A buffer contains 0.17 mol of propionic acid (C2H5COOH) and 0.21 mol of sodium propionate (C2H5COONa) in 1.20 L.Part AWhat is the pH of this buffer?Part BWhat is the pH of the buffer after the addition of 0.02 mol of NaOH?Part CWhat is the pH of the buffer after the addition of 0.02 mol of HI?


Answer 1

The pH of the buffer is 4.992, pH of the buffer after the addition of 0.02 mol of NaOH is 5.086 and pH of the buffer after the addition of 0.02 mol of HI 4.9.

A weak base and its salt are combined with a strong acid to create a basic buffer, which has a basic pH. Aqueous solutions of ammonium hydroxide and ammonium chloride at equal concentrations have a pH of 9.25. These solutions have a pH greater than seven.

Given 0.17 mol propionic acid , 0.21 mol sodium propionate in 1.20 L

We recognize the conjugate acid-base pair  propionic acid (Ka = 1.3 x 10-5  and  pKa = 4.9)

Part A:

[acid] = 0.17 / 1.2 = 0.1417 M

[base] = 0.21/1.2 = 0.175 M

pH of the buffer = 4.9 + log (0.175/0.1417) = 4.9 + 0.092 = 4.992

Part B:

moles acid = 0.17 - 0.02 = 0.15

[acid] = 0.15/1.2 = 0.125 M

moles salt = 0.21 + 0.02 = 0.23

[base] = 0.23/1.2 = 0.1917 M

pH of the buffer = 4.9 + log (0.1917/0.125) = 4.9 + 0.186 = 5.086

Part C:

moles of acid = 0.17 + 0.02 = 0.19

[acid] = 0.19/1.2 = 0.1583

moles of base = 0.21 - 0.02 = 0.19

[base] = 0.19/1.2 = 0.1583

pH of the buffer = 4.9 + log (0.1583/0.1583) = 4.9.

Learn more about pH of the buffer:



Related Questions

The first ores that were widely smelted by humans to produce metal were those of ____________.
a. bronze
b. copper
c. gold
d. iron


The first ores that were widely smelted by humans to produce metal were those of copper, option .

Ore is a naturally occurring rock or silt that includes precious minerals that are concentrated above background levels and may be mined, processed, and sold profitably. Metals are the most common valuable minerals found in ore. The concentration of the desired ingredient in an ore is referred to as its grade.

To decide if a rock has a high enough grade to be worth mining and is thus regarded as an ore, the value of the metals or minerals it contains must be evaluated against the expense of extraction. An ore that contains many precious minerals is said to be complex. Typically, oxides, sulphides, silicates, or native metals like copper or gold are the minerals of interest.

Learn more about Ores:



The first ores that were widely smelted by humans to produce metal were those of copper.

Metals are a crucial part of the history of mankind and cannot be left out. In fact, it was quite common for historians to describe particular historical eras using metals that were in use at the time. The Stone Age, Bronze Age, and Iron Age, among others, all existed. One of the metals that man has used since very ancient times is copper. In actuality, copper was the first metal that man ever discovered, in the year 9000 BCE. Gold, silver, tin, lead, and iron were also used in prehistoric times.

Chemically speaking, copper is an element known as Cuprum. Cu is its chemical symbol. Cuprum, a Latin word, literally translates as "from the island of Cyprus." Its colour is a reddish-brown metal.

Visit here to learn more about  copper : https://brainly.com/question/2289251

If in cup 1 you have a 40,000 ppm of a solution and you transfer one drop from cup 1 to cup 2 and add 9 drops of
water. You continue this process for the next two cups, how many ppm do you have in cup 4? (please help this is so confusing.)


The dilution ration is 1÷10 (1 drop of concentrated solution in 10 drops of diluted solution).

If we do that 4 times we repeat the same dilution with the same dilution ratio of 1÷10 (numerically is 0,1). Therefore we can multiply the solution ratio by itself 4 times.

0,1⁴ = 10^-4

This means that we end up with a solution which concentration is 10^-4 times the beginning concentration. Therefore the final concentration is

40 000 ppm × 10^-4 = 4ppm

PS: we can do this because we have the same unit of measurement for the volumes of both the concentrated solution and the diluted one (drops)

4. describe the relationship between the metal and water in terms of which is exothermic and which is endothermic.



The relationship between metal and water is highly dependent on the specific metal and the conditions under which they react with water. In general, however, the reaction between metals and water can be either exothermic or endothermic.

For highly reactive metals like sodium or potassium, the reaction with water is highly exothermic, meaning that it releases a large amount of heat. This is because these metals readily react with water to produce hydrogen gas and a highly alkaline solution of metal hydroxide. For example, the reaction between sodium and water can be represented as:

2 Na(s) + 2 H2O(l) → 2 NaOH(aq) + H2(g) + heat

On the other hand, for less reactive metals like copper or silver, the reaction with water is usually endothermic, meaning that it absorbs heat from the surroundings. In these cases, the reaction occurs very slowly or not at all, and the metal may simply become coated with a layer of metal oxide or hydroxide. For example, the reaction between copper and water is relatively slow and can be represented as:

2 Cu(s) + O2(g) + 2 H2O(l) → 2 Cu(OH)2(s)

In summary, the relationship between metal and water in terms of exothermic and endothermic reactions is highly dependent on the specific metal and the conditions under which they react. Highly reactive metals tend to have exothermic reactions with water, while less reactive metals tend to have endothermic reactions or no reaction at all.

iodine-123 is a radioactive isotope used to study thyroid gland functions. it decays in a first-order process with a half life of 13.1 h. you receive a 10.00 g sample for some of your experiments, but you have to work fast before it is all gone. calculate the number of hours it will take for 8.40 g of your sample to decay.


It will take 11.1 hours for 8.40 g of the iodine-123 sample to decay.

The decay of iodine-123 is a first-order process, meaning that the rate of decay is proportional to the amount of iodine-123 present. The half-life of iodine-123 is 13.1 hours, which means that half of the original sample will decay in that time.

To calculate the time it will take for 8.40 g of the sample to decay, we can use the following formula for first-order decay:

ln(Nt/N0) = -kt

where Nt is the amount remaining at time t, N0 is the initial amount, k is the rate constant, and t is the time.

