22. Though the New Deal staved off complete collapse of the US economy, the item that ultimately ended the Great Depression was


Answer 1

The 17 million unemployed people in 1939 appeared to be taken care of by those war employment. So, the Great Depression's end has generally been attributed by historians to the enormous spending during the war.

Why did the Great Depression occur and what did it consist of?Most nations on earth were affected by the Great Depression, which was an economic shock. With a sharp decline in American stock prices, it was clear that the country was going through an economic slump. The October 24 Wall Street stock market disaster was caused by an economic contagion that started in September. The 1929 stock market crash, bank failures, and a drought that persisted until the 1930s were some of the factors that contributed to the Great Depression. High unemployment, home and possession losses, and the closure of nearly half of American banks all occurred during this period.Throughout the history of the industrialised world, the 1929–1939 Great Depression was the worst economic downturn.

To learn more about Great Depression, refer to:


Related Questions

How would it benefit the Roman Empire for enslaved people to know there was a possibility they could become citizens ?



Granting citizenship to enslaved people would have incentivized them to work harder and become more invested in the success of the empire, ultimately leading to increased productivity and economic growth. Additionally, it would have improved the empire's reputation as a fair and just society, potentially reducing the likelihood of rebellion or uprisings.


Answer: Roman slaves were seen as merely the property of their masters to do with as they wished. Slaves had no rights at all and certainly no legal status or individuality. They could not create relations or families, nor could they own property.

It would benefit the slave owners.

Explanation: Please give Brainlist.

Hope this helps!!!!

Read the following passage written by Charles de Montesquieu. Which ideals
expressed during the American and French revolutions does this passage
Again, there is no liberty, if the judiciary power be not
separated from the legislative and executive. Were it joined
with the legislative, the life and liberty of the subject would
be exposed to arbitrary control; for the judge would be then
the legislator. Were it joined to the executive power, the
judge might behave with violence and oppression.
A. Natural rights
B. Social contract
C. Popular sovereignty
D. Separation of powers



D. Separation of powers


The principles of separation of powers, which hold that the various departments of government should be given separate powers and responsibilities, are those that are outlined in the paragraph. This idea played a significant role in both the American and French revolutions, which both aimed to create democratic systems of government that protected citizens' rights and liberties by limiting the scope of the executive branch.

What are executive agreements?
Question 43 options:


agreements made between the president and his or her cabinet without congressional approval


briefs filed by the executive branch on behalf of one side in a Supreme Court case


agreements made between the president and Congress without formal legislation


statements formalizing international relations without Senate-ratified treaties





Executive agreements are agreements made between the President and another country, which do not require Senate ratification like treaties do. They are legally binding agreements that allow the President to take action on behalf of the United States without the need for congressional approval. These agreements can cover a wide range of topics, including trade, defense, and diplomacy, and are used as a tool of foreign policy. Option d) is the correct answer.

What fermented drinks did people drink in Medeval time?



Mead: Mead is a fermented drink made from honey, water, and yeast. It was popular in medieval Europe and was often associated with the Vikings.

Ale: Ale is a type of beer that is brewed using a warm fermentation process. It was the most common alcoholic drink in medieval Europe and was often brewed in monasteries and taverns.

Wine: Wine was also popular in medieval Europe, especially in areas with suitable climate and soil for grape growing. It was often consumed by the wealthy and was seen as a symbol of wealth and status.

Cider: Cider is a fermented drink made from apples. It was popular in medieval England, where it was often made in monasteries and was consumed by both the wealthy and the poor.

Kombucha: Kombucha is a fermented tea drink that originated in China and was consumed in medieval Europe. It was made by fermenting sweetened tea with a culture of bacteria and yeast.

Kvass: Kvass is a fermented drink made from rye bread and water. It was popular in medieval Russia and was often consumed by peasants.Mead: Mead is a fermented drink made from honey, water, and yeast. It was popular in medieval Europe and was often associated with the Vikings.

Ale: Ale is a type of beer that is brewed using a warm fermentation process. It was the most common alcoholic drink in medieval Europe and was often brewed in monasteries and taverns.

Wine: Wine was also popular in medieval Europe, especially in areas with suitable climate and soil for grape growing. It was often consumed by the wealthy and was seen as a symbol of wealth and status.

Cider: Cider is a fermented drink made from apples. It was popular in medieval England, where it was often made in monasteries and was consumed by both the wealthy and the poor.

Kombucha: Kombucha is a fermented tea drink that originated in China and was consumed in medieval Europe. It was made by fermenting sweetened tea with a culture of bacteria and yeast.

Kvass: Kvass is a fermented drink made from rye bread and water. It was popular in medieval Russia and was often consumed by peasants.


What factors played a part in the American forces winning the Revolutionary War?


