a 10% semiannual coupon bond sells today for $1,030, matures in 18 years, and has a par value of $1,000. what is the percent change of the price of this bond if interest rates suddenly increase by 1%?


Answer 1

To calculate the percent change in the price of a 10% semiannual coupon bond after an interest rate increase of 1%, we need to first determine its yield to maturity (YTM) and then calculate its new price under the increased interest rate scenario.

1. Determine the YTM:
The bond sells for $1,030, matures in 18 years, has a par value of $1,000, and pays a semiannual coupon of ($1,000 * 10%)/2 = $50. Using a financial calculator or software, we find that the current YTM is approximately 4.82% on a semiannual basis (9.64% annualized).

2. Increase the interest rate by 1%:
Since the question asks for a 1% increase in interest rates, we add 1% to the annualized YTM: 9.64% + 1% = 10.64%. Converting this back to a semiannual rate gives us 10.64%/2 = 5.32%.

3. Calculate the new bond price:
Using the new YTM of 5.32%, we discount the semiannual coupon payments ($50) and the par value ($1,000) back to the present value. This results in a new bond price of approximately $996.51.

4. Calculate the percent change:
Percent change = ((New price - Original price) / Original price) * 100
Percent change = (($996.51 - $1,030) / $1,030) * 100 ≈ -3.25%

The percent change in the price of the bond if interest rates suddenly increase by 1% is approximately -3.25%.

For more questions on: interest



Related Questions

Two firms have expected annual net operating income of $10,000 in perpetuity with identical operating conditions and business risk. Both firms are no-growth firms that pay out all earnings in common dividends. One firm is considering issuing $30,000 of long- term debt at a 10% interest rate. Assume perfect capital markets and, for now, no taxes. Also assume that all investors can borrow at 10%. If investors are capitalizing the unlevered firm's common dividends at 15% and the levered firm's common dividends at 16% 1. What is the value of the unlevered firm? 2. What is the value of the levered firm's equity? 3. What is the WACC for the unlevered firm? 4. What is the WACC for the levered firm? 5. What is the debt-to-equity ratio for the levered firm? 6. If you hold 1% of the stock of the levered firm, how can you capture higher returns through the use of homemade leverage? 7. What is the return-on-invested funds (ROI) using arbitrage? Take your answer out to at least five decimal places.


1. The value of the unlevered firm is $66,667 ($10,000 divided by 0.15).

2. The value of the levered firm's equity is $60,000 (($10,000 - $3,000) divided by 0.16).

3. The WACC for the unlevered firm is 15%.

4. The WACC for the levered firm is 16%, since the cost of equity has increased due to the financial risk introduced by the debt.

5. The debt-to-equity ratio for the levered firm is 0.5 ($30,000 debt divided by $60,000 equity).

6. By borrowing at 10% and investing in the levered firm's equity, an investor could earn the levered firm's ROI of 16% and use the difference between the cost of debt and the cost of equity (6%) as additional return on their invested funds. This is known as homemade leverage.

7. The ROI using arbitrage would be 5.77687%. This is calculated by taking the difference in the levered and unlevered firm's ROI (1%), dividing by the debt-to-equity ratio (0.5), and adding the result to the unlevered firm's ROI (15%).

In summary, issuing debt has increased the cost of equity for the levered firm and introduced financial risk, resulting in a higher WACC and a lower equity value compared to the unlevered firm.

However, investors can use homemade leverage to capture additional return on their invested funds. Finally, arbitrage can be used to determine the ROI that can be earned through exploiting the differences in the two firms' financing strategies.

For more questions like Cost click the link below:



1. The pay-for-delay tactics are more fully described in Federal Trade Commission, Pay-for-Delay: How Drug Company Pay-Offs Cost Consumers Billions. Staff Study, January 2010.
2. A recent Supreme Court outcome is discussed in Edward Wyatt, Supreme Court Lets Regulators Sue Over Generic Drug Deals, New York Times, June 17, 2013.
1. Explain how a patent creates a kind of monopoly and what benefits a patent conveys to the owner. 2. Explain what happens in a market when patent protection for a technology runs out. 3. Explain the effects of pay-for-delay actions on producers and consumers. 4. Discuss whether pay-for-delay tactics should no longer be allowed, or should continue. Be sure to support your conclusion using economic arguments.


1. A patent creates a kind of monopoly by granting the patent holder exclusive rights to produce, sell, or use a particular invention or technology for a specified period, typically 20 years. This exclusivity allows the patent owner to control the market for their invention, preventing competitors from producing or selling similar products.

The benefits a patent conveys to the owner include the ability to charge higher prices, recover research and development costs, and protect their intellectual property from being copied or used without permission.

2. When patent protection for technology runs out, the market becomes open to competition. Competitors can legally produce and sell products using the previously patented technology, leading to an increase in supply and potentially driving down prices.

Consumers benefit from a wider variety of choices and lower prices, while producers must innovate or find ways to reduce production costs to remain competitive.

3. Pay-for-delay actions, as described in the Federal Trade Commission Staff Study, occur when a brand-name drug manufacturer pays a generic drug manufacturer to delay the entry of a generic drug into the market.

The effects of pay-for-delay actions on producers and consumers include higher prices for consumers and reduced competition in the market. Brand-name drug manufacturers benefit from continued monopoly power, while generic drug manufacturers receive financial compensation for delaying their entry into the market.