We can rearrange this formula to solve for t:

t = ln(Nt/N0) / (-k)

We know that Nt/N0 = 8.40 g / 10.00 g = 0.84, and we can calculate k from the half-life:

t1/2 = ln(2) / kk = ln(2) / t1/2k = ln(2) / 13.1 hk = 0.0528 h⁻¹

Plugging these values into the formula for t, we get:

t = ln(0.84) / (-0.0528 h⁻¹)t = 11.1 hours

Therefore, it will take 11.1 hours for 8.40 g of the iodine-123 sample to decay.

To learn more about half-life, here



calculate the standard free-energy change, in kilojoules, at 25 °c for the reaction 3 pb (s) 2 fe3 (aq) → 3 pb2 (aq) 2 fe (s) e∘cell = 0.090 v
a. 52 kJ b. -52,000 kJ c. -52 kJ d. -26 kJ


The answer is (c) -52 kJ by using the formula the formula for calculating the standard free-energy change (ΔG°) is:
ΔG° = -nFE°

Where n is the number of moles of electrons transferred in the balanced chemical equation, F is the Faraday constant (96,485 C/mol e^-), and E° is the standard cell potential.

In this case, the balanced chemical equation is:

3 Pb(s) + 2 Fe3+(aq) → 3 Pb2+(aq) + 2 Fe(s)

The number of moles of electrons transferred is 6 (3 electrons for each of the two Fe3+ ions). So n = 6.

The standard cell potential is given as E°cell = 0.090 V.

Plugging these values into the formula, we get:

ΔG° = -nFE°
ΔG° = -(6 mol e^-)(96,485 C/mol e^-)(0.090 V)
ΔG° = -52,006 J
ΔG° = -52 kJ (rounded to the nearest kilojoule)

Therefore, the answer is (c) -52 kJ.

To calculate the standard free-energy change (ΔG°) for the reaction, you can use the equation ΔG° = -nFE°_cell, where n is the number of moles of electrons transferred, F is the Faraday constant (96,485 C/mol), and E°_cell is the standard cell potential.

In this reaction, 3Pb (s) + 2Fe3+ (aq) → 3Pb2+ (aq) + 2Fe (s), the number of moles of electrons transferred (n) is 6 (2 electrons for each Pb, 3Pb in total).

ΔG° = -nFE°_cell = -6 × 96,485 C/mol × 0.090 V

ΔG° = -519,570 J/mol or -52 kJ/mol (rounded to nearest kJ)

So, the correct answer is c. -52 kJ.

Visit here to learn more about  free-energy : https://brainly.com/question/15319033

To calculate the standard free-energy change (ΔG°) at 25°C for the reaction 3 Pb(s) + 2 Fe³⁺(aq) → 3 Pb²⁺(aq) + 2 Fe(s) with E°cell = 0.090 V, follow these steps:

1. Use the formula: ΔG° = -nFE°cell, where n is the number of moles of electrons transferred, F is Faraday's constant (96,485 C/mol), and E°cell is the standard cell potential.

2. Determine the number of moles of electrons transferred (n) by balancing the half-reactions:
  Pb(s) → Pb²⁺(aq) + 2e⁻ (oxidation half-reaction)
  Fe³⁺(aq) + 3e⁻ → Fe(s) (reduction half-reaction)
  Multiply the first half-reaction by 3 and the second half-reaction by 2 to balance the number of electrons:
  3Pb(s) → 3Pb²⁺(aq) + 6e⁻
  2Fe³⁺(aq) + 6e⁻ → 2Fe(s)
  Therefore, n = 6.

3. Plug the values into the formula: ΔG° = -6 * 96,485 * 0.090.

4. Calculate ΔG°: ΔG° = -51,960 J or -51.96 kJ.

The closest answer is (c) -52 kJ. So, the standard free-energy change at 25°C for this reaction is approximately -52 kJ.

To know more about standard free-energy change:



PLEASE ANSWER ASAP1. How many atoms are present in 8.500 mole of chlorine atoms?
2. Determine the mass (g) of 15.50 mole of oxygen.
3. Determine the number of moles of helium in 1.953 x 108 g of helium.
4. Calculate the number of atoms in 147.82 g of sulfur.
5. Determine the molar mass of Co.
6. Determine the formula mass of Ca3(PO4)2.


1. 8.5 mole of chlorine contains 8.5 x 6.023 x 10²³= 5.11x 10²⁴ atoms of chlorine. 2. 15.50 mole of oxygen has a mass of 15.50 x 16.00 g = 248.00 g. 5. The molar mass of cobalt is 58.93 g/mol.  6. The formula mass of Ca₃(PO₄)₂ is 310.18 g/mol.

What is molar mass?

Molar mass is the mass of one mole of a substance. It is a physical property and not a chemical property, and is measured in grams per mole (g/mol). The molar mass of a substance can be determined by adding together the atomic masses of each element present in the molecule. For example, one mole of carbon dioxide would have a molar mass of 44 g/mol, as it contains one 12 g/mol carbon atom and two 16 g/mol oxygen atoms.

What is formula mass?

Formula mass is the sum total of all the masses of the elements in a chemical formula. The formula mass of a compound is usually expressed in grams per mole (g/mol). It is calculated by add the atomic masses of all the atoms present in the formula, taking into account how many of each atom are present.

1. 8.5 mole of chlorine contains 8.5 x 6.023 x 10²³ = 5.11x 10²⁴ atoms of chlorine.

2. 15.50 mole of oxygen has a mass of 15.50 x 16.00 g = 248.00 g.

3. 1.953 x 108 g of helium contains 1.953 x 108 / 4.00 g/mol = 4.88x10⁷ moles of helium.

4. 147.82 g of sulfur contain 147.82 / 32.06 = 4.60x10²³ atoms of sulfur.

5. The molar mass of cobalt is 58.93 g/mol.

6. The formula mass of Ca₃(PO₄)₂ is 310.18 g/mol.

To know more about moles, visit:



5. How many atoms does 2. 0 moles of He represent?


2.0 moles of He represents 1.2 x 10²⁴ atoms of He.

