1. what country is located of 30° N latitude and 60° E longitude?
2. what county is located of 22° N latitude and 105° W longitude?
3. what county is located of 30° S latitude and 30° E longitude?
4. what county is located of 0° latitude and 15° W longitude?
5. what county is located of 5° N latitude and 75° W longitude?


- Columbia
- Iran
- Mexico
- Republic of Congo
- South Africa


Answer 1
Based on the given latitude and longitude coordinates, the countries located are:

1. Iran is located at 30° N latitude and 60° E longitude.
2. Mexico is located at 22° N latitude and 105° W longitude.
3. South Africa is located at 30° S latitude and 30° E longitude.
4. Brazil is located at 0° latitude and 15° W longitude.
5. Colombia is located at 5° N latitude and 75° W longitude.

Therefore, the correct answers are:
Answer 2
1. Argentina
3.Durban, South Africa
4.Gulf of Guinea

Related Questions

I Have a Dream Speech-The 2022 Version
You have just watched Martin Luther King’s I Have a Dream Speech on the Washington Mall. You are
going to write your own version of the speech for 2021. You must have 2 topics in the essay-the dreams
for your own life and the world. You may also include any other topic you would like. It will be 2
paragraphs in length.


The speech will began like this -

Ladies and gentlemen, today I stand before you to speak about two dreams - the dreams of my life and the dreams of the world.

Firstly, I have a dream for my own life. I dream of a life where I can make a positive impact on the world. I believe that each one of us has a purpose in life, and mine is to contribute to society in a meaningful way. To achieve this dream, I am working hard to pursue a career that aligns with my values and passions. I believe that by doing work that I am passionate about, I can create a ripple effect that will inspire others to pursue their dreams as well. Additionally, I dream of traveling the world, experiencing different cultures, and learning about the world's diverse ways of life. I believe that travel can broaden our perspectives and help us appreciate the beauty of our differences.

However, my dreams do not end with my personal aspirations. I have a dream for the world as well. I dream of a world where everyone is treated with respect and dignity, regardless of their race, gender, or sexual orientation. I believe that we are all equal and deserve to be treated as such. I also dream of a world where everyone has access to basic needs such as food, water, and shelter. It is unacceptable that in the 21st century, there are still people who do not have access to these basic necessities. Lastly, I dream of a world where we take care of our planet and its resources. We only have one Earth, and it is our responsibility to protect it for future generations.

In conclusion, my dreams for my life and the world are interconnected. I believe that by pursuing my personal dreams, I can contribute to making the world a better place. I also believe that by working towards a better world, we can create a more conducive environment for everyone to pursue their dreams. Let us work together towards a world where everyone has the opportunity to live their best life. Thank you.

To know more about Martin Luther King’s speech -



after the end of the korean war: group of answer choices north korean forces took over the peninsula none of the above south korean forces took over the peninsula the north-south korean border line stayed close to where it was before the war started next


After the end of the Korean War, the North-South Korean border line stayed close to where it was before the war started. Thus, option c is correct.

North Korea battered South Korea, torching the Korean War. Cold War beliefs controlled the quick response of US authorities, who presently completed that Soviet Premier Joseph Stalin had hailed the attack as the first stage in his strategy for world domination.

This demilitarized area has stayed in location since the end of the fight and is laboriously protected by both sides. While the battle resulted in important shifts to the political and colonial terrain of both North and South Korea.

To learn more about Korean War



The complete question is:

What happened after the end of the Korean War?

group of answer choices :

a.  north korean forces took over the peninsula

b.  south korean forces took over the peninsula

c. the north-south korean border line stayed close to where it was before the war started next

d. none of the above

Read the quotation written by Martin Luther in 1517.

This quotation was part of which document?

the Book of Common Prayer
the Edict of Worms
the Institute of the Christian Religion
the Ninety-Five Theses


According to the question, this quotation was part of which document is "The Ninety-Five Theses".

What is document?

Document is a written, drawn, presented, or memorialized representation of thought. Documents are records that can provide evidence of a transaction or activity. Documents are used in almost every field of knowledge, from academic and legal to business and scientific contexts. Documents may take the form of paper, electronic, or digital documents, and can include emails, letters, contracts, legal papers, transcripts, articles, and more. Documents are essential in providing information, verifying facts, and conveying knowledge, and can be used to prove or disprove certain details in a dispute. Documents also provide historical information, and can be used to track changes over time.

