From the context, the reader can determine that the
word i' means
O it.


Answer 1


IS the answer because our English teacher taught us

Answer 2


Read the passage from Hamlet, Act I, Scene v.

Hamlet: Why, right; you are i’ the right;

From the context, the reader can determine that the word i’ means: IN


Related Questions

What is one way to correct a sentence fragment?​



delete unnecessary information from the sentence


Read this excerpt from “The Medicine Bag.”

“I sent your mother and sister away. What you will hear today is only for a man’s ears. What you will receive is only for a man’s hands.” He fell silent and I felt shivers down my back.

Which conclusion can be drawn from Grandpa’s dialogue in this excerpt?

A) Grandpa does not trust Martin’s mom and sister.
B) Martin’s anticipation of owning the medicine bag pleases Grandpa.
C) Grandpa’s culture has strict rules about gender roles.
D) Martin is not old enough to carry on his ancestors’ traditions.


Grandpa's is it right or wrong culture has strict rules about gender roles.

Answer: Grandpa's culture has strict rules about gender roles.

Please help!! I put a picture of what i need help with!


could you please provide the question?

"Which is the bliss of solitude" what figurative language is this?


Paradox! This is because bliss contradicts solitude, since bliss cannot be solidarity

definition of reliability. will give brainliest!


Answer: The quality of being trustworthy or of performing consistently well.

Explanation: Hope this helps :)

Which historical detail can best help clarify a reader’s understanding of the information in the excerpt?



the answer is A :  Immigrant factory workers who spoke the same language were separated from each other at work.


workers who spoke the same language were sperated while they worked everday  i hope i helped !!




Just took the test

In at least 200 words, explain the central message of Edwards's sermon.



The sermon contains three key themes: Corrupt sinners face a fearful judgment. Time is short for the unrepentant: God's righteous wrath will come suddenly and unexpectedly. It's only God's free choice that extends the day of mercy and provides another opportunity to respond to his call.

Jonathan Edwards's sermon "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" provides a glimpse into the way sermons were written and delivered during the Great Awakening. In this text, Edwards argues that nothing keeps wicked men out of hell, except for the pleasure of God. He is able to cast any person, at any point, into hell. God is as angry at the wicked people on Earth as he is at the wicked people in Hell, and so, they should repent soon, as they never know when their own judgement day might come.


What does the following paragraph mainly reveal about the character of Antonio?
The evening before the big fight, Tony made his way to the roof of his tenement. In the quiet early dark, he peered over the ledge. Six stories
below the lights of the city blinked and the sounds of cars mingled with the curses and the laughter of children in the street. He tried not to think
of Felix, feeling he had succeeded in psyching his mind. But only in the ring would he really knor. To spare Felix hurt, he would have to knock
him out, early and quick



A. Tony worries about how to fight Felix without hurting him.





An index will probably have ___ a dictionary.

A. The same number of entries as

B. More entries than

C. Fewer entries than

D. The exact same entries as





Which of the following should you avoid
when writing under pressure?



To avoid feeling overwhelmed by a writing task, consider adopting these eight (admittedly not-so-simple) strategies. Slow down. Define your task. Divide your task. Budget and monitor your time. Relax. Get it down. Review. Edit.


Directions: Read the following poem and select the correct answer. Remember to add your answer choice and explanation of why you chose that answer in the box below.

from Sonnet 130

I have seen roses damasked, red and white,

But no such roses see i in [my mistress's] cheeks;

And in some perfumes is there more delight

Than in the breath that from her reeks.

I love to hear her speak, yet well i know

That music hath a far more pleasing sound;

I grant I never saw a goddess go;

My mistress, when she walks, treads upon the ground.

And yet, by heaven, I think my love as rare

As any she belied with false compare

1. Which quotation best states the speaker's insistence about the truth of poetry?

A. I have seen roses damasked, red and white,

B. I love to hear her speak, yet well I know

C. My mistress, when she walks, treads upon the ground.

2. Lines 9-10 build upon the theme of--

F. the superiority of real love over idealized love

G. roses, perfume, and music as proper comparisons for a love

H. the poets love for a very special person





Questions 10–19: List the adjectives you find in the following sentences. After each adjective, write the noun it modifies. Be sure to include articles as adjectives.

