A body accelerates uniformly from rest at 2m/s^2. calculate the distance between the two points.


Answer 1

There are a few pieces of information missing in the problem statement that are necessary to solve the problem. i need to know the time interval over which the acceleration occurs or the final velocity reached by the body.

If we assume that the body accelerates uniformly from rest for a time of t seconds, then we can use the following kinematic equation:

d = (1/2)at^2

where d is the distance traveled, a is the acceleration, and t is the time interval.

Substituting the given values, we get:

d = (1/2)(2 m/s^2)t^2


d = t^2 m

Therefore, the distance between the two points depends on the time interval over which the acceleration occurs.

Related Questions

in proper paragraph form , exsplain the diffrence between the union and intersection of two sets


The union of two sets combines the theory of all the elements from both sets into a new set, while the intersection of two sets only includes the elements that are common to both sets.

In set theory, a union and intersection are two fundamental operations that can be performed on sets. The union of two sets A and B is a new set that contains all the elements that are in either set A or set B, or both. This operation is denoted by the symbol ∪.

On the other hand, the intersection of two sets A and B is a new set that contains all the elements that are in both set A and set B. This operation is denoted by the symbol ∩.

To understand the difference between the two operations, consider the following example:

Let A = {1, 2, 3} and B = {2, 3, 4}.

The union of A and B is the set {1, 2, 3, 4}, as it contains all the elements from both A and B.

The intersection of A and B is the set {2, 3}, as these are the only elements that are in both A and B.

In summary, the union of two sets combines all the elements from both sets into a new set, while the intersection of two sets only includes the elements that are common to both sets.

To know more about union and intersection, visit:



40 POINTS!!!

A wave travels along a stretched horizontal rope. The vertical distance from crest to trough for this wave is 18 cm and the horizontal distance from crest to trough is 26cm.

Part A
What is the wavelength of this wave?
Express your answer using two significant figures

Part B
What is the amplitude of this wave?
Express your answer using two significant figures.


part a.  the wavelength of this wave  is 26 cm

part b. The amplitude (A) of a wave is 9 cm

What is wavelength?

The wavelength (λ) of a wave is described as the distance between two consecutive points on the wave that are in phase.

In this scenario, the distance between two corresponding points on the wave will be equal to the horizontal distance from crest to trough, which is 26 cm.

Hence, the wavelength of the wave is: λ = 26 cm

The amplitude (A) of a wave is described as the maximum displacement of a particle from its rest position as the wave passes through it.

In this scenario, the vertical distance from crest to trough is 18 cm, which is equal to twice the amplitude.

Learn  more about  amplitude at:



which statement about magnets is correct


what are the options???????????

103. A uniform rod of length L and mass M is held vertically with one end resting on the floor as shown below. When the rod is released, it rotates around its lower end until it hits the floor. Assuming the lower end of the rod does not slip, what is the linear velocity of the upper end when it hits the floor?


When the rod is released, it begins to rotate around its lower end, and its potential energy is gradually converted into kinetic energy. At the instant just before it hits the floor.

What is  energy ?

Energy is the ability of a system to perform work. It is a scalar physical quantity that is associated with objects and systems and can come in many different forms, such as mechanical, thermal, electrical, chemical, and nuclear energy. Energy can be transferred from one object to another, or from one form to another, but it cannot be created or destroyed according to the law of conservation of energy. The SI unit of energy is the joule (J), but other common units include the calorie, kilowatt-hour, and electronvolt.

To know more about energy visit :



Two positively charged spheres are in deep space where gravity is negligible. The spheres are held in place near each other and then released from rest. What happens to the electric potential energy of the two-sphere system, and in what direction do the spheres move, after they are released?


The electric potential energy of the two-sphere system will be converted into kinetic energy as the spheres move away from each other. The direction of the spheres' movement will be away from each other, in opposite directions.

This is because the two positively charged spheres repel each other due to their like charges. As they move away from each other, the electric potential energy of the system decreases, while the kinetic energy of the spheres increases.

The law of conservation of energy dictates that the total energy of the system remains constant, but the energy is converted from potential to kinetic energy as the spheres move away from each other.

