I need somebody to tell me the order of these

50 POINTS!I Need Somebody To Tell Me The Order Of These


Answer 1


Thesis Statement

Martin Luther King used metaphors in his "I Have A Dream" speech to try to help his audience understand his points.

Example 1

One extended metaphor that he used was about banking, saying that everyone attending the March on Washington had come to "cash a check."

Example 2

Because seasons and the sequence of yearly seasons were familiar to people, Martin Luther King was able to relate the long, hot days of summer when tempers were hot too, being followed by the cooler times of fall when many systems like schools went back into session for a new year.

Concluding Statement

By relating his ideas to things his listeners were familiar with, Martin Luther King helped his listeners really hear what he had to say. The implication is that when someone makes a promise, they should pay what they owe, whether that was literally cash or rights and justice. That check had been made out to all 'men' in the Declaration of Independence, promising everyone "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness." This "promissory note" had come back marked as "insufficient funds" for black men across America's history.

Related Questions

As you read the article "What is the American Dream?" consider how the author organized their thoughts. Identify at least 3 main points the author makes throughout the article, and any evidence the author uses to support it. Then answer the following question in at least 5 complete sentences.

Question: Why is the event described in the article taught in schools today? What are the lasting lessons that we can learn from studying this event? Support your response with evidence from the text.

So.. Your complete assignment should look like this:

Main point 1-

Supporting Evidence-

Main point 2-

Supporting Evidence-

Main point 3-

Supporting Evidence-

Answer to the question in paragraph form:



hope this helps.


What Exactly Is "The American Dream"?

The American Dream is the belief that anyone, regardless of race, class, gender, or nationality, can be successful in America (read: rich) if they just work hard enough. The American Dream thus presents a pretty rosy view of American society that ignores problems like systemic racism and misogyny, xenophobia, tax evasion or state tax avoidance, and income inequality. It also presumes a myth of class equality, when the reality is America has a pretty well-developed class hierarchy.

The 1920s in particular was a pretty tumultuous time due to increased immigration (and the accompanying xenophobia), changing women's roles (spurred by the right to vote, which was won in 1919), and extraordinary income inequality.

The country was also in the midst of an economic boom, which fueled the belief that anyone could "strike it rich" on Wall Street. However, this rapid economic growth was built on a bubble that popped in 1929. The Great Gatsby was published in 1925, well before the crash, but through its wry descriptions of the ultra-wealthy, it seems to somehow predict that the fantastic wealth on display in 1920s New York was just as ephemeral as one of Gatsby's parties.

Chapter 1 places us in a particular year—1922—and gives us some background about WWI.  This is relevant since the 1920s is presented as a time of hollow decadence among the wealthy, as evidenced especially by the parties in Chapters 2 and 3. And as we mentioned above, the 1920s were a particularly tense time in America.

We also meet George and Myrtle Wilson in Chapter 2, both working-class people who are working to improve their lot in life, George through his work, and Myrtle through her affair with Tom Buchanan.

We learn about Gatsby's goal in Chapter 4: to win Daisy back. Despite everything he owns, including fantastic amounts of money and an over-the-top mansion, for Gatsby, Daisy is the ultimate status symbol. So in Chapter 5, when Daisy and Gatsby reunite and begin an affair, it seems like Gatsby could achieve his goal.

In Chapter 6, we learn about Gatsby's less-than-wealthy past, which not only makes him look like the star of a rags-to-riches story, it makes Gatsby himself seem like someone in pursuit of the American Dream, and for him the personification of that dream is Daisy.

However, in Chapters 7 and 8, everything comes crashing down: Daisy refuses to leave Tom, Myrtle is killed, and George breaks down and kills Gatsby and then himself, leaving all of the "strivers" dead and the old money crowd safe. Furthermore, we learn in those last chapters that Gatsby didn't even achieve all his wealth through hard work like the American Dream would stipulate—instead, he earned his money through crime. (He did work hard and honestly under Dan Cody, but lost Dan Cody's inheritance to his ex-wife.)

In any case, the novel, just by being set in the 1920s, is unlikely to present an optimistic view of the American Dream, or at least a version of the dream that's inclusive to all genders, ethnicities, and incomes.



Answer: B and D


What is judicial autonomy or independence, and how does this impact service quality in the judicial system?




