15 Read the sentence from paragraph 8 of the article. But then, some villagers noticed a delicious smell, drifting up from a pile of rotting beans. Why did the author include the phrases "delicious smell" and "rotting beans" in the same sentence? A to show an unexpected result B to show what people had planned C to describe a process as it happens D to describe a solution to a problem Book 1​


Answer 1

The author included the phrases "delicious smell" and "rotting beans" in the same sentence to show an unexpected result, as indicated in option A.

Why was the phrase inclused in the sentence

The sentence suggests that the villagers were surprised that the rotting beans produced a pleasant aroma. This unexpected outcome may have been noteworthy or even ironic, and the author likely included it to add interest or color to the story.

Hence The author included the phrases "delicious smell" and "rotting beans" in the same sentence to show an unexpected result, as indicated in option A.

Read more on phrases here:https://brainly.com/question/139793


Related Questions

How does sentence variety improve the style of your writing?


Answer: Since it decreases reiteration in a bit of composing and adds emphasis to critical focuses within the content.


Report about existing game I have watched or palyed


Open the scoreboard when watching a match video in order to report a player. • Decide which player you want to report.

A game report is what?

Game Report: A form that game officials submit to record game information on the playing field, such as wins, losses, ties, goals scored for and against, total points earned, misconduct, suspensions, and injuries.

What attributes constitute a good match?

Instead, compatible people not only enjoy the same activities, but also enjoy doing them together. There should be at least two or three activities you enjoy doing together, according to Goldstein. It ought to be about spending time with each other.

To know more about Watch or play visit:-



Write an essay comparing and contrasting the depiction of the character Macbeth in Shakespeare’s play Macbeth and in Raphael Holinshed’s Chronicles of England, Scotland, and Ireland.
Must be 3-4 paragraphs (doesn't need to be long). Address at least 2 similarities and 2 differences between either of their depictions of Macbeth. Try to support your points with textual evidence from both literary works.
(100 points) Thank you!


The character of Macbeth has been portrayed differently in Raphael Holinshed's Chronicles of England, Scotland, and Ireland and in Shakespeare's play Macbeth. Although there are some similarities between the two depictions, there are also notable differences.

One similarity between the depictions of Macbeth in the two works is that he is initially depicted as a brave and honorable soldier. In Chronicles, Macbeth is described as "a valiant gentleman and very valiant captain," similar to Shakespeare's portrayal of Macbeth as "brave Macbeth" before his downfall. Both works show that Macbeth is a respected figure in society and has gained his status through his military prowess.

However, a major difference between the two depictions is the degree to which Macbeth is influenced by Lady Macbeth. In the Chronicles, Lady Macbeth is a minor character and does not play a significant role in Macbeth's decision to murder Duncan. In contrast, Shakespeare's Lady Macbeth is a central character who actively encourages and manipulates Macbeth into committing regicide. This difference in the portrayal of Lady Macbeth highlights the influence of Shakespeare's own creative vision on the original source material.

Another difference between the two depictions is the extent to which Macbeth is shown to feel remorse after his actions. In Chronicles, there is no explicit indication that Macbeth feels guilty for his actions, while in Shakespeare's play, Macbeth is depicted as being tormented by guilt and unable to find peace. For example, in Act 5, Scene 5, Macbeth laments that "life's but a walking shadow, a poor player/That struts and frets his hour upon the stage/And then is heard no more." This passage shows that Macbeth is consumed by his guilt and tormented by his own mortality.

In conclusion, while both Raphael Holinshed's Chronicles of England, Scotland, and Ireland and Shakespeare's Macbeth depict Macbeth as a brave and respected figure, there are notable differences in the way the two works portray his character. Shakespeare's Lady Macbeth is a more central and influential character than her counterpart in the Chronicles, while Shakespeare's Macbeth is shown to be consumed by guilt in a way that is not present in Holinshed's original work. These differences highlight the unique perspectives and creative visions of the two authors.

what would you do if when you ok so he said yes would go.





ok. so what would you do if he said yes ? when would you go?

The boy is fat______is fat


The appropriate adverb to complete the sentence would depend on the intended meaning or context.

Here are some examples of adverbs that could fit:

The boy is incredibly fat.

