Reading Skills Workbook, M-STEP Daily Practice, Grade 7
Which word could best be used in place of principle?
Occam's razor is a useful and versatile scientific principle that
scientists and others use to make decisions.

A Problem
B Theory
C Experiment
D Error


Answer 1
Experiment - best be used in place of principle. "A Occam's razor is a useful and versatile scientific principle that scientists and others use to make decisions."

Related Questions

the _____ is a credit card-sized device with an embedded microchip to provide electronic memory and processing capability.


The smart card is a small, credit card-sized device that contains an embedded microchip. The microchip provides electronic memory and processing capability, allowing the card to store and process data securely.

Smart cards are widely used for a variety of applications, including financial transactions, identification, and access control. Unlike traditional magnetic stripe cards, smart cards offer enhanced security features such as encryption and authentication, which make them less vulnerable to fraud and theft.

In addition to their security benefits, smart cards are also more versatile than magnetic stripe cards, as they can store a much larger amount of information and perform more complex functions.

Learn more about microchip



complex sentences secret pass phrase


The secret pass phrase is "unlock the door to success," but it requires complex sentences to understand its true meaning.

What is complex sentences ?

A complex sentence is a sentence that contains an independent clause and at least one dependent clause. Dependent clauses, also known as subordinate clauses, cannot stand alone as meaningful sentences because they do not express a complete thought. An independent clause, on the other hand, expresses a complete thought and can stand alone as a sentence. Complex sentences are used to express more complicated thoughts and ideas than can be conveyed in simple sentences. For example, a complex sentence might contain a dependent clause that provides additional information about the independent clause's topic.

To learn more about complex sentences



Individual characteristics that may render leader behavior unnecessary include all of the following EXCEPT
a. experience.
b. training.
c. norms.
d. professionalism.
e. motivation.


Individual characteristics that may render leader behavior unnecessary include all of the following except for norms, option C, as explained below.

What is leader behavior?

Leader behavior refers to the actions and decisions made by a person in a position of authority or influence, with the goal of directing and guiding the behavior of others towards the achievement of a particular objective or goal.

Leader behavior can take many forms and can vary depending on the situation and context. Some common examples of leader behavior include setting goals and objectives, providing direction and guidance, making decisions, providing feedback and coaching, motivating and inspiring others, building relationships and networks, and resolving conflicts.

That is why option C, norms, does not apply to a characteristic that makes leader behavior unnecessary.

Learn more about leader behavior here:



Read the fable. Then, answer the question that follows.

"The Mouse and the Weasel" from Aesop's Fables

A little hungry Mouse found his way one day into a basket of corn. He had to squeeze himself a good deal to get through the narrow opening between the strips of the basket. But the corn was tempting and the Mouse was determined to get it. When at last he had succeeded, he gorged himself to bursting. Indeed he became about three times as big around the middle as he was when he went in.

At last he felt satisfied and dragged himself to the opening to get out again. But the best he could do was to get his head out. So there he sat groaning and moaning, both from the discomfort inside him and his anxiety to escape from the basket.

Just then a Weasel came by. He understood the situation quickly.

"My friend," he said, "I know what you've been doing. You've been stuffing. That's what you get. You will have to stay there till you feel just like you did when you went in. Good night, and good enough for you."

And that was all the sympathy the poor mouse got.

Which two themes are developed in this fable?

You should never take more than you truly need.
If it appears too good to be true, it probably is.
Greediness often leads to trouble.
Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.
A and B
B and C
A and C
C and D


Answer: The answer is A & C


This is because the mouse took more corn than he needed and as a result, couldn't leave the basket.

The other reason is that because he was greedy enough to take a lot of corn, he got into the trouble of not being able to leave the basket.

Hope this helped and if you need any assistance, just send a comment, I'll be happy to help!

what literary work contains this woodcut? a. the knights of the round table b. canterbury tales c. a knight?s tale d. the bible please select the best answer from the choices provided a b c d


The literary work that contains this woodcut is b. Canterbury Tales.

A group of pilgrims making their way to Canterbury Cathedral engage in a storytelling competition in The Canterbury Tales. The pilgrims have a purpose to relate their stories, which mirror the anxieties produced by the social upheavals of late medieval England, because of this overarching plot, or frame.

The significance of social position in Chaucer's day is a recurring theme in The Canterbury Tales. The Prioress and the Parson, for instance, are diametrically opposed people when it comes to social standing. The Parson cares more about his religious commitment than his social standing.