One mole of any element contains Avogadro's number of atoms, which is approximately 6.022 x 10²³. So, to calculate the number of atoms in 2.0 moles of He, we simply need to multiply Avogadro's number by the number of moles:

2.0 moles He x 6.022 x 10²³ atoms/mole = 1.2 x 10²⁴ atoms of He

The number of atoms in a mole depends on the substance and is determined by Avogadro's number, which is approximately 6.022 x 10²³ atoms per mole.

To learn more about Avogadro's number, here


Help needed please and thank u!


1. The mole of the solute is 0.8675 mole

2. The volume (in L) of the solution is 0.25 L

3. The molarity of the solution is 3.47 M

1. How do i determine the mole of the solute?

The mole of the solute, NaOH can be obtained as follow:

Mass of solute, NaOH = 34.7 grams Molar mass of solute = 40 g/mol Mole of solute, NaOH =?

Mole = mass / molar mass

Mole of solute, NaOH = 34.7 / 40

Mole of solute, NaOH = 0.8675 mole

2. How do i determine the volume (in L)?

The volume (in L) can be obtain as follow:

Volume (in mL) = 250 mLVolume (in L) =?

1000 mL = 1 L


250 mL = 250 / 1000

250 mL = 0.25 L

Thus, the volume (in L) is 0.25 L

3. How do i determine the molarity?

The molarity of the solution can be obtain as follow:

Mole of solute, NaOH = 0.8675 moleVolume of solution = 0.25 LMolarity = ?

Molarity of solution = mole / volume

Molarity = 0.8675 /  0.25

Molarity = 3.47 M

Thus, we can conclude that the molarity of the solution is 3.47 M

Learn more about molarity:



what is the concentration of an alcl3 solution if 150. ml of the solution contains 650. mg of cl- ion?


The concentration of the [tex]AlCl_{3}[/tex] solution is approximately 0.0408 moles per liter.

How to find the molarity of a solution?

To determine the concentration of an [tex]AlCl_{3}[/tex] solution, we need to first calculate the amount of Cl- ions in moles using the given information, and then divide it by the volume of the solution in liters.

1. Convert the mass of Cl- ions (650 mg) to grams: 650 mg ÷ 1000 = 0.65 g.
2. Determine the moles of Cl- ions: Since there are 3 moles of Cl- in 1 mole of  [tex]AlCl_{3}[/tex], you need to find the moles of AlCl3 first. The molar mass of Cl is approximately 35.45 g/mol, so the molar mass of AlCl3 is (1 × 26.98) + (3 × 35.45) = 133.33 g/mol.
3. Calculate the moles of  [tex]AlCl_{3}[/tex] : 0.65 g Cl- ÷ (3 × 35.45 g/mol) = 0.00613 mol  [tex]AlCl_{3}[/tex].
4. Convert the volume of the solution to liters: 150 mL ÷ 1000 = 0.15 L.
5. Determine the concentration (molarity) of the  [tex]AlCl_{3}[/tex solution: 0.00613 mol  [tex]AlCl_{3}[/tex] ÷ 0.15 L = 0.0409 mol/L.

To know more about the Concentration of solution:



the same gas makes up most of the atmosphere of mars and venus. this gas is: a. water vapor b. carbon dioxide c. ozone d. nitrogen e. ammonia gas


The gas that makes up most of the atmosphere of Mars and Venus is carbon dioxide (b).

What is the atmosphere of Mars and Venus composed of?

Both planets have atmospheres predominantly composed of carbon dioxide, with Venus having around 96.5% [tex]CO_{2}[/tex] and Mars having about 95% [tex]CO_{2}[/tex]. The combination of geological history, lack of liquid water, and limited biological activity are the main factors that have resulted in carbon dioxide being abundant in the atmospheres of Mars and Venus.

To know more about Carbon dioxide:



The gas that makes up most of the atmosphere of Mars and Venus is carbon dioxide. In fact, the atmosphere of Venus is nearly 97% carbon dioxide, while Mars has an atmosphere that is about 95% carbon dioxide.

This is in contrast to Earth, which has an atmosphere that is mostly nitrogen and oxygen, with only a small percentage of carbon dioxide. The high levels of carbon dioxide in the atmospheres of Mars and Venus contribute to their extremely hot temperatures, as the gas traps heat from the sun and creates a greenhouse effect. Additionally, the lack of a strong magnetic field on these planets means that they are more vulnerable to the stripping away of their atmospheres by solar winds. Understanding the composition of the atmospheres of other planets is important for astrobiology and the search for life beyond Earth.

learn more about gas here



how many moles of atoms are there in 1.00 lb (454g) of lead


we need to use the atomic weight of lead to convert the given weight in grams to moles. The atomic weight of lead is 207.2 g/mol.

First, let's convert the given weight in pounds to grams: 1.00 lb = 454 g
Next, let's calculate the number of moles of lead atoms in 454 g of lead: moles of lead atoms = (454 g) / (207.2 g/mol) = 2.19 mol.

Therefore, there are 2.19 moles of lead atoms in 1.00 lb (454g) of lead. To calculate the number of moles of atoms in 1.00 lb (454g) of lead, you need to use the formula: moles = mass (g) / molar mass (g/mol)

The molar mass of lead (Pb) is 207.2 g/mol. Using the given mass of 454g, the calculation is as follows:
moles = 454g / 207.2 g/mol = 2.19 moles
So, there are 2.19 moles of atoms in 1.00 lb (454g) of lead.

To know more about formula click here



To determine how many moles of atoms are there in 1.00 lb (454g) of lead, you'll need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Convert weight to grams.
1.00 lb of lead is already given as 454g.

Step 2: Find the molar mass of lead.
Lead (Pb) has a molar mass of approximately 207.2 g/mol.

Step 3: Calculate the number of moles.
To find the moles, divide the mass of lead (454g) by its molar mass (207.2 g/mol).

Moles = 454g / 207.2 g/mol

Your answer: There are approximately 2.19 moles of atoms in 1.00 lb (454g) of lead.

To know more about molar mass of lead:



how much energy, in kj, is carried by one mole of photons of green light emitted by a fluorescent proflavine molecule at 514 nm?