The boy is slightly fat.

The boy is dangerously fat.

The boy is visibly fat.

The boy is increasingly fat.

The boy is comically fat.

The boy is sadly fat.

The boy is unhealthily fat.

The boy is steadily fat.

The boy is shockingly fat.

Ultimately, the choice of adverb would depend on the desired tone, emphasis, and context of the sentence.

Read more about adverbs here:



The boy is ______fat

Write an appropriate adverb to complete this

Select the correct answer.
Which evidence from the passage best supports the idea that the narrator is unconcerned about the storm?

“We put all the other things handy at the back of the cavern.”
“It was one of these regular summer storms.”
“The water was three or four foot deep on the island in the low places and on the Illinois bottom.”
“Pretty soon it darkened up, and begun to thunder and lighten; so the birds was right about it.”


The correct answer is B. "It was one of these regular summer storms." This sentence implies that the narrator has experienced similar storms in the past and knows what to expect, suggesting they are not overly concerned.

What are good questions to ask in a Romeo & Juliet Socratic Seminar?



I know alot but ill name 5

What are the main themes in Romeo and Juliet and how do they contribute to the story's meaning?

Symbolism: How does Shakespeare use symbols and imagery to convey deeper emotions and ideas in Romeo and Juliet?

Fate vs. Free Will: Discuss the role of fate and the characters' choices in the tragic outcome of the play.

Relationships: Analyze the development of Romeo and Juliet's relationship and how it impacts the events of the play.

Gender Roles: Explore how gender roles and expectations are portrayed in Romeo and Juliet and how they influence the characters' actions and decisions.

Thank you for your time reading this! :D

What do these scenes reveal about the kinds of people who are being recruited for the war?


"All Quiet on the Western Front" by Erich Maria Remarque is a novel about World War I and the experiences of young soldiers.

What do the scenes show?

The scenes in the book reveal that the kinds of people being recruited for the war were primarily young men who were eager to prove themselves and defend their country.

Many of them were also naive and idealistic about the war, believing that it would be a noble and heroic endeavor.

However, as the novel progresses, the harsh realities of war begin to take their toll on the soldiers, leading to a loss of innocence and a questioning of the war's purpose.

Read more about war here:



Whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

—The Declaration of Independence
Thomas Jefferson

O ye that love mankind! Ye that dare oppose, not only the tyranny, but the tyrant, stand forth! Every spot of the old world is overrun with oppression. Freedom hath been hunted round the globe. Asia, and Africa, have long expelled her — Europe regards her like a stranger, and England hath given her warning to depart. O! receive the fugitive, and prepare in time an asylum for mankind.

—Common Sense,
Thomas Paine

Compare and contrast the word choices of Jefferson and Paine. How does each author’s word choice contribute to the tone?


The right of the people to alter or abolish a form of government exists whenever it begins to jeopardise these objectives.

What happens when a government of any kind begins to wrong people?

The right of the people to make new laws based on the principles and institutions they feel are most likely to promote their safety and happiness, as well as the right to alter or abolish any system of government if it ceases to be successful in achieving these goals.

What does it mean for the people to have the power to alter or abolish a system of government if it starts to work against their goals?

Whenever a government of any kind begins to hurt these In the end, it is up to the people to amend or repeal it. The fourth and final self-evident truth of the Declaration is that a people have the right to rebel against a government that abuses their unalienable rights rather than upholds them.

To know more about Government visit:-



In a novel or play, a "confidant" (male) or a "confidante" (female) is a character, often a friend or relative of the hero or heroine, whose role is to be present when the hero or heroine needs a sympathetic listener to confide in. However, the author sometimes uses this character for other purposes as well. Choose a confidant(e) from Wuthering Heights. Then write an essay in which you discuss the various ways this character functions in the work and how that characterization contributes to meaning in the work as a whole.

In your response, you should do the following:

Respond to the prompt with a thesis that presents a defensible interpretation.
Select and use evidence to support your line of reasoning.
Explain how the evidence supports your line of reasoning.
Use appropriate grammar and punctuation in communicating your argument.


The maid served as various characters' confidante and advisor, including Catherine Earnshaw, Isabella Linton, and Catherine.

