tiene mucho estrés y tiene la
arterial alta. *
5 points
This is a required question
tiene mucho estrés y tiene la
arterial alta.

2.El2tiene Mucho Estrs Y Tiene Laarterial Alta. *5 PointsChoose!This Is A Required Question3.Eltiene


Answer 1

Answer: El (2)paciente tiene mucho estrés y tiene la (3)tensión arterial alta.

Translation: The patient is very stressed and has high blood pressure.


Related Questions

Esta falda cuesta solamente diez dólares, es una

Nunca tengo tiempo para ir de compras, mi

es una locura (crazy).

uso mi tarjeta de crédito, pero normalmente pago con dinero en efectivo.
No me gustan estos pantalones que compré, los voy a




This makes no sense:

I never have time to go shopping, my

It's crazy (crazy).

I use my credit card, but I usually pay with cash.

I don't like these pants that I bought, I'm going to



Esta falda cuesta solamente diez dólares, es una  ganga

Nunca tengo tiempo para ir de compras, mi  trabajo es una locura (crazy).

Uso mi tarjeta de crédito, pero normalmente pago con dinero en efectivo.

No me gustan estos pantalones que compré, los voy a  regresar.

The Tango brought these people with the exception of



In April 1913, 90-year-old Henry McHenry walked out of the Chelsea Old Soldiers Home, telling his friends he was going to town – which they assumed meant Boston – and he didn’t come back. Three days later, word arrived that he had surfaced in New York City with a pocketful of cash. McHenry pointedly told police, who wanted to send him home, that he would leave when he had seen what he came for. What enticed this cantankerous Civil War veteran and retired stonemason to travel all the way to New York? He wanted to see this new dance phenomenon everyone was talking about: the tango. The year 1913, the writer H.G. Wells noted, was “the year of the tango.” This new dance where couples danced cheek-to-cheek, legs and arms pressed close against each other in an erotic embrace, had everyone’s attention.


Cuantos estudiantes ?Aqui?


When study here? In English

please help ! I only have 30 minutes:(



You -Buenos días, profesora Mendéz ¿Cómo *estás*?

-Muy bien ¿ Y ?

You -Muy bien también.

You: Hola,María ¿Cómo *estás*?

Maria: *Estoy* preocupada por Francisco. Él *esta* enfermo y *está en el hospital.

Hope this help! ^^




1. constitucion

2. parque

3. el mercado

4. la carniceria


Investiga en Internet para aprender más sobre los artistas Remedios Varo y Manuel Álvarez

1. Escribe un párrafo sobre Remedios Varo, la reconocida pintora española-mexicana. Incluye esta información:
a.) ¿Qué acontecimientos artísticos y políticos sobresalen (stand out) en la vida de la artista?
b.) ¿Qué elementos le sirvieron de la inspriación para sus obras? Descríbelos.
c.) ¿Cómo afectó su vida la Segunda Guerra Munidal?

2. Escribe un párrafo Manuel Álvarez Bravo. Incluye esta información:
a.) ¿Por qué es consider ado election poets de la imagen?
b.) ¿Cuáles son los temas de repiten en su trabajo fotográfico?
c.) ¿En qué momento inicia su carrera?

3. Imagina que tienes la oportunidad de viajar a México como fotográfo. ¿Qué es lugares ye gustaría recorrer? ¿En qué lugares tomarías fotos? ¿Por qué?



muchas preguntas


3 A la profesora le qustan las enchiladas?​



No, a la profesora no le gustan las enchiladas porque pican mucho.

What is the girl doing in the picture?


Answer: laver la ropa

Explanation: porque la ropa esta susia

First to help gets Brainliest!!!
Write a few sentences about your school life. You could include sentences about the sports you do, the subjects you study, and the teachers at school. Use the verbs pensar, creer, gustar, querer, and preferir.

Sorry I'm just not good at spanish!