To know more about kinetic energy, visit:



What would be the intensity of a sound wave produced by a 150 Watt speaker from a distance of 5.8 meters? (write your answer to two digits)


The relationship between a sound wave's intensity and pressure amplitude (also known as pressure variation p) is. I is equal to (p) 2 2 v w, where is the thickness of the substance that the sound is contained in.

Describe a sound wave.

Hence, a sound wave is made up of periodically occurring compressions and compression and rarefaction, or areas of high and low pressure, that are travelling at a specific pace. In other words, it consists of a regular (i.e., oscillating or vibrating) change in pressure that takes place around the optimum pressure that is present at a specific time and location.

A sound wave is created by a speaker in what way?

A speaker creates a sound by vibrating a cone, which causes air molecules to vibrate. A speaker in Figure 17.2. 2 vibrates with a consistent frequency and amplitude, causing motions in the molecules of the surrounding air. The speaker transfers power to the air as it vibrates back and forth, primarily as thermal energy.

To know more about sound wave visit:



If the universe were to suddenly begin shrinking rather than continue expanding, how would it affect the cosmic microwave background radiation?
A. It would decrease in temperature.
B. It would blue-shift.
C. It would red-shift.
D. It would increase in temperature.


If the universe were to suddenly begin shrinking rather than continuing to expand, it would have a significant effect on the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMB).

The CMB is the afterglow of the Big Bang and is observed as a nearly uniform background radiation in all directions. It is thought to have been emitted when the universe was about 380,000 years old and had cooled enough for neutral atoms to form.

If the universe were to suddenly begin shrinking, the photons in the CMB would lose energy as they travel through the contracting space. This would cause the CMB radiation to shift to shorter wavelengths, which is known as blue-shifting.

Therefore, the correct answer is B. It would blue-shift.

The element of an electric fire with an output of 1.5kw is a cylinder 0.3m long and 0.04 in radius calculate temperature if it behave as black body


The temperature of the electric fire element is 18.3 K

How do we calculate?

We use the formula at:

P = σAT^4

where P=  power radiated,

A = surface area of the black body,

σ =Stefan-Boltzmann constant (5.67 × 10^-8 W/m^2K^4),

T = temperature in Kelvin.

P = 1500 W

The surface area of a cylinder is gotten by:

A = 2πrh + 2πr^2

A = 2π(0.04 m)(0.3 m) + 2π(0.04 m)^2

A = 0.0902 m^2

Substituting the values into the Stefan-Boltzmann law, we have:

1500 W = (5.67 × 10^-8 W/m^2K^4)(0.0902 m^2)T^4

T^4 = 4196.9

T = 18.3 K

Learn more about surface area at: https://brainly.com/question/951562


Question 15 of 32
A bungee jumper jumps off a bridge and bounces up and down several times.
She finally comes to rest 30 m below the bridge from which she just jumped.
If her mass is 50 kg and the spring constant of the bungee cord is 10 N/m,
how much energy was lost due to air resistance while she was bouncing?
(Recall that g = 9.8 m/s²)
A. 7330 N
B. 9200 N
C. 10,200 N
D. 8605 N


C. 10,200 N is how much energy was lost due to air resistance while she was bouncing

How much energy was lost

The energy lost due to air resistance while the bungee jumper was bouncing can be calculated by finding the total mechanical energy of the system at the beginning of the jump and comparing it to the total mechanical energy at the end of the jump.

At the beginning of the jump, the total mechanical energy is given by:

Ei = mgh

where m is the mass of the bungee jumper, g is the acceleration due to gravity, and h is the height of the bridge. Therefore, at the beginning of the jump:

50 x 30 x 10 - 1/2 x 30^2 x 10

= 15000 - 4500

= 10,200 N

Read more on energy here:https://brainly.com/question/13881533


A ball thrown straight upward returns to its original level in 2.75 seconds. A second ball is thrown at an angle of 40 degrees above the horizontal. What is the initial speed ball if it also returns to its original level in 2.75 seconds?


The initial speed of the second ball is approximately 16.219 m/s.

What is the instantaneous speed of a ball when it starts to descend after two seconds of rest?

If an object is dropped from rest, its velocity is -9.8 m/s after 1 second. Its speed after two seconds is -19.6 m/s. Its speed after three seconds is -29.4 m/s.

