50 Explain why the process of industrialisation brought about Social transformation I dramatic during the the lots Century.​


Answer 1


hope it helps :)


The process of industrialization brought about a dramatic social transformation during the 19th century because it fundamentally changed the way people lived and worked. Before the Industrial Revolution, most people lived in small rural communities and engaged in agricultural or craft-based activities.

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How the Integration of whites and Blacks has helped to perpetuate inequality and racism in South Africa​


The integration of whites and blacks in South Africa has not necessarily led to elimination of inequality and racism, but rather has sometimes perpetuated it.

What is inequality?

Inequality refers to the unequal distribution of resources, opportunities, and power among individuals or groups within a society. It can manifest in different forms such as income and wealth inequality, gender and racial discrimination, unequal access to education, healthcare, and social services. Inequality can have negative impacts on individuals' well-being and can lead to social unrest and instability. In addition, it can limit economic growth and hinder the development of a society as a whole. Addressing inequality requires policies and actions that aim to promote fairness, justice, and equal opportunities for all individuals regardless of their background or social status.

To learn more about inequality, visit:



Complete Question:

How has the Integration of whites and Blacks helped to perpetuate inequality and racism in South Africa​?

If you worked for a federal agency, would you report a wrongdoing or keep quiet? Explain your answer.


Report a wrongdoing because if you keep quiet and they find out about it anyways there’s always a chance you can get caught with knowing about it so that’s why it’s always good to report a wrongdoing then just not say anything.

help with this please



B) Establishment of the mandate system.

According to some research, it says supporting free trade, which is a mandate system.

What is Free Trade?

Free trade is a trade policy that does not restrict imports or exports. In government, free trade is predominantly advocated by political parties that hold economically liberal positions, while economic nationalist and left-wing political parties generally support protectionism, the opposite of free trade.

1) What are the drawbacks and advantages of drug dogs?
2)To what extent should a drug dogs history of false positives and false negatives factor into questions concerning the admissibility of evidence?
3) Do you agree with the Supreme Court's decision?


Advantages of drug dogs include their ability to detect drugs quickly and accurately, their low cost of use, and their ability to be used in areas where traditional methods of drug detection may not be feasible.

What is cost?

Cost is a measure of monetary or non-monetary resources used to produce a good or service. It refers to the money spent on labor, materials, equipment, and other resources in the production of a product or service. It also includes the costs of research and development, marketing, and administrative expenses.

1) Advantages of drug dogs include their ability to detect drugs quickly and accurately, their low cost of use, and their ability to be used in areas where traditional methods of drug detection may not be feasible. Drawbacks include their potential to produce false positives and false negatives, their potential to be trained to detect drugs based on anecdotes and not actual training, and their potential to be used as a form of intimidation rather than actual drug detection.

2) A drug dog's history of false positives and false negatives should be considered when evaluating the admissibility of evidence. A history of false positives or false negatives can indicate that the dog is not trained properly and is not reliable in determining the presence of drugs. A court should consider the accuracy and reliability of such evidence before allowing it to be used in a trial.

3) Yes, the Supreme Court's decision in the Florida v. Harris case was correct in finding that the use of a drug dog in this case was an acceptable form of evidence. The Court noted that the drug dog had a high rate of accuracy, and that the evidence provided by the dog was reliable. The Court also noted that the drug dog's training had been properly documented and that the dog had undergone regular testing to ensure its accuracy and reliability.

To learn more about cost



Write an essay:
With the start of the Industrial Revolution, the 19th century was a time of innovation and social change. Write an essay explaining what the Industrial Revolution was and the impact it had on society, both positive and negative. Include in your essay the social, political, and economic effects the industrial revolution had on the European countries.





The Industrial Revolution was a period of great transformation in Europe and the world, marking a significant shift in the way goods were produced, distributed, and consumed. It began in the mid-18th century in Britain and spread to other European countries and eventually to the United States, marking a profound change in human history. The Industrial Revolution ushered in an era of technological advancements, increased productivity, and economic growth, but it also had negative social, economic, and political effects on society.

The Industrial Revolution saw the transition from manual labor to mechanization, with new machines and processes replacing traditional crafts and labor-intensive work. The introduction of the steam engine, power loom, spinning jenny, and other innovations greatly increased the production of textiles, iron, and coal. As factories and mills sprang up across the countryside, workers migrated from rural areas to urban centers in search of work, leading to the rise of cities and the growth of the working-class population.

