!!(100 points)!! For each of the following chemical formulas, identify the elements present and the number of atoms of each element present in each molecule of the substance: H2SO4, Ca(NO3)2


Answer 1


H2SO4 Chemical Name

It contains two atoms of hydrogen, one atom of sulphur, and four atoms of oxygen. It has an atomicity of seven.

Calcium Nitrate is made up of three different elements and contains a total of nine atoms. This compound's formula is Ca(NO3)2. There is one calcium atom, two nitrogen atoms, and there are six oxygen atoms in calcium nitrate.

Answer 2

-Elements present:

Hydrogen (H), Sulfur (S), Oxygen (O)

Number of atoms of each element present in each molecule of the substance:

Hydrogen (H): 2 atoms

Sulfur (S): 1 atom

Oxygen (O): 4 atoms


Elements present:

Calcium (Ca), Nitrogen (N), Oxygen (O)

Number of atoms of each element present in each molecule of the substance:

Calcium (Ca): 1 atom

Nitrogen (N): 2 atoms

Oxygen (O): 6 atoms (2 from each NO3 group)

Related Questions

Which term is defined as the ability to dissolve within a given solvent?
O solution
O solubility
O dissociating
O dissolving





Solubility is the maximum concentration of a solute that can dissolve in a solvent at a given temperature. At the maximum concentration of solute, the solution is said to be saturated. The units of solubility can be provided in mol/L or g/L.

Effect of Solvent:
Record the results.
H2O =
alcohol =
glycerin =
In which liquid is the salt most soluble?
Using the concept of `'Like dissolves like," explain why you got the results you did.
Explain how the choice of solvent affects the dissolving process.
Effect of Pulverizing:
Record of dissolving times.
crystal =
pulverized =
Why are the dissolving rates different?
Effect of Temperature:
Record of dissolving times.
cold =
Using the concepts of kinetic energy, describe why you found the results you did.
Effect of Stirring:
Record the times necessary to dissolve each sample.
Record of dissolving time.
stirred =
unstirred =
Perform the experiment again using hot tap water this time. Are there any differences in the results between the cold water experiment and the hot water experiment? Explain.

Review the four factors of dissolving you have just investigated. Given the correct solvent for a solute, what could you do to hasten the solution process?





To hasten the solution process, we can choose the correct solvent for the solute, pulverize the solute to increase its surface area, increase the temperature of the solvent.

Effect of Solvent:

H2O = most soluble

alcohol = least soluble

glycerin = intermediate solubility

The salt is most soluble in water because salt is an ionic compound and water is a polar solvent. "Like dissolves like" means that substances with similar polarity and intermolecular forces tend to dissolve each other. Water is a polar solvent, meaning it has a partial positive charge on one end and a partial negative charge on the other, while salt is an ionic compound made up of positively and negatively charged ions. The partial charges on the water molecule can interact with the ions of salt, causing the salt to dissolve.

The choice of solvent affects the dissolving process because it determines the ability of the solvent to interact with the solute. Solvents that are similar in polarity and intermolecular forces to the solute tend to dissolve the solute more easily.

Effect of Pulverizing:

crystal = longest dissolving time

pulverized = shortest dissolving time

The dissolving rates are different because pulverizing the salt increases its surface area, exposing more salt to the solvent and allowing for a greater opportunity for the solute-solvent interactions to occur.

Effect of Temperature:

cold = longest dissolving time

hot = shortest dissolving time

Increasing the temperature of the solvent increases the kinetic energy of the solvent molecules, which leads to more frequent and energetic collisions with the solute particles, resulting in faster dissolving rates.

Effect of Stirring:

stirred = shorter dissolving time

unstirred = longer dissolving time

Stirring increases the rate of the dissolving process by helping to disperse the solute particles evenly throughout the solvent, increasing the surface area of the solute that is in contact with the solvent, and promoting the mixing of the solute and solvent.


To hasten the solution process, we can choose the correct solvent for the solute, pulverize the solute to increase its surface area, increase the temperature of the solvent, and stir the solution to disperse the solute particles evenly throughout the solvent.