The following formula can be used to determine the period of flight for a projectile launched at an angle above horizontal:

t =2*v₀ *sin(θ)/g

Since both balls return to their original level in 2.75 seconds, we can set their time of flight equal to each other:

2 * v₀ * sin(θ) / g = 2.75

The launch angle for the first ball, which is thrown straight up, is 90 degrees, and the formula is as follows:

2 * v₀ / g = 2.75

Solving for v₀, we get:

v₀ = (g * 2.75) / 2 = 13.475 m/s

We must apply the more general formula for the second ball, which is thrown at an angle of 40 degrees above the horizontal. The period of flight is the same as it was for the first ball, therefore even though we don't know the launch velocity, we can use the launch angle to calculate the sine of the angle:

2 * v₀ * sin(40) / g = 2.75

Solving for v₀, we get:

v₀ = (g * 2.75) / (2 * sin(40)) = 16.219 m/s

To know more about speed visit:-





As you sit in a fishing boat, you notice that 12 waves pass the boat every 45 s. If the distance from one crest to the next is 9.0 m, what is the speed of these waves?
Express your answer to two significant figures and include the appropriate units.


The speed of these waves is 2.4m/s

How do you calculate the speed of waves?

The speed of water waves depends on the wavelength and depth of the water. To calculate speed, we use the formula:

S = F x W, of which S stands for Speed, F, frequency and W, waves.

To find the number of waves per second, we say  F = W/S (time)

Number of waves per second is 12/45 = 0.267 which is the frequency.

The speed of the wave


which is speed = frequency × wavelength

0.267 x 9.0 = 2.403

To two significant figures will be 2.4

Find more exercises on  speed of waves;





A wave oscillates 5.0 times a second and has a speed of 4.0 m/s

What is the frequency of this wave?
Express your answer to two significant figures and include the appropriate units.

What is the period of this wave?
Express your answer to two significant figures and include the appropriate units.

What is the wavelength of this wave?
Express your answer to two significant figures and include the appropriate units.


The answers are:

Frequency = 5.0 HzPeriod = 0.20 sWavelength = 0.80 m

How to solve for the frequency

The frequency (f) of a wave is the number of oscillations (or cycles) per second and is measured in Hertz (Hz). The period (T) of a wave is the time it takes for one complete oscillation and is measured in seconds (s). The wavelength (λ) of a wave is the distance between two consecutive peaks (or troughs) and is measured in meters (m).


Frequency (f) = 5.0 Hz

Speed (v) = 4.0 m/s

We can use the formula:

f = v/λ

to find the wavelength of the wave.

Solving for λ, we get:

λ = v/f = 4.0 m/s / 5.0 Hz = 0.80 m

Therefore, the wavelength of the wave is 0.80 m.

To find the period of the wave, we can use the formula:

T = 1/f

Substituting the given frequency value, we get:

T = 1/5.0 Hz = 0.20 s

Therefore, the period of the wave is 0.20 s.

So the answers are:

Frequency = 5.0 Hz

Period = 0.20 s

Wavelength = 0.80 m

Read more on wavelength here:https://brainly.com/question/28995449


a wave has a frequency of 60 hertz and a wave speed of 20 m/s . what is the wavelength



the wavelength of the wave is approximately 0.333 meters.


A man holds a 160-N ball in his hand, with the forearm horizontal (see the drawing). He can support the ball in this position because of the flexor muscle force M with arrow, which is applied perpendicular to the forearm. The forearm weighs 21.0 N and has a center of gravity as indicated.


The flexor muscle force M is required to hold the ball in this position since the ball has a weight of 160 N, which is greater than the weight of the forearm (21.0 N).

What is weight?

Weight is the measure of the gravitational force of attraction between two objects. It is measured in Newtons (N) in the International System of Units (SI). Weight is a vector quantity, meaning it has both magnitude and direction. Weight is affected by the mass of an object, the acceleration due to gravity, and the distance between the two objects.

The flexor muscle force M is required to hold the ball in this position since the ball has a weight of 160 N, which is greater than the weight of the forearm (21.0 N). The flexor muscle force M must be applied perpendicular to the forearm in order for the net torque about the center of gravity of the forearm to be zero. This is because the weight of the ball acts at a distance from the center of gravity of the forearm, creating a torque. If the flexor muscle force M is not applied perpendicularly, then the net torque about the center of gravity of the forearm will not be zero and the arm will rotate. Therefore, the flexor muscle force M must be applied perpendicularly to the forearm in order to balance the torque created by the weight of the ball.

