3 minute speech on children's rights


Answer 1

Children have a right to survival, protection, development, and participation, which every country must uphold. The Indian Constitution states that every boy and girl underneath the age of 18 is a kid, and that this stage of life is when they undergo the greatest amount of mental development.

Which five children's rights are the most crucial?

Children have the right to health, education, family life, play and relaxation, a decent standard of living, and protection from abuse and harm, among other rights.

What kinds of children's rights exist?

Children have the economic, social, and cultural rights to things like health, education, and a reasonable quality of living, among other things. Individual rights are among the rights of children.

To learn more about Children right visit:



Related Questions

PLEASE HELLP ME FAST, Use the completed table from Part A to write your response to the following prompt: Write a paragraph that compares Act 1, Scene 5 of Romeo and Juliet and Hillingford's painting Romeo and Juliet meeting at the Capulets' Ball, analyzing what is emphasized and absent in each medium. As you write your paragraph, be sure to develop your claim with evidence and reasoning. develop your counterclaim and include a refutation. use transitional words and phrases to connect your claims, evidence, reasoning, and counterclaims.


Answer:In William Shakespeare’s play Romeo and Juliet, about two love struck teenagers whom aren’t able to be together due to their families feud/ social situation. There are two key themes that of love and hate. Before Romeo and Juliet meet, the audience is only aware that he is a Montague and that she is a Capulet. This adds to the scene being so dramatically effective as do other happenings throughout the length of the scene. These include the speech of Capulet and the happy and joyous mood of the party, The romantic speech of Romeo, The hatred and harshness of Tybalt’s speech, a direct contrast with that of Romeo’s and the drama when the two lovers, Romeo and Juliet first meet.

At the start of Act 1 scene…show more content…

Romeo’s speech identifies to the audience for the first time, how Romeo feels about Juliet. That Juliet’s beauty is unmatched by those in the room and that Romeo has never loved before but he now thinks he has found her, Juliet the one. At this point the audience realises just what type of love and passion Romeo feels for Juliet. This event adds much more dramatic effect and intensifies the scene. At this instant a height of drama is achieved, but Shakespeare lifts it higher with a stronger and more hating speech, that of Tybalt’s.


Final answer:

Shakespeare's Act 1, Scene 5 of Romeo and Juliet offers a complex scene of interactions and ironies, which can't all be captured in Hillingford's painting. However, the painting does succeed in showing the immediate romantic connection between Romeo and Juliet. Those arguing for the painting's superiority may be valuing the visual expression of romance and tension over the multifaceted interactions present in the original.


Act 1, Scene 5 of Romeo and Juliet offers multiple layers of interactions, dramatic irony, and development of the tragic love story. For example, the audience witnesses Romeo's initial infatuation for Juliet. However, the painting "Romeo and Juliet meeting at the Capulets' Ball" by Hillingford necessarily simplifies this scene, focusing primarily on the immediate romantic connection between the two characters. Elements such as the presence of other partygoers, the verbal exchange between Romeo and Juliet, and the foreshadowing are all absent in Hillingford's rendition.

An opponent might argue that the painting succeeds in capturing the romance and tension of the moment more than the play achieves. I would refute this by stating that while the painting beautifully shows the scene's romance, it doesn't capture the scene's dramatic complexity and the layers of irony that Shakespeare's text presents.

Learn more about Comparative Analysis here:



Hi,Im Nyakan. Is "Weaver began to wind silk thread around some branches. " a declaritive,interrigatuve, imperative, or exclamatory


The sentence, "Weaver began to wind silk thread around some branches." is an imperative sentence. Obligatory, declarative, exclamatory, and interrogative sentences are the four different sorts of sentences.

Exclamatory sentences are used to communicate stronger passion than imperative sentences, which are also known as directives and are used to give orders and make requests.

Because imperative phrases can end with exclamation points, just like exclamatory sentences, they can be mistaken for exclamatory sentences. When a command or instruction is delivered with emotion (for example, when yelled), the imperative sentence ends with an exclamation point.

Hence the correct answer is imperative.

