11. three players on a baseball team are only permitted to pitch. the remaining 12 players are multitalented and can play any of the 8 remaining positions. how many baseball teams of nine can be formed?


Answer 1

There are 302,702,400 possible baseball teams of nine that can be formed with three designated pitchers and 12 multitalented players who can play any of the remaining positions.

Since three players are designated as pitchers, we need to choose three players out of the total 15 players on the team. This can be done in C(15, 3) ways, where C(n, r) represents the number of combinations of r objects selected from a set of n objects.

For the remaining six positions, any of the 12 multitalented players can be assigned to any of the positions, which means that there are 12 choices for the first position, 11 choices for the second position, and so on, down to 7 choices for the sixth position.

Therefore, the total number of baseball teams of nine that can be formed is:

C(15, 3) x 12 x 11 x 10 x 9 x 8 x 7

which simplifies to:

(15 x 14 x 13 / 3 x 2 x 1) x (12 x 11 x 10 x 9 x 8 x 7)

= 455 x 665,280

= 302,702,400

To learn more about combinations click on,



Related Questions

An industrial/organizational psychologist has been consulting with a company that runs weekend job-seeking workshops for the unemployed. She collected data on several issues related to these workshops and, after conducting statistical tests, obtained statistically significant findings. She needs to find a way to evaluate effect size so that she can make recommendations to the company. One of the psychologist's findings is that 18 months after the workshop, a sample of 81 job seekers who received training on using the Internet to find job listings worked more than 30 hours per week an average of 8. 7 months in the last year, with a standard deviation of 4. 1. The typical job seeker works 7. 4 months. The psychologist finds that the estimated Cohen's d is _____, the t statistic is 2. 83, and r^2 is ______. Using Cohen's d and Cohen's guidelines for interpreting the effect size with the estimated Cohen's d, there is a ______ treatment effect. Using r^2 and the extension of Cohen's guidelines for interpreting the effect size using r^2, there is a ______ treatment effect. Another one of the psychologist's findings is that a sample of 81 job seekers who received training on interview skills scored an average of 8. 1 as measured on a 9-point job search motivation scale, with a standard deviation of. 8. The typical job seeker scores 7. 4 points. She finds that the estimated Cohen's d is _____, the t statistic is 7. 78, and r^2 is _____ Using Cohen's d and Cohen's guidelines for interpreting the effect size with the estimated Cohen's d, there is a treatment effect. Using r^2 and the extension of Cohen's guidelines for interpreting the effect size with r^2, there is a ___ treatment effect


The psychologist finds that the estimated Cohen's d is  0.32, the t statistic is 2. 83, and r² is 0.073.  Using r² and the extension of Cohen's guidelines for interpreting the effect size using r², there is a small treatment effect.   job seeker finds that the estimated Cohen's d is 0.88, the t statistic is 7. 78, and r² is 0.479.Using r² and the extension of Cohen's guidelines for interpreting the effect size with r², there is a large treatment effect

To calculate the estimated Cohen's d, we use the formula

d = (M - M0) / SD

where M is the mean of the treatment group (job seekers who received training on using the Internet to find job listings), M0 is the mean of the control group (typical job seeker), and SD is the pooled standard deviation of the two groups. Using the given values, we have

M = 8.7 months

M0 = 7.4 months

SD = 4.1 months

So, d = (8.7 - 7.4) / 4.1 = 0.32

Using Cohen's guidelines for interpreting effect size with Cohen's d, a value of 0.2 is considered a small effect, 0.5 a medium effect, and 0.8 a large effect. Therefore, with an estimated Cohen's d of 0.32, there is a small treatment effect.

To calculate r², we use the formula

r² = t² / (t² + df)

where t is the t statistic, df is the degrees of freedom (n-2 for a two-group design), and n is the sample size. Using the given values for the Internet training group, we have

t = 2.83

n = 81

df = 79

So, r² = 2.83² / (2.83² + 79) = 0.073

Using the extension of Cohen's guidelines for interpreting effect size with r², a value of 0.01 is considered a small effect, 0.09 a medium effect, and 0.25 a large effect. Therefore, with an r² of 0.073, there is a small treatment effect.