To learn more about weight



Look at each written description and equation. Determine if the solution to the equation answers the question by selecting Yes or No.

A long-distance athlete can run 12
kilometer in 3 minutes. How many kilometers can he run in an hour?

12 km360 hr=12×603

Yes No B
A search and rescue drone can scan 0.5 hectare in 2 minutes. How many hectares per minute can the drone scan?

510 ha2 min=510×21

Yes No C
In 15 minutes a crew of highway workers paved 110
mile. If they work at the same rate, what portion of a mile will they pave in 1 hour?

14 hr110 mi=14×101

Yes No D
A soup recipe uses 112
cups of water for every 14
teaspoon of seasoning. If a large batch of soup is made using 1 teaspoon of seasoning, how many cups of water is needed?

32 c14 tsp=32×41

Yes No


yes no yes no no yess yes no because yes no

Why are there spikes in fragmentation debris between the years of 2006 and 2010? Why can this be considered a problem?


Answer: This is a problem because it can kill.

Explanation: There is no answer to this.

A 6.5kg ball with radius 8 cm rolls without Stopping down a Lone at 5m/s. calculate its kenetic energy (I= ² / 3 MR²)​


The kinetic energy of a rolling ball can be calculated as the sum of its translational and rotational kinetic energies:

KE = 1/2 mv^2 + 1/2 Iω^2

where KE is the total kinetic energy, m is the mass of the ball, v is its velocity, I is the moment of inertia of the ball, and ω is its angular velocity.

To calculate the moment of inertia I of the ball, we can use the formula you provided:

I = (2/3)MR^2

where M is the mass of the ball and R is its radius.

Substituting the given values, we have:

M = 6.5 kg
R = 0.08 m

So, the moment of inertia of the ball is:

I = (2/3)(6.5 kg)(0.08 m)^2 ≈ 0.027 kg m^2

Now we can calculate the translational kinetic energy of the ball:

KE_trans = 1/2 mv^2 = 1/2 (6.5 kg)(5 m/s)^2 = 81.25 J

Next, we need to calculate the angular velocity ω of the ball. For a rolling ball without slipping, the tangential velocity v and the angular velocity ω are related by:

v = Rω

So, we have:

ω = v/R = 5 m/s / 0.08 m = 62.5 rad/s

Finally, we can calculate the rotational kinetic energy of the ball:

KE_rot = 1/2 Iω^2 = 1/2 (0.027 kg m^2)(62.5 rad/s)^2 ≈ 52 J

Therefore, the total kinetic energy of the rolling ball is:

KE = KE_trans + KE_rot = 81.25 J + 52 J ≈ 133.25 J

So, the kinetic energy of the rolling ball is approximately 133.25 J.

a package initially thrown horizontally at 40m/s at a height of 100m above the ground.Find the horizontal and vertical components of the velocity just before it hits the ground



[tex]V = < 40 m/s, -20\sqrt{5}, 0 >[/tex]


To find the time it takes for the package to hit the ground:

[tex]yf = yi +Vi*t + 0.5*a*t^2\\0 = 100 + 0 +0.5*-10*t^2\\t = \sqrt{20}s[/tex]

The horizontal component is 40 m/s before it hits the ground because there are no external forces acting on it.

To get the vertical velocity:

[tex]Vf = Vi + a*t\\Vf = 0 + -10*\sqrt{20} \\Vf = -20\sqrt{5}[/tex]

Calculate the density of each ball. Use the formula D = m/V

where D is the density, m is the mass, and V is the volume. Record your calculations in Table A of your Student Guide.

What is the density of the table tennis ball? Record your answer to the nearest hundredth.

___ g/cm3

What is the density of the golf ball? Record your answer to the nearest hundredth.



table tennis ball: 0.07 density of the table tennis ball

golf ball: 1.37 density of the golf ball

A golf ball or a table tennis ball, which has the higher density?

Because a golf ball has more material in a comparable volume than a table tennis ball, it is denser.

The tennis ball floats because, in general, it is positively buoyant (less dense than water) and hence floats on the sea.

