A family goes on a road trip that is 500km long. It takes the family 2 hours and 30 minutes to complete the trip. What was the families speed?


Answer 1

Using the speed formula we know that the speed of the family was (D) 250 km/h.

What is speed?

The speed of an item, which is a scalar quantity in everyday usage and kinematics, is the size of the change in that object's position over time or the size of the change in that object's position per unit of time.

Speed is a unit of measurement for how quickly something is moving.

The most used speed measurements are miles per hour (mph), kilometers per hour (km/h), and meters per second (m/s). (mph).

So, the speed of the family can be calculated as follows:

Speed formula: d/t

30 minutes

= 50 km/h * 5

= 250km/h

Therefore, using the speed formula we know that the speed of the family was (D) 250 km/h.

Know more about speed here:



Correct question:

A family goes on a road trip that is 500 km long. It takes the family 2 hours and 30 minutes to complete the trip. What was the family’s speed?

A) 2.17 km/h

B) 200 km/h

C) 1.33 km/h

D) 250 km/h

Related Questions

rylie is a newly hired cybersecurity expert for a government agency. rylie used to work in the private sector. she has discovered that, whereas private sector companies often had confusing hierarchies for data classification, the government's classifications are well known and standardized. as part of her training, she is researching data that requires special authorization beyond normal classification. what is this type of data called? group of answer choices


Compartmentalized is the type of data that is discussed in the problem researched by an employee rylie who is a newly hired cybersecurity expert for a government agency and has working experience in the private sector.

Data classification is the way of organizing data into different categories that make it easy to retrieve, sort and store for future use. In simple words, compartmentalization means to separate into isolated compartments or categories. In data language, A nonhierarchical grouping of information used to control access to data more finely than with hierarchical security classification alone is called Compartmentalization. Now, we have a rylie who is a newly hired cybersecurity expert for a government agency. She has working experience in the private sector. On basis of her experience she has discovered that, the private sector companies often had confusing hierarchies for data classification as compared to the government's classifications which are well known and standardized. During her training, she is researching data that requires special authorization beyond normal classification. The data type that she researched and that is authorization beyond normal classification is called compartmentalized data.

For more information about data classification, visit :



will give brainliest!!



Remember SOHCAHTOA  

SOH- Sin= Opposite/Hypotenuse

CAH- Cosine= Adjacent/Hypotenuse

TOA- Tangent= Opposite/Adjacent

sin Θ is 24/25

cos Θ is 7/25

tan Θ is 24/7

Step-by-step explanation:

If using the SOHCAHTOA method all you have to do is memorize your Pythagorean triples

Ex: 3,4,5



the area covered by the hour hand of a wall clock between time 4 : 26 and 6 : 50 is what percent of the area covered by it in 15 hours?


Step-by-step explanation:

From 4:26 to 6:50  is   2 hr and 24 in = 2  24/60  hrs =  2.4 hours

2.4 hrs is what percent of 15 hrs ?

2.4  /  15  * 100% = 16%

Multiply 13. 5 x 12. 1 using a regrouping strategy. Explain your answer and each step that you take


The product of 13.5 and 12.1 using a regrouping strategy is 163.35.

To begin with, we can start by breaking down each number into its place value components, which are the ones, tenths, and hundredths places. We can represent 13.5 as 13 + 0.5 and 12.1 as 12 + 0.1.

So, we can rewrite 13.5 as (10 + 3) + 0.5 and 12.1 as (10 + 2) + 0.1. Now, we can use the distributive property of multiplication to multiply 13.5 by 12.1 as follows:

13.5 x 12.1 = (10 + 3 + 0.5) x (10 + 2 + 0.1)

= 10 x 10 + 10 x 2 + 10 x 0.1

+ 3 x 10 + 3 x 2 + 3 x 0.1

+ 0.5 x 10 + 0.5 x 2 + 0.5 x 0.1

Next, we can simplify each of these products by multiplying the numbers in the ones and tenths places separately, and then adding the results. For example, 10 x 10 = 100, 10 x 2 = 20, 10 x 0.1 = 1, 3 x 10 = 30, and so on.

So, continuing from the previous step, we get:

13.5 x 12.1 = 100 + 20 + 1

+ 30 + 6 + 0.3

+ 5 + 1 + 0.05

Finally, we can add up all these products to get the final answer:

13.5 x 12.1 = 163.35

To know more about multiplication here



In triangle ∆ABC, m<A = 33°, m<C = 58°, and AB = 25 in. What is AC to the nearest tenth of an inch?

1. 16.1 in.
2. 38.9 in
3. 42 in.
4. 12 in.​​​


The value of AC to the nearest tenth is 29.5

What is sine rule?

The sine rule states that if a, b and c are the lengths of the sides of a triangle, and A, B and C are the angles in the triangle; with A opposite a, etc., then a/sinA=b/sinB=c/sinC.

