5. Which interview question is likely to lead to the most detailed answer?
Did you ever get in trouble at school?
What was a typical school day like for you?

How old were you when you started school?
What was your favorite subject in school?


Answer 1


What was a typical school day like for you?


This will allow them to explain their school day. The other questions will maybe result in a short answer or yes or no.

Answer 2
What was a typical school day like for you

Related Questions

Choose the correct pronoun to complete the sentence.

Walking with Father and
proved vigorous exercise for my younger brother

Me or I



Walking with Father and I proved vigorous exercise for my younger brother.





Walking with Father and me proved vigorous exercise for my younger brother.

Help please

The correct term for raw materials that people buy and sell is which of the following?







A) Commodities


The answer is the first option, Commodities

the correct answer is a commodities

Is the following excerpt from "The Monkey's Paw" an example of
metaphor or simile?"...the old man smiled weakly, put out his hands
like a blind man, and fell..."


Answer: Simile


hurled herself at life is what literary device​


There is no answers?

Who is tried from this corona and just wants everything to go back to normal :/



omg please!!!!!!!



Me and a lot of others


For once I would like to go somewhere without worrying about getting infected or sick, and I'm sure others do too. Also the masks??? If only we didn't have to worry about those too.

beatrice was unable to concentrate on her project because her brother's stereo was turned up to full volume. Which statement is correct?



I'm not sure what the question is.


If you post the statements I can help you answer it, but so far there is only one statement.

The school bell usually__________at 7:30 everyday.
a. goes on
b. goes up
c. goes off
d. goes away


goes off
hope this helps!!

The tune of the song is referred to as the melody.



This is true.

Explanation: A melody, also tune, voice or line, is a linear succession of musical tones that the listener perceives as a single entity.

The tune of the song is referred to as the melody, is the true statement. A melody, also known as a tune, voice, or line, is a series of musical notes that are heard as a single unit by the listener.

What is meant by melody?

The creative outcome of a planned pitch progression in time, implying rhythmically structured pitch-to-pitch movement.

The two fundamental elements of music that define melody are pitch and rhythm. A melody is a pitch progression that has rhythm. The portion of a song that the listener often recalls and can sing along to is the melody.

Anything that generates distinctive musical sounds can be turned into a song. A melody may be made up of a variety of notes, typically included inside a scale, as will be discussed below, or it may simply be made up of the same note played repeatedly. For instance, whether you sing it or play it, "happy birthday" has the same melody.

Thus, it is a true statement.

For more information about melody, click here:



Stephen burst in just then, peeling off his black-leather jacket and gloves. "The bike was coughing on the way over," he said. "I wonder if it's a spark plug or the fuel system."

The bike needs a ___






the bike needs a repair (a)

In the short story "The Most Dangerous Game" how did General Zaroff have access to so much money to create his “game”?




On a yacht bound for Rio de Janeiro, a passenger named Whitney points out Ship-Trap Island in the distance, a place that sailors dread and avoid. He and his friend Rainsford are big-game hunters bound for a hunting trip in the Amazon River basin. As the yacht sails through the darkness, the two men discuss whether their prey actually feels fear. Rainsford believes that the world consists only of predators and prey, although Whitney is not as certain. Noticing the jitteriness of the crew, Whitney wants to sail past the mysterious island as soon as possible. He theorizes that sailors can sense danger and that evil emanates in waves like light and sound.

Whitney then decides to turn in for the night, but Rainsford opts to smoke his pipe on the afterdeck for a while. Suddenly, he hears three gunshots in the distance and moves toward the railing of the deck to investigate. Hoisting himself onto the rail to try and get a better look, Rainsford drops his pipe, loses his balance in an attempt to catch it, and accidentally plunges into the water. His cries for help go unanswered, and the yacht quickly disappears into the night.

Rainsford decides to swim in the gunshots’ direction. He hears the screeching sound of an animal in agony and heads straight for it, until the cries end abruptly with a pistol shot. Exhausted, Rainsford reaches the rocky shore and immediately falls into a deep sleep. He wakes the next afternoon and sets off in search of food, forced to skirt the thick growth of the jungle and walk along the shore. He soon comes to a bloody, torn-up patch of vegetation where a large animal had thrashed about. He finds an empty rifle cartridge nearby.

He follows the hunter’s footprints in the growing darkness and eventually comes upon a palatial chateau at the edge of a precipice that drops steeply into the rocky ocean below. At first, Rainsford thinks the chateau is a mirage, until he opens the iron gate and knocks on the door. Ivan, a burly man with a gun, answers and refuses to help Rainsford until another man, General Zaroff, appears from inside the chateau and invites Rainsford inside.

