1. While To Kill a Mockingbird bluntly addresses racism, it provides a more subtle discussion of Scout and Jem’s moral education. Provide some examples of how Scout and Jem learn about morals through the course of the novel

provide Textual Evidence or Examples:


Answer 1

Atticus teaches Scout and Jem early on in the book that it is immoral to hurt innocent creatures, like the crazy dog that Atticus shoots in Chapter 10.

"I wanted you to see something about her—I wanted you to understand what true courage is, instead of acquiring the image that courage is a man with a pistol in his hand," Atticus explains to them. It occurs when you are aware that you have been defeated before you start, but you nonetheless push through and finish the task. Jem and Scout learn from this lesson that real bravery comes from facing challenges without fear, not from using violence. Atticus also stresses the value of respecting and understanding others throughout the course of the book, regardless of how different they are or what opinions they may hold. "You never really comprehend a person until you evaluate things from his point of view...unless you jump into his skin and wander about in it," he tells Jem and Scout. Scout and Jem learn the value of empathy and understanding from Atticus' remarks.

To know more about book refer to the link below :



Related Questions

1. Place a check mark next to each choice that describes Reverend Parris.

interested in witchcraft
paranoid about what people think
wants material wealth
very religious, holy, and honest


Serious, Interested in witchcraft, Paranoid about what people think, Wants material wealth.

His main source of anxiety is his concern for his own reputation. How does Reverend Parris' belief in the paranormal impact how he reacts to his daughter's illness in Act I of The Crucible? Character analysis of Reverend Parris. He is careless and impatient as a father and a master. Parris's near psychotic idea that someone is planning to injure him in some other way or persecute him, steal his position, damage his reputation, or otherwise harm him is the cause of his uneasiness and obsession with protecting his reputation. When Abigail is encouraged by Reverend Parris to be truthful and open with him about what she and the other girls were doing in the forest.

To know more about character refer :



In "Achieving Your Goals," the author writes, "I know that sometimes you have to follow your dreams, and that you should never give up just because someone says that you can’t accomplish your goal."

Is this a valid claim?


No, it is a position that the author is unable to support with evidence

Yes, it is a statement of fact that needs no further explanation.

No, because this statement is not central to the argument the author is making.

Yes, it is a position the author can support with reasoning and evidence.


Answer: Option 4; Yes, it is a position the author can support with reasoning and evidence.

Explanation: Despite criticism from others, the author encourages people to pursue their dreams and goals. Studies and successful examples of people who overcame challenges and achieved their goals support this. The article likely provides additional evidence to back up this idea.


Yes, it is a position the author can support with reasoning and evidence.

Explanation: I took the test

Loving someone should be 50% only Argumentative essay


The Argumentative essay on "Loving someone should be 50% " is given below

What is the Argumentative essay?

Loving someone is one of the most complex and profound emotions that humans can experience. It is a feeling that can be all-consuming and can greatly affect the decisions that one makes in life. While arguments are an inevitable part of any relationship, it is unfair to suggest that they should make up only 50% of the experience of loving someone. In fact, a strong argument can be made that arguments should make up only a small part of any healthy and fulfilling relationship.

First and foremost, arguments are a sign of disagreement and conflict, which can create tension and negativity in a relationship. While disagreements are a natural part of any relationship, they should not be the primary focus. When arguments become the central aspect of a relationship, it can cause one or both partners to feel overwhelmed, resentful, and unhappy.

Secondly, loving someone involves more than just arguing. It involves trust, respect, communication, and compromise. These elements are essential for a relationship to thrive and grow. When a relationship is built on a foundation of trust and respect, it is easier for partners to communicate openly and honestly with each other. This creates an environment where compromise is possible, and disagreements can be resolved peacefully and constructively.

In conclusion, the idea that loving someone should be 50% argumentative is a flawed and limited view of relationships. While disagreements are a natural part of any relationship, they should not be the primary focus.

Learn more about Argumentative essay  on:



Give atleast 3 reasons why AI (artificial intelligence such as chatbot) does more harm to us rather than good.



1-Lack of empathy and personal touch: One of the main drawbacks of chatbots and other AI technologies is that they lack the empathy and personal touch of human interaction. This can lead to frustration and dissatisfaction among users who are seeking human connection and emotional support.