For the job seekers who received training on interview skills, we can calculate Cohen's d and r² in a similar way

d = (M - M0) / SD = (8.1 - 7.4) / 0.8 = 0.88

t = 7.78

n = 81

df = 79

r² = 7.78² / (7.78² + 79) = 0.479

Using Cohen's guidelines for interpreting effect size with Cohen's d, a value of 0.2 is considered a small effect, 0.5 a medium effect, and 0.8 a large effect. Therefore, with an estimated Cohen's d of 0.88, there is a large treatment effect.

Using the extension of Cohen's guidelines for interpreting effect size with r², a value of 0.01 is considered a small effect, 0.09 a medium effect, and 0.25 a large effect. Therefore, with an  r² of 0.479, there is a medium to large treatment effect.

To know more about estimated Cohen's d:





Small to med






Step-by-step explanation:

help me please please ​


Answers below

x^4 * x^3 = x^12
Rule: multiply exponents you multiply coefficients but add the exponents.
*They multiplied the exponents
✅ = x^7

4w^5 * 5w^7 = 9w^12
Rule: multiply exponents you multiply coefficients but add the exponents,
*they added the coefficients
✅ = 20w^12

( g^2)^5
Rule: exponent of exponent you multiply the exponents,
*they added the exponents
✅ g^10

(2m^3)^4 = 2m^12
Rule: exponent of exponent with coefficient, distribute the outside exponent to the terms inside the parentheses, simplify the terms and combine them. * they only multiplied the exponents and neglected the coefficient term.
2^4 and (m^3)^4
16 and m^12
combine both terms
✅ 16m^12

y^-2 * y*5 = y^3
✅ this one is correct, add the exponents
-2 + 5 = 3 exponent, so y^3

2k^0 = 1
Rule; exponent of 0 zero makes the term value 1, * they made the whole term 1 and neglected the coefficient
✅ (2)(1) = 2

f^6 + f^1 = f^7
Rule: you cannot add unlike terms. It’s like adding apples and oranges. You cannot add f^6 and f^1, they are not the same. *they multiplied instead of added
So your answer is
✅ f^6 + f^1

Help me please….
it’s due tomorrow!!!


I hope this helps! I have attached the completed worksheet below:

Evan takes 100 milligrams of medicine. The amount of medicine in his bloodstream decreases by 0.4 milligram each minute for a number of minutes, m, after that. He writes the expression 100 - 0.4m to find the amount of medicine in his bloodstream after m minutes. Which statement about his expression is true?


The statement that is true about Evan's expression is that it represents a linear function of the amount of medicine in his bloodstream, where the initial amount is 100 milligrams and the rate of change is -0.4 milligrams per minute.

What is the equivalent expression?

Equivalent expressions are expressions that perform the same function despite their appearance. If two algebraic expressions are equivalent, they have the same value when we use the same variable value.

The expression 100 - 0.4m represents the amount of medicine in Evan's bloodstream after m minutes, where the amount of medicine decreases by 0.4 milligrams each minute.

The coefficient of the variable m (-0.4) represents the rate of change of the amount of medicine in Evan's bloodstream per minute. It tells us that for every one minute that passes, the amount of medicine in his bloodstream decreases by 0.4 milligrams.

The constant term (100) represents the initial amount of medicine in Evan's bloodstream before the medicine starts to decrease.

Therefore, the statement that is true about Evan's expression is that it represents a linear function of the amount of medicine in his bloodstream, where the initial amount is 100 milligrams and the rate of change is -0.4 milligrams per minute.

To learn more about the equivalent expression visit:



Using Trig to find a side.
Solve for x. Round to the nearest tenth, if necessary.



x = 9.0

Step-by-step explanation:

sin E = CD/EC = CD/x

<=>     sin 50 = 6.9/x     <=> x = 6.9/sin 50 ≅ 9.0

angles of triangles- does anyone know how to do this?


