3. Craft and Structure: What function do the grievances against the king listed in Chunks 2-4 serve in the




Answer 1

The king was accused of abuse of power, ignoring the needs of the populace, corruption, disobeying the law, and abusing human rights, among other things.

The complaints' aim is to demonstrate how the monarch's actions have hurt the people and to present a case for why the king ought to be held accountable for his actions.

They are employed to show the reader or listener that the speaker's or author's arguments are supported by concrete examples of the king's behavior rather than by subjective views or sentiments. By unifying the populace in opposition to the king's policies, the complaints also spur them on to action.

Learn more about king:



Related Questions

The authors of "Excerpt from Gadgets: Built To Not Last" and "Don’t Fix Your Fridge, Just Buy a New One" give advice to consumers. What advice does each author give? Which author is the most convincing? Use one detail from both the excerpt and the article to support your response. (total 2 details; one from each text)


Bednarski's argument is more convincing due to the fact that he provides a concrete example of the cost of repairing a broken refrigerator compared to buying a new one.

This example provides a clear understanding of the economic logic behind his advice.In "Excerpt from Gadgets: Built To Not Last", author Kumari Devarajan urges consumers to think twice before purchasing the latest model of a gadget. She explains that these products are often designed in a way that makes it hard to repair them, making them designed to be thrown out and replaced with newer models. To support her argument, Devarajan gives the example of a coffee maker that had to be replaced after one year of use because of a broken part that couldn't be replaced.

On the other hand, in "Don’t Fix Your Fridge, Just Buy a New One", author P. J. Bednarski suggests that it is often more economical to buy a new fridge rather than repairing the old one. To back up his argument, Bednarski cites the example of a refrigerator that was estimated to cost around $500 to repair while a new one cost only $450.

Learn more about argument visit:



The common advice which the authors of Excerpt from 'Gadgets: built to not last' and 'don't fix your fridge, just buy a new one' give to consumers is that they must always focus more on the durability and ease of repair of the product rather than using the local items which would be more expensive on long run.

In the excerpt from Gadgets: built to not last, the author simply conveys the fact that some products are better in lifetime durability and efficiency than others even though they may belong to same manufacturer. However, the irony is that we tend to favor/ give profits to those who are not much capable in the business and in turn incur losses.

In the excerpt from 'don't fix your fridge, just buy a new one', the author conveys that as the technology is improving with every passing day, the electronic equipment are made such that they use less energy and provide better efficiency by lowering the electricity bills and also improves the services.


Learn more about Gadgets built to not last at:






If it's grammar, 'wyman' should have a capital 'W', like this.



Names should start with capital letters.

1. (167) Read the first two sentences, from the section entitled "From Spoken Word to
Written Word." What is the main idea of this section?


The main idea of this text is the growth and diversity of new means of communication in the contemporary world.

What is the text all about?

This also raises new questions about the nature and impact of written and spoken words and calls for a rethinking of traditional understandings of literature, speech, and communication in light of these developments.

The authors raised several questions that explore the impact of new forms of communication on the way we read, write, and understand literature, as well as on the ethics of speech and silence in these new contexts.

The text has three authors: VERED KARTI SHEMTOV, ANAT WEISMAN, and AMIR ESHEL.

Read more about main ideas here:



What epic convention is displayed in the following passage?

"Sing to me of the man, muse..."

divine intervention
in medias res



The epic convention displayed in the following passage is invocation.

An invocation is when the poet or narrator addresses a muse, a god, or other supernatural being, asking for inspiration or guidance in the telling of the story. The passage "Sing to me of the man, muse" is an example of this convention as the narrator is asking the muse to sing or tell the story of the man. This is a common convention in epic poetry, used to establish the importance and grandeur of the subject matter, and to emphasize the poetic nature of the narrative.

true peace is not merely the absence of tension it is the presence of justice


"True peace is not merely the absence of tension; it is the presence of justice." --Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Write a poem about me two paragraphs long


A poem about me two paragraphs are:

Find your inspiration, start writing some free poetry, revise it as needed, add to it, choose a framework if you want one, and then edit it again. It's also advantageous to collaborate with others.

How should a poetry be discussed in a paragraph?

