4 Name the following types of boundaries: a) at an ocean trench, one plate is forced to move down below another one b) plates move apart at mid-ocean ridges c) plates slide past each other d) plates push up against each other and create mountains​


Answer 1


a) The boundary formed when one plate is forced to move down below another one at an ocean trench is called a convergent or destructive plate boundary.

b) The boundary formed when plates move apart at mid-ocean ridges is called a divergent or constructive plate boundary.

c) The boundary formed when plates slide past each other is called a transform or conservative plate boundary.

d) The boundary formed when plates push up against each other and create mountains is called a convergent or collisional plate boundary.

Related Questions

Which climate is more hospitable for growing crops, england or new england?


The climate that is more hospitable for growing crops is New England.

Why is England's climate better ?

In general, New England has a more hospitable climate for growing crops than England. While both regions have cool, temperate climates, New England has longer and warmer summers, which are ideal for growing crops such as corn, tomatoes, and beans.

In contrast, England's climate is characterized by cool temperatures and frequent rainfall, which can make it challenging to grow certain crops.

One of the main factors that makes New England's climate more hospitable for growing crops is its latitude. The region is located further south than England, which means that it receives more direct sunlight and warmer temperatures during the growing season.

Find out more on New England at https://brainly.com/question/7446760


Oceania is made up of island nations, many of which are very small and
isolated from one another. Which of the following words describes a cultural
trait that the cultures of Oceania share due to their isolation?
OA. Homogeneity
B. Lack of Development
C. Unity
D. Diversity



A. Homogeneity

B. Lack of Development


i think mostly A

Globalization makes new forms of consumption possible, but the effects of globalization on an individual’s lifestyle vary based on many factors including socioeconomic status. In what ways is globalization experienced differently by people from wealthy countries compared to people in developing countries? How are the producers of commodities like food or clothing affected differently by globalization than consumers? Anthropology


In wealthy or developed countries , Globalization brings reorganization at the international, national, and sub-national levels.

The restructuring of manufacturing, expansion of global commerce, and integration of financial systems are only a few examples.

Globalization experience in developing countries-

Because the poor don't always benefit from trade, several research demonstrate that globalization has been linked to increased inequality.

The coffee industry serves as an illustration of this. Despite being the second-most traded commodity in the world, the majority of coffee producers only receive 10% of the final selling price.

Hence, in both countries globalization serves a different experience.

2.  How are the producers of commodities like food or clothing affected differently by globalization than consumers?

Producers of basic goods like food and clothes may be able to offer their goods on a worldwide scale, but they risk losing business to less expensive foreign rivals.

While this is happening, customers could enjoy more options and reduced prices, but they might also be exposed to fresh dangers and weaknesses.

Hence, Producers of commodities can be affected by globalization, while on the other hand, consumers are always benefited.

To know more on Globalization visit:



For today’s weather, it’s up to you to decide where the fronts are located. Draw the fronts on the map. Explain your reasoning.


There are four main types of fronts: cold fronts, warm fronts, stationary fronts, and occluded fronts.

What are Weather Fronts?

Weather fronts are boundaries between air masses of different temperatures and moisture levels.

When these air masses meet, they create a front, which can result in changes in temperature, wind, and precipitation.

The location and movement of these fronts can be influenced by many factors, including pressure systems, wind patterns, and topography.

Read more about weather fronts here:


Describe what is unique about the island of Iceland



The island of Iceland is a unique place in many ways, with a geography, culture, and history that set it apart from other countries and regions around the world. Here are a few examples of what makes Iceland so unique:

Volcanic landscape: Iceland is located on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, where the Eurasian and North American tectonic plates are pulling apart. This makes Iceland one of the most volcanically active places on earth, with over 200 volcanoes and countless geothermal features such as hot springs and geysers.

Glaciers: Iceland is also home to some of the largest glaciers in Europe, including the Vatnajökull glacier which covers over 8% of the country's land area.

Northern lights: Due to its location near the Arctic Circle, Iceland is one of the best places in the world to see the Northern Lights, a natural light display that occurs in the polar regions.