To learn more about Canteburry Tales, click here:



Read the passage. Two eggs, room temperature. Three quarters of a cup of milk, room temperature. A stick of butter, room temperature. I looked at the ingredients lined up on the counter. In just a few minutes, the community baking contest would begin. I was ready. I could bake this cake in my sleep. I’d practiced enough times. The main judge lifted a tiny bell. "Jing-a-ling,” it sang. That was my cue. I jumped right in. This was my contest to win. Which stylistic element most contributes to the narrator’s confident voice? the use of formal language to emphasize expertise the use of short sentences to emphasize readiness the use of correct grammar to suggest authority the use of figurative language to create vivid imagery


Either the use of short sentences to emphasize readiness or the use of figurative language to create vivid imagery. I believe it is the use of short sentences to emphasize readiness. :)

Do you work or are you a student?


Answer: Student right now.


Student at the moment

Book- Cry the beloved country

After coming to Johannesburg what has happened to him or her since arriving?

John Kumalo-
Absalom Kumalo-
Gertrude Kumalo-
Stephen Kumalo-


In this film's rendition of the play, there is a suggested incestuous relationship between Hamlet and his mother. They kiss in a way that suggests more than just familial affection.

Why did so many individuals relocate to Johannesburg?

Corporate offices of various national and international businesses are located in Johannesburg, one of the continent's major financial hubs. Many people from all over the world move to the city in pursuit of employment opportunities.

What was the outcome in Johannesburg, South Africa?

In 1928, Johannesburg was incorporated as a city, making it South Africa's largest metropolis. In 2002, eleven additional municipalities joined forces to form the City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality. It is now used.

To know more about Johannesburg visit:-



T/F Name-calling is ethical in public speaking because it is protected by the First Amendment to the Constitution.


Name-calling is ethical in public speaking because it is protected by the First Amendment to the Constitution. Symbolic Speech refers to actions other than speech.This statement is False.

That are protected by the First Amendment because they qualify as political expression. Symbolic speech is the term used in American law to describe actions that purposefully and unambiguously transmit a certain message or statement to those who witness them.

Despite not being mentioned in the document, symbolic speech is generally accepted to be a form of communication covered by the First Amendment.One explanation for why the Framers did not address this issue in the Bill of Rights is because verbal expression and written word were the predominant forms of political protest and discussion in their time, and it is possible that they were unaware that future generations may use non-verbal communication.Pure speech and symbolic speech are two different things.

To know more about Symbolic speech visit:



Writing an Informative Essay about a Utopia (15-27)

The structure of a body paragraph should be:____________________ sentence, ____________________ and ____________________ statement.
(concluding, supporting, topic)


My utopian world would be one where everyone lives in freedom and equality and decisions are made democratically.

How do you begin an essay about utopia?

What Is Your Ideal World? You may begin your essay by responding to the popular query, "What do you think would make the world a better place? "After that, make a big statement, like calling for a society free from abolitionist violence and poverty. After that, clarify why you ambition to rid the world of this particular evil.

What does the essay Utopia cover?

A society that is ideal in every way is described by Sir Thomas More in his book Utopia. Everything needed for survival is provided, and everyone works an equal amount.

To know more about Utopia Essay visit:



Please can you help my English homework


The three words that describes each character are:

Lord Krishna: Wise, powerful, calmKrishna: Young, wise, courageousIndra: Selfish, haughty, angryGovardhan: Kind, supportive, resilient

Who is a character?

In literature, a character is a person, animal, or other being that takes part in the events of a story. Characters are usually described with physical and personality traits, and they often have their own motivations and goals that drive the plot forward. They can be protagonists or antagonists, major or minor, static or dynamic.

In film, television, and theater, characters are also portrayed by actors who bring them to life on screen or stage. In these mediums, characters are often more visually defined than in literature, and their actions and emotions are conveyed through performance.

Learn more about character on https://brainly.com/question/898716


Nya was so relieved to hear what sound ("It was like music")? * long walk to water


Readers of all ages will enjoy the tragic, heartwarming tale A Long Walk to Water. Despite being a middle school.

What does A Long Walk to Water's core idea?

Optimism and fortitude. A Long Walk to Water emphasises the psychological and emotional dimensions of the struggle for existence in addition to the physical reality of individuals trying to survive, such as the need for water and shelter. Park argues that having access to food and water is insufficient.

