4 We cannot digest fibre. Explain why we still need to eat it.


Answer 1

Dietary fiber increases the weight and size of your stool and softens it. A bulky stool is easier to pass, decreasing your chance of constipation. If you have loose, watery stools, fiber may help to solidify the stool because it absorbs water and adds bulk to stool. Helps maintain bowel health.

Related Questions

4. Population levels fluctuate over time and with changing conditions.
A. What is the definition of carrying capacity? (10 points)
B. What happens when a population exceeds its carrying capacity? (10 points)



A. Carrying capacity refers to the maximum number of individuals of a species that can be supported by a particular environment without degrading the environment's ability to sustain future generations of that species. It is determined by a range of biotic and abiotic factors, such as food availability, water, shelter, predation, disease, and other limiting resources.

B. When a population exceeds its carrying capacity, the environment becomes unable to provide the necessary resources to support the excess individuals, and the population size decreases. This can occur through various mechanisms, such as competition for resources, predation, disease, or migration. As resources become scarce, the population may experience a decline in birth rate, an increase in death rate, or both. This can result in a population crash or die-off, which can have cascading effects on other species and the entire ecosystem. Therefore, it is important for species to stay within their carrying capacity to maintain a sustainable balance with their environment.


For the animal pictured in the boxes below, type at least 3 adaptions they have and explain how these adaptions help them survive in their environments



Edmentum sucks


The organisms in a desert biome must have wide feet as as to wade through sand, this is not necessary in a tundra biome.

The term biome refer to a zone of life found on earth. The descriptions of tundra and desert biomes are shown as follows;

A tundra biome is a cold region in which trees are absent and living organisms have to survive under very cold conditions.

A desert biome is covered mostly with sand and has alternating hot and cold conditions in the day and in the night.

The organisms in a desert biome must have wide feet as as to wade through sand. This is not necessary in a tundra biome composed mostly of snow. Also, in a desert biome, organisms have hairy eyes to keep away sand. This is not required in a tundra biome.

Learn more about tundra biome: brainly.com/question/1204226

Quadrat Quality

1. Draw Conclusions A classmate says that this is his one and only quadrat sample for a study of the grasshopper population in a 20-acre meadow. List the flaws in his sampling methods.


The flaws in your classmate's sampling method include:

Small Sample SizeUnrepresentative Sampling LocationLimited Sampling FrequencyLack of StandardizationLack of ReplicationBias toward visible grasshoppers

What is quadrat sampling?

Quadrat sampling is a technique for immediately counting the number of organisms in a portion (or sample) of the habitat. It is used to calculate population density, frequency, and dispersion estimates.

Quadrat positions may be selected at random or along a transect.

Learn more about quadrat sampling at: https://brainly.com/question/18065135


8. Which process charges metamorphic rock into sedimentary ro
9. Metamorphism inches the addition of
to pre-existing rocks,
10. Compaction & cementation of sedmerks/forms
11. Subiecting sedimentary rocks to extreme heat & pressure forms
12. Sdfiction of molten materials forms
13. Deposition and burial of sediments forms
14, Deposited sediments may be partides of which types of rock
15. Hest & Pressure acting on igneous rocks forms
16. Solid magma forms
In order to form magma, what must happen to sedimentary,
metamorphic or igneous rocks?
18. For weathering & erosion to ocour, what process will the rock
usually go through first or at the same time?



Metamorphism does not charge metamorphic rock into sedimentary rock. Metamorphic rocks are formed from pre-existing rocks through heat and pressure, while sedimentary rocks are formed from the accumulation of sediment.

Compaction and cementation of sediments forms sedimentary rock.

Subjecting sedimentary rocks to extreme heat and pressure can form metamorphic rocks.

Solidification of molten materials forms igneous rocks.

Deposition and burial of sediments can form sedimentary rocks.

Deposited sediments may be particles of various types of rock, including igneous, metamorphic, or other sedimentary rocks.

Heat and pressure acting on igneous rocks can form metamorphic rocks.

Solidification of magma can form igneous rocks.

In order to form magma, rocks must be subjected to high temperatures and pressures, typically through the process of melting in the Earth's mantle.

For weathering and erosion to occur, the rock will usually undergo physical or chemical breakdown first, which can be caused by exposure to water, wind, or other environmental factors. This can lead to the formation of sediment that can be transported and deposited elsewhere, eventually forming sedimentary rock.