Learn more about solubility here



A sample of gas is in a container with a movable piston. The volume in the container is originally 850 ML at a temperature of 467K and a pressure of 11 point 4K PA. What will the new temperature if the volume is expanded to 1125 in El with a new pressure of 99.7 K PA?


If the volume is increased to 1125 in El with a new pressure of 99.7 K PA, the new temperature will be around 808 K.

What transpires to the gas volume in a moveable piston cylinder?

Once the piston's pressure has doubled, it goes downward until the gas's pressure and the piston pressure are equal. The gas has now lost half of its original volume. The volume of gas falls to one-fourth of its initial volume if the pressure on the piston is once more increased by a factor of two.

This issue can be resolved using the coupled gas law:

(P1V1) / T1 = (P2V2) / T2

Using the following conversions, we can first change the starting volume to litres and the original pressure to atmospheres (atm):

1 mL = 0.001 L

1 kPa = 0.00987 atm

V1 = 850 mL = 0.85 L

P1 = 11.4 kPa = 0.1126 atm

T1 = 467 K

The new volume and pressure can also be converted to litres and atmospheres:

V2 = 1125 mL = 1.125 L

P2 = 99.7 kPa = 0.984 atm

Now we can plug in the values and solve for T2:

(P1V1) / T1 = (P2V2) / T2

(0.1126 atm * 0.85 L) / 467 K = (0.984 atm * 1.125 L) / T2

T2 = (0.984 atm * 1.125 L * 467 K) / (0.1126 atm * 0.85 L)

T2 = 808 K

To know more about temperature visit:-




548 K

I hope this helps! Cheers ^^

4 Read the sentence from the introduction [paragraph 1].

Matter is capable of undergoing changes, which are classified as either physical or chemical.
Which phrase could BEST replace "is capable of undergoing" in the sentence above?
(A) has the knowledge to perform
(B) has the ability to experience
(C) has the experience to recognize
(D) has the opportunity to facilitate


Answer: A


You thought i was feeling you that n was a munch

Which emission spectrum represents the copper?

A.) Spectrum A
B.) Spectrum B
C.) Spectrum C​​


The emission spectrum of copper can be seen from the spectrum C

What is the emission spectrum?

An emission spectrum is the pattern of wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation emitted by a substance when it is excited by heat, electricity, or some other energy source. Each element, molecule, or compound has a unique emission spectrum, which can be used to identify it or to study its physical and chemical properties.

The emission spectrum is produced when electrons in the atoms or molecules are excited to higher energy levels, and then return to their ground state by releasing energy in the form of photons. The energy of each photon corresponds to a specific wavelength, and the collective emission of all the photons produces a characteristic pattern of bright lines or bands in the electromagnetic spectrum.

Learn more about emission spectrum:https://brainly.com/question/27268130


Match these

Independent Variable

Amount of water
if a plant receives more water it will grow more
100mL of water yielded the highest mass and height of plants


The conclusion is the result of the experiment, which supports the hypothesis by stating that 100mL of water yielded the highest mass and height of plants.

Hypothesis: If a plant receives more water, it will grow more.

Independent Variable: Amount of water.

Conclusion: 100mL of water yielded the highest mass and height of plants.

In this experiment, Hypothesis states the relationship between the independent variable and the dependent variable. The independent variable is the amount of water, and the dependent variable is the growth of the plants.

The conclusion is the result of the experiment, which supports the hypothesis by stating that 100mL of water yielded the highest mass and height of plants.

To know more about water yield, visit:



Do you think these portions of the DNA get transcribed? (JUNK DNA) Why or why not?

Pls needed answer asap thnku smmm


Yes, a research in 2012 called the ENCODE project showed that about 75% of noncoding DNA or Junk DNA do get transcribed.

What is Junk DNA?

The term "Junk DNA" is often used to refer to regions of the DNA that do not appear to code for functional genes, and their function or lack thereof is still a subject of active research and debate in the scientific community.

