1796 Tennessee Constitution (excerpt) Every freeman of the age of twenty one years and upwards possessing a freehold in the County wherein he may vote and being an inhabitant of this State, and every freeman being an inhabitant of any one County in the State six months immediately preceding the day of election shall be entitled to vote for members of the General Assembly for the County in which he shall reside. 1834 Tennessee Constitution (excerpt) Every free white man of the age of twenty-one years, being a citizen of the United States, and a citizen of the County wherein he may offer his vote, six months next preceding the day of election, shall be entitled to vote for Members of the General Assembly, and other civil officers, for the County or District in which he resides: provided, that no person shall be disqualified from voting in any election on account of color, who is now by the laws of this State, a competent witness in a court of justice against a white man. All free men of color, shall be exempt from military duty in time of peace, and also from paying a free poll tax. Describe the relationship between these two documents.​


Answer 1

On June 1, 1796, President Washington approved the legislation granting Tennessee immediate statehood. The majority of the clauses relating to assertions of rights, taxes, and legislative power were taken from the constitutions of North Carolina and Pennsylvania.

According to the Tennessee Constitution of 1796, what was one prerequisite for voting?

Any free males who met the property and residency criteria may vote and bear weapons under the Tennessee Constitution of 1796.

What does Tennessee's Constitution's Article I Section 7 say?

that general warrants, by which an officer may be instructed to search suspected locations without proof of the crime being committed or to seize any person or persons not named, are prohibited; and that the people shall be protected in their persons, homes, papers, and possessions from unreasonable searches and seizures.

To Know more about legislation



Related Questions

Do you agree that the Cold War accelerated the civil rights movement in the United States? Please explain.


Yes, the Cold War accelerated the civil rights movement in the United States.

How does Cold War accelerated the civil rights movement in the United States?

The Cold War was a period of heightened tensions and competition between the United States and the Soviet Union. In this context, the United States sought to promote its own values and ideals, including democracy and human rights, as a means of countering the Soviet threat. This provided a favorable environment for the civil rights movement in the United States, which sought to address racial inequality and discrimination.

The United States' image as a champion of democracy and freedom was undermined by the widespread racial discrimination and segregation that persisted in the country. As a result, the federal government began to take steps to address these issues, including the desegregation of schools and public places. The Cold War also heightened global attention on civil rights issues in the United States, as other countries began to criticize the country's treatment of African Americans.

Read more about Cold war



What social and political problems emerged under Spanish rule which led to revolutions in Latin America?




The Spanish rule in Latin America lasted for over three centuries, from the 16th century until the early 19th century. During this period, several social and political problems emerged, leading to revolutions that ultimately brought an end to Spanish colonial rule. Here are some of the main issues that contributed to the revolutions:

Exploitation and Inequality: The Spanish colonial system was based on the exploitation of indigenous peoples and African slaves. The Spanish crown granted enormous powers to the encomenderos, who were Spanish nobles that were given control of indigenous communities and their lands. These encomenderos were known to exploit the labor of the indigenous peoples and impose heavy taxes on them, leading to widespread poverty and inequality.

Lack of Representation: The Spanish colonial system was highly centralized, with all political power being concentrated in the hands of the Spanish crown and its representatives in the colonies. The colonies had no voice in the decision-making process, and their interests were often ignored. This lack of representation led to resentment among the colonists, who felt that they had no say in the way they were being governed.

Economic Restrictions: The Spanish colonial system imposed strict trade restrictions on the colonies, limiting their ability to trade with other nations. This policy led to a lack of economic development in the colonies, and many colonists felt that they were being held back by the Spanish crown's policies.

Enlightenment Ideas: The Enlightenment ideas of liberty, equality, and democracy were spreading throughout Europe and the Americas in the 18th century. These ideas challenged the traditional authority of the Spanish crown and inspired many colonists to seek greater autonomy and self-government.

These social and political problems, among others, contributed to the revolutions that eventually led to the independence of Latin American countries from Spanish colonial rule.


if children are taught respect at home less problems at school an more law abiding citzen which ancient chinese philospher would this align to?


I believe Confucius.
I think it’s Confucius because he wanted people to be kind and act a certain behavior to prevent outrages between people.

We live in a heterogeneous society, which means that we are racially and ethnically diverse. However, white Americans have been the majority since the start of our country. Below is a chart with data from the US Census Bureau with projected numbers for racial diversity in the United States. Explain what changes you see happening in this chart. (3 points)
Name 1 political, (1 point), 1 social (1 point), and economic (1 point) effect of more racial diversity in the US of the future.


