A cup is sliding down an inclined surface that is not smooth. What is the correct free body diagram for the body?

A Cup Is Sliding Down An Inclined Surface That Is Not Smooth. What Is The Correct Free Body Diagram For


Answer 1


Let's see the forces in the cup:

The gravitational force will act in the plane parallel to the inclined surface.

Because the surface is not smooth, we will have a friction force, which direction is opposite to the velocity vector.

The component of the gravitational force perpendicular to the surface is canceled with the normal force, so we will not have that in our diagram.

The correct option is not shown, so i will draw a simple sketch so you can identify the correct option:

Where the direction of the velocity is shown so we can know the direction of the friction force,

And we assume that both forces are applied on the center of mass, this is an oversimplified case, but this is the approach we usually take in this type of problems.

A Cup Is Sliding Down An Inclined Surface That Is Not Smooth. What Is The Correct Free Body Diagram For
Answer 2


For me it was B.    Fn is going to the NW.  Ff is going NE. Fg is going straight down.


A Cup Is Sliding Down An Inclined Surface That Is Not Smooth. What Is The Correct Free Body Diagram For

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velocity is vector Quantity

Which of the following best defines speed?
A. It is an objects speed at a specific point in time
B. It is the distance traveled by an object in a specific direction
C. It is a measure of how far an object moves over a certain amount of time
D. It is the total time over the distance


D. It is the total time over the distance

Los satélites de televisión giran alrededor de la Tierra en una órbita de 42370 km de radio. a) ¿Cuánto vale la aceleración de la gravedad en esa órbita? (Resultado: g = 0,22 m/s2 ) b) ¿Cuánto pesará allí un satélite de 1200 kg? (Resultado: P = 264 N) Datos: G = 6,67 10-11 Nm2 /kg masa de la Tierra: 6 1024 kg



(a) La aceleración de la gravedad en esa órbita es 0.22 [tex]\frac{m}{s^{2} }[/tex]

(b) Un satélite de 1,200 kg pesará allí 264 N.


(a) Cada punto del espacio tiene un  valor del campo proporcional a la función, siguiendo el modelo de gravitación de Newton:

[tex]g=G*\frac{m}{r^{2} }[/tex]

donde m será masa, r  la distancia entre los objetos y G la constante de gravitación universal, cuyo valor es [tex]G=6.672*10^{-11}\frac{N*m^{2} }{kg }[/tex]

En este caso:

m= 6*10²⁴ kgr=42,370 km= 42,370,000 m


[tex]g=6.672*10^{-11}\frac{N*m^{2} }{kg }*\frac{6*10^{24}kg }{(42,370,000 m)^{2} }[/tex]

Resolviendo, obtenes:

g= 0.22 [tex]\frac{m}{s^{2} }[/tex]

La aceleración de la gravedad en esa órbita es 0.22 [tex]\frac{m}{s^{2} }[/tex]

(b) La ley fundamental de la dinámica o segunda ley de Newton expresa que la fuerza neta que es aplicada sobre un cuerpo es proporcional a la aceleración que adquiere en su trayectoria.  Esto se expresa matemáticamente como:

F= m*a

en donde  F es fuerza neta , m la masa y a la aceleración.

El peso es la fuerza que ejerce la gravedad sobre una masa, por lo que se obtiene de manera análoga a la fuerza:


En este caso la masa m tiene un valor de 1,200 kg y la gravedad g un valor de 0.22 [tex]\frac{m}{s^{2} }[/tex].


P=1,200 kg*0.22 [tex]\frac{m}{s^{2} }[/tex]


P= 264 N

Un satélite de 1,200 kg pesará allí 264 N.

Could you pick up a nail using the curved part of the horseshoe magnet farthest from the poles?


Answer & Explanation:

One can pick up a nail using the curved part of the horseshoe magnet farthest from the poles. A horse shoe magnet has magnetic fields all around it. In the presence of magnetic force fields, any magnetic object will be attracted to it.

One can pick up a nail using the curved part of the horseshoe magnet farthest from the poles.

What is magnet?

A substance which is negative charged at one end and positive charged at another end creating the magnetic field around it.

A nail is a magnet which can attract the particle which are charged.

A horse shoe magnet also has magnetic fields around it. In the presence of magnetic force fields, any magnetic object will be attracted to it.

Thus. one could pick up a nail using the curved part of the horseshoe magnet farthest from the poles.

Learn more about magnet.



A fire is burning in a fireplace. Where is the radiation?

A. You touch warm bricks next to the fireplace
B. You can feel the heat from across the room
C. Heat is rising up from the chimney


I think it’s A.

Can you hear sounds from space or not? Why or Why not?