Answer: The Common enemy that the Would-be Americans had(The British forces), along with the anger from them being forced into having be ruled over. And their vast supplies from years of being there for about a century. And allies from other country's wanting to help them in the effort.

Which countries made up the
Central Powers?


Answer:Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria and the Ottoman Empire


Write a 300 words essay in which you explain the problems that human caused on Easter Island.


Easter Island is a island with a history of deceit and misfortune. The island originally has native inhabitants who used easter islands many rocks to build there own structures. Easter Island was peaceful for many years but scientists believe that the natives depleted all the resources on the island. The main resource they deleted was wood from there trees which they used to build there easter structures. This eventual resource mismanagement eventually led to the natives fighting amongst themselves for resources and the Europeans eventually killing and selling off the last of the native peoples from easter island
Easter Island was once a haven for its inhabitants. It provided them with all of their needs, food, shelter, tools, and even the ability to create great works of art. They abused this Eden, and turned it into a disaster, with almost no natural resources. This could very well happen to us, because our earth is the same Eden that Easter Island once was.

The people of Easter Island came over to their new land, and recognized that it was ideal for them to settle. The land was lush; the sea was providing a bounty of fresh fish, and other seafood. The earth was dark brown, and very rich. Everything was just the way it needed to be to support a growing community of people.

They began…show more content…
The soil was losing its great growing powers, because of over cultivation. There were hardly as many seabirds as could be remembered in recent years. Slowly but surely, their way of life was dwindling, like a slowing dying flame. They couldn’t directly see their end, but it was near. When their major population finally did go, it went out with a whimper. Slowly and quietly they went the way of their beloved fern trees. With the loss of all of the necessary items to sustain their eco system, such as the fern, the trees, which they used to make rope, the birds they used, hunt. All gone now, because they could not replenish them selves in a quickly enough time to meet the needs of the people.

This should act as a rude awakening to us. The planet could be considered a large Easter Island. We have a potentially non-sustainable eco system. If we are not careful, we could go the same way as the inhabitants of the island. It is possible for us to use up everything so there is nothing left for our children to use. If we look at our progression over the last 300 years that we have inhabited North America, we will notice that we have removed many natural resources. Trees in the Northwest, plains in the Midwest, the marshes of Florida, all of which have been devastated by humans in the past centuries. Our great grandparents did not notice the destruction, nor will I ever be

please help me solve this​


The Separate-But-Equal Doctrine was a legal doctrine in the United States that allowed for the racial segregation of public facilities, such as schools and transportation, as long as they were "equal" in quality.

What is legal doctrine?

Legal doctrine is a set of rules and principles which courts use to interpret and apply laws. It is based on precedent, which is a court's decision in a previous similar legal case. In some countries, legal doctrine is also sometimes referred to as jurisprudence. Legal doctrine helps to develop more consistent rulings in similar disputes and to help ensure that the law is applied in a predictable and consistent manner.

This doctrine was used to justify discrimination against African Americans and other minority groups. The doctrine was established in 1896 in the Supreme Court case of Plessy v. Ferguson, and it remained in effect until 1954 when the Supreme Court reversed its decision in the case of Brown v. Board of Education.

To learn more about legal doctrine

Which government principle most closely lines up with the 4th Amendment?
Freedom of Speech
Separation of Powers
Limited Government
Popular Sovereignty





What are the relationships between the Industrial Revolution and the emergence of capitalism, socialism, and communism?


Capitalism, socialism, and communism all rose to prominence as a result of the Industrial Revolution.

What are the relationships between the Industrial Revolution and the emergence of capitalism, socialism, and communism?

Production and income both significantly increased throughout the Industrial Revolution, which fueled the expansion of capitalism. An economic system known as capitalism is built on the concept of private ownership of the equipment of production, with market demand driving profits. Capitalists strove to enhance their profits as new industries and markets developed, which resulted in the development of big businesses and the concentration of wealth in the hands of a select few. The rise of capitalism also brought about social injustice and labour exploitation, which sparked the emergence of communism and socialism as competing economic systems.

To Know more about Industrial Revolution Visit:



During World War II, which of the
following would be considered
unpatriotic by workers?
A. rationing
B. buying war bonds
C. strikes



C. strikes


During World War II, strikes by workers were considered unpatriotic because they disrupted the production of war materials and equipment needed to support the war effort. The United States government and many Americans believed that workers had a responsibility to put aside their personal grievances and work together for the common good during the war. Strikes were seen as undermining this shared national goal and potentially putting American soldiers in danger. As a result, the government passed legislation to restrict the right to strike and unions agreed not to strike during the war.

is a place where people live, work, and spend their time.


Can you explain more, please?