According to the US Census Bureau's chart, racial diversity in the country is rising.

Explain what changes you see happening in this chart.

While the proportions of Hispanic, Black, Asian, and multiracial populations are anticipated to rise, the proportion of non-Hispanic whites is predicted to decrease from 60.1% in 2020 to 44.5% in 2060. Hispanics are expected to represent 28.6% of the population by 2060, followed by Blacks (13.4%), Asians (9.9%), and people of mixed racial origin (4.7%). This growing racial diversity may have political effects, including a potential shift in political power. Minority groups' political influence may grow as their numbers rise, and politicians may need to accommodate their interests in order to win elections. This might result in more diverse representation in government and more inclusive policies.

To Know more about US Census Visit:



The term “discretion” is often defined as selective decision making by police and others in the juvenile justice system who are faced with alternative modes of action. Discuss some of the factors affecting the discretion of the police when dealing with juvenile offenders.


1. Age and maturity level: The age and maturity level of the juvenile offender is an important factor that can affect the discretion of the police.

What is juvenile?

Juvenile is a term used to describe a person who is not yet an adult, typically between the ages of 13 and 17. Juveniles are subject to different laws than adults, such as those related to criminal activity, legal guardianship, and education.

If the offender is a minor, the police may take a more lenient approach, as minors may not be held to the same standard of accountability as an adult.
2. Nature of the offense: The nature of the offense is also an important factor in determining the police’s discretion. If the offense is minor and non-violent, the police may be more likely to use discretion and issue a warning or a citation. Conversely, if the offense is serious and violent, the police may be more inclined to take a harsher approach.
3. Prior criminal history: Another factor that can affect police discretion is the juvenile offender’s prior criminal history. If the offender has a long history of criminal behavior, the police may be less likely to use discretion and instead opt for a harsher punishment.
4. Context of the offense: The context of the offense is also a factor that can affect the police’s discretion. If the offender is a minor who was coerced into an offense by an adult, the police may be more likely to use their discretion and be more lenient with the punishment.
5. Resources available to the police: The resources available to the police also play an important role in determining the level of discretion they may use. If the police have access to resources such as youth diversion programs, they may be more likely to use discretion and refer the offender to a rehabilitation program instead of sending them to court.

To learn more about juvenile

High-school shop-class programs were widely dismantled in the 1990s as educatorss prepared students to become
"knowledge workers." The imperative of the last 20 years to round up every warm body and send it to college, then
to the cubicle, was tied to a vision of the future in which we somehow take leave of material reality and glide about
in a pure information economy. This has not come to pass. To begin with, such work often feels more enervating
than gliding. More fundamentally, now as ever, somebody has to actually do things: fix our cars, unclog our toilets,
build our houses.
When we praise people who do work that is straightforwardly useful, the praise often betrays an assumption that
they had no other options. We idealize them as the salt of the earth and emphasize the sacrifice for others their work
may entail. Such sacrifice does indeed occur-the hazards faced by a lineman restoring power during a storm come
to mind. But what if such work answers as well to a basic human need of the one who does it? I take this to be the
suggestion of Marge Piercy's poem "To Be of Use," which concludes with the lines "the pitcher longs for water to
carry/and a person for work that is real." Beneath our gratitude for the lineman may rest in envy./.
This seems to be a moment when the useful arts have an especially compelling economic rationale. A car mechanics'
trade association reports that repair shops have seen their business jump significantly in the current recession: people
aren't buying new cars; they are fixing the ones they have. The current downturn is likely to pass eventually. But
there are also systemic changes in the economy, arising from information technology, that have the surprising effect
of making the manual trades-plumbing, electrical work, car repair-more attractive as careers. The Princeton
economist Alan Blinder argues that the crucial distinction in the emerging labor market is not between those with
more or less education, but between those whose services can be delivered over a wire and those who must do their
work in person or on site. The latter will find their livelihoods more secure against outsourcing to distant countries.
As Blinder puts it, "You can't hammer a nail over the Internet." Nor can the Indians fix your car. Because they are in
If the goal is to earn a living, then, maybe it isn't really true that 18-year-olds need to be imparted with a sense of
panic about getting into college (though they certainly need to learn). Some people are hustled off to college, then to
the cubicle, against their own inclinations and natural bents, when they would rather be learning to build things or
fix thinne Ona chon taachar conected to me that "in schools we create artificial laamino anvironments for our
Summary overall ?



what a amezing question

Read the following sentence from the passage: "Congress is divided into two parts-
the Senate and the House of
In this sentence, the word divided means
A. joined
B. split
C. changed
D. shared


Answer: split

Explanation: because you can divide things in half, and split things in half.

