2. PART B: Which TWO details from the text best support the
answer to Part A?
OA. "I'm truly sorry man's dominion/Has broken Nature's social
union" (Lines 7-8)
OB. "I doubt not, sometimes, that you may steal;/What then? Poor
beast, you must live!" (Lines 13-14)
OC. "You thought to dwell, / Till crash! The cruel plough passed / Out
through your cell" (Lines 28-30)
OD. "Without house or holding, / To endure the winter's sleety
dribble,/And hoar-frost cold" (Lines 34-36)
OE. "The best laid schemes of mice and men / Go often askew, / And
leave us nothing but grief and pain" (Lines 39-41)
OF. "Still you are blessed, compared with me! / The present only
touches you" (Lines 43-44)


Answer 1


Options E and F should be the correct answers if this is from the commonlit for the poem To A Mouse.

Related Questions

To ensure clear communication, use precise words to convey your ideas.
a. Trueb. False


The statement "To ensure clear and effective communication, use precise words to convey your ideas" is true.

Explanation: When communicating with others, it is essential to use precise language to ensure that our meaning is conveyed correctly. Precise words and phrases are exact and accurate, leaving no room for ambiguity or misinterpretation. In contrast, vague language can cause confusion and misunderstandings.

The use of precise words promotes clear communication, which is essential for conveying one's thoughts and ideas to others. By being precise, the speaker can get their point across with accuracy and ease, and the listener can understand their intended meaning accurately. Therefore, it is always essential to use precise words to convey our ideas.

Learn more about effective communication here:https://brainly.com/question/26152499


How can the writer best improve his or her organization?
Gordie Howe joined the Detroit Red Wings in 1946 and played for them for twenty-five years. Gordie Howe, known as "Mr. Hockey," was a legendary hockey player. Howe led the Red Wings to four Stanley Cup trophies and scored a total of 801 goals with 1,046 assists. He also won the National Hockey League's Hart Trophy as most valuable player—not just once, but six times. To honor Howe's contributions to hockey, in 2007, a bronze statue of him was erected at the entrance to Detroit's Joe Louis Arena


Examining for Effective Organization, Check out each paragraph. The main idea with each paragraph should be written on note paper to create an outline.

Once you have read ones overviews of each main idea, pose the subsequent statements to yourself: Does each pillar of someone argument contribute to proving your thesis?

What makes organization crucial for writers?

Your ability to express, evaluate, and make sense of your ideas depends on their organizational style. You can conduct efficient and targeted research by organizing the organizational structure for your article already when you start looking for evidence to back it up. Expository writing often employs chronologically.

Membership organisations with the primary objective of assisting authors are known as writers organizations. They frequently concentrate on one kind of writing or genre. There are several organizations with local chapters that have monthly meetings and national scale councils.

To know more about writers click here






B: Grandma Daisy taught her grandchildren to knit sweaters for themselves before winter.


In this sentence, the infinitive phrase "to knit sweaters for themselves" functions as an adverb modifying the verb "taught." It indicates the purpose or intention of the action, which is to teach the grandchildren how to knit sweaters for themselves.

In “The Masque of the Red Death” what does the gigantic clock of ebony most likely symbolize?

A. the strength of the castle walls

B. the royalty of the country

C. the inevitability of death

D. the end of the masquerade party


Answer: C.

Explanation: In "The Masque of the Red Death," the gigantic clock of ebony most likely symbolizes C. the inevitability of death. The clock is described as "of the ebony, and the pendulum which swung to and fro was the representation of the constant and unheeded progress of time." The clock's black color, along with the ominous description of its pendulum's motion, suggests that it represents the passage of time toward death, which no one can escape. Its presence at the masked ball, where the revelers are trying to escape the deadly disease outside, emphasizes the theme of the inevitability of death and the futility of trying to avoid it.



The character that has been discussed is Mademoiselle Reisz who serves as a key supporting character in Edna's evolution.

What is the character of Mademoiselle Reisz

In The Awakening, Mademoiselle Reisz serves as a key supporting character in Edna's evolution. Mademoiselle Reisz is a skilled pianist who is known to have a melancholic disposition. From their first encounter, Mademoiselle Reisz is able to recognize Edna's desire for something more in life.