Quotation: "When our Lord and Master Jesus Christ said, 'Repent,' he willed the entire life of believers to be one of repentance."

To learn more about document



true or false The formation of the triple entente resorted the balance of power in Europe


The given statement "The formation of the triple entente resorted the balance of power in Europe" is False because the formation of the Triple Entente in 1907 did not restore the balance of power in Europe.

The Triple Entente was a military alliance between Britain, France, and Russia that was created to counter the Triple Alliance between Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy. Although the Triple Entente was an attempt to contain the power of the Triple Alliance, it did not restore the balance of power in Europe.

Instead, the Triple Entente served to increase tensions between the two alliances and ultimately contributed to the outbreak of World War I. The Triple Entente was an important factor in the start of the war, as it provided an incentive for countries to prepare for a possible confrontation. The war highlighted the fact that the Triple Entente did not restore the balance of power in Europe.

To know more about Europe, click here:



Under the ruler, Asoka, India

expanded into southern India and defeated the Kalinga Empire
united different Indian kingdoms peacefully
issued the Edicts of Asoka to prevent the spread of Buddhism
lost control of its trade routes, and poverty spread


The Kalinga Empire was vanquished when it grew into southern India. None of ruler Ashoka's forefathers had ever conquered Kalinga, therefore he engaged the Kalinga Empire in a bloody conflict.

When did Ashoka hold power?

The Mauryan kingdom of India was led by Ashoka, its final notable king. He was a staunch advocate of Buddhism, which helped it spread throughout India during his reign (about 265-238 BCE; also known as c. 273-232 BCE). Ashoka took on the names "Devanampiya" and "Piyadassi."

What made Ashoka such a successful ruler?

He is referred to as magnificent because of his example of peaceful, compassionate reign that contributed to unite the culturally diverse empire under centralised control. Check out these articles about Emperor Ashoka for more reading.

To know more about ruler Ashoka's visit :-



The acquisition of additional territory by a country through unlawful or aggressive means is called ____.a. republicanismb. imperialismc. nationalism


The acquisition of additional territory by a country through unlawful or aggressive means is called imperialism. The correct answer is option-b.

This term refers to the policy of extending a country's power and influence through colonization, use of military force, or other aggressive means. Imperialism often involves the exploitation of resources and people in the acquired territories for the benefit of the imperial power.

Imperialism has been a significant factor in shaping the modern world. Many powerful countries have engaged in imperialism throughout history, including Great Britain, Spain, and the United States.

Imperialism has led to the establishment of colonies, the spread of cultural and economic influence, and the displacement and exploitation of indigenous peoples.

Imperialism can be viewed as a form of nationalism, as it is often driven by a desire for power, prestige, and national security. However, it is important to note that imperialism is distinct from legitimate forms of territorial expansion or diplomatic negotiation.

The acquisition of territory through unlawful or aggressive means is a violation of international law and can have devastating consequences for those affected by it.

For more question on imperialism



The acquisition of additional territory by a country through unlawful or aggressive means is called imperialism. So, option B is accurate.

Imperialism is the illegal or forceful conquest of new territory by a state, frequently for the purpose of attaining political, economic, or military dominance over other nations or areas. Direct military conquest, colonisation, or economic hegemony are all examples of imperialism. It has played an important role in world history, with numerous nations pursuing imperialist policies at various points in time and in various parts of the world. Imperialism has frequently been linked to unfavorable outcomes like exploitation, oppression, and conflict.

To know more about Imperialism



one of the goals of the lewis and clark expedition was to group of answer choices foster trade relations with indians in the trans-mississippi west.


Yes, that is correct. One of the main goals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition was to foster trade relations with the Indian tribes in the trans-Mississippi West. The expedition was sent out by President Thomas Jefferson to explore the newly acquired Louisiana Purchase and to find a direct water route to the Pacific Ocean.

Along the way, the group of explorers made contact with various Native American tribes and tried to establish friendly relations with them, which included trading for supplies and exchanging cultural knowledge.

Cold water is frequently transported from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean by deep currents.

By moving from the poles to the equator and mixing the world's water, deep currents absorb the cold water. The thermohaline circulation is another name for the deep current.

In the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, cold, thick water from the poles flows into the latter, where it warms and loses density. Finally, it changes back into cold water when it flows to the opposite poles.

Learn more about Pacific Ocean here



The head of the Fascist Party was ______.Adolf HitlerBenito MussoliniJosef StalinHideki Tojo


The head of the Fascist Party was Benito Mussolini.

