately 11.7 years from 2012, or around the year 2023.

d) To find the doubling time, we can use the formula:

T = ln(2) / r


T = the doubling time

ln = the natural logarithm

2 = the factor by which the population grows (i.e., doubling)

r = the annual growth rate (in decimal form)

Substituting the given value of r, we have:

T = ln(2) / 0.0382 ≈ 18.1 years

Therefore, the doubling time for the population of the city is approximately 18.1 years.

solve the equation for y


Solve:[tex]\sf 7y+2y=81[/tex]Answer: [tex]\sf y = \bold 9[/tex]Step-by-step explanation:

Before we begin we must know:

¿What is an equation?

An equation is an algebraic equality in which letters (unknowns) with unknown value appear. The degree of an equation is given by the largest exponent of the unknown. To solve an equation is to determine the value or values of the unknowns that transform the equation into an identity.

Solving the equation, we will first add what is in the first, I mean:

[tex]\implies \sf 7y + 2y[/tex]

Now we must convert to a fraction, first we will put the greater number on top and the smaller number below.

[tex] \boxed{ \sf y \implies \frac{81}{9} }[/tex]

Now the last thing we should do is divide both numbers by nine (9), and we will have the following:

[tex] \boxed{ \sf y = \frac{81}{9} \implies 9}[/tex]

∴ The result of our equation is y = 9

You can see more about equations in: https://brainly.com/question/29108211

The table shows the age distribution of members of a gym. A member of gym is chosen at random. What is the probability that the person is: a) 21 or more b) 55 or less c) not in the 21 to 35 age group


The probability that the selected member is 21 or more is 88%.

The probability that the selected member is 55 or less is 86%.

The probability that the selected member is not in the 21 to 35 age group is 58%.

Finding probabilities:

The basic probability formula of dividing the number of favorable outcomes by the total number of outcomes.

In this case, we are given the percentage of members in each age group, and we need to find the probability of selecting a member with a certain age range.

Here we have

The table shows the age distribution of members of a gym.  

Age -            Under 21      21 -35     36 - 55   Over 55

percentage       12                42            32          14  

a) To find the probability that the selected member is 21 or more,

Add the percentage of members who are 21-35, 36-55, and over 55 since all of these age groups are 21 or more.

Probability (21 or more)

= Percentage (21-35) + Percentage (36-55) + Percentage (Over 55)

= 42% + 32% + 14%

= 88%

b) To find the probability that the selected member is 55 or less,  

Add the percentage of members who are under 21, 21-35, and 36-55 since all of these age groups are 55 or less.

Probability (55 or less)

= Percentage (Under 21) + Percentage (21-35) + Percentage (36-55)

= 12% + 42% + 32%

= 86%

c) To find the probability that the selected member is not in the 21 to 35 age group,

Add the percentage of members who are under 21, 36-55, and over 55 since all of these age groups are not in the 21 to 35 age group.

Probability (not in the 21 to 35 age group)

= Percentage (Under 21) + Percentage (36-55) + Percentage (Over 55)

= 12% + 32% + 14%

= 58%


The probability that the selected member is 21 or more is 88%.

The probability that the selected member is 55 or less is 86%.

The probability that the selected member is not in the 21 to 35 age group is 58%.

Learn more about Probability at



If a population of yeast cells grows from 5 to 160 in a period of five hours, what is the rate of growth



The population of yeast cells is growing at a rate of approximately 46.41% per hour.

Step-by-step explanation:

To find the rate of growth of the yeast population, we can use the exponential growth formula:

P(t) = P₀ * e^(kt)

where P(t) is the population size at time t, P₀ is the initial population size, k is the growth rate constant, and t is the time elapsed.

In this case, the initial population size P₀ is 5, the final population size P(5) is 160, and the time elapsed t is 5 hours. We want to find the growth rate constant k.