Can you explain stuff about you to know what to write about
Durante mis años de escuela he conocido muchas personas. Lo cual me gusta mucho porque me encanta tener muchos amigos. Mi clase preferida es matemàticas. He participado en varios deportes, tales como baloncesto y pelota. Para el año que viene quiero pertenecer al equipo de balompié. También quisiera estar en el grupo de teatro.


During my school years I have met many people. Which I really like because I love having a lot of friends. My favorite class is math. I have participated in various sports, such as basketball and baseball. For next year I want to belong to the football team. I would also like to be in the theater group.

Pastimes Review and Quiz
Listen to the audio and then answer the following question. Feel free to listen to the audio as many times as necessary before answering the question.

Where is this conversation most likely happening?

en la escuela
en el museo
en la discoteca
en el parque de atracciones



It's C

Im different *brrr*

ayudame por favor !!!!!​


-pueden conducir
-se puso

there you go :D

Yo__de costa rica. Whats the missing word


“Yo soy de cost rica.” which means “I am from Costa Rica”

A mi _______ gusta mucho andar en bicicleta y jugar deportes.





I love Spanish!



A mi _______ gusta mucho andar en bicicleta y jugar deportes.

Theres 2 ways to do this:

1. a mi hermano le gusta andar en bicicleta y hacer deporte.

2. a mi hermana le gusta andar en bicicleta y hacer deporte.

¡Espero que esto ayude! ¿Puedes marcarme como Brainliest?

(54 Points)
¿Recuerdas? Conjugation
Remember the regular verbs endings. Practice with following verbs:
Conjugate the verb cortar:



Conjugate the verb leer:



Conjugate the verb escribir:






yo corto

tú cortas

él/ella/usted  corta

nosotros, nosotras  cortamos

ellas, ellos, ustedes  cortan


yo leo

tú lees

él/ella/usted  lee

nosotros, nosotras  leemos

ellas, ellos, ustedes   leen


yo escribo

tú escribes

él/ella/usted  escribe

nosotros, nosotras  escribimos

ellas, ellos, ustedes   escriben

Who know this plz answer asap



Number 9: D


Number 10:A

Your welcome

9 is d and 10 is a and ik it’s the right answers because I speak Spanish.

A. Escoge una palabra del banco de palabras para completar cada frase.
el cura
el anuncio
una recepción
el alcalde
la ceremonia
un velo
1. El novio y la novia forman una
2. nupcial tiene lugar en la iglesia.
3. Muchas novias llevan_ con su traje de novia.
4. Muchos novios intercambian_durante su ceremonia nupcial.
5. casa a los novios en la iglesia y'_casa a los novios en el ayuntamiento.
6. La ceremonia en la iglesia es religiosa y la ceremonia en el ayuntamiento es
7. Por lo general hay ____ en honor de los novios después de la ceremonia nupcial.
8. Muchas veces nupcial sale en el periódico.
B. Da la palabra del vocabulario cuya definición sigue.
1. una gran cena
2. edificio del gobierno municipal
3. templo religioso ____
4. el joven que se casa
5. lo que forman los novios durante una ceremonia civil
6. presidente(a) de un ayuntamiento de un pueblo o municipio



1. El novio y la novia forman una  pareja

2. La ceremonia    nupcial tiene lugar en la iglesia.

3. Muchas novias llevan_ con su traje de novia.

4. Muchos novios intercambian un velo  durante su ceremonia nupcial.

5. El cura  casa a los novios en la iglesia y el alcalde  casa a los novios en el ayuntamiento.

6. La ceremonia en la iglesia es religiosa y la ceremonia en el ayuntamiento es  civil

7. Por lo general hay __Una recepción__ en honor de los novios después de la ceremonia nupcial.

8. Muchas veces la ceremonia nupcial sale en el periódico.

B. Da la palabra del vocabulario cuya definición sigue.

1. una gran cena : Banquete

2. edificio del gobierno municipal : Ayuntamiento

3. templo religioso Iglesia

4. el joven que se casa : Novio

5. lo que forman los novios durante una ceremonia civil : Una sociedad conyugal

6. presidente(a) de un ayuntamiento de un pueblo o municipio: Alcalde

Research online about Guatemala Independence Day. Write a paragraph in Spanish describing when and how the country won
independence and how Guatemalans celebrate each year.​