(1) m∠1=45°(sum of 3 angles of a triangle is always 180°)

(2) m∠1=180°-129°=51°(sum of two interior angles on the same side is equal to the exterior angle)

(3) m∠1= 152°-115°=37°

(4) m∠1=88°m∠2=42° m∠3=113°

What is an angle?

An angle is a geometric figure formed by two rays that share a common endpoint, called the vertex. The measure of an angle is typically expressed in degrees or radians, and it describes the amount of rotation needed to bring one of the rays into coincidence with the other.

Define triangle?

A triangle is a closed two-dimensional shape with three straight sides and three angles.

(1) m∠1=45°(sum of 3 angles of a triangle is always 180°)

(2) m∠1=180°-129°=51°(sum of two interior angles on the same side is equal to the exterior angle)

(3) m∠1= 152°-115°=37°(sum of two interior angles on the same side is equal to the exterior angle)

(4) m∠1=88°(sum of 3 angles of a triangle is always 180°),m∠2=42°(vertically opposite angle theorem), m∠3=113°(sum of 3 angles of a triangle is always 180°)

Learn more about angles here:




Consider the functions g(x) = 2x + 1 and h(x) = 2x + 2 for the domain 0 < x < 5

a. Without evaluating or graphing the functions, how do the ranges compare?

b. graph the 2 functions and describe each range over the given interval



see the images and explanation

Step-by-step explanation:

for the graph:

the domain 0 < x < 5

the range for each functions:

g(x) = 2x + 1

g(x) = y  ,   1 < y < 11

h(x) = 2x + 2 ,  2 < y < 12

#4 Please help!!!!!!!!!!



Step-by-step explanation:

A small can of tomato paste has a radius of 2 inches and a height of 4 inches. Suppose the larger, commercial-size can has dimensions that are related by a scale factor of 3. Which of these is true?


The correct statement about scale factor is the radius of the larger can will be 8 inches. (option c).

Let's first consider the dimensions of the small can of tomato paste. We are given that it has a radius of 2 inches and a height of 4 inches. Therefore, its volume can be calculated using the formula for the volume of a cylinder, which is V = πr²h, where V is the volume, r is the radius, and h is the height. Substituting the given values, we get:

V_small = π(2²)(4) = 16π cubic inches

Using these dimensions, we can calculate the volume of the larger can using the same formula:

V_large = π(6²)(12) = 432π cubic inches

Now, let's compare the volumes of the small and large cans. We have:

V_large = 432π cubic inches > 16π cubic inches = V_small

Therefore, we can conclude that the volume of the larger can is greater than the volume of the smaller can. But is it three times greater? Let's compare:

V_large = 432π cubic inches 3

V_small = 3(16π) cubic inches = 48π cubic inches

We see that 432π cubic inches is not equal to 48π cubic inches, so option b) is not correct.

Finally, let's consider the radius of the larger can. We found earlier that it is 6 inches, which is greater than the radius of the smaller can, but it is not 8 inches. Therefore, option c) is correct.

To know more about scale factor here



Complete Question:

A small can of tomato paste has a radius of 2 inches and a height of 4 inches. Suppose the larger, commercial-size can has dimensions that are related by a scale factor of 3. Which of these true?

a) The radius of the larger can will be 5 inches.

b) The volume of the larger can will be 3 times the volume of the smaller can

c) The radius of the larger can will be 8 inches.

d) The volume of the larger can is 3 times the volume of smaller can

in order to maintain accuracy, political polling groups must maintain a certain degree of confidence with a small margin of error. fivethirtyeight is a polling company that wishes to survey a population of people, but maintain a margin of error of 0.05 or less with a 99% confidence level. what is the smallest number of consumers they should survey to guarantee this?


A minimum sample size of 665 consumers that FiveThirtyEight should survey to guarantee a margin of error of 0.05 or less with a 99% confidence level.

What is the sample size?