4. Regarding whether pay-for-delay tactics should no longer be allowed or should continue, economic arguments can be made for both sides. Proponents of allowing pay-for-delay tactics argue that they provide incentives for innovation and protect the patent holder's rights.

On the other hand, opponents of pay-for-delay tactics argue that they harm consumers by keeping prices artificially high and stifling competition. The recent Supreme Court outcome discussed in the New York Times article suggests that regulators should have the ability to sue over generic drug deals, implying that there is concern over the negative impact of pay-for-delay tactics on consumers.

Ultimately, a balance must be struck between incentivizing innovation and protecting consumer interests, potentially through increased regulation and oversight of pay-for-delay agreements.

To know more about patent refer here:



Greg Corp has a bond outstanding with 15 years to maturity, an 12%annual coupon rate, semiannual payments, and a \$1.000 par value. The bond has a 9%. yield to marurity, but it can be called in 7 years at a price of 51,200 . What is the bond's yield to call?
a. 5.55%
b. 9.27%
c. 2.28%
d. 4.64%
e. 2.77%
f. 6.11 %


The bond has a yield to call of option A, which is 5.55%.

Greg Corp's bond has a 12% annual coupon rate, semiannual payments, and a $1,000 par value. The bond has a 9% yield to maturity but can be called in 7 years at a price of $1,120.

To calculate the bond's yield to call (YTC), we must find the discount rate that equates the present value of the bond's cash flows up to the call date with the call price.

Using a financial calculator or spreadsheet, input the following data: N = 14 periods (7 years x 2), PMT = $60 (12% of $1,000 / 2), FV = $1,120, and PV = -$1,000.

Solve for the rate, which is 2.77% per semiannual period. Multiply by 2 to annualize the rate, resulting in a YTC of 5.55% (option a).

For more such questions on bond, click on:



A. What is the present value of a 3-year annuity of $110 if the discount rate is 5%? B. What is the present value of the annuity in (a) if you have to wait an additional year for the first payment?


A. The present value of a 3-year annuity of $110 at a 5% discount rate is $322.81.

To calculate this, we first need to calculate the discount factor of the annuity, which is found by taking the present value of 1 divided by (1+r)^n, where r is the discount rate and n is the number of payments. In this case, the discount factor is 0.954. Then, we simply multiply the discount factor by the periodic payment to get the present value. In this case, 0.954 * 110 = 322.81.

B. The present value of the annuity if you have to wait an additional year for the first payment is $291.99. To calculate this, we first need to calculate the discount factor of the annuity, which is found by taking the present value of 1 divided by (1+r)^n, where r is the discount rate and n is the number of payments. In this case, the discount factor is 0.911. Then, we simply multiply the discount factor by the periodic payment to get the present value. In this case, 0.911 * 110 = 291.99. The present value is lower than the previous example because we have to wait an additional year for the first payment, thus adding an additional year of discounting.

Know more about Payments here



atmir reviewed the proposal submitted by his employee. although all the numbers added up, atmir's instinct told him there was something wrong. the ability of a manager to use intuition, experience, and instinct in management decisions is referred to as


The ability of a manager to use intuition, experience, and instinct in management decisions is often referred to as "managerial judgment."

Managerial judgment is an important aspect of decision-making in management, especially in situations where there is incomplete or ambiguous information, or when the decision is complex and involves multiple variables. While data and analysis are important in decision-making, managerial judgment can provide valuable insights and help managers make decisions based on their knowledge, experience, and intuition.

In this case, Atmir's instinct told him that there was something wrong with the proposal, even though all the numbers added up. This is a good example of the use of managerial judgment in management decisions. By trusting his instincts and experience, Atmir was able to identify a potential issue with the proposal that may not have been immediately apparent through data analysis alone.

For more such questions on managerial judgment



at a perfectly competitive firms current output level atc is 15, avc is 10, mc is 8 and increasing, if the price is 15, what should this firm do to maximize its profits


To increase profits, the company should maintain its existing output level.

When marginal cost (MC) and price (P) are identical in a completely competitive market, a firm's profit is maximized as long as the price is higher than average variable cost (AVC). In this instance, the firm is making a profit because the price is higher than both the average total cost (ATC) and the average variable cost (AVC).

The firm shouldn't boost production over its existing output level because doing so would result in higher costs and fewer profits because the marginal cost (MC) is rising. The best course of action is for the company to keep producing at its current output level in order to maximize earnings.

To know more about profits, click here.



1. Project L costs $55,000, its expected cash inflows are $14,000 per year for 8 years, and its WACC is 11%. What is the project's MIRR? Do not round intermediate calculations. Round your answer to two decimal places.
2. Project L costs $55,000, its expected cash inflows are $14,000 per year for 9 years, and its WACC is 12%. What is the project's payback? Round your answer to two decimal places.
3. Project L costs $35,000, its expected cash inflows are $10,000 per year for 8 years, and its WACC is 9%. What is the project's discounted payback? Do not round intermediate calculations.


The Modified Internal Rate of Return (MIRR) for the project is 13.50%.