La Independencia de Guatemala se celebra el 15 de septiembre.
En 1821 se aprobó con 23 votos a favor y 7 en contra. El acta de Independencia se firmó en el Real Palacio que fue destruido por los terremotos de 1917.

Cada año como una muestra de orgullo patrio, muchos edificios en la ciudad de Guatemala se cubren con banderas azul y blanco y se ven por toda la ciudad. En muchas ciudades más pequeñas los niños muestran su patriotismo al vestirse con trajes típicos, marchando en desfiles escolares y participando en bailes tradicionales.
Los relevos de la “Antorcha de la Independencia”, varios maratones, el palo ensebado y los fuegos artificiales son muchas de las actividades que hacen para celebrar.

El pueblo de Guatemala obtuvo su independencia el 15 de septiembre de 1821 con una votación de 23 a favor contra 7 en contra.

¿Qué es la Independencia?

Esto se refiere a la libertad que disfruta una persona o un país donde pueden tomar sus propias decisiones sin ninguna interferencia externa.

Por lo tanto, podemos ver que el pueblo guatemalteco celebra su independencia con el uso de banderas azules y blancas y también hace uso de fuegos artificiales y coloridos espectáculos.

Read more about Guatemala Independence here:



Translate The girls are nervous into Spanish



Las chicas están nerviosas


its easy :)


las ninas estan nerviosas


G. Usa cada palabra en una frase original.
1. nacer
2. bautizar
3. el cumpleaños
4. la viuda
5. la esquela
6. el sepelio


1. ¿Cuándo va a nacer la bebé de Jaquelin?

2. Ellos no pudieron venir porque estan bautizando su hijo.

3. Creo que El cumpleaños de mi mamá es el 21 de diciembre.

5. ¿Sabes cuándo vamos a terminar con la escuela?

6. Estoy triste porque tengo ir A él sepelio de mi abuelo
^ n for 4- Doña Maria es la viuda de don Ernesto

Cuando es el cumpleanos de Carla
Cuando es la fiEsta



When is Carla's party, when is the party


I speak Spanish un poco

I really need help in Spanish 1 am not understanding this question.


1-hermano 2- profesora 3-médico 4-salvador 5-primos 6-ingeniero


"Tengo un ____" - hermano since "un" is masculine.

"Ella es una ____" - profesora. The picture has that answer.

"El es un ____" - medico. Again, picture.

"...un tio que se llama ____" - Salvador since Rosa is your Tia he is your Tio.

"Ellos son mis ____" - primos since cousins are related to your aunt and uncle.

"Jose, es un ____" - ingeniero. Picture says so.


Now that you have worked through a lot of material that includes these basic patterns, and you have compared grammatically correct and incorrect sentences, write down what you think is a rule that could explain what makes a sentence grammatically correct or not. For example, you might write something like: "verbs always match nouns in number, and they usually come before the noun." In other words, make your best guess for the grammar rule that makes sense out of the pattern(s) you see in the phrases you have been working with. Review if you need to, and you might briefly check your hunches against the sentences you have been working with in this or previous modules. Keep in mind that what you're after is your hunch, not a grammar rule from a text book.

Please reply with 2 sentences - one sentence with the grammar explanation of Definite Articles in English and one sentence using example(s) of Definite Articles in Spanish.

In ProgressAttempt 2
Please read over the prompt again. It is all about definite articles - it is not about subjects, verbs, adjectives, etc.
- Terri MarinoSubmitted 10/17/2020



Similarly, when forming questions in Spanish, the structure can be very flexible. In all of the examples below, the meaning of the sentences is the same, “Is Carlos a lawyer?”

