100 POINTS!!!
Using what you have learned from class, write a letter to Louis XVI persuading him to take a certain
action before the country turns to revolution. You may write your letter from the perspective of any
class/estate. Be sure to include what specific actions Louis should take, as well as how you believe
this will benefit the country as a whole and keep them from turning to revolution.


Answer 1


Dear King Louis XVI,

As a member of the Third Estate, I am writing to you with great concern for the future of our country. The people are growing increasingly frustrated and disillusioned with the current state of affairs, and I fear that if action is not taken soon, we will be faced with a revolution that could have disastrous consequences for us all.

I implore you to take immediate action to address the issues facing our country. Specifically, I believe that you must make sweeping reforms to the tax system and provide greater representation to the Third Estate in government.

Currently, the burden of taxation falls disproportionately on the Third Estate, while the First and Second Estates are largely exempt. This is deeply unfair and contributes to the growing resentment and anger felt by the people. By implementing a fairer tax system, you will not only ease the burden on the Third Estate but also demonstrate your commitment to the welfare of all your subjects.

Taking these actions will demonstrate your commitment to the well-being of your subjects and go a long way towards easing tensions in the country. If we can work together to address the concerns of the people, we can prevent a revolution that could have dire consequences for us all.

I urge you to act quickly and decisively before it is too late.


[Your Name]

Related Questions

5 nature of history.


In other words, the nature of history implies that history deals with past human actions, humanistic nature, fragmented history, dynamic events, selection of evidence, interpretation of facts etc

Some plants can grow from both a

A. seed and spore
B. cutting and seed
C. spore and cutting


Some plants have ability to reproduce through spores, which are tiny reproductive cells that can develop into new plants under the favorable conditions.

What is development?

Development refers to the process of social, economic, and cultural progress and improvement. It encompasses the changes and advancements in various aspects of life, such as technology, infrastructure, education, health, and standard of living. Development can occur at different levels, ranging from individual to community, society, or country. It aims to enhance the well-being of people, reduce poverty, and achieve sustainable growth. Development requires effective policies, strategies, and investments in areas such as education, healthcare, infrastructure, and social services. It also involves promoting equity, gender equality, and human rights. Development is a continuous process that requires collaboration and participation from individuals, communities, governments, and international organizations to achieve shared goals and aspirations.

To learn more about development, visit:



How did the U.S. seek to change its role in Latin America under the 'Good
Neighbor Policy'?


The Roosevelt administration signed agreements formalizing this new respect and sought to negotiate mutually beneficial trade agreements with Latin American countries. The benefits of the Good Neighbor Policy became evident when nearly every country in the region aligned itself with the United States in World War II.

5) Which of the following is NOT true of Botticelli?
A. He grew up in Rome, Italy.
B. He was a ward of the Medici family and religious pictures.
C. He painted many portraits of the Medici family.
He is most famous for his paintings on the Sistine Chapel at the


He is well known for his paintings in the Sistine Chapel at the Vatican, therefore Option D is entirely accurate.

What is one of Botticelli's most well-known works of art?

The Venus Birth'

The most famous piece of art by Botticelli does not depict a Christian narrative. Instead, it depicts a scene from The Birth of Venus, a famous myth. Classical stories like this one gained popularity throughout the Renaissance among the educated classes. The painting shows Venus emerging from the water on a shell and being led to the shore by soaring wind gods. It was probably commissioned by a wealthy member of the Florence Medici family.

To know about  Botticelli’s visit:



northwest ordinance explanation that rhymes


Below is short rhyme to help you remember the Northwest Ordinance:

What is the northwest ordinance about?

In 1787, it was decreed,

Northwest lands should be freed,

From British rule and Native strife,

To form new states and a new life.

The ordinance set out the way,

To make states from territories, come what may,

And in these states, it did decree,

Freedom of religion and slavery-free.

So if you want to remember this fact,

Just sing this rhyme and don't look back,

The Northwest Ordinance was key,

To the growth of our democracy.

Read more about northwest ordinance here:



What role does the Monroe Doctrine play in the War on Terror?


The Monroe Doctrine does not play a direct role in the War on Terror as it is a foreign policy principle related to the Western Hemisphere and European intervention. However, the principles of non-intervention and sovereignty promoted by the Monroe Doctrine have been cited by some as a basis for non-intervention in other regions of the world, including the Middle East.