Sample size refers to the number of observations or individuals included in a study or experiment. It is the number of subjects or units that are selected from a population to be studied. The sample size is an important consideration in statistical analysis, as it can affect the accuracy and generalizability of the results. A larger sample size generally leads to more precise estimates and stronger statistical power, but it can also be more costly and time-consuming to collect and analyze.

According to the given information

To calculate the minimum sample size required to maintain a margin of error of 0.05 or less with a 99% confidence level, we can use the formula:

n = (Z² * p * (1-p)) / E²

where n is the sample size, Z is the Z-score for the desired confidence level (2.576 for 99% confidence level), p is the estimated proportion of the population that has a certain characteristic (we can use 0.5 for maximum variability), and E is the margin of error.

Plugging in the values, we get:

n = (2.576² * 0.5 * (1-0.5)) / 0.05²

n = 664.3

Rounding up to the nearest whole number, we get a minimum sample size of 665 consumers that FiveThirtyEight should survey to guarantee a margin of error of 0.05 or less with a 99% confidence level.

To know more about sample size visit:



write an expression for the problem and evaluate the expression using the order of operations. bruce charged david and ricky $42 for parts and $12 per hour for labor to repair their motorcycle if he spent 3 hours repairing the bike how much money do david and ricky owe him?


The expression for the problem is:

Total cost = $42 + ($12/hour × 3 hours) × 2 people

How to write the expression

Bruce charged David and Ricky a fixed fee of $42 for parts plus an hourly rate of $12 for labor. He spent 3 hours repairing the motorcycle. Since there are two people (David and Ricky), we need to multiply the hourly rate by the number of hours worked (3) and then multiply that by 2. Finally, we add the fixed fee for the parts to get the total cost.

To evaluate the expression using the order of operations, we need to perform the multiplication first and then the addition. So, we have:

Total cost = $42 + ($12/hour × 3 hours) × 2 people

= $42 + ($36) × 2

= $42 + $72

= $114

Therefore, David and Ricky owe Bruce a total of $114 for the motorcycle repair.

Learn more expression on



5. Select Yes or No to indicate whether each ordered pair is a point of intersection
between the line x - y = 6 and the circle y² - 26 = -x².
Ordered Pair


To determine if each ordered pair is a point of intersection between the line x - y = 6 and the circle y² - 26 = -x², we need to substitute the values of x and y in both equations and see if they are true for both.

Select Yes or No to indicate whether each ordered pair is a point of intersection

For the ordered pair (1, -5):

x - y = 6 becomes 1 - (-5) = 6, which is true.

y² - 26 = -x² becomes (-5)² - 26 = -(1)², which is false.

Therefore, (1, -5) is not a point of intersection.

For the ordered pair (1, 5):

x - y = 6 becomes 1 - 5 = -4, which is false.

y² - 26 = -x² becomes (5)² - 26 = -(1)², which is true.

Therefore, (1, 5) is a point of intersection.

For the ordered pair (5, -1):

x - y = 6 becomes 5 - (-1) = 6, which is true.

y² - 26 = -x² becomes (-1)² - 26 = -(5)², which is false.

Therefore, (5, -1) is not a point of intersection.

So the answer is:

(1,-5) - No

(1,5) - Yes

(5,-1) - No

to know more about equations



A tram moved downward 12 meters in 4 seconds at a constant rate. What was the change in the tram's elevation each second?


Therefore , the solution of the given problem of unitary method comes out to be during the 4-second period, the tram's elevation changed by 3 metres every second.

What is an unitary method?

To complete the assignment, use the iii . -and-true basic technique, the real variables, and any pertinent details gathered from basic and specialised questions. In response, customers might be given another opportunity to sample expression the products. If these changes don't take place, we will miss out on important gains in our knowledge of programmes.


By dividing the overall elevation change (12 metres) by the total time required (4 seconds),

it is possible to determine the change in the tram's elevation every second. We would then have the average rate of elevation change per second.

=> Elevation change equals 12 metres

=> Total duration: 4 seconds

=>  12 meters / 4 seconds

=> 3 meters/second

As a result, during the 4-second period, the tram's elevation changed by 3 metres every second.