2-Bias and discrimination: AI technologies can perpetuate bias and discrimination, particularly in areas such as hiring and lending decisions, where algorithms may be based on biased data sets or programmed to discriminate against certain groups. This can perpetuate existing social inequalities and reinforce harmful stereotypes.

3-Dependence on technology: As AI technologies become increasingly prevalent, there is a risk that people may become overly dependent on them, leading to a loss of critical thinking and decision-making skills. This can be particularly concerning in areas such as healthcare, where decisions made by AI algorithms could have life or death consequences.

How does Senator Lodge support his central idea in Passage 1?
A. He shows data and facts to prove that American cannot afford to join. B. He gives specific examples and reasons to support helping other nations. C. He offers an alternative suggestion to support funding the league instead of joining. D. He provides multiple counterclaims and rebuttals to support maintaining the American way of life


Senator Lodge support his central idea in Passage 1 he offers an alternative suggestion to support funding the league instead of joining.

What is the Senator Lodge's main idea?

His strongest objection was to the requirement that all nations repel aggression, fearing that this would erode congressional powers and erode American sovereignty; those objections had a major role in producing the veto power of the United Nations Security Council.

What were the Lodge reservations Henry Cabot Lodge?

The Lodge Reservations, written by United States Senator Henry Cabot Lodge, the Republican Majority Leader and Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Relations, were fourteen reservations to the Treaty of Versailles and other proposed post-war agreements.

To know more about Senator Lodge visit:-



All,everybody or everyone

1._______ enjoyed the new novel by the famous writer.
2._________ of us were ready for the test.
3.Mary told _______ about her parents.
4. ________ he said was true and reasonable.
5. __________ the students in the group agreed with the teacher.
6. _________ knows the reason for his failure.
7. When the bell rang ________ the students left the room.
8._________ promised to finish the work in time.
9. We ________ studied hard and passed the exams.
10. "Have you any money left?" "No, _______ I have is five pounds."


1. Everybody

2. All

3. Everybody

4. All

5. All

6. Everyone

7. All

8. Everyone

9.  All

10. All

Everybody and everyone are synonyms can be used interchangeably so there is not really a difference. Everybody is less formal, and everyone is more formal. When trying to figure out if you use all or everybody/everyone  you can just see which one sounds right, for example:

1a. all enjoyed the new novel by the famous writer.

1b. Everybody/everyone enjoyed the new novel by the famous writer.

Which one sounds better?

1b, 'all enjoyed the new novel by the famous writer.' just doesn't flow out of your mouth and/or make sense.

Hope this helps!


1- everyone

2- all

3-  everyone

4- all

5- all

6- everybody


8- everyone

9- all

10- all


The words you choose to emphasize in a passage or sentence can make a big difference to the meaning that is ultimately conveyed. Let’s look at some ambiguous examples and think about the confusion that could be created through wrongly emphasized words. Read each sentence aloud, emphasizing the word in bold. Then write a few sentences about the difference emphasis makes for each one.

I NEVER said she ate my brownie.

I never SAID she ate my brownie.

I never said she ATE my brownie.

I never said she ate my BROWNIE.

DO you really want to be the president?

Do YOU really want to be the president?

Do you REALLY want to be the president?

Do you really WANT to be the president?

Do you really want to BE the president?

Do you really want to be the PRESIDENT?

YOU are the most pathetic thing I’ve ever seen.

You are THE most pathetic thing I’ve ever seen.

You are the MOST pathetic thing I’ve ever seen.

You are the most PATHETIC thing I’ve ever seen.

You are the most pathetic THING I’ve ever seen.

You are the most pathetic thing I’ve EVER seen.

You are the most pathetic thing I’ve ever SEEN.


For the sentence "I never said she ate my brownie", emphasizing the word "never" conveys that the speaker emphatically denies ever having said that. Emphasizing "said" implies that the speaker is denying having made a statement, but not necessarily that it was untrue.

What is speaker?

A speaker is a device that produces sound waves from an electrical signal. Speakers are typically used in electronic audio devices such as radios, televisions, computers, cell phones, and stereos.

