1. Rewrite the sentence in the correct tense
(a) We were waiting at the reception when the men suddenly emerging from the door
(b) The Mercedes driver swerved to avoid the accident, otherwise it will be fatal
(c) The professor explained the concepts methodically until it is going to be clear for everyone ​


Answer 1

Below are the sentences in the correct tense:

(a) We were waiting at the reception when the men suddenly emerged from the door: "emerging" has to be changed since its present continuous, but the sentence is in the past tense. Hence why "emerged" is the most appropriate.

(b) The Mercedes driver swerved to avoid the accident otherwise, it would have been fatal: "will" has to be changed to the past principle "would have been"

(c) The professor explained the concepts methodically until they were clear to everyone: "is going to be" has to be changed since it is in future tense and the sentence is in the past tense, "were" will be the most suitable then.

To learn more about tenses,



Answer 2

Answer: a) We were waiting at the reception when the men suddenly emerged from the door.

b) The Mercedes driver swerved to avoid the accident, otherwise, it would have been fatal.

c) The professor explained the concepts methodically until it

was going to be clear to everyone.

Explanation: In question A, we altered the word 'EMERGED' From present continuous tense to past tense.

In question B, we changed ' IT WILL BE' from future tense to past continuous tense.In question c, we changed 'IT IS' from simple present tense to simple past tense.

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Books can both acknowledge differences and help children to connect to different ways of being.
A.) True
B.) False



what the guy above me said

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how does the author motivate herself to write in bird by bird


In her book "Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life," author Anne Lamott motivates herself to write by using several different techniques.

What are the techniques used while writing bird by bird?

Anne Lamott motivates herself to write "Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life," by using the following techniques.

Writing in small pieces: Lamott suggests breaking down the writing process into small, manageable chunks. She encourages writers to focus on writing just one small piece at a time, such as a single paragraph or a few sentences. By taking the process one step at a time, she makes it less daunting and easier to get started.Embracing the "shabby first draft": Lamott advocates for writing a rough, imperfect first draft without worrying about getting it perfect the first time. This approach can help writers get their ideas down on paper without feeling self-conscious or worrying about making mistakes.Finding a writing buddy: Lamott recommends finding a writing partner or group to help keep you accountable and motivated. Having someone to share your work with can provide feedback and support, which can be invaluable for staying on track.Letting go of perfectionism: Lamott acknowledges that writing can be a messy and imperfect process. She encourages writers to let go of the need to get everything just right and to embrace the flaws and imperfections in their work.

Overall, Lamott's approach to writing is grounded in the idea that writing is a process, and that it takes time, patience, and persistence to produce good work. By breaking down the process into manageable steps, embracing imperfection, and finding support from others, she motivates herself to keep writing, even when it's difficult.

To learn more about Anne Lamott, visit:



Their Holy Book is called the Tanakh.


The Tanakh is the jewish scripture.

How does Marie respond when Miss Ophelia tells her about Eva’s illness?
(Uncle toms cabin)


When Miss Ophelia tells Marie about Eva's illness in Uncle Tom's Cabin, Marie's initial reaction is to be annoyed and dismissive. She says, "Well, of course, she will be taken care of. I hope she will recover" (Chapter 21).

What is the story of Uncle toms cabin about?

In Uncle Tom's Cabin, when Miss Ophelia tells Marie St. Clare about Eva's illness, Marie responds by showing a lack of concern for her daughter's health. She is more preoccupied with her own discomfort and dissatisfaction with the medical treatment she has received.

Marie expresses frustration with the doctor's recommendations, complaining that he doesn't understand her constitution and that his treatments are making her feel worse.

However, as Miss Ophelia continues to talk about Eva's condition and the seriousness of her illness, Marie becomes increasingly upset and starts to worry about her daughter. She says, "Oh dear! I always thought she'd live to be carried" (Chapter 21), showing her deep love for Eva despite her previous indifference.

Learn more about Uncle toms cabin from



How does Alfred (Augustine’s brother) feel about educating the “lower class”?
(Uncle toms cabin)


In "Uncle Tom's Cabin," Alfred does not thing the lower class should be educated, expressing arrogance and disdain toward the lower class as seen below.

What happens in the story?

In "Uncle Tom's Cabin", Alfred, Augustine St. Clare's brother, expresses disdain and reluctance towards educating the "lower class". He argues that educating the enslaved population would create insubordination and unrest, and would ultimately be detrimental to the institution of slavery.