To calculate the energy carried by one mole of photons of green light emitted by a fluorescent proflavine molecule at 514 nm, we'll use the energy formula: [tex]E = h * c /\lambda[/tex] where E is the energy of a single photon, h is Planck's constant ([tex]6.626 *10^{-34} Js[/tex]), c is the speed of light ([tex]2.998 * 10^8 m/s[/tex]), and λ is the wavelength (514 nm).

First, convert the wavelength to meters:

[tex]514 nm = 514 * 10^{-9} m[/tex].
Next, calculate the energy of a single photon:

[tex]E = (6.626 * 10^{-34} Js) * (2.998 * 10^8 m/s) / (514 * 10^{-9} m) = 3.872 * 10^{-19} J.[/tex]
Now, to find the energy carried by one mole of photons, multiply the energy of a single photon by Avogadro's number ([tex]6.022 x 10^{23[/tex]):
Energy per mole =[tex](3.872 *10^{-19 }J) * (6.022 * 10^{23}) = 233.0 kJ.[/tex]
Thus, one mole of photons of green light emitted by a fluorescent proflavine molecule at 514 nm carries 233.0 kJ of energy.

Learn more about fluorescent here:



If 1 g of acetanilide (molecular mass is 135. 17 g/mol) is used, how much (in mol) of nitronium ion do you need?


0.0074 mol of nitronium ion is needed to react with 1 g of acetanilide

To determine the amount of nitronium ion needed for the reaction with 1 g of acetanilide, we will first calculate the moles of acetanilide and then apply stoichiometry.

Given that the molecular mass of acetanilide is 135.17 g/mol, we can calculate the moles of acetanilide:

moles = mass / molecular mass
moles = 1 g / 135.17 g/mol ≈ 0.0074 mol

Now, we need to determine the stoichiometry of the reaction between acetanilide and nitronium ion. Assuming the reaction is a 1:1 ratio (i.e., one mole of acetanilide reacts with one mole of nitronium ion), the amount of nitronium ion needed would be the same as the moles of acetanilide.

Thus, approximately 0.0074 mol of nitronium ion is needed to react with 1 g of acetanilide. Remember to consider the reaction's stoichiometry when applying this calculation to other scenarios or chemical reactions.

Know more about stoichiometry here:



the alkane c7h16 exhibits structural isomerism. in fact, 9 structural isomers have this same formula (but different bond arrangements). one such isomeric structure is:


Systematic name of this structure is 3-ethylpentane.

Chemical compounds known as isomers have identical chemical formulae but have different properties and atom arrangements inside the molecule. The term "isomer" refers to a substance that exhibits isomerism.

Structural isomers are substances with the same molecular formula but distinct atomic configurations. The way the atoms are attached in this instance is quite different, as seen by the different types of chains that are formed (straight versus branched), the placements of the atoms (such as middle versus end of the parent chain), and the presence of functional groups (e.g., aldehydes versus ketones).

For instance, although sharing the same molecular formula (C3H6O), propanal and propanone have very distinct chemical structures. They are structural isomers as a result.

Isomers of Heptane are:

Heptane (n-heptane)2-Methylhexane (iso-heptane)3-Methylhexane2,2-Dimethylpentane (neo-heptane)2,3-Dimethylpentane2,4-Dimethylpentane3,3-Dimethylpentane3-Ethylpentane2,2,3-Trimethylbutane

To learn more about isomers, refer:



The complete question is: The alkane C7H16 exhibits structural isomerism. In fact, 9 structural isomers have this same formula (but different bond arrangements). One such isomeric structure is: What is the correct systematic name for this structure?

Which of the following is an advantage of sexual reproduction over asexual reproduction?

There is a higher chance of genetic mutation.
The rate of reproduction is slower.
Offspring are genetically different from their parents.
Many more offspring can be produced.


The correct option is C. Offspring are genetically different from their parents is an advantage of sexual reproduction over asexual reproduction

What mental benefits do sexual reproduction have over asexual reproduction?

More variations are formed during sexual reproduction. As a result, more species will survive in a population. The newly produced people exhibit traits from both parents. It causes genetic variances, which encourage character variety.

Asexual and sexual reproduction: what are they?

The two ways that organisms reproduce are asexually and sexually. Male and female gametes do not combine during asexual reproduction. In bacteria, amoebas, hydra, etc., this occurs. Male and female gametes are fused during sexual reproduction, which occurs in both humans and many other animals.

To know more about advantage visit:-



A 1.4 L flask contains 0.95 g O2 at a temperature of 18.3oC. The the pressure inside the flask is _____atm (round your answer to the thousandths place


To solve this problem, we can use the Ideal Gas Law, which states that  the pressure inside the flask is 0.768 atm, rounded to the nearest thousandth.

What is a Gas ?

A gas is a state of matter in which a substance has no fixed shape or volume and can expand indefinitely to fill any container in which it is placed. Gases are made up of molecules or atoms that are in constant, random motion and have no long-range order or cohesion.

Gases are compressible, meaning that their volume can be reduced by applying pressure, and they can also expand to fill any available space. The properties of gases are described by gas laws, which relate variables such as temperature, pressure, and volume.

Examples of gases include oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, and hydrogen. Gases are found in a wide range of natural and human-made environments, including the atmosphere, industrial processes, and many chemical reactions.

To know more about Gas visit :



What volume occupied by 256 g of SO2 gas at 227C and 1520 torr? (Molar mass of SO2 is 64.07 g/mol, 760 torr = 1 atm)10.7 L68.5 L 0.108 L37.2 L82.0 L


the volume occupied by 256 g of SO2 gas at 227°C and 1520 torr is 82.0 L.