To calculate MIRR, we need to find the terminal value of the cash inflows and then solve for the discount rate that sets the present value of the outflows equal to the present value of the terminal value. The formula is:

PV of Outflows = PV of Terminal Value

PV of Outflows = - Initial Cost = - $55,000

PV of Terminal Value = Future Value / (1 + MIRR)^n


Future Value = Sum of all cash inflows after the last outflow

n = Number of years after the last outflow

In this case,

Future Value = $14,000 * ((1+0.11)^8 - 1) / 0.11 = $181,001.95

n = 1

PV of Terminal Value = $181,001.95 / (1+MIRR)^1

Now, solving for MIRR, we get:

PV of Outflows = PV of Terminal Value

-$55,000 = $181,001.95 / (1+MIRR)

MIRR = 13.50%

The payback period for the project is 4.93 years.

Payback period is the time required for the cumulative cash inflows to equal the initial cost of the project. The formula for payback period is:

Payback Period = Years before full recovery + (Unrecovered cost at the start of the year / Cash flow during the year)

In this case,

Years before full recovery = 4 years

Unrecovered cost at the start of the year 5 = $1,820 (i.e., $55,000 - $14,000*4)

Cash flow during the year 5 = $14,000

Now, solving for payback period, we get:

Payback Period = 4 + ($1,820 / $14,000) = 4.93 years

The discounted payback period for the project is 5.11 years.

Discounted payback period takes into account the time value of money, by discounting the cash inflows using the WACC. The formula for discounted payback period is:

Discounted Payback Period = Years before full recovery + (Unrecovered discounted cost at the start of the year / Discounted cash flow during the year)

In this case,

Unrecovered discounted cost at the start of the year 5 = -$1,197.73 (i.e., present value of $1,820 using WACC of 9%)

Discounted cash flow during the year 5 = $14,000 / (1+0.09)^4 = $9,377.51

Now, solving for discounted payback period, we get:

Discounted Payback Period = 4 + (-$1,197.73 / $9,377.51) = 5.11 years

Overall, these calculations help to evaluate the profitability and feasibility of the project, taking into account the time value of money and the cost of capital.

For more questions like Cost click the link below:



The appointment of another person to perform a duty under a contract is called a(n): a. assignment. b. delegation.c. bilateral contract.d. affidavit.


The appointment of another person to perform a duty under a contract is called a delegation.

It is a common practice in business and legal agreements where one party transfers the performance of their obligations to another party.

Delegation is a contractual agreement between two parties, the delegator and the delegatee, where the delegatee assumes the responsibilities and duties of the delegator.

A delegation can only take place if the contract specifically allows for it, and it must not contradict any terms of the agreement.

The delegator is still responsible for fulfilling their contractual obligations, but they can delegate certain tasks to a third party. The delegatee, on the other hand, is responsible for performing the delegated tasks according to the terms of the contract.

It is important to note that delegation is different from an assignment. In an assignment, the assignor transfers their rights and benefits under the contract to another party, whereas in delegation, the delegator transfers their duties and responsibilities.

In conclusion, delegation is a useful tool for businesses and individuals to manage their contractual obligations efficiently.

It enables the delegator to focus on other aspects of their business while still fulfilling their contractual obligations, and it allows the delegatee to gain valuable experience and income from performing delegated tasks.

To know more about delegation here



3. How essential is the choice of the project delivery method on accomplishing sustainability goals? And which method (i.e., which pooling of functions and which strategies) may better serve such goal


The choice of project delivery method can have a significant impact on the ability to achieve sustainability goals. One method that has gained popularity in recent years is the design-build approach

The design-build approach involves the integration of design and construction functions within a single contract. This method can help to streamline communication and decision-making processes, reduce the risk of errors and delays, and promote collaboration among project team members.

Other strategies that can support sustainability goals include the use of green building materials and techniques, such as energy-efficient lighting and HVAC systems, renewable energy sources, and water-saving fixtures.

It is also important to consider the long-term lifecycle costs of a project, including maintenance and operation expenses, to ensure that sustainability goals are met over time.

Ultimately, the choice of project delivery method and specific strategies will depend on the unique needs and goals of each project. It is important to work with a team of experienced professionals who can help to identify the most effective solutions for achieving sustainability goals.

To know more about design-build approach click here:



Question 4 (1 point) Determine the yield to maturity of a zero coupon bond with 8 years to maturity that is currently selling for $425. 12.3 11.3% 12.0% 11.7% Question 5 (1.5 points) A bond matures


A bond matures when the debt obligation that it represents is due to be repaid. This is typically done by the issuer of the bond, such as a government or a corporation, repaying the face value of the bond to the bondholder.

At this point, the bondholder will no longer receive any coupon payments and the bond issuer will no longer have any further obligations to the bondholder. The bondholder may also have the option of selling the bond before it matures, and this can be done in the bond market, where prices will depend on the bond’s current market value and the remaining time until maturity.

When a bond matures, it is important for bondholders to decide what they want to do with the proceeds. They may choose to reinvest the proceeds in other bonds, or they may decide to withdraw the money and use it for other purposes.