Culture: Iceland has a rich cultural heritage that includes literature, music, and art. Icelandic literature, in particular, is notable for its epic sagas, which date back to the 13th century.

Environmentalism: Iceland is known for its commitment to environmentalism and sustainability. The country has set ambitious goals for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and has invested heavily in renewable energy sources such as geothermal and hydroelectric power.

Language: Icelandic is a unique language that has changed relatively little since the country was settled by Viking explorers over 1,000 years ago. It is considered one of the most difficult languages in the world to learn.


How does East/southeast Asia feel about PDA


Answer: hope it answers your question


In regions and countries like Eastern Asia, Africa, Eastern Europe, and Russia, heterosexual PDA can be met with public disapproval and aggression. In some of these regions, their conservatism is cultural.

For instance, in Russia, older demographics look down on PDA as it is not part of culture while younger demographics are more accepting of PDA.

Discuss the stage of development of the tropical cyclone Freddy​



Freddy first developed as a disturbance on 5 February 2023. While in the Australian region cyclone basin, the storm quickly intensified and became a Category 4 severe tropical cyclone, before it moved into the South-West Indian Ocean basin, where it intensified further.

For each change in an ocean basin or sea explain the role that seafloor spreading and subduction played in the change?


They contribute to the expansion or contraction of ocean basins, the formation of trenches, volcanic activity, and the formation of island arcs, all of which impact the geology and geography of these areas.

What is Ocean Basin?

An ocean basin is a large, relatively flat area on the Earth's surface that is covered by seawater and bounded by continental land masses. It is the portion of the ocean floor that lies between the continental margins and the mid-oceanic ridges. Ocean basins are characterized by their depth, shape, and geology, and they play a crucial role in the global circulation of seawater, climate patterns, and marine ecosystems.

Seafloor spreading and subduction are two fundamental processes that shape the geology and geography of ocean basins and seas.

Seafloor spreading and subduction are important processes that play a crucial role in shaping ocean basins and seas.

Learn more about Ocean Basin from the given link



landslide sign of an imminent



Strange noises, such the cracking of trees or the clattering of boulders, may be caused by moving debris.Plaster, tile, brick, or foundations start to show new cracks.Underground utility lines break.The bulging ground can be seen at a slope's base.

Hope this helped :)

The reason for landslide warning signs at risk levels is to alert drivers about the possibility of landslides so that they can take extra care to avoid becoming a victim. However, landslides that have had an impact on drivers continue to happen today.

The landslide sign of an imminent includes:

FencesRetaining wallsUtility poles or trees tilt or move.

When a possible landslip gets closer, a low in-pitch thundering sound that grows louder may be heard. Unusual noises, such as the breaking of trees or the clattering of rocks, may be caused by moving material.

Three factors —geology, morphology, and human activity—are the main causes of landslides. Geology describes the properties of the actual substance.

To learn more about signs of Landslides,


The area around the earth that extends beyond the atmosphere is called



The area around the Earth that extends beyond the atmosphere is called space.


Research/Grade 12 GDE/2023 INSTRUCTIONS AND INFORMATION Write a geographical based research of about TWELVE PAGES on Rural depopulation in Vhembe, Infrastructure failure - roads/railways/electricity/water or Urbanization in Makhado Town​


Here is how to go about writing the above Geography Based Reserarch.

What is the explanation for the above response?

To complete this research assignment, you will need to conduct extensive research on either rural depopulation in Vhembe or urbanization in Makhado Town, depending on which topic you choose.

For rural depopulation in Vhembe, you will need to gather data on the population trends in rural areas of Vhembe over the past few decades, as well as the reasons why people are leaving these areas. You may also need to research the impact of depopulation on local economies and infrastructure, and explore potential solutions to address this issue.

If you choose to research urbanization in Makhado Town, you will need to investigate the causes and effects of urbanization in the area. This may include analyzing population growth and demographic shifts, changes in the local economy, and the impact of urbanization on infrastructure and the environment. You may also want to explore potential strategies for managing urbanization in a sustainable way.