¿Carlos es abogado?

¿Es Carlos abogado?

¿Es abogado Carlos?

Note: Spanish questions always begin with an inverted question mark.

When we add question words like, dónde (where), cuándo (when), qué (what) and por qué (why), they always stay next to the verb in the sentence. However, the rest of the sentence structure, including where the subject goes, remains flexible. Look at the examples below:

¿Dónde están mis llaves? → Where are my keys.

Mis llaves, ¿dónde están? → My keys, where are they?

Regular Verbs in Spanish

Verbs might be the single most important focus of the Spanish language as there are so many ways to express one idea just through verb usage and conjugation. This makes the Spanish the language both eloquent and beautiful, but also tricky for the Spanish beginner. Not to worry though! Below you will find a basic breakdown of how verbs work.


All regular verbs have an infinitive form that ends in either -ar, -er or -ir.


hablar → to talk

comer → to eat

escribir → to write


These verbs are then conjugated based on the subject and tense of the sentence. The -ar, -er and -ir ending is dropped and you are left with the base form of the verb, to which you then add the corresponding ending.


hablar (infinitive form) = habl (base form) = Yo hablo (I talk)

Now, brace yourself - there are 32 tenses (including both indicative and subjunctive) in Spanish, while English has only 13. But not to worry, you will only use about half of these tenses on a regular basis.

Reflexive Verbs in Spanish

Reflexive verbs are used when the object and subject are the same person. In other words, the person doing the action is the same person receiving it. Although reflexive verbs do not exist in English, the concept does, as we have the expressions myself, yourself, himself herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves and themselves. Reflexive infinitive forms always have “se” tacked onto the end of them to express that the reflexive pronoun must be used when conjugating.

Infinitive Forms of Reflexive Verbs

bañarse → to bathe oneself

ponerse → to put on oneself

cepillarse → to brush

Reflexive Pronouns

me → myself

te → yourself

se → himself/herself

nos → ourselves

os → yourselves (Spain)

se → themselves/yourselves (Latin America)

Examples of Conjugated Reflexive Verbs

Me baño. → I bathe myself.

Me pongo los zapatos. → I put on my shoes (on myself).

Me cepillo los dientes. → I brush my teeth (on myself).

Most reflexive verbs can also be used in their non-reflexive form which can change the meaning.


cuidar a alguien - to take care of someone

cuidarse - to take care of oneself

Me cuido bien. → I take good care of myself.

Cuido a mis hijos. → I take care of my children.

Gender in Spanish

In Spanish, all nouns have a gender - either masculine or feminine. For English speakers, who have never dealt with the gender of nouns in their mother language, it can be a little tricky to answer the question, is that thing feminine or masculine? To help make the process easier, there are some basic rules to follow.

Remember that all nouns are expressed using the definite article that matches in gender and number.

el → singular masculine article

la → singular feminine article

los → plural masculine article

las → plural feminine article


el perro → the male dogs

los perros → the male dogs

la gata → the female cat

las gatas → the female cats

General rules to follow when trying to figure out the gender of a noun:

Adjectives in Spanish

Spanish speakers are very descriptive and thus, it is important to be familiar with the correct use of adjectives in Spanish. There are two key rules that you must remember:

Adjectives come after the noun that they modify. This is different from English where the adjective comes before. Example:

La casa antigua tiene 100 años. → The old house is 100 years old.

Adjectives must agree in gender and in number with the noun they are modifying. Example:

Los platos blancos. → The white plates.

La nina alta. → The tall girl.

Demonstrative Adjectives in Spanish

When learning a new language, new vocabulary is acquired over time. Therefore, knowing some basic demonstrative adjectives in Spanish can help you get through a situation where you don’t know or have forgotten a word.