When the force of gravity, which pulls the ping pong ball downward, equals the force of the air stream from the hair drier, the ball "floats" in the air at a position where they are both equal. (which is pushing the ping pong ball up). Bernoulli's Principle is what is meant by this.

learn more about Bernoulli's Principle



A spring is stretched by an initial amount from its relaxed state. If the spring is then stretched by five times that amount from its relaxed state, by what factor does the amount of mechanical energy stored in the spring change?


The spring's capacity to hold mechanical energy increases by an order of 81.

What is the spring's potential energy when stretched?

The potential energy that is held when an elastic item is stretched or compressed by an external force, for example the stretch of a spring, is known as elastic potential energy. It is equivalent to the work required to stretch the spring, which is dependent on both the length of the stretch and the spring constant k.

Does kinetic energy refer to the energy held within a stretched spring?

Similar to how energy contained in a lifted weight is referred to as gravitational potential energy, the energy stored in a stretched bow and string is referred to as elastic potential energy. The kinetic energy is released when the string is cut.

To know more about mechanical energy visit :


Question 5 (#827123) {{Position, Velocity, Acceleration} / {Velocity-Acceleration Relationship} The position of an rocket moving along a straight line is given by the following formula: x(t) = (5.30 m/s) t+ (4.10 m/s²) - ² - (3.20 m) Calculate the velocity of this object at the instant t = 4.00 seconds Please enter a numerical answer below. Accepted formats are numbers or "e" based scientific notation e.g. 0.23, -2, 1e6, 5.23e-8 Enter answer here 20 Your 20m/s Answer (1 poir Saved m/s CHECK ANSWER 3nfInlimited shorke neod​


At time t = 4.00 seconds, the rocket' s velocity is **20.70 m/s**.

What is velocity?

The speed of something in a specific direction is called its velocity. It is a physical vector quantity, and its definition requires both its magnitude and its direction. Velocity is the rate at which the rocket's position changes in relation to time while it is traveling in a straight line.

The following equation describes the position of a rocket flying in a straight line: x(t) = (5.30 m/s) t+ (4.10 m/s²) - 2 - (3.20 m).

In order to determine the speed of this object at time t = 4.00 seconds,

We must determine the position function's derivative with respect to time2. x(t) has a derivative with v(t) = 5.30 m/s.+ 2(4.10 m/s²)t².

Substituting t = 4.00 seconds

(4.00 s) = 5.30 m/s + 2(4.10 m/s²)

(4.00 s) = **20.70 m/s**

To know more about velocity visit:



I need help please thank you .:)


Protons, neutrons, and electrons are the three main subatomic particles that make up atoms.

What is mass number and what is the mass number, number of protons, neutrons, and electrons of the given elements?

An oxygen atom has 8 protons, 8 electrons, and its number of neutrons may vary depending on the isotope of oxygen. The more frequently encountered isotope of oxygen is oxygen-16, with 8 neutrons.

The element with 13 protons is aluminum (Al). To find the mass number, we add the number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus. Therefore, the mass number of this aluminum isotope would be 13 + 14 = 27.

If an atom has 7 electrons, it must be nitrogen (N), which has an atomic number of 7.

Number of neutrons = Mass number - Atomic number

Thus, we obtain the number of neutrons by the equation: 14 - 7 = 7

Learn more about elements in the periodic table here:



Imagine that you are an extraterrestrial creature who lives in the extrasolar planetary system where Proxima-b resides. You are studying the Sun, which to you appears to be an exceptionally bright star. You do not know it, but your optical technology is almost identical to humanity’s optical technology. What evidence might indicate to you that (a) planets orbit that star (the Sun) and (b) that at least one of those planets appears to lie within the habitable zone and would thus be a potentially habitable planetary body?


a.) The evidence for planets orbiting the Sun might be :

Periodic variations in the brightness of the SunChanges in the position of the star

b.  Evidence for potentially habitable planets might come in the form of

Transit observationsSpectral observations

What is meant by planets?

A planet is described as a celestial body that is in orbit around the Sun, has sufficient mass for its self-gravity to overcome rigid body forces so that it assumes a hydrostatic equilibrium (nearly round) shape, and  has cleared the neighborhood around its orbit.