Benito Mussolini was the head of the Fascist Party in Italy, which he founded in 1919. He came to power in 1922, after a march on Rome, and served as Prime Minister of Italy until 1943. Mussolini's fascist ideology emphasized authoritarianism, nationalism, and anti-communism, and he sought to create a centralized state with a powerful leader who would guide the nation to greatness. His regime was characterized by censorship, propaganda, and repression, and he led Italy into World War II as a member of the Axis powers. However, his military and political failures ultimately led to his downfall, and he was executed by Italian partisans in 1945.

To learn more about World War visit;



The head of the Fascist Party was Benito Mussolini. Mussolini was an Italian politician and journalist who founded the Fascist Party in 1919.

He was appointed Prime Minister of Italy in 1922 and became the first Fascist dictator of Italy. Mussolini was a key figure in the development of fascist ideology and sought to establish a totalitarian state in Italy.

He believed in the supremacy of the state over the individual and advocated for strong authoritarian leadership. Under his rule, Italy became a one-party state, with the Fascist Party controlling all aspects of society. Mussolini was also known for his aggressive foreign policy and expansionist ambitions, which ultimately led to Italy's involvement in World War II.

Despite his early successes, Mussolini's leadership became increasingly unpopular and he was ousted from power in 1943.

For more question on journalist



The prime interest rate is
the rate the Fed charges member banks to borrow money.
set directly by the Fed through monetary policy.
the rate banks charge each other to borrow money.
set directly by the Fed through fiscal policy.
the rate banks charge their best customers to borrow money


Answer: The Prime Rate is the interest rate that banks use as a basis to set rates for different types of loans, credit cards and lines of credit.

Explanation: The prime rate is an interest rate determined by individual banks. It is often used as a reference rate (also called the base rate) for many types of loans, including loans to small businesses and credit card loans. On its H.15 statistical release, "Selected Interest Rates," the Board reports the prime rate posted by the majority of the largest twenty-five banks. Although the Federal Reserve has no direct role in setting the prime rate, many banks choose to set their prime rates based partly on the target level of the federal funds rate--the rate that banks charge each other for short-term loans--established by the Federal Open Market Committee.

Which country did the confederate states of america want to help them?
(A) Russia
(B) Canada
(C) England
(D) Germany



c) England


Since the 1970s, consumption of refined white sugar has decreased, mostly because...
a. health-conscious consumers are using less of it
b. use of high-fructose corn syrup has increased
c. use of artificial sweeteners has increased
d. use of honey and other natural sweeteners has increased


Since the 1970s, the consumption of refined white sugar has decreased, but not necessarily due to health-conscious consumers reducing their intake. Instead, the primary reason is the increased use of high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) as a sweetener in processed foods and beverages.

HFCS is cheaper to produce and easier to use in manufacturing than refined white sugar, so it has become a popular alternative. However, there has also been some increase in the use of artificial sweeteners and natural sweeteners such as honey and agave nectar, as consumers seek alternatives to sugar and HFCS. Overall, the decrease in sugar consumption is due to a combination of these factors and the increasing awareness of the negative health effects of excessive sugar consumption.

To learn more about manufacturing visit;



Since the 1970s, consumption of refined white sugar has decreased mostly because of the increased use of honey and other natural sweeteners.

This change in consumer behavior can be attributed to the growing awareness of the negative health effects associated with consuming large amounts of processed sugar. People have become more conscious of the dangers of consuming refined sugar, such as an increased risk of obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.

Additionally, there has been a rise in interest in natural, organic, and whole foods, leading to a shift towards natural sweeteners like honey, maple syrup, and agave nectar. These alternatives are perceived as healthier and more wholesome than refined sugar.

Furthermore, the trend towards plant-based diets and veganism has also played a significant role in the decline of refined sugar consumption. As people seek to live healthier lifestyles, the demand for natural sweeteners is likely to continue to grow.

For more question on consumption



The Kansas-Nebraska Act revealed all of the following EXCEPT:
a. The issue of slavery could fuel a Civil War.
b. Efforts to compromise over slavery were not working.
c. The North was right and the South was wrong.
d. People were more loyal to their region than to the Union.





A. This was Obvious during that time, so this was also true (When I say true I mean incorrect in the context of the question)

B. The efforts were able to de-escalate the situation and keep both sides happy for a time, but then the issue of slavery would keep coming up again and again, so this one is true.