Answer: NO

Step by step explanation: No you cannot hear sounds from space, sound travels though the vibrations of Atoms and molecules so in space there is no air, so sound would have no way to travel....

Light travels in a transparent material at 2.5 x 10 m/s. Find the index of refraction of the


I would say 5.6 to the 4 and I’ll I did was add it to both side

We have that for the Question "Light travels in a transparent material at 2.5 x 10 m/s. Find the index of refraction of the material." it can be said that

From the question we are told

Light travels in a transparent material at 2.5 x 10 m/s. Find the index of refraction of the  material.

Generally the equation for the  index of refraction  is mathematically given as

[tex]n=\frac{C}{v}\\\\Therefore\\\\n=\frac{3*10^8}{2.5 * 10 }\\\\n=12000000\\\\[/tex]


The  index of refraction  of the material is


For more information on this visit


Tyler drives 50km north. Tyler then drives back 30km south. What distance did he cover? What was his displacement?



80 km is distance and 30km north is displacement


distance= 50+30=80km

displacement= 50-20=30

his displacement is 30km north

When Tyler drives 50 km north and then drives back 30 km south, we have:

1. The distance that he covers is 80 km.

2. Tylor's displacement is 20 km.  

1. The distance is a scalar that is given by the sum of the kilometers traveled by Tyler as follows:

[tex] d = d_{1} + d_{2} = 50 km + 30 km = 80 km [/tex]

Hence, the distance traveled by Tyler was 80 km.

2. The displacement is a vector that depends on the direction of travel. Takin the north direction as positive we have:

[tex] x = x_{1} + x_{2} = 50 km + (-30 km) = 20 km [/tex]

Therefore, Tyler's displacement is 20 km.

You can find more about displacement and distance here: https://brainly.com/question/4307551?referrer=searchResults

I hope it helps you!            

A skydiver jumps from a plane and falls for 5 seconds before reaching his terminal velocity. During this 5 seconds interval, describe his acceleration before reaching terminal velocity?



His acceleration during the first five seconds before reaching terminal velocity = (W - D)/m


The terminal velocity is the maximum steady velocity attained by a body falling freely with increasing velocity from rest in a fluid, such as air or water

The net force, F acting on the body falling through the fluid is given as follows;

F = Weight force, W, from gravity - Drag force, D, from the fluid

F = W - D

Given that F = Mass, m × Acceleration, a, we have;

F = m × a

The acceleration, a = F/m = (W - D)/m

His acceleration during the first five seconds before reaching terminal velocity = (W - D)/m.

If you are in a car at a stop sign and then the driver
presses on the gas pedal really hard, which way is the car



it wont be because the hand brake would be on

The car is accelerating forward.

Similarities and differences between natural and synthetic for sugar




For starters, sugar is sugar, no matter how it’s marketed, priced or packaged.  All sugar offers the same number of calories, although some may be less processed. It seems like every third day a “new” natural sugar emerges as the next best thing. Take for example, the increasingly popular coconut sugar or maple sugar, which are actually just fancy names with a heftier price tag for one ingredient: sugar. Your body can’t tell the difference between raw coconut sugar or processed table sugar, all sugar is metabolized and digested the same. While some more natural forms of sugar may contain a bit more minerals and haven’t undergone as much refinement, they really aren’t any healthier.


The most popular artificial sweeteners include sucralose (Splenda), aspartame (Equal) and saccharin (Sweet’N Low), neotame, and acesulfame-K are found in diet sodas, light yogurts or ice creams, sugar-free chewing gums and candies among other products. They’re oftentimes marketed as diet, sugar-free, calorie-free, low-calorie, skinny or light.

Artificial sweeteners are man-made, unnatural chemical compounds that our body doesn’t understand or know how to metabolize.  Some scientific evidence suggests artificial sweeteners may cause brain cancer or slow down metabolism – although most of these studies have been tested on animals, never humans.

Or what about the theory that eating alternative sweeteners makes you more inclined to eat a) a whole bag of sugar-free candies at one time, and b) overindulge in junk food later. Plus, certain types of sugar alcohols or sugar substitutes contain hard-to-digest ingredients that can manifest in symptoms of gastrointestinal discomfort, like bloating, gas, cramping, diarrhea, or even constipation.

There is no difference, not in any useful sense. Anything you might call sugar is one of a handful of molecules; sucrose, glucose = dextrose, fructose, maltose, and several others. Sucrose is the molecule most commonly meant by “sugar”.Your body doesn’t know or care where these molecules have come from. The sugar could be largely avoided while still getting the other benefits of plant-based foods.

How do atoms of different non metals stabilize themselves?
Pls help



by taking other atoms that have one shell and putting it i the spot that they need t in



1. From your data, what factor(s) affect the speed of a wave? Explain your reasoning.

2. The pitch made by a musical instrument is dependent on the frequency of the wave. Frequency is the inverse of period. What impact do you think the frequency of a wave has on the wave speed?