Psychological reasons for colonization of Africa




The colonization of Africa by European powers was driven by a complex set of economic, political, and psychological factors. Some of the psychological factors that may have influenced European countries to colonize Africa include:

Racism and Eurocentrism: European colonizers saw themselves as superior to Africans and believed that they had a duty to "civilize" and "Christianize" the "backward" peoples of Africa. This racist and Eurocentric view was reinforced by the social Darwinist theory that argued that Europeans were biologically superior to other races.

Nationalism and Imperialism: The desire for power and prestige also played a role in the colonization of Africa. European countries were in competition with each other for political and economic dominance, and the acquisition of colonies was seen as a way to enhance their status as imperial powers.

Economic reasons: The colonization of Africa also had economic motivations. European countries wanted to exploit Africa's natural resources, such as gold, diamonds, and other minerals, and establish new markets for their goods. The slave trade had also created a demand for African labor, which European colonizers continued to exploit even after the abolition of the slave trade.

Psychological factors: European colonizers were often driven by a sense of adventure and the desire to explore new lands. Many Europeans were also motivated by a sense of duty to spread Christianity and Western civilization to Africa, which they saw as a "dark continent" in need of enlightenment.

In summary, the colonization of Africa was a complex process that was driven by a variety of factors, including racism, nationalism, imperialism, economic interests, and psychological factors such as a sense of adventure and a desire to spread Christianity and Western civilization.

How are the rights of the minority protected in federalist 51?



Federalist 51 is an essay written by James Madison, one of the Founding Fathers of the United States, which focuses on the importance of the separation of powers and checks and balances in government. While the essay does not explicitly address the rights of minorities, it does propose a system of government that is designed to protect individual rights and prevent the tyranny of the majority.

Madison argues that the separation of powers between the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of government creates a system of checks and balances that helps to prevent any one branch from becoming too powerful. This system ensures that no single group or individual has too much influence over government decisions, which helps to protect the rights of all citizens, including minorities.

In addition, Madison suggests that the size and diversity of the United States makes it less likely that any one group will be able to dominate the political system. He writes, "In the extended republic of the United States, and among the great variety of interests, parties, and sects which it embraces, a coalition of a majority of the whole society could seldom take place on any other principles than those of justice and the general good."

Overall, while Federalist 51 does not specifically address the rights of minorities, Madison's emphasis on the importance of a system of checks and balances and the diversity of interests in the United States suggests that he believed in protecting the rights of all citizens, including those in the minority.

Explain the term judicial review. Which legal case established its use?



Judicial review is the power of the courts to review and potentially strike down actions taken by the legislative or executive branches of government that are deemed to be unconstitutional. This power is not explicitly mentioned in the U.S. Constitution, but it has been recognized and utilized by the Supreme Court in a number of landmark cases.

The legal case that established the use of judicial review was Marbury v. Madison, which was decided by the U.S. Supreme Court in 1803. In that case, the Court ruled that the Judiciary Act of 1789, which had been passed by Congress, was unconstitutional. This decision established the principle that the Supreme Court has the authority to declare a law unconstitutional and therefore null and void.


Answer: Marbury v. Madison (1803)


Judicial review is a process by which courts review the legality of the actions of the other branches of government, such as executive and legislative branches. Judicial review confirms that the actions of the other branches are consistent with the law and the Constitution. The landmark case of Marbury v. Madison (1803) established the use of judicial review in the United States. In this case, Chief Justice John Marshall established the principle of judicial review by ruling that it was the Supreme Court’s duty to determine whether laws passed by Congress were constitutional or not. This ruling established the Supreme Court as the final arbiter of the laws of the United States.

how did geography affect life in the west? (westward movement)



Geography played a significant role in shaping life in the West during the westward movement. The West was characterized by a diverse landscape that included mountains, deserts, grasslands, and forests, and these physical features had a profound impact on the development of the region.

One of the most significant effects of geography was the availability of natural resources. The West had abundant natural resources, including minerals, timber, and fertile soil. This fueled the westward movement, as settlers sought land and economic opportunity.

However, the geography of the West also presented challenges. The harsh climates, rugged terrain, and lack of water made settlement and travel difficult. Settlers had to adapt to the environment by using new farming techniques, building irrigation systems, and developing new modes of transportation.

The geography of the West also had a significant impact on the Native American populations who lived there. Many Native American tribes had adapted to their local environments and had developed unique cultures and ways of life. As settlers moved westward, they often disrupted these communities, leading to conflict and displacement.

In conclusion, geography played a significant role in shaping life in the West during the westward movement. It provided abundant natural resources but also presented challenges that settlers had to overcome. The impact of geography on the Native American populations was also significant, leading to significant changes in their ways of life.