Zaroff greets Rainsford warmly and has Ivan show him to a room where he can dress for dinner. The huge, lavish dining hall features numerous stuffed and mounted heads, trophies that Zaroff has brought back from his many hunting adventures around the world. As the two men eat borscht, a red Russian soup made of beets, Rainsford praises his host’s specimens, remarking on how dangerous it can be to hunt Cape buffalo. Zaroff states that he now hunts far more dangerous game on his island. He recounts past hunts, from his childhood in the Crimea to hunting big game around the world, but goes on to describe how the sport eventually became too easy.

Zaroff hunts, however, that he has found a new kind of animal to hunt, one with courage, cunning, and reason. Rainsford’s initial confusion turns to horror as he slowly realizes that the general now hunts human beings. Zaroff doesn’t understand Rainsford’s indignation but promises that his outrage will subside once he’s begun the hunt. Rainsford declines Zaroff’s invitation to join in the hunt that night and goes to bed. After a fitful night of insomnia and light dozing, the sound of a distant pistol shot awakens him in the early morning.

How should i rewrite this sentence? Its highlighted btw

Please help this essay is due today!!



As the years pass the amount of teens that use social media have decreased


Kindness: What I've learned from 3,000 children and adolescents: How does the author refine his ideas on the types of kindness children and adolescents observe, experience, or enact? Cite explicit textual evidence from the text to support your analysis.


Answer and Explanation:

The author realizes that there are 3 situations in which children believe that they observe, experience and practice kindness and this changes according to age. According to the author, older children believe they are kind when they help, show respect, encourage or defend someone. On the other hand, younger children have an even more surprising result, as they believe it occurs when they help someone physically or emotionally and when they share what they have.

The author achieved these results by asking the children to speak when they are kind, through a short text or a drawing (in the case of younger children).

Read the following paragraph and answer the question below.
Surfers have learned to deal with the breaking surf by using the push-up technique. First, when approaching the initial lip of the wave, speed up the paddling cadence and head directly into
the wave. Next, push up and get onto the knees or toes as soon as the wave hits the nose of the board so that the wave rolls over the board and under the chest. The more power the rider
goes into a wave with, the easier it will be to maintain his or her position. Finally, avoid going into the wave at an angle or the water will knock you off your board. The whitewater can be an
exasperating obstacle, but with a little practice every surfer can navigate a breaking surf.
Which option best describes the ordering sequence used in this paragraph?
Climactic order
Topical order
Spatial order
Chronological order
None of the above



D . Chronological order


There are four basic principles of paragraph organization:

Climatic order - order of importance; items are arranged from least important to most important.Topical order - an order that depends on the nature of the topic itself. Spatial order - items are arranged according to their physical position or relationships.Chronological order - items or events are arranged in the order in which they occur. This order is often used in narration and in the description of processes, as we usually list the steps in the order in which they occur.

Based on this information, we can conclude that option D is the correct one.

Think about how the author of "The Bone Wars" develops and explains the rivalry between Cope and Marsh over the course of the article. What are three central ideas about the rivalry? How is each idea developed and explained?What details support each one? In your answer, be sure to • identify three central ideas presented about the rivalry • explain how the text develops and explains these ideas • use details from the article in your answer



The Bone Wars is an episode in the history of paleontology that led to the discovery of some of the most famous dinosaurs.


 The rivalry between Cope and Marsh was what led them to commit illicit acts and even destroy several dinosaur bones in order to "destroy" each other.

They began to collect fossil bones, and hidden from Cope, Marsh had paid for the bones to easily reach him.

Although both were great scientists, instead of working together they attacked each other in a public way.

However, this enmity helped to discover large species such as Diplodocus or Anisonchus Copehater.

Finally, the one who "won the war" was Marsh, who found 80 new species of dinosaur, while Cope found 56.

1. What is communication breakdown?​


When u trynna open up about your feelings but u end up breaking down instead

Communication breakdown is the failure to properly exchange information between one or more persons.

Note that for communication to occur, there must exist:

A senderA mediumA receiverFeedback

Some reasons for communication breakdown include:

Lack of proper mediumUnwillingness of a receiver to send a messageInability of a receiver to give feedback

Read more here:


Write 5 of your own sentences using coordinate adjectives.
Your sentences may be based on the selection or another myth you know.



hmmmmmm intresting



Read the first stanza of "The Tide Rises, The Tide Falls."

