4. Food molecules diffuse through the wall of the intestines directly into the blood. Which two systems directly interact during this process? A respiratory and circulatory C immune and digestive B circulatory and muscular D digestive and circulatory


Answer 1


D digestive and circulatory system

Answer 2
D digestive and circulatory system

Related Questions

Explain how the development and improvement of microscopes changed the study of living organisms.


Answer: As scientists started improving on the microscopes, the more they got to observe the cells in depth. Compound light microscope uses visible light to produce a magnified image and doesn't allow it to scatter.

If you are working out and your oxygen supply is not meeting the demands of your cells, what process will your cells undergo?





But when you sprint, your lungs and bloodstream can't supply oxygen fast enough to meet your muscles' need for ATP. In such situations, your muscle cells use another process, called fermentation, that makes ATP without using oxygen.

What characteristics apply to gymnosperms? (Choose all that apply)
use seeds to reproduce
use spores to reproduce
have vascular tissue
have cones as reproductive structures



Have cones as reproductive structures.

Have vascular tissue.


The gymnosperms have vascular tissue and have cones as reproductive structures.

What are gymnosperms?

The gymnosperms are woody like plants having a  cone shaped structure,  bear no flowers, no fruits but bear seeds; The seeds are with out coat and they are not covered by the fruit wall.

Gymnosperms produce seeds which are not enclosed in an ovary, while in Angiosperms the reproductive organs are the flower, they may  involve in double fertilization resulting in a diploid zygote, and a triploid endosperm.

Gymnosperms  produce seeds and fruits from their flowers, the flowers in gymnosperms helped in the propagation of the plants, it attract pollinators and attracted seed to dispersers, gymnosperms became dominant among plants.

The modification of the gymnosperm includes Modified leaves, Sunken stomata, Pointed and thick cuticle leaves, Less transpiration rate.

Learn more about gymnosperm, here:



( please, do not comment if you do not know the answer, I will give Brianlist ) Please complete the following:
1. You and Tim, who is larger than you are outside with a wagon. Tim (the bigger person) gets in the wagon and you (the smaller one) pull it. As you pull
it, you accelerate until you reach a comfortable velocity. Then you stop and switch places with Tim. Tim now pulls you in the wagon, accelerating
from a stop to a comfortable velocity. Now, Tim may be bigger than you, but you have been working out and are just as strong as Tim, so the force
that Tim uses to pull the wagon is the same force that you used. You both pull with the exact same amount of force. Who was riding in the wagon
when it had the greatest acceleration during start up? Why? Use Newton's second law to explain.
2. Now Sara comes along, and she is the exact same size as you. However, she is even stronger than you! When she pulls you in the wagon, she pulls
with a greater force than when you pull her. Now who is in the wagon when it has the greatest acceleration? Explain, using Newton's second law.



2. Sarah


because she is stronger, she is able to pull faster and easier because of the amount of weight she can carry vs the amount of weight you can carry. Although you are the same height, she has more muscle.

I need help with this question somebody answer!!



The essential factor to increase the number of cells in a growing organism is that each and every cell has a complete copy of DNA.


The development and growth of an organism is based on the multiplication of its tissue cells. Cell multiplication in somatic cells occurs through mitosis, a process that allows obtaining two identical daughter cells from a progenitor cell.

DNA contains all the genetic information belonging to a living organism. In the process of mitosis, the DNA of each cell must be replicated so that each daughter cell has a complete copy of the original DNA. This ensures that each cell resulting from mitosis has the same structure and function as the original cell.

The other options are not correct because:

The size of the cell is important, since each cell has defined characteristics, according to the tissue it must form. Each and every cell needs to have a complete DNA. In somatic cells, DNA does not vary from one cell to another.

A student observes that a popcorn kernel has a hard coat. He places the kernel in a moist paper towel and observes it for several days. He notices that the coat splits and a small root emerges. He concludes that—

water outside the seed coat exerted a pushing force, breaking the seed coat

air inside the seed coat exerted a pushing force, breaking the seed.

water outside the seed coat exerted a pulling force, breaking the seed coat.

gravity exerted a pulling force on the stem, breaking the seed coat.





got it right on the test

Describe the fungi reproduction process.

Please I really need this answer ASAP.