Geology assumed a huge part in shaping life in the West during the Toward the west Development in the nineteenth 100 years. The West was described by huge and different scenes, going from mountains, fields, deserts, and woodlands, which influenced individuals who lived there and the manner in which they lived.

One critical way that topography impacted life in the West was through its effect on transportation. The immense distances among settlements and the rough landscape made travel troublesome, and this made correspondence and transportation testing. The rough landscape, especially in the Rough Mountains, made it trying to fabricate railways, which were crucial for connecting the West to the remainder of the country. The development of the cross-country railroad in 1869 assisted with taking care of this issue, considering the transportation of individuals and products the nation over more rapidly and proficiently.

The geology of the West additionally affected settlement designs. The Incomparable Fields, for instance, offered immense areas of ripe land, which pulled in pilgrims hoping to cultivate and farm. Conversely, the deserts and mountains were less affable, and settlement in these areas was really difficult. Thus, the West turned into an interwoven of settlements, with populace focuses moved in the region with the best admittance to water, ripe land, and transportation courses.

The geology of the West additionally impacted the advancement of ventures. The disclosure of gold in California in 1849 and later in the Rough Mountains prompted a dash for unheard of wealth and the improvement of mining towns. The tremendous woods in the Pacific Northwest prompted the improvement of the lumber business, while the prolific grounds of the Incomparable Fields upheld the development of farming and farming.

At long last, the geology of the West additionally formed the way of life and lifestyle of individuals who lived there. The cruel states of the West, including the warm, dry summers and cool, cold winters, required strength and cleverness. The cowpokes, excavators, and ranchers who settled the West fostered an interesting society and lifestyle, which underlined independence, difficult work, and freedom.

All in all, the topography of the West assumed a huge part in deeply shaping life in the district during the Toward the west Development. It affected transportation, settlement examples, ventures, and culture and keeps on impacting life in the area today.

Which side has the better argument based on the text of the Constitution? Does it make sense that the same proposal that made reference to "capital crimes" in the Fifth Amendment contemplated a ban on capital punishment in the Eighth Amendment?




The text of the Constitution itself does not explicitly state whether or not capital punishment is constitutional. The Fifth Amendment mentions "capital crime" as a possible reason for someone to be deprived of life, but it does not necessarily endorse capital punishment as a form of punishment. The Eighth Amendment prohibits "cruel and unusual punishments," which could potentially include capital punishment, depending on one's interpretation.

Therefore, it is difficult to say which side has the better argument based solely on the text of the Constitution. Both sides can make reasonable arguments based on their interpretations of the Constitution.

As for the proposal that made reference to "capital crimes" in the Fifth Amendment and a ban on capital punishment in the Eighth Amendment, it is not necessarily contradictory. The Fifth Amendment allows for the possibility of capital punishment, but it does not require it. The Eighth Amendment prohibits "cruel and unusual punishments," which could potentially include capital punishment if it is deemed to be cruel or unusual. So, it is possible for someone to argue that while capital punishment may be allowed in some cases, it should be banned as a cruel and unusual punishment.

Performance Task
It has been 100 years since the outbreak of World War I, but the European catastrophe remains relevant
today History shows that the total number of causalities of World War I was about 37 million, but how can
anyone truly grasp the significance of that number? You have been hired by a graphic designer to create a
photo montage that captures and portrays the lure (benefits) and consequences (costs) of WWI. All of the
specifications are being provided to you (see below) It is your job to find and fit the content into the layout
plan given to you by the graphic designer. Your task must include all of the elements of the Layout Plan
The Layout Plan
Title Page: A title page stating what your photo montage is describing.
Photo Montage: Select images that detail/describe the lure (benefits) and consequences (costs) of total war
(this could include but is not limited to: military power, destruction of towns/cities/countries, death,
causalities, etc.)
A constructed response describing your Montage: Include information that details and explains your photo
Reference Page: List the sources or webpages you accessed to retrieve the photos you used. This can be a
general list.
This can be presented on paper, poster board, or digitally. You can even present this as a video montage. As
long as you include all of the elements of the Layout Plan, you can decide how you will construct and present
your photo montage. For a partial example of this Performance Task, see the next page of this packet.
Photo Montage Resources



First, you will need to do some research on the lure and consequences of World War I. Look for images that depict the military power, destruction of towns/cities/countries, death, and causalities. You can use search engines, historical archives, or photo databases to find appropriate images. Be sure to keep track of your sources so you can list them on the reference page.

Once you have a collection of images, organize them according to the layout plan. Your title page should clearly state what your photo montage is about. The photo montage should include a balance of images that show both the benefits and costs of total war. Consider the composition, color scheme, and tone of each image as you arrange them on the page. You may need to resize or crop some images to fit the layout.