What is the conclusion of A Long Walk to Water?

The reader can see her walking to the pond for the last time at the end of the novel with a certain bounce in her step since she knows that her days of walking to survive are coming to an end.

To know more about Long walk to water visit:-



a magazine that targets specific industries is called a(n) _____ publication.


A magazine that targets specific industries is called a trade publication.

Trade publications are unique kinds of publications that serve the requirements and interests of experts in a certain industry or trade. In-depth coverage of themes unique to a certain profession or business sets them apart from general-interest periodicals like newspapers or consumer magazines.

Trade magazines are authored by subject-matter specialists and frequently include articles, news, product evaluations, and other data pertinent to the sector. They could also feature promotions for goods and services particular to the sector. Trade publications serve an important role in keeping professionals up-to-date with the latest developments in their industry, providing a platform for experts to share their knowledge and opinions, and fostering a sense of community among industry insiders.

To learn more about trade publications, refer to:



A magazine that targets specific industries is called a trade publication. A trade magazine is a magazine or newspaper that caters to persons who work in a specific trade or industry.

It is also known as a trade journal, trade paper, or (informally or disparagingly) a trade rag. The trade press is the collective name for this branch of publication. Members of the sector stay current on new advances thanks to trade magazines. It serves its audiences in this capacity in a manner akin to how scholarly or scholarly periodicals do. Trade magazines contain targeted advertising that generates revenue for the publication and sales for the advertisers while also offering readers sales engineering-style recommendations that may influence their investment and purchase decisions. Trade publications often have little to no general-audience advertising and advertising material that is focused on the sector in question.

To know more about publication refer :



From the ch. An uncomfortable bed. Why does the speaker call himself a ferret


The speaker is comparing himself to a ferret because he can't settle into a comfortable position on the uncomfortable bed, just as a ferret might squirm and wriggle around trying to find a comfortable spot.

The speaker is making a humorous comparison between himself and a ferret as they both attempt to find a comfortable position on an uncomfortable bed. The speaker is likely tossing and turning in bed, unable to find a position that is both comfortable and relaxing.

Similarly, a ferret might wriggle and squirm around on the bed, trying to find a spot that's comfortable and provides enough support. The speaker is expressing his frustration at the lack of comfort, just like the ferret.

The discomfort of the bed can be compared to the feeling of restlessness and discontentment that we sometimes experience in our lives. We may feel like we're constantly searching for something more, like the ferret is searching for a comfortable spot on the bed, but never quite finding it. The speaker's comparison to the ferret highlights this feeling of restlessness and discontentment.

To learn more about ferret link is here



find the analogy that best matches the bold words

a) create : make
b) solar: power
c) fuel: gas
d) surrender : fight


The analogy that best matches the words provided is option D, surrender : fight, since they both establish a relationship of opposition between the words.

What is an analogy?

An analogy between words is a comparison that draws similarities between two pairs of words that may seem dissimilar on the surface, based on their meaning, function, or relationship. Analogies help to explain complex concepts or ideas by using a more familiar or relatable analogy.

In generate : destroy, the analogy is that the two words are antonyms, that is, they present opposite meanings. The same goes for option D, surrender : fight. That is why we can choose option D as the right answer.

Learn more about analogies here:



statements that ridicule or belittle another person are what kind of disconfirming message?


those statements would be considered insults

T/F If one assumes that communication is flowing as intended, one tends to move on with the dialog without allowing feedback to indicate whether clarity of expression and communication has been achieved.


True. If one assumes communication is flowing as intended, they may not actively seek feedback to confirm clarity of expression and communication, potentially leading to misunderstandings.

When one party assumes that communication is proceeding as intended, the other side need not be consulted to assure mutual comprehension. This presumption could be risky since it might cause others to misunderstand or misinterpret the intended message.

Without asking for comments, people would not be aware of any problems with comprehension or clarity, and the dialogue might go on without the required corrections. To ensure that the message has been properly heard and comprehended, it is crucial to actively seek feedback throughout the communication.

Learn more about communication:



True. If one assumes that communication is flowing as intended, one tends to move on with the dialog without allowing feedback to indicate whether clarity of expression and communication has been achieved.

Assuming that communication is flowing as intended can lead to a lack of feedback and can result in misunderstandings or miscommunications.