Alfred suggests that keeping the enslaved population ignorant and uneducated is necessary for their own safety and well-being. He goes on to criticize his brother Augustine for his progressive views on education and for allowing his own daughter to learn alongside the enslaved children.

Alfred's attitude towards education reflects the prevailing belief among slaveholders at the time that literacy and education posed a threat to the system of slavery, and that it was in their best interest to keep the enslaved population ignorant and powerless.

Learn more about "Uncle Tom's Cabin" here:



what are the key terms in tagg why learn



the portion of a Cover Page that includes the key legal details and definitions for this Agreement that are not defined in the Standard


i have given it up

Which excerpt from the passage best supports the answer to Part

A:The humorous story is American, the comic story is English,
the witty story is French. The humorous story depends for its
effect upon the manner of the telling; the comic story and the
witty story upon the matter.
B:The humorous story is strictly a work of art-high and
delicate art-and only an artist can tell it; but no art is
necessary in telling the comic and the witty story; anybody
can do it.
C:The art of telling a humorous story-understand, I mean by
word of mouth, not print-was created in America, and has
remained at home.
D:And sometimes, if he [the teller of the comic story] has had
good success, he is so glad and happy that he will repeat the
"nub" of it and glance around from face to face, collecting
applause, and then repeat it again.


The humorous story is strictly a work of art-high and delicate art-and only an artist can tell it; but no art is necessary in telling the comic and the witty story; anybody can do it, is the excerpt from the passage best supports the answer to Part A. Hence option (B) is the answer.

What was the main idea of 'How to Make a Tale'?

When he penned an essay titled 'How to Make a Tale', the great American author Mark Twain shed some light on it. It generates more queries than it does answers. Twain clarifies his meaning in the following way: The way a tale is told affects how funny or clever it is; the subject also plays a role. The final two stories—the humorous and clever ones—must be succinct and conclude with a point.

To explain them, one need not use any particular art; one can do that with ease. Furthermore, you very much build up your writing so that the reader anticipates something humorous. exclamation points and some italicized words! You can tell that the storyteller wants to make you chuckle. Mark Twain also add that the writer seemed to be making a significant effort. And that occasionally acts as a spoiler.

To learn more about How to Make a Tale, visit:



Whats the correct answer asap for brainlist



When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom'd


Free Verse Poems are nonmetrical, nonrhyming lines that closely follow the natural rhythms of speech. This is the only nonrhyming or nonmetrical poem.

C. "When Lilacs last in the Dooryard Bloom'd."

Ann And Roberto win or wins





wins is a plural of win

What happens to Eva when Alfred and Henrique leave?
(Uncle Tom’s cabin)


Answer: After Alfred and Henrique left, Eva's condition worsened until she is soon bedridden

Why do you think Dante was still hesitant to continue his journey from error to
the light of God, even though he had spiritual guides to protect him?


Once more, Dante tries to make the point that his God is a loving God even if He made an underworld where sinners will suffer. The writing on the gates emphasises that God created hell out of a sense of justice.

What lesson can be drawn from Dante's Inferno?

The root causes of evil, the psychology of evil, or the negative effects of ill behaviour on the planet are not examined in Dante's investigation of evil. The purpose of Inferno is not to advance philosophical ideas; rather, it is to educate and reaffirm the pertinent Christian teachings. In the course of the narrative, Dante is forced to learn how to balance his compassion for suffering with the severe violence of God's punishment.

To know more about Dante's Inferno visit:



Detailed note on concord in English grammar


Concord is a key element of English grammar that relates to the grammatical agreement between a sentence's subject and verb. Simply expressed, the verb in a sentence must agree in terms of number and person with the subject.

What exactly is concord?

Concord, or subject-verb agreement, is a grammar rule in English that refers to the subject and verb in a sentence agreeing on the number and person of the verb. To put it another way, it refers to a sentence's subject and verb having the same grammatical position. A sentence's verb must be in number and personal agreement with the subject.

The verb should match the subject's singularity if the subject is singular. Similarly to this, if the subject is plural, the verb must be plural as well. To the person, the same principle applies. If the subject is in the first person, the verb must be in the same tense. Grammar accuracy and communication clarity are ensured by adequate concord.

Learn more about concord with the help of the given link:



You are ------ Nazrul, I see.


The correct answer is "The." The blank is filled as follows: You are the Nazrul.

Definite Article

The definite article is said to be 'the' among the three. A definite article is used to identify something specific or specific. It is also used to indicate the superlative degree of comparison before plural nouns. Additionally, it can be used before collective nouns.