Finally, construct a response that explains your photo montage. Use the images to illustrate your points and provide context for each one. Discuss the significance of the benefits and costs of World War I, and how they impacted the world at the time and beyond. Be sure to reference your sources on the reference page.

Remember to be creative and thoughtful in your approach to this performance task. Good luck!

During the Iran-Contra scandal of the
1980s, what did the United States do in
regards to the "Contras" in Nicaragua?




The united states secretly sold weapons to Iran and use the Iranian to get the weapons to the contras


At which stage of physical development is Peter at?
Peter is a child who loves to crawl around his room and play with all his toys. This scenario shows that Peter is in the _________ stage of physical development.



Peter is in the locomotor stage of physical development. At this stage, children are beginning to develop their large motor skills and are exploring their surroundings through crawling and walking.

The Second Amendment to the United States Constitution deals with which issue?

A). the Rights of the Accused
B). Freedom of Religion
C). the Right to Bear Arms
D). Unreasonable Search and Seizure


Answer C

The second amendment of the United States Constitution guarantees the right to bear arms.

2. How can you use intuitive thinking and strategic analysis in dealing with your personal issues in life

3. Identify a particular leader in the society. Using your knowledge about strategic analysis and intuitive thinking, what can you say about his or her decision making skills?


The most effective leaders are those who are able to balance both intuitive thinking and strategic analysis, and who are open to new ideas and perspectives.

By combining these approaches, leaders can make more informed decisions that are grounded in both logic and intuition, and that take into account the needs and desires of their followers or constituents.

What exactly is strategic analysis?

Strategic analysis is a process of researching and evaluating an organization's internal and external environment to develop insights into its current position, potential opportunities, and threats, and develop a plan of action to achieve its goals. It involves gathering and analyzing information about an organization's resources, capabilities, strengths, weaknesses, and market trends to determine the best course of action for achieving the organization's objectives.

The purpose of strategic analysis is to identify potential areas of growth, identify areas that require improvement, and develop strategies to address them. It can involve a range of analytical tools and methods, such as SWOT analysis, PESTEL analysis, and competitor analysis.

To learn more about strategic analysis, click



1. Critically assess the differences in military, succession, religious and economic respects between the states that emerged in the savanna and forest zones of Ghana respectively.
2. To what extent did the geographical conditions accounted for the differences. The role of geography in shaping the socio-cultural practices of these two zones?



1) Differences between the states that emerged in the savanna and forest zones of Ghana:

Military: The savanna states, such as the Kingdom of Dagbon and Mamprusi, had a strong military tradition and a centralized system of governance, which allowed them to expand their territories through conquest. In contrast, forest states such as the Asante and Fante had a more decentralized system of governance and relied on alliances and diplomacy to maintain their power and influence.

Succession: In the savanna states, succession to the throne was usually based on the principle of primogeniture, where the eldest son inherited the throne. In contrast, in forest states, succession was more fluid, and the king was often chosen from among a group of eligible candidates.

Religion: In the savanna states, Islam played a significant role in shaping the culture and society, while in forest states, traditional African religions were more prevalent. However, some forest states, such as the Ashanti Empire, also embraced Islam as a religion.

Economic: The savanna states were more focused on trade, particularly with the trans-Saharan trade routes, while the forest states were more involved in agriculture and mining, particularly gold mining.

2)The role of geography in shaping the socio-cultural practices of these two zones: The differences between the savanna and forest states can be partly attributed to the geographical conditions of each zone. The savanna region is characterized by open grasslands, which made it easier for the savanna states to engage in long-distance trade and expand their territories through conquest. In contrast, the forest region is characterized by dense forests, which made it harder to expand territories and engage in long-distance trade. The forest states, therefore, relied on alliances and diplomacy to maintain their power and influence. The forest region also had a more diverse ecology, which allowed for a variety of economic activities, including agriculture and mining. This, in turn, influenced the socio-cultural practices of the forest states, such as their emphasis on agriculture and their use of gold as a symbol of power and wealth.

In conclusion, while geography played a role in shaping the differences between the savanna and forest states of Ghana, other factors such as culture, religion, and economic activity also contributed to these differences. It is essential to take a holistic view of these factors when analyzing the history and development of these states.


What is the United States’ approach to education?
The United States tries to ensure that education is available to every child.
The United States tries to ensure that education is every child’s privilege.
The United States wants to eliminate illiteracy from all states.
The United States wants to work toward community development through the education route.
The United States wants to become the country with the most educated people in the world.


Most likely A

B, E definitely not

Please help with this giving points to whoever help



As a wealthy creole living in Venezuela, my upbringing has been privileged, and I have received a good education. My education has taught me about Enlightenment ideas, particularly the concepts of life, liberty, and property. These ideas have challenged my worldview, and I have come to understand that they have universal applicability.