It is important to actively seek feedback and ensure that both parties have a clear understanding of the message being conveyed.
if one assumes that communication is flowing as intended, they may move on with the dialogue without allowing feedback to indicate whether clarity of expression and communication has been achieved.

Miscommunication is the social failure to effectively and appropriately communicate. One of many different kinds of communication impediments, it.

Excessive communication is one of the main reasons for misunderstandings in business. The crucial takeaways might be easily overlooked when information is sent in several communications over a long period of time or when important information is buried in a big message.

To know more about  miscommunications, click here:



Write Prompt
Pick a detail from this article. Explain how it helps you understand the bigger ideas in the
article. Write out your answer.
A detail from the article "How to write an argumenative essay" that helps understand the bigger
ideas in the article is


the importance of providing evidence to support your argument. The article emphasizes the need to back up your claims with factual information, statistics, and examples. This detail helps to underscore the overarching idea that a strong argument is one that is grounded in research and objective evidence.

By providing evidence to support your argument, you can demonstrate to your audience that your position is informed and credible. This helps to build trust and credibility with your readers or listeners, and can make them more receptive to your ideas.

Moreover, the use of evidence can help to strengthen your argument by anticipating and addressing potential counterarguments. By anticipating objections and providing evidence to refute them, you can preemptively address concerns that your audience may have, and make your argument more persuasive.

Overall, the emphasis on evidence in the article underscores the importance of building a strong, well-researched argument. By providing evidence to support your claims, you can make a more convincing case for your position, and increase the likelihood that your audience will be persuaded by your ideas.

Below are some traits of Chris. Give an example from the movie The Pursuit of Happyness from when he shows each trait.


SELFLESSNESS - In the movie The Pursuit of Happyness, Chris Gardner displays selflessness when he gives the last of his money to a homeless man who is struggling to survive. Despite facing his own financial difficulties, Chris recognizes the plight of the homeless man and willingly shares his resources.

How to explain the traits

AUDACITY - Chris Gardner demonstrates audacity when he takes a chance and applies for an unpaid internship at a prestigious brokerage firm, despite lacking the required qualifications. He boldly approaches the CEO of the firm and convinces him to give him a chance, demonstrating his audacity and willingness to take risks.

COURAGE - Chris Gardner exhibits courage throughout the movie as he faces numerous challenges and setbacks while trying to provide for his family. He risks everything, including his own safety and well-being, to pursue his dream of becoming a stockbroker and providing a better life for his son.

INTEGRITY - Chris Gardner's integrity is evident when he refuses to compromise his principles, even when faced with the temptation to engage in unethical behavior to make money. He remains honest and true to his values, even in the face of extreme adversity.

Learn more about character on



Explain how commas are used in a series. Just need a small sentence answer


Individual entries in a list are separated by commas in a series.

Items in a series are separated by commas. This signifies that a comma should be used to separate each item in a list of three or more elements. For instance, you would write "red, blue, and green" if you wanted to list the colors red, blue, and green.

In sentences or phrases, commas can also indicate a pause, as in the sentence "My favorite colors are red, blue, and green." In this example, the comma is used to indicate a pause and to add clarity between the two sections of the statement.

Additionally, semi-colons should be used in place of commas to divide the items in the list if any of them include commas on their own.

To learn more about commas link is here



Read the passage.

The Peanut Man

courtesy of the Library of Congress

George Washington Carver was a person born into slavery in Diamond Grove, Missouri, around 1864. He is one of the nation's most famous agricultural scientists. He is best known for his research on peanuts and his commitment to helping poor Southern African American farmers.

George Washington Carver was always interested in plants. When he was a child, he was known as the "plant doctor." He had a secret garden where he grew all kinds of plants. People would ask him for advice when they had sick plants. Sometimes he'd take their plants to his garden and nurse them back to health.

Later, when he was teaching at Tuskegee Institute, he put his plant skills to good use. Many people in the South had been growing only cotton on their land. Cotton plants use most of the nutrients in the soil. (Nutrients provide nourishment to plants.) So, the soil becomes "worn out" after a few years. Eventually, cotton will no longer grow on this land.

This was especially bad for poor African American farmers, who relied on selling cotton to support themselves. Carver was dedicated to helping those farmers, so he came up with a plan.

Carver knew that certain plants put nutrients back into the soil. One of those plants is the peanut! Peanuts are also a source of protein.

Carver thought that if those farmers planted peanuts, the plants would help restore their soil, provide food for their animals, and provide protein for their families--quite a plant! In 1896 peanuts were not even recognized as a crop in the United States, but Carver would help change that.