Prepositions in Spanish

There are far fewer prepositions in Spanish than there are in English so you’re in luck! Here are some of the most basic and common prepositions in Spanish (although, there are a total of 26):


Over the course of learning Spanish, many people tend to forget some of ... You've probably learned that the rules of grammar are different in ... If you want to write that someone has a green house, you would say that ... Every proper sentence in Spanish must have a subject and a verb. ... Right?) or “¿No?

cuál es la diferencia entre glándulas endocrinas y glándulas exocrinas



Las glándulas exocrinas secretan productos químicos a través de conductos o tubos que llevan las secreciones a una cavidad corporal, a la luz de un órgano o a la superficie corporal. Por oposición las glándulas endocrinas llevan su producto hacia el líquido intersticial circundante no hacia conductos.


Complete the sentence below with the correct form of the verb in parentheses.
No me
(gustar) los deportes.





since its a singular subject, it is gusta

I totally agree
The answer is gusta

I ________________________ from the United States.

2. Where ________________________________ from?

3. Mrs. Ríos ____________________ from Mexico.

4. Ricardo and Tomás ____________________ from Guatemala.

5. Carla and I ________________________ from Texas.

6. You ________________________ from San Salvador.

7. Luisa and Adela ________________________ from Miami.

8. Where ____________________________ Margarita from?

9. Mr Villas ____________________ from Peru.

10. And you, from where ________________________________? Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb but in Spanish




1- am

2-are you from

3-is from mexico

4- are from guatemala

5- are from texas

6- are from san salvador

7-are from miami

8-is from peru

Escucha las conversaciones y completa las oraciones con el posesivo
Models Me gustan sus zapatos.
1. Esta es
2. Vamos a comer en
3. Ese es
4. El perro es
0.0 of 50,0 pts. 0.0%


Me gusta los zapatos
1. esta es mi mochila
2. vamos a comer en su casa
3. ese es mi libro
4. el perro es lindo

Complete each sentence with gusta or gustan.
1. Me
la comida.
2. Les
los huevos.
3. Te
4. Nos
el café.
el desayuno.
las uvas.
5. Les
6. Le
el café.
7. Me
las manzanas.
8. Te
el pan.
9. Nos
las hamburguesas.
10. Les
la sopa.


Answer:1. Gusta


3gusta or gustas

4gustamos or gustan




8gustas or gusta

9gustamos or gustan



Can I please have brainliest answer? I really need it

1. gusta
2. gustan
3. gusta
4. gusta el café
gusta el desayuno
gustan las uvas

5. gusta
6. gusta
7. gustan
8. gusta
10. gusta

Fill in the blanks with the present tense of the Spanish stem-changing verbs, irregular verbs, or verbs with an irregular yo form in parentheses.

DAVID ¿(43) _____________ (to want) ir al cine?

LUIS No, hoy (44) _____________ (to prefer) estar en el hotel. Nosotros (45) _____________ (can) mirar la televisión. Esta
tarde hay un partido de fútbol. Hoy (46)_____________ (to play) mi equipo favorito.

DAVID Yo no (47)_____________ (to understand) nada de fútbol. Yo (48) _____________ (to suppose) que hoy vamos a ver
el partido de fútbol, pero mañana nosotros (49) _____________ (to go) al cine. ¿Qué (50) _____________ (to think)

LUIS Bueno, mañana vemos una película.

DAVID ¿A qué hora (51) _____________ (to begin) el partido?

LUIS A ver... a las tres.

DAVID Pues, voy a ir a pasear un poco.

LUIS Bueno, pero (52) _____________ (to return) pronto, ¿no? No quiero ver el partido solo (alone).