To know more about unitary method  visit:



A classmate of yours stated that a solid line is not a good representation of an arithmetic sequences. What logical assumption is your classmate using?
The classmate is not correct. A line is a good representation of an arithmetic sequence.
A line is a series of dots that represent each value of the sequence.
A line has the same slope as the common difference in the sequence.
An arithmetic sequence is a set of discrete values, whereas a line is a continuous set of values.


The logical assumption used is: An arithmetic sequence is a set of discrete values, whereas a line is a continuous set of values.

What is arithmetic sequence?

An arithmetic sequence is a set of numbers where, with the exception of the first term, each term is obtained by adding a fixed constant to the term before it. Every pair of following terms in the sequence has the same fixed constant, which is known as the common difference. A1 stands for the first term in an arithmetic sequence, while an is used to represent the nth term.

A solid line symbolises continuous numbers, whereas the classmate's logical presumption is that an arithmetic series comprises of discrete values. This presumption is untrue, though, as a line can effectively represent an arithmetic series.

Learn more about arithmetic sequence here:



A factory has 2 x 10^3 workers who make a total of 7 x 10^6 bikes each year. How many bikes does each worker make per year?




= 3,500

Step-by-step explanation:

therefore, each worker makes 3500 bikes per year

All help is appreciated thank you.


Using the fact that the triangles are similar we can see that the value of x is  36

How to find the value of x?

We can see that the triangles are similar due to the same interior angles, then ther is a scale factor k between them.

So we can write:

20*k = 48

k = 48/20 = 2.4


x = 15*2.4

x = 36

That is the value of x.

Learn more about similar triangles at:



cuantos números
primos son a la vez la suma y la diferencia


Answer: there is only one number


Solo hay un número primo que se puede escribir como suma de dos números primos y también como diferencia de dos números primos.

Espero haber ayudado :D

Jaxon made 5% of his free throws over the season. If he shot 220 free throws, how many did he make?



Jaxon made 11 free throws over the season.

Step-by-step explanation:

If he made 5% of his free throws, we know that he will make 5% of the total number of free throws he took, which is 220:

We multiply 220 by 0.05, or 5% to find out how many free throws he made:

220*0.05 = 11

After that, we now know that Jaxon made 11 of his free throws out of 220 over the course of the season, or 5%.

Nina uploaded a funny video on her website, which rapidly gains views over time.

The relationship between the elapsed time, ttt, in days, since Nina uploaded the video, and the total number of views, V(t)V(t)V, left parenthesis, t, right parenthesis, is modeled by the following function:

V(t)=500⋅(1. 8)t

Complete the following sentence about the daily percent change in the views of the video.

Every day,

\%%percent of views are

the total number of views of the video


Every day, the number of views of the video increases by 80% of the previous day's views.

Every day, the number of views of the video increases by a certain percentage. To find the daily percent change in the views, we can use the formula for percent change, which is given by:

percent change = ((new value - old value) / old value) * 100

In this case, the old value is the number of views at the start, which is 500, and the new value is the number of views after one day, which is given by:

V(1) = 500*(1.8)^1 = 900

Substituting these values into the formula, we get:

percent change = ((900 - 500) / 500) * 100 = 80%

In other words, for every day that passes, the number of views of the video is multiplied by a factor of 1.8.

To learn more about percent click on,



a cylinder has a radius of 3 cm and a height of 8 cm. what is the longest segment, in centimeters, that would fit inside the cylinder?


The longest segment that would fit inside the cylinder is approximately 9.06 centimeters.

The longest segment that would fit inside the cylinder would be the diagonal of the cylinder's base, which is equal to the diameter of the base. The diameter of the base is equal to twice the radius, so it is 6 cm. Using the Pythagorean theorem, we can find the length of the diagonal:

[tex]diagonal^2 = radius^2 + height^2 \\diagonal^2 = 3^2 + 8^2 \\diagonal^2 = 9 + 64 \\diagonal^2 = 73 \\diagonal = sqrt(73)[/tex]

Therefore, the longest segment that would fit inside the cylinder is approximately 8.54 cm (rounded to the nearest hundredth).
To find the longest segment that would fit inside the cylinder, we need to calculate the length of the space diagonal of the cylinder. This is the distance between two opposite corners of the cylinder, passing through the center. We can use the Pythagorean theorem in 3D for this calculation.