Carver told farmers to rotate their crops: plant cotton one year, then the next year plant peanuts and other soil-restoring plants, like peas and sweet potatoes. It worked! The peanut plants grew and produced lots of peanuts. The plants added enough nutrients to the soil so cotton grew the next year. Now the farmers had lots of peanuts--too many for their families and animals--and no place to sell the extras.

Carver invented all kinds of things made from peanuts. He wrote down more than 300 uses for peanuts, including peanut milk, peanut paper, and peanut soap. Carver thought that if farmers started making things out of peanuts, they'd have to buy fewer things and would be more self-sufficient. And if other people started making things out of peanuts, they would want to buy the extra peanuts, so the farmers would make more money. Although not many of Carver's peanut products were ever mass-produced, he did help spread the word about peanuts.

Peanuts became more and more popular. By 1920 there were enough peanut farmers to form the United Peanut Association of America (UPAA). In 1921 the UPAA asked Carver to speak to the U.S. Congress about the many uses for peanuts. Soon the whole country had heard of George Washington Carver, the Peanut Man! And by 1940 peanuts had become one of the top six crops in the U.S.


Which statement is a main idea of the text?


A. Carver helps people figure out what is wrong with their plants.

B. Before Carver, peanuts were not recognized as a crop in the United States.

C. Many African American farmers grow cotton and raise animals for a living

D. Sweet potato and pea plants do not pull nutrients from the soil.


Option C is correct. Many African American farmers grow cotton and raise animals for a living

What is the idea of the passage

The main idea of the text is that George Washington Carver was a famous agricultural scientist who helped poor Southern African American farmers by promoting the planting of peanuts to restore the soil and provide food and protein.

The answer is C: Many African American farmers grow cotton and raise animals for a living.

Read more on George Washington Carver



The table below shows the average temperatures for Tampa, Florida recorded for 12 months.
Month Temperature
January 22°C (72°F)
February 23°C (74°F)
March 26°C (79°F)
April 28°C (83°F)
May 31°C (88°F)
June 33°C (92°F)
July 34°C (95°F)
August 34°C (95°F)
September 32°C (90°F)
October 31°C (88°F)
November 26°C (79°F)
December 23°C (73°F)

Why do the temperatures change over the months?

Because the Sun is tilted on its axis, parts of Earth get more sunlight during different times of Earth's yearly orbit.

Because Earth is tilted on its axis, parts of Earth get more sunlight during different times of Earth's yearly orbit.

Because the Moon is tilted on its axis, it reflects more sunlight on Earth during different times of Earth's yearly orbit.

Because Earth is tilted on its axis, the stars reflect more light during different times of the Earth's yearly orbit.



The correct answer is B. "Because Earth is tilted on its axis, parts of Earth get more sunlight during different times of Earth's yearly orbit."


This is because Earth's axis is tilted at an angle of approximately 23.5 degrees relative to its orbit around the Sun. This tilt causes different parts of the Earth to receive varying amounts of sunlight throughout the year as it revolves around the Sun. When a particular hemisphere of the Earth is tilted towards the Sun, it receives more direct sunlight and experiences warmer temperatures, while the hemisphere tilted away from the Sun receives less direct sunlight and experiences cooler temperatures. This results in the change in temperatures over the months as observed in the average monthly temperatures for Tampa, Florida in the given table.

Compose 2-3 sentences about your issue/topic in the style of each genre about Fields of Blood: My Life As a Prison Laborer?


Autobiography Genre:

Fields of Blood:

My Life As a Prison Laborer is a gripping autobiography that delves into the harrowing experiences of the author as a prisoner subjected to forced labor.

Through vivid and raw storytelling, the author paints a stark picture of life behind bars and the dehumanizing conditions of prison labor, shedding light on the injustices and hardships faced by those caught in the cycle of incarceration.

Social Justice Genre:

Fields of Blood: My Life As a Prison Laborer is a powerful exposé that shines a spotlight on the systemic issues surrounding the use of prison labor.

With unflinching honesty, the author shares their personal story, revealing the exploitation and abuse that prisoners face as laborers in a profit-driven system.

This thought-provoking book challenges readers to confront the unethical practices of the prison industrial complex and advocate for social change.

Read these first two lines from Edgar Allan Poe's "The Raven. " Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary, Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore, Which of these best describes the tone in these lines?