To learn more about imperative sentence here:



The imperative form of the sentence is, "Weaver started to wound silk thread over some branches." The four different types of sentences are obligatory, declarative, exclamatory, and interrogative. The correct answer is imperative.

Unlike imperative sentences, often known as directives and intended to issue commands and requests, exclamatory sentences are used to convey more emotion. Imperative phrases are often confused with exclamatory sentences since they too can end with an exclamation mark, exactly like exclamatory sentences.

An exclamation point follows an urgent sentence when it is given emotionally, such as when it is yelled.Obligatory, declarative, exclamatory, and interrogative sentences are the four different sorts of sentences. Here, we'll look at exclamatory and imperative sentences. Exclamatory sentences are used to communicate stronger passion than imperative sentences, which are also known as directives and are used to give orders and make requests.

To know more about imperative sentences visit:



What is the biases of the white mans burden


Kipling wanted to persuade the American administration to seize control of the Philippines, one of the war's prized possessions, and rule it with the same vigor, honor, and goodness that, in his opinion, distinguished British authority over non-white populations in India and Africa.

Viewpoints Regarding the White Man's Burden

Imperialism was cultural as well as economic and political. The goal of European nations was to invade and plunder populated regions like Asia and Africa.

Racist beliefs about their own superiority to people from other cultures were common among Europeans. Europeans believed it was their responsibility to "civilize" people in Asia, Africa, and some regions of the Americas into western culture and civilization because these people led different lives. Writings like Rudyard Kipling's 1899 novel and poem "The White Man's Burden," which were written in the United Kingdom, supported this idea.

White supremacist Kipling urged the United States to join other European countries in carrying the "burden" of civilizing "savage peoples" in his book "The White Man's Burden." It was written to aid the US government's attempt to annex the Philippines. Many imperialists adopted the slogan "White Man's Burden" to defend the course of action as honorable. Many politicians based their imperialist and racial agendas on the slogan and its beliefs.

To know more about White Man's burden, click on the link below:



how to build a resilient future using ancient wisdom?


A resilient future cab be built using the ancient wisdom by implementing all the ancient values to our modern life.

The future of the modern generation depends on their deeds as well as the values that they follow in their lifetime.

These values can be found in the ancient wisdom. A resilient future can be built up by using these values and encouraging the upcoming generation to inherit all these values so that the ancient wisdom that is passed on to us by our noble people remains long lived.

One of the ancient wisdom is the ability to be kind, we saw and observed in many ancient texts that by being kind towards other we can help to create a society that is near to an ideal world.

To know more about ancient wisdom, visit,



the forcing of captured sailors to sail/ fight for a country that they are not a citizen of is called ?


Recruitment through force was termed as "press gang" or "impression," depending on the context. It was a practice that directly impacted the United States and even contributed to the War of 1812.

What does impressment of sailors mean?

British legislation granted naval captains the authority to stop ships at sea, look for British nationals who had deserted, and force them to join the crews of warships—a procedure known as "impressment." Nearly all English-speaking seamen in good health were captured by several British captains.

Who was taking our sailors and forcing them to work on British ships?

Naval officials detained sailors and compelled them to work around the British Empire. Ships were boarded by "press gangs," who then marched the crews off to the navy's physical peril, meager pay, and subpar food. By offering those who rebelled up for impressment, abusive captains might keep their crews under control.

To know more about British legislation visit:                   brainly.com/question/14617724


What are 7 reasons why we should have mental health days from school



1. It can give you a break so you can come back with more enthusiasm, less stress, and a positive approach.

2. Having poor mental health make students more exposed to some physical health issues, such as heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes.

3. It can improved attitudes

4. Depression risk may be decreased.

5. Students will think more clearly.

6.It can give students a deeper inner peacefulness.

7. Students are more confident when faced with new situations or people.


To safeguard and manage mental health, taking mental health days, or time to unwind and recharge at home, can be a valuable tool. And allowing students to do so within reasonable bounds can be quite advantageous.

Hopefully this was helpful ✨

What words are the end rhyme?

What words are the internal rhyme?


The words that form the end rhyme are "lore, door, more," and the words that form the internal rhyme are "dreary, weary, napping, rapping, tapping."