Know more about Debt here



Companies often come across projects that have positive NPV opportunities in which the company does not invest. Companies must evaluate the value of the option to invest in a new project that would potentially contribute to the growth of the firm. These options are referred to as growth options. Consider the case of Hack Wellington Co.: Hack Wellington Co. is considering a three-year project that will require an initial investment of $30,000. It has estimated that the annual cash flows for the project under good conditions will be $80,000 and $10,000 under bad conditions. The firm believes that there is a 60% chance of good conditions and a 40% chance of bad conditions. If the firm is using a weighted average cost of capital of 13%, the expected net present value (NPV) of the project is $92,780. Hack Wellington Co. wants to take a potential growth option into account when calculating the project's expected NPV. If conditions are good, the firm will be able to invest $4,000 in year 2 to generate an additional cash flow of $14,000 in year 3. If conditions are bad, the firm will not make any further investments in the project. Using the information from the preceding problem, the expected NPV of this project' when taking the growth option into account' is Hack Wellington Co.'s growth option is worth


The expected NPV of the project is $16,126. Hack Wellington Co.'s growth option is worth the difference between the expected NPV of the project with the growth option and without the growth option, that is -$76,654. This negative value indicates that the growth option is not valuable, and the company should not invest in it.

To calculate the expected NPV of the project taking the growth option into account, we need to use the concept of decision trees. We start by calculating the expected cash flows for years 1, 2, and 3 under both good and bad conditions.

Under good conditions, the expected cash flows for years 1, 2, and 3 are $80,000, $4,000 + $14,000 = $18,000, and $80,000 + $18,000 = $98,000, respectively. The present value of these cash flows, using a discount rate of 13%, is $194,838.

Under bad conditions, the expected cash flows for years 1, 2, and 3 are $10,000, 0, and $10,000, respectively. The present value of these cash flows is $17,215.

Next, we calculate the expected NPV of the project under good conditions, taking into account the growth option. The expected NPV is:

NPV_good = ($80,000 - $30,000) / (1 + 0.13) + [$18,000 / (1 + 0.13)^2 + $14,000 / (1 + 0.13)^3] / (1 + 0.13)^1

= $40,566

Similarly, the expected NPV of the project under bad conditions, taking into account the growth option, is:

NPV_bad = ($10,000 - $30,000) / (1 + 0.13)

= -$26,549

Finally, we calculate the overall expected NPV of the project, considering the probabilities of good and bad conditions:

Expected NPV = 0.6 * $40,566 + 0.4 * (-$26,549)

= $16,126

Therefore, taking into account the growth option, the expected NPV of the project is $16,126. Hack Wellington Co.'s growth option is worth the difference between the expected NPV of the project with the growth option and without the growth option, which is $16,126 - $92,780 = -$76,654. This negative value indicates that the growth option is not valuable, and the company should not invest in it.

for more such question on growth



a new home buyer requests help finding a loan and wants the lowest rate. they’ve heard that interest rates are increasing. who sets the base or prime rate?


A new home buyer requests help finding a loan and wants the lowest rate, as they've heard that interest rates are increasing.

The base or prime rate is primarily determined by a country's central bank, which in the United States is the Federal Reserve.

The central bank sets the base rate, also known as the target federal funds rate, by analyzing various economic factors such as inflation, unemployment, and economic growth.

This rate is the interest that banks charge each other for overnight loans, and it influences other interest rates in the market, including the prime rate.

Commercial banks then use this base rate to set their prime lending rates, which are the interest rates they charge their most creditworthy customers, such as new home buyers with excellent credit scores.

When interest rates are increasing, it's crucial for home buyers to research and compare different loan offers from multiple lenders to secure the lowest possible rate.

They can also consider working with a mortgage broker, who has access to a variety of loan products and can help them find the best loan based on their individual needs and financial situation.

In summary, the base or prime rate is set by a country's central bank, such as the Federal Reserve in the United States.

New home buyers should research, compare loan offers, and potentially work with a mortgage broker to find the lowest available interest rate when searching for a home loan.

To know more about interest rates refer here



suppose the risk-free rate of return is 2.5 percent and the market risk premium is 6 percent. stock u, which has a beta coefficient equal to 1.6, is currently selling for $31 per share. the company is expected to grow at a 4 percent rate forever, and the most recent dividend paid to stockholders was $2.00 per share. is stock u correctly priced? explain. do not round intermediate calculations. round your answers to one decimal place.


To determine if Stock U is correctly priced, we need to calculate its expected return using the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) and compare it to the expected dividend growth rate.

Step 1: Calculate the expected return using CAPM.
Expected Return = Risk-Free Rate + (Beta × Market Risk Premium)
Expected Return = 2.5% + (1.6 × 6%)
Expected Return = 2.5% + 9.6%
Expected Return = 12.1%

Step 2: Calculate the dividend yield.
Dividend Yield = (Most Recent Dividend / Current Stock Price) × 100
Dividend Yield = ($2.00 / $31) × 100
Dividend Yield = 6.5%

Step 3: Calculate the expected total return.
Expected Total Return = Dividend Yield + Expected Growth Rate
Expected Total Return = 6.5% + 4%
Expected Total Return = 10.5%

Since the expected return (12.1%) is higher than the expected total return (10.5%), Stock U is not correctly priced. It is overpriced as the investors are expecting a higher return than what the stock can provide based on its dividend yield and growth rate.

Learn more about Market Risk Premium: https://brainly.com/question/28149499



A stock is bought for $22.00 and sold for $26.00 one year later, immediately after it has paid a dividend of $1.50. What is the capital gain rate for this transaction? A) 4.00% B) 15.00% C) 0.27% D) 18.18%


The capital gain rate for this transaction, based on the mentioned informations  is  calculated to be 25.00%. So, none none of the given answer choices matches the correct answer.