While it was once believed that these non-coding regions of DNA were "junk" and had no functional role, recent research has shown that some of these regions may have important regulatory functions, such as controlling gene expression or modulating chromosome structure.

In 2012, the ENCODE project determined that around three-quarters of the noncoding DNA in the human genome did undertake transcription and that almost half of the genome was accessible to proteins involved in genetic control such as transcription factors.

Some scientists, however, have questioned these findings, claiming that the accessibility of these genomic sequences to transcription factors does not necessarily imply that they have any biochemical significance or that transcription of the segments is favorable in terms of evolution.

Learn more about Junk DNA on:

If I have 4 moles of a gas pressure of 5.6 atm and a volume of 12 liters what is the temperature


Answer: 204.63 K


Ideal gas law



T= 5.6 X 12/(4 x0.0821)= 204.63 K

R= ideal gas constant = 0.0821

Indicate the type of intermolecular forces hold liquid nitrogen (N2) together?



Nitrogen liquefies at -195.8°C at room temperature.

At -182.95°C, the periodic table equivalent (oxygen) boils.

The boiling point of nitrogen is lower because there are fewer interactions between nitrogen molecules (N2).

The degree of electron fluctuation within a molecule affects interactions between non-polar molecules.

Van der Waals forces are the oldest sort of intermolecular contact, named after Dutch chemist Johannes van der Waals.

The Van der Waals forces, which include dipole-dipole and dispersion forces, are the weakest intermolecular forces.

Help please
2.0 mol of Ca(OH)2 are mixed with 2.0 mol of HCl according to the following equation:
a. Which chemical is in excess and which is limiting reactant?
b. What is the excess in grams?
c.Theoretically, how many moles of H2O will be produced?




Limiting is HCl and excess is Ca(OH)2

excess is 296 grams Ca(OH)2

2 moles H2O will be formed

A mixture of 0.2000 mol of CO2, 0.1000 mol of H2 and 0.1600 mol of H2O is placed in a 2.000 L vessel. The following equilibrium is established: CO2(g) + H2(g) ⇌ CO(g) + H2O(g) At equilibrium [H2O] = 0.0856 M. a. Calculate the equilibrium concentrations of CO2, H2 and CO. b. Calculate Kc for the reaction


The equilibrium concentrations of CO₂, H₂, and CO are 0.170 M, 0.084 M, and 0.016 M, respectively.

The equilibrium amounts, what are they?

Making an equilibrium concentration calculation. A chemical reaction is said to be in a state of chemical equilibrium when both the reactants and the products are in a concentration that does not vary over time any longer.

The reaction's equilibrium constant formula is as follows:

Kc = ([CO][H₂O])/([CO₂][H₂])

We obtain the following by plugging in the equilibrium amounts from the ICE table:

Kc = ((x)(0.0856))/((0.20 - x)(0.10 - x))

b. In order to determine Kc, we must first determine x using the equilibrium formula and the specified equilibrium H₂O concentration:

Kc = ((x)(0.0856))/((0.20 - x)(0.10 - x)

Kc = (x(0.0856))/(0.02 - 0.3x + x - 0.01x)

Kc = (x(0.0856))/(0.02 - 0.21x)

Kc(0.02 - 0.21x) = 0.0856x

0.02Kc - 0.21Kcx = 0.0856x

0.21Kcx + 0.0856x = 0.02Kc

x(0.21Kc + 0.0856) = 0.02Kc

x = (0.02Kc)/(0.21Kc + 0.0856)

x = (0.02Kc)/(0.21Kc + 0.0856

After solving for the equilibrium concentrations of CO₂, H₂, and CO and substituting this equation for x back into the ICE table, we arrive at:

[CO₂] = 0.170 M

[H₂] = 0.084 M

[CO] = 0.016 M

To know more about equilibrium concentrations visit:-



I have included an overview of the topics you MUST include in your presentation.
Topic Outlines:

Biomass (10 points)

1. What does “Biomass” mean? How is Biomass being used today as a substitute for gasoline to run cars, trucks or buses?

2. What are some different ways Biomass is being used to heat homes today?

3. Name and explain 3 advantages/disadvantages in using Biomass compared to using Fossil Fuels or other alternative energies (specifically include environmental issues that can happen).