Mademoiselle Reisz encourages Edna to pursue her passions, telling her, "The artist must possess the courageous soul that dares and defies." (Chopin, 53) Mademoiselle Reisz's influence on Edna is significant because she is one of the few characters who does not judge or attempt to control her. Instead, Mademoiselle Reisz offers Edna a model of independence and creative freedom.

Mademoiselle Reisz's music is also described as having a transformative effect on Edna. Edna is drawn to the music because it reflects the complexity and passion she feels in her own life. Through Mademoiselle Reisz's influence, Edna realizes that she is not content with the limited roles available to women in society, and she becomes more determined to break free from those constraints. Overall, Mademoiselle Reisz serves as a catalyst for Edna's awakening and helps to reinforce the novel's themes of individuality, creativity, and the struggle for independence.

Read more on the awakening here:https://brainly.com/question/30963098


which two parts of the following excerpt from the wind in the willows by kenneth grahame provide information about the setting of the story being told by rat?


The part that shows the story being told by the rat is when Mole asks Rat to take him to visit Badger in the Wild Wood, but Rat tells him to wait until Badger comes to visit them.

What is the story about

The Wind in the Willows follows the characters Mole, Rat, Badger, and Toad through some of their life in the Wild Wood. The characters work together to overcome obstacles and have a meaningful friendship.

While not written with a purposeful moral in mind, one can still be pulled from the book. Following its themes of nature, adventure, and friendship, the moral of The Wind in the Willows could be summarized as good friendship can overcome all obstacles.

The Chief Weasel and the weasels, ferrets, and stoats of the Wild Wood would be considered the villains of The Wind in the Willows. They have taken over Toad's home.

Learn more about willows on;



All the animals cheered when he entered, and crowded round to congratulate him and say nice things about his courage, and his cleverness, and his fighting qualities; but Toad only smiled faintly, and murmured, “Not at all!" Or, sometimes, for a change, “On the contrary!" Otter, who was standing on the hearthrug, describing to an admiring circle of friends exactly how he would have managed things had he been there, came forward with a shout, threw his arm round Toad's neck, and tried to take him round the room in triumphal progress; but Toad, in a mild way, was rather snubby to him, remarking gently, as he disengaged himself, “Badger's was the mastermind; the Mole and the Water Rat bore the brunt of the fighting; I merely served in the ranks and did little or nothing.” The animals were evidently puzzled and taken aback by this unexpected attitude of his; and Toad felt, as he moved from one guest to the other, making his modest responses, that he was an object of absorbing interest to everyone. The Badger had ordered everything of the best, and the banquet was a great success. There was much talking and laughter and chaff among the animals, but through it all Toad, who of course was in the chair, looked down his nose and murmured pleasant nothings to the animals on either side of him. At intervals he stole a glance at the Badger and the Rat, and always when he looked they were staring at each other with their mouths open; and this gave him the greatest satisfaction. Some of the younger and livelier animals, as the evening wore on, got whispering to each other that things were not so amusing as they used to be in the good old days; and there were some knockings on the table and cries of “Toad! Speech! Speech from Toad! Song! Mr. Toad's song!” But Toad only shook his head gently, raised one paw in mild protest, and, by pressing delicacies on his guests, by topical small-talk, and by earnest inquiries after members of their families not yet old enough to appear at social functions, managed to convey to them that this dinner was being run on strictly conventional lines. He was indeed an altered Toad!  which two parts of the following excerpt from the wind in the willows by kenneth grahame provide information about the setting of the story being told by rat?

CommonLit: Letter to the treasure of Spain

Consider the way in which Columbus describes the people he encounters on the islands. Explain the significance of this in regards to both the purpose and the central ideas expressed. Cite evidence from the letter to support your response.


In his letter to the Treasurer of Spain, Christopher Columbus describes the people he encounters on the islands he explores as peaceful and fearless describing their language, appearance, and living style

Christopher Columbus describes the people he encounters on the islands in the Letter to the treasure of Spain as peaceful and fearless. He also goes on to describe their appearance, their language, and their way of life. The significance of this is that Columbus is attempting to present the people of the islands as simple, harmless, and primitive. By doing this, he justifies his own actions and the actions of the Spanish towards these people. He portrays them as being in need of Spanish civilization and Christian religion.