Angle B = 180-(33+58)

= 180-91 = 89°

using sine rule

represent AC by x

x/ sin89 = 25/sin 58

xsin58 = 25sin89

0.848x = 0.9998×25

0.848x = 24.995

x = 24.995/0.848

x = 29.5( nearest tenth)

therefore the value of AC is 29.5.

learn more about sine rule from




Question 12

A recent conference had 750 people in attendance. In one exhibit room of 70 people, there were 18 teachers and 52 principals. What prediction can you make about the number of principals in attendance at the conference?

There were about 193 principals in attendance.

There were about 260 principals in attendance.

There were about 557 principals in attendance.

There were about 680 principals in attendance.

Question 13

A college cafeteria is looking for a new dessert to offer its 4,000 students. The table shows the preference of 225 students.

Ice Cream Candy Cake Pie Cookies

81 9 72 36 27

Which statement is the best prediction about the number of cookies the college will need?

The college will have about 480 students who prefer cookies.

The college will have about 640 students who prefer cookies.

The college will have about 1,280 students who prefer cookies.

The college will have about 1,440 students who prefer cookies.

Question 14

A random sample of 100 middle schoolers were asked about their favorite sport. The following data was collected from the students.

Sport Basketball Baseball Soccer Tennis

Number of Students 17 12 27 44

Which of the following graphs correctly displays the data?

histogram with the title favorite sport and the x axis labeled sport and the y axis labeled number of students, with the first bar labeled basketball going to a value of 17, the second bar labeled baseball going to a value of 12, the third bar labeled soccer going to a value of 27, and the fourth bar labeled tennis going to a value of 44

histogram with the title favorite sport and the x axis labeled sport and the y axis labeled number of students, with the first bar labeled baseball going to a value of 17, the second bar labeled basketball going to a value of 12, the third bar labeled tennis going to a value of 27, and the fourth bar labeled soccer going to a value of 44

bar graph with the title favorite sport and the x axis labeled sport and the y axis labeled number of students, with the first bar labeled basketball going to a value of 17, the second bar labeled baseball going to a value of 12, the third bar labeled soccer going to a value of 27, and the fourth bar labeled tennis going to a value of 44

bar graph with the title favorite sport and the x axis labeled sport and the y axis labeled number of students, with the first bar labeled baseball going to a value of 17, the second bar labeled basketball going to a value of 12, the third bar labeled tennis going to a value of 27, and the fourth bar labeled soccer going to a value of 44

Question 15

The line plots represent data collected on the travel times to school from two groups of 15 students.

A horizontal line starting at 0, with tick marks every two units up to 28. The line is labeled Minutes Traveled. There is one dot above 4, 6, 14, and 28. There are two dots above 10, 12, 18, and 22. There are three dots above 16. The graph is titled Bus 47 Travel Times.

A horizontal line starting at 0, with tick marks every two units up to 28. The line is labeled Minutes Traveled. There is one dot above 8, 9, 18, 20, and 22. There are two dots above 6, 10, 12, 14, and 16. The graph is titled Bus 18 Travel Times.

Compare the data and use the correct measure of center to determine which bus typically has the faster travel time. Round your answer to the nearest whole number, if necessary, and explain your answer.

Bus 18, with a median of 13

Bus 47, with a median of 16

Bus 18, with a mean of 13

Bus 47, with a mean of 16



1-There were about 483 principals in attendance.

2-The college will have about 640 students who prefer pie

3-histogram with the title favorite sport and the x axis labeled sport and the y axis labeled number of students, with the first bar labeled baseball going to a value of 17, the second bar labeled basketball going to a value of 12, the third bar labeled tennis going to a value of 27, and the fourth bar labeled soccer going to a value of 44

4-The correct option regarding which bus has the least spread among the travel times is given as follows:

Bus 18, with an median of  16

Hope you get them all right :)

please I need HELP!!!



the answer is 0.77 yes that is the answer


C. 0.64

Step-by-step explanation:

the answer is on the picture

Coach Sanchez is setting up a court for
a game of four-square. He has a
square space, with an area of 64
square feet. What is the longest side
length Coach Sanchez can make for
one side of the court?


Thus, coach Sanchez can only create a side length of 8 for one side of the court, which is the longest side length.

Explain about the square root:

The factor of a number that, when multiplied by itself, equals the original number is known as the square root of the number. Practically speaking, determining a number's square root is the reverse of doing so to find its square.


A perfect square root corresponds to a perfect square number.The square root of an even perfect number is even.The square root of an odd perfect number is odd.

You only need to find that square root of the area to determine the length of a side because we know that a square already has equal sides so the area is determined by two sides.

√64 = 8

Thus, coach Sanchez can only create a side length of 8 for one side of the court, which is the longest side length.

Know more about the square root



i need the answer loololololololol


The standard format of the polynomial given in the image is given as follows:

0.5x^5 - x^4 - 5x² - 6.

How to obtain the standard format of the polynomial?