Do you agree with John Brown's actions to achieve freedom for slaves? Why or Why


Answer: Yes, fully


John Brown fought for the betterment for a race of people that during the time were treated less than human. His actions as an abolitionist helped inspire hundreds more to a cause that spoke of equal rights and freedom for all regardless of the color of their skin. By the end of the war, the name of the man who sought to bring down slavery to its knees was remembered as a hero to those who revered freedom. Other people such as southern sympathizers thought of him as a villain, they wanted to keep slavery as an institution and to remain unchanged. In the end, slavery became a bygone institution, ceased by the unrelenting power of John Brown and those who fought for a purpose greater than slavery, freedom.

state two reasons for giving women the right to vote.




There are several reasons why women should be given the right to vote, but here are two of the most important reasons:

Equality: Women have the same rights as men, and one of those rights is the right to vote. Denying women the right to vote based on their gender is a violation of their fundamental human rights. Women have been excluded from political processes for far too long, and it's time to correct this historical injustice. Giving women the right to vote would help to achieve gender equality, which is essential for the overall development of a just and equitable society.

Representation: Women make up roughly half of the population in most countries, yet their voices and perspectives are often ignored in political decision-making. By giving women the right to vote, their interests and concerns would be better represented in government. This would lead to more diverse and inclusive policymaking, which would benefit society as a whole. Women can bring a unique perspective to political discussions and decisions, and it's essential that their voices are heard.


what are the concepts and principles of historical and civilisational studies



What are the key concepts and principles of history?

In History the key concepts are sources, evidence, continuity and change, cause and effect, significance, perspectives, empathy and contestability. They are integral in developing students' historical understanding.

How should a democratic society respond to violence and terror?



Even in advanced democracies like those in the United States and much of Europe, terrorism weakens democratic regimes in addition to killing innocent people.

The fear that terrorism inspires has the potential to polarize countries, corrupt public discourse, undermine moderates, and strengthen political extremists.

How should  democratic society respond to violence and terror?

The United States and its partners should continue to emphasize intelligence sharing and extend such efforts wherever possible to lessen the threat that terrorism poses to democracies.

This is true even if there were much fewer successful Islamist attacks in 2018 in the United States and Europe. Although the Islamic State continued to plan terrorist operations, proactive law enforcement and the destruction of the Islamic State's safe haven account for a large portion of the drop.

The governments of the United States and Europe should work harder to infiltrate right-wing terrorist organizations, apprehend their leaders, and allocate more funds to this issue.

It is acceptable to shift some resources in light of the recent decrease in terrorist violence. Congress in the US should approve greater funding for this issue.

It is crucial to improve social services for Muslim communities, particularly in newly established locations with a high concentration of recent arrivals. Governments, civil society organizations, and the international assistance sector are all involved in this.

Lastly, In order to lessen the psychological effects of terrorism, political leaders should emphasize social resilience.

To know more on Terrorism visit:



Do all supply curves
graphically represent the
law of supply? Explain
your answer.


Yes, all supply curves graphically represent law of supply, which states that as the price of a good or service increases, the quantity supplied will also increase, ceteris paribus.

What is supply?

Supply refers to the amount of goods or services that producers are willing and able to offer for sale in the market at a given price and time. It is an essential component of the market economy, where the interaction of supply and demand determines the prices of goods and services. The law of supply states that as the price of a good or service increases, the quantity supplied also increases, all other things being equal. The determinants of supply include factors such as input prices, technology, government policies, and the number of suppliers in the market. The concept of elasticity of supply refers to how responsive the quantity supplied is to changes in price. Understanding supply is crucial for businesses, policymakers, and individuals alike, as it influences pricing decisions, production strategies, and market outcomes.

To learn more about supply, visit:



discuss the powers used by the Texas Governor during the COVID-19 pandemic. Were the Governor's powers too extensive or not extensive enough?


Approving or rejecting legislation passed by the legislature. acting as supreme commander of the armed forces of the state. calling special legislative sessions with a specified agenda. presenting a report on the state's situation to the legislature at the start of each regular session.