For most of the American history, the isolationist tendency prevailed in its foreign policy. In its early years, American foreign policy was in fact a reflection of the American national interest, namely, to fortify the new nation’s independence. With the European continent torn apart by the great powers’ rivalry, the American nation could develop at its own pace, without any major external threat. Therefore, the nonalignment practice, the isolationism, the constant effort to remain free of entanglements overseas became characteristic features of the early American foreign policy (Kissinger, 10-12). The step forward in strengthening this view was made in 1823, when the Monroe Doctrine was proclaimed, a political decision basically stating that further European action on the American continent will be interpreted as an intervention and a threat for the new nation’s stability. Surprisingly accepted without much of a revolt by the European powers, the new doctrine defended America and assured an uninterrupted pursue of its goal: growing internally and turning itself into a Great Power, with the formidable advantage of not being threatened by state rivalry

Which of the following regions in Europe did Britain give away as part of the policy of appeasement?

The Sudetenland
The Rhineland



The Sudetenland

How did Pericles use the Delian League to Athens's advantage?



by proceeding to use the league to rebuild their economy, building a strong naval fleet and promoted the development of wider democracy in Athens at the detriment of the other member states making the Athenian Empire powerful in dictating the affairs of the league and it members.



What was one the goals of the new deal?



Which type of firm pays royalties in order to own your business?
Group of answer choices

A) corporation

B) sole proprietorship

C) franchise

D) partnership



The answer is C. franchise

applying Peruvian guano," Charles Bartlett, 1860
The view expressed in Source 1 shows what feature of economic
imperialism by the United States?
support of foreign leaders who show favoritism to the United States' economic interests
the United States expanding its territorial possessions to secure commodities for the
domestic market
creating tariffs to discourage foreign commodities and promote domestic producers
the structuring of trade policy in order to gain advantage for American companies



The quote "Applying Peruvian guano" by Charles Bartlett in 1860 reflects a feature of economic imperialism by the United States, namely the United States expanding its territorial possessions to secure commodities for the domestic market. Peruvian guano was a highly valued fertilizer in the 19th century, and the United States sought to secure a steady supply of it to support its rapidly expanding agricultural sector. The United States became the largest importer of Peruvian guano, and the demand for this fertilizer was so high that Peru became heavily dependent on its export.

The United States sought to secure its access to Peruvian guano by pursuing policies of economic imperialism. This involved expanding its territorial possessions in the Pacific and Latin America, and using military force and diplomacy to influence foreign leaders to support American economic interests. The U.S. government also offered financial and political support to American companies operating in foreign markets.

Overall, the pursuit of economic imperialism by the United States reflected its desire to secure access to key resources for its domestic market, and to promote the interests of American businesses operating in foreign markets. This had a profound impact on the development of the global economy, and shaped the political and economic relationships between countries around the world.

Opposition to the Mexican - American War referred to it as

A- The Democrat's War

B- Mr Madison's War

C- Mr Polk's War

D- Mr Taylor's War


C- Mr Polk's War

Opposition to the Mexican-American War was primarily led by members of the Whig Party, who referred to it as "Mr. Polk's War." President James K. Polk had initiated the conflict in 1846 by ordering U.S. troops to cross the Rio Grande into what was then Mexican territory. The Whigs opposed the war on several grounds, including concerns over the morality of taking land from a neighboring country and the fear that the expansion of slavery into new territories acquired from Mexico would upset the balance of power between free and slave states. The war ultimately resulted in a U.S. victory, with Mexico ceding a significant portion of its territory to the United States in the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo.

transcript The Freedmen's Bureau had great success in:
A. raising rates of landownership for Black Americans.
B. raising literacy rates among Black Americans.
C. gaining fair work contracts for formerly enslaved people.
D. ensuring enslavers were held accountable.


The answer is B. raising literacy rates among Black Americans.

The Freedmen's Bureau's greatest success was in forming public schools for formerly enslaved children and adults where they can learn basic reading, writing, and math.

What is the straightforward definition of literacy?

A person must be literate in order to work in society, accomplish their goals, and expand their knowledge and potential.

What does literacy serve as a means for?

Being illiterate in reading and writing is a major disadvantage. In addition to enhancing a person's life, literacy gives them the chance to learn skills that will able them to support their families and themselves.

To know more about Literacy visit:



What is the purpose of the 1st Amendment right of Free Speech?



The First Amendment's guarantee of free speech is one of the most significant and widely discussed rights in the Constitution. This stops the government from punishing persons criminally or civilly based on what they say or write.


Hope this helps!