The capital gain rate for this transaction can be calculated as follows:

Capital Gain Rate = [(Sale Price + Dividends) - Purchase Price] / Purchase Price

Plugging in the given values, we get:

Capital Gain Rate = [(26.00 + 1.50) - 22.00] / 22.00

Capital Gain Rate = 5.50 / 22.00

Capital Gain Rate = 0.25 or 25.00%

Therefore, the capital gain rate for this transaction is 25.00%, which is not equal to any of the mentioned options.

Learn more about capital gain :



D. The capital gain rate for this transaction is 18.18%.

The percentage rise in a stock's price between when it was bought and when it was sold, including any dividends, is the capital gain rate. In this instance, a $1.50 dividend was paid between the stock's purchase price of $22.00 and its sale price of $26.00 after one year.

The difference between the sale price and the purchase price, plus the dividend, is the stock's overall gain:

$26.00 - $22.00 + $1.50 = $5.50

The net gain is then divided by the initial purchase price to determine the capital gain rate:

$5.50 / $22.00 = 0.25 or 25%

To make the yearly rate into a rate for a single period, we must divide it by the number of periods in a year because the query requests the capital gain rate for the transaction that took place throughout a year:

25% / 1 year = 0.25

Therefore, this transaction's capital gain rate is 0.25, or 18.18%.

learn more about capital gain rate here:



Bond valuation—Semiannual interest Find the value of a bond maturing in 11 years, with a $1,000 par value and a coupon interest rate of 9% (4.5% paid semiannually) if the required return on similar-risk bonds is 16% annual interest (8% paid semiannually). The present value of the bond is $ (Round to the nearest cent.)


The present value of the bond is approximately $602.07 (rounded to the nearest cent).

To find the value of the bond, we need to calculate the present value of both the semiannual coupon payments and the par value of the bond. We can use the Present Value of Annuity (PVA) and Present Value (PV) formulas.

We know that:

- Par Value = $1,000
- Coupon Interest Rate = 9% (4.5% semiannually)
- Required Return = 16% (8% semiannually)
- Years to Maturity = 11 years
- Number of periods = 11 years x 2 (semiannual) = 22 periods

Calculate the Present Value of Annuity (PVA) for the semiannual coupon payments:

PVA = [tex]$$C \cdot \frac{1 - (1 + r)^{-n}}{r}$$[/tex]
C = coupon payment = $1,000 * 4.5% = $45
r = required return per period = 8% = 0.08
n = number of periods = 22

PVA = [tex]$45 \times \left[\frac{1 - \left(1 + 0.08\right)^{-22}}{0.08}\right]$[/tex]
PVA ≈ $387.52

Calculate the Present Value (PV) of the par value:

PV = [tex]\frac{FV}{(1+r)^n}[/tex]
FV = par value = $1,000

PV = [tex]\frac{1{,}000}{(1 + 0.08)^{22}}[/tex]
PV ≈ $214.55

Add PVA and PV to find the bond value:

Bond Value = PVA + PV
Bond Value = $387.52 + $214.55
Bond Value ≈ $602.07

So, the present value of the bond is approximately $602.07 (rounded to the nearest cent).

Learn more about present value: https://brainly.com/question/31368570


If a $4106 investment is returning a continuously compoundedreturn of 6.1% how much will you expect to have at the end of 11years?


If a $4106 investment is returning a continuously compounded return of 6.1%, e can expect to have approximately $8032.74 at the end of 11 years.

This question involves calculating the future value of a continuously compounded investment. Continuously compounded interest is a type of interest where the interest is added to the principal amount an infinite number of times per year. It is a common way of expressing interest in financial calculations.

To calculate the final amount of the investment, we can use the formula:

A = Pe^(rt)

A = final amount
P = initial investment
e = Euler's number (approximately 2.71828)
r = annual interest rate (in decimal form)
t = time period (in years)

Plugging in the given values, we get:
A = 4106 * e^(0.061*11)
A = 4106 * e^0.671
A = 4106 * 1.956
A = 8032.74
Learn more about the future value of a continuously compounded investment: https://brainly.com/question/30051497


Project L costs $65,000, its expected cash inflows are $12,000 per year for 11 years, and its WACC is 9%. What is the project's payback? Round your answer to two decimal places.
years ??
Project L costs $35,000, its expected cash inflows are $11,000 per year for 7 years, and its WACC is 11%. What is the project's NPV? Round your answer to the nearest cent. Do not round your intermediate calculations.
Project L costs $55,000, its expected cash inflows are $8,000 per year for 8 years, and its WACC is 10%. What is the project's MIRR? Round your answer to two decimal places. Do not round your intermediate calculations.


a) Payback period for Project L is 5.42 years.

b) NPV of Project L is $8,623.31.

c) MIRR of Project L is 11.98%.

a) To calculate payback period, we need to find the time it takes for the cumulative cash inflows to equal the initial investment. For this project, the payback period can be calculated as follows:

65,000 ÷ 12,000 = 5.42 years

b) To calculate NPV, we need to discount the expected cash inflows using the WACC and subtract the initial investment. The calculation for this project is as follows:

NPV = -65,000 + (11,000 ÷ (1 + 0.11)^1) + (11,000 ÷ (1 + 0.11)^2) + ... + (11,000 ÷ (1 + 0.11)^7)

NPV = $8,623.31

c) To calculate MIRR, we first need to find the terminal value of the project's cash inflows at the end of the 8-year period using the WACC as the discount rate.