As an example:

The Sun sets westward.

The nouns 'Sun' and 'West' in the preceding sentence are proper nouns and are specific, so the definite article must be used.

Cricket is being played by the children.

The definite article, 'children,' is used to determine the plural noun in the preceding sentence.

This is the longest river in the world.

The definite article is used in the preceding sentence to denote the superlative degree of comparison

To know more about Article,click on the link :



Why will explaining to a child that the triangle belong in the blue container be less effective than showing him or her or than doing the activity with the child?



w 1.9


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Title: The Importance of Girl Child Education: Breaking Barriers and Building a Better Future

What is the Blog  about?


Education is a fundamental human right and an essential tool for the overall development of a country. It empowers individuals, reduces poverty, and fosters economic growth. However, despite the benefits of education, millions of girls worldwide still lack access to quality education. In this blog post, we will discuss the importance of girl child education and how it can break barriers and build a better future.

The Importance of Girl Child Education:

Empowerment: Education is a powerful tool that empowers girls and helps them become self-sufficient. Educated girls are more likely to be independent and make informed decisions about their lives, including their health, careers, and relationships.

Economic Growth: Education is key to economic growth. It creates a skilled workforce that can contribute to the development of a country's economy. When girls are educated, they have the potential to earn more, which can improve the economic well-being of their families and communities.

Challenges and Solutions:

Despite the importance of girl child education, many challenges still hinder access to education for girls, including poverty, cultural beliefs, and gender discrimination. To address these challenges, we need to:

Invest in education: Governments and communities must invest in education and ensure that schools are accessible and safe for girls.

Lastly, Address poverty: Poverty is a significant barrier to education. We need to provide financial support to families to enable them to send their girls to school.

Read more about Blog  here:



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Write your blog entry here. Make a claim about your topic. Write about evidence. Address counterclaims and respond to them. Conclude your blog post by offering solutions to a problem your blog entry suggests.

A side image should also connect directly to the blog topic and have a caption.

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Works Cited Response


what the object summary for “The difficult journey”. NEED A 2 to 3 PARAGRAPH RESPONSE



It is unclear what specific work or piece of media you are referring to with the title "The Difficult Journey." Please provide more context or information about the object in question so that I can provide a proper summary.

what the object summary for “My sister, The soldier”. NEED A 2 to 3 PARAGRAPH RESPONSE


The object summary for this story would focus on the themes of sacrifice, patriotism, and sisterhood.

What is  the object summary?

"My Sister, The Soldier" is a short story that centers around a young girl named Lupe who idolizes her older sister, Margie, who is serving in the military overseas. The story highlights the challenges and sacrifices Margie has made as a soldier, including missing out on family events and putting her life at risk for her country. Lupe also struggles with missing her sister and the uncertainty of her safety while away on duty.

It would highlight the importance of honoring those who serve in the military and the impact their service has on both themselves and their families.

Therefore, The story reminds readers of the challenges and risks involved in being a soldier, and the strength and resilience it takes to endure those challenges. It also emphasizes the bond between sisters and the power of love and support to help get through difficult times.

Learn more about object summary from



Name A sentence tells a whole idea. It has a beginning and an en Write a sentence about each picture. Make the first letter o capital. End with a period. Color the picture. 1. 2. leaf kite boat frog Skill: Complete Senten- cblicati. 47​



The vibrant green leaf glistened in the sunlight.

The colorful kite soared high in the clear blue sky.

The little boat sailed smoothly across the calm waters.

The slimy frog hopped quickly away from danger.

what could grade 12s do to minimise the impact of the anxiety they may feel on the day of the examination and how that could enhance their Performance in the examination



Deep breathing, meditation, progressive muscle relaxation.


These are effective ways to calm your mind and body. Take a few minutes to practice these techniques before the exam to help you relax and reduce anxiety.

can someone do this for me

“speech in the virgina convention” (paragraph 3)

Underline any main idea/central idea. Mark examples with an "X" in BOLD and Capitalize.

3. Where does your paragraph fall on the descriptive outlihne? 
•Summarizing a topic/argument/etc.
•Introducing an idea
•Adding explanation
•Giving examples
•Providing factual evidence
•Expanding or limiting the idea
•Considering an opposing view
•Dismissing a contrary view
•Creating a transition
•Stating a conclusion


Answer: Main Idea: The speaker is questioning the actions and intentions of the British ministry and arguing against the use of force to resolve conflicts.