What should I discuss in my Wuthering Heights essay?

Essay subject ideas. Talk about the story's structure. The narrators of the book are they reliable? How does Wuthering Heights address social class and class ambiguity? In Wuthering Heights, talk about retribution. Consider how the actual geography influenced the story.

With its dark location, malevolent protagonist, and sense that evil forces are endangering social order, Wuthering Heights has many characteristics of a gothic novel. The book does, however, also have romantic undertones, Byronic heroes, and awe-inspiring descriptions of nature.

To know more about Wuthering Heights visit:



Why should a university give you $10,000? and how would you spend it as a wise college student?​


As a college student, I would spend 10,000 dollars very wisely. A big part of it would go to student loans/debt. The rest of the money would go to any school supplies, books, or items that would be beneficial for learning.

Should the voting age be lowered to sixteen essay writing


The issue of whether the voting age should be lowered to sixteen has been a topic of debate for many years. Some argue that sixteen-year-olds are too young and inexperienced to vote, while others argue that they are mature and informed enough to participate in the democratic process. In this essay, I will argue that the voting age should be lowered to sixteen.

Body Paragraph 1:
Sixteen-year-olds are old enough to drive, work, pay taxes, and join the military, so they should also be allowed to vote. At sixteen, individuals are considered mature enough to make important life decisions, such as choosing a career path or enlisting in the military. Therefore, it is only fair that they should have a say in who is elected to represent them and make decisions that will affect their lives.

Body Paragraph 2:
Lowering the voting age to sixteen would also increase youth participation in politics. Young people are often criticized for being disengaged from politics and not voting, but studies have shown that when given the opportunity, they are eager to participate. By allowing sixteen-year-olds to vote, we would be sending a message that their voices matter, and that they have a stake in the future of our country.

Body Paragraph 3:
Opponents of lowering the voting age argue that sixteen-year-olds are not informed or educated enough to make good voting decisions. However, this argument is flawed. Many adults are also uninformed about politics and make poor voting decisions, so age is not necessarily a reliable indicator of political knowledge. Additionally, sixteen-year-olds are often more informed and engaged in current events than adults give them credit for. They are exposed to a wide range of information through social media and other sources, and many take an active interest in issues that affect their communities.

In conclusion, lowering the voting age to sixteen is a practical and fair solution that would increase youth participation in politics and send a message that their voices matter. It is time for us to recognize that sixteen-year-olds are mature and informed enough to participate in the democratic process and have a say in the future of our country.

Pls mark!

Because your heart needs oxygen the most when it is working the hardest
angina is most likely to occur during exercise.
a. the hardest angina are most likely
the hardest angina is likeliest
C. the hardest, angina is most likely
d. No change is needed.
erlined part of


Answer:  Angina attacks can be prompted by exertion or physical exercise, when the hard-working heart muscle requires greater amounts of oxygen.


Select sentence that correctly shows ownership or relationship


I enjoy sitting in her room and watching my sisters' gerbils.

The correct option is C.

What is in sentence structure?

Sentence structure dictates how a sentence's direct and indirect objects are grouped with the subject, predicate, sometimes both. The guidelines for sentence formation are simple yet rigid. These specifications include the need for a subject, predication, an object in each sentence.

Is a verb required in every sentence?

There must be a verb in each phrase. The sentence is incomplete or a sentence fragment if there is no verb. A sentence must include a subject in addition to any imperative words (commands), which identify the object executing the activity. A verb's subject is important because, as we'll see later, it affects how it's conjugated.

To know more about Sentences visit:



The complete question is -

Select the sentence that correctly shows ownership or relationship.

A. Morgan likes to care for other peoples' pets while they are away.

B. Franks pet lizard eats leafy greens, crickets, and worms.

C. I enjoy sitting in her room and watching my sisters' gerbils.

D. The tabby cat loves to sit in the window and lick its fur.

Rewrite the story "The Farmer, the Boy, and the Donkey" and tell how the farmer could have behaved differently if he had not tried to please everyone. Your rewrite should be at least 200 words


Once upon a time, there was a farmer who owned a donkey. One day, the farmer and his son were walking along the road, leading the donkey. As they went, they encountered a group of people who began to criticize the farmer for how he was treating the donkey.