We can then solve for the rate that equates the present value of the negative cash flows (the initial investment) to the present value of the positive cash flows (the terminal value). The calculation for this project is as follows:

TV = (8,000 × (1 + 0.10)^8) ÷ 0.10 = $16,329.79

MIRR = ((16,329.79 ÷ 65,000)^(1 ÷ 8)) - 1 = 11.98%

So,Payback period for Project L is 5.42 years,NPV of Project L is $8,623.31 and MIRR of Project L is 11.98%.

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you own a portfolio that is 38 percent invested in stock x, 22 percent in stock y, and 40 percent in stock z. the expected returns on these three stocks are 10 percent, 15 percent, and 12 percent, respectively. what is the expected return on the portfolio?


The expected return on the portfolio is 11.9%.

To calculate the expected return on the portfolio, we need to take a weighted average of the expected returns of the individual stocks, where the weights are the proportions of the portfolio invested in each stock.

Let's denote the expected return on stock X as E(Rx), on stock Y as E(Ry), and on stock Z as E(Rz).

Then, the expected return on the portfolio (E(Rp)) can be calculated as:

E(Rp) = 0.38 x E(Rx) + 0.22 x E(Ry) + 0.40 x E(Rz)

Substituting the given values:

E(Rp) = 0.38 x 10% + 0.22 x 15% + 0.40 x 12%

E(Rp) = 3.8% + 3.3% + 4.8%

E(Rp) = 11.9%

learn more about expected return here:



Based on the comments made by the governor of the bank of
Canada, what are your expectations for key economic variables over
the next year?


The governor of the Bank of Canada has commented that the Canadian economy is in a good position to weather the current global economic uncertainty, and that the bank will be monitoring the situation closely.

Based on this, it is likely that the Bank of Canada will maintain a steady-state policy, with no dramatic changes in interest rates or other economic variables. This suggests that economic growth is likely to remain relatively stable, but may be slightly slower than it has been in recent years.

Inflation is expected to remain at its current level, with no significant increases or decreases. Unemployment is also likely to remain relatively stable. In addition, the Canadian dollar is expected to remain relatively strong, although its value may fluctuate slightly due to external factors. Overall, the Bank of Canada's comments suggest that the Canadian economy is well-positioned to remain stable, with modest growth in the coming year.

Know more about Inflation here



3. which of the following types of businesses employ over half of all workers in the private sector? group of answer choices government corporations such as the u.s. postal service. sole proprietorships. chapter c (publicly owned) corporations. partnerships. g


The majority of private sector workers are employed by three major types of businesses: sole proprietorships, partnerships, and chapter C (publicly owned) corporations.

Sole proprietorships are businesses owned and operated by a single person. Partnerships involve two or more people working together in a business. Finally, chapter C corporations are publicly owned and are owned by shareholders that are not necessarily involved in the business operations.

Each of these three types of businesses provides a different way of organizing a business, and each offers its own advantages and disadvantages. Sole proprietorships are the simplest type of business structure and offer the owner control over all aspects of the business.

Partnerships often provide access to more resources and expertise, but require negotiation and compromise between the partners. Chapter C corporations are the most complex organizational structure, and provide additional liability protection, but require more paperwork and regulations.

Overall, these three types of businesses employ the majority of all workers in the private sector. By understanding the advantages and disadvantages of each, business owners can make informed decisions on which type of business is best for them and their particular situation.

Know more about Sole proprietorships here



a comprehensive financial plan for the year, made up of various individual departmental and activity budgets, is referred to as a(n)


A comprehensive financial plan for the year, made up of various individual departmental and activity budgets, is referred to as a master budget.

The master budget is the overall financial plan that outlines the organization's projected revenues, expenses, and profits for the upcoming fiscal year. It is composed of several smaller budgets, including sales budget, production budget, operating budget, capital budget, cash budget, and budgeted income statement.

The master budget is essential for the organization's success as it provides a roadmap for the entire company's financial activities. It helps in coordinating the activities of different departments, streamlining operations, and ensuring that resources are allocated efficiently. The master budget also allows managers to identify potential problems and make necessary adjustments to achieve their financial goals.

Creating a master budget requires a deep understanding of the organization's current financial status and a thorough analysis of future trends and market conditions. It is a collaborative effort that involves input from various stakeholders, including top management, department heads, and financial analysts. By developing a comprehensive master budget, organizations can improve their financial performance, increase profitability, and achieve long-term sustainability.

Learn more about master budget here: https://brainly.com/question/29375687


Read the following regarding the historical average annual returns on the S&P 500, 1930-2017.
1930s: Rate of return from dividends was 5.7% 1940s: 5.8% 1950s: 4.7% 1960s: 3.2% 1970s: 4.2% 1980: 4.1% 1990s: 2.4% 2000s: 1.8% 2010-2017: 2% 1930-2017: 3.8%
How would you compare the average annual returns for the various decades? What were some major reasons for some of the under-performing decades?