Plugging in the values, we get:

160 = 5 * e^(5k)

Divide by 5:

32 = e^(5k)

Now, take the natural logarithm (ln) of both sides to isolate k:

ln(32) = ln(e^(5k))

Using the property that ln(a^b) = b * ln(a):

ln(32) = 5k * ln(e)

Since ln(e) = 1:

ln(32) = 5k

Now, divide by 5:

k = (ln(32)) / 5 ≈ 0.4641 (rounded to four decimal places)

So, the growth rate constant k is approximately 0.4641 per hour.

To express the rate of growth as a percentage, multiply the growth rate constant by 100:

0.4641 * 100 ≈ 46.41%

The population of yeast cells is growing at a rate of approximately 46.41% per hour.

Final answer:

The rate of growth of the yeast cells is 31 cells per hour.


The rate of growth of the yeast cells can be calculated by finding the average rate of change in the population over the given time period.

In this case, the population increased from 5 to 160 in 5 hours, so the average rate of growth can be calculated as (160 - 5) / 5 = 31. The rate of growth of the yeast cells is 31 cells per hour.

Learn more about growth of the yeast cells here:



Problem 6: Find the surface area and round to the nearest tenth.


Therefore, the surface area of the prism is approximately 557.2 square feet when rounded to the nearest tenth.

What is surface area of prism?

The surface area of a prism is the total area of all its faces, including the bases. The formula for finding the surface area of a prism depends on the shape of its base. For a right prism, the surface area can be found by adding the area of the two bases to the lateral area, which is the sum of the areas of all the rectangular faces of the prism.


To find the surface area of the prism, we need to find the area of each of the six rectangular faces that make up the prism, and then add them together. The two triangular faces are congruent, so we can find the area of one and double it to get the total area of the two.

The area of a triangle is given by:

Area = (1/2) x base x height

For the given triangles, the base is 9 ft and the height is 8 ft (for one triangle) and 10 ft (for the other triangle), so the areas are:

Area1 = (1/2) x 9 ft x 8 ft

= 36 ft²

Area2 = (1/2) x 9 ft x 10 ft

= 45 ft²

The total area of the two triangles is:

TotalArea = 2 x (Area1 + Area2)

= 2 x (36 ft² + 45 ft²)

= 162 ft²

Now, we need to find the area of the four rectangular faces. Each face is a rectangle with a length of 13 ft and a height of 7.6 ft, so the area of each face is:

AreaRect = length x height

= 13 ft x 7.6 ft

= 98.8 ft²

The total area of the four rectangular faces is:

TotalRectArea = 4 x AreaRect

= 4 x 98.8 ft²

= 395.2 ft²

To find the total surface area of the prism, we add the area of the two triangles to the area of the four rectangular faces:

TotalSA = TotalRectArea + TotalArea

= 395.2 ft² + 162 ft²

= 557.2 ft²

To know more about surface area of prism,



please help me fill these boxes


The measurements for area of Jacobs yard are;

Part A = 6m x 3m = 18m

Part B = 4.5m x 3m = 13 m

Part C = 1/2 x 3m x 3m = 4.5 m²

Total area = 18m² + 13.5m² + 4.5m² = 36m²

How do you identify sections that would help in calculating area?

To identify sections that would help in calculating area, you need to look for shapes or figures that can be divided into simpler geometric shapes, such as squares, rectangles, triangles, and circles.

Once you have identified the simpler shapes, you can use their formulas to calculate their areas and then add them together to find the total area of the larger shape or figure.

For example, a rectangle can be divided into two triangles or two smaller rectangles, and a circle can be divided into a sector or a ring. Breaking down a larger shape into smaller, simpler shapes can make it easier to calculate their areas accurately.

Jacob is putting tiles on the section of his yard labeled A, B, C. What is the area of the parts that need tiles?