D. This was most definitely true, especially in the South, people today waving Rebel flags love to say the war was about "state's rights". Yeah right, the state's rights to govern themselves so they could keep slaves.

This leaves C. Morally, the North WAS right and the South was wrong, but did anyone care? Nope, the South cared only for their profits.

the vast majority of the first european immigrants to the united states were



The vast majority of the first European immigrants to the United States were from Great Britain, primarily England.


Final answer:

The first European immigrants to the U.S. were largely from England, Ireland, Germany, and Scandinavia, arriving primarily due to political, religious, and economic hardships at home.


The vast majority of the first European immigrants to the United States were from countries like England, Ireland, Germany, and Scandinavia. They came in waves throughout the 17th and 18th centuries, with English settlement starting in Jamestown, Virginia in 1607. Irish and Germans came in large numbers during the 19th Century, especially due to religious, political, and economic difficulties in their home countries. Scandinavians immigrated to the U.S. in the late 19th and early 20th Century mostly due to economic situations.

Learn more about European immigrants here:



This is a great place to see historic architecture, hear jazz music, and eat in some of the world’s finest restaurants.
please help


Answer: It sounds like you are talking about New Orleans, Louisiana, in the United States! New Orleans is known for its rich cultural heritage, which includes historic architecture, jazz music, and delicious cuisine. Visitors can explore neighborhoods such as the French Quarter and Garden District to see iconic architecture styles like Creole cottages and shotgun houses, while enjoying live jazz music in local bars and clubs. New Orleans is also famous for its culinary scene, with many world-renowned restaurants serving up dishes like gumbo, jambalaya, and beignets.


please respond to the following question in a 3-5 sentence paragraph: Could the War of 1812 been avoided? Why or Why not?
profile picture
Michael Ruiz


If the British had recognized American sovereignty and stopped their maritime activities, the War of 1812 may not have happened.

What would occur if the War of 1812 never occurred?

Because so many Americans would have relocated up north if the War of 1812 hadn't happened, some historians claim that Canada would have joined the United States.

What were the three justifications for the War of 1812?

The US entered the war in 1812 for a variety of reasons, including: Americans' desire to establish more Indian, British, and Spanish areas; interference with American trade and the impressment of American mariners by Britain; and ambitions to take over Canada and terminate British power in North America

To know more about sovereignty visit:



Lewis-Williams has argued that much of the world's rock art is the result of shamanism. What is the basis for his argument?


Lewis-Williams bases his argument on several lines of evidence. First, he notes that many of the images in rock art are highly abstract & difficult to interpret.

However, when viewed in the context of shamanic practices, they often become more understandable. Second, Lewis-Williams argues that many of the images in rock art depict animals and humans in unusual or distorted poses.

He suggests that these images may represent the shaman's experiences of shape-shifting or spirit possession during altered states of consciousness.

Third, Lewis-Williams notes that many of the images in rock art are found in caves or other underground spaces, which he believes are particularly conducive to shamanic practices.

To know more about Lewis-Williams-



Lewis-Williams has argued that much of the world's rock art is the result of shamanism, based on his extensive study of rock art across different cultures and time periods.

He has noted recurring patterns and themes in the imagery depicted in rock art, such as geometric shapes, animals, and human figures in altered states of consciousness.

These patterns, he argues, are consistent with the experiences and beliefs of shamanic practitioners who used altered states of consciousness to communicate with spirits and access other realms of reality. Additionally, Lewis-Williams has studied the cultural and historical context of the rock art and found evidence that supports the shamanic interpretation, such as the presence of shamanic artifacts and rituals in the cultures that produced the rock art. Overall, his argument is based on a combination of visual analysis, cross-cultural comparison, and historical research.
Lewis-Williams' argument for the association between rock art and shamanism is based on the similarities between the imagery in the rock art and the experiences of shamans during altered states of consciousness. He posits that the artists were shamans themselves, or were influenced by shamanic practices, and the art represents their visions during trances or rituals. This connection suggests that rock art served a significant role in the spiritual and social aspects of prehistoric communities.

Visit here to learn more about Lewis-Williams brainly.com/question/30205101


how did the appearance of canals and steamboats in the united states affect the flow of goods and information during the 1830s?