Your research should be well-organized and structured, with clear headings and subheadings to help guide the reader through your analysis. Use reputable sources such as academic journals, government reports, and news articles to support your arguments and analysis. Be sure to properly cite all sources using the appropriate citation style, and proofread your work carefully to ensure it is free from errors and typos.

Learn more about Geography at:



give a 2 paragraph introduction about coastal erosion​


Coastal erosion is a natural process that occurs when the sea gradually wears away the land along the coast.

What leads to coastal erosion ?

This process is driven by a variety of factors, including waves, currents, and tides, as well as the natural erosion and weathering of rocks and soil. However, human activities such as coastal development, pollution, and climate change have accelerated the rate of erosion in many areas, leading to significant environmental and economic impacts.

Coastal erosion can have a range of negative effects on the environment, including the loss of habitat for marine and terrestrial species, changes to the shoreline and beach morphology, and increased vulnerability to storm damage and flooding.

Find out more on coastal erosion at https://brainly.com/question/15066984


Answer:Coastal erosion is the process by which local sea level rise, strong wave action, and coastal flooding wear down or carry away rocks, soils, and/or sands along the coast. All coastlines are affected by storms and other natural events that cause erosion; the combination of storm surge at high tide with additional effects from strong waves—conditions commonly associated with landfalling tropical storms—creates the most damaging conditions. The extent and severity of the problem is worsening with global sea level rise, but it differs in different parts of the country, so there is no one-size-fits-all solution.

Beach Erosion from a Storm in New York

A November nor'easter caused severe beach erosion and damage on Long Island's South Shore.

In the United States, coastal erosion is responsible for roughly $500 million per year in coastal property loss, including damage to structures and loss of land. To mitigate coastal erosion, the federal government spends an average of $150 million every year on beach nourishment and other shoreline erosion control measures.1 In addition to beach erosion, more than 80,000 acres of coastal wetlands are lost annually—the equivalent of seven football fields disappearing every hour of every day.2 The aggregate result is that the United States lost an area of wetlands larger than the state of Rhode Island between 1998 and 2009.3

House on top of a crumbling cliff above ocean waves

Cliff erosion is a common storm-induced hazard along the West Coast.

While coastal erosion affects all regions of the United States, erosion rates and potential impacts are highly localized. Average coastline recession rates of 25 feet per year are not uncommon on some barrier islands in the Southeast, and rates of 50 feet per year have occurred along the Great Lakes. Severe storms can remove wide beaches, along with substantial dunes, in a single event. In undeveloped areas, these high recession rates are not likely to cause significant concern, but in heavily populated locations, one or two feet of coastal erosion may be considered catastrophic.

Sea level rise will cause an increase in coastal erosion and the human response will be critical. If we choose to build hard structures in an attempt to keep the shoreline position stable, we will lose beach area due to scour. If we let the shoreline migrate naturally, we can expect to see erosion rates increase, especially in regions of the coast that are already dealing with starved sediment budgets and rapid shoreline migration. Increases in storm frequency and intensity in the future will also cause increased coastal erosion.

The U.S. Geological Survey's Coastal Change Hazards Portal offers a Coastal Vulnerability Index that can help identify locations where coastal erosion may occur along undeveloped coastlines. Information is also available on various forms of Storm-Induced Coastal Change.

Coastal Erosion at Drew Point, Alaska

These photos show an area near Drew Point, along Alaska's northern coast. Taken on August 9, 2007, the photo on the left shows how ocean waves have undercut the land nearest the shore. Grassy turf extends out over a wave-cut notch. Taken on June 20, 2008, the photo on the right shows what often follows such undercutting: chunks of coastline tumbling into the sea.