Emphasizing "ate" implies that the speaker is denying that the brownie was consumed, but does not deny having made a statement about it. Emphasizing "brownie" implies that the speaker is denying that the brownie in question was the one which was eaten.

For the sentence "Do you really want to be the president?", emphasizing "Do" implies that the speaker is asking the question with some skepticism. Emphasizing "you" implies that the speaker is asking the question to the intended recipient specifically. Emphasizing "really" implies that the speaker is asking if the intention is genuine. Emphasizing "want" implies that the speaker is asking if there is a strong desire to be the president. Emphasizing "be" implies that the speaker is asking if the intended recipient wishes to assume the role of the president. Emphasizing "president" implies that the speaker is asking if the intended recipient wishes to assume the specific title of president.

To learn more about speaker



it's helen's first night alone in her new apartment and she's beginning to question her big move. she had assured her parents that at nineteen she was more than mature enough to take care of herself, but now she isn't feeling so confident. she checks the locks for the third time before she makes her rounds to the windows. which sentence consistently reflects the tone of the paragraph?


The sentence that consistently reflects the tone of the paragraph is "she had assured her parents that at nineteen she was more than mature enough to take care of herself, but now she isn't feeling so confident."

What is tone?

The tone is the writer's attitude toward their readers, subjects, or characters. Tone is communicated through the author's word choice, syntax, and subject matter, which may manifest in anger, sympathy, frustration, joy, or any other emotion.

According to the given paragraph, Helen is starting to question her decision to move into her new apartment. Despite convincing her parents that she was mature enough to take care of herself at the age of nineteen, she is now feeling insecure.

To know more about tone refer to-


Was the main character of the swing kids likeable or not likeable and why?



the main character of the movie "Swing Kids," Peter Müller, can be viewed as both likeable and not likeable depending on one's perspective.

On the one hand, Peter is portrayed as a charismatic and talented dancer who is passionate about swing music and the freedom it represents. He is also shown as a loyal friend to his fellow Swing Kids and stands up for what he believes in, even in the face of opposition from the Nazi regime.

On the other hand, Peter's behavior can be seen as reckless and selfish at times, particularly when he puts his friends in danger by sneaking into a Nazi rally or stealing a record from a public place. He also seems to be more interested in the thrill of rebellion and the excitement of the swing scene than in actually fighting against the Nazi regime.

Overall, the likeability of Peter's character is subjective and may depend on the viewer's values and beliefs.


Write a poem using the following image: a metropolis at night when the power is out. 10 lines


You can compose a poem by expressing your thoughts and feelings through the creative use of language and imagery. Choose a subject, structure, and style that resonates with you.

How do you compose a poem for a metropolis at night when the power is out?

A metropolis at night, plunged into darkness,

No flicker of light, no neon brightness.

The city that never sleeps, now in a slumber,

No hum of machines, no car horn thunder.

Silence reigns over the deserted streets,

As the darkness creeps and quietly eats,

The towering buildings, the concrete maze,

A world without power, lost in a daze.

Yet in this moment, there's a certain beauty,

A stillness that's rare, a calm serenity.

A metropolis at rest, a rare sight to behold,

A reminder of life, when it was simple and bold.

To know more about composing poems, visit:



Read this passage from Heart of a Samurai. Look for important evidence about how Manjiro approaches his culture.

"Oh, honored friend," he said, "I present your katana – your long sword. And your wakizashi – your short knife. "

Then he took two smooth pieces of driftwood of unequal length for himself. He shoved the short piece into the cloth belt he wore around his waist and waved the other one like a sword, challenging Goemon.

"We can’t carry swords," Goemon said. "You know that. "

"May I humbly suggest," Manjiro said, "that on this island, we are the rulers – we are the Samurai of Bird Island. "

—Heart of a Samurai,

Margi Preus

Write two sentences that explain what this evidence tells you about Manjiro’s culture



2 sentences:

The evidence suggests that Manjiro values his cultural heritage and has a deep respect for the Samurai tradition, as seen in his willingness to carry and use swords despite being told that they cannot.