3. What happens to wave speed as it moves from a medium of low density to one of high density? Explain your response with respect to this lab.

4. When a stringed instrument is out of tune, the player with tighten or loosen the string. If the instrument is initially flat, should they tighten or loosen the string? In the context of this experiment, explain your reasoning.

Present Your Findings or Questions

Using data and observations, answer the questions and provide your data tables in the essay box below.​



Initial velocity describes how fast an object travels when gravity first applies force on the object. On the other hand, the final velocity is a vector quantity that measures the speed and direction of a moving body after it has reached its maximum acceleration.



1. The speed of the wave is affected by wavelength frequency because waves travel through a medium and sound, ocean waves and seismic waves, etc. are the physical properties of the medium that determines the speed of the mechanical waves.

2. I think the frequency of the wave doesn't have any effect on the wave speed. Only the characteristics of the medium the wave is traveling through determines its speed.

3. As a wave moves from a medium of low density to a higher density the wave speed increases and when a wave moves from a higher density to a medium density the wave speed decreases because the wave length shortens causing the wave speed to lower.

4.If the instrument is initially flat they should tighten it because once it is tightened there is going to be force applied to the gears, and after you've reached the correct pitch the gears won't be able to move. So ultimately, you will be able to meet the intended pitch you were going for.



if you climb the hill you will be tired also it will be 4.00 meters per second

A baseball player’s bat applies an average force of 220. newtons to a tennis ball for 0.03 second. The average force exerted on the racket by the tennis ball is





Stefan has to drive 8 miles south and 3 miles east to get to work. Find his distance and displacement.


Stefan's distance and displacement are 11 miles and 8.54 miles southeast

The distance can be calculated directly by adding up the individual distance.

d = 8+3d = 11 miles

To calculate the displacement of Stefan, we make use of the Pythagoras theorem.

From Pythagoras theorem,


a² = b²+c²................ Equation 1


a = Stefan's resultant displacementb = Stefan's displacement to the southc = Stefan's displacement to the east.

From the question,


b = 8 milesc = 3 miles.

Substitute these values into equation 1

a² = 8²+3²a² = 64+9a² = 73a = √(73)a = 8.54 mile southeast.

While the displacement is 8.54 miles southeast.

Hence, Stefan's distance and displacement are 11 miles and 8.54 miles southeast.

Learn more about distance and displacement here: https://brainly.com/question/17273444

I need help on this, please tell me what it is.



maria is right.


What is one physical benefit that can be obtained from participating in field events?

A) strengthen balance
B) better sleep pattern
C) increase capacity for learning
D) all of the above





It does all three

A generator converts mechanical energy to electrical energy by using a conducting metal loop turning in a...
A. magnetic field
B. Gravitational field
C. Steel sphere
D. Cooper sphere



B- Gravitational Field


Have a nice day, hope you get a good grade!

The  generator converts mechanical energy to electrical energy by using a conducting metal loop turning in a gravitational field.

What is the gravitational field?

In terms of physics, a gravitational field represent the model that should be used for explaining the impact where the massive body should be extended into the space around it. Also, generating the force on the another massive body.

Therefore, based on the above explanation, the correct option is b.

Learn more about energy here: https://brainly.com/question/18167856

A bullet is fired straight up from ground level for a distance of 1688.3m at a speed of 182 m/s. How long does it take for the bullet to stop?


S= 1/2 x 182 x t = 1688.3
t = 1688.3 / 91
time = 18.55 seconds

Radio stations broadcast signals on two different frequency bands. These are called



AM(amplitude modulation) and FM(frequency modulation)


A radio frequency band is a small adjacent section of the radio spectrum frequencies, whereby channels are usually used or set aside to be used.

They are usually of two different bands called AM which is known as amplitude modulation and FM which is known as frequency modulation

40 points and brainliest plz helppp luv yah thxx
A car moving at 10 m/s slows to a stop. It moves 25 meters forward while braking.
1. What is its braking acceleration?
Explain how you found your answer.

2. How much time does it take to slow to a stop?
Explain how you found your answer.



hey want you to separate the energy’s and put them in the categories they go in like why are They different what is chemically different about them? Etc.why do they act differently.. do they act the same in some ways? Think about that


HELP PLS HURRY !!!!!!!!!


The answer is Electrical Energy

When the energy of a wave increases, what happens to the amplitude?



The energy transported by a wave is directly proportional to the square of the amplitude. So whatever change occurs in the amplitude, the square of that effect impacts the energy. This means that a doubling of the amplitude results in a quadrupling of the energy.