4. Explain the energy conversions when producing energy with Biomass. (Use the words: Potential Energy and Kinetic Energy).

Geothermal (10 point)
5. Where does geothermal energy come from?

6. How can geothermal energy be used to create electricity?

7. How can geothermal energy be used directly to heat homes and factories?

8. What is a “heat pump”?

9. Name and explain 3 advantages and disadvantages in using geothermal energy compared to using fossil fuels and other alternative energies. (Specifically include environmental issues that can happen).

Hydroelectric (10 points)

10. What is a good definition of hydroelectric power?

11. How does “moving water” get turned into electrical energy? Explain each part of the dam from the moving water to production of electricity.

12. Name and explain 3 advantages/disadvantages of getting electricity from hydroelectric power and how it compares to using fossil fuels or alternative energies. (specifically include environmental issues that can happen

13. Find one example in the U.S. that uses hydroelectric power to create electricity?


Biomass refers to any organic matter that comes from plants or animals, such as wood chips, crop residues, or animal waste. Biomass can be converted into various forms of energy, such as electricity, heat, and fuel, and is being used as a substitute for gasoline to run cars, trucks or buses by converting it into biofuels like ethanol, biodiesel, or biogas.

Biomass can be used to heat homes in several ways, such as burning wood pellets or chips in stoves or boilers, using agricultural waste or wood waste as fuel, or installing biogas digesters that can produce heat from organic waste.

Advantages of using biomass include:

1. Its renewable nature,

2. Its potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and dependence on fossil fuels, and

3. Its ability to provide local sources of energy.

Disadvantages include:

1. The high cost of production and transportation

2. The potential for deforestation and habitat loss

3. The release of pollutants and greenhouse gases during combustion

When producing energy with biomass, the potential energy stored in the organic matter is converted into kinetic energy by burning it or using other processes, such as gasification or pyrolysis, to release the energy. This kinetic energy can then be harnessed to generate electricity, heat, or fuel.

Geothermal energy comes from the heat that is generated from the Earth's core and mantle.

Geothermal energy can be used to create electricity by drilling wells into the Earth's crust and pumping hot water or steam to the surface, which can then drive turbines that generate electricity.

Geothermal energy can be used directly to heat homes and factories by circulating hot water or steam through pipes or using geothermal heat pumps.

A heat pump is a device that transfers heat from one place to another, such as from the ground to a building's heating system, by using a refrigerant to absorb and release heat.

Advantages of using geothermal energy include:

1. its low emissions and high efficiency,

2. its reliability and consistency,  

3. its potential for use in remote areas.

Disadvantages include:

1. the high upfront cost of installation,

2. the potential for depletion of geothermal reservoirs,

3. the risk of earthquakes and other geological hazards.

Hydroelectric power is a form of renewable energy that harnesses the power of moving water to generate electricity.

Moving water is channeled through a dam, which drives turbines that spin generators to produce electricity. The water is then released back into the river or diverted to another body of water. The dam also serves to regulate the flow of water and prevent flooding.

Advantages of using hydroelectric power include:its renewable nature, its potential for reliable and consistent power generation its ability to provide flood control and irrigation. Disadvantages include: the disruption of aquatic ecosystems, the potential for methane emissions from flooded land,  the high upfront costs of building dams and other infrastructure.

Hoover Dam, located on the Colorado River on the border between Arizona and Nevada, is a major example of a hydroelectric power plant in the U.S

What is the history of hydroelectric power?

The history of hydroelectric power dates back to the 19th century, with the development of water turbines and generators. The first hydroelectric power plant was built in Appleton, Wisconsin in 1882, by a man named H.J. Rogers.

However, the concept of using water to produce mechanical power had been around for centuries. In ancient times, waterwheels were used to power mills and other machinery, and in the Middle Ages, water power was used to operate various devices, such as water pumps, sawmills, and hammers.