Columbus further goes on to suggest that these people would make excellent slaves. This is consistent with the central idea expressed in the letter which is that the islands Columbus has encountered are ripe for Spanish colonization and that Columbus himself is ready to play a role in this endeavor. Columbus makes a clear connection between the people he has encountered and the possibility of extracting gold and other riches from the land. He writes: "I discovered many islands inhabited by numerous people."

Columbus views these people as resources to be exploited rather than as human beings with their own cultures and ways of life. He goes on to say that these people are "able to be converted to our Holy Faith more by love than by force." Columbus presents the conversion of the people to Christianity as something that is ultimately for their own good.

Overall, Columbus portrays the people he has encountered as innocent and childlike. This view is consistent with the purpose of the letter, which is to convince the Spanish monarchs to fund future expeditions to the New World. Columbus presents the people of the islands as easy to dominate and therefore easy to exploit for Spain's gain.

Learn more about Christopher Columbus:



3/22 - Put each word into a sentence



I completed the assignment.

I ate the whole orange.

There were eighteen ducks in my yard.

The book was written 80 years ago.

I know the answer.

I was scared of the ghost.

I gain knowledge from reading books.

I want to design a new shirt.

Explanation: :)

For the 7 habits of highly effective by Stephen covey

Please help



be proactive

begin with the end in mind

put first things first

think win-win

seek first to understand then to be understood

synergize shapen the saw


How are jurors 5 and 6 similar in “12 angry men”


Juror 5 is from the slums, where the boy accused of murder is from, so he has personal experience that the others do not.

12 Angry Men Summary

We walk into a courtroom and see twelve men seated in a jury box. The judge gives them instructions on how to rule on a first-degree murder trial. The accused is an eighteen-year-old boy who has been charged with murdering his father, and all of the jurors seem to believe he did it. When they enter the jury room, they vote immediately for Guilty. However, one hopes for a Not Guilty verdict. In order to decide a case in the United States, juries must usually reach a unanimous vote, so it appears that the jurors will be stuck until they can get Juror #8 (the sceptic) to play.Juror #8 initially states that he simply wishes to discuss the verdict for a short period of time. After all, they're about to sentence an eighteen-year-old boy to death by electric chair, and Juror #8 doesn't want to do so without first having a conversation. He brings up some details from the case that have been bothering him, but the other jurors want him to stop stalling so they can reach a verdict of Guilty. Finally, Juror #8 requests that the foreman conduct a second vote, which he (#8) will abstain from. If everyone votes for Guilty again, he'll join them and put an end to it all.

To know more about Juror, click on the link :



ryan was excited to be flying down from boston to speak at a conference of guidance counselors in atlanta. but many members of the audience had difficulty understanding his hard a sounds and dropped rs. which term best reflects the cause of this communication problem in the speech?


The term that best reflects the cause of the communication problem in the speech is dialect. A dialect is a variety of a language that is spoken by a specific group of people.  

It differs from the standard language in terms of pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar. A dialect can be classified as regional, social, or ethnic. It refers to the differences in pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar of a specific group of people who share a common language.

It is probable that Ryan's hard a sounds and dropped rs were indicative of a particular dialect spoken in Boston that was unfamiliar to the audience of guidance counselors in Atlanta. This difference in dialect can cause communication problems and make it challenging for the audience to understand the speaker.

To know more about dialect refer to-



in chapter one, daisy does not hesitate to say tom's least favorite word, twice. what word does she repeat two times? question 4 options: money myrtle gatsby hulking


In chapter one of "The Great Gatsby" by F. Scott Fitzgerald, Daisy repeats the word "hulking" twice.

Why did Daisy repeats Hulking twice in the book "The Great Gatsby" by F. Scott Fitzgerald?

Daisy uses the word Hulking to describe Tom, saying "That's what I get for marrying a hulking physical specimen of a man." Later, she says "I hate that word hulking. Even in kidding."

In chapter 1 of "The Great Gatsby" by F. Scott Fitzgerald, the narrator, Nick Carraway, introduces himself and describes his move to New York. He visits his cousin Daisy and her husband Tom, where he meets their friend Jordan Baker. Nick learns about Tom's affair with Myrtle, the wife of a garage owner, and attends a party at their apartment in New York City. At the party, he meets the enigmatic Jay Gatsby, who he is intrigued by. The chapter sets the scene for the rest of the novel, introducing the characters and their relationships.