The people said, "You are too hard on the donkey! You should let the boy ride it."

The farmer, wanting to please everyone, decided to let the boy ride the donkey

Choose the excerpt that is taken from an autobiography. A) I was very excited about the opportunity to fly across the Atlantic Ocean in my very own plane. B) Amelia Earhart made history as the first woman to fly her airplane across the Atlantic Ocean. C) John Wayne is an American icon.


Answer: A


An autobiography is a story written by that person and uses words like I, Me, US ce.

Why does Miss Trunchbull think Miss honey asks her the question from #6​


According to Miss Trunchbull, "all children remain in their own age groups regardless of ability." Miss Honey is saddened by this but not discouraged. She makes a commitment to herself that she will work to assist Matilda.

Why was Miss Trunchbull so angry?

Miss Trunchbull abuses Miss Honey and holds her responsible for the murder of her sister. She is accountable for her sister's death, the musical reveals. While Miss Trunchbull was carrying Miss Honey, she caused the death of her sister in an acrobat accident.

Is Miss Trunchbull a villain?

The headmistress of Matilda's school and the story's main adversary is Miss Trunchbull. As the sister of Miss Honey's father, she also serves as Miss Honey's legal guardian. She has falsely taken Miss Honey's wages, Miss Honey's inheritance from her deceased parents, and everything else.

To know more about Trunchbull visit:



The complete question is -

Why does Miss Trunchbull think Miss honey asks her the question ?

What is the definition of connotation?


Among the choices the definition of connotation is option A, "the emotion or idea that is associated with a word," as explained further below.

Connotation and emotions

Connotation refers to the emotional and cultural associations that are attached to a word, in addition to its literal meaning. While denotation is the objective definition of a word, connotation is subjective and can vary depending on context, cultural background, and personal experience.

For example, the word "snake" has a denotation of a long, legless reptile, but it may also have negative connotations of deceit or danger. Similarly, the word "home" has a denotation of a place where one lives, but it may also have positive connotations of comfort, security, and belonging. Understanding the connotations of words is important for effective communication and can help convey the intended tone and meaning in writing or speech.

The complete question is the following:

What is the definition of connotation?

Connotation is the emotion or idea that is associated with a word.Connotation is the definition of a word that is found in the dictionary.Connotation is the repeated use of a word in a passage for emphasis.Connotation is the history of a word and its change over time.

Learn more about connotation here:



How does this comparison depict the waves?
fierce and dangerous
wild and unpredictable
strong and tough
lively and energetic


These comparisons are all metaphorical ways of describing waves and their characteristics.

- "Fierce and dangerous" suggests that the waves are powerful and potentially harmful, like a predator or a natural disaster.

- "Wild and unpredictable" implies that the waves are untamed and difficult to anticipate, behaving in unexpected ways and possibly causing chaos.

- "Strong and tough" suggests that the waves are resilient and able to withstand external forces, like a well-trained athlete or a durable piece of equipment.

- "Lively and energetic" implies that the waves are full of life and movement, like a lively dance or a joyful celebration.

Overall, these comparisons help to convey different aspects of the waves' nature and behavior, and can evoke different emotions or reactions in the listener or reader.

Where did the happy elf put the golden coins?


In Harry potter, Dobby buried the gold in the flowerbed at Number Four Privet Drive, the home of Harry's Muggle relatives, in order to avoid suspicion from the Malfoys.

What can be said about Dobby the elf and his obsession with golden coin in Harry potter?

Dobby, the house-elf in the "Harry Potter" series, is obsessed with freedom and earning wages. He sees Harry's gift of gold Galleons as a way to earn his freedom from the Malfoy family, whom he serves.

Throughout the series, Dobby's desire for wages and fair treatment is a recurring theme, and he takes any opportunity to better his situation. However, his obsession with earning wages also leads to his tragic end in "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" when he is killed while helping Harry and his friends escape from Malfoy Manor.