10. A strange light shone in the western sky.

11. Our friend took a small boat down the turbulent river.

12. By late August, the brief northern summer had ended.

13. Stinging snow and strong winds lashed the brave rescuers.

14. Quick and efficient workers cleared the long runway.

15. Violent storms have affected the radio signals.

16. Intensive study helped Heather to win the gold medal.

17. The silver rays of the bright moon were reflected in the clear waters of the little lake.

18. The naval convoys brought in new supplies.

19. Heavy sleds hauled the equipment across the frozen tundr



10.A, strange (light); the, western (sky)

11.Our (friend); a, small (boat); the, turbulent (river)

12.late (August); the, brief, northern (summer)

13.Stinging (snow); strong (winds); the, brave (rescuers)

14.Quick, efficient (workers); the, long (runway)

15.Violent (storms); the, radio (signals)

16.Intensive (study); the, gold (medal)

17.The, silver (rays); the, bright (moon); the, clear (waters); the, little (lake)

18.The, naval (convoys); new (supplies)

19.Heavy (sleds); the (equipment); the, frozen (tundra)

Sometimes it’s hard to do this when you are involved in the situation. A introspection B spectacle C circumspect D speculate



A. introspection


the examination or observation of one's own mental and emotional processes.

Which scenario portrays a round character?


A a remake of the first episode in a row in bed and

How does the tone of “A Decade” change near the end of the story?



It changes from melancholy to pleasant.


It just DOES. XD

Create a found poem with “what happened during the ice storm”




The freezing rain kept coming down.

As cold as ice. As cold as snow.

It just kept coming down.

Nothing to do about the storm.

It just kept coming down.

Eyelids kept freezing shut.

Even animals found it cold.

It just kept coming down.

I give people permission to use this answer. FOR SCHOOL ONLY

This is my poem version of "what happened during the ice storm" By Jim Heynen. Hope it helps! TTYL! ;D

The poem wants to analyze your ability to write a found poem. For that reason, it's not right for me to write this poem for you, but I'll show you how to write it.

First, you need to know that a found poem is a poem that uses words presented in another text, in its composition.

In this case, you must write your poem, as follows:

Note the words presented in the sentence shown in the question above.Create a short story, which you can present in verse and the words of that sentence can fit together.Write each verse/line using a word from the sentence.End the lines with the same sound, if you want the poem to have rhymes, if you don't want to, you can end the lines with the sound you find most appropriate.

More information:


Don't give wrong answers or else you will be warned. Write a story starting with the following lines. ( no romance included)
The hospital is stuffy and the air has an undertone of bleach. the walls are magnolia and are scraped in places from the hundreds of trolleys. that have bumped into them. The picture in the wall are cheap benign prints of uplifting scenes and above the double doors are large blue plastic signs with the areas of hospital lie ahead.


No one really goes in that direction Eleanor the hospital’s janitor it’s really the only one we see go on that side of the hospital now that I think about it no one really goes in and out of that side at all except for Eleanor I Wonder what’s over there maybe she’s hiding something. Yes that keeping record of every time she goes in the front of the hospital maybe I shouldn’t but if I should maybe I can find something. It’s been a week Eleanor calls on that side of the hospital at the same time every day now I’m curious somethings up! When you walk down the hallway once you open those double doors it is so cold So Windy of course there’s no windows it’s a closed hallway, of course but, all the doors to the rooms are closed. where is the wind coming from there’s no vents in the hallway I go back to the old doors where I entered and, they’re locked!


A, B, and C


edge assignment 2021

Who influences our thoughts



people around us


Answer: Our thoughts are influenced by what we see, hear, feel, touch, and taste as well as by blogs, books, music, movies, and memes. Our thoughts create our beliefs, which form our values, and dictates our behavior.

What inference can be made about Mrs. Flowers based on what she says to Mrs. Henderson? Mrs. Flowers is aware of how other people feel. Mrs. Flowers is not impressed by Mrs. Henderson’s work. Mrs. Flowers is interested in learning how to sew. Mrs. Flowers is jealous when other people are proud.