Dr Lee has asked you to describe the diagnosis and risk factors of the disease to the patient. What would you tell Shino about her diagnosis


High 24-hour urine calcium levels and low vitamin D levels suggest that Shino's body is not absorbing the calcium needed to maintain bone mass. She also has a bone density scan score of -3 which is indicative of an osteoporosis diagnosis.

Data that is observable and non numerical



Observable and non-numerical data is typically referred to as qualitative data. This type of data can be descriptive or categorical and is often collected through interviews, surveys, or observations. Examples of qualitative data include the color of a flower, the texture of a fabric, or the opinions expressed by individuals in a focus group.


Describe the events in excitation contraction coupling



cardiac contraction-excitation The sequence of occurrences, from the generation of an electrical impulse to the contraction of cardiac muscles, is referred to as coupling. This procedure is essential because it enables the heart to beat in a regulated manner without requiring conscious effort. With the help of EC coupling, the cardiac muscles sequentially contract, allowing blood to be pumped between 60 and 100 times per minute, first to the lungs and subsequently the rest of the body.


How did paleoanthropologists determine that Paranthropus ate tough plant foods like grasses
and leaves?
A) Food remains near the fossil
B) Drawings of food on cave walls
C)Food cutting tools found at their sites
D) Evidence of powerful chewing muscles



D) Evidence of powerful chewing muscles.

1. Index fossils are useful tools for geologists.
A. What information can index fossils tell geologists? (4 points)
B. What are three characteristics of a good index fossil? (6 points)



A. Index fossils are useful tools for geologists because they can provide information about the relative age of rocks and help to correlate rock formations across different locations. By identifying and dating the age of index fossils found in a particular rock layer, geologists can determine the approximate age of the rock layer and its correlation with other rock layers in the region.

B. Three characteristics of a good index fossil are:

Widespread distribution: A good index fossil should have a wide geographic distribution, which means that it should be found in multiple locations around the world. This helps to establish a correlation between different rock layers that contain the same index fossil.

Limited time range: A good index fossil should have a limited time range, meaning that it should have existed for a relatively short period. This allows geologists to narrow down the age range of the rock layer containing the fossil.

Easily recognizable: A good index fossil should be easily recognizable, even in small or fragmented pieces. This allows geologists to quickly identify and date the fossil, even if only a small portion of it is present in the rock layer.

Overall, a good index fossil should be distinctive, easily recognizable, have a wide distribution, and a limited time range, all of which can provide useful information for geologists studying the history of the Earth.


The provided table shows the properties of four different sample materials. One of these materials is cork, a type of wood that floats on water (density of water = 1.00 g/cm3What is the density of cork in g/cm3Record and bubble in your answer on the answer document.


The density of cork can vary depending on factors such as its moisture content and the specific type of cork, but a typical range for the density of cork is around 0.24 to 0.32 g/cm3.

What is Density?

Density is a physical property of matter that describes how much mass is contained in a given volume of a substance.

Density = Mass / Volume

The standard unit of density is kilograms per cubic meter (kg/m3) in the International System of Units (SI), but it can also be expressed in grams per cubic centimeter (g/cm3) or other units.

However, based on the information you have provided, cork is a type of wood that floats on water, which means its density is less than that of water. The density of water is 1.00 g/cm3, so the density of cork must be less than 1.00 g/cm3 in order for it to float. In general, the density of cork can vary depending on factors such as its moisture content and the specific type of cork, but a typical range for the density of cork is around 0.24 to 0.32 g/cm3.

Learn more about Density from given link



If having 8 repeats at loci 1 is found in 10 % of the US population, having 12 repeats at loci 2 is found in 5% of the US population, having 7 repeats at loci 3 is found in 10% of the US population, and having 5 repeats at loci 4 is found in 30% of the US population, if the US has a population of 300 million people, how many people in the US would have this DNA profile at those 4 loci?


This is an astronomically large number and suggests that it is highly unlikely for any two individuals to have the same DNA profile at these four loci.

What is DNA?

DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid) is a long, complex molecule that contains the genetic instructions used in the development and function of all known living organisms and many viruses. It is often described as the "blueprint" or "code" of life. DNA is composed of four types of nucleotides, which are the building blocks of the DNA molecule. Each nucleotide contains a sugar molecule, a phosphate group, and a nitrogenous base (adenine, thymine, guanine, or cytosine). The sequence of these bases along the DNA molecule determines the genetic information it carries.