However, my comfortable life is a product of my family's wealth, which is deeply intertwined with the Spanish colonial system. Although I am not in a position of power, I am part of a privileged class that benefits from the status quo. This realization poses a dilemma as a revolution spreads throughout the country, and I am faced with choosing between supporting Venezuelan independence or supporting Spain and maintaining my current way of life.

On the one hand, supporting Venezuelan independence aligns with my understanding of the universality of Enlightenment ideas. The desire for independence is not just about political power but also about the rights of individuals to govern themselves and control their own destinies. Supporting Venezuelan independence would also mean breaking away from a colonial system that has oppressed and exploited many of our fellow citizens.

On the other hand, supporting Spain would mean maintaining the status quo that has provided me with a comfortable life. It would also mean rejecting the ideals of the Enlightenment, which I have come to believe in. Furthermore, supporting Spain would mean supporting a system that has perpetuated inequality, exploitation, and oppression.

Ultimately, I must make a choice that is in line with my values and beliefs. I cannot ignore the realities of my privilege and the role that my family's wealth has played in my life. However, I also cannot ignore the fact that my education has taught me about universal ideals that apply to all people, regardless of social status.

Therefore, I must support Venezuelan independence. Although this may mean sacrificing some of my own privileges and comforts, it is a choice that is consistent with my beliefs and values. By supporting independence, I can help create a new society that is founded on equality, freedom, and justice.

Hope this helps! I'm sorry if it doesn't. If you need more help, ask me! :]

7. Van Buren believed that the strength of the American economy was
based on
(A) the banking system
(B) the manufacturing sector
(C) farmers and planters
(D) the Specie Circular



It's A. The banking system.


The banking system is what Van Buren believed the strength of the American economy was based on. Martin Van Buren was the eighth President of the United States and served from 1837 to 1841. He was a key figure in the development of the American financial system and believed that a strong banking system was essential to a healthy economy. Van Buren was a supporter of the Independent Treasury System, which aimed to create a decentralized banking system that would prevent the concentration of wealth in a few hands. He believed that a strong banking system would provide the credit necessary for commerce and industry to thrive. The Specie Circular was a policy that Van Buren implemented during his presidency that required the government to accept only gold or silver in payment for federal lands, which was intended to support the banking system by preventing the circulation of paper money. However, it ultimately led to a financial crisis and contributed to Van Buren's defeat in the presidential election of 1840.

Hope this might help you! If not, sorry about that. :]

Our country right or wrong defending the Vietnam war answers




"Our country right or wrong" is a phrase often associated with defending the Vietnam War. The idea behind this phrase is that one should support their country regardless of its actions. Those who defended the Vietnam War believed that the United States had a moral obligation to stop the spread of communism in Southeast Asia, and that supporting the war effort was necessary to fulfill that obligation. They also believed that opposing the war was unpatriotic and undermined the efforts of American soldiers. However, critics of the war argued that blind support of the government and military actions can lead to unjust and immoral actions, and that it is possible to love one's country while still criticizing its policies and actions.

What are the differences between the Federalists and Anti-Federalists?



The Federalists and Anti-Federalists were two political factions that emerged during the late 18th century in the United States during the debate over the ratification of the U.S. Constitution.

The Federalists supported the Constitution and favored a strong central government. They believed that a strong central government was necessary to maintain order, protect the rights of citizens, and promote economic growth. They also supported the idea of a powerful executive branch and favored a loose interpretation of the Constitution.

In contrast, the Anti-Federalists opposed the Constitution and were skeptical of a strong central government. They believed that the Constitution gave too much power to the federal government and threatened individual rights. They favored a more limited government and a strict interpretation of the Constitution. Anti-Federalists also demanded the inclusion of a Bill of Rights to protect individual liberties.

Overall, the Federalists and Anti-Federalists differed on their views on the role and power of the federal government, as well as their interpretation of the Constitution. These differences ultimately led to the drafting and adoption of the Bill of Rights, which helped to reconcile the two factions and establish a framework for the federal government that continues to this day.


Explain in 2-3 sentences why a free press is so essential (important/necessary) to a free, democratic nation.



The freedom of the press is a fundamental democratic

 ideal and a fundamental right in the United States

A free press, which is safeguarded by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, aids in preserving the balance of power in politics.

2. When dealing with the atrocities of war that American soldiers experienced in the Pacific, could a
logical conclusion be drawn to jusify using the Atomic bomb?


The decision to use the atomic bomb on Japan was a highly controversial one and has been debated for decades. There is no single "logical" conclusion that can be drawn to justify the use of the atomic bomb based solely on the atrocities that American soldiers experienced in the Pacific.

What informs this assertion?