43: Quiere

44: Prefiere

45: Podemos

46: Juego

47: Entiende

48: Supongo

49: Vamos

50: Piensas

51: Empieza

52: Regresa


hope this helps :) Buenos Dias

The correct conjugation of the verbs in Present Tense is:

DAVID: ¿Quieres ir al cine? LUIS: No, hoy prefiero estar en el hotel. Nosotros podemos mirar la televisión. Esta tarde hay un partido de fútbol. Hoy juega mi equipo favorito. DAVID: Yo no entiendo nada de fútbol. Yo supongo que hoy vamos a ver el partido de fútbol, pero mañana nosotros vamos al cine. ¿Qué piensas tú?LUIS: Bueno, mañana vemos una película. DAVID: ¿A qué hora comienza el partido? LUIS: A ver... A las tres. DAVID: Pues, voy a ir a pasear un poco. LUIS: Bueno, pero regresas pronto, ¿no? No quiero ver el partido solo.



DAVID: Do you want to go to the movies? LUIS: No, today I prefer to be at the hotel. We can watch television. This afternoon there is a soccer game. Today my favorite team plays. DAVID: I don't understand anything about football. I suppose that today we are going to watch the football game, but tomorrow we go to the cinema. What do you think?LUIS: Well, tomorrow we will see a movie. DAVID: What time does the game start? LUIS: Let's see ... At three. DAVID: Well, I'm going to go for a walk. LUIS: Well, but you're coming back soon, right? I don't want to watch the game alone.

Present Tense in Spanish.

The conjugation of the verbs used in the conversation, taking  into account the personal pronouns is:

Yo: quiero / prefiero / puedo / juego / entiendo / supongo / voy / pienso / comienzo / regreso. Tú: quieres / prefieres / puedes / juegas / entiendes / supones / vas / piensas / comienzas / regresas. Usted: quiere / prefiere / puede / juega / entiende / supone / va / piensa / comienza / regresa. Él: quiere / prefiere / puede / juega / entiende / supone / va / piensa / comienza / regresa. Ella: quiere / prefiere / puede / juega / entiende / supone / va / piensa / comienza / regresa. Ello: quiere / prefiere / puede / juega / entiende / supone / va / piensa / comienza / regresa. Nosotros / Nosotras: queremos / preferimos / podemos / jugamos / entendemos / suponemos / vamos / pensamos / comenzamos / regresamos. Ustedes: quieren / prefieren / pueden / juegan / entienden / suponen / van / piensan / comienzan / regresan. Ellos / Ellas: quieren / prefieren / pueden / juegan / entienden / suponen / van / piensan / comienzan / regresan.

To use the correct conjugation, you must identify the noun in the sentence, replace it with the appropriate personal pronoun, and use the corresponding conjugation with the help of the guide above.

If you want to learn more about Present Tense in Spanish, you can visit the following link: https://brainly.com/question/19063925

Spanish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Basfrltdjnrersgtjkmtksa!!!!AEGR B!!!DFSTYNJKMHFRETAHJAHRWFMYFGDEJNQAUBO!
only did that so people would notice it easer



1 tienes

1 tengo

2 tienen

2 tenemos

3 tiene

3 tiene

4 tienen

4 tiene

4 tiene


Hope that’s right
lol I’m pretty sure it is though

Grammar point: Remember that with reflexive verbs, you
usually use the definitive article with articles of personal use
Pronoun + reflexive (me/ te se) + verb + object + frequency
VO me
el pelo con la secadora todos los dias
Write sentences in Spanish including pronoun+ ref verb+ object + frequency
1. lavarse la cara:
2. cepillarse los dientes:
3. Vestirse con ropa moderna:
4. cortarse el pelo:
-Todos los dias (every day)
- cada semanal every week)
- siempre ( always)
-nunca ( never)



Ella se lava la cara siempre.

Yo me cepillo los dientes todos los días.

El se viste con ropa moderna nunca (following the model, but the correct form in spanish will be) El nunca se viste con ropa moderna.

Tu te vistes con ropa moderna nunca. (other option of sentence).

Ellos se cortan el pelo cada semana.