Hello. This question is incomplete. The full question is:

Read the passage, and highlight the words spoken by Mrs. Flowers. "I don't need to see the inside, Mrs. Henderson, I can tell . . ." But the dress was over my head and my arms were stuck in the sleeves. Momma said, "That'll do. See here, Sister Flowers, I French-seams around the armholes." Through the cloth film, I saw the shadow approach. "That makes it last longer. Children these days would bust out of sheet-metal clothes. They so rough." "That is a very good job, Mrs. Henderson. You should be proud. You can put your dress back on, Marguerite." —I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, Maya Angelou What inference can be made about Mrs. Flowers based on what she says to Mrs. Henderson? Mrs. Flowers is aware of how other people feel. Mrs. Flowers is not impressed by Mrs. Henderson’s work. Mrs. Flowers is interested in learning how to sew. Mrs. Flowers is jealous when other people are proud.


Mrs. Flowers is aware of how other people feel.


By reading the text shown in the question above, we can see that Mrs. Flowers has a wit and sensitivity towards the feelings and emotions of the people around her. She is aware of how people feel, even if they don't say it, and she does it through observation and reasoning. This is very evident in the line "That is a very good job, Mrs. Henderson. You should be proud. You can put your dress back on, Marguerite."


Mrs. Flowers is aware of how other people feel.


[Lord of the Flies]

Which piece of evidence best supports the idea that dehumanization increases immoral behavior?

“When given an order by someone in authority, people would deliver what they believed to be extreme levels of electrical shock to other study participants who answered questions incorrectly.” (Paragraph 4)

“Bandura found students were more apt to deliver what they believed were increased levels of electrical shock to the other students if they had heard them called ‘animals.’” (Paragraph 8)

“The experiment showed that institutional forces and peer pressure led normal student volunteer guards to disregard the potential harm of their actions on the other student prisoners.” (Paragraph 14)

“‘You don't need a motive,’ Zimbardo said. ‘All you really need is a situation that facilitates moving across that line of good and evil.’” (Paragraph 15)


Paragraph 4 gives more evidence, into the psychology behind LOTF

Highlight details that reveal family relationships among the Haida. Raven crept into the chief's dwelling. He appeared as a baby, with raven hair and black eyes. The chief's daughter adopted the child, never knowing that he was in fact Raven the trickster. The daughter loved the child, but soon the baby began to cry. The Sky Chief did whatever he could to comfort his new grandson, but the baby was inconsolable. Finally, to appease the child, he gave him a small box to play with. —"The Raven and the First Men: The Beginnings of the Haida" What inference about Haida families can be drawn from the actions of the Sky Chief?



The inference about Haida families that can be drawn from given instance is that families were close, and grandparents lived in the same house or nearby.


'The Raven and the First Men: The Beginnings of the Haida' is a creation mythology according to Natives of Pacific Northwest Coast. In the story, a Raven takes the form of a human baby and was adopted by a Sky Chief's little girl.

From the given excerpt, one can infer about Haida families that they lived nearby each other or in the same houses. The Haida families were close to each other as evident in the case of the Sky Chief, grandfather of the 'baby' residing in the same house.

Therefore, the correct answer is that tha Haida families were close to each other and grandparents lived either in the same house as their children or to nearby place.




Read the short passage from Jane Austen's novel Persuasion. The passage is too short to show definitely which point of view Austen is using, but readers can eliminate some points of view even in this short excerpt. Which points of view could be used in Persuasion based on this short passage? Select all that apply.

"Vanity was the beginning and the end of Sir Walter Elliot's character; vanity of person and of situation. He had been remarkably handsome in his youth; and, at fifty-four, was still a very fine man. Few women could think more of their personal appearance than he did, nor could the valet of any new made lord be more delighted with the place he held in society. He considered the blessing of beauty as inferior only to the blessing of a baronetcy; and the Sir Walter Elliot, who united these gifts, was the constant object of his warmest respect and devotion."

a) limited omniscient point of view
b) omniscient point of view
c) second-person point of view
d) first person point of view


Answer: The answer is B                        




i think 3


The running back deftly evaded the opposing team on the football field. Would he be surprised if the coach called him clumsy? Why or why not?​



No, he would not be called clumsy


The word "deft" means he is precise, skillful, and quick in movement; "evaded" means to escape or avoid, especially by cleverness or trickery.

He is surprised if the coach called him clumsy no, because of the work that he has done.

Who is a coach?

Head coaches lead, instruct, inspire, and manage their teams. They can work with kids, seniors, and amateur or commercial players, relying on their expertise, credentials, and interest. Sports managers instruct players, decide on strategies and lineups, and motivate them.