The terms we'll use are:
- Radius (r): 3 cm
- Height (h): 8 cm

To find the space diagonal (d), we can use the following formula:

[tex]d = \sqrt{r^2 + r^2 + h^2}[/tex]
Plug in the values:

[tex]d = \sqrt{((3 cm)^2 + (3 cm)^2 + (8 cm)^2)} d = \sqrt{(9 cm^2 + 9 cm^2 + 64 cm^2)} d = \sqrt{(82 cm^2)}[/tex]
d ≈ 9.06 cm

Learn more about cylinder here:



The longest segment that can fit inside the cylinder is. [tex]$\sqrt{73}$ cm[/tex].

The longest segment that can fit inside a cylinder is a diagonal that connects two opposite vertices of the cylinder.

The length of this diagonal by using the Pythagorean theorem.

Pythagorean theorem or Pythagoras' theorem is a fundamental relation in Euclidean geometry between the three sides of a right triangle.

It states that the area of the square whose side is the hypotenuse (the side opposite the right angle) is equal to the sum of the areas of the squares on the other two sides.

This theorem can be written as an equation relating the lengths of the sides a, b and the hypotenuse c, often called the Pythagorean equation:[1]

[tex]{\displaystyle a^{2}+b^{2}=c^{2}.}[/tex]

The theorem is named for the Greek philosopher Pythagoras, born around 570 BC.

The theorem has been proven numerous times by many different methods – possibly the most for any mathematical theorem.

The proofs are diverse, including both geometric proofs and algebraic proofs, with some dating back thousands of years.

Consider a right triangle with legs equal to the radius.

[tex]$r$[/tex] and the height [tex]$h$[/tex] of the cylinder, and with the diagonal as the hypotenuse.

Then, by the Pythagorean theorem, the length of the diagonal is:

[tex]$\sqrt{r^2 + h^2} = \sqrt{3^2 + 8^2} = \sqrt{73}$[/tex]

For similar questions on cylinder



In morning Emily studied 40 minutes for a math exam. Later that evening Emily studied for x more minutes. Write an equation that represents the total number of minutes y emily studied for the math exam


Equation that represents the total number of minutes y Emily studied for the math exam is y = 40 +x.

We can represent the total number of minutes Emily studied for the math exam using the equation,

y = 40 + x

Here, 'y' represents the total number of minutes Emily studied for the math exam, '40' represents the number of minutes she studied in the morning, and 'x' represents the number of minutes she studied later that evening.

By adding the number of minutes studied in the morning to the number of minutes studied later that evening, we can calculate the total number of minutes Emily studied for the math exam.

To learn more about Equation here:



Fifteen children split $9 among themselves so that each child receives the same amount. How much did each child receive?


The total amount of money received by each child after splitting $9 among 15 children is equal to $0.60.

Total number of children is equal to 15

Total amount of money distributed among 15 children = $9

To find out how much each child receives,

We can divide the total amount of money by the number of children.

In this case, there are 15 children and $9 to split.

So, the amount of money each child receives is equal to,

(Total amount of money )/ ( total number of children )

= $9 ÷ 15

= $0.60

Therefore, amount of money received by each child in the group of 15 children is equal to $0.60.

Learn more about children here



for a normal distribution, a positive value of z indicates that group of answer choices all the observations must have had positive values. the area corresponding to the z is either positive or negative. the sample mean is smaller than the population mean. the sample mean is larger than the population mean.


For a normal distribution ,a positive value of z simply means that the observation or sample mean is above the population mean this implies

none of the options provided is completely accurate.

All the observations must have had positive values,

It is not necessarily true for a positive value of z.

The value of z indicates how many standard deviations away from the mean a particular observation or sample mean is.