Learn about  hydroelectric power here https://brainly.com/question/786046


Can someone help me do a CER 8-10 sentences


Yes, shining light on metal can cause it to get warm, regardless of the type of light used. When light strikes surface, some of its energy is absorbed by material, which causes atoms to vibrate, leading to increase in material's temperature and this effect is known as thermal radiation.

Does it matter what type of light shines on the meta?

The amount of heat generated depends on several factors, including the intensity of light, duration of exposure, and material's properties, such as its reflectivity, emissivity and specific heat capacity.

I case of the metal used to make satellites, it absorbs infrared light, which means that it will be heated up if exposed to this type of light. However, metal transmits X-ray light and reflects visible light, so it will not be heated by these types of light.

Therefore, it is essential to consider type of light used when assessing heat generated by material. Different materials have different spectral responses to light, which means that they will absorb, reflect or transmit different types of light, and as a result, they will behave differently when exposed to light.

To know more about satellites, refer



What is another example, in real life, where we can prove that gases exist even though we can not see them? Explain why you believe this is a good example.


Well, us human being rely on [tex]o_{2}[/tex] (oxygen). We human beings breathe this in every day because we need it to survive. This is a good example because it explains how humans don't see [tex]o_{2}[/tex] but use it every day.

Which of the following occurs in an endothermic reaction but not in an exothermic reaction?
A. Chemical bonds are broken.
B. Atoms are rearranged.
C. Energy is absorbed.



C. Energy is absorbed.


In an endothermic reaction, energy is absorbed from the surroundings, resulting in an increase in the internal energy of the system. This means that the products of the reaction have a higher energy content than the reactants, and energy is stored in the chemical bonds of the products.

Therefore, option C, energy absorption, occurs in an endothermic reaction.

Hydrogen (10 points)

14. What does using hydrogen as a fuel source mean? How is it combined to create an energy source?

15. Explain where hydrogen is found. What are sources of hydrogen found on Earth?

16. Name and explain 3 advantages/disadvantages of using hydrogen as a fuel source and how it compares to using fossil fuels and other alternative energies (specifically include environmental issues that can happen.

17. What is a fuel cell? How does it work? (include diagram)

Solar Power (10 points)

18. What is a good definition of solar energy?

19. How does a solar cell make electricity? What is it made of?

20. Name and explain 3 advantages/disadvantages about solar energy to heat or produce electricity compared to using fossil fuels or other alternatives (specifically include environmental issues that can happen.

21. Find an example of solar energy being used in the U.S.?


An example of solar energy being used in the U.S is in the heating of swimming pools, and powering of cabins in off grid regions.

Hydrogen and Solar Energy

14. Using hydrogen as a fuel source involves using it as a primary energy carrier to power vehicles or generate electricity. It can be combined with oxygen to create water, producing energy in the process. The process of using hydrogen as a fuel source is known as hydrogen fuel cell technology, which involves the conversion of chemical energy into electrical energy.

15. Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe but is rarely found in its pure form on Earth. It is usually found in combination with other elements such as oxygen in water, carbon in hydrocarbons, and nitrogen in ammonia. Hydrogen can be extracted from water, natural gas, coal, and biomass through various methods such as steam-methane reforming, electrolysis, and biomass gasification.

16. Advantages of using hydrogen as a fuel source include:

It is a clean energy source that produces no greenhouse gases or air pollutants when burned, emitting only water vapor and heat.It is highly efficient, with a higher energy density than fossil fuels, making it a potent source of energy for transportation and electricity generation.It can be produced from a wide variety of domestic and renewable sources, reducing reliance on imported oil and promoting energy independence.

Disadvantages of using hydrogen as a fuel source include:

It is expensive to produce, store, and transport, making it less cost-effective than fossil fuels and other alternative energies.It requires a lot of energy to produce, mainly from fossil fuels, which defeats the purpose of using it as a clean energy source.The infrastructure for hydrogen fuel cell technology is not yet well established, limiting its widespread adoption and use.