The adjectives "deft" and "evaded" describe someone who is accurate, skilled, and quick on their feet, respectively. They were always treated as people who are smart and the goal is important in this passage. This will be termed an important aspect of the passage.

The planning, organizing, and delivery of a suitable selection of sporting events and programs for both people and teams are within the purview of coaches. Educating pertinent talents, strategies, and tactics is a typical responsibility.

Learn more about coach, here:



Mr. Baum's stories were pure
fantasy, so when he walked down
the street in his finely tailored suit,
children clamored in his wake.

Excerpt from the wonderful author of oz


I never read that book or passage sorry

MRS. HALE. Duty’s all right, but I guess that deputy sheriff that came out to make the fire might have got a little of this on. (Gives the roller towel a pull.) Wish I’d thought of that sooner. Seems mean to talk about her for not having things slicked up when she had to come away in such a hurry.

a possible advantage of hearing this scene, as opposed to reading it silently, is that ;

A. Readers can better visualize what each of the characters looks like.
B. trivial lines of dialogue can be skipped without causing confusion.
C. various sound effects can be used to create or enhance the mood.
D. different lighting techniques can be used to heighten the conflict.



C. various sound effects can be used to create or enhance the mood.


A possible advantage of hearing this scene, as opposed to reading it silently, is that various sound effects can be used to create or enhance the mood. Thus, option C is correct.

What is a scene ?

A scene is a little dramatic section that appears in a longer story. Stories are constructed from scenes. The majority of stories consist of a number of scenes which thus progress the narrative in various settings. There are times when a collection of short stories will just contain one scene.

In this scene, the duty of Mrs HALE is being talked about. It also talked about the sheriff and how he came when the fire was there. As saying a narrative will help them to understand what the situation was.

Also the sound effects can enhance or change the mood for top can also help in recognising what is happening in the scene.

Therefore, option C is the correct option.

Learn more about scene , here:



my brain is exhuasted from all of this schooling bro but aye you know you gotta do what you gotta do to graduate you know





bro bro bro i feel u.

Lamb to the Slaughter
By Roald Dahl


Answer: C

Explanation: APEX


The perfect murder


What is an example of situational irony in the excerpt?

Her great tragedy happened just three years ago,
said the child; 'that would be since your sister's time."
''Her tragedy?' asked Framton; somehow in this
restful country spot tragedies seemed out of place."
"She rattled on cheerfully about the shooting and the
scarcity of birds, and the prospects for duck in the
winter. To Framton it was all purely horrible."
***I hope you don't mind the open window,' said Mrs.
Sappleton briskly; 'my husband and brothers will be
home directly from shooting, and they always come in
this way.





I hope you don't mind the open window,' said Mrs. Sappleton briskly; 'my husband and brothers will be home directly from shooting, and they always come in this way. Therefore, the correct option is option A among all the given options.

What is an excerpt?

An excerpt is indeed a quotation from that other resource that the author introduces with fresh language in a sentence. This phrase is taken from Thomas Jefferson's 1801 inaugural speech: As he warned his audience, "I may often go wrong by defect of judgement," Jefferson admitted the fallibility of human nature. "I shall frequently err through lack of judgement" is the excerpt.

This is a brief passage from a lengthy work, hence being an excerpt first from Declaration of Independence: "When it comes to necessary for one nation to cut the political ties that have bound them to another, and also to assume among powers of the world," says the philosopher Aristotle. I hope you don't mind the open window,' said Mrs. Sappleton briskly; 'my husband and brothers will be home directly from shooting, and they always come in this way.

Therefore, the correct option is option D.

To know more about excerpt, here:



Fill in the blank questions usually require ______ in the answer.
A) one key word
B) a list of vocabulary
C) complete sentences
D) none of these



Fill in the blank questions usually require one key word in the answer.

Fill-in-the-blank questions usually require one keyword in the answer.

What are Fill-In-The-Blank-Type Questions?

Those are questions that may include a sentence or maybe a paragraph with a blank area. This area represents a word, variety, image, or maybe a word that the dressmaker has overlooked for a reason. The learner is required to fill this blank.

Is a fill within the clean query is considered a reaction question?

Fill inside the clean question is considered a reaction question. A check's guidelines regularly make clear any questions a student would possibly have approximately answering a reaction query.

Learn more about Fill-in-the-blank questions here: https://brainly.com/question/24756995


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