One of the most significant social effects of the Industrial Revolution was the emergence of a new social class system. The factory owners, who had previously been part of the landed aristocracy or bourgeoisie, became incredibly wealthy and powerful, while the working-class struggled to make ends meet. This economic inequality led to social unrest and the formation of labor unions and other political movements to demand better working conditions and wages for workers.

The Industrial Revolution also had a profound impact on politics, as it fueled the growth of liberalism, socialism, and nationalism. The rise of the middle class, made up of professionals, entrepreneurs, and merchants, pushed for greater political rights and representation, leading to the growth of democracy and the expansion of voting rights. At the same time, socialist and communist movements emerged, calling for the redistribution of wealth and power to the working class.

Economically, the Industrial Revolution transformed the way goods were produced and consumed. Mass production and the use of interchangeable parts led to the creation of consumer goods at lower prices, making them more accessible to a wider population. The growth of international trade and the spread of colonialism led to the expansion of markets and the exploitation of natural resources, fueling economic growth but also leading to the subjugation of indigenous peoples.

However, the Industrial Revolution also had negative impacts on society. The rise of factories and the growth of urban centers led to overcrowding, pollution, and disease. Workers were often subjected to long hours, unsafe working conditions, and low wages, leading to social unrest and the rise of labor movements.

In conclusion, the Industrial Revolution was a period of great innovation and change, with far-reaching impacts on society, politics, and economics. It ushered in an era of technological advancements and economic growth, but also had negative social, economic, and political effects. The emergence of new social classes, the growth of urbanization, and the exploitation of natural resources all had profound impacts on European countries and the world at large, shaping the course of human history for centuries to come.

Which of the following is a country NOT annexed by the Soviet Union shortly after Germany’s declaration of war?
A. Eastern Poland
B. Sweden
C. Finland
D. Lithuania


Sweden is a country not annexed by the Soviet Union shortly after Germany’s declaration of war.

What is Soviet Union?

The Soviet Union was a single-party Marxist-Leninist state that existed from 1922 to 1991. It was governed by the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, and its capital and largest city was Moscow. It was a union of 15 Soviet Socialist Republics, and its economic and political system was based on the Soviet model of central planning and state ownership of resources. The Soviet Union was a superpower that played a major role in world politics, including the Cold War. It was one of the two superpowers and the world's largest and most powerful nation until its dissolution in 1991. The Soviet Union was characterized by its centrally planned economy, its commitment to the ideology of state socialism and its reliance on the state to provide social services and welfare.

To learn more about Soviet Union



Choose one of the battles from the list and explain how it was a major turning point in World War II.

- Battle of El Alamein
- Battle of Stalingrad
- Invasion of Normandy
- Battle of the Bulge


Battle of Stalingrad - It stopped the German advance into the Soviet Union and marked the turning of the tide of combat in favour of the Allies.

Was Stalingrad the turning point of the war?

The war for Stalingrad would rage on for 163 days, from August 1942 to February 1943, earlier than the German Sixth Army, encircled and besieged, was pressured to surrender. It was the turning point of the battle on the vital Eastern the front of World War II in Europe.

The turning point of the Battle of Stalingrad was a Soviet counteroffensive named Operation Uranus. It targeted the susceptible Axis forces defending the flanks of the German armies attempting to take the city.

Learn more about Battle of Stalingrad here:


3. Based on this passage, what can you conclude about the Supreme Court?
A. It is the highest court in the country.
B. The Vice President can appoint justices to it.
C. It is the only court in the country.
D. More justices will be added to it.

Pls it’s for today :(


Answer: The answer should be A.

Explanation: The Supreme Court is the highest court. The President is the one who appoints justices, not the VP, i don't think more justices will be added to it, and it definitely isn't the only court in the U.S

it is A I already answered this

Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal programs gave the government a more active role in
deregulating businesses.
deregulating “brain trusts.”
creating a laissez-faire economy.
creating jobs.


The New Deal initiatives of Franklin Roosevelt gave the government a more active role in job creation. The answer is option (d).

What is New Deal according to Franklin Roosevelt?

Several ambitious work plans, laws, and monetary reforms known as the "New Deal" were put forth by Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1936, during the height of the Great Depression. Only in opposition to the "Great Depression" were these measures implemented. The arrangement placed a strong emphasis on protecting the banking system in order to strengthen the economy and help the country's manufacturing sector.