Fungi reproduce asexually by fragmentation, budding, or producing spores. Fragments of hyphae can grow new colonies. Mycelial fragmentation occurs when a fungal mycelium separates into pieces with each component growing into a separate mycelium. There are many types of asexual spores.




Following a period of intensive growth, fungi enter a reproductive phase by forming and releasing vast quantities of spores. Spores are usually single cells produced by fragmentation of the mycelium or within specialized structures (sporangia, gametangia, sporophores, etc.). Spores may be produced either directly by asexual methods or indirectly by sexual reproduction. Sexual reproduction in fungi, as in other living organisms, involves the fusion of two nuclei that are brought together when two sex cells (gametes) unite. Asexual reproduction, which is simpler and more direct, may be accomplished by various methods.

Asexual reproduction

Typically in asexual reproduction, a single individual gives rise to a genetic duplicate of the progenitor without a genetic contribution from another individual. Perhaps the simplest method of reproduction of fungi is by fragmentation of the thallus, the body of a fungus. Some yeasts, which are single-celled fungi, reproduce by simple cell division, or fission, in which one cell undergoes nuclear division and splits into two daughter cells; after some growth, these cells divide, and eventually a population of cells forms. In filamentous fungi the mycelium may fragment into a number of segments, each of which is capable of growing into a new individual. In the laboratory, fungi are commonly propagated on a layer of solid nutrient agar inoculated either with spores or with fragments of mycelium.

Budding, which is another method of asexual reproduction, occurs in most yeasts and in some filamentous fungi. In this process, a bud develops on the surface of either the yeast cell or the hypha, with the cytoplasm of the bud being continuous with that of the parent cell. The nucleus of the parent cell then divides; one of the daughter nuclei migrates into the bud, and the other remains in the parent cell. The parent cell is capable of producing many buds over its surface by continuous synthesis of cytoplasm and repeated nuclear divisions. After a bud develops to a certain point and even before it is severed from the parent cell, it is itself capable of budding by the same process. In this way, a chain of cells may be produced. Eventually, the individual buds pinch off the parent cell and become individual yeast cells. Buds that are pinched off a hypha of a filamentous fungus behave as spores; that is, they germinate, each giving rise to a structure called a germ tube, which develops into a new hypha.

Although fragmentation, fission, and budding are methods of asexual reproduction in a number of fungi, the majority reproduce asexually by the formation of spores. Spores that are produced asexually are often termed mitospores, and such spores are produced in a variety of ways.

how does an amoeba cell function differently from a human nerve cell?



Answer. It means amoeba has single cell,unicellular. ... Amoeba will functions every thing with the help of that single cell. Humans have many cells which functions multiple functions ( nerve cells,muscle cells,brain cells).



Hi E 16

Amoeba are unicellular organisms where as humans are multi cellular organisms

It means amoeba has single cell,unicellular. we has multi cells means more than 2 cells.

Amoeba will functions every thing with the help of that single cell.

Humans have many cells which functions multiple functions (nerve cells,muscle cells, brain cells).

What is natural selection?
-compare natural selection to evolution



its when certain organisms are better suited for certain enviornments or they have genes that allow them to live in a enviornment without struggle


Answer: Natural selection is where the strongest survives. And the weak dies.

Natural selection is where strongest survives, evolution is where the most liked feature survives. (Example, NS, finches in the Galapagos. Ex of Evo, birds with preferences of colors for their nest)


Shoot the Golgi Apparatus. Fill in the blanks: Golgi receives ANSWER containing ANSWER that were sent by the ANSWER Then it modifies ANSWER and send them where they need to go.



Golgi receives a vesicle containing newly synthesized proteins that were sent by the endoplasmatic reticulum. Then it modifies the proteins and sends them where they need to go.


Protein synthesis is initiated in the cytoplasm when mRNA meets a free ribosome, which is the primary structure for protein synthesis. They read the mRNA code and add the correct amino acid using transference RNA to build the protein. The synthesizing protein is driven to the rough endoplasmic reticulum and translocated to the lumen. Once there, the protein suffers a few modifications, one of them is folding to become functional. Once membrane proteins are folded in the interior of the endoplasmic reticulum, they are packaged into vesicles and sent to the Golgi complex, where it occurs the final association of carbohydrates with proteins. The Golgi complex sends proteins to their different destinies. Proteins destined to a certain place are packaged all together in the same vesicle and sent to the target organ. In the case of membrane proteins, they are packaged in vesicles and sent to the cell membrane where they get incrusted.