There is a slight decrease in the brightness of the star as planets pass in front of it, blocking a fraction of its light.

The extraterrestrial being might notice periodic fluctuations that are consistent with a planet's orbital period if it can track the Sun's brightness over time.

Learn more about planets at: https://brainly.com/question/28430876


What inductance must be put in series with a 100-kiloohm resistor at 1.0-MHz for a total impedance
of 150 kiloohm


An inductance of 0.0191 H (19.1 mH) must be put in series with the 100-kiloohm resistor to achieve a total impedance of 150 kiloohm at 1.0 MHz.

What is Induction?

Induction refers to the production of an electric or magnetic effect through the relative motion or change in magnitude of a magnetic field or electric current. This phenomenon is based on the principles of electromagnetism and is commonly used in various electrical and electronic devices, including transformers, motors, generators, and wireless charging systems.

The total impedance can be calculated using the following formula:

Z_total = sqrt([tex]R^{2}[/tex] X_[tex]L^{2}[/tex])

where R is the resistance (100 kiloohm) and X_L is the inductive reactance. We can rearrange this formula to solve for X_L:

At 1.0 MHz, the angular frequency is:

w = 2πf = 2π × 1.0 × [tex]10^{6}[/tex] = 6.28 × [tex]10^{6}[/tex]ad/s

The inductive reactance can be calculated using the following formula:

X_L = wL

where L is the inductance in henries. We can rearrange this formula to solve for L:

L = X_L / w

Now we can substitute the given values and solve for L:

X_L = sqrt((150 ×[tex]10^{3}[/tex]) - (100 ×[tex]10^{3}[/tex])) = 120 × [tex]10^{3}[/tex] ohm

L = X_L / w = 120 × [tex]10^{3}[/tex] ohm / 6.28 × [tex]10^{6}[/tex] rad/s = 0.0191 H

Learn more about Induction from the given link



101. A propeller is accelerated from rest to an angular velocity of 1000 rev/min over a period of 6.0 seconds by a constant torque of 2.0×103N⋅m . (a) What is the moment of inertia of the propeller? (b) What power is being provided to the propeller 3.0 s after it starts rotating?


The power being provided to the propeller 3.0 seconds after it starts rotating is approximately 21.8 MW and the moment of inertia of the propeller is approximately 0.55 kg⋅m².

What kind of forces do hydraulic systems produce?

In hydraulic systems, forces are transferred from one area to another inside an incompressible fluid, such as water or oil. Most aircraft's landing gear and braking systems are hydraulic. In order to function, pneumatic systems need a compressible fluid like air.

I = (τt²) / (2πΔθ)

Substituting the given values, we get:

I = (2.0×10³ N⋅m × (6.0 s)²) / (2π × (1000 rev/min) × (1 min/60 s) × 2π)

I ≈ 0.55 kg⋅m²

P = τω

ω = ω₀ + αt

where ω₀ is the initial angular velocity (0 in this case), α is the angular acceleration, and t is the time.

ω = 0 + (τ/I)t

ω = (2.0×10³ N⋅m) / (0.55 kg⋅m²) × (3.0 s)

ω ≈ 10,909 rad/s

P = (2.0×10³ N⋅m) × (10,909 rad/s)

P ≈ 2.18×10⁷ W

To know more about inertia visit:-



A jar of tea is placed in sunlight until it reaches an equilibrium temperature of 33.1 ◦C . In an attempt to cool the liquid, which has a mass of 185 g , 90.3 g of ice at 0.0 ◦C is added. At the time at which the temperature of the tea is 26.3 ◦C , find the mass of the remaining ice in the jar. The specific heat of water is 4186 J/kg · ◦ C . Assume the specific heat capacity of the tea to be that of pure liquid water. Answer in units of g.(2 significant digits pls)​





First, let’s calculate the heat lost by the tea when it cools down from 33.1°C to 26.3°C. We can use the formula Q = mcΔT, where Q is the heat lost, m is the mass of the tea, c is the specific heat capacity of water, and ΔT is the change in temperature.

In the context of the problem,

m represents the mass of the tea, which is given as 185g.c represents the specific heat capacity of water, which is given as 4186 J/kg·°C.ΔT represents the change in temperature, which is (33.1 - 26.3)°C = 6.8°C.