The appearance of canals and steamboats in the United States during the 1830s had a significant impact on the flow of goods and information. Canals provided a new and efficient means of transportation for goods, allowing them to be moved quickly and cheaply over long distances. This led to an increase in trade between different regions of the country, as goods could now be transported more easily from one area to another. The Erie Canal, for example, connected New York City to the Great Lakes, opening up trade between the East Coast and the Midwest.

Steamboats, on the other hand, revolutionized river transportation, allowing goods to be moved upstream against the current. This made it possible to transport goods more easily to areas that were previously inaccessible by water. Steamboats also greatly reduced travel time, making it possible to transport goods and people more quickly than ever before.

The increased efficiency of transportation provided by canals and steamboats had a profound impact on the economy of the United States, helping to spur economic growth and development. The flow of information was also affected, as newspapers and other publications could now be distributed more widely across the country, allowing for greater communication and exchange of ideas. Overall, the appearance of canals and steamboats in the United States during the 1830s had a transformative effect on the nation, contributing to its rapid expansion and development.

Know more about transportation here:



Which statement reflects in a way in which the judicial branch of the state of Texas can check the legislative branch


The judicial branch has the authority to void laws that the legislative branch has passed. Through the Federal agencies, the executive branch

What part of the Texas Constitution defines the legislative branch of the state?

The Texas legislative department (branch) is outlined in Article 3 of the Texas Constitution. The Texas Senate serves as the upper house of the bicameral (two branches or chambers) Texas Legislature, while the Texas House of Representatives serves as the lower house.

The Texas Constitution's judicial branch is defined as what?

This State's judicial authority shall be divided among a single Supreme Court, a single Court of Criminal Appeals, several Courts of Appeals, several District Courts, several County Courts, several Commissioners Courts, and several Courts of Justices of the Peace.

To know more about judicial branch visit :-



Which authority grew during the early Middle Ages?


In Middle Ages Religious life assumed new forms or reformed established ones, and missionaries expanded the geographic boundaries of the faith.

Who possesses power throughout the Middle Ages?

Royal courts, the church, municipal administrations, and even academic institutions made up the mediaeval power structures. Leaders were required to prefer justice to tyranny, a quality associated with divine leadership, despite the fact that positions of control were typically passed down through families.

What role did the Church play in the Middle Ages?

The Church was able to levy taxes, and its regulations had to be followed. Those who had opposing views were regarded as heretics and might face different penalties, including execution.

To know more about Middle Ages visit :-



during the cold war, american culture group of answer choices became virtually nonexistent as most wartimefinancial efforts were directed elsewhere. witnessed how the central intelligence agency and defense department emerged as patrons of the arts. was absent from the daily lives of the common men and women. faced no intervention from the national government. was not politicized.


During the Cold War, American culture faced no intervention from the national government.

While the US government did invest heavily in military and defense efforts during this time, there was no systematic effort to suppress or promote specific cultural values or expressions. However, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the Department of Defense did emerge as patrons of the arts during this time, funding various cultural programs and initiatives as part of their propaganda efforts to promote American values and ideals around the world. Despite this, American culture was not politicized in a systematic way, and for the most part, it was absent from the daily lives of the common men and women. The focus during this period was largely on economic and military concerns rather than on cultural expression or development.

Learn more about During the Cold War here:



What country is and was part of the Buer Zone that is significant to a major conflict happening today?


The country is Syria, which was part of the French-controlled zone of the former Ottoman Empire known as the "Buer Zone".

What is Buer Zone?

Buer Zone is a digital ecosystem designed to help entrepreneurs, small business owners, and independent professionals succeed in the digital world. It provides users with an online platform to learn, collaborate, and build their businesses. It offers access to tools such as e-commerce, content creation, digital marketing, networking, and mentorship. It also provides access to experts, resources, and services to help users improve their operations and grow their businesses. The platform is designed to be user-friendly and intuitive, enabling users to quickly and easily access the information and resources they need.

The conflict in Syria today is a major humanitarian crisis and has been the site of a brutal civil war since 2011.

To learn more about e-commerce



1. What idea is Gallatin arguing against? 2. Instead of conquering Mexico and taking territory, what is Gallatin arguing in favor of?


Albert Gallatin's argument towards the annexation of Texas was once premised on the notion that such a go would be irreconcilable with the United States' self-proclaimed status as a "Model Republic." This concept shaped the basis of Gallatin's case towards the annexation of Texas.

What were the arguments in opposition to the annexation of Texas?