What official powers are granted to the governor of Texas?

As commander-in-chief of the state's armed forces, the governor has the authority to sign and veto laws approved by the state legislature, call special sessions of the legislature, give reprieves and pardons, and nominate people to fill open positions.

What authority has been granted to the governor of Texas that is most significant?

One of the most important authorities granted by the Texas Constitution to the governor is the ability to appoint individuals to public office. About 3,000 nominations will be made by the governor during a four-year period.

To Know more about Constitution



A Utilitarian would determine whether lying is morally justifiable on a case-by-case basis.
True or False






Match the following. Match the items in the left column to the items in the right column.

1 .
Jesus' agony in prayer
2 .
the place of a skull
3 .
Pilate's trial
4 .
home of Lazarus, Martha, and Mary
5 .
judgment hall
Pilate was governor
6 .
Herod Antipas was ruler
7 .
slave of high priest
8 .
son of Simon the Cyrene
9 .
Garden of Gethsemane
father-in-law of high priest
10 .
high priest during Jesus' trials







1 .


the place of a skull

2 .Malchus

Pilate's trial

3 .


the place of a skull

4 .


home of Lazarus, Martha, and Mary

5 .

judgment hall

Pilate was governor

6 .


Herod Antipas was ruler

7 .


slave of high priest

8 .


the place of a skull

Garden of Gethsemane

father-in-law of high priest

10 .


high priest during Jesus' trials

suggest three alternative methods on how you could voice your opinion instead of resorting to violence



Peaceful protest: Peaceful protest is a powerful way to voice your opinion and draw attention to an issue without resorting to violence. This can include rallies, marches, and demonstrations, and can be an effective way to bring attention to a cause.

Civil disobedience: Civil disobedience involves intentionally breaking the law to draw attention to an issue or cause. This can include sit-ins, strikes, or boycotts. Civil disobedience can be a powerful way to challenge unjust laws and policies while remaining peaceful.

Constructive dialogue: Constructive dialogue involves engaging in respectful conversations with others who hold different opinions or viewpoints. This can help to foster understanding and bridge divides and can be an effective way to bring about positive change.


There are many ways to voice your opinion without resorting to violence. Here are three alternative methods:


-speak clearly and calmly

-try to repeat back what the other person said to try and understand them better

-express your view on the situation


Which vart of the country was agricultural? History


Answer: The wild progenitors of crops including wheat, barley, and peas are traced to the Near East region. Cereals were grown in Syria as long as 9,000 years ago, while figs were cultivated even earlier; prehistoric seedless fruits discovered in the Jordan Valley suggest fig trees were being planted some 11,300 years


What factors did President Trump take into account in nominating Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett to fill Supreme Court vacancies? under what circumstances did the vacancies become available? what were the results? and why?


Based on their conservative judicial ideologies and track records, President Trump nominated Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett to fill Supreme Court vacancies. In particular, he hoped to pick judges who would support his administration's positions on abortion, healthcare, and immigration.

When Justice Antonin Scalia passed away in February 2016, the position of Neil Gorsuch became vacant. In order to fill the vacancy, President Obama nominated Judge Merrick Garland, but Senate Republicans refused to schedule a confirmation hearing, claiming that the choice should instead be made by the next president.

Trump was ultimately able to nominate Gorsuch for the position in 2017 because of this choice.

When Justice Anthony Kennedy resigned in July 2018, Brett Kavanaugh's nomination became open. As a result of numerous women accusing Kavanaugh of se xual assault and misconduct, his nomination was controversial. Kavanaugh was ultimately confirmed by the Senate in October 2018 following a contentious confirmation process.

learn more about Supreme Court here



Answer the questions please with the cartoon you see please I will give brainliest


The descriptions of the words and visuals in the cartoons are stated below

Making comments about the cartoons

The Domestic Policy cartoon

Description of the words and visuals

I see words such as "Refinancing Loans," "Health Care," "Hybrid Cars,"  and "The Mall."

The other words are blurred. I also see the Capitol, in Washington D.C.

Does the cartoon relate to domestic or foreign policy?

The first political cardboard portrays domestic policy, this means of national interest to the people of the United States.


Because those topics directly affect the everyday life of the American citizen.

These topics are related to the economy, financial issues, health issues, and politics, topics of interest for the people.

The Foreign Policy Cartoon

Description of the words and visuals

I see the title of the cartoon: "Bad Hair Day," and the dialogue "You realize this means war."