To determine the number of individuals in the US population that have a specific DNA profile at these four loci, we need to multiply the percentage of individuals with each genotype at each loci. Let's start by finding the number of individuals in the US population who have 8 repeats at loci 1. We know that 10% of the US population has this genotype, so:

Number of individuals with 8 repeats at loci 1 = 10% of 300 million

= 0.1 x 300,000,000

= 30,000,000

Similarly, we can find the number of individuals with 12 repeats at loci 2:

Number of individuals with 12 repeats at loci 2 = 5% of 300 million

= 0.05 x 300,000,000

= 15,000,000

For loci 3:

Number of individuals with 7 repeats at loci 3 = 10% of 300 million

= 0.1 x 300,000,000

= 30,000,000

And finally, for loci 4:

Number of individuals with 5 repeats at loci 4 = 30% of 300 million

= 0.3 x 300,000,000

= 90,000,000

To find the number of individuals with all four of these genotypes, we need to multiply these four values:

Number of individuals with all four genotypes = 30,000,000 x 15,000,000 x 30,000,000 x 90,000,000

= 3.87 x 10²⁵

This is an astronomically large number and suggests that it is highly unlikely for any two individuals to have the same DNA profile at these four loci. In practice, forensic DNA profiling typically looks at many more loci to increase the uniqueness of the DNA profile.

To know more about DNA,



All of the following are examples of environmental mutagens except


viruses. (Correct)




All of the following are examples of environmental mutagens except : sunlight as it does not pollute the environment.

What is meant by environmental mutagens?

Agents that can cause mutations in DNA and increase the frequency of mutations in a population is known as environmental mutagens. Examples of environmental mutagens are : x-rays, UV radiation, certain chemicals such as pesticides, and some naturally occurring substances like aflatoxins produced by fungi.

Mutagens are the substances that have the ability to change the genetic composition of a person / animal and these changes caused by mutagens are referred to as genetic mutations. Major target of mutagens is DNA.

To know more about environmental mutagens, refer



Extraction of lipids from a tissue sample requires organic solvent because ________.


As organic solvents are readily available, they must be used for the extraction of lipids from tissue samples. Lipids are hydrophobic and can only be dissolved in organic solvents, which are inexpensive and keep the temperature low and controlled.

What is meant by organic solvents?The ability to dissolve or disperse one or more other compounds makes organic solvents a carbon-based chemical. Organic solvents may be neurotoxic, reproductively unsafe, and carcinogenic. Benzene, carbon tetrachloride, and trichloroethylene are examples of organic solvents that are carcinogenic. A few of the often used solvents are acetone, ethyl acetate, hexane, heptane, dichloromethane, methanol, ethanol, tetrahydrofuran, acetonitrile, dimethylformamide, toluene, and dimethylsulfoxide, among others. It is all natural. It is composed of the organic substance acetic acid. Yet, only 5% of vinegar is acetic acid; the remaining 95% is inorganic water. Rubing alcohol's main ingredient, isopropyl alcohol (isopropanol), which is frequently used as an organic solvent, can also be abused for intoxication purposes.

To learn more anout organic solvent, refer to:


C + O2 = CO2. The __ carbon combines with the ___ oxygen to form the ___ carbon dioxide.




1 mole of carbon combines with 1 ,mole of oxygen to form 1 mole of carbondioxide

as a result of natural selection species with mostly survive


As a result of natural selection, species that are better adapted to their environment are more likely to survive and reproduce, passing on their advantageous traits to their offspring.

What is natural selection?

Natural selection favors traits that improve an organism's ability to survive and reproduce in a particular environment, while eliminating those that are detrimental.

For example, consider a population of birds living in a forest with brown and green leaves. If a mutation arises that gives some birds better camouflage against brown leaves, these birds will be more likely to survive and reproduce, passing on this advantageous trait to their offspring.

Over time, the proportion of birds with the advantageous trait will increase in the population, while those without it will decrease. Eventually, the population may become dominated by birds with the advantageous trait, resulting in a new subspecies that is better adapted to living in a forest with brown leaves.

In summary, natural selection favors traits that improve an organism's ability to survive and reproduce in a particular environment, and species that are better adapted to their environment are more likely to survive and pass on their advantageous traits to their offspring.

Learn more about natural selection here: https://brainly.com/question/14874301


what is the role of a scientist


To study the different parts of our planet and existence on earth and come up with theories on why its all here. Eg Why were all on earth and whats outside of what we have already found out. They try to come up with explanations on why everything exists. :)

The stamen, pistil and petals are a part of which living thing?



A flower


what is the difference between blood type A+ and A- as well as blood type B+ and B-?