While it is true that American soldiers faced brutal conditions and suffered significant casualties during the Pacific W.a.r, it is important to recognize that the decision to use the atomic bomb had complex and multifaceted motivations. These included factors such as the desire to bring a swift end to the w.a.r, the fear of a protracted invasion of Japan, and the desire to demonstrate American military superiority to the Soviet Union.

Moreover, it is important to recognize that the atomic bombings had devastating consequences for the Japanese people, causing enormous loss of life and long-term health effects. Some historians argue that Japan was already on the verge of surrender, and that the use of the atomic bomb was unnecessary and immoral. Others argue that the bombing was a necessary step to end the war and save American lives.

In conclusion, there is no single "logical" conclusion that can be drawn to justify the use of the atomic bomb based solely on the atrocities experienced by American soldiers in the Pacific. The decision to use the atomic bomb was a complex one with multiple factors and motivations, and it continues to be a subject of debate and discussion among historians and policymakers.

learn more about atomic bomb: https://brainly.com/question/140986


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movie content darby o'gill and the little people Which expression(s) have the same value as 100?Expression A: 202-3(102)Expression B: 8(42) + 24Expression C: 152-53 15 ) Ian throws a ball up in the air and lets it fall to the ground.The height of the ball, h(t), is modeled by the equationh(t) = -16t + 6t+ 3, with h(t) measured in feet, and time, t,measured in seconds. The number 3 in h(t) represents(1) the maximum height of the ball(2) the height from which the ball is thrown(3) the number of seconds it takes for the ball to reach the ground(4) the number of seconds it takes for the ball to reach its maximumheight 1)Many common things you use regularly are colloids except.....* milk*hair*spray*paint*alloy2)Which mixture exhibits the Tyndall effect?*fog*salt water*gasoline*sterling silver3)In an apparatus for testing the conductivity of solutions: The light bulb* glows in the solution is a poor conductor.*dim if the solution is a poor conductor.*doesn't glow at all.*glows as it's nonelectrolyte. Now consider a marriage market with four men and four women. There are no transfers, so each man i associates marrying woman j with some given utility uij . And, vice versa, each woman j associates marrying man i with some given utility vij . The utilities are collected in the bi-matrix below, where the four men are on rows and the four women are on columns. Hence, for instance, if man 1 were to marry woman 2, his utility would be u12 = 4 and her utility would be v12 = 2.123411,74,22,43,525,26,52,11,438,84,13,75,641,42,45,38,8(b) Assuming that men propose, apply the Gale-Shapley algorithm to find a marriage market equilibrium a stable matching. [45 marks] Which act led to the formation of a police agency in which the officers were named after Sir Robert Peel?The ___ Act established a full-time, paid, and uniformed agency for public safety. The police officers were known as bobbies or ____ after Sir Robert Peel. what possible problems do you see the Rome empire having to deal with because they are too big? Some students attending a small university with a well-known choir live off campus. From the fact that all music majors are members of the choir, a professor in the music department concluded that none of the students who live off campus is a music major.The professors conclusion is properly drawn if which one of the following is assumed?(A) None of the students who live off campus is a member of the choir.(B) None of the students who are music majors has failed to join the choir.(C) Some of the students who do not live off campus are not music majors.(D) All students who live on campus are music majors.(E) All students who are members of the choir are music majors. PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE HELP WILL GIVE A BRAINLIST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Wet Lab: Investigating FieldsPoints Possible: 50In this lab, you will explore magnetic and electric forces. You will gather data to show how these noncontact forces affect objects in fields. You will investigate the magnetic field between two bar magnets. You will also investigate the electric field between two electrically charged pieces of tape. The tape will become charged when you peel it off another object.Part 1: Exploring Magnetic Fields (16 points)1. Tape one magnet to a smooth, flat surface. Place the other magnet on that surface 10 cm away, oriented so that its north pole is facing the south pole of the other magnet. Slowly push the free magnet toward the magnet that is taped down. What do you observe? (1 point)2. Gently push the free magnet toward the taped magnet again. How far apart are they when the free magnet first starts to be pulled? Use the ruler to measure the distance between the magnets. (1 point)3. Repeat Steps 1 and 2, but this time, position the magnets so that their north poles are facing each other. At what distance do the magnets begin to repel each other? (2 points)4. Place the free magnet in each of the positions shown in the table below. For each position, describe what happens after you let go of the magnet. Draw a diagram that shows the final positions of both magnets. Make sure to label the north pole (N) and south pole (S) of each magnet. (12 points)Magnetic Fields