Can y’all help me figure out the other ones or can y’all correct my work if I messed up because I’m stuck.



5. ee, attatched earlobes

8. Ee, free earlobes


int x = 128; System.out.println(x); //line1

x = -98; System.out.println(x); //line2

byte b = 24; System.out.println(b); //line3

char c = 97; System.out.println(c); //line4

double d = 9.9; System.out.println(d); //line5

d = 5.2; System.out.println(d); //line6

float f = 9.87f; System.out.println(f); //line7

short s = 350; System.out.println(s); //line8

int z = 'A'+5; System.out.println(z); //line9

c = 'A'+5; System.out.println(c); //line10

double w = 'a'+5; System.out.println(w); //line11

long u = 'A'-48; System.out.println(u); //line12

w = f+5; System.out.println(w); //line13

b = (byte)x; System.out.println(b); //line14

w = 'A' * 2.0; System.out.println(w); //line15

f = w; System.out.println(f); //line16

s = c; System.out.println(s); //line17
z = w; System.out.println(z); //line18



im sorry but im a bit lost, could you help me answer your question in the comments

If this code is executed, the following will be printed:



















What is the explanation of the above mentioned code?

On line 1, the value 128 is assigned to the integer variable x, and this value is printed.On line 2, the value -98 is assigned to x, and this value is printed.On line 3, the value 24 is assigned to the byte variable b, and this value is printed.On line 4, the value 97 is assigned to the char variable c, and the character 'a' is printed.On line 5, the value 9.9 is assigned to the double variable d, and this value is printed.On line 6, the value 5.2 is assigned to d, and this value is printed.On line 7, the value 9.87 is assigned to the float variable f, and this value is printed.On line 8, the value 350 is assigned to the short variable s, and this value is printed.On line 9, the value 'A'+5 is assigned to the integer variable z, and the value 70 is printed.On line 10, the value 'A'+5 is assigned to c, and the character 'F' is printed.On line 11, the value 'a'+5 is assigned to the double variable w, and the value 102.0 is printed.On line 12, the value 'A'-48 is assigned to the long variable u, and the value 65 is printed.On line 13, the value f+5 is assigned to w, and the value 14.34 is printed.On line 14, the value of x is cast to a byte and assigned to b, and the value -98 is printed.On line 15, the value 'A' * 2.0 is assigned to w, and the value 65.0 is printed.On line 16, the value of w is assigned to f, and the value 65.0 is printed.On line 17, the value of c is assigned to s, and the value 65 is printed.On line 18, the value of w is cast to an integer and assigned to z, and the value 65 is printed.

Learn more about coding, here:



particles of this type of material do not allow light to transmit or pass-through (see picture)



I'm 99.9% sure the correct answer would be A. Opaque.

b. What food molecules are created?



Instead, let's start applying what we learned so far by looking at the most common groups of molecules in food: carbohydrates, proteins and fats. These molecules are also called 'macronutrients' and are essential for us from a nutritional point of view.

Someone helpp me plsssssssssssssssss :(((




This shows that in 2018 the number of nests increased while the number of eggs per nest increased at the minimum and decreased at the maximum when compared to 1780. We can see that by looking at the graph. The blue curve represents 2018 and the dotted 1780. The Y-axis represents the number of nests while the X-axis represents the number of eggs. The dotted one is shorter but wider and the blue one is taller.

What is DNA'S Function?
What is Protein's Function?
What are examples of Proteins?
What is Enzyme's Function?
What are examples of Enzyme?
*If you look it up I will find out*
*Don't give me an paragraph give me an sentence ONLY*
I will report anyone I don't care if you answered first.* I only care if you answer CORRECTLY*
* means IMPORTANT/


DNA is necessary for the production of proteins as well as the regulation, metabolism, and reproduction of the cell.

Proteins help repair and build your body's tissues, coordinate bodily functions, and allow metabolic reactions to take place.

Structural, storage, hormonal, enzyme, etc.