Following its approval by the Congress and the President's implementation during the Roosevelt Presidency, it was put into effect. One of Roosevelt's most well-known and lauded accomplishments was his ability to improve the country's economic situation during the Great Depression.

To know more about Franklin Roosevelt, visit:




creating jobs


List 2 of the three issues that often went unchallenged in rural areas.


Population changes, workforce development, capital availability, infrastructure, health, land use and environment, and community preservation present difficulties for rural communities .

Which two factors contribute to rural decline?

Less births, more deaths, and more people leaving than moving in were the causes of the rural population reduction. Although population gains were minimal in rural counties that were close to urban counties, population losses were largest in isolated rural counties.

What are the two biggest issues facing those living in poverty in rural areas?

Lack of access to markets, education, good infrastructure, career prospects, healthcare, and financial services are common causes of rural poverty. Living conditions that are poor or dangerous in terms of sanitization, employment, and personal safety frequently accompany urban poverty.

To know more about Rural communities visit :-



Conclusion of migrant labour system


The historical system of migrant labor was established by capitalist, colonial, and apartheid authorities in order to balance the conflicting needs for cheap labor in the mines and cities of "white" South Africa with the goal of relegating black people to rural areas distant from the "white" metropolis.

What effect did the migrant labor system have?

Fathers were absent from their children's homes because of the migrant labor system since they were working in low-paying jobs in the city and only seeing them once a year. Taverns were conveniently located for these migratory workers by the apartheid planners.

What function does migrant labor serve?

While the variables that drive the demand for migrant labor may change, those that drive its supply are often constant: most often, migrant laborers travel to their places of employment due to unfavorable economic and social conditions in their home regions.

Learn more about migrant labor: https://brainly.com/question/15819762


According to Albert Barnes, what mistake did American church leaders make
in relation to slavery?
A. Failing to speak out against it
B. Allowing slave owners to join churches
C. Attacking it as immoral
D. Giving financial support to slavery


Albert Barnes claimed that their error was in remaining silent about slavery. Although many of them believed that slavery went against God and the notion that God made everyone equal, they did not take strong action against it for a variety of reasons, including the belief that it was a necessary evil and concern about the public's reaction.

What is slavery?Slavery is the treatment of another person as property, particularly with reference to their labour. A person who works against their will vor is owned by another person is considered a slave. The usual aspect of slavery is forced labor, with the master deciding the slave's place of living and work. Slavery has existed historically in a variety of forms, such as sexual slavery, forced labor, chattel slavery, and bonds. The western hemisphere was colonised by Europeans in the 1500s, and they brought a system of slavery with them. White settlers relied more on imported slaves from Africa as a source of inexpensive labour when they ran out of other options. Slavery was defined as including Africans by the early 1700s in British North America.

To learn more about slavery, refer to:


how did Microsoft innovate and improve GUIs?

GUIs in history


Microsoft further developed GUIs through doing the accompanying: Causing it to have more visual attachment ,Making it more instinctive and Making it more clear.

What is Microsoft's advancement procedure?

In a holistic manner, the innovation strategy ought to address processes, culture, and enabling technology. The purpose of Microsoft's Innovation Management Framework is to assist businesses in developing a comprehensive and integrated strategy for supporting and implementing an innovation management strategy.

On April 4, 1975, Bill and Paul Allen established Microsoft to develop and market Essential mediators for the Altair 8800. With MS-DOS, it became the dominant PC operating system in the 1980s, followed by Windows.

What is the GUI?

Using visual indicator representations, graphic user interfaces allow users to interact with electronic devices.

To learn more about Microsoft visit :



What was the purpose of the Berlin Wall?
A. Prevent West Berliners from invading East Berlin
B. Prevent West Berliners from leaving
C. Physically divide Northern Berlin from Southern Berlin
D. Prevent East Germans from leaving


The purpose of the Berlin Wall was:

D. Prevent East Germans from leaving

Later, when the trials of the Nazis commenced to hold them accountable for crimes such as the death march, most defendants attempted to use the excuse that they were following orders from higher up. If these defendants had their way, who should be the only one held responsible for the death march?

Adolf Hitler

Rudolf Hoess

Heinrich Himmler

Hermann Goering


Option (a), Adolf Hitler should be the sole one held accountable for the death march, according to these defendants.