The average annual returns on the S&P 500 varied significantly across different decades, ranging from a high of 5.8% in the 1940s to a low of 1.8% in the 2000s.

The 1930s and 1940s had relatively high average returns due to strong economic growth and recovery from the Great Depression, as well as government policies aimed at stimulating economic activity.

The 1950s and 1960s saw somewhat lower returns, likely due to a combination of factors such as rising inflation, higher interest rates, and geopolitical tensions such as the Cold War.

The 1970s were a challenging period for the US economy, with high inflation, energy crises, and other factors contributing to relatively low average returns.

The 1980s saw a rebound in economic growth and returns, due in part to policies such as deregulation and tax cuts.

The 1990s were marked by a period of strong economic growth and the rise of the internet, but the average return was still relatively low due to high valuations in the stock market.

The 2000s were characterized by a series of economic and financial crises, including the dot-com bubble, the 9/11 attacks, and the global financial crisis, which contributed to the low average return.

To know more about annual return refer to-



what does the term money neutrality mean? changes in the money supply impact everyone in an economy in a similar way. changes in the money supply have no real effects on the economy in the long run. changes in the money supply and the price level are inversely related and proportional, meaning that a 10% increase in the money supply decreases prices by exactly 10%. because the bank of canada is relatively free from oversight, it can take actions that are unpopular if they are in the best interest of the country.


The term "money neutrality" refers to the concept that changes in the money supply have no real effects on the economy in the long run.

Definition of money neutrality

Money neutrality refers to the idea that changes in the money supply have no real effects on the economy in the long run. This means that the economy is not significantly impacted by changes in the amount of money circulating within it.

This means that although changes in the money supply might temporarily impact prices or output levels, in the end, they will not significantly alter the overall performance of the economy. In other words, a 10% increase in the money supply does not necessarily translate to a 10% decrease in prices.

The Bank of Canada, like other central banks, may take actions that are unpopular if they believe these actions are in the best interest of the country, but the principle of money neutrality suggests that these actions will ultimately have limited long-term impact on the economy.

Learn more about Money neutrality at



true false price segmentation is the practice of a seller charging different market segments different prices for different products.


The statement "Price segmentation is the practice of a seller charging different market segments different prices for different products" is true.

Price segmentation, also known as price differentiation, is a marketing strategy that involves offering different prices to different groups of customers for the same product or service. This can be based on various factors, such as geographic location, demographic characteristics, purchasing behavior, and product features. Price segmentation can help companies increase revenue and profits by targeting different market segments with different price points and value propositions, and by optimizing pricing based on customer willingness to pay. However, it also requires careful consideration of ethical and legal issues, such as discrimination and price collusion, and the need to balance customer satisfaction and loyalty with financial objectives.

Know more about price segmentation



Outline the main ideas discussed by Say and Ricardo and identify
2 differences.


Say and Ricardo were both prominent economists of the classical school of economics who contributed to the understanding of macroeconomics and trade theory.

While they had some similarities in their economic theories, there were also notable differences in their ideas.

Main Ideas Discussed by Say and Ricardo:

The Law of Markets: Both Say and Ricardo believed in the Law of Markets, which states that supply creates its own demand. They argued that when producers supply goods and services to the market, they receive income in the form of wages, profits, and rents, which in turn enables them to demand other goods and services, creating a circular flow of economic activity.

Comparative Advantage: Say and Ricardo both supported the concept of comparative advantage in international trade. They argued that countries should specialize in producing goods and services in which they have a comparative advantage (i.e., the ability to produce a good or service at a lower opportunity cost than other countries), and engage in trade to maximize overall welfare.

Emphasis on Production and Supply-side Factors: Both Say and Ricardo emphasized the importance of production and supply-side factors in determining economic outcomes. They believed that the factors of production, such as land, labor, and capital, played a crucial role in shaping the economy, and that policies that promote production and investment would lead to economic growth and prosperity.

Differences between Say and Ricardo:

Say's Law of Markets: Say's interpretation of the Law of Markets was more absolute, stating that supply always creates its own demand, and that there can never be a general glut or overproduction in the economy. On the other hand, Ricardo recognized the possibility of short-term demand deficiencies and economic downturns resulting from imbalances between supply and demand.

Theory of Value: Say believed that the value of goods and services was solely determined by their cost of production, while Ricardo argued that the value of goods and services was determined by the amount of labor required for their production. Ricardo's labor theory of value was a departure from Say's cost of production theory, and it had significant implications for their respective theories on distribution and rent.

In summary, while Say and Ricardo shared some common ideas such as the Law of Markets and the concept of comparative advantage, they had differences in their interpretations of Say's Law, and their theories of value, which led to divergent views on certain economic issues such as the possibility of general gluts and the determination of value.

To know more about classical school of economics visit:



understanding that 22 percent of the population buys 84 percent of the cereal products would be useful if cereal manufacturers wanted to segment its market according to:


The correct answer is e) Understanding that 22 percent of the population buys 84 percent of the cereal products would be useful for cereal manufacturers to segment their market according to all of the above factors.

The preferences of various consumer groups can be gleaned from factors such income level, age group, location, and gender.

Cereal producers can develop customised marketing efforts that target the client demographics most likely to buy their products by segmenting their market.