Regarding the visuals, I see former President Donald Trump confronting North Korean President Kim Jong-ill

Does the cartoon relate to domestic or foreign policy?

The cartoon relates to foreign policy.


Because it portrays a confrontation between the presidents of two nations, the United States vs. North Korea. It is a matter of international implications that could have repercussions not only for the United States but globally.

We can conclude that political cartoons have been an important part of journalism in the United States. They graphically portray the political, economic, and social reality of a country, with a touch of humor.

Learn more about political cartoons here:



Select ALL the correct answers.
Which two factors influenced the United States' purchase of Alaska in 1867?
a political plot to overthrow the Russian government
the belief in Manifest Destiny
a desire to expand American trade in the Pacific
the prospect of gaining native Alaskans as citizens
the public's support in favor of the purchase


The two factors are:

a desire to expand American trade in the Pacificthe prospect of gaining native Alaskans as citizens

What was the reason for purchase of Alaska in 1867?

The purchase of Alaska in 1867 was influenced by several factors:

A desire to expand American trade in the Pacific: Alaska was seen as a potential source of valuable resources, such as fur, timber, and fish, which could be traded with Asian markets. The purchase of Alaska provided the United States with a foothold in the region, allowing it to expand its commercial interests and influence.

The prospect of gaining native Alaskans as citizens: Some Americans believed that the native Alaskan population could be assimilated into American culture and become citizens of the United States. This was seen as an opportunity to expand American territory and influence.

Read more on purchase of Alaska here:https://brainly.com/question/20347018


Place the technology technological Vince Vince and order the first school of ocean navigation put Lombardy map of the world Portuguese Carvels with triangle sales


The global map created by Ptolemy, triangle-sailed Spanish caravels, the first oceanographic navigational school For PLATO, this is the proper response.

What does technology mean historically?

One of the subcategories of world history is the history of technology, which is the history of the development of tools and methods. Stone tools and more complicated genetic engineering and information technologies that have been developed since the 1980s are both considered forms of technology.

What is an old technology example?

In the course of the Industrial Revolution, the steam engine rose to prominence. Using James Watt's steam engine as a starting point, English engineer Richard Trevithick made improvements. In Wales, at an ironworks, he created the first railroad locomotive. Robert Fulton turned on the steam engine's water supply.

To Know more about development



Which did not occur as a result of the Indian Removal Act?
Several tribes resisted removal, causing conflicts to erupt.
New treaties were created with the federal government.
Some tribes were forcibly removed, causing distrust for the government.
The Cherokee were forced west along the Trail of Tears years later.


The Act allowed for the forcible relocation of Native American tribes from their native territories in the southeast of the United States to Indian Territory in exchange for property in the west. President Andrew Jackson signed it into law in 1830.

The Indian Removal Act had the greatest impact on which tribes?

The legislation mandated the U.S. government to negotiate equitably with the tribes and ensure that American Indian participation in removal was voluntary, although this was not always the case. Many tribes, including the Cherokee, Choctaw, Creek, Chickasaw, and Seminole, were forcibly ejected from their homes.

For instance, Lewis Cass, who served as governor of the Michigan Territory from 1813 to 1831, thought that the only way to ensure Native Americans' survival during a period of expanding American settlement would be to relocate them to areas west of the Mississippi River.

To know more about Indian Removal Act visit:-




Which did not occur as a result of the Indian Removal Act of 1830, signed by President Andrew Jackson, and its implementation?

DAILY NEWS 1967 The Beatles Release a New Hit: "All You Need Is Love DE How did rock-and-roll songs like the one mentioned in this headline influence cultural movements in the United States? A. They expressed biblical messages to popular audiences who might not have heard them elsewhere. B. They gave voice to the growing liberal feelings of the counterculture movement. C. They made rock music seem more acceptable to older audiences who had previously rejected the style. D. They inspired a generation of young people to work for politicians like Richard Nixon.​


Option (b), They provided expression to the counterculture movement's rising liberal sentiments.

What changes did rock and roll bring about in American culture?

It greatly influenced both the United States and the rest of the world by promoting and supporting social and cultural change. Rock served as a metaphor for young rebellion and their defiance of the music, principles, and expectations of their parents. It also served as a bridge across several cultures, religions, social strata, and racial groupings.

Language, attitudes, fashion, and manner of life were all influenced by rock and roll. Rock & roll was also well-liked by both white and black teenagers in the US, which may have aided the civil rights movement.