When the energy of a wave increases, the amplitude also increases. This is because the amplitude of the wave is directly proportional to the energy of a wave.

What is the amplitude of a wave?

The amplitude of a wave may be defined as the maximum displacement or distance moved by a point on a vibrating body or wave measured from its equilibrium position. It is equal to one-half the length of the vibration path.

It is the principle of physics that when the amplitude of the wave is higher, the energy also gets higher. To summarise, waves carry energy. The amount of energy they carry is related to their frequency and their amplitude. The higher the frequency, the more energy, and the higher the amplitude, the more energy.

Therefore, when the energy of a wave increases, the amplitude also increases. This is because the amplitude of the wave is directly proportional to the energy of a wave.

To learn more about Energy and amplitude, refer to the link:



why would a rocket fall vertically downwards if it was launched vertically upwards​



It would because the shape of the rocket is designed to be able to slice through the air as smooth as possible and now you may be thinking that air is already smooth but when you try to push something as large and heavy like a rocket then the shape of the rocket will be very important. The bottom of the rocket is flatter then the top so it is not designed to fly smoothly through the air. So the rocket would fall vertically downward(If it was still in one piece)because of it's shape. It is easier for the top of the rocket to go smoothly through the air then the bottom.


I am 90% sure this is correct but if I'm not please tell me

To solve this we must be knowing each and every concept related to rocket. Therefore, a rocket fall vertically downwards if it was launched vertically upwards​ because the bottom of a rocket is flatter than the top.

What is rocket?

A rocket is indeed a vehicle that accelerates by employing jet propulsion rather than the surrounding air. A rocket engine generates thrust by reacting to high-speed exhaust.

The reason would be that the shape of a rocket is meant to slice through air as smoothly as possible. You may assume that air already is smooth, but when we try to push anything as massive and heavy as a rocket, the shape of a rocket becomes quite crucial.

Because the bottom of a rocket is flatter than the top, it isn't designed to glide through the air gracefully. Because of its form, the rocket will fall vertically downward . The tip of the rocket travels more smoothly in the air than the bottom.

Therefore, a rocket fall vertically downwards if it was launched vertically upwards​ because the bottom of a rocket is flatter than the top.

To know more about rocket, here:



what do acid increase the concentration of in a solution



Hydronium ([tex]H_{3}[/tex]O)

Which TWO correctly relate the attraction between the particles of a liquid and the temperature at which the liquid changes state?

A. Strong attractions mean the liquid melts at a higher temperature
B. Strong attractions mean the liquid melts at a lower temperature
C. Strong attractions mean the liquid boils at a higher temperature
D. Strong attractions mean the liquid boils at a lower temperature



a &c



Attraction between the molecules of a liquid and the temperature at which the liquid changes state is "Strong attractions mean the liquid boils at a higher temperature". The correct option is C

What is Temperature ?

Temperature is a physical quantity which measures hotness and coldness of a body. Temperature measures the degree of vibration of molecule in a body. Temperature is measured in centigrade (°C), Fahrenheit (°F) and Kelvin (K) in which Kelvin (K) is a SI unit of temperature. Absolute scale of temperature means Kelvin scale of temperature.

relation between Kelvin(K) and centigrade (°C),

°C= K - 273.15

from equation, 273.15 K means 0 °C, which is freezing point of water (ice).

when we give temperature to the body, its molecule or atom absorbs thermal energy and vibrate about their mean position. Amplitude of vibration get increases as we go on increasing temperature and for higher temperature force of attraction between molecules gets weaker. Hence for higher temperature, due to weaken the force of attraction between molecule, solid goes into liquid state. and further increase in temperature liquid goes into gaseous state.

Liquid has stronger force of attraction than gas and weaker than solid. Strong force of attraction means high temperature should be given to break molecular bonds. Therefore Strong attractions mean the liquid boils at a higher temperature.

Hence option C is correct.

To know more about force of attraction, click :



A player kicks a football into the air. It slows to a stop at its highest point in the air before falling to the ground. Which statement accurately describes the motion of the football?



The answer is "The ball slows down in the air due to an unbalanced force "


If plays kick the ball, its object is mainly controlled by various forces its player's power as well as the other gravitational force, which acts in such a direction often focused from around Earth.  

Its force of its player will decrease because as strength of gravity is consistent, enabling both forces to interfere, therefore slowing the speed of football.

Please help me! Yes, I know the quality SUCKS I have an old Android lol​



top to 2\

next to top

then to up one

next to up


Mass: amount of matter in an object
Weight: downward pull on an object
Balance: tool used to measure mass
Scale: tool used to measure weight

What are greenhouse gases? Can you name any?


greenhouse gasses in the upper atmosphere trap heat from the Earth and reflect it back down rather than allow it to escape. This makes Earth progressively warmer.
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