He also displays adaptability and resourcefulness in using driftwood as a substitute for traditional weapons, suggesting a willingness to innovate while still honoring his cultural traditions.

Important evidence:

The evidence provided in the passage suggests that Manjiro approaches his culture with a sense of respect and reverence. He values the Samurai tradition and is willing to carry and use swords, which are symbols of that tradition. At the same time, he is also adaptable and resourceful, using driftwood as a substitute for traditional weapons, which shows that he is willing to innovate while still honoring his cultural traditions. Overall, Manjiro appears to have a deep connection to his cultural heritage and takes great care to maintain and honor it, even in new and unfamiliar circumstances.

Hope this helps! If not, I'm sorry! If you need more help, you may ask me! :]

What mood is conveyed through B. Wordsworth’s description of setting in paragraph 67?


The mood conveyed through B. Wordsworth's description of setting in paragraph 67 is one of contentment and peace.

By describing the trees, the "green and shaggy" banks, the sunbeams dancing on the waters, and the birds singing in the branches, he creates a vivid image of the majesty of nature. This serene, idyllic environment inspires a feeling of peace and calm. The "physical" location and period of time in which a tale takes place are referred to as its setting. The mood of a tale can be significantly influenced by the setting. Readers will be predisposed to anticipate happiness, for instance, if a tale is set in a picturesque pasture on a sunny day. The mood of a tale can be significantly influenced by the setting. Readers will be influenced, for instance, if a tale is set in a picturesque pasture on a sunny day.

The complete question is :

In paragraph 67 of William Wordsworth's poem, "The World Is Too Much with Us," what mood is conveyed through Wordsworth's description of setting?

To know more about inspires refer :


Q.i resent the letter after the first one got lost in the post.


Hyphens are used to connect two or more words to create a compound word or to show a connection between words. They can also be used to divide words at the end of a line.

How are hyphens used?

Hyphens are typically used to create adjectives that modify a noun, such as "well-written," "high-quality," or "state-of-the-art." They can also be used to clarify the meaning of a word, such as "re-sign" (to sign again) versus "resign" (to quit).

Hyphens should not be used with prefixes, such as "un-" or "pre-," unless the second word begins with a capital letter or the same letter as the prefix, such as "pre-employment" or "pre-existing."

P.S Your question is incomplete, so I gave you a general overview to help you get a better understanding of the concept.

Read more about hyphenations here:



How could you use 3D printing in your daily life ?


fixing simple objects with a 3d printer by making stuff

Which quotation from the excerpt uses empirical evidence to support the central idea that the Indians’ working conditions were merciless? “If they were lucky, [they might] get a place at the factory.” "As ever, sugar work was brutally hard." “Their lives were completely con



more explanation please?


i can help i just need a bit more explanation

What are the literary device used in the speech"informing our self to Death" by Neil postman on 1990?


Neil Postman's speech "Informing Ourselves to Death" is a critique of the way modern media culture has changed the way we consume and process information. Some of the literary devices he uses to convey his message include allusion, irony, etc.

What were the literary devices used?

Allusion: Postman makes reference to works of literature such as George Orwell's "1984" and Aldous Huxley's "Brave New World" to illustrate his points about the dangers of media manipulation.

Metaphor: Postman uses the metaphor of "information as a pollutant" to convey his belief that the excess of information in our lives can be harmful.

Irony: Postman's speech is full of ironic statements that highlight the absurdity of our media culture. For example, he notes that "we are amusing ourselves to death" and that "the news is now entertainment."

Repetition: Postman repeats key phrases and ideas throughout his speech to emphasize their importance. For example, he repeats the phrase "information glut" to describe the overwhelming amount of information we are exposed to.

Learn more about speech on:



Douglas contrast, the typical American views of the Fourth of July, with enslaved peoples view of the same occasion. What affect did this likely have on white Readers


Frederick Douglass, a well-known orator and abolitionist, escaped from slavery as a young man.

How does Douglass respond to the holiday?

He spoke in Corinthian Hall in Rochester, New York, during an event commemorating the signing of the Declaration of Independence. In a stern speech, Douglass declared, "This Fourth of July is yours, not mine. You may have delight, but I must suffer."

How did Frederick Douglass feel about slavery?