Using the following examples, Topics/Opinions/Attitudes, structure and arrangement, rhyme, language, rhythm, and setting (if applicable) To the essay's title, relate each of them. Use the words and phrases you chose. To bolster your points, include illustrations or quotes from the poetry. Traditional poetry has a predetermined rhythm and rhyme scheme, and stanzas are the typical organizational unit. This form is used in prose writing instead of the unit we call a paragraph.

To learn more about paragraph



How does Lennie’s trust in George help provide George with a clear opportunity?


Answer: Lennie's trust in George helped provide George with a clear opportunity because George knew Lennie would listen to him and do what he told him to do without questioning it.


and i got a colorful aura like neon guts lyrics.
Complete the lyrics above


And I got a colorful aura. Like I got neon guts. Uh huh, yeah, yeah. And I got a colorful aura. Like I got neon guts.

The word neon perfectly fits Lil Uzi Vert's style, as his melodies exude a fuzzy shine that is stunning and strong; they're shining and showy, conjuring the glow and hum of bright, fluorescent lighting.

Uzi collaborates with Phar-rell on "Neon Guts,"from his debut studio album Lu-v Is Ra-ge 2, to luxuriate in glamor and gloss, delivering "colorful auras" through gaudy tones and fantastical flexes.

Uzi's vocal runs and turns have a glimmer about them that is exhilarating. Each syllable is alive; they act as conductors for electric currents. While he is still developing as a writer, he outperforms many of his contemporaries in phonic composition.

To know more about neon guts:



one of the ways an author develops a character is by describing how the character interacts with the setting. the narrator provides many details about the setting in the early part of the story. how does lizabeth feel about her town? use textual evidence to explain the effect the setting has on lizabeth, and how she interacts with the setting.


Pride and Prejudice is told by an all-knowing third-person narrator. The narrator accesses the thoughts and feelings of the characters and explains them to the reader.

The novel's narrator frequently adds comments about the characters and their actions, which shape the reader's perception. You can access the mechanics. Austen also uses a narrative strategy known as free indirect discourse. Free indirect discourse occurs when Elizabeth's thoughts and feelings are presented to the reader without cues such as "she thought". For example, Wickham's report states:

What he said has been said many times. The context of this passage, in which Elizabeth observes Wickham's behavior, informs the reader that this point of view belongs to Elizabeth and may therefore be unreliable. It may seem like you are giving a silly explanation.

For more information on third-person narrator see:



What happened to Violet? Refer to one or more details from the text to support your understanding of what has happened to Violet—both from ideas that are directly stated and ideas that you have inferred from clues and evidence in the text.


Violet lost both of her arms in this battle, but more significantly, she also lost the Major. Violet was given new robotic arms and the conflict was finished.

What is war?

War is defined as a violent armed confrontation between states, governments, society, or paramilitary groups such as mercenaries, insurgents, and militias. It is characterized by severe violence, damage, and mortality, and it employs either conventional or irregular military troops.

In the sixth episode of the series, "Piggy, Piggy," Violet attempts under the dual burden of her own life imploding and the presence of ghosts. It is revealed in episode 10 of "Smoldering Children," which is four episodes later, that this ultimately did result in her death.

Therefore, By Violet was given new robotic arms and the conflict was finished.

Learn more about war here:



What was Cedric’s brand statement?

Was it smart of Cedric to avoid writing about his embarrassing lunchtime incident and wacky grandma?

Would it be better if Cedric had written a brand statement that promoted his Juicebox label and grandma? For example: "I never give up despite what life brings. When people think of me, they think of courage, baseball, and wacky grandmas. I stand out because I am the one and only Juicebox."


Cedric to avoid writing about his embarrassing lunchtime incident and wacky grandma as he choose to be optimistic.

What is optimism?

The attitude of optimism expresses a conviction or hope that a particular undertaking or outcomes in general will be favorable, positive, and desirable.

A glass of water halfway full is a typical metaphor used to contrast optimism and pessimism: an optimist is said to see the glass as half full, while a pessimist sees the glass as half empty.

The word "best" is derived from the Latin word "optimum." In the traditional sense of the word, optimism is defined as expecting the best result from any given circumstance.

In psychology, this is typically referred to as dispositional optimism. Thus, it expresses a conviction that things will turn out for the best in the future.

Learn more about optimism, here



Which sentence contains an analogy?

Group of answer choices

That song is a sweet symphony of soothing silky sounds.