17. A fuel cell is an electrochemical device that converts chemical energy into electrical energy through a chemical reaction between hydrogen and oxygen. It consists of an anode, a cathode, and an electrolyte, with the hydrogen fuel entering the anode and the oxygen entering the cathode. The hydrogen molecules are split into protons and electrons, with the protons passing through the electrolyte and the electrons flowing through an external circuit, generating electricity. The oxygen combines with the protons and electrons at the cathode, producing water as the only byproduct.

18. Solar energy is a form of renewable energy that is derived from the sun's radiation. It is harnessed through various technologies such as photovoltaics, solar thermal systems, and concentrated solar power to generate electricity, heat water, and power homes and businesses.

19. A solar cell is a semiconductor device that converts sunlight directly into electricity through the photovoltaic effect. It is made of a thin layer of a semiconductor material such as silicon that is treated with impurities to create a p-n junction. When sunlight strikes the cell, it creates an electric field that separates the positively charged holes and negatively charged electrons, generating an electric current.

20. Advantages of using solar energy include:

It is a clean and renewable energy source that produces no greenhouse gases or air pollutants when used.It is becoming more cost-effective, with the cost of solar panels decreasing over time and becoming more efficient.It can be installed on rooftops or in remote areas, reducing the need for extensive power lines and infrastructure.

Disadvantages of using solar energy include:

It is dependent on sunlight and may not be available at all times, requiring energy storage or backup systems.It requires large surface areas to generate significant amounts of electricity, making it unsuitable for densely populated urban areas.The production of solar panels requires toxic chemicals and materials that can harm the environment if not disposed of properly.

21. An example of solar energy being used in the U.S is in the heating of swimming pools, and powering of cabins in off grid regions.

Esters, amines, and amides have many uses in medicine. Investigate one of the following drugs further: aspirin, Benadryl, or Tylenol and give its scientific name. What kind of functional groups does it contain?


Esters, amines, and amides have many uses in medicine, and so do carboxylic acids, such as aspirin. Aspirin is the drug that will be investigated further. Its scientific name is acetylsalicylic acid.

What kind of functional groups does Aspirin contain?

Acetylsalicylic acid contains two functional groups: a carboxylic acid group (-COOH) and an ester group (-COO-CH₃). The carboxylic acid group is responsible for the acidic properties of aspirin and allows it to form salts with bases. The ester group is formed from the reaction between the carboxylic acid group of salicylic acid and acetic anhydride. This esterification reaction makes aspirin more soluble in organic solvents and less irritating to the stomach than salicylic acid.

Aspirin is a widely used medication that has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and antipyretic properties. It works by inhibiting the production of prostaglandins, which are responsible for pain, inflammation, and fever. Aspirin is commonly used to treat headaches, fever, arthritis, and other inflammatory conditions. It is also used as a blood thinner to prevent heart attacks and strokes.

To know more about aspirin, visit:



An isotope of hydrogen, known as Tritium (hydrogen-3), has a half-life of 12 years. If a sample of tritium was prepared 60 years ago, what was its original mass if its current mass is 0.42 micrograms?

Options for answers:
a.) 1.7mg b.) 13.4mg c.) 6.7mg d.) 26.8mg e.) 3.4mg


The original mass of Tritium (hydrogen-3) was 13.4mg if its current mass is 0.42 micrograms.

The formula for radioactive decay is given by:

N = N0 x (1/2)^(t/T)


N = final number of radioactive atoms

N0 = initial number of radioactive atoms

t = time elapsed

T = half-life of the radioactive substance

Let's substitute the given values into the formula:

0.42 μg = N0 x (1/2)^(60/12)

0.42 μg = N0 x (1/2)^5

0.42 μg = N0 x 1/32

N0 = 0.42 μg x 32

N0 = 13.44 μg

Therefore, the original mass of the tritium sample was 13.44 micrograms.

What is radioactive decay?