Types of rhyme

We say two words rhyme and they present the same final sounds. In poetry, we can have internal rhymes and end rhymes. Internal rhymes will presents at least two rhyming words, one appearing at the middle of the line, the other at the ending of the line. On the other hand, end rhymes will also have at least two rhyming words, but they will both appear at the ending of different lines.

Having that explanation in mind, we can easily see that we have correctly answered this question. Notice how the words "dreary," "napping" and "rapping" appear at the center of the lines, thus forming an internal rhyme.

Learn more about rhymes here:



In the context of this article, how much can people control their fate? How much is
predetermined by their genes? Cite evidence from this text, your own experience,
and other literature, art, or history in your answer.


People can have some control over their fate depending on the choices they make and the actions they take, but their genes can also play a role in determining their destiny.

What is fate?
is an inevitable power or force believed to predetermine events. It is the idea that future events are predetermined and unchangeable. Fate is often seen as a mysterious force that shapes our lives, whether it be good or bad. Fate is considered to be a powerful and mysterious force, beyond our control. It is believed that our destiny is predetermined by the events that have happened in the past, as well as the decisions we make in the present. Fate is also seen as a fixed course of events, often with a moral or spiritual purpose.

Additionally, there is evidence from other sources that genetics can influence a person's fate. Finally, there is evidence in literature, art, and history that suggests that people have a limited ability to control their fate.

To learn more about fate


What is the main idea of this paragraph ? deep water connections : octocorals at the southern distribution limits by noaa.gov


The main idea of this paragraph is that NOAA is researching the distribution of octocorals at the southern limit of deep water connections.

What is paragraph?
A paragraph is a section of a written composition that consists of one or more sentences, deals with one idea or topic, and is usually set off by a line or indentation. Paragraphs are the building blocks of a larger written work and can range in length from a single sentence to several pages. Paragraphs are used to help organize a piece of writing by providing a logical progression of ideas and information. They also help to make the writing more vivid and interesting, as the writer can use transitions and other tools to show connections between ideas and events. Paragraphs can also help to clarify a thought, as readers can easily identify the main point of the paragraph and the flow of the writing.

To learn more about paragraph


Which of the following is a documentary?
a film that tells a true story using facts that can be verified

a work of fiction based on a true story

a weekly or daily radio or television program that reports current events

a television show that has users tell about a product



a film that tells a true story using facts that can be verified


new $10 million dollar statue honoring mlk jr in boston is slammed by critics is


Some netizens believe that the statue commemorates the legacy of Dr. It neither justifies King nor depicts the iconic moment when he won the Nobel Peace Prize.

Ahead of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, a 22-foot monument to him honoring the civil rights icon was unveiled in Boston on his January 13th. A bronze statue named The Embrace represents the doctor's symbolic embrace.

1964 Nobel Peace Prize of Laureate Martin Luther King Jr. and his wife Coretta Scott King.

His $10 million sculpture, designed by Hank Willis Thomas and his MASS design group, was installed in Liberty Square on Boston Common.

Visitors to The Embrace can also participate in digital experiences via a self-guided app. With this app, you can learn more about monuments, Freedom Plaza, and King's legacy.

To learn more about mlk jr, here:



with regards to a set point or normal limit, negative feedback always __________ a physiological value to the set point or normal limit.


With regards to a set point or normal limit, negative feedback always returns a physiological value to the set point or normal limit.

Negative feedback occurs when the output, result, or final product of a system stabilizes the input or stimulus of same system. Blood sugar control and negative feedback homeostasis are examples.

When it comes to controlling blood sugar, glucagon tends to boost or increase blood glucose levels when they are low while insulin prefers to drop them when they are high. Negative feedback always brings a physiological value that has deviated from its set point or normal limit back to that value.

To learn more about negative feedback here:



what happens every time Markus goes to the mall


Every time Markus and company head to the Mall Center, they tried to free some androids and rally to send a message to humans again.

What was Markus story in Freedom march?

Markus is standing on the roof of an abandoned bar near Jericho and has the option of playing the piano. North will appear, and Markus will be able to speak with her. If Markus and North have a good relationship, they will share their memories.