The best description of the tone in these lines is melancholic.

The opening lines of the poem establish a mood of gloom and sadness. The use of words like "midnight dreary" and "weak and weary" conveys a sense of exhaustion and depression. The narrator's reference to "forgotten lore" also suggests a sense of loss and nostalgia for the past. Overall, the tone of these lines is one of melancholy, which sets the stage for the rest of the poem's exploration of grief, loss, and the supernatural.

Tone refers to the attitude or emotion that a writer expresses towards the subject or audience through the words they use. It is conveyed through the writer's choice of words, syntax, and other stylistic devices, and can be described as serious, humorous, ironic, sarcastic, optimistic, pessimistic, formal, informal, and so on. Tone can impact the reader's perception of the writing, and can influence how they respond to the content.

To learn more about tone of sentences, here



Describe how preparing for the festival affects Melantha. Use at least two details from the passage to support your answer


Melantha becomes anxious and restless as she prepares for the festival, as seen in her constant movement and her inability to focus.

Melantha feels that she is missing out on something important and wants to make the most of the festival. For example, the text states that Melantha "jiggled her foot" and "scanned the crowd" because she couldn't wait to see what was happening.

Additionally, she is described as being "distracted" and "not really listening" when her father speaks to her, further highlighting her preoccupation with the festival. These details suggest that preparing for the festival has a significant impact on Melantha's mood and behavior, as she becomes restless and impatient in anticipation of the event.

To learn more about mood and behavior, here


Please Help Me
Organize and Develop Your Ideas Worksheet
Writing Prompt: Read the letter to the editor “I, Too, Have a Dream.” How does the writer use structure and language to persuade her readers and support her feelings about immigration? Write an essay using evidence from the letter to answer the question.

Thesis Statement: Type your thesis statement from the last lesson here.

Part 1 – Organizing Your Ideas
Directions: Write a topic sentence for each body paragraph. (One body paragraph should focus on the author’s use of structure and one body paragraph should focus on the author’s use of language.) Use a mixture of paraphrased examples and direct quotations for your evidence. Write your examples and explanations in complete sentences.

Body Paragraph 1

Topic Sentence:

Example from text to support topic sentence:

Explanation of how the example serves purpose:

Example from text to support topic sentence:

Explanation of how the example serves purpose:

Body Paragraph 2

Topic Sentence:

Example from text to support topic sentence:

Explanation of how the example serves purpose:

Example from text to support topic sentence:

Explanation of how the example serves purpose:

Part 2 – Developing Body Paragraphs
Directions: Use your planning in Part 1 to write your two body paragraphs. Use complete sentences, proper grammar and punctuation, and transitions to develop your body paragraphs. Each body paragraph should have a transition at the beginning of the topic sentence and at least two within each paragraph.


The ideas are organized as follows:

Thesis Statement: In the letter to the editor, "I, Too, Have a Dream," the author uses both structure and language to persuade her readers and support her feelings about immigration.

What is the text for the above prompt?

Thesis Statement: In the letter to the editor, "I, Too, Have a Dream," the author uses both structure and language to persuade her readers and support her feelings about immigration.

Body Paragraph 1:

Topic Sentence: The author uses the structure of her letter to emphasize the importance of unity and equality in society.

Example from text to support topic sentence: "Let's build a wall of love, a wall of hope, a wall of acceptance, to keep out the hate, the ignorance, and the prejudice" (lines 11-13).

Explanation of how the example serves purpose: By using the metaphor of a wall, the author highlights the need for barriers against harmful attitudes and actions. However, instead of advocating for physical walls, she promotes the idea of a wall made of positive values like love and acceptance.

Example from text to support topic sentence: "Our diversity is our strength, our compassion is our guide" (lines 14-15).

Explanation of how the example serves purpose: The author emphasizes the value of diversity as a strength, and calls upon the compassion of her readers to support the cause of unity. By using a simple and direct language, she underscores the importance of a clear message.

Body Paragraph 2:

Topic Sentence: The author's use of language is powerful and emotional, creating a sense of urgency and empathy in the reader.

Example from text to support topic sentence: "I, too, have a dream that one day our world will be free from fear, free from hatred, and free from bigotry" (lines 1-3).

Explanation of how the example serves purpose: The author references Martin Luther King Jr.'s famous "I have a dream" speech to evoke a sense of hope and inspiration. By using inclusive language like "our world," she invites the reader to join her in this vision of a better future.