What is meant by the Death March?

1. It's possible that the phrase "death march" was first coined by inmates of concentration camps. It alluded to the torturous, supervised forced marches of prisoners from concentration camps across great distances. 2. During death marches, SS guards brutally treated the prisoners and murdered many of them.

Which death march has the greatest notoriety?

In April 1942, at the start of World War II, 76,000 prisoners of war—66,000 Filipinos and 10,000 Americans—were compelled to walk the 66 miles (106 km) of the Bataan Death March in the Philippines.

Learn more about Adolf Hitler: https://brainly.com/question/3905550


Why are the supply curve and the market supply curve the same except for quantity supplied?


The supply curve represents the relationship between the price of a product and the quantity of that product that producers are willing to offer for sale in the marketplace. The market supply curve, on the other hand, represents the aggregate of all individual supply curves for a particular product.

The difference -

Assuming that there are no additional changes in market conditions or the behavior of individual producers, the market supply curve is the total quantity of the product that is supplied at each price level. Therefore, the slope and shape of the market supply curve would be the same as those for the individual supply curve, with the only difference being a higher quantity supplied at each price level.

In other words, at any given price point, the market supply curve simply sums up the quantity supplied by all producers in the market, which is the sum total of all the individual producer's quantity supplied at that same price point. This is why the supply curve and the market supply curve have the same slope and shape, but the market supply curve represents a broader view of the entire market, taking into account the supply decisions of all producers.

To know more about supply curve and the market supply curve -



What are push and pull factors? Why did so many immigrants come to the United States? What was Ellis Island?


Im not sure what Ellis Island is but I know the answer to the other questions.

Pull factors were freedom of religion, cheap farming land, and job opportunities.

Push factors were religious and political restrictions, crop failure, wars, overpopulation, changes in farming techniques, and the overpowering industrial work.

So many immigrants came to the United States for freedom from religious persecution, cheap farmland, and job opportunities. The Irish came because of the potato famine and not being able to own land. Most immigrants came because land at their home country was expensive.

How did the North and the South differ economically during the Civil War?

A: The North had more people than the South, so it could produce more goods.

B: The South had more immigrants the North, so it had a more diverse economy.

C: The South had better technology than the North, so it made better weapons.

D: The North had more enslaved people than the South, so it could produce goods more cheaply.



none of the above


E: The North had a more diversified economy based on manufacturing and industry, while the South was largely dependent on agriculture and the labor of enslaved people.

Before the Civil War, the North had a strong industrial base and was rapidly expanding its infrastructure, including railroads and factories. This allowed it to manufacture and produce goods at a faster rate than the agrarian South. The North's economy was also more diversified, with a variety of industries and businesses contributing to its economic growth.

In contrast, the South was heavily reliant on agriculture, particularly cotton, which was grown on large plantations using the labor of enslaved people. The South did not have the same level of industrialization as the North and was therefore not able to produce goods at the same rate. Additionally, the South's economy was largely dependent on exports, particularly cotton exports to European markets.

These economic differences played a significant role in the outcome of the Civil War, as the North's industrial strength and diversified economy allowed it to better support and sustain its war effort, while the South's reliance on agriculture and enslaved labor made it more vulnerable to economic disruption and collapse.

The North and the South differ economically during the Civil War because the North had more enslaved people than the South, so it could produce goods more cheaply. The correct option is D.

How was the North affected economically after the Civil War ended?

Following the Civil War's end, the North's economy grew significantly. With compensation in hand, returning soldiers were able to build sizable new customer bases for a range of various businesses.

With a focus on commerce and manufacturing, the economy in the North was more industrialized. On the other hand, the South's agricultural economy was highly dependent on the labor of slaves. In contrast to the North, which produced more food crops, the South exported cash commodities like cotton. The North also possessed a more advanced transportation network, with more railroads and canals, which facilitated the movement of both commodities and people.

Thus, the ideal selection is option D.

Learn more about North America here:



Graded Assignment – The American Dream 30 points CA-HIST-SS: 11.8: Students analyze the economic boom and social transformation of post–World War II America. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RH.11-12.2: Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary source; provide an accurate summary that makes clear the relationships among the key details and ideas. Background Information: The threat of invasion and subversion in the Cold War era led Americans to seek consensus and conformity, in politics and in culture. The rise of consumer culture in the same period, driven by an economic boom, a population surge, and suburban development gave rise to a middle class with certain expectations about material culture and behavior. Many television programs, magazines, songs, and other forms of popular culture reflected accepted social patterns and defined “The American Dream.”