Other Questions
Amira was born in central Iran and grew up practicing Shiite Islam. She has recently moved to eastern Turkey where she is making new friends and learning a new language. She likes her new home, but she feels a little uncomfortable about the idea of taking off her hijab and letting her hair show.Which statement is true about Amira?Group of answer choicesAmira is probably Persian, but her new friends are probably Kurdish.Amira is probably Persian, but her new friends are probably Arab.Amira is probably Arab, but her new friends are probably Kurdish.Amira is probably Kurdish, but her new friends are probably Arab.Which ethnic group is the largest in the world without a country of its own?Group of answer choicesArabsPersiansKurdsTurksWhat is the religion of most of the Arabs of Southwest Asia?Group of answer choicesJudaismChristianityShia MuslimSunni MuslimFlag this QuestionQuestion 113 ptsWhich do the Kurds share as part of their ethnic group?Group of answer choicesThe Kurdish languageThey live in the same countrySelf-rule in the land of KurdistanThe ability to move freely to other countriesFlag this QuestionQuestion 123 ptsMark, Danny, and Mike are friends who are talking about where and when they worship. Mark attends church service on Sundays, Danny attends synagogue on Saturdays, and Mike visits the mosque on Fridays.Which holiday would each of these boys celebrate?Group of answer choicesMark - Easter; Danny - Passover; Mike - RamadanMark - Easter; Danny - Ramadan ; Mike - PassoverMark - Passover; Danny - Easter; Mike - RamadanThey all celebrate the same holidays.Flag this QuestionQuestion 133 ptsMark, Danny, and Mike are friends who are talking about symbols that are important to them. Mark explains why the cross is very important to him, while Danny and Mike discover that stars are meaningful in their religions.Which sacred text would Mark have in his home?Group of answer choicesBibleQuranTorahTanakhFlag this QuestionQuestion 143 ptsJoanna was born in Turkey where she grew up reading the Tanakh and celebrating Passover and Hanukkah. As an adult she moved to the US where she chose to go attend church services on Sundays, read a Bible, and wear a necklace with a cross.What religions did Joanna practice?Group of answer choicesJudaism as a child, and Christianity as an adult.Judaism as a child, and Islam as an adult.Islam as a child, and Christianity as an adult.Judaism as a child and as an adult.Flag this QuestionQuestion 153 ptsWhich religious group has the largest number of followers in the world?Group of answer choicesJudaismHinduismChristianityIslamFlag this QuestionQuestion 162 ptsWhat is the term used to describe the belief in one god?Group of answer choicesanti-semitismmonotheismpolytheismzionismFlag this QuestionQuestion 173 ptsWhich religion am I?My sacred text is the Qu'ranMuhammad is my founderMy place of origin is MeccaGroup of answer choicesJudaismIslamChristianityHinduismFlag this QuestionQuestion 183 ptsWhich person is a common figure in the origins of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam?Group of answer choicesJesusAbrahamConfuciusMuhammadFlag this QuestionQuestion 193 ptsAn important goal for all Muslims is to make a pilgrimage to which holy city?Group of answer choicesJerusalemMedinaMeccaBaghdadFlag this QuestionQuestion 203 ptsWhich of the following does NOT belong?Group of answer choicesJewSh'iaSunniMuslimFlag this QuestionQuestion 213 ptsWhat basic belief made Christianity different from Judaism?Group of answer choicesChristians believed Jesus was the Messiah, or savior of man.Only Judaism accepted and believed in the Ten Commandments.Jews never had problems with Roman authorities, while Christians did.Christians allowed the worship of many gods, while Judaism did not.Flag this QuestionQuestion 223 ptsWhat are the Five Pillars?Group of answer choicesfive basic obligations that Muslims are supposed to meet in their lives.five basic beliefs shared by Judaism, Christianity and Islam.the five columns that support the roof of the Ka'aba.the first five books of the Qu'ran.Flag this QuestionQuestion 233 ptsWhich religion am I?Abraham is my founderMy place of origin is modern IsraelMy sacred text is the TanakhGroup of answer choicesAll ReligionsIslamChristianityJudaismFlag this