The independence of the judiciary shall be guaranteed by the State and enshrined in the Constitution or the law of the country.

in the fight between grendel and beowulf, what theme/lesson was the author attempting to convey?




seeks revenge upon mankind for the heritage that he has been dealt.

Under which circumstances did Nikolay and Marya first meet?

(Characters from WAR AND PEACE)


They meet at a soirée in Voronezh.

Summary of "War and Peace"

Everyone at Prince Nikolay Andreivitch Bolkonsky's estate, Bleak Hills, is looking forward to the arrival of Prince Andrey and his wife Liza. In addition to the old man, known as the "Prussian king," the household includes Princess Marya, her orphaned companion Mlle. Bourienne, the prince's architect Mihail Ivanovitch (whom the old man admits to the table to demonstrate that all men are equal), and a slew of servants. The old man, who was once a commander-in-chief, was exiled from Moscow by Paul; although reinstated by Catherine, he still lives in exile, declaring that anyone wishing to see him can travel the 150 versts from Moscow. Secluded in the countryside, the old prince has a variety of occupations — mathematics, woodworking, gardening, writing his memoirs, managing the estate — each of which takes up a specific space in his life.

To know more about War, click on the link :



3. A main idea may cover more than one paragraph. Which sentence best
expresses the main idea of paragraphs 21-23?
a. First sentence of paragraph 21
b. Second sentence of paragraph 21
c. First sentence of paragraph 22
d. First sentence of paragraph 23


The first sentence of paragraph 21 best expresses the main idea of paragraphs 21-23. Hence option (a) is the answer.

What is the main idea of the paragraph?

A paragraph is a collection of connected phrases that elaborate on a single topic's core theme. The main idea of the paragraph is the author's defense of the subject. It is frequently implied or expressed directly. The core notion is the crucial idea or focal point that an author should make clear to their audience.

Writers have a message they wish to get across when they sit down to write. This is true, especially when authors write paragraphs. The primary component of an essay that represents the main idea is the thesis statement. The supporting details that include reasons, facts, and evidence are used to substantiate the major ideas.

To learn more about thesis statement, visit:



Which piece from this section was most interesting? Which of the characters or topics was most compelling? Why? Explain what makes these works and characters/topics memorable using evidence from the piece.

The Sections to Choose: Kincaid & “Girl” or Fuentes & Aura (1962)


I found the piece by Kincaid and “Girl” to be the most interesting. The story follows the narrator as she gives advice to her daughter about how to act in the world.

What is narrator?

Narrator is an individual who tells a story, either orally or in written form. A narrator is the voice that the reader or audience hears when they read or watch a story. The narrator can serve as the protagonist, antagonist, or observer of the story. Depending on the story, the narrator could provide descriptions, opinions, and interpretations of the events and characters.

Through the narrator’s instructions, the reader gets a sense of the societal expectations that are placed on women and how they must often conform to certain standards. The characters in the story are engaging and memorable because they represent a universal struggle that many women face.

To learn more about narrator



The effect of the death of William the Conqueror on England was
A. near anarchy because he had controlled so strongly and tightly.

B. negligible because he had so little influence on the country.

C. that England voted to become part of France.​


The answer is B. Negligible because he had so little influence on our country.

Victor becomes upset when Robert speaks about his desire to find fame and knowledge because he:
recognizes the same ambition and attitude that led to his own misfortunes.
knows that the journey will be dangerous.
is afraid the monster will kills Walton and his men.
knows he is not strong enough to make the journey with him.


The correct answer is: Victor recognizes the same ambition and attitude that led to his own misfortunes.

What is the novel about?

I assume you are referring to the characters Victor and Robert from Mary Shelley's novel "Frankenstein".

In the novel, Victor Frankenstein's own obsession with fame and knowledge led him to create the monster, which ultimately caused his own downfall and the deaths of several people. When Robert Walton expresses similar ambitions, Victor becomes upset because he recognizes the same dangerous path that he himself took. Victor warns Walton of the dangers of pursuing such ambitions and encourages him to turn back before it's too late.

Learn more about Frankenstein on;



Discussion Board Prompt Read the statement below, then decide whether you agree or disagree with it. Be prepared to support your opinion with details from the story.

Independence is a universal human need.

As you read your peers' responses, please engage in reflective collegial discussion by making a thoughtful connection to their post, asking a probing question, or providing a helpful


Answer: Independence is a universal human need.