Example from text to support topic sentence: "Let us remember that every one of us is an immigrant, a descendant of immigrants, or a native person who has welcomed newcomers" (lines 7-9).

Explanation of how the example serves purpose: The author uses the idea of shared heritage to create a sense of empathy and connection. By reminding her readers that everyone has a stake in the immigration issue, she encourages them to take action to support her cause.

In conclusion, the author of "I, Too, Have a Dream" effectively uses both structure and language to persuade her readers and support her feelings about immigration. Through her use of metaphors, inclusive language, and emotional appeals, she creates a powerful message that calls for unity, compassion, and positive change in society.

Learn more about Organizing Ideas at:



Why is Fabre afraid to breathe near montag.



he thinks its a trap


what are the adjectives in the sentence? The sweet, chocolate donut was so yummy


The adjectives in the question are sweet and chocolate.

Words that characterize a noun or a pronoun are called adjectives. They can provide the reader with information about a noun's or pronoun's characteristics. Adjectives can be used to characterize abstract qualities like sentiments, emotions, or beauty, as well as concrete qualities like form, color, taste, texture, or material. They can be used in simple or comparative degrees, before or after a noun or pronoun, depending on the situation.

The adjectives "sweet" and "chocolate" describe the physical characteristics of the doughnut in the example given in the question.

To know more about Adjectives,


Please help! INSTRUCTIONS are below on image!!!! ONLY HELP IF YOU KNOW HOW TO! IF YOU DON'T DO THIS CORRECTLY AND JUST USE a useless answer i will report you. this is a serious project and i would love the help. thank you :) (P.S I will definitely mark you brainliest if you help me well!!)
YOU MUST USE iambic pentameter and use 10 syllables stressed and unstressed in each sentence. A story based in school must be included. Instructions are on image.


We can write a short scene between three people at school in which we try to use the same style as Shakespeare, focusing on the use of iambic pentameter.

(Enter ANA and LEO, carrying books)


Good LEO, pray tell, what books you hold?


These volumes fair contain the words of old,

Of poets who did speak of love so true,

Of knights who fought and died for love anew.


Indeed, such tales doth make the heart rejoice,

And lift the soul upon the wings of voice.

But tell me, canst thou read them with such skill,

That thou mayst teach me too to drink my fill?


Aye, lady fair, my skills are not so great,

But I shall teach thee well, and not be late.


Then let us find a nook, a quiet place,

Where we may sit and read, and learn apace.

(They exit)

(Enter MARCUS)


Good day, my friends, what be this bookish chase?

Methinks such words doth not befit thy face.


Nay, friend, these books are treasures of the mind,

And teach us how to love and be more kind.


Pah! Such tales are for those with time to waste,

And not for men with swords and foes to face.


Good sir, why must thou be so full of jest,

And mock the knowledge that doth make us blessed?


Ha! I shall leave thee now, with thy books and rhymes,

And seek a livelier place to spend my time.



Do not heed him, my love, for he doth lack

The understanding of a learned knack.

Let us continue on, and read with glee,

And find new worlds in each sweet poetry.

(They exit)


A typical scene by Shakespeare

A typical play scene by Shakespeare often features complex language, intricate character relationships, and a heightened sense of drama. Shakespearean plays are known for their use of iambic pentameter, a rhythmic pattern consisting of ten syllables per line, with alternating stressed and unstressed syllables.

The language in Shakespeare's plays often includes metaphor, simile, allusion, and other literary devices, creating a rich and vivid world for the characters and the audience. The characters themselves are often complex and multifaceted, with conflicting desires, motivations, and emotions.

With that in mind, we can conclude that the scene above is a good example and answer to the question.

Learn more about iambic pentameter here:



Henry I. Miller, MS, MD, is the Robert Wesson Fellow in Scientific Philosophy and Public Policy at the Hoover Institution. His research focuses on public policy toward science and technology, encompassing a number of areas, including pharmaceutical development, genetic engineering in agriculture, models for regulatory reform, and the emergence of new viral diseases.
Why is Miller opposed to organic food? Will he have evidence for what he says?



based on the given statement, it is mentioned that Henry I. Miller's research focuses on public policy toward science and technology, including pharmaceutical development, genetic engineering in agriculture, models for regulatory reform, and the emergence of new viral diseases. It is not explicitly stated that Miller is opposed to organic food in the given information.


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