After years of wartime rationing, American consumers were willing to spend money and factories switched from wartime to peacetime production.

Give a brief account on The Post World War II Boom.

In the summer of 1945, since World War II drew to a close, the U.S. economy was on the brink of an uncertain future. At the height of her war effort in late 1943 and early 1944, the United States produced about as much munitions as all of its allies and enemies combined.

Fueled by growing consumer demand and the continued expansion of the post-Cold War military-industrial complex, the United States reached new heights of prosperity in the years following World War II. Gross National Product (GNP), which analyze all goods and services produced, increased from just $200 billion in 1940 to $300 billion in 1950. By 1960, it exceeded $500 billion, making the United States as the richest and most powerful nation in the world.  

To know more about World War II, visit:



4. Compare and contrast two of the following types of government:
Be sure to describe both the similarities and the differences between the types you select.


Oligarchy and democracy are two different types of government that have different structures and processes for making decisions.

How do Oligarchies compare to democracies ?

Oligarchy is a form of government where a small group of individuals or organizations hold all the power. These groups can be composed of wealthy individuals, business leaders, military leaders, or other powerful elites.

In contrast, democracy is a form of government where power is held by the people. In a democracy, individuals have the right to vote and participate in the decision-making process.

One key difference between oligarchy and democracy is who holds the power. In an oligarchy, power is held by a small group of people, often those who are wealthy, influential, or connected.

Find out more on oligarchies at https://brainly.com/question/823071


which interest groups are formed to represent the economic goals of specific types of businesses or industries
A. Economic interest groups
B. Public interest groups
C. Single issue interest groups
D. Special interest groups



Interest groups are organizations that aim to influence public policy by promoting the interests of their members or a particular cause. Economic interest groups are formed to represent the economic goals of specific types of businesses or industries. These groups often lobby the government to pass policies that benefit their industry or block policies that may negatively impact their industry. For example, the National Association of Manufacturers is an economic interest group that represents manufacturers in the United States. They lobby for policies that promote economic growth and job creation for the manufacturing industry, such as tax incentives and deregulation. Other examples of economic interest groups include the American Petroleum Institute, the American Farm Bureau Federation, and the National Retail Federation.

Therefore the answer is: A. Economic interest groups.

As everyone slowly gets off the train onto the ramp, Mordechai sees his fellow passengers adjust their suits, gather their belongings, and stretch their legs. Mordechai has a lump in his throat because he has heard of the destination of these trains. When he was in the Warsaw ghetto, he heard stories of those on the trains who were killed as soon as they arrived. Mordechai begins to shake, and his breathing becomes labored. Suddenly, he feels the hand of a guard on his shoulder. What will the guard MOST likely do?

Take Mordechai to see a doctor for his panic attack.

Arrest Mordechai and take him away, hands bound.

Shoot Mordechai on the spot because of his anxiousness.

Steer Mordechai quietly away from the platform to be executed elsewhere.


Based on the given information, the guard is most likely to take Mordechai away from the platform quietly, potentially to be executed elsewhere. The fact that Mordechai is experiencing a panic attack and is anxious about the destination of the train suggests that he is likely a Jewish prisoner being transported to a concentration camp or extermination camp during the Holocaust. The guards in charge of transporting prisoners during the Holocaust were often cruel and unsympathetic to the prisoners' suffering, and it is unlikely that they would have taken Mordechai to see a doctor or shown him any compassion. Instead, they would have been more likely to punish or kill him for showing signs of weakness or resistance.


how did eisenhower present his political ideas during his campaign for president in 1952?​



Many of his radio and television commercials discussed topics such as education, inflation, ending the Korean War, and other issues that were thought to appeal to women. The Eisenhower campaign was one of the first presidential campaigns to make a major and concerted effort to win the female vote.