Radioactive decay is the process by which an unstable atomic nucleus loses energy by emitting ionizing radiation, such as alpha particles, beta particles, and gamma rays. This process can result in a change in the number of protons and/or neutrons in the nucleus, leading to the transformation of one element into another. The rate of decay is typically characterized by a half-life, which is the time required for half of the atoms in a sample to decay.

To know more about radioactive decay, visit:



What periodic trend does the atomic radius follow? A. It increases from left to right. B. It decreases from top to bottom. C. It stays the same across the table. D. It decreases from left to right.


Answer: D


It increases from right to left and down the periodic table.  So your answ3er would be D.  that it is decreasing from left to right.

A + B = AB is an example of a ________reaction



   A + B = AB is an example of a synthesis reaction


How many liters are in a 6M solution containing 17 moles?


Answer: There are 102,000,000 liters in the container.

How many milliliters of 9.89 M nitric acid solution should be used to prepare 3.50 L of 0.200 m HNO3? _____mL


Answer: Therefore, 70.7 mL of 9.89 M nitric acid solution should be used to prepare 3.50 L of 0.200 M HNO3.


To prepare 3.50 L of 0.200 M HNO3, we need to calculate the amount of HNO3 required and then determine the volume of 9.89 M nitric acid solution needed to prepare this amount of HNO3.

The amount of HNO3 required can be calculated using the formula:

amount of HNO3 (in moles) = volume of solution (in liters) x concentration of HNO3 (in moles per liter)

Substituting the given values:

amount of HNO3 = 3.50 L x 0.200 mol/L = 0.700 mol

Now, we can use the amount of HNO3 and the concentration of the nitric acid solution to calculate the volume of the nitric acid solution needed:

volume of nitric acid solution = amount of HNO3 (in moles) / concentration of nitric acid solution (in moles per liter)

Substituting the given values:

volume of nitric acid solution = 0.700 mol / 9.89 mol/L = 0.0707 L

Finally, we can convert the volume to milliliters:

volume of nitric acid solution = 0.0707 L x 1000 mL/L = 70.7 mL

Therefore, 70.7 mL of 9.89 M nitric acid solution should be used to prepare 3.50 L of 0.200 M HNO3.

Regenerate response

If only 1600 grams of CO2 are produced, what is the percent error of this reaction?





The enthalpy of vaporization for water is 40.7 kJ/mol. Water has a vapor pressure of 101.3 kPa at 100.0 oC. Using the Clausius-Clapeyron equation, what is the vapor pressure for methanol at 77.2 oC?


The Clausius-Clapeyron equation relates the vapor pressure of a liquid at two different temperatures to its enthalpy of vaporization. It can be written as:

ln(P2/P1) = (-ΔHvap/R) x (1/T2 - 1/T1)

where P1 and T1 are the known vapor pressure and temperature of the liquid at one temperature, P2 is the vapor pressure of the liquid at the other unknown temperature T2, ΔHvap is the enthalpy of vaporization for the liquid, and R is the gas constant.

To use this equation to calculate the vapor pressure of methanol at a specific temperature, we need to know the vapor pressure of methanol and its enthalpy of vaporization at another temperature. For example, suppose we know that the vapor pressure of methanol at 25°C (298.15 K) is 13.02 kPa and its enthalpy of vaporization is 35.2 kJ/mol. We can use this information to calculate the vapor pressure of methanol at a higher temperature, such as 77.2°C (350.35 K).

Using the equation and the known values, we get:

ln(P2/13.02 kPa) = (-35.2 kJ/mol / (8.314 J/(mol.K))) x (1/350.35 K - 1/298.15 K)

Solving for P2:

P2 = 74.55 kPa

Therefore, the vapor pressure for methanol at 77.2°C is approximately 74.55 kPa.

A bottle of nail polish remover containing ethyl acetate was spilled in an unventilated room measuring 9.00 m × 6.00 m × 3.00 m. After some time had passed, it was determined that 8.701 g of ethyl acetate had evaporated. Calculate the concentration of ethyl acetate in milligrams per cubic meter.