Type A: Red blood cells possess two different glycoprotein antigen on their surface. They are named as A antigen and B antigen. The rbc which possess A antigen on their surface are know as A group. The RH systems says that rbc has one more antigen beside A and B antigen and named that new antigen as Rh antigen. The person who has Rh antigen are termed as Rh positive. The person who doesnt consist Rh antigen are termed as Rh negative. So A positive means the human Rbc consist A and Rh antigen on their surface. A negative means human Rbc consist only A antigen on their surface.

Type B(+) particularities:

The red blood cells of B+ people are coated withantigens called “type B” on their surface. Therefore, these people can only donate blood to people in groups B and AB, who do not have anti-B antibodies.

B+ red blood cells can only be transfused to rhesus positive people: AB positive (AB+) and B positive (B+).

Type B blood also contains anti-A antibodies, so B+ can receive red blood cells of blood groups O and B, all rhesus combined.

Type (B-) particularities:

Like B+ people, B- people have type B antigens on the surface of their red blood cells. Their blood can therefore only be transfused to people in groups B and AB, who do not have anti-A antibodies.

On the other hand, B- people can give both rhesus groups B and AB (B+, B-, AB+, AB-).

Finally, they can receive red blood cells of the O negative (O-) and B negative (B-) blood groups.

I really hope this gives some clearance



Answer is A. Wild population

What model of psychology represents a popular attempt at integration



The model of psychology that represents a popular attempt at integration is the biopsychosocial model. This model proposes that psychological and behavioral factors are influenced by biological, psychological, and social factors, and that all of these factors interact with each other to shape human behavior and mental processes. It emphasizes the importance of understanding the interplay between biological, psychological, and social factors in order to develop a comprehensive understanding of mental health and illness. This model has gained popularity in recent years as a more holistic approach to psychology that integrates multiple perspectives and areas of study.


A scientist collected the following data on algal growth during an experiment: Algal Growth Rates Water Temperature (°C) Time for population to double (hours) 10 69 15 58 20 36 25 44 30 52 35 71 40 78 Which of the following conclusions could be drawn from the data? A. Algae multiply most rapidly at 20°C. B. Algae multiply most slowly at 20°C. C. Algae multiply most slowly at 10°C. D. Algae multiply most rapidly at 35°C.


Based on the data provided, the conclusion that could be drawn is that algae multiply most rapidly at 35°C.

option D

What conclusions could be drawn from the data?

Looking at the data, we can see that the time for the population to double decreases as the temperature increases up until 40°C, where it reaches the lowest value of 36 hours. At 10°C, the time for population to double is 69 hours, which is the longest time of all the temperatures tested.

Therefore, we can eliminate options A and C as they suggest the opposite of what is observed in the data. Option B suggests that algae multiply most slowly at 20°C, but the data shows that algae multiply faster at this temperature than at 10°C, 25°C, and 30°C. Option D suggests that algae multiply most rapidly at 35°C.

Hence, the correct answer is that algae multiply most rapidly at 35°C.

Learn more about algae here: https://brainly.com/question/800121


what happens to the frequency of non beneficial traits in the population over time in simple terms?


The frequency of non-beneficial traits in a population tends to decrease overtime due to natural selection. These traits do not provide any advantage to an organism in its environment, and may even be detrimental to its survival or reproduction.

Organisms with non-beneficial traits may be less likely to survive and reproduce, so their genes are less likely to be passed on to the next generation.

What size is the crystal in an extrusive igneous rock?
3. Although all intrusive igneous rocks form in the same location, there are still different methods
of formation.
A. What are three methods of intrusive igneous rock formation? (3 points)
B. What happens during each method to form intrusive igneous rocks? (3 points)



A. Three methods of intrusive igneous rock formation are:

Solidification of Magma

Fractional Crystallization


B. The following happens during each method to form intrusive igneous rocks:

Solidification of Magma: In this method, magma cools and solidifies underground. As the magma cools, crystals form, and the minerals in the magma become more concentrated. Over time, the magma solidifies into a pluton or a body of intrusive igneous rock.

Fractional Crystallization: In this method, minerals in the magma crystallize at different temperatures. As the magma cools, minerals that crystallize at higher temperatures settle out first, leaving a residual magma that is enriched in minerals that crystallize at lower temperatures. This process continues until all the minerals have crystallized, forming a body of intrusive igneous rock.

Assimilation: In this method, magma from a magma chamber intrudes into and melts surrounding rocks. As the magma moves through the rocks, it assimilates some of the rock material, which then becomes part of the magma. The assimilated material can cause changes in the composition of the magma, which can lead to the formation of a different type of intrusive igneous rock.


A plane is traveling 800 kph west. If the forces of lift, weight, thrust, and drag upon are in equilibrium for the whole time of the flight, what will the velocity of that plane be after three hours?