If he has a bad relationship with her, she will refuse to talk about her past and will leave. Markus also has the option of leaving North, thereby deteriorating their relationship. Markus will greet Simon inside Jericho if he survived Public Enemy (if he was wounded and left behind in Stratford Tower).

Markus has the ability to convert the androids and free them. They will receive additional androids outside of the mall. Markus will ask some delivery androids to block the street, then Markus and the androids will demonstrate in the street

Read more about Freedom march



While writing a first draft from her outline, Kendra discovers an important new example that supports her thesis. This is an example of how writing as a process of discovery is leading Kendra to _____


You should outline your suggested study and define your topic when writing your thesis proposal. Start by giving your thesis a working title, which is a succinct statement.

It should briefly describe your study issue and the topic methodology you intend to use. After that, you may start outlining your suggestion. You can test your outline and expand on the concepts that will support your thesis by writing proposal a first draught. It is not the finished item. A title page with the necessary formatting statement can be created quickly and easily. A glaring error on the opening page of your work will give readers a negative impression, and nobody wants that.

To learn more about proposal, click here.



How can teachers adapt writing lessons for children with fine
motor skill impairments?

A.provide pencil grippers

B.provide wider writing instruments

C.provide letter tiles or magnetic letters

D.all of the above


D. All of the above

Which verb moods would be best to combine in an essay on what life would be like if all wars were ended?

the imperative and subjunctive moods
the indicative and subjunctive moods
the conditional and subjunctive moods
the interrogative and subjunctive moods


The conditional and subjunctive moods would be best to combine in an essay on what life would be like if all wars were ended

What is a verb mood?

A verb mood is a grammatical category that indicates the mode or attitude in which a verb is used to indicate the speaker's attitude toward the action or state described by the verb. It expresses the speaker's attitude of certainty, possibility, necessity, or desire about the state of affairs described by the verb. There are several moods in English grammar, including the indicative, imperative, subjunctive, and conditional.

The conditional mood is used to express possibilities or hypothetical situations, and the subjunctive mood is used to express doubt, possibility, or desire. Both moods are used to talk about things that are not certain or that have not yet happened.

Learn more about verb mood, here:



philosophers of the enlightenment believed that society could best be improved by


Philosophers of the Enlightenment period believed that society could best be improved by applying Logic and the laws of Nature

The Scientific Revolution had an impact on thinkers during the Enlightenment. They thought that through using logic and scientific principles, humans might comprehend society and nature more fully. The connection between the people and the rulers was thus attempted to be improved using natural rules.

The right to use one's own reason and to disclose the results was one of their top priorities when it came to changes. The philosophes supported freedom of speech and freedom of religion because they believed that these things were "natural rights" that were protected by "natural law." They believed that these liberties were essential to progress.

To learn more about Philosophers of the enlightenment Please click on the given link:



Complete Question is:

Philosophers of the Enlightenment period believed that society could best be improved by applying_____ and the laws of _____

Write a parody of some aspect of TV programming. Choose a partner and a subject (a genre like soap operas, sports broadcasts, reality shows, children’s television programs; or a specific show like Oprah or CSI or 60 Minutes, etc. ). Next, write your parody, using the format of a script


A specific technique used to mock an author or a piece of work is called a parody. The parodist takes advantage of the unique ways in which an author expresses themselves or the features of a common genre.\

Create a mockery of a certain facet of TV programming. Select a partner and a topic (such as a television genre, such as soap operas, sports coverage, reality shows, or children's programming, or a specific program, such as Oprah, CSI, 60 Minutes, etc.). Write your parody next using a script format. Plan your parody using the answers to the following queries.

Which pictures should you include? What pictures ought to be avoided? Place your topic in the center of a circle, and then make a list of customs and traits that might make for amusing parodies.

Tone/purpose: How harsh of a critic should you be? Is it time for vicious sarcasm or lighthearted wit? Is the show in poor taste or just a pointless time waster? Do you intend to harm or are you just teasing?

Audience: How acquainted is the show with your audience? How do they feel about the programme? What should you and shouldn't you do in your script as a result of their responses?

Organization: How should you begin, develop, and end your script while focusing on the formulas of your subject?

Diction: Can you name any speech patterns that are simple to mock? How ridiculous or overused do you want your characters or characteristics to come across?