Enzymes speed up the rate of a chemical reaction to help support life.

Lipases, amylase, lactase, deoxyribonuclease, etc.

The fact that whales have a pelvis is which type of evolutionary evidence?



Anatomical Evidence


The pelvic bones in whales are a good example of evolutionary anatomical evidence shown by vestigial evolution where whales evolved from four-legged land mammals and secondarily lost their hind legs.

Which of the following is NOT a soil forming process?
O Translocations
O Gains
O Losses


The answer is gains
The answer is gain I think so

Describe the two processes necessary for sediments to lithify into sedimentary rock.


Sediments are squeezed together by the weight of overlying sediments on top of them. This is called compaction. Cemented, non-organic sediments become clastic rocks. If organic material is included, they are bioclastic rocks.

Fluids fill in the spaces between the loose particles of sediment and crystallize to create a rock by cementation.


Sedimentary Rock Formation

Two important steps are needed for sediments to lithify. Sediments are squeezed together by the weight of overlying sediments on top of them. ... Cemented, non-organic sediments become clastic rocks. If organic material is included, they are bioclastic rocks.

How are atoms and electromagnetism related?


Answer: Yes they are related

Explanation:Electromagnetic radiation is made when an atom absorbs energy. The absorbed energy causes one or more electrons to change their locale within the atom. When the electron returns to its original position, an electromagnetic wave is produced. ... These electrons in these atoms are then in a high energy state.


Explain the difference between symplastic and apoplastic pathways.


The apoplast route is the fully permeable route in which the water movement occurs in passive diffusion. Whereas, the symplast is a selectively permeable route in which the water movement occur by osmosis.

can someone please help this is 6ht grade science


Answer: Container P.

Explanation: All of the containers started at 30 degrees, and they all lost heat, as shown in the table. However, Container P saw the smallest decrease in temperature. This means that Container P was most effective at preventing heat transfer from the water to the environment.

List the 3 reasons why mitosis occurs


development and growth
cell reproduction
asexual reproduction

Mitosis is a cell division method a part of the cell cycle that is essential for growth and development, repair and replacement, and asexual reproduction.

What is mitosis?

Mitosis is a type of cell division method that occurs in all the somatic cells and plays a crucial role in living organisms. They produce daughter cells to increase the cell number and to aid in the growth and development.

They replace and repair the damaged cells in the body and also is a form of asexual reproduction where the parent cell is divided to form a new daughter cell with the same ploidy.

Therefore, mitosis is essential for growth, repair, and asexual reproduction.

Learn more about mitosis here:



What causes hydrogen bonding between water molecules?



I believe it's the valence electrons.


Hope this helps!

Energy conversion within an animal cell would be severely limited by removal of the cell's --
F .mitochondria
G .chloroplasts
H .plastids
J .lysosomes


The answer is F. mitochondria ,
because the most important energy reactions of an eukaryote cell take place in mitochondria. oxygen and energetic molecules take part in reactions which catalyze by mitochondrial enzymes and make energy for the cell. Hope this helps


The answer is F.


The reason why is the Mitochondria converts glucose to energy. If it were to be removed, protein production would stop, normal functions would cease, homeostasis would be off balance. also because activities going towards the Nucleus. No control center, no protein production since ribosomes are made there. Thus, destroying that cell completely.

A runner takes off at
the beginning of a
Acceleration , speed , or , velocity


It should be Acceleration




velocity doesn't make sense and speed is how fast not how fast you take off. hope this was helpful

is glucose completely broken down in anaerobic respiration (animal)



Glucose is not completely broken down


So much less energy is released than during aerobic respiration. There is a build-up of lactic acid in the muscles during vigorous exercise.

Based on the article, which statement accurately describes garlic mustard and trillium in the forest? 1.)Trillium and garlic mustard are both native plants. 2.)Trillium is a native plant, and garlic mustard is an invasive plant. 3.)Trillium is an invasive plant, and garlic mustard is a native plant. 4.)Trillium and garlic mustard are both invasive plants.



Its 2 or B


I just took the Assignment on edge




In case no one believes the person and I got it right!

during duffusion molecules move ?



During diffusion, molecules do move.


What conditions are needed to create a sound wave?



The waves must be coherent and monochromatic

Other Questions
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