So, the heat lost by the tea is: Q = (185g) * (4186 J/kg·°C) * (6.8°C) = 5345.68 J

This heat is gained by the ice, causing it to melt and warm up to 0°C. The heat required to melt ice is given by Q = mL, where m is the mass of ice melted and L is the latent heat of fusion of water.

The latent heat of fusion of water is 334 kJ/kg. So, we can calculate the mass of ice melted as: m = Q / L = (5345.68 J) / (334 kJ/kg) = 0.016 kg or 16g

However, not all of the ice will melt. Some of it will remain as ice and some will become water at 0°C.

Let’s say that x grams of ice melts completely and becomes water at 0°C. The remaining (90.3 - x) grams of ice will stay as ice.

The heat required to melt x grams of ice is: Q1 = x * L

The heat required to warm up x grams of water from 0°C to 26.3°C is: Q2 = x * c * (26.3 - 0)

The total heat gained by the ice and water is: Q = Q1 + Q2

Substituting the values we get: 5345.68 J = x * L + x * c * (26.3 - 0)

Solving for x, we get: x = (5345.68 J) / (L + c * (26.3 - 0)) ≈ 15.76g

Therefore, out of the initial 90.3g of ice, only approximately 15.76g melts completely and becomes water at 0°C.

The remaining mass of ice in the jar is: (90.3 - 15.76)g ≈ 74.54g.

In the Roman soldier model for refraction, a muddy stream crosses the road they are on walking on at 45°. Will the soldiers in the front row all hit the water at the same time?
A. Sometimes
B. Yes
C. No
D. Not enough info


In the Roman soldier model for refraction, it is assumed that the soldiers in the front row will walk at a constant speed and in a straight line. However, if the stream they are crossing is muddy, it is likely that the water will slow down some of the soldiers more than others due to differences in depth and the resistance of the mud.

Therefore, even if the soldiers in the front row are lined up perfectly and walk at the same speed, they may not all hit the water at the same time due to the uneven terrain and the resistance of the mud. Additionally, if the stream is flowing, the soldiers may be pushed in different directions by the current, further increasing the likelihood that they will not hit the water at the same time.

Therefore, the answer is C: No, the soldiers in the front row are unlikely to hit the water at the same time due to the uneven terrain and resistance of the mud.

C. No.

The Roman soldier model for refraction assumes that light travels faster in air than in water. When light passes from a medium of lower refractive index (air) to a medium of higher refractive index (water), it bends towards the normal (a line perpendicular to the surface of the water at the point of incidence).

In the case of the muddy stream crossing the road at an angle of 45 degrees, the soldiers in the front row will hit the water first, and then the soldiers behind them will hit the water progressively later. This is because the light from the front of the stream reaches the soldiers' eyes first, while the light from the back of the stream takes a longer path and reaches their eyes later.

Therefore, the soldiers in the front row will not hit the water at the same time.

The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in Europe is a large device that has spent billions of dollars searching for answers about the origins of our Universe and evidence of the Big Bang. Do you support “big science” experiments like this? Why or why not?

Your response should be 3-5 sentences


the benefits and drawbacks of "big science" experiments like the Large Hadron Collider. On one hand, these experiments can lead to groundbreaking discoveries and advancements in our understanding of the universe. On the other hand, they often require large amounts of funding and resources, which some argue could be better spent on addressing more immediate societal needs. Ultimately, the decision to support such experiments is a complex one that involves weighing the potential benefits against the costs.

Which is more dense, a cubic meter of water at 2 degrees Celsius or a cubic meter of water at 3 degrees Celsius?

A. 2 Degrees
B. 3 Degrees
C. The Density is the same


A cubic meter of water at 2 degrees Celsius is more dense than a cubic meter of water at 3 degrees Celsius.
celsius 3 degrees is the answer…

A point charge q1=2 μC is at the center of a conductive sphere of 0.5 m radius, which is connected to earth.

a) Find the value of the electric field in every region of space What is the strength of the field at a point above the surface? of the sphere.

b) What is the flow of the electric field due to charge? Point through the surface of the sphere? Will the response of the Previous point if the charge is not in the center of the sphere?



Explanation:ans:0 . Because when we connect this conductive sphare with earth then all charge will be gone in earth

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