Syntax: How does the script's pacing look? It should read most fast where? Where is the reader supposed to focus on each word? How would you go about doing this?

To learn more about writing a parody link is here



A parody is a particular tactic used to mock an author or a piece of work. The parodist takes advantage of the unique writing style or design elements of a common format.

Parody of some aspect of TV programming:







Parody using the above format:

ANNOUNCER: This is the On-the-Spot Action Eyewitness News from the On-the-Spot Action Eyewitness News Studios, with anchor Wilson Westbrook, coanchor Stella Snape, minority group member James Edwards, charming sports personality Jim Johnson, humorous weather expert Dr. Reed Stevens, and drummer Norm Perkins. Wilson Westbrook is now in view.

WESTBROOK: Hello and good evening. Tonight from the On-the-Spot Action Eyewitness News Studios, we have real colour footage of a burning building, real colour footage of two cars after they collided, real colour footage of the front of a building where someone shot another person, real colour footage of another burning building, and special reports on roller-skating and child abuse. But for the major story tonight, we visit City Hall, where On-the-Spot Reporter Reese Kernel.

To know more about Parody visit:



to have motion, a body must experience a change in what?


To have motion, a body must experience a change in position.

In order for a body to experience motion, it must experience a change in its position in relation to its surroundings. This means that the body must be moving from one location to another, rather than remaining stationary.

This change in position can be in the form of linear motion (such as moving in a straight line) or angular motion (such as rotating or spinning).Therefore body motion and change in position has a close relationship.

For more questions like Body click the link below:



What this means "On Christians who worshiped the dime;

A change of the times. "


The Christians who attended the service with Reverend Richards had only enough spare cash to give him a cent after he had stopped sobbing and had become lost trying to locate the door.

"On Christians who worshiped the dime; A change of the times. " indicates that because of the times, Reverend Richards' ministry at this church has come to an end, but his flock, who were primarily interested in the proceeds from selling the church, didn't seem to mind.

The basic idea of the phrase is that his flock, who are all about money, is unaware of the importance of his leaving.

To know more about Reverend Richards :



Why do you think Mikhail chose to take a satirical approach to writing a poem about war? What effect does this approach have on the overall message? What underlying truth(s) are revealed by the satire? Explain.


Mikhail chose to take a satirical approach to writing a poem about war to criticize the absurdity and futility of war

Why was satire used?

Satirical approach to writing about war can be used to criticize the absurdity and futility of war, while also highlighting the human suffering caused by it. The use of humor and exaggeration in satire can make the message more impactful and memorable, by drawing attention to the incongruities and contradictions in the subject matter.

By using satire, the writer can reveal underlying truths about the nature of war, such as the greed and selfishness of those who profit from it, or the senselessness of the loss of human life. Additionally, satire can reveal the failure of the political systems that lead to war and the propaganda that is used to justify it.

Learn more about satire on:



how can i start an essay about prejudice?



just introduce it at the first paragraph . in the second write its body and lastly write the conclusion. you can also add some more points.

The V.F.D., or Volunteer Fire Department, is a secret and mysterious organization in A Series of Unfortunate Events and All the Wrong Questions, which Violet, Klaus, and Sunny Baudelaire become increasingly more aware of and involved with after their first encounter with the villainous member . true or false


The V.F.D., or Volunteer Fire Department, is a secret and mysterious organization in A Series of Unfortunate Events - True

After their initial encounter with the department's wicked member Count Olaf, Violet, Klaus, and Sunny Baudelaire discover more about and get more entangled with the clandestine and enigmatic Volunteer Fire Department through a series of terrible incidents and all the wrong questions.

As the story progresses, the reader discovers that the organisation, which was once whole and honorable, has split into two groups: those who adhere to the organization's founding beliefs and those who hold principles wholly in opposition to the original fire department. The primary global organisation in the Series of Unfortunate Events books is V.F.D.

Read more about Volunteer Fire Department on:



It says to list three pieces of evidence that show the civilians' ideas about war. Pages 162-169 from the book All Quiet on the Western Front. In three to five sentences


Erich Maria Remarque, a German author, released his book All Quiet on the Western Front in 1929 under the title Im Westen nichts Neues and under the title All Quiet on the Western Front in the United States.