Please mark me as brainiest!

which quotation supports the inference that one may be able to recognize which alaskan tribe made a totem pole by looking at it


Answer:The answer is: Because although Sanjay and his parents, live spiritually, and mentally in different worlds, they know that Sanjay is looking on the surface, and only by looking deep can he know who he really is, and where he comes from.


Sanjay, the little son of some Indian immigrants who is torn between his love for superheroes and his father's traditions, which include meditation and daily prayer. The story of a child who lives ignoring his origins.

The whole world of my parents revolved around their gods, the Hindu gods. His world and mine were diametrically separated.

And in the mind of a child who reluctantly agrees to his father's call to prayer. An annoying trance that, against all odds, manages to make it connect with its origins, and with the beliefs of its parent.

The answer is: Because although Sanjay and his parents, live spiritually, and mentally in different worlds, they know that Sanjay is looking on the surface, and only by looking deep can he know who he really is, and where he comes from.


The citizen has no role in government. One person possesses unlimited power. This is what type government?


In a place where citizen has no role in government. One person possesses unlimited power. This is a type of government known as dictatorship.

What does dictatorship means?

Dictatorship is a form of government in which one person or a small group has absolute power with no effective constitutional constraints. The term dictatorship derives from the Latin title dictator, which in the Roman Republic denoted a temporary magistrate given extraordinary powers to deal with state crises.

Modern dictators, on the other hand, are more akin to ancient tyrants than ancient dictators. The descriptions of ancient philosophers of the tyrannies of Greece and Sicily go a long way toward characterizing modern dictatorships. Dictators typically use force or fraud to gain despotic political power, which they then maintain through intimidation, terror, and the suppression of fundamental civil liberties. In order to maintain public support, they may also use mass propaganda techniques.

Read more about dictatorship



Under which stage of Signature Service do you have the task to "Add oil"?

Check/adjust tire pressure
Check/fill under-hood fluids
Perform installations
Install new oil filter


The under-hood fluids check/fill stage of Signature Service includes the task to "Add oil."

What this term define "Add Oil" in Signature Service?

"Add Oil" in Signature Service refers to the process of checking the level of engine oil and, if necessary, adding more oil to ensure that the engine is properly lubricated. This task is part of Signature Service's under-the-hood fluids check/fill stage, which includes checking and topping off various engine compartment fluids like transmission fluid, brake fluid, power steering fluid, windshield washer fluid, and engine oil. It is essential to keep the vehicle running smoothly and safely by keeping the fluid levels at the right levels. This can also help prevent costly engine damage.

To know more about Engine Oil, visit:



What kind of government did the tavern owner want


Answer: I'm pretty sure its a republican form of government.

By the end of the 1920s, the policy of the united states governmemt towards " Indian schools" in the country was to


Native American boarding schools that teach English, adhere to American principles, and encourage students to give up their cultural practises are used to assimilate and acculturate Native American.

What was one of the objectives of the US government in creating Indian boarding schools?

The goal of government Indian boarding schools was to forcibly remove American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian children from their families, Indian Tribes, Alaska Native Villages, and Native Hawaiian Community in order to culturally assimilate them.

What does 1923 have to do with the Indian school?

In the late 17th and early 20th centuries, boarding schools like the one in "1923" first appeared as re-education centres with the slogan "kill the Indian to save the kid." attempting to “civilize” the Indigenous. Their hair was cut.

To know more about Native American visit:-



Write a essay on conservation measures the need for conservation


Conservation measures are essential for protecting and preserving our natural resources for future generations.

What is conservation?

Conservation is the practice of protecting and preserving natural resources such as plants, animals, and their habitats, as well as natural systems like water and air. It involves using resources in a sustainable manner, ensuring that they are not depleted or damaged beyond repair. Conservationists work to protect biodiversity and maintain the balance of ecosystems, recognizing the interconnectedness of all living things. Conservation efforts may involve creating and enforcing laws and policies to limit resource use, restoring degraded habitats, promoting renewable energy, and educating the public about the importance of preserving natural resources. Ultimately, conservation is essential for maintaining a healthy planet and ensuring that future generations can continue to benefit from the Earth's natural beauty and resources.

To learn more about conservation, visit:



Why does Mr. Abagnale claim it is easy to get a fraudulent passport? What steps does someone have to take to make this happen?
Why was Mr. Abagnale arrested? What happened to him after his arrest?


Frank Abagnale, a former con artist turned security consultant, claims that it is relatively easy to obtain a fraudulent passport due to the lack of stringent security measures in place.

Why did Mr. Abagnale claim it is easy to get a fraudulent passport?