Prior to the American Civil War, Frederick Douglass strongly argued against slavery in his writings, speeches, and articles. He made an effort to demonstrate how it was unfair, aberrant, unholy, and horrible.

To know more about Douglas visit:



Faces of Courage BYR Question 2

Faces of Courage represents a religious community responding out of their moral convictions to a current political moment in the United States.

1. Has your faith ever required you to respond to a political moment?

2. What did that response entail?

3. How might your faith as well as such experiences inform your reading of this book?


It's not unusual for someone whose faith and moral principles are closely entwined to feel obliged to react in some way to political situations that run counter to those principles.

What part does religion play in a person's development of their moral character?

It encourages a variety of social virtues, such as truth, honesty, nonviolence, service, love, and discipline, which are eventually embraced by a person and become a part of his character. Religion has helped people throughout history attain inner peace, and those who have done so have assisted others in comprehending religion's genuine significance.

What part does religion play in the development of morals and values?

It aids students in forming and examining their moral principles as well as their capacity for moral judgement. Religious and moral education fosters considerate attitudes towards others by raising understanding and respect of the importance of each individual in a diverse community.

To know more about character visit:-


Write a one pager on the movie name butler
Main character Cecil Gaines

A Border of your choice

Character Traits/Personality

Indicate if the character is static or dynamic

2 Quotes from the character

Choose a scene the character is in that impacted them in some sort of way. How does the character react?

1 Civil Rights event that You connected with- Include minor details


The story of Cecil Gaines, an African American butler who worked in the White House during the Civil Rights Movement, is told in the historical drama film The Butler.

What is meant by Civil Rights Movement?

From the 1950s to the 1960s, the Civil Rights Movement was a social and political movement in the United States. Its objective was to guarantee equal rights and opportunities for all citizens, regardless of race, and to put an end to racial segregation and discrimination against African Americans. Nonviolent protests, civil disobedience, and direct action were all hallmarks of the movement, as were significant legal decisions like Brown v. Board of Education and the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The movement was a turning point in American history because it set the course for the nation's future and brought about significant social and political change.

To know more about Civil Rights Movement, visit:



Complete the sentences using a passive structure.

Example: The police revealed the information had been provided by a hacker.

It was revealed that the information had been provided by a hacker.

People think there were over 5,000 protesters present. __
to have been over 5,000 protesters present.
IT companies have claimed that the number of glitches in new laptops is gradually going down.__
that the number of glitches in new laptops is gradually going down.
People believe that the number of self-driving cars on the roads __rose sharply last year. The number of self-driving cars on the roads
sharply last year.
In the twentieth century, they expected humans would colonize the Moon. In the twentieth century, __
humans would colonize the Moon.
People say the new app provides a safe learning platform. The new app __
a safe learning platform.


It was thought to have been over 5,000 protesters present. It has been claimed that the number of glitches in new laptops is gradually going down.

What is laptops?

Laptops are portable computers, typically designed with an integrated keyboard, screen and trackpad. They are designed to be lightweight and easily transportable, making them ideal for students, travelling professionals, and those who need to work from multiple locations. Laptops come in a variety of sizes, from the small ‘netbook’ models to larger, bulkier models. They are available in a range of prices and with a variety of features, including storage space, RAM and battery life. Laptops are powered by a variety of operating systems, such as Windows, Mac OS, and Linux. Laptops offer a range of advantages over traditional desktop computers, including portability, convenience, and the ability to work from anywhere.

It is believed that the number of self-driving cars on the roads rose sharply last year. It was expected that humans would colonize the Moon. It is said that the new app provides a safe learning platform.

To learn more about laptops



What would you do if you found an envelope with thousands of dollars, but you had no idea who it belonged to, or where it came from?​


You can either:
Leave it there

Bring it to lost and found

Donate it

Keep it.


i would keep it aint no one claim it if it just been sittin there so its up for grabs


Read the excerpt from a research essay published in a printed book.

Binge-watching television shows several times a week has a negative impact on people’s social lives. According to a study conducted by Dr. Cynthia Toles, adults who binge-watched more than one show a week were more prone to insomnia and a less-healthy diet. Further, "the process of watching several episodes of one show consecutively can cause changes to one’s sleep patterns” (Toles).