The tide rises, the tide falls,
The twilight darkens, the curlew calls;
Along the sea-sands damp and brown
The traveller hastens toward the town,
And the tide rises, the tide falls.

Why does the poet most likely use the words “damp and brown” to describe the sands?
to create a subdued mood within the poem
to make the poem more haunting or unsettling
to give a sense of the time of year
to evoke sadness within the reader


Answer: either A or B, I hope this helps.



It is B!


I have taken the test, and got it correct! Be careful, this is very close to another question if you have the same version test!

Consider the subtitle of the article: “The inspiring true story of Malala Yousafzai's crusade for girls' education.” Context clues reveal crusade means​



Crusade is campaign for political, social, or religious change.  In the book Malala fights for women's rights and for women's education


Education empowers a person... explain with your personal experience


Answer: See explanation


Education simply means the process of acquiring knowledge by an individual.

Education empowers a person with the required skills, knowledge and mindset needed for the person to contribute positively to his or her nation and the world as a whole.

Personally, the role of education to me is important and cannot be neglected. Education has instilled confidence and the necessary knowledge which are required to relate with other people. I can think positively, seek solutions to challenges and live a better life.

To move forward in life, education is important. The role of education to the building of a nation is paramount. The people in a country makes up a nation which invariably means a nation with educated and great minds will make a great nation.

can I have an example of third person perspective? Is it like there their and they're?


Third person is referring to yourself as if you are a third person. For example: Bill says “Bill does not want food.” Hope this helps :)


The third-person pronouns include he, him, his, himself, she, her, hers, herself, it, its, itself, they, them, their, theirs, and themselves.


Tiffany used her prize money from the science fair to buy herself a new microscope. The concert goers roared their approval when they realized they'd be getting an encore.

[I believe the answer to your question is they’re.]


What does the post-reading phase involve?
A. Memorization
B. Highlighting
C. Summarizing
D. Planning





Post-reading provide students a way to summarize


You have to summarize what you’ve read in order to gather the important information and events. This will help you with further interpretation of the reading material.

The passage contains symbolism. What are the boy's hands symbolic of? Explain your answer.



His hands show the difference between poverty and rich.


Hope this helps

Which former adversary of Animal Farm is seen cajoling with Napoleon at the end of the book?



Mr. Pilkington


The former adversary of Animal Farm that is seen cajoling with Napoleon at the end of the book is "Mr. Pilkington".

Mr. Pilkington is known to be the owner of Foxwood, a large and neglected old-fashioned farm. He is known to be easy-going farmer who spent most of his time hunting and fishing im seasons.

Towards the end of the story, Mr. Pilkington cajoles Napoleon and Animal Farm. He makes witty remarks about Animal Farm. He said "If you have your lower animals to contend with, we have our lower classes". His statement set the table in a roar. When Napoleon came to speak he mentioned the things that have been suppressed in Animal Farm and finally annouced that the name "Animal Farm" has been changed to "The Manor Farm".

where have you read editorial cartoons? check any that apple


Answer: Apple YES


YES APPLE I haveeeeee

Writing a Paragraph
This part of the unit test assesses your knowledge of broad ideas and concepts covered in the unit, as well as your personal views and original thinking on unit topics.

Respond to only one of the two prompts below. Your answer is worth 50 points. In order to maximize your score
write thorough answers using the proper structure and pattern of organization that you learned in this lesson;
write in complete sentences;
use proper grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
1. Write an example paragraph concerning events you've read or heard about in the news lately.

2. Write an illustration paragraph about the grounds of your school or the view outside the window where you study (include at least three supporting sentences).
I will give brainlist to those who relly help


It wouldn’t let me send my response but I took a screenshot so I hope this helps :)

In two to four sentences, explain how this sentence or passage communicates or supports the theme. Complete the following sentence to help you begin your explanation.

This quotation shows how the protagonist has learned / has not learned...

the short story is Theseus and the Minotaur







The short story is The "Legend" relates the tale of a young man who learns the importance of humility. This quotation shows how the protagonist has learned the importance of humility, as he realizes that his pride and arrogance have caused him to make mistakes and suffer consequences. He comes to understand that humility is the key to success and happiness.

what is the features of migraine headaches of class 11​



you will have a continuous headache for a long duration

Answer: severe throbbing pain nausea extreme sensitivity to light/sound




I think the 4th sentence.


Relates to the snow and it being in many places.


4th sentence


:D Sorry if i took to long

aye (this aint academic question) anyone lookin for a guy best friend? XD I'm sorry yall






Can somebody answer a few religion questions plz ???!


I can try to help. What are the questions?
Other Questions
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