First, Mexico did not recognize Texas's independence, so annexation might provoke a war. Second, they adverse the growth of slavery, which Texas allowed. Third, the full-size place of Texas might be divided into smaller slaveholding states, upsetting congressional balance and thereby dissolving the Union.

One argument towards annexing Texas to the U.S. used to be that the annexation might provide extra power to the supporters of slavery. Texas used to be annexed due to the fact President Tyler wanted to help his  administration.

Learn more about Gallatin here:


1. Based on Table 1, what do you think caused the decrease in manufacturing in the United Kingdom from 1870 to 1913? 2. Does industrialization equal increased productivity? Why or why not?


The period of  1870 to 1913 was the Age of Maturity for United Kingdom. It had recently transitioned from the agricultural sector, therefore it was still growing its resources.

Hence, this was the reason of decrease in manufacturing in the United Kingdom from 1870 to 1913.

2. Does industrialization equal increased productivity? Why or why not?

The world's economic progress has benefited from industrialization. Because of the process' increasing productivity and capacity for mass manufacturing, living standards have gone up.

From the beginnings of the agricultural period, circa 8000 to 5000 B.C., until the first industrialization in Great Britain began in 1760, human productivity and living conditions remained mostly unaltered.

Greater items have been produced in a shorter amount of time as a result of industrialization, along with greater free time and higher real salaries.

Hence, it can be concluded that industrialization equals increased productivity.

To know more about Industrialization visit:



what are some ways in which the bill of rights and the declaration are similar?



The Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence are two important documents in American history that share several similarities. Some ways in which the Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence are similar include:

Emphasis on individual rights: Both the Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence emphasize the importance of individual rights and freedoms. The Declaration of Independence asserts that "all men are created equal" and have the right to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness," while the Bill of Rights outlines specific rights such as freedom of speech, religion, and the press, as well as the right to bear arms and the right to a fair trial.Influence on American democracy: Both the Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence have had a significant impact on American democracy and the development of the country's political system. The Declaration of Independence served as a rallying cry for American independence and helped to establish the fundamental principles of American democracy, while the Bill of Rights helped to further define and protect individual liberties and limit the power of the government.Historical significance: Both the Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence are considered to be iconic documents in American history, representing key moments in the country's founding and development. The Declaration of Independence is seen as a defining moment in the American Revolution, while the Bill of Rights is seen as a crucial step in the establishment of the United States as a constitutional republic.

Overall, the Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence share several similarities, including their emphasis on individual rights, their influence on American democracy, and their historical significance. Together, these documents have helped to shape the values and principles that are fundamental to American society and government.

european union institutions have gained a lot of power over time and that is why we tend to describe the european union as:


The European Union can be described as a supranational organization, as its institutions have gained significant power over time, enabling it to make decisions and implement policies that impact its member countries at the European level.

The European Union (EU) is a supranational political and economic union of 27 member states that are located primarily in Europe. The union has a total area of 4,233,255.3 km2 (1,634,469.0 sq mi) and an estimated total population of nearly 447 million. The EU has often been described as a sui generis political entity (without precedent or comparison) combining the characteristics of both a federation and a confederation. Containing 5.8 per cent of the world population in 2020,[c] the EU generated a nominal gross domestic product (GDP) of around US$16.6 trillion in 2022, constituting approximately one sixth of global nominal GDP and the third-biggest global economy after the United States and China. Additionally, all EU states but Bulgaria have a very high Human Development Index according to the United Nations Development Programme.

Learn more about The European Union  here:



The European Union is often described as a supranational organization due to the significant power that its institutions have accumulated over time.

These institutions, such as the European Commission, the European Parliament, and the Council of the European Union, have the ability to make decisions that affect the lives of millions of citizens across Europe. Additionally, the EU has the power to negotiate trade agreements, regulate markets, and oversee the implementation of policies that impact the environment, human rights, and social welfare.

This accumulation of power has been a gradual process, with each new treaty and expansion of the EU contributing to the strengthening of its institutions. However, this concentration of power has also been met with criticism and concern from some who argue that the EU has become too centralized and removed from the needs and desires of its citizens.

Nevertheless, the EU remains a vital player on the global stage, and its institutions will continue to play a critical role in shaping the future of Europe and the world.

For more question on supranational organization



Which sentence from A Long Walk to Water contains details about the setting? FASTT


A long walk to water is set in Southern Sudan in 2008 and 1985. In both times, the setting is dry and dangerous (thorns for Nya and war for Salva).