What do you think? Write a paragraph supporting your opinion and then write a reply paragraph. If you're working with others, your reply paragraph should respond to the ideas of another student. If you're working alone, your reply paragraph should support the opposite point of view from your own.

Explanation: i dont have a explantion

Put the dictionary entry words in order by matching them to the numbers in the left column. Since the first two letters of
each word are the same, you will need to look at the third letter to make your decision.
1. 2
2. 7
3. 8
4. 4
5. 1
6. 6
7. 5
8. 3


Explanation: what’s this on?

a. Why does he close his wings in autumn? What is he being compared to here?​


Keats empIοys zοοmοrphism tο pοrtray man's sοuI in Autumn as a bird that “furIeth cIοse” its wings. The image οf a bird, unIike that οf a cοw, suggests an abiIity tο transcend οr harness pοwers οf higher imaginatiοn.

What dοes autumn symbοIize in Ode tο Autumn?

Keats has used a Iοt οf symbοIs in this pοem such as “Autumn” symbοIizes the wοmen and “the sun” symbοIicaIIy stands fοr a maIe. SimiIarIy, “gathering swaIIοws” symbοIizes the end οf autumn.

This pοem presents the different stages οf Iife and fοr Keats, the passage οf the year is a 'measure' which can be fiIIed with fοur 'Seasοns'. The fοur seasοns represent the 'the mind οf man'.

To know more about wings visit :-



Now that you have read act 3, scene 2, it is important to compare the central ideas that Brutus and Antony convey to the audience at Caesar's funeral. In a well-structured paragraph, state the topic of the funeral orations of Brutus and Antony. Then state how the speeches are similar, and end your paragraph outlining the differences between the speeches. Use transition words to connect supporting details.​


In act 3, scene 2, Brutus and Antony speak to the crowd about Caesar's assassination. Both senators convey a love for Caesar and his accomplishments for the people of Rome. However, Brutus claims that Caesar was ambitious and a danger to the Roman republic

In Mark, we have one of Shakespeare's most striking beginning statements.as one of his best applications of rhetorical irony. Shakespeare's play Julius Caesar, maybe more than any other,Funeral address for Anthony Caesar, too, is a play that largely utilises rhetoric to convey ideas while also hiding its true intentions. For Antonio, this is undoubtedly difficult.The conspirators already distrust him because to his relationship with Caesar. After Brutus, a renowned orator, gave the first speech at Caesar's burial, "explaining the cause of our Caesar's death," he gave him permission to speak.Brutus made it obvious that as long as Antonio doesn't criticise his accomplices, he can continue.

To know more about Caesar , click on the link :




In Mark, we have one of Shakespeare's most striking beginning statements.as one of his best applications of rhetorical irony. Shakespeare's play Julius Caesar, maybe more than any other,

Funeral address for Anthony Caesar, too, is a play that largely utilises rhetoric to convey ideas while also hiding its true intentions. For Antonio, this is undoubtedly difficult.

The conspirators already distrust him because to his relationship with Caesar. After Brutus, a renowned orator, gave the first speech at Caesar's burial, "explaining the cause of our Caesar's death," he gave him permission to speak.Brutus made it obvious that as long as Antonio doesn't criticise his accomplices, he can continue.


Which option would BEST describe Melissa Ortman's reaction to Isaac sleeping outside every night for almost three years?
She disapproved of Isaac’s decision at first, but now she joins him outdoors.

She has worried about Isaac some nights, but now she has faith in him overall.

She canceled family vacations because of Isaac’s behavior, but now she plans trips ahead.

She thought that Isaac’s interest would fade over time, but now she knows he is committed.


The right response is: A = She first disagreed with Isaac's choice, but now she goes outside with him.

Which among the 14-year-olds has spent more than a thousand days sleeping outside?

This 14-year-old has spent more than a thousand nights sleeping outside. He doesn't intend to quit. For one Minnesota Boy Scout, what began as a fun activity during the COVID-19 outbreak has turned into a habit. Recently, 14-year-old Isaac Ortman broke into his home in the dead of night.

Who is the boy from Minnesota who snoozes outside?

The 14-year-old Duluth boy named Isaac Ortman who has been spending nights outside for over a thousand nights in a row. Then he wraps himself in two zero-degree down quilts before slipping into a 20-degree down sleeping bag. This week, he claims, hasn't even phased him. His most recent coldest night was 38 below.

To know more about  Isaac sleeping outside visit:-



What is the main purpose of the 5 Ws?