That song is better than anything by the Beatles, Beyoncé, or Justin Bieber.

That song uses guitar and piano techniques I've never heard before.

That song is like a magic carpet that takes you to a new world


An analogy a literary device known as a metaphor uses an action or object to make parallels or to explain something in a way that isn't quite correct. The correct answer is B. That song is a sweet symphony of soothing silky sounds.

The proper reaction is metaphors. Metaphors is the appropriate response. These two objects are compared, but not because they are really comparable; rather, it is done for contrast or symbolic.

A metaphor is a figure of speech that, for rhetorical effect, refers to one thing while addressing another.It may also reveal connections between ideas that were previously invisible and bring clarity (or confuse it). Metaphors and other figurative language devices like antithesis, hyperbole, metonymy, and simile are frequently employed in conjunction with contrasts.

To know more about Metaphors visit:



Hello, can someone help me with Vocabulary words from the book The House on Mango Street two or more Synonyms, two or more Antonyms, one or more sentences, and a visual to represent the words? I need 100 words but any would help Please


Vignette, laughter, longing, empower, familiar and identity are few vocabulary words.

What are some vocabulary words from The House on Mango Street?

Vignette (noun): a short descriptive literary sketch or scene

Synonyms: sketch, scene, portrayal

Antonyms: novel, epic, treatise

Sentence: The book is composed of a series of vignettes that depict the life of a young girl growing up in a poor neighborhood.

Visual: a pencil sketch of a small moment in a person's life

Laughter (noun): the sound of laughing

Synonyms: chortle, giggle, cackle

Antonyms: sob, cry, moan

Sentence: The sound of children's laughter filled the playground as they played on the swings and slides.

Visual: a cartoon image of children laughing while playing on a playground

Longing (noun): a feeling of yearning or desire

Synonyms: yearning, craving, pining

Antonyms: contentment, satisfaction, fulfillment

Sentence: Esperanza felt a deep longing to leave Mango Street and see the world beyond her neighborhood.

Visual: a silhouette of a person looking out over a horizon with a wistful expression

Empower (verb): to give power or authority to

Synonyms: authorize, enable, permit

Antonyms: disempower, incapacitate, disable

Sentence: Esperanza's writing empowers her to find her voice and express herself.

Visual: a person standing tall and confident with a symbol of power in their hand.

Familiar (adjective): well-known or frequently experienced

Synonyms: common, usual, regular

Antonyms: unusual, strange, unfamiliar

Sentence: The sights and smells of Mango Street were familiar to Esperanza, who had grown up there her whole life.

Visual: an image of a person walking down a street they know well

Identity (noun): the characteristic of being a particular person or thing

Synonyms: individuality, personality, character

Antonyms: anonymity, impersonality, sameness

Sentence: Esperanza struggles to find her own identity as she navigates the expectations of her family and community.

Visual: a person looking at themselves in a mirror and pondering on who they are.

Learn more about The House on Mango Street, here:



a. A man found a crevice holding a hive.

b. Nations connections came as a result of

c. Sugar is a taste we all love

d. Sugar connections around the world
___________ human connections.

e. Bees were believed to have __________ _____________.

Write some key details about “The
Age of Honey, people were connected to their local environment, “Honey was a
way of living:






Write some key details about “The
Age of Sugar”

1. Europeans brought a product
made thousands of miles away” (p.7)






If the conditions are favorable for honey beehives to continue growing throughout the spring and summer and hibernating intact during the winter, they can last for an indefinite period of time.

What is the difference between a hive and a nest?

Although the terms "hives" and "nests" are frequently used interchangeably, they are not the same. Beehives are made by humans with the specific purpose of housing bees. On the other hand, nests are a naturally occurring phenomenon. Bees frequently construct their nests in remote locations, but you might also discover them in roof cavities.

Our brains have evolved to enjoy sweet foods because glucose is our bodies' main fuel source. The mesolimbic dopamine system, the brain's reward system, is activated by sugar consumption. Our desire for sugar is then further fueled by the release of dopamine, the chemical messenger of pleasure.

Learn more about Hive here:



The use of “leader full” in this sentence conveys the idea that the authors


The use of “leader full” in this sentence conveys the idea that the authors
have created a comprehensive and complete guide to leadership.