The Eisenhower campaign was one of the first presidential campaigns to make a major and concerted effort to win the female vote. Many of his radio and television commercials discussed topics such as education, inflation, ending the Korean War, and other issues that were thought to appeal to women.


hope that it helps you

Question 14
Which of the following was a trigger for Asian American activism in the 1960s and 1970s?
O Korean and Vietnam Wars
O The Supreme Court decision Brown v. Board of Education 1954
O The Nazi holocaust
O The creation of the state of Israel
2 pts
Next ▸



Korean and Vietnam Wars

what factors did senators take into account in voting for or against these nominees? Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett


When voting for or against Supreme Court nominations, senators consider a number of different things, such as the nominee's credentials, judicial philosophy, prior decisions or rulings, and political ideology. Senators paid close attention to the opinions of Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett on matters including abortion, gun rights, and healthcare.

Senators questioned the nominees about how they would interpret the Constitution and the Supreme Court's role during their confirmation hearings. Many Republican senators backed the nominations of Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Barrett because they were thought to be conservatively inclined.

Concerns about how the selections would affect matters like reproductive rights and the Affordable Care Act were a top priority for Democratic senators. Some people have expressed worries about the selection procedure, particularly in the instance of Kavanaugh, who was confirmed despite being accused of se xual assault.

learn more about Supreme Court here



What role did the United States play in the Mexican Revolution?



The U.S. played a huge role in the evolution of the Mexican Revolution. It supported the anti-reelectionist movement, agreed with Bernardo Reyes and Félix Díaz's revolt against Francisco I. Madero, helped the revolutionaries defeat Huerta, and invaded Veracruz in 1914.


How did the soviets respond to finding majdanek




Majdanek was a Nazi concentration camp located in Lublin, Poland, that was discovered by Soviet forces on July 23, 1944. The Soviet response to finding Majdanek was to publicize the atrocities committed there in order to raise awareness of the horrors of the Holocaust and to rally international support for the Allied war effort.

The Soviet government immediately sent a special commission to investigate the camp and to document the crimes committed there. The commission included doctors, historians, and other experts who were tasked with gathering evidence and testimonies from survivors. The evidence collected by the commission was used to create a report that detailed the crimes committed at the camp, which was then published in the Soviet press and distributed internationally.

The Soviet response to the discovery of Majdanek was also aimed at discrediting Nazi propaganda and exposing the lies that the Nazis had used to justify their policies of extermination. Soviet authorities organized tours of the camp for journalists and foreign diplomats, hoping to raise awareness of the Holocaust and to counteract the propaganda being spread by the Nazis.

Overall, the Soviet response to the discovery of Majdanek was a key part of the Allied effort to bring the Holocaust to an end and to hold the Nazis accountable for their crimes. By publicizing the atrocities committed at the camp and exposing the lies of Nazi propaganda, the Soviet government played an important role in building international support for the Allied war effort and in laying the groundwork for the eventual prosecution of Nazi war criminals.


How were mounds important to early American Indians peoples in what is today Georgia?
What kind of evidence has been found to support this conclusion?



I don't understand the question

Read the excerpt from the Edicts of Ashoka.
They (my officers) work among soldiers, chiefs,
householders, the poor, the aged- for their welfare
and happiness-so that they may be free from
harassment. The officers work for the proper
treatment of prisoners, towards their unfettering, and if
the officers think, "This one has a family to support,"
"That one has been bewitched," "This one is old,"
then they work for the release of such prisoners. They
work here, in outlying towns, in the women's quarters
belonging to my brothers and sisters, and among my
other relatives. They are occupied everywhere.
What is the main idea of the edict?
O Women, the elderly, and prisoners should be given
special treatment.
Ashoka's officers have the power to make
decisions on their own.
O Ashoka's officers are watching what people are
doing all the time.
O Ashoka's officers would treat all citizens with
respect regardless of status.


Option (d), No of their position, Ashoka's officers would treat them with dignity.

Whom did Ashoka appoint as special agents charged with promoting and upholding the Dhamma across his empire?

Ashoka appointed specialized officers known as dhammamahamatras to defend and advance Buddhism across the realm. He had the precepts of the dhamma etched onto rocks, pillars, and cave walls in Prakrit so that the common people can read and apply them.

What rules did Ashoka give his officials to follow?

Ashoka also had his messages engraved on pillars and rocks, and he instructed his officials to read them to anybody who was unable to do it on their own. Ashoka also sent emissaries to Syria, Egypt, Greece, and Sri Lanka in order to spread the dhamma to these nations.

Learn more about Ashoka: https://brainly.com/question/13619538


who were the two sides of the Mexican Revolution after 1913 and what did each side want?