Find more exercises on Harry potter here;



Select the correct text in the passage. Which two sets of lines in this excerpt from T.S. Eliot's "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" suggest that the speaker is concerned about how he relates to others? And indeed there will be time For the yellow smoke that slides along the street, Rubbing its back upon the window panes; There will be time, there will be time To prepare a face to meet the faces that you meet; There will be time to murder and create, And time for all the works and days of hands That lift and drop a question on your plate; Time for you and time for me, And time yet for a hundred indecisions, And for a hundred visions and revisions, Before the taking of a toast and tea. In the room the women come and go Talking of Michelangelo. And indeed there will be time To wonder, "Do I dare?" and, "Do I dare?" Time to turn back and descend the stair, With a bald spot in the middle of my hair— (They will say: "How his hair is growing thin!") My morning coat, my collar mounting firmly to the chin, My necktie rich and modest, but asserted by a simple pin— (They will say: "But how his arms and legs are thin!") Do I dare Disturb the universe? In a minute there is time For decisions and revisions which a minute will reverse.


Answer:There will be time, there will be time. To prepare a face to meet the faces that you meet.

(They will say. “How his hair is growing thin!”) My morning coat, my collar mounting firmly to the chin, my necktie rick and modest, but asserted by a simple pin—(They will say. “But how his arms and legs are thin!”) Do I dare disturb the universe?


The statements, "There will be time to prepare a face to meet the faces that you meet," and "In the room the women come and go Talking of Michelangelo," imply that the speaker is worried about his interpersonal relationships.

Which passages from The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock serve as an illustration of stream of consciousness?

A great illustration of stream of consciousness is found in the fourth stanza of "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock." Prufrock imagines people remarking on his bald spot and saying, "How his hair is growing thin!" while contemplating the enigma of time.

We can infer an author's beliefs and thoughts from the words he or she chooses to use. The speaker's care about his interactions with others is evident in these lines from the poem.

While he prepares his face to meet people in the first two lines above, he is worried about how others will see him in the following four lines.

These two possibilities so imply that the speaker is worried about his relationships with other people.

To know more about "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock"  visit:



A fast-food retailer observes that his sales orders do not show much variety with respect to the store location. Instead, the needs of his customer are age-related. From the given information, it can be concluded that he is most likely to follow _____ market segmentation.


From the given information, it can be concluded that the fast-food retailer is most likely to follow demographic market segmentation.

Demographic segmentation involves dividing a market based on demographic variables such as age, gender, income, education level, occupation, family size, and other similar factors. In this case, the fast-food retailer has observed that his sales orders do not show much variety with respect to the store location, but instead, the needs of his customers are age-related. This suggests that the retailer is likely using age as a demographic variable to segment his market and tailor his products and marketing efforts to different age groups.
From the information givin it can be concluded that he is most likely to follow a good easy market plan
because I jus answerin to get points u feel me cuh

comment on the effect of the beauty of the black woman on the speaker​


Senghor honors the magnificence of the African continent in the poem "Black Woman." He accomplishes this by representing Africa as a stunning Black woman. Also shown as a mother figure is this anthropomorphic representation of Africa.

What does Senghor's Black Woman's beauty concept entail?

Senghor praises the beauty of African women in "Black Woman," and by extension, of Africa as a whole. He writes to refute the Western perception that black people are less intelligent and are associated with primitivism or savagery. Africa is viewed as a superior continent by the poet. The 1930s and 1940s Négritude movement serves as the poetry "Black Woman" by Léopold Senghor's historical backdrop, and Africa serves as the poem's setting.

Senghor uses the personification of Africa as every lady he loves to express his love for Africa, his motherland and place of origin, in this poetry. By praising the beauty of African skin color—which had been the principal impetus for cruelty and prejudice throughout British control in Africa—he elevates the African culture.

To learn more about Black Woman, visit:



Which of the following reasons best explains why the Capitol holds the reaping and the Hunger Games every year?
A. It's a way for the Capitol to show off its power.
B. It helps the Capitol to keep track of the population in each of the districts.
C. Neither A nor B.
D. Both A and B.





The Capitol tends to scare their districts so they appear to have more power than they do.

what cultural values are shown in the speech odysseus gave after he had blinded and then escape the cyclops?


Odysseus exemplifies cultural ideals that the gods are the only ones with authority in his treatment of the gods. They have complete command of everything.