The five W questions are important because they help establish the framework of any project. Once you have established the answers to the 'who, what, when, where and why', you'll then have a clear picture of the tasks in front of you. With all the basic information you need, you can tackle the project successfully


The 5 Ws are Who, What, When, Where, and Why


They help to find important details and help writers convey an important idea or tell a complete story.

Hope this helps :)

Question 5 (1 point)
How does Mrs. Jones's response to Roger's actions contribute to the development of
the theme?
Though Mrs. Jones forgives Roger, she still believes it is important for him to do
things for her.
Knowing how Mrs. Jones is, we can easily assume she would behave this same
way to anyone who would steal her purse.
Instead of of lecturing Roger on what's right after he tries to steal her purse,
Mrs. Jones admits that she has made mistakes too.
We can infer that moving forward, Roger will most likely become friends with
Mrs. Jones and become a caretaker.


Mrs. Jones's response to Rogers actions. contributed to the development of the theme as her compassion and empathy towards the marginalized people impacted how the theme was developed

Mrs. Jones' compassion and kindness towards Roger changed his life because he had never felt so much kindness before.Mrs. Jones realised that the had an impact on his life, so she expressed concern for him.

In conclusion, this was critical in shaping the theme.

To know more about Theme, click on the link below:



help!!!!!!! please!!!!!!!!


The invention of social networking sites has changed the outlook of 'becoming a friend' and is a classic example of amelioration.

What does amelioration mean?

A word is elevated over time in amelioration so that it loses its vulgar connotations. Amelioration is a process that improves something. When there is an improvement, something negative or neutral becomes more positive.

How have social networking sites created a positive outlook?

Social media and networking sites can help you find groups of people who share your interests or make new friends. Finding a close-knit community can very well assist us in feeling valued and accepted. Social media plays an important role in connecting teens to new friends, allowing them to learn more about them and get to know them better. Almost two-thirds (64%) of teens who have made new friends online say they met them on a social media platform.

To know more about amelioration:



The passage ends with which of the following situations?

O The main character has changed his plans and is pursuing a new goal.

O The narrator is telling the reader about the various characters' futures.

O The protagonist has set the stage for a desired course of action.

O The antagonist is about to make a peace offer to his opponents.


The passage ends with C The protagonist has set the stage for a desired course of action.

How to know how a passage ends

A protagonist is a story's primary character. The protagonist is frequently the one who encounters the biggest challenges because they are the one who decide crucial plot points that move the story ahead.

A protagonist can set the stage for a desired course of action by clearly defining what they want to achieve. They should have a specific goal in mind, which will guide their actions.

Once the protagonist has a clear goal in mind, they need to create a plan for how to achieve it. This plan should outline the steps they need to take to reach their desired outcome.

P.S: An overview was given based on the information as your question is incomplete.

Learn more about protagonist on:



Is this poem good for divorced parents or no? If you could tell me how I could fix it. Soon two homes
One place to another
Walk through different doors
Only to sit in silence.
Knowing the others gone
Use to be one.
Happy and in love
Now unhappy and loathed
Each day passes
Not a single interaction
Love being abandoned
What about me?
Am I alone?
I now stand in a fear
In the middle waiting
Waiting for the rise
Of a single flag
Let me move on
And forget this war
And just accept it.



It's great


It's really really good

Which of the following details best supports the claim that Angela feels helpless?A."'Well, I believe in it. My grandmother died on Friday the 13th'" (Paragraph 8)

B."And yet, she couldn't help but feel there was something she needed to do to fix everything, to reverse the bad karma her broken mirror had brought into the world, to stop the dark thoughts racing around her head''

C."She knew she had messed up. Maybe her bad luck had contributed to what
happened, but it wasn't to blame." (Paragraph 132)

D."Angela smiled. It was a real chance to make a difference, to do something positive at a time when so many other things were out of her control." (Paragraph 171)




B."And yet, she couldn't help but feel there was something she needed to do to fix everything, to reverse the bad karma her broken mirror had brought into the world, to stop the dark thoughts racing around her head''

The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.

The document then goes on to list a series of charges that denounce British rule of the American colonies. In the context of the Declaration of Independence, what does the author mean by “candid world”? What effect does this word choice have on the rhetoric as well as the intended audience of the text?