One common strategy for dealing with coastal erosion is beach nourishment—placing additional sand on a beach to serve as a buffer against erosion or to enhance the recreational value of the beach. However, beach nourishment has also become a controversial shore protection measure, in part because it has the potential to adversely impact a variety of natural resources. Consequently, these projects must comply with a wide range of complex laws and regulations. Beach nourishment is also expensive: check the Beach Nourishment Viewer to explore details about sand placement efforts for more than 2,000 beach nourishment projects since 1923. Adding sand to a beach does not guarantee that it will stay there. Some communities bring in huge volumes of sand repeatedly, only to see it wash out to sea in the next season's storms.

What do mountainous regions do to create flat land for farming?




The pattern seen all over the world, practised by even the earliest cultivators in the mountains, is the system of creating terraced farms. Terraced farms are flat steps of land along the slope, cutting the steep mountain slope into flat patches, thus making it possible to cultivate on small pieces of flatland.


Mountainous regions can create flat land for farming through a process called terrace farming. Terrace farming is a technique that involves cutting flat areas into the steep slopes of a mountain, creating a series of steps that can be used for farming.

To create a terrace, farmers first cut into the slope of the mountain to create a flat area. They then build a retaining wall, typically made of stone, to hold back the soil and prevent erosion. This creates a level platform on which crops can be grown. The process is repeated at regular intervals along the slope, creating a series of flat steps that allow for farming on what would otherwise be very steep and unusable terrain.

Terrace farming has been used for centuries in mountainous regions around the world, including in parts of Asia, South America, and Africa. It allows farmers to make use of land that would otherwise be too steep to farm, and it also helps to reduce soil erosion and water runoff, which can be major problems in mountainous regions.

Overall, terrace farming is an effective way to create flat land for farming in mountainous regions, and it has played an important role in enabling people to live and work in some of the most challenging environments on Earth.

what three rights are mentioned in the second paragraph of the declaration of independence? 



Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness


Which of the following expressions have
the same value? Select the three that
A. 7 +5 x 3 - (4 ÷ 2)
B. 7+ 5x (3 − 4) ÷ 2
C. 7+ (5 x 3) 42
D. (7 + 5) x 3-4÷2
E. 7 +5 x 3-4÷2
0202 0


The expressions A, B, and E of the terrain geography have the same value of 20.

What is a terrain?

Terrain refers to the physical features of the Earth's surface, including mountains, valleys, plains, plateaus, hills, and other natural landforms. It is the result of various natural processes such as weathering, erosion, tectonic activity, and volcanic eruptions that shape the Earth's surface over time. Terrain is an important factor in determining the suitability of an area for various human activities such as agriculture, transportation, and construction. It also plays a crucial role in influencing weather patterns, water distribution, and the distribution of various plant and animal species. Understanding terrain is crucial in fields such as geology, geography, and environmental science, as well as for planning and executing military operations.

A. 7 + 5 x 3 - (4 ÷ 2) = 7 + 15 - 2 = 20

B. 7 + 5x (3 − 4) ÷ 2 = 7 + 5x (-1) ÷ 2 = 7 - 2.5 = 4.5

C. 7 + (5 x 3) 42 = 7 + 15 42 = 7 + 30 = 37

D. (7 + 5) x 3-4÷2 = 12 x 3-2 = 10

E. 7 + 5 x 3-4÷2 = 7 + 15 - 2 = 20

To learn more about terrain, visit:



how did the tropical cyclone impact the following?people​


16qd x 618qd = 1e91ne81

that is the correct answer

Question 2
The questions you answered in the previous tasks are similar to those that every society has to answer. Now go over your
responses to the questions that had four options. Add up the number of times you answered 1, 2, 3, or 4. Do you see a
pattern in your answers? If so, what was appealing to you about those answers? What was unappealing about the other
sets of answers?


Every society must answer a multitude of questions to maintain its existence and ensure its members' well-being.

The Appealing questions

\Some of the appealing questions include how to promote social justice and equality, how to provide education and healthcare to all citizens, and how to foster innovation and progress while preserving cultural heritage. These questions focus on creating a fair, just, and prosperous society that benefits all members.

However, there are also unappealing questions that every society must confront. These include issues such as how to address poverty, homelessness, and inequality, how to manage crime and violence, and how to mitigate the negative impacts of climate change.