To follow MLA citation rules properly, what does the author of this essay need to do?

add a citation after each sentence in the essay
include a page number after the author’s name
remove the reference to the name of the doctor
place an end quotation mark after the end parenthesis


Get the Mla citation approved

4. John said, "I am writing a new novel". John said​



"I'm writing a new novel" John said,


Hana watches films
Change active to passive


the answer would be “Hana watched films”


Films were watched by Hana


Brainliest would be appreciated


please help Based on Dracula, Rebecca, and Station Eleven, write an essay that explains how the
authors’ use of sensory details helps readers to infer the authors tone. Be sure to use
details from all three passages to develop your essay.


The authors use sensory details to help readers infer the authors' tonal expressions. By using sensory details, the authors create a sense of mood and tone that helps to convey their intended message to the reader.

An essay that explains how the authors’ use of sensory details:

Sensory details are descriptions that appeal to one or more of the five senses – sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell – and allow readers to more fully experience the story's setting, characters, and atmosphere.

In "Dracula", Bram Stoker uses sensory details to create a dark and foreboding tone that reflects the Gothic horror genre. The novel's setting of a medieval castle in Transylvania is described in detail, with the author using vivid imagery to convey the sense of isolation and foreboding that the characters feel.

In "Rebecca", Daphne du Maurier uses sensory details to create a sense of tension and unease that reflects the psychological thriller genre. The novel's setting of an isolated English mansion is described in detail, with the author using sensory descriptions to convey the oppressive atmosphere that the characters experience.

In "Station Eleven", Emily St. John Mandel uses sensory details to create a tone of melancholy and reflection that reflects the post-apocalyptic genre. The novel's setting of a world devastated by a deadly flu pandemic is described in detail, with the author using sensory descriptions to convey the sense of loss and grief that the characters feel.

Read more about sensory details



Throughout the play, Ismene serves as a foil to Antigone. Although she is courageous like her sister, she is not rebellious. Find textual evidence from Antigone that demonstrates Ismene’s reluctance to transgress the law, her emphasis on silence, and her unwillingness to abandon Antigone.



Ismene tried to dissuade Antigone from defying Creon's orders by burying Polyneices, she believes they are weak women who shouldn't go against men or the monarchs will. Ismene believes they either should obey Creon's orders or face heavy consequences.


This is a sum up basically of whatever the Plato answer is but it's not so direct that it looks like you just copied and pasted. Hope this helps!

What points of view are revealed in the song Vietnam by Jimmy Cliff?



The song "Vietnam" by Jimmy Cliff expresses a variety of points of view regarding the Vietnam War. Here are some possible examples:

1. Opposition to the war: The song clearly expresses opposition to the Vietnam War, as evidenced by lines such as "I ain't no senator's son" and "It ain't me, it ain't me, I ain't no fortunate one." These lines suggest that the speaker does not support the war and is not willing to fight in it.

2. Concern for loved ones: The song also expresses concern for loved ones who may be in danger due to the war. The line "I hope you're not in Saigon" suggests that the speaker is worried about the safety of someone they care about.

3. Criticism of those in power: The song includes several lines that could be interpreted as criticism of those in power. For example, the line "Tin soldiers and Nixon's coming" suggests that the speaker does not have faith in the president's leadership.

4. Sympathy for soldiers: While the song clearly opposes the war, it also expresses sympathy for soldiers who are forced to fight in it. The line "We'll kill ten thousand, just to save one" suggests that the speaker understands the high human cost of the war.

Overall, the song expresses a complex set of viewpoints regarding the Vietnam War, including opposition to the war, concern for loved ones, criticism of those in power, and sympathy for soldiers. By expressing these viewpoints through music, Jimmy Cliff and other protest singers of the era were able to engage with political issues in a way that was accessible and emotionally compelling to a wide audience.