We can use the Ideal Gas Law to find the volume occupied by the SO2 gas. The Ideal Gas Law is:
PV = nRT
where P is pressure, V is volume, n is the number of moles, R is the Ideal Gas Constant, and T is temperature in Kelvin.
First, let's convert the given values to appropriate units:
1. Mass of SO2 = 256 g
2. Molar mass of SO2 = 64.07 g/mol
3. Pressure = 1520 torr = (1520/760) atm = 2 atm (since 760 torr = 1 atm)
4. Temperature = 227°C = (227 + 273.15) K = 500.15 K
5. Ideal Gas Constant, R = 0.0821 L atm/mol K (using the appropriate value for the given units)
Now, calculate the number of moles (n) of SO2:
n = mass / molar mass = 256 g / 64.07 g/mol = 4 moles
Next, substitute the values into the Ideal Gas Law equation:
2 atm × V = 4 moles × 0.0821 L atm/mol K × 500.15 K
Now, solve for V:
V = (4 moles × 0.0821 L atm/mol K × 500.15 K) / 2 atm = 82.0 L
So, the volume occupied by 256 g of SO2 gas at 227°C and 1520 torr is 82.0 L.

lear more about volume here



The volume occupied by 256 g of  [tex]SO_{2}[/tex] gas at 227°C and 1520 torr is 82.0 L.

How to find the volume occupied by gas?

To find the volume occupied by 256 g of [tex]SO_{2}[/tex] gas at 227°C and 1520 torr, we can use the Ideal Gas Law formula: PV = nRT.

1. First, convert the mass of  [tex]SO_{2}[/tex] to moles: 256 g / (64.07 g/mol) = 3.99 moles
2. Convert the temperature from Celsius to Kelvin: 227°C + 273.15 = 500.15 K
3. Convert the pressure from torr to atm: 1520 torr / (760 torr/atm) = 2 atm
4. Use the Ideal Gas Law, with R = 0.0821 L*atm/mol*K:
  (2 atm) * V = (3.99 moles) * (0.0821 L*atm/mol*K) * (500.15 K)
5. Solve for V:
  V = (3.99 moles * 0.0821 L*atm/mol*K * 500.15 K) / 2 atm = 82.0 L

To know more about Ideal Gas Law:



a sample of air at 7.50 atm is cooled from 448k to 224k if the volume reamins constant what is the final pressure


the final pressure of the air sample when cooled from 448 K to 224 K, with constant volume, is approximately 3.75 atm.

The final pressure of the air sample can be determined using the combined gas law, which states that P1/T1 = P2/T2, where P1 and T1 are the initial pressure and temperature, and P2 and T2 are the final pressure and temperature, respectively. Since the volume remains constant, we can use this formula to solve for P2:
P1/T1 = P2/T2
Plugging in the given values, we get:
7.50 atm / 448 K = P2 / 224 K
Simplifying and solving for P2, we get:
P2 = (7.50 atm / 448 K) * 224 K
P2 = 3.75 atm
Therefore, the final pressure of the air sample is 3.75 atm.
We'll be using the Combined Gas Law formula to solve this, but since the volume remains constant, we can simplify it to Gay-Lussac's Law.
Gay-Lussac's Law: P1/T1 = P2/T2
P1 = initial pressure = 7.50 atm
T1 = initial temperature = 448 K
P2 = final pressure (what we're solving for)
T2 = final temperature = 224 K
Step 1: Rearrange the equation to isolate P2:
P2 = (P1/T1) * T2
Step 2: Plug in the given values:
P2 = (7.50 atm / 448 K) * 224 K
Step 3: Calculate the final pressure:
P2 = (0.0167410714286) * 224 K
P2 ≈ 3.75 atm
So, the final pressure of the air sample when cooled from 448 K to 224 K, with constant volume, is approximately 3.75 atm.

learn more about volume here



rade 11 Text Books Exercise 5.4 Answer the following questions: 1. 5.0 mole of ammonia were introduced into a 5.0 L reaction chamber in which it is partially decomposed at high temperatures. CHEMISTRY GRADE 11 267 2NH₂(g) 3H₂(g) + N₂(g) At equilibrium at a particular temperature, 80.0% of the ammonia had reacted. Calculate K for the reaction.​


At the given temperature, the equilibrium constant K for the reaction is 0.5625 mol/L.

How to determine equilibrium constant?

The balanced chemical equation for the reaction is:

2NH₃(g) ⇌ 3H₂(g) + N₂(g)

The equilibrium expression for the reaction is:

K = [H₂]³[N₂] / [NH₃]²

Given that 5.0 moles of NH₃ were introduced into a 5.0 L reaction chamber, the initial concentration of NH₃ is:

[NH₃]₀ = 5.0 mol / 5.0 L = 1.0 mol/L

At equilibrium, 80.0% of the NH₃ had reacted, which means that 20.0% of NH₃ remains. Therefore, the equilibrium concentration of NH₃ is:

[NH₃] = 0.20 x 1.0 mol/L = 0.2 mol/L

The equilibrium concentrations of H₂ and N₂ can be calculated from the balanced equation:

[H₂] = (3/2) x [NH₃] = 0.3 mol/L

[N₂] = [NH₃] / 2 = 0.1 mol/L

Substituting these values into the equilibrium expression gives:

K = [H₂]³[N₂] / [NH₃]²

K = (0.3 mol/L)³ x (0.1 mol/L) / (0.2 mol/L)²

K = 0.5625 mol/L

Therefore, the equilibrium constant K for the reaction at the given temperature is 0.5625 mol/L.

Find out more on equilibrium constant here: https://brainly.com/question/19340344


Precautions List precautions and explain why they were taken:
when adding water to the rock salt.
during the filtration stage.
during (i) evaporation to dryness and (ii) crystallisation.​


Precautions when adding water to rock salt: Add water slowly and carefully to avoid splashing ; Precautions during filtration stage: Use filter paper that fits the funnel properly ; Precautions during (i) evaporation to dryness and (ii) crystallization: Avoid overheating solution during evaporation and stirring the solution.

What is meant by evaporation?

Physical process by which a liquid substance is transformed into  gaseous state is called evaporation.

Precautions and their explanations:

Precautions when adding water to rock salt:

Add water slowly and carefully to avoid splashing or spilling.

Use a stirring rod to dissolve salt crystals completely.

Explanation: Rock salt can be quite reactive with water, and adding too much water too quickly can cause the solution to boil or splatter. Using a stirring rod helps to dissolve salt crystals completely without creating too much agitation.

Precautions during filtration stage:

Use a filter paper that fits the funnel properly and fold it properly.

Avoid touching filter paper with your fingers.

Explanation: The filter paper needs to fit the funnel properly to ensure that all of the liquid is filtered properly.