These questions require difficult and often uncomfortable solutions, such as making difficult economic and environmental policy decisions or facing systemic issues of discrimination and injustice.

Nonetheless, answering these questions is essential to creating a sustainable and equitable society.

Read more about society here:



Match each country to the correct region
Costa Rica


Answer: Costa Rica is northern South America


Southern Central America.

Introduction of Ingrid tropical cyclone​


Cyclone Ingrid serves as a reminder of the power and destructive nature of tropical cyclones and the need for preparedness, response, and recovery measures to mitigate their impacts.

What is Cyclone?

A cyclone is a weather phenomenon characterized by a large-scale system of low-pressure air circulation that rotates counterclockwise in the Northern Hemisphere and clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere. Cyclones are commonly known as hurricanes in the Atlantic and Eastern Pacific Ocean, typhoons in the Western Pacific Ocean, and cyclones in the Indian Ocean.

Tropical cyclones, also known as hurricanes, typhoons, or cyclones depending on the region, are powerful and destructive weather phenomena that form over warm tropical or subtropical waters.

Learn more about Cyclone from the given link



Explain the difference between melting a metal and smelting metal ore. Be sure to give a basic smelting reaction


Answer: See Bellow


Melting a metal involves heating solid metal to its melting point, causing it to change from a solid to a liquid state. This process shapes metals into different forms, such as casting molten metal into molds to create specific shapes.

Smelting is a chemical reaction that reduces the metal oxide in the ore to the metal itself. On the other hand, smelting metal ore is extracting a metal from its ore by heating it with a reducing agent (such as carbon) to remove the oxygen and other impurities, leaving behind the metal. The resulting metal may then be melted to shape it as desired.

A primary smelting reaction for the extraction of iron from its ore (iron oxide) can be represented as follows:

Fe2O3 + 3CO → 2Fe + 3CO2

In this reaction, iron oxide reacts with carbon monoxide (CO) to produce iron (Fe) and carbon dioxide (CO2) as the byproduct. This reaction is carried out in a blast furnace, where the iron ore, coke (a form of carbon), and limestone (used as a flux to remove impurities) are fed into the furnace from the top. The coke burns in the hot air blast to produce carbon monoxide, reducing iron oxide to iron. The molten iron sinks to the bottom of the furnace and is then tapped off for further processing.

Would you be willing to pay higher taxes in order to fund measures that would prevent the pollution of the groundwater that serves as your drinking water supply? If yes, explain. If no, explain as well.


Yes, I would be ready to pay greater taxes to support policies that would guard against the tainting of the groundwater that supplies my source of drinking water. After all, clean and pure water is crucial.

How can the issue of safe drinking water be resolved?

A sound and efficient sewage system is the foundation for the availability of clean drinking water. Without proper sanitation, a region's water gets contaminated with disease and a host of other issues. We can stop the water shortage from getting worse by making improvements to the sewage systems in these locations and improving the water quality and enhancing its supply.

Why should the government supply all of its residents with clean drinking water?

Everyone must have access to clean, sufficient drinking and cooking water as well as latrines that do not jeopardize health or dignity.

To learn more about groundwater visit:



why is economic base important


The economic base is important because it refers to the main source of income and employment in a region or economy. The economic base theory suggests that the prosperity of a region or economy depends on its ability to generate income from outside sources, such as exporting goods or services to other regions or countries. This is because these external sources of income bring new money into the region, which can then circulate through the local economy and create additional jobs and income.

A strong economic base is also important because it can help to diversify the local economy and reduce its vulnerability to economic shocks. For example, if a region relies heavily on a single industry or sector and that industry experiences a downturn, the entire economy may suffer. However, if the region has a diverse economic base with multiple sources of income, it may be better able to weather economic storms and recover more quickly.

Overall, a strong economic base is important for the long-term health and vitality of a region or economy, as it provides a foundation for sustainable growth and development.