What is author?
are individuals who create literary works such as books, articles, stories, poems, and plays. They can also create other types of works such as non-fiction, essays, autobiographies, and screenplays. Authors have a great deal of creative freedom in choosing their topics and the way they wish to present the material. They may focus on one particular genre or use multiple genres. Authors may also use different literary devices to tell their stories and create effects. Writers often work alone, but they may also collaborate with editors, publishers, and other writers. Writing can be a fulfilling and rewarding profession, but also a challenging one that requires dedication, hard work, and perseverance.

To learn more about author


You will also read part of midnight assassin: a murder in america’s heartland. this book, written in 2005, describes the murder, the trial, and glaspell’s reporting. this is a source.


Historical whodunit devotees who have devoured all the literature on famous real-life mysteries will delight in this stirring and evocative account of an obscure turn-of-the-century Iowa murder.

On a moonlit night in 1889, Iowa farmer John Elkins and his young wife, Hattie, were brutally murdered in their bed. Eight days later, their son, eleven-year-old Wesley Elkins, was arrested and charged with murder. Susan Glaspell is well-known as the author of the one-act play TRIFLES and the short story "A Jury of Her Peers," and this new collection of some of her early short fiction should make readers aware of her remarkable place in American literary history.

To know more about a murder in America’s heartland:



This gripping and vivid tale of a little-known Iowa murder from the turn of the 20th century will appeal to historical whodunit enthusiasts who have consumed all the material on famous real-life mysteries.

Iowa farmer John Elkins and his young wife Hattie were brutally killed in their bed on a beautiful night in 1889. Wesley Elkins, their eleven-year-old son, was taken into custody and charged with murder eight days later.

This new collection of some of Susan Glaspell's early short fiction should make readers aware of her exceptional place in American literary history. Susan Glaspell is well-known for writing the one-act play TRIFLES and the short tale "A Jury of Her Peers" as well as other works of fiction.

To know more about a murder in America’s heartland Visit:



Select the correct answer from the drop-down menu.
How does "How Arthur was chosen king" draw on the tension created in "How Theseus Lifted the Stone"?
"How Arthur was chosen king" draws on the tension created in "How Theseus Lifted the Stone" by having Arthur


"How Arthur was chosen king" draws on the tension created in "How Theseus Lifted the Stone" by having Arthur prove himself worthy of ruling by lifting a similar stone to the one Theseus had lifted.

What is Arthur?

Arthur is a legendary British leader, known for leading the defense against the Saxon invaders in the late 5th and early 6th centuries. He is a central figure in the Matter of Britain, a collection of stories and legends about British history, including the famous story of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table.

This demonstrates that Arthur has the strength and power to be a successful king, just like Theseus. The story also alludes to the idea that Arthur is the rightful king, as he has the same strength and power that Theseus had. This creates tension between the two stories, as the audience is left wondering who will be crowned the rightful king.

To learn more about Arthur

1 According to the author of Passage 1, which event eventually lead to the birth of roadside
The attractions were built with the purpose of giving traveling families a place to stop and
take a break from driving.
Billboards were placed strategically to entice weary travelers to pull over and enjoy time
atan attraction.
Floridas warm, mild weather encouraged the construction of roadside attractions in the
Predent Franklin D. Roosevelt expanded the Emergency Relief and Construction Act of
1932 to include 16,330 miles of newly constructed roads.




read the passage

Mode meaning
This is for the test


A set of data values mode is the value that appears the most frequently. The value of X at which the probability mass function reaches its highest value is known as the mode if X is a discrete random variable. In other words, it is the value that will be sampled most frequently…

A buine hire man over a more qualified woman becaue he ue a wheelchair. Thi i an example of


Societal differences between men and women, sex discrimination also involves distinctions based on biological traits and functions that set men and women apart.

Physical requirements for a work include any requirements that are not necessary for performing the assigned tasks, such as minimum height or weight standards that have no bearing on job performance. Civil status, marital status, family circumstances, and motherhood are examples of social distinctions. Especially in cases of indirect discrimination, women are most frequently impacted by sex-based prejudice. Indirect discrimination refers to circumstances, actions, or practises that appear neutral but have a detrimental effect on members of a certain group. The second form of discrimination is the most challenging to combat due to its more covert character.