Data TableOriginal magnet positions Final magnet positions ObservationsMagnet diagram Magnet diagram Magnet diagram Magnetic diagram Magnetic diagram Magnet diagram Part 2: Exploring Electric Fields (16 points)5. Cut four pieces of tape that are 15 cm long. Fold over one end of each piece of tape to make a tab that is about 2 cm long.6. Stick one piece of tape to the top of a smooth, flat table. Using a marker, label the tab "B1." Rub the tape with the side of the marker to smooth out any air bubbles. Stick a second piece of tape on top of the first and smooth out the air bubbles again. Label the tab of this piece "T1."7. Repeat Steps 5 and 6 with the remaining two pieces of tape, but label the bottom tab "B2" and the top tab "T2."8. Use the tab to peel T1 off of B1. Stick it vertically to the edge of the table so that the tab is at the top and the tape hangs down below the table. Then peel B1 off the table. Hang it from the table edge in the same way. The two pieces of tape must be at least 10 cm away from each other and from the legs of the table.9. Peel off T2. Hold it by the tab with the sticky side facing you.10. With your other hand, hold a ruler perpendicular to the table edge, with the zero mark against the table next to the tape labeled T1. Hold the tab of T2 at the other end of the ruler. The diagram shows how to arrange the tape and the ruler. Slowly move T2 along the ruler toward T1. Watch for a change at the bottom end of each piece of tape. Measure the distance between the top ends of the pieces of tape when you first notice the change. What happened? Continue moving T2 closer to T1. What happened? Record the distance and your observations in the Electric Fields Data Table provided below Step 12. (4 points)Diagram of electrical fields experiment, with table, ruler, and tape. Text: Table, Ruler, T1, B1, T2.11. Repeat Step 10, this time moving T2 toward the hanging piece of tape labeled B1. (4 points)12. If any of the pieces of tape are stuck together, carefully pull them apart. Discard the piece of tape labeled T2. Then repeat Steps 9 11 using the piece labeled B2 that is still stuck to the tabletop. (8 points)Electric Fields Data TablePieces of tape Distance of first change (cm) ObservationsT1 and T2 B1 and T2 T1 and B2 B1 and B2 Analysis and Conclusions (18 points)1. What can you conclude about magnetic force based on your results in Steps 1 3? Use your data to support your conclusions. (4 points)2. A magnetic field is the area around a magnet where its force can be felt. Magnetic fields are invisible. How did Part 1 of the Procedure and Data section provide evidence that magnetic fields exist? (4 points)3. How could you change the design of the experiment to determine the size of the magnetic field around the magnet that was taped down? (2 points)4. In Part 2 of the Procedure and Data section, how did the pieces of tape affect each other? Why did they attract, repel, or have no effect on each other? (4 points)5. Like magnetic fields, electric fields are invisible. How did the experiment allow you to gather evidence that electric fields exist? (4 points) HELPPPPP MEEEE PLEASEEENEED HELP WITH PROJECTTTTTT SUPER EASYYY PLEASE ANSWER THIS What is collective representation?Question 16 options:a) votes that a representative takes based on a consensus of his or her constituentsb) positions that representatives take on the basis of their party caucusesc) the concept of the Congress representing the collective constituency of the whole countryd) positions that the constituents of several representatives hold in common When computing WACC, you should use the: pretax cost of debt because it is the actual rate the firm is paying bondholders. Current yield because it is based on the current market price of debt. Pretax cost of debt because most corporations pay taxes at the same tax rate. Pretax yield to maturity because it considers the current market price of debt. Aftertax cost of debt because interest is tax deductible THE GIVER Chapter 17What does Gabe symbolize? which equation represents this ellipse? (x-6)^2 /49 + (y-2)^2 / 9 = 1 Mrs. Burke's physics class has 122 students, classified by academic year and major, as illustrated in the table. Mrs. Burke randomly chooses one student to collect yesterday's work. Mrs. Burke's Physics Class Academic Year Physics Majors Non-Physics Majors Freshmen 15 19 Sophomores 10 19 Juniors 19 17 Seniors 11 12 Step 2 of 2: What is the probability that she selects a freshman, given that she chooses a non-physics major? Enter a fraction or round your answer to 4 decimal places, if necessary. What is Current Cash Crunch in Nigeria all about a nurse is instructing a group of clients about nutrition. the nurse's teaching plan should state that in order to limit saturated fat intake, the client should limit total fat intake to what percentage of total calories per day? Maria Fay bought four Dunlop tires at a local Goodyear store. The salesperson told her that her mileage would increase by 6%. Before this purchase, Maria was getting 24 mpg. What should her mileage be with the new tires?Note: Round to the nearest hundredth. which two of the following statements about the results of a screening test are correct? a. sensitivity is the proportion of people who fail the screening test who are aspirators b. specificity is the proportion of people who pass the screening test who are aspirators c. sensitivity is the proportion of people who pass the screening test who are not aspirators d. specificity is the proportion of people who pass the screening test who are not aspirators