Find more useful exercises on The Great Gatsby";



Before Jack Johnson read "fahrenheit 451" in English
class, he thought the book was about a very hot day. find correct way to wrote sentence


The correct way to write the sentence is Before reading "Fahrenheit 451" in his English class, Jack Johnson thought the book was about a very hot day.

What is a sentence?
A sentence is a grammatically complete group of words that expresses a complete thought or idea. It typically contains a subject and a predicate, and it can be either a statement, a question, a command, or an exclamation. Sentences are the basic building blocks of written and spoken communication, and they are used to convey information, express opinions, make requests, ask questions, tell stories, and much more.

The corrected sentence is: "Before reading "Fahrenheit 451" in his English class, Jack Johnson believed that the book was about a very hot day."

This sentence corrects the placement of the prepositional phrase "in his English class" to modify "reading" rather than "Fahrenheit 451." Additionally, "believed" is used instead of "thought" to indicate a past belief that was later corrected.

To know more about communication visit:

please hurry this is due in 10 minutes, ill give brainliest and 15 points

Icicles are pretty sights during the wintertime because they hang like ornaments. They dangle up high in places, like house roof tops, buildings, and trees. Because of this, icicles are dangerous to be around. When the sun comes out and melts the ice, the icicles can fall down. This can severely injure anyone who is found below. In addition, if too much ice forms around an object, such as a tree branch, the ice can cause it to break. Therefore, it is best to be careful when walking under them.

Which text structure did the writer use to organize this passage?
A. cause and effect

B. classification

C. compare and contrast

D. definition



cause and effect


I looked it up for you, your welcome


I believe it's A


They're saying what can cause smt and then the effect it will have.

Evaluate the impact that social media has on teenage relationships​



When used in moderation, social media can be a great tool to help build and maintain friendships. However, too much internet or cell phone use may have negative effects and actually affect our interpersonal skills, inhibiting teens' ability to form meaningful friendships


Social media can have both positive and negative impacts on teenage relationships, including increased communication and connection, but also potential for cyberbullying and unrealistic expectations.

What are effects of social media?

Social media has had a significant impact on teenage relationships. On the one hand, social media platforms have provided teenagers with more opportunities to connect with each other, stay in touch with friends and family, and expand their social networks. On the other hand, these platforms can also lead to negative effects such as cyberbullying, harassment, and social comparison.

Social media can also put pressure on teenagers to present a curated image of themselves online, which can lead to anxiety and self-esteem issues. Additionally, social media can exacerbate the tendency for teenagers to compare themselves to others and can lead to unrealistic expectations for what a relationship should be like. Overall, while social media can have some positive effects on teenage relationships, it is important for teenagers to use these platforms responsibly and to be aware of their potential negative consequences.

Learn more about social media, here:



Tales of a
Fourth Grade Nothing
ein by Judy Blume
Chapter Eight: The T.V. Star
A) Comprehension: Drawing Conclusions
Complete the following sentences in your own words.

1. Mrs. Hatcher wanted Peter to help his father because




Fourth Grade Nothing Chapter 1. Directions: Use your book to answer the followingquestions in complete sentences. You must start your answer with a capital ...21 pages

our two puppies which like to play tumble of their own fee sometimes


negros negros negros

the second paragraph of an expanded pyramid story is also called . a. the trail b. the jump c. the bridge d. the cliff


The second paragraph of an expanded pyramid story is also called the "jump".

What is a pyramid story?A pyramid story is a style of writing that follows a structure similar to that of a pyramid. It is a writing strategy that involves dividing a story into specific sections or paragraphs, each of which serves a specific purpose in moving the narrative forward.

There are a few different variations of the pyramid story format, but generally, it consists of an introduction or lead, followed by several paragraphs that provide additional information and details about the topic or event. The paragraphs gradually become shorter and more focused as the story progresses.

Learn more about pyramid story  here:https://brainly.com/question/14888971


Two of Georgia's most important industries are the agricultural industry and the film industry. Write an argument stating which of the two industries you think will be the most important one for modern Georgia.