Abagnale's experience as a con artist involved him posing as a Pan Am pilot and using forged documents to travel the world. His claim is based on the idea that the security measures in place to prevent passport fraud are often weak and outdated, making it relatively easy for someone with the right knowledge and resources to obtain a fraudulent passport.

What steps does someone have to take to make this happen?

According to Abagnale, obtaining a fraudulent passport requires a few key steps:

Obtaining genuine documents: The first step is to obtain genuine documents, such as a birth certificate, driver's license, or Social Security card, which are used to establish identity.Forging a passport: Once the genuine documents have been obtained, the next step is to create a fraudulent passport.Submitting the application: The forged passport application is then submitted, typically to a government agency or embassy.

Read more about Frank Abagnale



What other laws have been made in history that compare to Nuremberg Laws

(think human rights in other time periods)



The Nuremberg Laws which was in Nazi Germany could be compared to Jim Crows Laws which was in the United States.

Hope it helped! :)

Why do you think anthropologists photograph remote tribes from helicopters rather than interacting with them directly?


Anthropology is the study of what makes people human. Anthropologists investigate all the various dimensions of the human experience from a holistic perspective.

What are Anthropologists?

The study of anthropology focuses on what makes humans human.

Holism is the approach that anthropologists use to explore all the varied facets of the human experience.

They look to the past through archaeology to understand how and what mattered to human groups hundreds or thousands of years ago.

A person who studies anthropology is known as an anthropologist.

The study of human characteristics within existing and past communities is known as anthropology.

Societal norms and values are investigated by social, cultural, and philosophical anthropologists.

Economic anthropology examines how people behave economically, while linguistic anthropology examines how language influences social life.

Therefore, anthropology is the study of what makes people human. Anthropologists investigate all the various dimensions of the human experience from a holistic perspective.

Know more about Anthropology here:



Where can I get a copy of "My New York" by Irving Berlin in sheet music format?


My Bluebird Was Caught In The Rain, by Irving Berlin 1930 Sheet Music,... Vintage 1927 New York Sheet Music Mayor of New York, James J. Walker, and Eddie Cantor.

Bluebirds do they visit bird feeders?

Bird feeders for specific foods, bird baths for water, and bird houses for nesting are all places they will go. Here are some foods, feeders, bird baths, and houses to attract and keep Eastern Bluebirds in your yard. While the eastern bluebird is not threatened or endangered, its population has declined as nesting sites have been taken over by more aggressive species such as house sparrows and European starlings.

To know more about Eddie Cantor visit:-



1. Explaining Why is Marbury v. Madison a landmark


Marbury v. Madison is a landmark case in the history of American law because it established the principle of judicial review, which is the power of the courts to review and strike down laws that are unconstitutional.

The case arose in 1801 when President John Adams appointed William Marbury as a justice of the peace in the District of Columbia. However, his appointment was not delivered before the end of Adams's term, and when Thomas Jefferson became president, his Secretary of State, James Madison, refused to deliver the appointment.

Marbury sued Madison, asking the Supreme Court to issue a writ of mandamus ordering Madison to deliver the appointment. In its decision, the Court held that the Judiciary Act of 1789, which Marbury relied on for his claim, was unconstitutional, as it gave the Supreme Court the power to issue writs of mandamus, which was not granted by the Constitution. In doing so, the Court established the principle of judicial review, stating that it was the duty of the courts to interpret the Constitution and to strike down laws that were inconsistent with it.

The principle of judicial review established in Marbury v. Madison has had a profound impact on American law and politics, as it has served as a check on the power of the other branches of government and has helped to protect individual rights and liberties. Judicial review has allowed the courts to strike down laws that violate the Constitution, even when those laws are passed by elected representatives or popularly supported, thereby ensuring that the Constitution remains the supreme law of the land. As such, Marbury v. Madison is considered one of the most significant cases in the history of the Supreme Court and has become a cornerstone of American constitutional law.

To know more about Marbury v. Madison:


How was education different for Aztec boys and girls?



Aztec boys and girls received different educations, depending on their social class. Boys from the nobility attended calmecacs, which were religious schools that taught them about the gods, history, and government. They also learned how to fight and use weapons. Girls from the nobility attended telpochcallis, which were schools that taught them how to cook, clean, and weave. They also learned about the gods and history.

Boys and girls from the commoner class attended telpochcallis. Here they learned how to farm, fish, and hunt. They also learned about the gods and history.

All Aztec children were taught to be loyal to the gods and to their country. They were also taught to be brave and to fight for their people.