X Examples: "insidious smile," "warlike preparations," "fleets and armies"

The paragraph falls under "Introducing an idea" and "Considering an opposing view." The speaker is introducing their skepticism of the British ministry's actions and is considering an opposing view that suggests the use of force to resolve conflicts.


Which comment is specific enough to be helpful for a poem’s writer


There are an array of comments that are specific enough to be helpful for a person who writes poetry.

What comments are helpful for a poem writer?"Your use of graphic imagery really bring forward this scene to being for me. I can practically see the setting and the characters in my mind's eye.""I love the way you've used repetition to create a sense of rhythm and momentum in this poem. It gives it a great sense of energy and urgency.""Your use of metaphor here is really powerful. It adds layers of meaning to the poem and helps me connect with the emotions you're trying to convey.""I think you could benefit from revising this stanza to clarify your message a bit. As it stands, it's a bit ambiguous and I'm not sure I fully understand what you're trying to say.""Your poem has a really strong voice that feels unique and authentic. I would encourage you to keep exploring that voice and seeing where it takes you."

Learn more about poetry here:



Select the correct answer from the drop-down menu.
Suni is writing a rhetorical analysis of Elizabeth Cady Stanton's "Declaration of Sentiments." Which is a precise clan for Suni's analysis?
Stanton's use of pathos
supports her ideas with facts that are extremely persuasive to the reader
strengthens her argument by appealing to people's emotions and making people sympathize with her
emphasizes women's struggles and contrasts them with hopes of a triumphant future
explores issues related to human rights in an emotionally driven way


Stanton's use of pathos, which strengthens her argument by appealing to people's emotions and making people sympathize with her.

What is pathos?

Pathos is one of the three modes of persuasion, along with logos and ethos. It is an appeal to the emotions of the audience in order to persuade them to accept a particular viewpoint or argument.

The use of pathos can create an emotional connection with the audience and help to elicit feelings such as sympathy, anger, or sadness. Pathos is often used in persuasive writing, speeches, and advertising to evoke an emotional response and create a sense of urgency or importance.

The use of vivid language, personal anecdotes, and compelling imagery are all examples of ways to appeal to pathos. Effective use of pathos can help to make an argument more convincing and memorable to the audience.

Learn more about pathos, here:



Answer: Emphasizes women’s struggles and contrasts then with the hopes of a triumphant future.


I took the test on edmentum/plato

If a media outlet’s owner also owns a race track and the media outlet runs on that race track, the story would have a _______ level of objectivity and a _______ level of dependability.

medium, high, low

Please answer it correctly and fast


The story would have a low level of objectivity and a low level of dependability. The media outlet's owner has a potential conflict of interest due to their financial stake in the race track, which may lead to biased reporting that undermines the dependability of the media outlet.

More about the answer:

This is due to the inherent conflict of interest that arises when a media outlet is owned by an individual or entity that has a financial stake in the subject matter being covered.

In this case, the media outlet's owner has a vested interest in promoting the success of their race track, which could lead to biased reporting that presents events in a way that is favorable to their business interests. This undermines the objectivity of the reporting and makes it difficult for readers to trust the information presented.

As a result, readers may perceive the media outlet as less reliable and less trustworthy, which could harm its reputation and credibility. To maintain journalistic integrity and provide reliable reporting, media outlets must avoid conflicts of interest and strive for impartiality in their coverage.

To know more about passages, visit:



Which crime is NOT one that Dogberry accuses Borachio and Conrade of?

Select one:
a. Slandering
b. Adultery
c. False Report
d. Lying


a. Slandering goodluck kiddo

Where do the Hallidays make Black people (runaway slaves) eat?
uncle Toms cabin


Uncle Toms cabin is correct

How does Caliban show that he is more intelligent than Stephano and Trinculo?
A. He was educated in a European school in Britain, but Stephano and Trinculo
were not.
B. He tricks Stephano and Trinculo into helping him kill Prospero with magic.
c. He realizes that freedom from Prospero is more important than clothing or
D. He believes Stephano and Trinculo are friends because they share wine.


He deceives Stephano and Trinculo into assisting him in using magic to murder Prospero. B. Stephano attended a European school while living in Britain.

What does Caliban think of Trinculo and Stephano?

Trinculo and Stephano are beautiful objects in Caliban's eyes, even if they are sprites (line 116). He respects Stephano as a god and believes him .

What does Caliban have to offer Trinculo and Stephano?