QuestionQuestion 243 ptsWhat is the correct chronological order of these three religions? (put them in order from the first created to the last created) Group of answer choicesIslam, Christianity, JudaismJudaism, Islam, ChristianityJudaism, Christianity, IslamChristianity, Judaism, IslamFlag this QuestionQuestion 253 ptsAll three major religions in the Middle East believe this city is very special, or even holy, and therefore one of the most important places in the world.Group of answer choicesJerusalemMedinaMeccaIsrael Marvin has a 27-foot ladder. Safety standards dictate that the base of a 27-foot ladder should be placed 7 feet from a vertical wall. How far above the ground will the top of the ladder be on the wall, in feet? (Round your answer to the nearest tenth.) If I mix 2 cans of yellow paint for every 3 cans of blue paint, how much yellow paint is needed with 6 cans of blue paint? (Draw a picture to help)Group of answer choices4653 name the gas evolved when metal carbonates react with acid and state the method from God.2. Monsieur Valmonde was hesitant... (p.5)a. To allow Desiree to marry at such a young ageb. To allow Desiree to marry a man below her classc. To let Armand and Desiree marry after knowing each other for such ashort time.d. To let Armand marry Desiree without considering where she came from 7. What city will have the greatest variation (change) in temperature over the course of a year?a. Charleston, South Carolinab. Miami, FloridaC. St. Louis, Missourid. Los Angeles, Californiaa.8. What part of the mountain will have the warmest temperature?The peak (top)b. The middleC. The bottomside of the Rocky Mountains.9. If Arizona and Nevada are considered desert states, they are on thea. Windwardb. LeewardC. Topd. Left Imagine that you are a doctor who is studying the spread of a disease in your country. How could you use newtechnologies in geography to help you understand this problem? Give at least two examples of how you could achievethis goal using these tools.Please help!! (MC)Select the best description for the statement:The snake we discovered hiding in the woodshed was nearly seven feet long.(5 points) aPositive tone, literal bNeutral tone, literal cPositive tone, figurative dNeutral tone, figurative To imply is toA. tolerateB. suggestC. rambleD. mimic 13. How many parts does the Declaration of Independence have?1. 2. 3. 4 Identify two reasons people may have migrated out of Africa between 60,000 and 70,000 years ago. Which of the following may be stored in ane-mail address book? Check all of the boxes thatapply.namese-mail addressesphysical addressessubjects of e-mailsfax numbers Ok serous question this has nothing to do with my other questions would you guys care if I committed ya know 3. The code of chivalry meantthat knights would only marryfor true love.True or false? A class is playing a game called Guess my Number, in which the number is an integer. The teacher gives these clues for the unknown number. 4 + h 7 and h + 1 > 3What is the value of the unknown number, h? The graph shows the amount of money earned by two different workers.A graph measuring money and time. Two lines, labeled Worker A and Worker B, exit the origin to show that money increases as time increasesThe equation y = 15.5x represents the number of dollars, y, Worker B earns in x hr.Which equation could represent the number of dollars earned by Worker A?y = 12xy = 13xy = 15xy = 20x help please!! its a history assignment Are triangles ABC and ADC congruent?B .AYes, by SSSYes, by ASAYes, by SASNot enough information Direct Labor Cost Budget Pasadena Candle Inc. budgeted production of 33,000 candles for January. Each candle requires molding. Assume that two minutes are required to mold each candle. If molding labor costs $9.75 per hour, determine the direct labor cost budget for January. Round total direct labor cost to the nearest dollar, if required. Pasadena Candle Inc. Direct Labor Cost Budget For the Month Ending January 31 Hours required for assembly: Candles min. Convert minutes to hours min. Molding hours hrs. Hourly rate $ Total direct labor cost $ I will share to explain how to convert 22 inches to feet. (how can you do it, what is important about setting up proportions, what sheet can we use to help is with conversions)