In the context of the Declaration of Independence, the phrase "candid world" refers to an impartial, objective, and unbiased audience that is capable of evaluating the evidence presented and making a fair judgment. The word "candid" is used here to emphasize the importance of honesty, transparency, and fairness in the evaluation of the charges against the British monarch.

The word choice has a significant impact on the rhetoric and intended audience of the text. By addressing the "candid world," the author suggests that the Declaration is not merely a local or national document, but rather an appeal to universal principles of justice and human rights that are applicable to all people. This broadens the intended audience beyond the American colonies and invites the rest of the world to judge the actions of the British monarch and to support the American cause.

Furthermore, the use of the phrase "candid world" also implies that the author believes that the British monarchy and its supporters are not capable of being impartial or fair in their evaluation of the situation. This suggests that the author sees the conflict as a moral struggle between good and evil, and that the Declaration is an appeal to the higher values of humanity rather than a negotiation or compromise.

Anne obviously knows Mr Elliot quite well for all the following reasons EXCEPT: A: she has knowledge of his travel plans. B: she shows discomfort at Mary spotting him. C: she is sensitive to what the other ladies might know. D: she had been speaking about Mr Elliot to others in the room. E: Mary refers to Anne meeting Mr Elliot in Lyme.​



The answer is D: she had been speaking about Mr Elliot to others in the room.

There is no indication in the text that Anne had been speaking about Mr Elliot to others in the room. The other reasons listed suggest that Anne is familiar with Mr Elliot and perhaps has some kind of relationship or history with him, such as knowledge of his travel plans, discomfort at Mary spotting him, sensitivity to what the other ladies might know, and having met him in Lyme.

work of short fiction essay





Here is a short work of fiction:

"The Lost Locket"

Lila had always loved her grandmother’s antique locket, which was passed down to her by her mother. It was a delicate piece of jewelry, with intricate designs carved into the gold casing. Lila treasured the locket and wore it every day, until one fateful afternoon when it went missing.

She searched her entire house, her car, and even retraced her steps in the park where she had gone for a walk, but the locket was nowhere to be found. Lila was devastated. She felt as if she had lost a part of her family history and a piece of her heart.

Days turned into weeks, and Lila had almost given up hope of ever finding the locket again. One day, she received a letter in the mail from an anonymous sender, with a message that read: “I have something that belongs to you. Meet me at the park bench at noon tomorrow.”

Lila was skeptical, but desperate to find the locket. She showed up at the park bench at the appointed time and saw a figure sitting on the bench with a package in their lap. As she approached, the person stood up and handed her the package.

When Lila opened it, tears streamed down her face. It was the locket. She turned to thank the person, but they had already vanished.

Lila was overjoyed to have the locket back in her possession, but also confused about who could have returned it to her. She took it to her grandmother to show her, and as they were examining it, they noticed something strange. Inside the locket was a tiny inscription that read “J.T. to E.P. 1918.”

It was then that Lila’s grandmother revealed a family secret. J.T. was her grandfather, who had given the locket to her grandmother, E.P., when they got married in 1918. The locket had been passed down through the family ever since, but was thought to have been lost forever.

Lila was amazed at the history behind the locket, and felt grateful for its safe return. She wore it every day, with a newfound appreciation for the memories and love it held.

Regenerate response

since Margo did us a favor by caring for our cat while we were out of town, we gave her a gift to show our appreciation,patience,sacrifice and confusion


it is first-rate to hear that you want to show your appreciation to Margo for caring for your cat while you have been out of town. A considerate gift may be a first rate way to specific your patience.

to show your appreciation, you can take into account giving Margo a present that she would revel in or locate beneficial. right here are a few ideas based at the keywords you mentioned:
For patience: A mindfulness journal or a set of relaxation candles to help Margo unwind and de-pressure.
For sacrifice: A heartfelt thank-you be aware or a customised photograph album to commemorate the time and effort Margo put into worrying for your cat.
For confusion: in case you're no longer sure what form of gift Margo would love, a present card to her favored store or restaurant could be a secure and sensible alternative.

To understand more about patience click right here

According to the article, Isaac Ortman’s knowledge and skills have helped him sleep outdoors. Which paragraph from the article BEST supports this idea?