A World War I-set antiwar book, it draws on Remarque's own military service to capture the general disillusionment of the time. The book is a memoir of Paul Baumer's experiences in combat and his brief military career, with a focus on the impact of war on young men. Its title, which uses everyday communiqué terminology, is characteristic of the careless, terse writing style used throughout to laconic understatement to graphically describe the daily atrocities of war.

To know more about book refer to the link below :



Which line from "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner" contains alliteration, consonance, and internal rhyme? A. "At length did cross an Albatross. . . " b. "By thy long gray beard and glittering eye. . . " c. "In mist or cloud, on mast or shroud. . . " d. "The bride hath paced into the hall. "


Internal rhyme, alliteration, and consonance can all be found in option c, "In mist or cloud, on mast or shroud."

Alliteration, a type of metaphorical language, makes use of repeated stressed starting sounds. As opposed to rhyming, which frequently occurs at the end of syllables, alliteration takes place at the beginning of words that are close together or nearby.

Consonant repetition is a technique used in poetry, typically at the end of stressed syllables and without repeating any vowels.

Internal rhyme, also referred to as "middle rhyme," is rhyme that happens between internal words on various lines of a poem or within a verse line.

Learn more about alliteration:



9000 dollars is placed in an account with an annual interest rate of 7.75%. How much
will be in the account after 18 years, to the nearest cent? $34494.79


The annual percentage rate (APR), which includes all charges and fees related to your loan, is your interest rate for the whole year.

Does annual interest rate mean?

The annual percentage rate (APR), which is presented as a percentage of the principal loan amount, is a figure that sums up the annual cost of borrowing money. The annual percentage rate (APR) on a credit card or loan seeks to provide a thorough picture of how much borrowing money will cost.

The annual percentage rate (APR), which includes all charges and fees related to your loan, is your interest rate for the whole year. Because of this, an APR gives a more accurate representation of your annual loan payment. You can find the finest solutions for your scenario by comparing APRs across different loans or lenders.

[tex]$R=P(1+i)^n$[/tex] P is the initial amount, I is the interest rate, and n is the number of installments.

Because the rate is yearly, there will be 18 payments made over the course of 18 years, therefore n = 18. Given that P is provided 9000 and I is given 7.75,

[tex]$R=9000 *(1+7.75)^{18}=9000 * 8.75^{18} \approx 34494.79$ dollars[/tex]

To learn more about annual interest rate refer to:



Select all that apply to the Oxford English Dictionary (O. E. D).

A. Was the first complete dictionary.

B. Quotations from literature beginning at 1150 A. D.

C. Etymologies of words compiled at Harvard University


The Oxford English Dictionary (OED), which Oxford University Press distributes, is the most historically important dictionary of the English language (OUP).

The Oxford English Dictionary was given its first unofficial usage on the series' covers in 1895, and it was reissued in its entirety in 10 bound volumes in 1928. The new dictionary was intended to be a four-volume, 6,400-page book that would include all terminology used in the English language from the Early Middle English era (1150 AD) onward, as well as specific older terms that may have survived into Middle English. Hence, the right options are:

A. Was the first complete dictionary.

B. Quotations from literature beginning at 1150 A. D.

To know more about Oxford English Dictionary:



3. Use each concept vocabulary word in a sentence that demonstrates your
understanding of the word's meaning.


These vocabulary terms give the sentence significance and make it make sense. To help you understand how to use a word in a phrase, dictionaries offer you examples of sentences in addition to word definitions.

What is the importance of vocabulary?

Vocabulary plays a significant role in delivering any message effectively. The vocabulary used in any sentence should be correct as each word have a different meaning in a different context.

When using vocabulary in any sentence use standard and formal language which is easily understood by the reader and they absorb the accurate meaning that the author tries to speak.

For example, "She is financially competent" where the vocabulary word is competent reflecting meaning as the ability to understand quickly.

Learn more about vocabulary, here:



This goes to 7 habits book
Thank you and have a great day


The four major subjects that make up the four quadrants method are quality of life, patient preferences, medical indications, and contextual characteristics. Each subject is an example of one of the four quadrants.