Answer is : 266.67

800kn=v • 3
V= 800km / 3
V= 266.67

Which best explains how photosynthesis is helpful to humans?
Group of answer choices

It produces proteins, which humans can eat.

It provides oxygen for humans to breathe.

It increases the levels of carbon dioxide in the air.

It reduces the amount of harmful rays released by the sun.


It provides oxygen for humans to breath.

1 2 3 a) Supply a suitable caption for this diagram b) Give labels of the parts numbered 1, 2, and 3. c) What process takes place in these structures? d) How are these structures mentioned in question 2(a), adapted to fulfill their functions? e) Where else in the body does the process take place?​


The caption for the diagram is the respiratory system

The parts labeled 1, 2, and 3 are:

bronchiolealveolialveolar sac

What are the adaptations of the bronchiole, alveoli, and alveolar sac to their functions?

The bronchioles, alveoli, and alveolar sacs are all structures within the respiratory system that are adapted to their specific functions:

Bronchioles: The bronchioles are small, branching tubes that lead from the larger bronchi to the alveoli. They have smooth muscle fibers that can contract or relax to adjust the airflow, ensuring that air is directed to where it is needed in the lungs.

Alveoli: The alveoli are small, thin-walled sacs at the end of the bronchioles where gas exchange takes place. They have a large surface area, which is achieved through the presence of many tiny air sacs. This maximizes the amount of gas exchange that can occur.

Alveolar sacs: The alveolar sacs are clusters of alveoli that are responsible for the majority of gas exchange in the lungs. They have a shape that allows them to accommodate a large volume of air, maximizing the amount of gas exchange that can occur.

Learn more about alveoli at: https://brainly.com/question/11720309

Anyone know how to solve this? It's biotechnology haha.


Based on the gel results, patient A has lower levels of the protein corresponding to standard IV in their blood.

The protein that is different in patient B is the one corresponding to the band that did not match with any of the standards. The fact that the band on the gel for patient B was smaller in size compared to the control band suggests that the protein is of smaller molecular weight than the standard.

What is the significance of the results of the protein levels for patients  A and B?

Since these are essential blood proteins, the difference in protein levels for both patients may have implications for their health.

For patient A, lower levels of the protein corresponding to standard IV may indicate a potential health issue related to the function of that protein.

For patient B, the difference in the size of the protein may indicate a mutation or alteration in the gene responsible for encoding that protein, which could lead to a functional difference or potential health issue. Further testing and analysis would be needed to determine the specific implications for each patient.

Learn more about protein levels at: https://brainly.com/question/29520808


can someone please help me, i dont know how to answer this. please give me pointers


Because, the passage itself describes about the nature of greenhouse effects. The greenhouse gases are absorbed by the soil. In order to protect the sensitive plants, we are going now for the modern greenhouse method i.e. artificial method. Transparent material which is nothing but like a sheet which covers the house is contructed to oppose the greenhouse gases to protect the plants. As the heat passes, some amount of heat won't escapes to atmosphere. This results in excess heat inside and leads the plants to die. Scientists say it's better to be the natural method of greenhouse effects.

Question 8 (2 points)
What describes the unusually large release of plasma from the sun's corona? (2 points)
O a
Solar flare
Solar wind
Question 9 (2 points)


The unusually large release of plasma from the sun's corona is described as a CME (coronal mass ejection).

What is CME (coronal mass ejection)?

A coronal mass ejection (CME) is a massive burst of solar wind and magnetic fields that are ejected from the sun's corona into space. These eruptions can release billions of tons of charged particles and plasma at speeds of several million miles per hour. When a CME collides with the Earth's magnetic field, it can cause geomagnetic storms, auroras, and other disruptions to our planet's space environment. CMEs can also have significant impacts on satellite and communication systems, as well as on power grids on the ground.

What is plasma?

plasma refers to the highly ionized gas consisting of a mixture of positively charged ions, negatively charged electrons, and neutral particles that are released from the sun's corona during a coronal mass ejection (CME).

To know more about CME, visit:



Which of the following is true about photosynthesis?
Chloroplasts release energy from the chemical bonds in sugar.
B. Chloroplasts convert light energy into chemical energy in the form of sugar.
C. Mitochondria convert light energy into chemical energy in the form of sugar.
D. Mitochondria release energy from the chemical bonds in sugar.





Mitochondria both deal with cellular respiration, not photosynthesis, meaning that C and D are wrong. and if you look at the photosynthesis equation, it equals glucose = sugar

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