Which issues were discussed as states created their constitutions? select each correct answer​


The correct answer is A. The US Constitution addressed the problem under the Articles of Confederation that Congress had no power to ensure its laws were followed by the states by creating an executive branch to enforce laws.Explanation:The Articles of the Confederation did not have a strong executive branch, but it was a Congress formed by different representatives that exercised a limited central power, while the laws emanating from it were to be enforced by the different states of the Union. This situation led to many states not complying with laws that were not favorable to their interests, which resulted in legal uncertainty that impaired the early development of the United States as a nation.This issue, which was evidenced in situations such as the Shay's Rebellion, led the Continental Congress to reform the Articles. Finally, the creation of the Constitution of the United States established a single-person executive branch, carried out by the President, who has the function of enforcing the laws in the national territory.

What characteristics did the governments of Germany, Japan, and Italy have in common as World War II began? Check all that apply.



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The governments of Germany, Japan, and Italy have in common as World War II began:

They supported an expansion of the military.

They promoted extreme nationalism.

Axis Power in World War II

The Axis powers consist of nations like Germany, Italy, and Japan, and their leaders were Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, and Hideki Tojo.

The Axis powers supported the expansion of the military as they displayed their military strength by conquering neighbouring nations.

The military was given an excessive amount of funding.

These nations use flags, patriotic songs and slogans to gain support from the public.    

Thus option A and D are the correct answer.

1. In three to five sentences, explain how the Revolutionary War ended. 2. In three to five sentences, compare the viewpoints of free and enslaved African Americans during the American Revolution. HELP I NEED TO DO THIS TODAY!


Two themes.

How did the Revolutionary War end in the United States?

While the battle of Yorktown ended major land operations for the Combatants, the war at sea continued, driven by privateers on both sides who wanted to make as much money as possible before the coming Peace. Nova Scotia continued to be especially hard hit with ‘wolf packs’ of American privateers praying on British shipping and coastal towns like Lunenburg, Nova Scotia, being raided (yet again) in early 1782. A Royal Navy vessel H.M.S. ‘Observer’ also fought a successful action at the mouth of Halifax Harbor in May of that year against the American privateer ‘Jack’. Right into the Spring of 1783 privateers continued to seize vessels but word soon filtered through of a preliminary Peace between England and America. As no ‘privateer’ wanted to be considered a ‘pirate’ with the Peace, the activity at sea dropped off by mid-1783. The final Peace came in September of that year.

African Americans:

Both sides had several thousand free and enslaved blacks fighting for their cause. While the American continental army had slightly more on their side, many of those were slaves forced into labor jobs for the army.

The British promised freedom to slaves who left their slave plantations and fought for them, thousands did. Some examples of this are lord Dunmores Ethiopian regiment and the Black brigade, and the defence of savannah which saw freed slaves fight on the side of the British against an American and french attack. Thomas Jefferson referred to these freed black loyalists soldiers as ‘the fugitives’. One of the regiments known as ‘The black brigade’, were one of the most feared british militias in New Jersey.

After the war, there were over 3000 black loyalists in New York that were evacuated to Nova Scotia, the West Indies or back to Britain. Thanks to the ‘book if negroes’ they had a list of all those who served, and when they found that someone who had served with them was forced back into slavery, the British government sent an envoy to find them and pay for their freedom, relocating them to Canada. Those freed blacks who were reenslaved were brutally treated for having served in the British military. Many of those freed slaves who went to Canada and Britain struggled with the climate, so they relocated to a part of Africa owned by the British empire, and created the nation now known as Sierra Leone. The reason why they went to Britain in the first place was due to slavery being illegal in Britain, therefore there was no chance of reenslavement.

The americans sometimes made the same promises of freedom after military service however there are many examples where they went back on that promise and reenslaved those who served. Unfortunately after independence African Americans were barred from military service, now noting that only ‘free able bodied white male citizens’ could join the military. Some southern slave owners not only went after their slaves who had defected to the British side, but attempted to enslave any black they had, the government turned a blind eye to this due to the wording in the peace negotiations that stated the US could take back any ‘American property’, slaves being seen as ‘american property’.

What were some rulers duties In ancient China


Answer: Officially, he performed the most important religious rituals in the calendar which included sacrifices at sacred mountain and river sites. The emperor was also responsible for the regular sacrifices which honoured his imperial ancestors and for the ceremonial first ploughing each agricultural year. “The emperor's duty was to insure that society expressed its natural order, which was but an aspect of the cosmic order of humanity (society), heaven, and earth ...The words of an emperor were considered sacred and were to be obeyed immediately.


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