How does Odysseus represent cultural values?

Loyalty, generosity, restraint, and family are examples of Greek virtues that are reflected throughout The Odyssey. Answer in depth: Odysseus, the ruler of Ithaca, is the main character in Homer's poem.

How important is The Odyssey to culture?

The Odyssey, like all epic poems, is a cultural artefact that reflects the ideals of the time in which it was written. It sheds light on the ideals of courage and virtue that prevailed in the poet's day.

To know more about Odysseus cultural values visit:-



Describe Troy and cory relationship essay format with explanation & Evidence of themes in the play and quotes for your theme





Question 2 Text B According to Wyatt and Ochoa (2017:179), “first year [university] students are faced with a rollercoaster of emotional changes that are directly correlated to the stress caused by transitioning into [university] life”. With that said, mental health plays an important role on how students perform academically. Adapted from: Wyatt, T.J. & Ochoa, Y. 2017. Mental Health and Academic Performance of First-Year College Students. International Journal of Higher Education, 6 (3): 178 – 187.

Instruction: From the above statement (Text B), do you think mental health plays a role on how students perform in their academic studies? Include THREE (3) arguments to support your answer. Your response should include a minimum of FIVE (5) credible sources. (50 marks)​


This is backed up by credible sources like the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA), the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), and the American Psychological Association (APA).

What is a study academic?

These studies increase our understanding of a particular field, from AIDS research to understanding racial issues in America. Unlike the bulk of news pieces or blogs, academic research take months or years to complete and may involve the analysis of big data sets or carefully thought out experiments.

What does academic knowledge actually mean?

Academic knowledge is a distinct sort of information that sets it apart from other types of knowledge, especially knowledge or viewpoints that are only based on firsthand experience.

To know more about Academic visit:



The complete question is -

Text B According to Wyatt and Ochoa (2017:179), “first year [university] students are faced with a rollercoaster of emotional changes that are directly correlated to the stress caused by transitioning into [university] life”. With that said, mental health plays an important role on how students perform academically.

Adapted from: Wyatt, T.J. & Ochoa, Y. 2017. Mental Health and Academic Performance of First-Year College Students. International Journal of Higher Education, 6 (3): 178 – 187.

Instruction: From the above statement (Text B), do you think mental health plays a role on how students perform in their academic studies? Include THREE (3) arguments to support your answer. Your response should include a minimum of FIVE (5) credible sources. (50 marks)​

Why did the 5 inch black-and-white TVs at the World's Fair impress people?



People were impressed from the 5 inch black-and-white televisions because it was the first time people could watch televisions in their own house.


People were impressed because it was a technological invention that was introduced by the World Fair. People also didn't need to go out their house to watch TV, like at bars, hotels, etc.

Similar to the main character in Pilgrim's Progress, each girl makes a promise to change a flaw to be a better "little
woman" when their father returns. Which character do you most relate to? Or which character is most opposite your
personality? In 100 words or less, choose a character and compare or contrast her "bundle" to one of your own.


Josephine March was the one with whom I could most character connect.

Which fictional character most closely like you?

I relate to the March family's eldest sibling's character the best.  

Josephine seems to be the most like me because she is instinctive and quick with her words.  

Although it's usually unintended, like her, I have a tendency to speak the truth even if it upsets other people.

The nicest thing of all, though, is that I'm a tomboy who shuns feminine interests.  

Putting on jeans and a t-shirt and heading out seems like a much better idea to me than donning dresses and shoes.  

It seems completely futile and impractical to even attempt to change me.  

To know more about character visit:



Which statement best summarizes paragraph 3? A. The narrator is trying to swim to the shore but does not know how to do so when underwater


The narrator is struggling to swim to shore, and the waves are making it difficult to stay afloat.

What is narrator ?

A narrator is a person or character who tells a story in a literary work, film, or performance. The narrator is not a participant in the events of the story but instead is an outside observer who recounts the events with either a first-person or third-person point of view. Narrators can be either the protagonist of the story or an outside commentator, and their role is to provide background information, introduce characters, and advance the plot. In some cases, a narrator may also provide commentary or opinions on the characters or events.