The agricultural industry in Georgia provides more than $75 billion in annual income and employs over 380,000 people. Georgia is among the top five states in the country for agricultural production, with the primary crops being peaches, peanuts, poultry, and cotton. On the other hand, the film industry in Georgia has experienced explosive growth in recent years, thanks to the state's attractive tax incentives and diverse filming locations. Georgia has become one of the top destinations for film productions globally, with productions such as Black Panther, The Walking Dead, and Stranger Things being filmed in the state. According to the Motion Picture Association of America, the film and television industry supports over 28,000 jobs and contributes more than $9.5 billion to Georgia's economy. Therefore, both industries are essential to Georgia's economy and provide numerous job opportunities to its residents. However, whether one is more important than the other depends on several factors, including the economic impact on the state, the number of jobs provided, and the market stability. However in my opinion the agricultural industry is more important due to the food it produces.

all of these are examples of non-verbal communication except: group of answer choices eye contact. showing the middle finger. humming. frowning at someone.


All of these are examples of nonverbal communication except humming. Therefore, the correct option is 3.

Nonverbal communication refers to the process of transmitting messages without speaking. This can be achieved through a variety of physical behaviors, facial expressions, and gestures. Let's explore the given options:

1. Eye contact: Eye contact is a form of non-verbal communication that is often used to establish a connection with another person.

2. Showing the middle finger: This is another form of nonverbal communication that is intended to convey a negative message.

3. Humming: Humming is not an example of nonverbal communication since it does not convey a message to others.

4. Frowning at someone: Frowning is an example of nonverbal communication that expresses disappointment or disapproval towards someone.

Therefore, the correct answer is the third option: Humming.

Learn more about Nonverbal communication:



Please help!! 100 points will give brainiest to best answer ​


Answer:B. King highlights the differences between the current atrocities and potential for peace.In his "I Have a Dream" speech, Martin Luther King Jr. delivered a powerful message of hope, calling for an end to racism and discrimination in America. He envisioned a future where people would be judged by the content of their character, not the color of their skin. King used powerful imagery and metaphors to convey his message, emphasizing the stark contrast between the current reality of racial injustice and his dream of a more equal and just society. While he did mention specific places where discrimination was rampant, he did not tell victims of segregation and injustice to go back to those places, as stated in option D.





How does sensory language improve writing? (Select two answers)
O Sensory language makes a story more believable.
O Sensory language shows the passage of time or a change of place.
O Sensory language makes readers sympathize with characters.
O Sensory language makes readers feel as if they are there.



Sensory makes me feel as if I was there.


Think of reading The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.  When the author explains Lucy walking through the wardrobe and ends up in the crunching snow, it makes you "hear, see, and feel" exactly what you think Lucy could see.

That is sensory language.

I will give you the BRAINLIEST answer
MLK Jr. speech. I have a dream
Please analyze this. How does this create a sense of unity? What techniques are used?

With this faith, we will be able to transform the jangling discords of our nation into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood.


Repetition – Repetition inside a composition will assurance a feeling of unity. Tessellations are an apparent example of how repetition unifies a composition. A tessellation is an association of shapes that match together in a repeated pattern barring  gaps.

What does feel of Unity mean?

oneness of mind, feeling, etc., as amongst a wide variety of persons; concord, harmony, or agreement.

Yet regardless of the unfolding tragedy, these shared experiences additionally added a experience of unity to the experts attending the conference. We are being rudely woke up to a sense of unity in matters political, economic, scientific, and even cultural

Learn more about sense of Unity here:


What are the benefits that come with group and community membership? What are the costs of being excluded? How does Jose Antonio Vargas help you answer these questions?



Timothy invests $8,151 in a savings account with a fixed annual interest rate of 6.47% compounded continuously. What will be the account balance after 5 years?

Can you write a summary about rabbits that are meant for 7-year-olds?


Rabbits are mammals, which are warm-blooded, backboned animals. They prefer to live in groups and dig underground tunnels to protect themselves. They are prey, and many predators enjoy eating them. Rabbits are herbivores, meaning they prefer to eat only plants.