What are some instances in context?

The meaning of something contextual depends on its location or context. People understand it when you tap someone on the shoulder and say, "You're it!" during a game of tag, but it is less clear when you do it to complete strangers at a grocery store.

Contextual Content: What Is It?

Marketing material that adjusts to the audience's demands, present location, and communication channel is known as contextual content. In other words, it provides individuals with the knowledge they need right now, even if they aren't aware that they do.

To know more about contextual features visit:



How can I make this topic sentence better?




A possible revision for the topic sentence could be: "Through the portrayal of a conformist and uninformed society in his book Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury illustrates the detrimental effects of ignorance and societal pressure on the individuals within it."

This revision provides more specific information about what the author is explaining in the book and how it is portrayed, and it also includes a more sophisticated vocabulary.

express why you think the claim is true without over anaylzing
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NUMber 5 If you eplain how you didi it I put you as brianliest If the coordinates of a quadrilateral composed in the first quadrant of the coordinate plane are (0,0), (a,b), (a+c,b), and (c,0), which is the most accurate classification of the quadrilateral?a. trapezoidb. rectanglec. parallelogramd. square how much money will it cost you to drive 100.0 miles if your car gets 25.70 miles per gallon and gas costs $3.309/gallon? What is the value of x? enter your answer in the box. x = cm A square has a diagonal that is 22 m long. What is the area of the square?If necessary, round your answer to the nearest whole number. a nurse is instructing a client who has a new diagnosis of raynaud's disease about preventing the onset of manifestations. which of the following client statements should indicate to the nurse the need for additional teaching pacific island named for the holiday on which it was discovered a 16-month-old toddler has had large, frothy, foul-smelling stools since the introduction of table foods and is irritable and apathetic. the child is diagnosed with celiac disease and a gluten-free diet is prescribed. which response would the nurse anticipate in the child after 2 days on the diet? a child in a classroom is not keeping up with the rest of the class. she gets a headache during group work, which she finds stressful. to help the child with her situation, a school psychologist relies on research from several different areas of psychology. three different materials, designated a, b, and c, are tested in tension using test specimens hav- ing diameters of 0.505 in. and gage lengths of 2.0 in. (see figure). at failure, the distances between the gage marks are found to be 2.13, 2.48, and 2.78 in., respec- tively. also, at the failure cross sections, the diameters are found to be 0.484, 0.398, and 0.253 in., respectively. determine the percent elongation and percent reduction in area of each specimen. using your own judgment, classify each material as brittle or ductile. Read the excerpt from flannery oconnors "the life you save may be your own." the old woman and her daughter were sitting on their porch when mr. shiftlet came up their road for the first time. the old woman slid to the edge of her chair and leaned forward, shading her eyes from the piercing sunset with her hand. the characters in the excerpt are an example of:___.a. characters who are uneducated.b. characters who are violent. c. characters in an isolated setting. d. characters in a disturbing situation. pls solve this I will give Brainly Which of the following is an important contributor to both global warming and ozone depletion?a. an increase in the concentration of CO2 to higher than preindustrial levelsb. a buildup of methane in the stratosphere to higher than preindustrial levelsc. an increase in the levels of ultraviolet radiation reaching Earth's surfaced. an increase in the amount of infrared solar radiation absorbed in the tropospheree. a release of chlorofluorocarbons to the atmosphere explain briefly how the statistic can be used to make inferences about the parameter to test the claim question is in the picture below A line passes through the point(-8, -9) and has a slope of Write an equation in slope-intercept form for this line. -5/4 List the following activities in the order in which they occur, with the first activity on top:Materials, Production, Sales. leading is solely the responsibility of the manager.T/F Who was an explorer who claimed land for the French? In its financial statements, Hila Co. discloses supplemental information on the effects of changing prices. Hila computed the increase in current cost of inventory as follows:Increase in current cost [nominal dollars] $15,000Increase in current cost [constant dollars] $12,000What amount should Hila disclose as the inflation component of the increase in current cost of inventories?a. $ 3,000.b. $ 12,000c. $ 15,000d. $27,000