Scene from the story to confirm the setting-

Eleven-year-old Salva sits in the classroom, stealing glances through the window at the road home. The teacher continues the Arabic lesson. Arabic is the official language of Sudan, but at home, Salva's family speaks the language of their tribe, the Dinka.

About Salva the main character-

Salva's narrative begins in 1985, when he is living in the southern region of Sudan.

Salva was an 11-year-old kid at the time, sitting in class, as we would anticipate most boys his age to be doing.

What follows is what's unexpected. The pupils hear gunfire outside; after two years, Salva's community has finally been affected by the conflict over religious practices between rebel forces and the Sudanese government.

Hence, we can conclude by the evidences that the story A Long Walk to Water is set in South Sudan, Africa.

To know more about A long walk to water visit:



most white people living in the appalachians or the ozarks . multiple choice question. loathed their isolation and dreamed of becoming part of the slaveholding world of the deep south. practiced subsistence agriculture, growing most of their crops for their own use. remained econom


Most whites living in the Appalachians or the Ozarks practiced subsistence agriculture, growing most of their crops for their use. Option B is the correct answer.

These areas were characterized by rugged terrain and poor soil quality, which made large-scale commercial agriculture difficult.

As a result, many families relied on small-scale farming and hunting to meet their basic needs.

This subsistence-based lifestyle also contributed to the sense of isolation that was common in these areas, as people were largely self-sufficient and had limited contact with the outside world.

Learn more about the white people in the Appalachians at



The question is -

Most white people live in the Appalachians or the Ozarks.

multiple choice questions.

a. loathed their isolation and dreamed of becoming part of the slaveholding world of the deep south.

b. practiced subsistence agriculture, growing most of their crops for their use.

in the 1970s and 1980s, the soviet union experience all of the following problems except question 11 options: the war in afghanistan. economic decline and a lack of technological innovation, especially compared to the west. environmental problems such as widespread pollution and the chernobyl nuclear disaster. serious infighting among the top communist leaders.


In the 1970s and 1980s, the Soviet Union faced many problems, including economic decline and a lack of technological innovation.

However, one problem that they did not experience was the war in Afghanistan. The Soviet Union did have serious infighting among the top communist leaders, as well as environmental problems like pollution and the Chernobyl nuclear disaster. Despite efforts to keep up with the West, the Soviet Union fell behind in terms of economic development and innovation, leading to its eventual collapse in 1991. They faced issues like the war in Afghanistan, economic decline and a lack of technological innovation, especially compared to the West, and environmental problems such as widespread pollution and the Chernobyl nuclear disaster.

To know more about Soviet Union refer :



Answer: The War in Afghanistan


How do the prisoners quoted in this reading describe the process of killing at Auschwitz? Who was involved in the killing? Why do you think the Nazis forced other prisoners (the Sonderkommandos) to assist in the murders? Why were Sonderkommandos killed and replaced every few months?


In 1940, the Nazis established Auschwitz, some 37 miles west of Kraków, Poland, to house Soviet prisoners of war and Polish resistance fighters.

What exactly is the story of Auschwitz?

In October 1941, the Nazis established Auschwitz II, also known as Auschwitz-Birkenau. Auschwitz-Birkenau became the largest of the Nazi killing centres, with four enormous crematoria (containing gas chambers and ovens to cremate victims' bodies). Jews were deported from all over Europe to Auschwitz to be killed. Some have compared the killing system at Auschwitz to an industrial production line, although the purpose of the operation at Auschwitz was not the creation of goods, but the slaughter of millions of people.

To know about Auschwitz visit:



Who does not have a representative in Congress but is still subjected to rule by the American government


The residents of Washington, D.C. do not have voting representative in Congress, although they do have a non-voting delegate.

What is voting?

Voting is a fundamental democratic process that allows citizens to express their preferences and make decisions on issues and candidates in elections. It involves the act of casting a ballot, either in person or by mail, to choose a representative or to decide on a particular proposition. Voting is crucial for maintaining a fair and representative government, as it provides citizens with the opportunity to participate in the democratic process and hold elected officials accountable for their actions. The right to vote is protected by law in many countries, and efforts have been made to ensure equal access to voting for all eligible citizens, regardless of their race, gender, or socioeconomic status. High voter turnout is often seen as a measure of a healthy democracy, as it reflects a high level of citizen engagement and political participation.

To learn more about voting, visit:



Complete Question:

Who does not have a representative in Congress but is still subjected to rule by the American government?

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