A positive value of z simply means that the observation or sample mean is above the population mean.

The area corresponding to the z is either positive or negative,

It is also not accurate.

The area under the normal curve corresponds to probabilities, not positive or negative values.

The area to the right of the mean corresponds to positive z-values, and the area to the left of the mean corresponds to negative z-values.

The sample mean is smaller than the population mean,

It is a possibility when the z-value is negative, indicating that the sample mean is below the population mean.

The sample mean is larger than the population mean,

It is a possibility when the z-value is positive, indicating that the sample mean is above the population mean.

Therefore, the sample mean can be either larger or smaller than the population mean depending on the direction of the z-value.

Learn more about population mean here



a trapezoid has an area of 96 ft. if the base is 11 feet and the height is 8 feet, what is the length of the other base



The formula for the area of a trapezoid is:

Area = (b1 + b2) / 2 x h

where b1 and b2 are the lengths of the two parallel bases, and h is the height.

We are given that the area of the trapezoid is 96 ft, the height is 8 ft, and one of the bases (b1) is 11 ft. We can use this information to find the length of the other base (b2).

Substituting the given values into the formula for the area of a trapezoid, we get:

96 = (11 + b2) / 2 x 8

Multiplying both sides by 2 and dividing by 8, we get:

24 = 11 + b2

Subtracting 11 from both sides, we get:

b2 = 13

Therefore, the length of the other base is 13 ft.

Trigonometric funcions
Which equation are true



C and D

Step-by-step explanation:

cosA = [tex]\frac{adjacent}{hypotenuse}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{AB}{AC}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{4}{5}[/tex] ⇒ C

sinA = [tex]\frac{opposite}{hypotenuse}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{BC}{AC}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{3}{5}[/tex] ⇒ D

The answers are in the picture. I need help ASAP!


The perimeter and the area of the regular polygon are 20 inches and 27.53 square inches.

How to calculate the area and the perimeter of a regular polygon

The figure representing a regular polygon with five sides of same length, whose perimeter and area is well described by following formulas:


p = n · l


A = (n · l · a) / 2


A - Area of the polygon, in square inches. n - Number of sides.l - Side length, in inches. a - Apothema, in inches. p - Perimeter, in inches.

Where the apothema is:

a = 0.5 · l / tan (180° / n)

If we know that l = 4 in and n = 5, then the perimeter and the area of the polygon are:


p = 5 · (4 in)

p = 20 in


a = 0.5 · (4 in) / tan (180° / 5)

a = 0.5 · (4 in) / tan 36°

a = 2.753 in

A = [5 · (4 in) · (2.753 in)] / 2

A = 27.53 in²

To learn more on area of regular polygons: https://brainly.com/question/12291395


c. what is the probability that the duration of a rainfall event at this location is between 2 and 3 hours? d. what is the probability that a rainfall duration exceeds the mean value by more than 2 standard deviations?


The probability that a rainfall event exceeds the mean by more than 2 standard deviations is approximately 0.0498.

a. The exponential distribution with a mean of 2.725 hours can be expressed as λ = 1/2.725. Using this parameter, we can calculate the probabilities as follows:

P(X ≥ 2) = [tex]e^{(-λ2) }= e^{(-1/2.7252)[/tex] ≈ 0.4800

P(X ≤ 3) = 1 - [tex]e^{(-λ3)} = 1 - e^{(-1/2.7253)[/tex] ≈ 0.6674

P(2 ≤ X ≤ 3) = [tex]e^{(-λ2)} - e^{(-λ3)} = e^{(-1/2.7252)} - e^{(-1/2.7253)}[/tex] ≈ 0.1474

b. The standard deviation of an exponential distribution is equal to the mean, so 2 standard deviations above the mean would be 2*2.725 = 5.45 hours. The probability that a rainfall event exceeds this duration can be calculated as follows:

P(X > 5.45) =[tex]e^{(-λ5.45)} = e^{(-1/2.7255.45)}[/tex] ≈ 0.0498

Therefore, the probability that a rainfall event exceeds the mean by more than 2 standard deviations is approximately 0.0498.