Characteristics of Rabbit

Rabbits are small, furry mammals with long ears, short, fluffy tails, and large, powerful hind legs. They have two sets of sharp incisors (front teeth), one on top and one on bottom. In addition, they have two peg teeth behind the top incisors. Their teeth are designed for gnawing and continue to grow throughout their lives. Rabbits hop by using their powerful hind legs. They have four long and webbed toes on their hind feet to keep them from spreading apart when they jump. Each of their front paws has five toes. Some rabbit species can reach speeds of up to 45 miles per hour (56 to 72 kilometres per hour). Young rabbits appear to walk rather than hop.Rabbits vary in colour and size, weighing 2 to 16 pounds (1 to 7 kilogrammes) depending on breed. Pet rabbits that have been well cared for and spayed or neutered at a young age have a life expectancy of 8 to 12 years

To know more about Rabbit , click on the link :



how is loneliness further explored in chapter 4 in of mice and men?


In Chapter 4 of "Of Mice and Men," loneliness is further explored through the characters of Crooks and Curley's wife.

Crooks, the stable buck, is isolated from the other workers due to his race, and as a result, he is forced to live alone in a separate barn.

What is Of Mice and Men?

"Of Mice and Men" is a novella by American author John Steinbeck, first published in 1937. The story is set during the Great Depression and follows the lives of two migrant workers, George Milton and Lennie Small, as they search for work on California ranches.

Similarly, Curley's wife is also portrayed as a lonely character. She is the only woman on the ranch, and her husband's jealousy and possessiveness prevent her from forming friendships with the other men.

Curley's wife's loneliness is further emphasized when she talks to Lennie in the barn and admits that she doesn't like Curley and that she is unhappy with her life on the ranch.

Learn more about Of Mice and Men on https://brainly.com/question/14309152


draw conclusions: the fight between abeeba and samadu is developed in great detail. why does the author include this scene in the story? cite details from the story to support your conclusion.


The author includes the scene between Abeeba and Samadu to demonstrate the power of friendship and how it can help people overcome difficult challenges.

The scene shows that Abeeba was willing to risk her own safety in order to protect Samadu and save his reputation, and that Samadu was equally willing to risk his safety in order to protect Abeeba.

This demonstrates the strength of their bond and their commitment to each other, which is a powerful message for readers. It shows the importance of love, loyalty, and friendship, and how important it is to have strong relationships in our lives.

To learn more about Abeeba and Samadu link is here



The complete question is:

What conclusion can be drawn from the detailed fight scene between Abeeba and Samadu included in the story? Cite details from the story to support your conclusion.


Match the definition or example to the term.

1 .
attentiveness and patience
requirements of a good listener
2 .
3 .
primary source
name and address of the person to whom a letter is sent
4 .
inside address
"Your friend,"
5 .
Readers' Guide
your address and the date
6 .
wire services
knowing size and makeup is important
7 .
"Dear Sirs:"
8 .
an eyewitness account
9 .
used to find magazine articles



1) False,

To be a good listener, you must be able to give good advice.

2) AP or UPI

wire services

3) name and address of the person to whom a letter is sent

inside address

4) closing

"Your friend"

5) your address and the date


6) knowing size and makeup is important


7) "Dear Sirs:"


8) an eyewitness account

primary source

9) used to find magazine articles

Readers' Guide


That's your answers :)

Who are the two main characters in the story? What is their relationship like? In the story the girl


Mother and Daughter

"GIRL" Summary

In "Daughter," a mother gives her daughter a single piece of advice that is only twice interrupted by the girl who has to clarify or explain herself. She gives the advise with the dual intentions of reprimanding and assisting her daughter. Although Kincaid frequently repeats herself, notably when advising her daughter against being a "dirty" she does use semicolons to divide the warnings and words of wisdom. In addition to these repetitions, "Girl" doesn't progress chronologically; the stream has no beginning, middle, or end.The mother gives her daughter a lot of sensible guidance that will one day help her maintain a home of her own. She instructs her daughter on how to perform household tasks including sweeping, cooking, setting the table, ironing, and sewing.

To know more about Semicolon, click on the link :



the playwright generally relies on which of the four main points of view employed by the fiction writer?


The playwright generally relies on the dramatic point of view when creating their plays. The four main points of view employed by the fiction writer are: First person, Second person, Third person limited, and Third person omniscient.

As a playwright, Playwrights rely on the third person point of view, which is the same point of view that novelists and short story writers use. The four primary points of view are as follows: First-person narrative, Second-person narrative, Third-person omniscient narrative and Third-person limited narrative Playwrights, on the other hand, use third-person point of view, as it is the most natural choice for the playwright. Third-person omniscient and third-person limited are the two types of third-person narratives available.

know more about fiction here



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