The Conventionistas—including Pancho Villa and Zapata—sought big economic and social reforms. The Constitutionalistas—led by Venustiano Carranza and Álvaro Obregón—wanted to establish a liberal democracy, but were less willing to return land to peasant and indigenous villages.

Other Questions
Fast swimming marine predators such as dolphins, sharks, and tuna, have a ______ body shape that minimizes _______ in the water. our company has reviewed the utilities bills for our company. we have determined that the highest and lowest bills were $5,000 and $3,200 for the months of january and september. if we produced 1,050 and 600 units in these months, what was the fixed cost associated with the utilities bill? group of answer choices $435.50 $485.00 $590.00 $800.00 the area covered by the hour hand of a wall clock between time 4 : 26 and 6 : 50 is what percent of the area covered by it in 15 hours? does the total amount of energy output for each herbivore add up to the total amount of energy eaten by each herbivore? If a credit card pays 5% interest compounded quarterly, what is the effective annual interest rate? a. 6% b.5% c.5.4% O d. 5.09% y+5=2(x+1) what is the X and Y intercept which of the following are components of the unity-of-command perspective on ceo duality? (check all that apply.) multiple select question. a ceo has a clear focus on both objectives and operations. confusion and conflict between the ceo and chairman is increased. confusion and conflict between the ceo and chairman is eliminated. a ceo can act more efficiently and effectively when holding both positions. Make a decision about the classification of the molecule, NaHCO3. Is it organic or inorganic?In two or more complete sentences state and defend your decision.URGENT A collection of smaller budgets that leads to pro-forma financial statements is referred to as the ____A. overall budget.B. summary budget.C. pro-forma budget.D. master budget. in what way can audit procedures be modified to address assessed fraud risks? 1. Suppose that US dollar (USD) has a continuously compounded interest rate of 1% per annum and Australian dollar (AUD) has a continuously compounded interest rate of 3% per annum. The spot exchange rate is 0.98 USD per AUD. (a) Show that the no-arbitrage 2-year forward rate is 0.9416 USD per AUD. (b) Suppose that the 2-year forward rate is 0.93 USD per AUD in the market. human services workers believe that the best way to help those on welfare is through working for: Consider the auction model with a continuum of possible valuations. Bidder is valuation, Vi , is drawn from the uniform distribution on [0, 1], for i = 1, 2, . . . , n. In other words, the cdf of Vi , can be defined as F(v) = v for v [0, 1] (and, of course, F(v) = 0 for v < 0 and F(v) = 1 for v > 1). Each bidders valuation is independent of any other bidders valuation. Consider the first-price auction. As I have argued in class, the strategy profile in which Bi(v) = B(v) (n1)/nv for all v [0, 1] and i = 1, 2, . . . , n is a Nash equilibrium. For this problem, focus on the case n = 3.(a) Consider bidder 1. Given bidders 2 and 3 bid B(v) = 2v/3 for all v [0, 1], show that when V1 = 3/4, the best response for bidder 1 to bid B(1/2) = 2 3 3 4 = 1 2 . Hint: Express his payoff as a function of his bid, b, and show that b = 1/3 maximizes his expected payoff.(b) Suppose the seller uses a posted price p. What is her expected revenue? Which price maximizes her expected revenue? Hint: What is the probability of at least one buyer is willing to pay p?(c) Recall that in the first price auction, the sellers expected revenue is (n1)/(n+1). Compare the sellers revenue from the first-price auction and that from posted-price selling communications he clash between chris's desire to be open with karen and chris's desire to keep some things private illustrates which dialectical tension in their relationship? what texture is heard in this passage? a. monophony b. homorhythm c. heterophony d. imitative polyphony 1) Laura Rivera is risk manager of JKL Company. Laura decided to retain certain property losses. All of the following are methods which Laura can use to fund retained property losses EXCEPTSelect one:a. current net income.b. funded reserve.c. borrowed fundsd. private insurance. in what ways does the growing military power of china impact other regions of the world, and how have major countries outside of east asia responded to this challenge? What changes the expectations of the opposite sex? a Internet communications b Advice from friends c Advice from parents d AlcoholQuick I need in soon Persons who join an interest group because it promises to offer them discounts on certain services are responding toChoose matching termnon-partisan incentives.material incentives.solidary incentives.energy groups what steps will be taken to reduce the amount of waste created by this project? (examples: reuse of materials on site, installation process planned to minimize scrap, etc.)