To know more about sex discrimination click here:



Some novels and plays seem to advocate changes in social or political attitudes or in traditions. Choose such a novel or play and note briefly the particular attitudes or traditions that the author apparently wishes to modify. Then analyze the techniques the author uses to influence the reader's or audience's views


Of Mice and Men tries to advo-cate for the social change for mig-rant workers during the Great Depression.

Stein-beck chose the title Of Mice and Men after read-ing a poem called “To a Mouse” by Robert Bu-rns, in which the poet regrets accident-ally destroy-ing a mouse's nest.

Lenny and George lead a ha-rd life with-out any stability.George does not have the opport-unity to be free from Lenny, most-ly by choice, but also because of the work situ-ation, which leads to con-flict for George.Lenny is misunder-stood and gets into trouble beca-use of his lack of a support sys-tem beyond George.

To know more about of mice and men click below:



Some novels and plays seem to advocate changes in social or political attitudes or in traditions. Choose such a novel or play and note briefly the particular attitudes or traditions that the author apparently wishes to modify. Then analyze the techniques the author uses to influence the reader's or audience's views

Select an excerpt from "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" that represents Jonathan
Edwards' writing style and his use of literary elements. Copy and paste the excerpt below.


Answer:The book "Sinners in the hand of an Angry God" by Jonathan Edwards is a book that condemns Sinners and promises them eternal hell fire if they refuses to turn from sin and confess Jesus as Lord and personal savior.

Some of Mr Edwards writing style and literary elements include:


2. HIS USE OF METAPHOR TO SHOW THAT POWERFUL RULERS ARE NOTHING BUT “feeble worms of the dust” in comparison with God.


Ose what you have learned from reading "A Rose for Emily" by William Faulkner

that provides an analysis of how the author's choices for stru

Se for Emily" by William Faulkner to write an essay

the story-contributes to its tragic resolution.

how the author's choices for structuring the text- how he begins and ends

As a starting point, you may want to consider how the

It, you may want to consider how the author structures the text, manipulates the

pacing, or builds suspense.

Develop your essay by providing textual

Op your essay by providing textual evidence from the text. Be sure to follow the conventions of

Standard English.


Despite the main character Emily's adamant opposition to change, Faulkner is able to show the passage of time through descriptions of Emily's appearance and a thorough portrayal of her crumbling home.

William Faulkner's "A Rose for Emily" has as its central message that people should let go of the past and move on with the present in order to get ready for the future. Emily was an example of someone who was always living in the past's shadow; she clung to it and was reluctant to change.

The narrative explores the themes of dying and resistance to change. It also demonstrates the fall in moral standards in Southern society during the 1930s. Emily Grierson had been raised by her controlling father for the first thirty years of her life, and she had never questioned it.

The narrator, who is the town, sees Miss Emily as a lost landmark as well as a woman who is above reproach, too accomplished for the common people of the town, and who keeps her distance.

To learn more about William Faulkner here:



1. Who experience this discrimination?
2. What kind of discrimination was it? What happened? What was their reaction? 3. How was it resolved?
 4. If you were in their shoes, what would you have done differently?

please help me on this bukas na due date nito please help me please sagot hindi meaning ​


Discrimination can be experienced by anyone especially minorities.

To tackle discrimination, it's important to focus on your strengths and sek support systems.

What is discrimination?

Discrimination is when individuals or groups are treated unfairly or negatively due to traits like race, gender, age, or sexual orientation.

Discrimination occurs when some people are treated differently from others based on who they are; typically, minorities and women are the targets of discrimination.

When two people with the same qualifications apply for the same job but only one is chosen for the position, that is an example of discrimination.

Note that an overview was given as your information is incomplete.

Learn more about discrimination on:



On tragedy commonlit answer key


The way in which paragraph one contributes to the development of ideas in the text On Tragedy on Commonlit is C. It introduces the purpose of writing and advises authors on how to write an ideal tragedy.

What is the text On Tragedy by Aristotle about?

"On Tragedy" is a treatise by Aristotle that explores the concept of tragedy in Greek drama, including its definition, elements, and effects.

The text defines tragedy as a form of drama that arouses emotions of pity and fear in the audience and discusses the structure of a tragedy and the role of characters, plot, and spectacle.

The text is considered a foundational work in the study of dramatic theory and has been influential in the Western literary tradition.