A:On January 12, to celebrate his 1,000th night of sleeping outside, Isaac cozied up inside a snow shelter called a quinzhee. It’s an above-ground snow cave that has been hollowed out from a large pile of snow. He and some of his scouting friends from Troop 15 built it at Lakeside Presbyterian Church in Duluth.
B:"We came home from the emergency room, and I went back outside like I always do," Isaac said. "It's like the time we saw a bear walk up to our patio door. Thirty minutes later, I was brushing my teeth and getting ready to go to sleep outside."
C:Isaac gave up his bedroom for a hammock and a sleeping bag on April 17, 2020, when he was in sixth grade, he said. It was the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic and people were staying home to slow down the spread of the virus. Many people also started spending more time outdoors.
D:"I was sleeping outside at our cabin, and I thought, Wow, I should beat my own record for sleeping outside for a week," he recalled. "So I slept outside the whole time on vacation and just decided to keep it going when I got home."



Paragraph A best supports the idea that Isaac Ortman’s knowledge and skills have helped him sleep outdoors. The paragraph describes Isaac and his scouting friends building a snow shelter called a quinzhee, which requires knowledge and skill to construct properly. This demonstrates that Isaac has the necessary knowledge and skills to create a safe and warm outdoor sleeping environment.


Paragraph A describes Isaac and his friends building a quinzhee, which requires knowledge and skills to construct properly. A quinzhee is an above-ground snow cave that has been hollowed out from a large pile of snow. To construct a quinzhee, one needs to have knowledge of the appropriate technique to pile and shape the snow, as well as the skills to hollow it out without causing it to collapse. The fact that Isaac and his friends were able to build a quinzhee suggests that Isaac has the necessary knowledge and skills to create a safe and warm outdoor sleeping environment.

On January 12, to celebrate his 1,000th night of sleeping outside, Isaac cozied up inside a snow shelter called a quinzhee. This paragraph supports the given idea. Therefore, the correct option is option A.

A series of sentences concerning the same subject are called a paragraph. As practically everything we write, including answers, essays, stories, emails, etc., is written in paragraphs, this style of writing is crucial. We might say that the foundation of successful writing is a well-structured paragraph.

On January 12, to celebrate his 1,000th night of sleeping outside, Isaac cozied up inside a snow shelter called a quinzhee. It’s an above-ground snow cave that has been hollowed out from a large pile of snow. He and some of his scouting friends from Troop 15 built it at Lakeside Presbyterian Church in Duluth. This supports the given idea.

Therefore, the correct option is option A.

To know more about paragraph, here:



What examples of words, meaning and sentence, could you give me as a metaphor? ​


Answer: You are my sunshine

Life is a highway.

Her eyes were diamonds.

He is a shining star.

The snow is a white blanket

help me please thank u!


The answer to your question is A

Select the correct answer.
Although Shackleton's mission to cross Antarctica by foot failed, the Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition is hailed as a milestone in expedition history. Why?
because Shackleton brought all 27 of his crew members back alive
because the crew discovered previously unknown parts of Antarctica
because the crew returned with scientific discoveries, such as new species
because it prompted other expeditions to explore Antarctica


The correct answer is A.

Although Shackleton's mission to cross Antarctica by foot was not successful, the Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition is still considered a milestone in expedition history because Shackleton was able to bring all 27 of his crew members back alive despite the many challenges they faced. After their ship, the Endurance, became trapped in ice and was eventually destroyed, the crew was forced to survive in Antarctica for many months before being rescued. Shackleton's leadership, decision-making skills, and commitment to the well-being of his crew members have been praised as examples of exceptional leadership in extreme conditions.

While the crew did explore previously unknown parts of Antarctica, they did not make any significant scientific discoveries or find any new species, so option B and C are not correct. The expedition did inspire other explorers to venture into Antarctica, but this was not the main reason why the Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition is considered a milestone in expedition history, so option D is not correct either.

Which piece of text evidence best supports the answer to the previous question?
"Yes, mechanics and sailors, some others, were incensed against the British." (Paragraph
"Excluded from the militia were friendly Indians, free Negroes, white servants, and free
white men who had no stable home." (Paragraph 5)
"Shy's study of the Peterborough contingent shows that the prominent and substantial
citizens of the town had served only briefly in the war." (Paragraph 9)
"The military conflict itself, by dominating everything in its time, diminished other
issues, made people choose sides in the one contest that was publicly important, forced
people onto the side of the revolution whose interest in Independence was not at all
obvious." (Paragraph 10)



The piece of text evidence that best supports the answer to the previous question is:

"The military conflict itself, by dominating everything in its time, diminished other issues, made people choose sides in the one contest that was publicly important, forced people onto the side of the revolution whose interest in Independence was not at all obvious." (Paragraph 10)


The previous question is not mentioned in the current conversation, but assuming it refers to a question about a topic related to the excerpt, this piece of text evidence best supports an answer related to the impact of the military conflict on the American Revolution. The excerpt explains how the military conflict dominated the time, forcing people to choose sides in the one contest that was publicly important, and how this caused people to support the revolution, even if they were not initially interested in independence. This shows the significance of the military conflict and how it influenced the outcome of the American Revolution.