Part A = .............. x ........... = ...........m

Part B = + .............. x ............. = ............ m

Part C = 1/2 x ................. x ............ = ............... m²

Total area = ................... + ..................... + .................. = ..............m

Find more exercises on calculating area;



Research and find out the 10 countries where the population. is growing fastest and the 10 countries where it is the slowest growing. Explain how this information is related to the concept of percentage increase and decrease. You can either present this on a chart or have someone film you are explaining it.​


Sure, here are the 10 countries with the fastest growing population and the 10 countries with the slowest growing population according to the United Nations World Population Prospects 2021 report:

10 Countries with the Fastest Growing Population
1. Niger
2. Angola
3. Burundi
4. Mali
5. Somalia
6. South Sudan
7. Chad
8. Zambia
9. Tanzania
10. Sierra Leone

10 Countries with the Slowest Growing Population
1. Japan
2. Latvia
3. Ukraine
4. Croatia
5. Lithuania
6. Romania
7. Hungary
8. Serbia
9. Poland
10. Bulgaria

The concept of percentage increase and decrease is related to population growth because it represents the change in population over a certain period of time. Percentage increase refers to the rate at which the population is growing, while percentage decrease refers to the rate at which the population is declining.

To calculate the percentage increase or decrease in population, you need to take the difference between the initial population and the final population, divide it by the initial population, and then multiply by 100 to get the percentage change. For example, if a country's population was 100 million in 2020 and 110 million in 2021, the percentage increase in population would be (110-100)/100 x 100 = 10%. Conversely, if a country's population was 100 million in 2020 and 90 million in 2021, the percentage decrease in population would be (90-100)/100 x 100 = -10%.

Understanding population growth rates and trends is important for policymakers and planners to make informed decisions about resource allocation, infrastructure development, and social services provision to meet the needs of a growing population. On the other hand, countries with declining populations may face challenges related to an aging workforce, a shrinking tax base, and decreased economic productivity.

From a group of 10 people, you randomly select 3 of them.

What is the probability that they are the 3 oldest people in the group?

Give your answer as a fraction


The probability of selecting the 3 oldest people in a group of 10 people is approximately 0.0083 or 0.83%.

What is fraction?

A fraction is a method of representing a part of a whole or a ratio of two numbers. It is a number that is written in the form of one integer (the numerator) over another integer (the denominator), separated by a line or slash.

The probability of selecting the 3 oldest people in a group of 10 people depends on the assumption that all 10 people are distinct individuals and that the selection process is truly random.

The total number of ways to select 3 people from a group of 10 people is given by the combination formula:

C(10, 3) = 10! / (3! * 7!) = 120

This means that there are 120 possible ways to select a group of 3 people from a group of 10 people.

Since we are interested in selecting the 3 oldest people, we assume that the 3 oldest people are identified and we only need to select them from the group of 10 people. There is only 1 way to select the 3 oldest people out of the group of 10 people.

Therefore, the probability of selecting the 3 oldest people in a group of 10 people is:

P = Number of ways to select the 3 oldest people / Total number of ways to select 3 people from a group of 10 people

P = 1 / 120

P = 0.0083

So, the probability of selecting the 3 oldest people in a group of 10 people is approximately 0.0083 or 0.83%.

To learn more about fraction visit the link:



how did slugger mcfist get a black eye


He was hit by a guided muscle

The daily profit, P(x), of an oil refinery is given by P(x) = 8x -0.02x², where x is the
number of barrels of oil refined.

a. How many barrels should be refined to maximize the profit?

b. What is the maximum profit?


Answer: a. To find the number of barrels that should be refined to maximize profit, we need to find the critical point of the function P(x), which occurs where the derivative of P(x) equals zero.

P(x) = 8x - 0.02x²

P'(x) = 8 - 0.04x

Setting P'(x) = 0, we get:

8 - 0.04x = 0

Solving for x, we get:

x = 200

Therefore, 200 barrels should be refined to maximize the profit.

b. To find the maximum profit, we substitute x = 200 into the profit function P(x):

P(200) = 8(200) - 0.02(200)²

P(200) = 1600 - 800

P(200) = 800

Therefore, the maximum profit is $800.

Step-by-step explanation:

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