Read more about On Tragedy by Aristotle here:



How does paragraph one contribute to the development of ideas in the text on tragedy commonlit?

The text is On Tragedy by Aristotle

A. It captures the reader's attention by making the topic of the text seem relatable to the experience of the reader.

B. It summarizes the central idea of the text; the poets should avoid constructing complicated plot lines when crafting a work of tragedy.

C. It introduces the purpose of writing and advises authors on how to write an ideal tragedy.

D. It summarizes central ideas relating to how poets construct plot as described in earlier parts of book

The contribution of paragraph one to the development of thoughts is the author of the Commonlit text Aristotle On Tragedy. It explains the purpose of writing and gives authors tips on how to write an ideal tragedy.

Aristotle's treatise "On Tragedy" delves into the concept of tragedy. The definition, elements, and effects of Greek drama.

The text defines tragedy as a type of drama that evokes empathy and dread in the audience as well as discusses the structure of a tragedy as well as the roles of characters, plot, and spectacle. The text is regarded as a foundational work in the study of dramatic theory, and it has had an impact on the Western literary tradition.

Learn more about Aristotle, here:



how does shakespeare present attitudes to death in romeo and juliet


Answer: deaths can be blamed on underlying prejudice

Explanation: hate between the Montagues and the Capulets because had they not have been fighting they would have been able to fall in love peacefully.

Answer:Shakespeare concludes this story by having Romeo and Juliet kill themselves. i think but if i am wrong sorry but have a good day.


Complete these statements (each answer, 3 points).
.017 The actual story of a play or novel is its________________.


The actual story of a play or novel is its plot.

What is a story plot?

A story plot is the sequence of events that make up a story, typically including the exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution. The plot is the "what happens" of the story, including the characters, setting, and conflicts that drive the narrative. It is the structure that holds the story together, and the events that make up the plot can be used to convey themes and messages to the reader or audience.

A story plot in a play and a novel can have some similarities, but they also have some key difference. One of the main differences is the format in which the story is presented. A play is a live performance, typically with actors on a stage and an audience watching, while a novel is a written work, typically read by an individual. This difference in format can affect how the plot is presented and how the audience experiences the story.

Learn more about story plot here;



Who does "He" refer to lines 37-38? According to the speaker, what will he do? How does this
compare to Kipling's presentation of a similar issue?


In the first line, Kipling is talking to the nation's best men. These men are going to take control of the Philippines from the Spaniards.  

What happens in the second line?

In the second line, Kipling is referring to the natives of the colonies. Some white people regard the uncivilized natives as half-devils because of their religious beliefs.

Kipling agreed to racist and imperialist ideologies that believed that the white man, the white civilizations such as Britain and the US, had the "burden" of civilizing and educating the supposedly less developed societies of the world.

Therefore, In the first line, Kipling is talking to the nation's best men. These men are going to take control of the Philippines from the Spaniards.  

Learn more about  Kipling on:



Which statement accurately explains the theme most exemplified in this passage?


The statement that accurately explains the theme most exemplified in this passage is this:

A. Good leaders treat everyone the same.

What is the theme of the passage?

The theme of this passage is that good leaders should be able to treat everyone fairly. Here, we learn of an animal rearer who was excited at the prospect of having new goats. He was so happy that he began to neglect his old goats.

However, the old goats got a cue from this and left because they believed that the man would treat them in the same when when he gets new goats. So, the message is that good leaders should be just.

Learn more about literary themes here:



in brazil, supporters of the former president ________.


In Brazil, supporters of the former president Jair Bolsonaro stormed Congress.

Jair Messias Bolsonaro (born March 21, 1955) is a retired military officer and Brazilian politician who served as the country's 38th president from 2019 to 2022. He was chosen as a member of the Social Liberal Party in 2018, which he transformed into a conservative party before breaking ties with it. He decided to join the conservative Liberal Party in 2021. Bolsonaro was a member of Brazil's Chamber of Deputies from 1991 to 2018, representing the state of Rio de Janeiro.

Since da Silva's narrow victory over Bolsonaro in October, Bolsonaro supporters have been camping out in front of army barracks across the country, blocking roads, and calling for the armed forces to intervene and overturn the election.

Learn more about protests https://brainly.com/question/26167590


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