The title's reference to a rock and roll performance served to bring together liberal youth who were moved by the message of peace and love, which had an impact on American cultural movements.

Learn more about social and cultural change: https://brainly.com/question/12059693


evaluate the impact of global warming on the frequency regularity on tropical cyclone Florence​


Tropical cyclone Florence was a major hurricane that hit the east coast of the United States in September 2018. While it is difficult to attribute any specific weather event to global warming, there is evidence to suggest that climate change is increasing the frequency and intensity of tropical cyclones in general.

Global warming is causing sea surface temperatures to rise, which can provide more energy to tropical storms and hurricanes, making them more intense. Additionally, as the atmosphere warms, it can hold more moisture, which can lead to heavier rainfall and flooding associated with tropical cyclones. These changes can also affect the tracks of tropical cyclones, making them more unpredictable and potentially leading to greater damage and loss of life.

In the case of tropical cyclone Florence, it is believed that global warming contributed to the storm's intensity and rainfall. The storm rapidly intensified before making landfall, reaching a Category 4 hurricane at its peak. Additionally, Florence was associated with significant flooding, particularly in North Carolina, where it caused widespread damage and loss of life.

Overall, while it is difficult to attribute any specific weather event to global warming, there is evidence to suggest that the frequency and intensity of tropical cyclones, such as Florence, are likely to increase in the future as a result of climate change. This highlights the urgent need to take action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate the impacts of global warming on our planet.


Why was Roosevelt sending arms to China problematic?
A. Japan had been a close ally, and this was seen as betrayal
B. China was at war, so it violated the Neutrality Acts
C. The US had been at war with China previously
D. The United States did not have enough arms to sell and defend itself


Japan had been a close ally, and this was seen as a betrayal that's why  Roosevelt sending arms to China was problematic.


Roosevelt studied law in New York City after graduating from Columbia Law School, Harvard College, and Groton School. He was elected to the New York State Senate in 1910, and during World War I, he worked for President Woodrow Wilson as the Navy's Assistant Secretary.

Roosevelt was James M. Cox's running mate on the Democratic Party's ticket in the 1920 United States presidential election, but Cox was defeated by Republican Warren G. Harding. In 1921, Roosevelt contracted a paralytic illness that permanently paralyzed his legs.

He returned to public office by winning the 1928 New York gubernatorial election. He served as governor of New York from 1929 to 1933, promoting programs to combat the Great Depression besetting the United States at the time.

to know more about Roosevelt


According to 1, one of the U.S. responses was the decision to send large amounts of arms and equipment to China, along with a military mission to advise on their use. The underlying strategy was to revitalize China’s war effort as a deterrent to Japanese land and naval operations southward.

The Neutrality Acts were passed by the U.S. Congress in the 1930s in an effort to keep the United States from becoming involved in foreign wars by clearly stating that belligerents could not buy arms from the United States and that American citizens could not travel on belligerent ships2. However, Roosevelt ruled that the Neutrality Act did not apply because China and Japan were not technically at war2.Therefore, option B is correct: sending arms to China violated the Neutrality Acts 2.

4. Explain two reasons why Lucy Stone supported the Fifteenth Amendment. (4 points)


Answer:Why did Lucy Stone support the 15th Amendment?

They wanted women to be included with black men. Others—like Lucy Stone—supported the amendment as it was. Stone believed that women would win the vote soon. The emphasis on voting during the 1860s led women's rights activists to focus on woman suffrage

explain the changes that were made on heritage day​



Changes made to heritage day:

The declaration of December 16 as a national holiday was an attempt to strike a balance between commemorating a divided past and encouraging national unity and reconciliation in a new political era.


The name was altered once more on December 16, 1995, and it became a public holiday known as the Day of Reconciliations

1- The name was altered another time on December 16, 1995.

2- It also became a public holiday that is known as the day of reconciliations.

How did Billy Graham affect American society? A. He was one of the first people to use television to project a religious message to mass audiences. B. He ended the Iranian hostage crisis as soon as he became president of the United States. C. He convinced Americans that it was necessary to restrain corporate power and prevent monopolies. OD. He inspired the public to fight for civil rights even after he was assassinated for his beliefs.​



A. He was one of the first people to use television to project a religious message to mass audiences.

I need help with The Pennsylvania system, i need what, who, why, and when



When was the Pennsylvania system?