Precautions during (i) evaporation to dryness and (ii) crystallization:

Avoid overheating solution during evaporation and stirring the solution.

Use a clean glass rod to encourage crystallization and avoid scratching the walls of the container.

Explanation: Overheating the solution can cause the salt to decompose or change its chemical properties. Stirring the solution can also lead to the formation of smaller crystals.

To know more about evaporation, refer



Calculate the standard free-energy change at 25 ∘C for the following reaction: Mg2+(aq) + Zn(s) → Mg(s) + Zn2+(aq) Express your answer to three significant figures and in units of kJ/mol.
Consider constructing a voltaic cell with one compartment containing a Zn(s) electrode immersed in a Zn2+ aqueous solution and the other compartment containing an Al(s) electrode immersed in an Al3+ aqueous solution. What is the spontaneous reaction in this cell?
Group of answer choices
Zn + Al3+ → Al + Zn2+
Al + Zn2+ → Zn + Al3+
3 Zn + 2 Al3+ → 2 Al + 3 Zn2+
2 Al + 3 Zn2+ → 3 Zn + 2 Al3+
Nickel and iron electrodes are used to build a voltaic cell. Based on the standard reduction potentials of Ni2+ and Fe3+, what is the shorthand notation for this voltaic cell?
Group of answer choices


For the voltaic cell with nickel and iron electrodes, the shorthand notation is:

To calculate the standard free-energy change at 25°C for the reaction Mg2+(aq) + Zn(s) → Mg(s) + Zn2+(aq), we need to use the formula:

ΔG° = -nFE°
where ΔG° is the standard free-energy change, n is the number of moles of electrons transferred, F is Faraday's constant (96,485 C/mol), and E° is the standard cell potential.

Step 1: Determine the half-reactions and their standard reduction potentials.
Mg2+(aq) + 2e- → Mg(s)  E° = -2.37 V
Zn2+(aq) + 2e- → Zn(s)  E° = -0.76 V

Step 2: Determine the overall cell potential.
E°(cell) = E°(reduction) - E°(oxidation)
E°(cell) = (-0.76 V) - (-2.37 V) = 1.61 V

Step 3: Calculate the standard free-energy change.
ΔG° = -nFE°
ΔG° = -2 mol e- * 96,485 C/mol e- * 1.61 V
ΔG° = -310.44 kJ/mol

The standard free-energy change for this reaction at 25°C is -310 kJ/mol (rounded to three significant figures).

For the voltaic cell with Zn(s) and Al(s) electrodes, the spontaneous reaction is:
2 Al + 3 Zn2+ → 3 Zn + 2 Al3+

For the voltaic cell with nickel and iron electrodes, the shorthand notation is:

To know more about voltaic cell :



For the voltaic cell with nickel and iron electrodes, based on the standard reduction potentials of Ni2+ and Fe3+, the shorthand notation for this voltaic cell is:

To calculate the standard free-energy change at 25°C for the reaction Mg2+(aq) + Zn(s) → Mg(s) + Zn2+(aq), we can use the following equation:
ΔG° = -nFE°
Where ΔG° is the standard free-energy change, n is the number of moles of electrons transferred in the reaction, F is Faraday's constant (96,485 C/mol), and E° is the standard cell potential.
First, we need to determine E°. We do this by looking up the standard reduction potentials for both half-reactions:
Mg2+(aq) + 2e- → Mg(s)  E° = -2.37 V
Zn2+(aq) + 2e- → Zn(s)  E° = -0.76 V
We can find the overall E° by subtracting the reduction potential of the reaction we need to reverse (Zn(s) → Zn2+(aq) + 2e-):
E° = -2.37 V - (-0.76 V) = -1.61 V
In this reaction, n = 2 since there are 2 moles of electrons transferred. Now we can calculate ΔG°:
ΔG° = -2 × 96,485 C/mol × (-1.61 V) = 310 kJ/mol (rounded to three significant figures)
For the voltaic cell with Zn(s) and Al(s) electrodes, the spontaneous reaction is:
2 Al + 3 Zn2+ → 3 Zn + 2 Al3+
For the voltaic cell with nickel and iron electrodes, based on the standard reduction potentials of Ni2+ and Fe3+, the shorthand notation for this voltaic cell is:

learn more about electrodes here



Write the chemical formulas for each of the following compounds: a. tin(II) hydroxide b. barium fluoride pr- c. tetraiodide nonoxide d. iron(III) oxalate


The chemical formulas for these compounds:
a. Tin(II) hydroxide: Sn(OH)₂
b. Barium fluoride: BaF₂
c. Tetraiodide nonoxide: I₄O₉
d. Iron(III) oxalate: Fe₂(C₂O₄)₃

A set of guidelines used to produce systematic names for chemical compounds is known as a chemical nomenclature. The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) developed and produced the nomenclature that is most frequently used globally.

The Red Book and Blue Book, respectively, are two publications that contain the IUPAC's rules for naming organic and inorganic compounds. A fourth book, the Gold Book, defines many of the technical terms used in chemistry, while a third, the Green Book, advises the use of symbols for physical quantities (in conjunction with the IUPAP). There are comparable compendia for clinical chemistry (the Silver Book), analytical chemistry (the Orange Book), macromolecular chemistry (the Purple Book), and biochemistry (the White Book, in association with the IUBMB).

Visit here to learn more about  chemical nomenclature : https://brainly.com/question/6496952

The chemical formulas for each of the following compounds:

a. Tin(II) hydroxide:
Tin(II) indicates that tin has a charge of +2. Hydroxide has a charge of -1. To balance the charges, we need two hydroxide ions for each tin ion.
Chemical formula: Sn(OH)₂

b. Barium fluoride:
Barium has a charge of +2, while fluoride has a charge of -1. To balance the charges, we need two fluoride ions for each barium ion.
Chemical formula: BaF₂

c. Tetraiodide nonoxide:
Tetra- means 4 and nona- means 9. So, there are 4 iodide atoms and 9 oxide atoms in the compound.
Chemical formula: I₄O₉

d. Iron(III) oxalate:
Iron(III) indicates that iron has a charge of +3. Oxalate is a polyatomic ion with a charge of -2. To balance the charges, we need two iron ions and three oxalate ions.
Chemical formula: Fe₂(C₂O₄)₃

To know more about Tetraiodide non-oxide:



a solution of barium hydroxide is mixed with magnesium chloride. what is the classification of the reaction?