The economic base is important for several reasons:

1. It drives local economic growth and job creation. The industries that make up a region's economic base, like manufacturing, technology, finance, etc. are the primary sources of jobs, income, and wealth generation in that local economy. A strong and diverse economic base means more and better job opportunities for residents.

2. It increases tax revenues. The economic base industries and the jobs they support generate tax revenues for local governments through income taxes, sales taxes, property taxes, business taxes, etc. These revenue sources fund important public services like schools, police, fire departments, infrastructure, etc.

3. It improves living standards. A thriving economic base with a low unemployment rate means higher wages, lower poverty rates, and an overall higher standard of living for residents. People have more financial means to afford housing, healthcare, education, and other essentials.

4. It attracts more businesses and investments. A dynamic economic base attracts further business interests and investments. This results in business expansions, new startups, corporate headquarters, and other businesses being drawn to the region. This cycle of business attraction and growth continues.

5. It builds community wealth. When there are more and better job opportunities and higher incomes in a region, community wealth is built up over time through homeownership, asset accumulation, and intergenerational wealth transfer. This built-up wealth sustains the economy even during downturns.

6. It enhances innovation. Economic base industries, especially in high-tech fields, drive innovation that spurs productivity gains, new inventions, technological progress, and other advances that boost standards of living and economic prosperity over the long run.

So in summary, a diverse, robust, and growing economic base is essential for sustained economic and community development. It forms the foundation for job creation, wealth generation, fiscal health, high living standards, and innovation.

Brief discussion on the annual rainfall graphs (± EIGHT LINES) by​


The annual rainfall graphs provide valuable insights into precipitation patterns over time. These graphs typically display the amount of rainfall received in a given region over the course of a year, typically shown on the y-axis in units of precipitation (e.g., inches or millimeters), and the months of the year displayed on the x-axis.

What is annual rainfall?

These graphs can reveal important information about the climate and weather patterns of a region. The shape and trend of the graph can indicate if the region experiences a dry or wet season, if there are distinct peaks or valleys in rainfall amounts, or if there are any noticeable trends or changes in precipitation patterns over the years. Comparing rainfall graphs from different years or different regions can also provide insights into regional or temporal variability in precipitation patterns, which can be useful for agriculture, water management, and climate monitoring purposes.

Additionally, annual rainfall graphs can be used to identify any anomalies or extreme events, such as unusually high or low precipitation amounts, which can have significant impacts on ecosystems, agriculture, and water resources.

Read more about rainfall here:



In the United States since the spread of the automobile in the 1960’s, most migration has been?


Answer: in Poland.

Explanation: It is.

Most immigration to the United States since the advent of the automobile in the 1960s has come from Poland.

What do you know about  United States?

The United States of America (U.S.A. or USA), often called the United States (U.S. or US) or America, is a nation with its main territory mostly in North America. There are 50 states in all, a federal district, five significant unincorporated territories, nine Minor Outlying Islands, 326 Indian reservations, and nine Minor Outlying Islands.

By both overall area and land area, the United States is the third-largest nation on earth. Its ocean borders include the Bahamas, Cuba, Russia, and Canada, while its land borders with Mexico and Canada, respectively, are to the north and south of it, respectively.

It is the third most populous country in the world and the most populous in the Americas with a population of over 333 million. Washington, D.C., is the nation's capital and the most populous city in the country.

Learn more about  United States, from :



Document C: Historian Jonathan Spence do you think this reliable


Jonathan D. Spence, the son of Dermot and Muriel Crailsham Spence and Sterling Professor of History at Yale University, was born on August 11, 1936, in England.

Do you believe this to be reliable, historian Jonathan Spence?

Jonathan Spence was born in 1936 in Surrey, England. His father was a publisher who also served as the book's editor. His mother was a great fan of French writing. . He worked as an editor of the student newspaper, a parody writer, and a coeditor of the renowned undergraduate magazine Granta at Clare College in Cambridge. Though he hadn't made up his mind when he graduated in 1959, he seemed destined for an academic career.

To know more about Jonathan Spence visit:-



The complete question is :-

Historian Jonathan Spence: what type of document is this?

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