The Pennsylvania penal system, originating in 1682 under the leadership of William Penn, was the first state prison system to suggest the replacement of torture and mutilation as punishment for crimes with hard labor in houses of correction.

I don't need Brainliest, give it to the next answerer :)

The Aztec and Maya calendars had some similarities. The Aztec calendar had a ritual day cycle that was called Tonalpohualli. Tonalpohualli was formed using a cycle of numerals beginning with 1 and ending at 13 with a cycle of 20 day names that were very similar to the Maya's day names. However, there were also several differences between the Maya and Aztec calendars. The Aztecs had a different number system and a less specific manner of recording dates. It was common for the Aztecs to note a day and the current year only if a significant event happened on that date. This number and recording system made it possible for the same calendar date to occur twice in the same year. The Aztec system led to confusion. The confusion was heightened by the fact that years of the same name recurred in 52-year intervals and by the fact that many of the towns started their year at different months.

According to the excerpt, which of these were similarities between the Mayan and Aztec calendar?
number systems on the calendar
accuracy in recording dates
names of the days on the calendar
different towns used different calendars


The answer will be A
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supporters of nuclear energy hailed it as a cleaner and less expensive alternative to ______________________________________ Question 8 (1 point) Suppose a firm's total cost is given by TC = 100+ aQ+bQ2 . Let a = 5 and b = 4 . What is the average total cost when Q=1000? Round to the nearest integer. Your Answer: Answer a fair coin is flipped 5 times. what is the probability that the first three flips come up heads or the last three flips come up tails (or both)? openid is an example of a shared authentication technology. true or false? Alexis decided to buy a new laptop at a Turchase price of $479.50. The sales tax *rate was 7.25%. How much did Alexis pay for the laptop in total?O $541.62O $516.24O $514.26 Select the point on the number line that best approximates the location of 14 which method would provide the greatest efficiency improvements for the purchase of noninventory items such as miscellaneous office supplies? a company should carry the amount of working capital necessary to conduct operations, not necessarily maximize its working capital. group startstrue or false logan is taking a listening self-assessment. he thinks he excels at asking questions and being curious to know more. given this information, in which listening focus area is logan strongest? we know that at least some of the exploration of the pacific conducted by people hundreds and even thousands of years before the europeans explored it had been intentional because: group of answer choices oral traditions examined in the late nineteenth century documented their early explorations these people left a written record of their exploits the islands of the pacific are so small and far apart the settlers brought with them the people and materials necessary for a successful colonization of new territories Mrs. Willis is making a dress fromfabric with two different sizes ofsquares. A side of the larger square istwice the length of a side of the smallersquare. What is the perimeter of thelarger square if the perimeter of thesmaller square is 32 centimeters? Need solution for #hygdrology engineering numerical problem #Rational Method....required ASAP ...i'hv one day only ...thank you All of the following statements regarding the Kyoto Protocol are true EXCEPT:Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button.Answer choicesthe treaty set different but specific targets of carbon dioxide reduction for various nations.the treaty was replaced by the 2016 Paris Agreement.the protocol was ratified by the United States.no emission targets were set for developing countries. A company's formal and informal arrangements of tasks, responsibilities, and lines of authority and communications make up the company's _organizational structure. (true or false) How should the security for the database be different than security for the rest of the system? Does it make a difference for web-based data designs? If so, how? question 19 what can cause an electron to jump from a low-energy orbital to a higher-energy one? a photon of light is emitted a photon of light is absorbed the atom's temperature changes none of the above Question 11 of 20 -/1 View Policies Current Attempt in Progress When a firm has a period of mixed dividend growth followed by a period of no growth one can find the current price by calculating the present value of the mixed dividends and adding it to the presentvalue of the price at the point when it experiences no growth. True False Attempts: 0 of 1 used Submit Answer Save for Later To determine Zero Rates we can use?A. Observations of market prices of strips . These are zero-coupon bonds that are synthetically created by traders when they sell coupons on bonds separately from the principal, AND The boot strap method. B. Observations of the number of issues with no coupon payments AND The expectations theory method. C. The Zero Rates are determined by the FED and disseminated to the markets at the FOMC meetings. D. Observations of the number of traders in Treasury Markets. These traders dictate are zero-coupon bond yields AND The belt tightening method. what are three regions (give wavenumbers) of the ir spectrum of lidocaine that would be most helpful in providing evidence for its structure? society is a social system made of interdependent parts, all of which must fulfill certain functions to operate properly. a. True b. False.