To learn more about narrator



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True or False a cell phone manufacturer wants to assemble a team to market a new cell phone across the country. a(n) group would be best for this purpose. XYZ Insurance Company receives satisfactory proof of loss for a claim. If XYZ does NOT pay the claim within 60 days of receipt, the insurer MUST pay simple interest of per annum. 9. At time t = 0, Paul deposits P into a fund crediting interest at an effective annual interest rate of 6.9%. At the end of each year in years 12 through 31, Paul withdraws an amount sufficient to purchase an annuity-due of 120 per month for 5 years at a nominal interest rate of 7.2% compounded monthly. Immediately after the withdrawal at the end of year 31, the fund value is zero. Calculate P. Find any solution(s) (refer to attachment) of and select the correct statement.A. The equation has no solution.B. The equation has two solutions.C. The equation has one solution.D. The equation has one solution and one extraneous solution. 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(Mint Recall that the u.. price of a Big Mac was $5.58) Country Price of a Big Mac Predicted Exchange Rate Actual Exchange Rate Costa Rica 2,290 colones607 colones's Pakistan 460 rupees 139 rupees/ Thailand 119 bant 32 baht/s China 20.9 yuan 6.85 yuan/s New Zealand 6.20 NZS 1.48 NZ$$ According to purchasing power parity, the predicted exchange rate between the Pakistani rupee and the New Zealand dollar is Zealand dollar. However, the actual exchange rate is rupees per New Zealand dollar Grado It Now Save & Continue Continue without saving These two things are at the core of the balanced Scorecard. Organizational culture and vision Business performance and competitive advantage Organizational vision and strategy . a horizontal force of 200 n is applied to a 55 kg cart across a 10-m level surface. if the cart accelerates at 2.0 m/s2 , then what is the work done by the force of friction as it acts to impede the motion of the cart? Whats the difference the basic language used by earlier species of homo is called 1. Radiationa. When watching a daytime circus in a large, dark-colored tent, you sense significant heat transfer from the tent. Explain why this occurs! b. Why are cloudy nights generally warmer than clear ones? c. Why are thermometers that are used in weather stations shielded from the sunshine? What does a thermometer measure if it is shielded from the sunshine and also if it is not? d. On average, would Earth be warmer or cooler without the atmosphere? Explain your answer! 2. Chemical reactions a. What is the main difference between a chemical and a physical change? (b. In a chemical reaction, is it possible to change the number of products by changing the number of reactants? Why? (c. When you combine vinegar and baking soda, a gas is produced. Why is the gas considered evidence that a chemical reaction occurred? (d. In the vinegar and baking soda reaction, can you continue to add more and more of one reactant and expect to get more and more product? Why or why not?(e. Can atoms that are not in the reactants end up in the products of a chemical reaction? Why or why not?(3. Heat Transfer a. Where does heat transfer take place? (b. In such a situation which principle of heat do you perceive?(c. What is the difference between diffusion and radiation heat transfer?(d. How does heat transfer related to temperature(e. Describe a situation in which heat transfer occurs. What are the resulting forms of energy?(f. Explain briefly the process of heat transfer by radiation!( g. What are the main methods of heat transfer from the hot core of Earth to its surface? From Earths surface to outer space?(4. Conductiona. Some electric stoves have a flat ceramic surface with heating elements hidden beneath. A pot placed over a heating element will be heated, while it is safe to touch the surface only a few centimeters away. Why is ceramic, with a conductivity less than that of a metal but greater than that of a good insulator, an ideal choice for the stove top?b. Loose-fitting white clothing covering most of the body is ideal for desert dwellers, both in the hot Sun and during cold evenings. Explain how such clothing is advantageous during both day and night!5. Convectiona. One way to make a fireplace more energy efficient is to have an external air supply for the combustion of its fuel. Another is to have room air circulate around the outside of the fire box and back into the room. Detail the methods of heat transfer involved in each!b. On cold, clear nights horses will sleep under the cover of large trees. How does this help them keep warm? given the computational complexity 0.00001* n * log(n) 300n 1 x 1036, what is the dominant term? neanderthal burials from shanidar cave, iraq, associated with pollen indicate is?