When a solution of barium hydroxide is mixed with magnesium chloride, the reaction is classified as a double displacement or metathesis reaction. In this type of reaction, the cations and anions of the reactants swap places to form new products.

The classification of the reaction between a solution of barium hydroxide and magnesium chloride is a double displacement reaction. This is because the barium cation (Ba2+) from barium hydroxide switches places with the magnesium cation (Mg2+) from magnesium chloride, forming barium chloride (BaCl2) and magnesium hydroxide (Mg(OH)2) as the products.

Learn more about barium hydroxide here:



the electrolysis of bio produces pure bismuth. how long would it take to produce 10.0 g of bi by the electrolysis of a bio solution using a current of 25.0 a?


The amount of time taken to produce 10 g Bi by the electrolysis of a BiO solution using a current of 25 A is 9.2 minutes.

Direct electric current is used in the electrolysis process to accelerate chemical reactions that would not naturally occur. As a step in the electrolytic cell-based separation of elements from naturally existing sources like ores, electrolysis is significant from a commercial standpoint.

In BiO+, Bi has an oxidation number of 3+, so it’ll take 3 moles of electrons per mole of Bi.

10.0 g Bi x 1 mole/209g = 0.0478 moles Bi

0.0478 moles Bi x 3 moles electrons/mol Bi = 0.1434 moles electrons

0.1434 mol e- x 96,485 C/mole = 13836 Coulombs

1 C = 1 amp/sec

13836 C = 25 A x time

time = 553 seconds = 9.2 minutes

To produce the bio solution using a current is 9.2 minutes.

Learn more about electrolysis :



It would take approximately 185 seconds, or just over 3 minutes, to produce 10.0 g of bismuth by the electrolysis of a bio solution using a current of 25.0 A.

To determine the time it would take to produce 10.0 g of bismuth by the electrolysis of a bio solution using a current of 25.0 A, we need to use Faraday's law.

First, we need to find the number of moles of bismuth required to produce 10.0 g. The molar mass of bismuth is 208.98 g/mol, so:

10.0 g Bi / 208.98 g/mol = 0.0478 mol Bi

Next, we can use Faraday's law, which states that the amount of product produced is proportional to the amount of charge (in Coulombs) passed through the solution. The equation is:

moles of product = (charge in Coulombs) / (Faraday's constant)

where the Faraday's constant is 96,485 C/mol e-.

We can rearrange this equation to solve for the charge:

charge = (moles of product) x (Faraday's constant)

Plugging in the values we found earlier, we get:

charge = 0.0478 mol Bi x 96,485 C/mol e- = 4,632 C

Finally, we can use the formula for current:

current = charge / time

Rearranging this equation to solve for time, we get:

time = charge / current

Plugging in the values we found earlier, we get:

time = 4,632 C / 25.0 A = 185 s

To learn more about molar mass click here



2 NO(g)+Cl2(g)⇌2 NOCl(g) Kc=2000
A mixture of NO(g) and Cl
(g) is placed in a previously evacuated container and allowed to reach equilibrium according to the chemical equation shown above When the system reaches equilibrium, the reactants and products have the concentrations listed in the following table:
Species Concentration (M)
NO(g) 0.050
C12(g) 0.050
NOCl(g) 0.50
Which of the following is true if the volume of the container is decreased by one-half?
A. Q = 100, and the reaction will proceed toward reactants.
B. Q = 100, and the reaction will proceed toward products.
C. Q = 1000, and the reaction will proceed toward reactants.
D. Q = 1000, and the reaction will proceed toward products.


Neither A, B, C nor D. The equilibrium position will not be affected by the change in volume.

To determine how the equilibrium of the reaction 2 NO(g) + Cl₂(g) ⇌ 2 NOCl(g) will shift if the volume of the container is decreased by one-half, we first need to calculate the reaction quotient Q.

The balanced chemical equation for the reaction is:

2 NO(g) + Cl₂(g) ⇌ 2 NOCl(g)

At equilibrium, the concentrations of the species are:

[NO] = 0.050 M

[Cl2] = 0.050 M

[NOCl] = 0.50 M

Using these values, we can calculate the value of the reaction quotient Q:

Q [tex]= [NOCl]^2 / ([NO]^2[Cl2])[/tex]= [tex](0.50)^2 / ((0.050)^2 x 0.050)[/tex] = 1000

Now we compare the value of Q to the equilibrium constant Kc:

Kc =[tex][NOCl]^2 / ([NO]^2[Cl2])[/tex] = 2000

Since Q < Kc, we can conclude that the reaction has not yet reached equilibrium and that the forward reaction will proceed to reach equilibrium.

When the volume of the container is decreased by one-half, the concentration of all species will increase due to the decrease in volume. According to Le Chatelier's principle, the reaction will shift in the direction that reduces the total number of moles of gas.

In this case, the reaction produces two moles of gas on the left-hand side and two moles of gas on the right-hand side, so the total number of moles of gas does not change. Therefore, the volume change will not have an effect on the equilibrium position.

Learn more about  equilibrium here:




The correct answer is: C. Q = 1000, and the reaction will proceed toward reactants.

How to determine the reactions at equilibrium?

To determine which statement is true if the volume of the container is decreased by one-half, we need to calculate the reaction quotient (Q) for the new conditions.

When the volume is decreased by half, the concentrations of all species will double:

NO(g): 0.050 * 2 = 0.100 M
Cl2(g): 0.050 * 2 = 0.100 M
NOCl(g): 0.50 * 2 = 1.00 M

Now, calculate Q using the new concentrations:

Q = [NOCl]^2 / ([NO]^2 * [Cl2])
Q = (1.00)^2 / ((0.100)^2 * (0.100))
Q = 1 / 0.001
Q = 1000

So, Q = 1000. Now, compare Q to Kc:

Q > Kc, meaning the reaction will proceed toward the reactants to reach equilibrium.