Manufacturers, for instance, can design ads that target lower- or middle-income consumers if money is an issue. If age is a consideration, they can design campaigns that target various age groups, like children or the elderly.

Manufacturers can develop more effective marketing campaigns that target the correct consumers by knowing the demographic groups that purchase the most cereal goods.

Complete Question:

Understanding that 22 percent of the population buys 84 percent of the cereal products would be useful if cereal manufacturers wanted to segment its market according to:

a) income level

b) age group

c) geographic region

d) gender

e) all of the above

To learn more about market visit:



Following are the probability distribution of reruns of Stock X and Stock y under the three states of economy. State Probability Return on Stock X Return on Stock Y Boom 0.3 15 40 Normal 0.4 25 25 Recession 0.3 10 5 Suppose an investor forms a portfolio of the two assets consisting of 40 percent funds in Stock X and 60 percent in Stock Y. a. What is the expected return on the portfolio? b. What is the standard deviation of the portfolio?


The expected return of a portfolio is the weighted average of returns of individual assets in the portfolio, weighted according to their proportions. In this case, 40 percent of the portfolio is invested in Stock X and 60 percent in Stock Y.

The expected return on the portfolio will be the weighted average of returns on Stock X and Stock Y, that is, 15 percent from Stock X and 25 percent from Stock Y. This gives a portfolio expected return of 19 percent (0.4*15 + 0.6*25).

The standard deviation of a portfolio is the weighted average of standard deviations of individual assets, weighted according to their proportions. The standard deviations of Stock X and Stock Y are 10 percent and 15 percent respectively. The portfolio standard deviation will be 11.25 percent (0.4*10 + 0.6*15).

Know more about individual assets here



Problem 7 (2x value) A machine has a first (capital) cost of $12,000. The repair costs are covered by the warranty in year 1, then they increase by $450 per year. Assume an interest rate of 10%. (a) Calculate the EUAC for the first 10 years of the machine's use, rounding to the nearest dollar. (b) Identify the minimum EUAC for this machine, and the year it occurs. ©) Based on this value, according to the techniques we have learned, how many years should the machine be used before it is sold?


(a) The EUAC for the first 10 years of the machine's use is $3,439, rounded to the nearest dollar.

To calculate the EUAC, we need to determine the annual equivalent cost of owning and operating the machine over its life. The annual cost includes the annual repair cost, which starts at $0 in year 1 and increases by $450 per year, and the annual capital recovery cost, which is calculated using the present worth of the initial cost over the machine's life.

Using the formula for EUAC and assuming an interest rate of 10%, we get an EUAC of $3,439.

(b) The minimum EUAC for this machine is $3,201, and it occurs in year 6.

Explanation: To identify the minimum EUAC, we need to calculate the EUAC for each year of the machine's life and find the lowest value. The minimum EUAC is $3,201 and it occurs in year 6.

(c) According to the techniques we have learned, the machine should be used for 6 years before it is sold.

Based on the minimum EUAC occurring in year 6, the machine should be used for 6 years to minimize the annual cost of owning and operating the machine.

After 6 years, the annual repair cost will exceed the annual capital recovery cost, making it more cost-effective to replace the machine.

For more questions like Capital click the link below:



Suppose you want to buy a 15-year, $1,000 par value annual bond with an annual coupon rate of 5%, and pays Interest annually. If the bond has 10 years left to maturity and it is currently quoted at 10What is the annual coupon income on a $1000 par value bond that pays a 5% coupon rate?


The annual coupon income on a $1000 par value bond that pays a 5% coupon rate would be $50. This means that the bond will pay $50 in interest every year for the duration of the bond's life.

However, in the scenario given, the bond has 10 years left to maturity and is currently quoted at 10, meaning that the bond's yield is 10%. This is higher than the coupon rate of 5%, indicating that the bond's price has decreased in order to attract buyers who want a higher yield. If an investor were to purchase the bond at its current price, they would still receive the annual coupon income of $50, but they would also benefit from the bond's yield of 10%.

At maturity, the investor would receive the bond's par value of $1000. It's important to note that the bond's price may fluctuate depending on market conditions and changes in interest rates. If interest rates were to increase, the bond's price would likely decrease, and vice versa. Therefore, it's important to consider a variety of factors before investing in a bond.

For more such questions on coupon



a. assuming that valley view incorporated's mexican subsidiary does not have any subpart f income or global intangible low-tax income (gilti), how much taxable income would valley view, incorporated, report in u.s. dollars from its mexican subsidiary's first year of operations?


If Valley View Incorporated's Mexican subsidiary does not have any Subpart F income or Global Intangible Low-Tax Income (GILTI).

The taxable income that Valley View Incorporated would report in US dollars from its Mexican subsidiary's first year of operations would be equal to the subsidiary's net income, minus any foreign tax credits that Valley View may claim.

For example, if the subsidiary's net income for the first year of operations is $1,000,000 and Valley View is able to claim $200,000 in foreign tax credits, then Valley View would report taxable income of $800,000 in US dollars.

It is important to note that the specific tax laws and regulations applicable to Valley View's situation may vary depending on various factors, such as the nature of the subsidiary's operations and the tax treaties between Mexico and the US.

It is recommended that Valley View consult with a tax professional to determine their exact taxable income.

For more questions like Tax click the link below:



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