4. Which fraction would make this equation true? 7 x 8\3\4





multiply 7 and 8 = 56
Then divide by [tex]\frac{3}{4}[/tex]
which equals [tex]\frac{224}{3}[/tex]

Tom Sawyer avoids making a request or a demand, but he does use argumentative techniques to persuade his friends to help him. Write a letter
from the point of view of Tom Sawyer trying to persuade a neighbor to hire him for a whitewashing job, using language that represents Tom's
unique perspective. Include some figurative language used as rhetorical devices to advance the appeal as well.


After some haggling, Ben agrees to give Tom his apple in exchange for the right to work on the fence after Tom Sawyer persuades him that whitewashing a fence is a great deal of fun.

What is Tom's most significant and telling decision in The Adventures of Tom Sawyer?

Tom made a moral decision to risk his life to save Muff Potter, and he was right to do so. This decision was largely the result of the internal conflict he experienced prior to Muff Potter's trial, demonstrating that difficulties are what make children mature.

What serves as the novel's central theme?

The American experience has a strong emphasis on adventure, exploration, and discovery. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer's central theme revolves on it. Driven by his inventiveness and sense of dignity, Tom is an explorer, an adventurer, and a thrill-seeker.

To know more about Tom Sawyer visit:-



Help me pleaeeeee Hereeeee please I will give crown


11. B
12. D
13. B
14. B
15. C
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Find the slope of a line with the cordnates of (6,1) and (-3,5) HURRY PLEASE!The three vehicles shown below are driving down the street at a constant velocity of 5 m/s. The blue car has a mass of 700 kg. The red car has a mass of 1800 kg. The silver pickup truck has a mass of 3500 kg. Annie-Drew wants to make a line graph showing the relationship between the kinetic energy and mass of the cars traveling at a constant velocity. What would the graph look like? Pls pick one of the line pictures and be specific. Q9) Rashmi obtains 480 marks out of 600. Rajan obtains 560 marks out of 700. Whose performance is better? The path of a firecracker is modeled by the equation h(t) = -t^2 + 19t + 14, where h(t) is the hight, in feet, of the firecracker at any given time, t. What is the hight of the firecracker after 4 seconds from launch. A. 63 feetB. 68 feetC. 70 feetD. 74 feet "unemployed person." Your definition should answer such questions as: Are students on summer vacation unemployed? Are college professors who do not teach summer school unemployed? At what age are people considered to be eligible for the workforce? Are people who are out of work but not actively seeking a job unemployed? Alex picked 15 kilograms of red apples and 9 kilograms of green apples. What is the total mass of the apples Alex picked? What is the measure of angle B? The budget for the summer soccer program in Milltown is $20,000. How much is spent on staff salaries?$10,000$8,000$5,000$4,000$2,000 Write and solve an equation to represent the hanger. A customer selected a new wallet at a local department store that the salesperson said was made of the finest calfskin and was stitched by hand. The customer bought the wallet and left the store. A few moments later, he took out the wallet to transfer his cash and credit cards into it. On close inspection, he noticed a small nick in the leather. He immediately went back to the department store and demanded a refund. The salesperson refused.If the customer sues for a refund, who will prevail?A The customer, because there was a breach of contract.B The customer, because he had a reasonable time after purchase in which to inspect.C The department store, because the customer accepted the goods.D The department store, because the customer did not give written notice of the breach. Randy claims that he can purchase 3. 5 pounds of chicken salad for $23. 50. Is he correct? Explain. Jason wants to walk the shortest distance to get from the parking lot to the beach. How far is the spot on the beach from the parking lot?How far will his place on the beach be from the refreshment stand?A: 24 m; 32 mB: 38 m; 12 mC: 24 m; 18 mD: 34 m; 16 m Pls answer correctly Work out the value of 4 squared + 3 cubedhelp if can for 10+ points A baseball team played 154 regular season games. The ratio of the number of games they won to the number of games they lost was 2/5. How many games did they lose? (Type a whole number) Simplify (5+1)^2-(11+3^2) divided by 4 A solid metal sphere of radius 2. 00 m carries a total charge of -4. 20 C. How would the answers differ if the sphere was a solid nonconductor uniformly charged throughout? Which two statements, when read together, prove that susie ate tacos for dinner? analyzing data that has been already collected to improve marketing decisions, optimizing marketing returns, and making appropriate customer-related decisions is the function of blank . How do we find justice in an unjust world