53.69 mg/m³


To calculate the concentration of ethyl acetate in milligrams per cubic meter, we need to know the total volume of the room and the amount of ethyl acetate that evaporated in grams.

The total volume of the room is:

V = l x w x h

V = 9.00 m x 6.00 m x 3.00 m

V = 162.00 cubic meters

To convert the amount of ethyl acetate evaporated from grams to milligrams, we multiply by 1000:

amount of ethyl acetate = 8.701 g = 8,701 mg

Now we can calculate the concentration of ethyl acetate in milligrams per cubic meter:

concentration = amount of ethyl acetate / volume of room

concentration = 8,701 mg / 162.00 cubic meters

concentration = 53.69 mg/m³

Therefore, the concentration of ethyl acetate in the unventilated room is 53.69 mg/m³.

pls help!!
Which statement best describes the difference between speed and velocity?

Velocity is plotted on the x-axis of a graph and speed is plotted on the y-axis.

Velocity is related to position but speed is not.

Velocity does not depend on time but speed does.

Velocity has a specific direction but speed does not.



option a

Velocity is plotted on the x-axis of a graph and speed is plotted on the y-axis.

The Kp for the reaction A (g) ⇌ 2 B (g) is 0.0110. What is Kp for the reaction 2 B (g) ⇌ A (g)?


1/0.0110 = 99.9. = Kp

In an aqueous solution of magnesium bromide, the solute is


In an aqueous solution of magnesium bromide, the solute is magnesium bromide and the solvent is water.

Aqueous solution of magnesium bromide

The solute in an aqueous solution of magnesium bromide is the solid material, in this case magnesium bromide, dissolved in a liquid, which is the solvent. In this case, the solvent is water. Water is an excellent solvent because of its ability to form hydrogen bonds with other molecules, which allows it to dissolve many different substances.

In addition, it is a polar molecule, meaning that one end of the molecule has a slightly positive charge while the other end has a slightly negative charge. This polarity allows water molecules to interact with molecules of other substances, including magnesium bromide, which is also a polar molecule, allowing it to dissolve in the water.

The interaction between the polar water molecules and the polar magnesium bromide molecules causes the magnesium bromide to break up into its component ions, forming a solution. The ions are then surrounded by water molecules, which keeps them in solution until the solution is evaporated.

Learn more about magnesium bromide here:



dry ice is solid carbon dioxide. represent carbon dioxide in the following three ways, symbolic, particulate. and macroscopic


In symbol form, ice is depicted as CO2, in particle form, as molecules of CO2 packed closely together, and in macroscopical form, as a white, crystalline substance that sublimates from a solid to a gas.

How is dry ice defined as solid carbon dioxide?

Because the gas when it solidifies resembles ice, ice ice is actually just carbon dioxide that has been solidified. Unlike regular ice, it instantly transforms into CO2 gas instead of melting into a liquid.

Why is dry ice a good illustration of sublimation?

Solid carbon dioxide is sometimes referred to as "dry ice." That's because when something warms up and changes state, it doesn't just dissolve into a liquid. Instead, it skips the liquid step and transforms right into a gas.

To know more about molecules visit:-



18. If we increase the temperature of the tank to 85° C, what will the new pressure be inside the tank?


The new pressure inside the tank would be approximately 101.8 kPa.

What is the relationship between temperature and pressure of a gas?

According to the ideal gas law, PV = nRT, where P is pressure, V is volume, n is the number of moles of gas, R is the gas constant, and T is temperature in Kelvin.Since the volume of the tank is constant, we can use the simplified form of the ideal gas law: P1/T1 = P2/T2, where P1 is the initial pressure, T1 is the initial temperature, P2 is the final pressure, and T2 is the final temperature.Converting 85° C to Kelvin (85 + 273.15 = 358.15 K), we can solve for P2: P2 = P1(T2/T1) = 101.3 kPa (358.15 K / 298.15 K) = 101.8 kPa.

Increasing the temperature of the tank to 85° C would result in a new pressure inside the tank of approximately 101.8 kPa.

To know more about pressure follow this link:



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