Trinculo and Caliban expose their identities after some slapstick humor, and Stephano shares his wine with them. Caliban is experiencing alcohol for the first time, and he thinks that the one who can supply such Liquid from heaven must be a deity. In the hopes that Stephano will set him free from Prospero's shackles, he promises to help Stephano.

To know more about Stephano and Trinculo visit:-



What kind of woman is Marie St. Clare?
(Uncle toms cabin)


Marie, wife of Augustine St. Clare and mother of the angelic Eva, is a hard-hearted, selfish hypochondriac.

What kind of woman is Marie St. Clare?

Marie, wife of Augustine St. Clare and mother of the angelic Eva, is a hard-hearted, selfish hypochondriac. Once the belle of the local ball, she is completely incapable of human sympathy, especially toward black slaves. She barely notices her daughter’s fatal illness. She’s also reluctant to think hard about anything if it might cause her the slightest inconvenience to do so. Her favorite thing to do is keep the entire household up all night with her petty ailments and needs. St. Clare keeps her cruelty toward the slaves in check to an extent – he won’t allow her to send them for public whippings and beatings – but she is a harsh, demanding mistress.

When Augustine dies, Marie shows her utter indifference toward the fate of her slaves. She sells them all at the public auction block, despite the fact that it was her daughter’s dying wish and her husband’s intention to free Tom, and despite St. Clare’s determination to dedicate himself to abolition. When Ophelia tries to remind Marie of these obligations, she has a convenient fit of illness.

Like Simon Legree, Marie St. Clare is an extreme caricature of a villain without a conscience. But unlike Legree, Marie isn’t cruel with the object of making a profit or working her slaves efficiently. Marie’s housekeeping is so neglectful that St. Clare must bring his cousin, Miss Ophelia, down from New England in order to run the estate and look after his daughter. In Stowe’s opinion, a Victorian woman who can’t manage the household finances and servants is neglecting her primary duty.

Ironically, the slaves in the St. Clare household consider it "proper" for a genteel southern lady like Marie to stay entirely out of household affairs. Ophelia’s attempt to control household expenditures and oversee the servants and their activities seems "unladylike" to them. This is Stowe’s hint that the high culture of the South, especially in the way it relies on slavery, interferes with the contributions women should make to society as wives, mothers, and housekeepers.

To know more about "Uncle Tom's cabin" visit :-



What does Eva give Mammy that upsets Marie?
(Uncle Toms cabin)



Marie thinks this is terrible – Eva has given her gold, diamond-studded vinaigrette, to Mammy? She demands that Eva go take it back, but St. Clare intervenes.


Marie says she doesn’t know why she keeps them, especially since slaves are such a hassle and so selfish. She uses Mammy as an example: Mammy knows that Marie suffers at night and needs attention every single hour, but Mammy falls asleep and is difficult to wake up. Which clearly means that Mammy is selfish – not a human being in need of rest herself.

The author organizes the information in the article mainly by-

A- identifying Morrison's struggles to portray African American lives

B- listing her many achievements and accolades to show she was gifted

C- chronicling Toni Morrison's experience through her lifetime

D- describing her childhood and how it negatively impacted her life​


The author organizes the information in the article mainly by C- chronicling Toni Morrison's experience through her lifetime

How to convey the information

Morrison was raised in the Midwest of the United States in a household that had a deep love and respect for Black culture. Folktales, songs, and storytelling played a significant role in her upbringing. She studied at Cornell University and Howard University, earning a B.A. in 1953.

She taught at Howard from 1957 to 1964 after spending two years doing so at Texas Southern University. Morrison started working as a fiction editor at Random House in 1965, where she remained for a while.

Learn more about author on



Morrison grew up in the American Midwest in a family that possessed an intense love of and appreciation for Black culture. Storytelling, songs, and folktales were a deeply formative part of her childhood. She attended Howard University (B.A., 1953) and Cornell University (M.A., 1955). After teaching at Texas Southern University for two years, she taught at Howard from 1957 to 1964. In 1965 Morrison became a fiction editor at Random House, where she worked for a number of years. In 1984 she began teaching writing at the State University of New York at Albany, which she left in 1989 to join the faculty of Princeton University; she retired in 2006.

The author organizes the information in the article mainly by-

A- identifying Morrison's struggles to portray African American lives

B- listing her many achievements and accolades to show she was gifted

C- chronicling Toni Morrison's experience through her lifetime

D- describing her childhood and how it negatively impacted her life

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