Learn more about probability



Complete Question:

Suppose that rainfall duration follows an exponential distribution with mean value 2.725 hours.

a. What is the probability that the duration of a particular rainfall event is at least 2 hours? At most 3 hours? Between 2 and 3 hours? (.4800, .6674, .1474)

b. What is the probability that rainfall duration exceeds the mean value by more than 2 standard deviations? (.0498)

Label the net for the cylinder. Then find the surface area of the cylinder. Give your answer in terms of π and as a decimal number rounded to the nearest tenth.


The surface area of the cylinder is approximately 94.2 ft².

What is surface area?

Surface area refers to the total area of the external or outer part of an object. It is the sum of the areas of all the individual surfaces or faces of the object. Surface area is typically measured in square units, such as square inches (in²), square feet (ft²), or square meters (m²), depending on the unit of measurement used.

According to the given information:

The surface area of a cylinder is the sum of the lateral surface area (the curved surface) and the area of the two circular bases.

The formula for the lateral surface area of a cylinder is given:

Lateral Surface Area = 2πrh

where r is the radius of the cylinder and h is the height of the cylinder.

Plugging in the given values for the radius (r = 3 ft) and height (h = 2 ft), we can calculate the lateral surface area:

Lateral Surface Area = 2π * 3 * 2 = 12π ft²

The formula for the area of a circle (which represents the bases of the cylinder) is given:

Circle Area = πr²

Plugging in the given value for the radius (r = 3 ft), we can calculate the area of each circular base:

Circle Area = π * 3² = 9π ft²

Since there are two bases in a cylinder, we multiply this by 2 to account for both bases:

2 * Circle Area = 2 * 9π = 18π ft²

Now, we can add the lateral surface area and the area of the two bases to find the total surface area of the cylinder:

Total Surface Area = Lateral Surface Area + 2 * Circle Area

= 12π + 18π

= 30π ft²

As a decimal rounded to the nearest tenth, the surface area of the cylinder is approximately 94.2 ft²

To know more about surface area visit: https://brainly.com/question/22074027


Sarah took the advertising department from her company on a round trip to meet with a potential client. Including Sarah a total of 13 people took the trip. She was able to purchase coach tickets for $380
and first class tickets for $1200. She used her total budget for airfare for the trip, which was $9040. How many first class tickets did she buy? How many coach tickets did she buy?
number of first class tickets bought=


Answer: Sarah bought 5 first class tickets and (13-5) = 8 coach tickets.

Step-by-step explanation: The taken a toll of one to begin with lesson ticket is $1200 and the fetched of one coach ticket is $380.

So, the full taken a toll of first class tickets would be 1200x and the entire cost of coach tickets would be 380(13-x) = 4940 - 380x.

The overall fetched of the tickets is given as $9040, so we will set up the taking after condition:

1200x + 4940 - 380x = 9040

Streamlining and tackling for x, we get:

820x = 4100

x = 5

help Here is your graph of the points on the previous screen.

Connect the points in order to create polygon `ABCDEF`.

1.2 Enter the length of the segment betwee


The length of the given line AB is 6 units and the polygon ABCDEF has been created.

What is a graph?

A graph is a mathematical structure made up of a collection of points called VERTICES and a set of lines connecting some pair of VERTICES that may or may not be empty.

There is a chance that the edges will be directed, or orientated.

If the lines are directed or undirected, respectively, they are referred to as ARCS or EDGES.

Make a sequence of bars on graph paper as an example of a graph.

So, in the given situation the polygon ABCDEF has been created:

(Refer to the graph attached below)

Now, the length of the side AB:

Count the units as follows which comes to 6 units.

Therefore, the length of the given line AB is 6 units and the polygon ABCDEF has been created.

Know more about the graph here:



Correct question:

Help Here is your graph of the points on the previous screen.

Connect the points in order to create polygon `ABCDEF`.

1.2 Enter the length of the segment between A and B.

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