Jared stood in line at the grocery store for 320 seconds. Now, he has to push his shopping
cart 6.6 meters to his car. If he pushes the cart at 1.2 meters per second toward his car, how
long will it take him to push the cart to his car?


According to the question It will take Jared 5.5 seconds to push the cart to his car.

What is cart?

Cart is a type of software used to make online shopping easier. It is a virtual shopping cart that customers can add items to when they are ready to purchase. It allows customers to review their selections, make changes, and purchase items all in one place. Cart software usually includes features such as payment processing, shipping, and taxes. It is designed to help customers make quick and easy purchases online while providing a secure environment.

This can be calculated by dividing the distance to the car (6.6 meters) by the speed at which Jared is pushing the cart
(1.2 meters per second) to get the total time it will take Jared to push the cart
(6.6 meters / 1.2 meters per second
= 5.5 seconds).
It will take Jared 5.5 seconds to push the cart to his car.

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Which sentence would be best to add following sentence 9 to support the author's claim that social media hasdriven people to respond impulsively?O A. We usually receive a response from someone within seconds, giving us instant gratification.OB.Our comments are even more automatic when the information is personal.OC. Our response usually requires no wait time, no reflection, and no filter.O D. We need to respond because it's in our nature. describe the stages leading to formation of a detrital sedimentary rock: e.g. weathering, erosion, transportation, deposition, compaction, and lithification. at what stage does compaction and lithification occur? what factors must a company consider when evaluating training resources? (select all that apply.) multiple select question. manager interest training expertise time budget The area along a warm front is best described by which of the following?a) wind shifting and strong, warm air abruptly lifted by colder airb) an area of clear skies and north windsc) mT air mass, warm, wet, and humid from Gulf statesd) warm air being lifted gently and steadily over cooler air a random variable x is uniformly distributed between 45 and 150. what is the probability of xbegin mathsize 12px style less or equal than end style60? a nurse chooses a quiet, private area to conduct an end-of-shift report to the oncoming nurse. following this procedure is necessary because of what ethical problem in nursing? what is an advantage of direct marketing? multiple choice question. it can be customized to match the needs of a target in the seventeenth century, widespread political participation of males in new england town meetings led to the nurses on a surgical unit are in the process of implementing change while utilizing the pdsa cycle. which factor will help increase the success of this change? a client is suspected to have rheumatoid arthritis. which manifestations does the nurse assess this client carefully for? jane is a 15-year-old high school student. she runs with a bad crowd that frequently engages in petty criminal behavior. assume jane is apprehended after engaging in various misdemeanors. she may be prosecuted in the adult justice system without any involvement of the juvenile court system if the offenses in which she engaged are: a wooden artifact from an ancient tomb contains 70% of the carbon-14 that is present in living trees. how long ago was the artifact made? consider nick and his actions in this chapter. what is nick starting to understand about the people around him and their secrets? what does he choose to do with the information that he has? What are the coordinates of the vertices of the figure after a reflection across y=2: G (-3,3), H (-2,5), I (1,1) Which of the following would have lost political power with reapportionment?A.rural farmersB.white progressivesC.urban dwellersD.black voters what is the purpose of including the story about the blacksmith? what is he trying to show us about the way of life? explain in 1-2 sentences (minimum). an economy in which elements of both private enterprise and government intervention are present is known as: Explain the comparative uses of the USDA Hardiness Zones and the Koppen-Geiger Scale. what tools are typically used for transferring small amounts of bacteria from one culture medium to another? multiple select question. inoculating needle a 70.0-g arrow, fired at a speed of 115 m/s to the left, impacts a tree, which it penetrates to a depth of 12.2 cm before coming to a stop. assuming the force of friction exerted by the tree is constant, what are the magnitude and direction of the friction force acting on the arrow?