To know more about Reaction Quotient:



you make a stock solution of 2.4831 grams of your unknown acid using a 100.00 ml volumetric flask. then you use 20.00 ml of that stock for a titration, which requires 23.85 ml of 0.108 m naoh to reach the first equivalence point. how many moles of naoh were used to reach the first equivalence point?


0.2582 moles of NaOH were required to arrive at the initial equivalence point.

The number of moles of NaOH used to reach the first equivalence point can be calculated using the molarity of the base and the volume of it used in the titration.

To do this, the formula M1V1=M2V2 is used, where M1 is the molarity of the base (0.108 M for NaOH), V1 is the volume of the base used (23.85 ml), M2 is the molarity of the acid (unknown), and V2 is the volume of acid used (20 ml).

Therefore, the number of moles of NaOH used to reach the first equivalence point is 0.2582 moles.

In summary, by measuring the amount of NaOH required to reach the first equivalence point and applying the molarity and volume of the acid and base, respectively, the number of moles of NaOH used can be calculated as 0.2582 moles.

To learn more about moles visit:



Consider the molecular orbital model of benzene. In the ground state, how many molecular orbital's are filled with electrons? Select one:

A. 1

B. 2

C. 3

D. 4

E. 5

F. 6

G. 7

H. 8


Consider the molecular orbital model of benzene. In the ground state, how many molecular orbitals are filled with electrons is C. 3

In the molecular orbital model of benzene, the ground state refers to the lowest energy state of the molecule. Benzene has 12 electrons, with six of these electrons forming a delocalized π-system that contributes to its aromatic properties.

To determine the number of molecular orbitals filled with electrons, we can look at the molecular orbitals formed by the π-system. In benzene, there are six π molecular orbitals created by the overlapping of the p-orbitals from each of the six carbon atoms. These π molecular orbitals can be classified into three bonding (lower energy) and three antibonding (higher energy) orbitals.

In the ground state, the electrons fill the molecular orbitals from the lowest energy level to the highest. The six π electrons in benzene fill the three lower energy-bonding molecular orbitals, with each orbital containing two electrons. Therefore, there are 3 molecular orbitals filled with electrons in the ground state of benzene. Therefore the correct option is C.

Know more about molecular orbitals  here:



phenacetin can be prepared from p-acetamidophenol, which has a molar mass of 151.16 g/mol, and bromoethane, which has a molar mass of 108.97 g/mol. the density of bromoethane is 1.47 g/ml. what is the yield in grams of phenacetin, which has a molar mass of 179.22 g/mol, possible when reacting 0.151 g of p-acetamidophenol with 0.12 ml of bromoethane?


The theoretical yield of phenacetin is 0.17922 g. However, the actual yield may be lower due to factors such as incomplete reaction, loss during purification, or experimental error.

To calculate the theoretical yield of phenacetin, we need to first determine the limiting reagent. The limiting reagent is the reactant that will be completely consumed in the reaction, thus limiting the amount of product that can be produced.

First, we need to convert the volume of bromoethane given in milliliters to grams, using its density:

0.12 ml x 1.47 g/ml = 0.1764 g bromoethane

Next, we can use the molar masses of p-acetamidophenol and bromoethane to determine the number of moles of each:

moles p-acetamidophenol = 0.151 g / 151.16 g/mol = 0.001 mol

moles bromoethane = 0.1764 g / 108.97 g/mol = 0.00162 mol

Since the reaction requires a 1:1 molar ratio of p-acetamidophenol to bromoethane, and the number of moles of p-acetamidophenol is smaller than the number of moles of bromoethane, p-acetamidophenol is the limiting reagent.

The theoretical yield of phenacetin can be calculated using the molar mass of phenacetin and the number of moles of p-acetamidophenol:

moles phenacetin = 0.001 mol p-acetamidophenol

mass phenacetin = 0.001 mol x 179.22 g/mol = 0.17922 g

For such more questions on Phenacetin:



How many liters of 2.07 M sulfuric acid are needed to make 57 milliliters of a 0.58 M solution of sulfuric acid?
**Round to FOUR places after the decimal.


We need 0.0161 liters of the 2.07 M sulfuric acid solution to make 57 milliliters of a 0.58 M solution of sulfuric acid.

To solve this problem

We need to use the formula:

C1V1 = C2V2


C1 is the concentration of the initial solutionV1 is the volume of the initial solutionC2 is the concentration of the final solutionV2 is the volume of the final solution

We want to find the volume of the 2.07 M sulfuric acid solution needed to make 57 milliliters of a 0.58 M solution. Let's plug in the values we know:

2.07 M * V1 = 0.58 M * 57 mL

Simplifying the equation, we get:

V1 = (0.58 M * 57 mL) / 2.07 M

V1 = 16.0874 mL

To convert the volume to liters, we divide by 1000:

V1 = 16.0874 mL / 1000 mL/L

V1 = 0.0161 L

Therefore, we need 0.0161 liters of the 2.07 M sulfuric acid solution to make 57 milliliters of a 0.58 M solution of sulfuric acid.

Learn more about concentration here : brainly.com/question/28564792


a 35.0-ml sample of 0.20 m lioh is titrated with 0.25 m hcl. what is the ph of the solution after 23.0 ml of hcl have been added to the base? group of answer choices 1.26 12.74 12.33 13.03 1.67


The pH of the solution after 23.0 mL of 0.25 M HCl have been added to the 35.0 mL of 0.20 M LiOH is 12.74.

1. Calculate the initial moles of LiOH and HCl:
  LiOH: 35.0 mL * 0.20 mol/L = 7.00 mmol
  HCl: 23.0 mL * 0.25 mol/L = 5.75 mmol

2. Determine the limiting reactant and find the moles of unreacted LiOH:
  Since HCl is the limiting reactant, subtract its moles from LiOH moles:
  7.00 mmol - 5.75 mmol = 1.25 mmol of unreacted LiOH

3. Calculate the new concentration of LiOH in the solution:
  Total volume: 35.0 mL + 23.0 mL = 58.0 mL
  New concentration: 1.25 mmol / 58.0 mL = 0.02155 mol/L

4. Calculate the pOH of the solution:
  pOH = -log10(0.02155) = 1.66

5. Find the pH of the solution:
  pH = 14 - pOH = 14 - 1.66 = 12.74

To know more about pH click on below link:



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