The standard format of a polynomial is to write it in descending order of the exponents of the variable, with each term separated by a plus or minus sign. For example, the standard format of a polynomial with one variable (x) is:

a_nx^n + a_{n-1}x^{n-1} + ... + a_2x^2 + a_1x + a_0

The exponents of the polynomial in this problem are given as follows:

5, 0, 4, 2.

Hence the descending order is:

5, 4, 2, 0.

And the standard format of the polynomial is of:

0.5x^5 - x^4 - 5x² - 6.

More can be learned about polynomials at https://brainly.com/question/4142886


Question 11

The number of carbohydrates from 10 different tortilla sandwich wraps sold in a grocery store was collected.

Which graphical representation would be most appropriate for the data, and why?

Circle chart, because the data is categorical
Line plot, because there is a large set of data
Histogram, because you can see each individual data point
Stem-and-leaf plot, because you can see each individual data point

Question 12

The line plots represent data collected on the travel times to school from two groups of 15 students.

A horizontal line starting at 0, with tick marks every two units up to 28. The line is labeled Minutes Traveled. There is one dot above 10, 16, 20, and 28. There are two dots above 8 and 14. There are three dots above 18. There are four dots above 12. The graph is titled Bus 14 Travel Times.

A horizontal line starting at 0, with tick marks every two units up to 28. The line is labeled Minutes Traveled. There is one dot above 8, 9, 18, 20, and 22. There are two dots above 6, 10, 12, 14, and 16. The graph is titled Bus 18 Travel Times.

Compare the data and use the correct measure of center to determine which bus typically has the faster travel time. Round your answer to the nearest whole number, if necessary, and explain your answer.

Bus 14, with a median of 14
Bus 18, with a mean of 12
Bus 14, with a mean of 14
Bus 18, with a median of 12

Question 13

The line plot displays the number of roses purchased per day at a grocery store.

A horizontal line starting at 1 with tick marks every one unit up to 10. The line is labeled Number of Rose Bouquets, and the graph is titled Roses Purchased Per Day. There is one dot above 1 and 2. There are two dots above 8. There are three dots above 6, 7, and 9.

Which of the following is the best measure of variability for the data, and what is its value?

The range is the best measure of variability, and it equals 8.
The range is the best measure of variability, and it equals 2.5.
The IQR is the best measure of variability, and it equals 8.
The IQR is the best measure of variability, and it equals 2.5.

Question 14

Chipwich Summer Camp surveyed 100 campers to determine which lake activity was their favorite. The results are given in the table.

Lake Activity Number of Campers
Kayaking 15
Wakeboarding 11
Windsurfing 7
Waterskiing 13
Paddleboarding 54

If a circle graph was constructed from the results, which lake activity has a central angle of 39.6°?


The lake activity with a central angle of  [tex]39.6^\circ[/tex] is Wakeboarding.

What is the central angle?

11. the number of tortilla sandwich wraps falling into each interval can be represented by the height or area of the bars. This allows for an easy visualization of the distribution of the data.

12. To determine which bus typically has the faster travel time, we need to compare the measures of center for each data set. Since there are outliers in both data sets, the median would be a more appropriate measure of center than the mean.

For Bus 14, the median is (10 + 12)/2 = 11.

For Bus 18, the median is (10 + 14)/2 = 12.

Therefore, Bus 18 typically has the faster travel time, with a median of 12 minutes.

13. The IQR (interquartile range) is the best measure of variability for the data because it is less sensitive to outliers than the range, and it gives us an idea of how spread out the middle 50% of the data is.

To find Q1, we need to find the median of the lower half of the data: (1+2)/2 = 1.5.

To find Q3, we need to find the median of the upper half of the data: (8+8+8)/3 = 8.

Therefore, the IQR = Q3 - Q1 = 8 - 1.5 = 6.5.

14. To determine the central angle of each lake activity, we need to calculate the percentage of campers who chose each activity and then multiply that percentage by 360 (the total degrees in a circle).

The percentage of campers who chose Kayaking is 15%, so the central angle would be 0.15 x 360 = 54°.

The percentage of campers who chose Wakeboarding is 11%, so the central angle would be 0.11 x 360 = 39.6°.

The percentage of campers who chose Windsurfing is 7%, so the central angle would be 0.07 x 360 = 25.2°.

The percentage of campers who chose Waterskiing is 13%, so the central angle would be 0.13 x 360 = 46.8°.

The percentage of campers who chose Paddleboarding is 54%, so the central angle would be [tex]0.54 x 360 = 194.4^\circ.[/tex]

Therefore, The lake activity with a central angle of  [tex]39.6^\circ[/tex] is Wakeboarding.

Learn more about angle here:



Any new purchases with a choice for exterior colors A, B, C, and D parentheses and three into your colors one, two, and three make an organized list unlock the first color combinations for the car


the first letter represents the exterior color, and the second number represents the interior color. So "A1" means exterior color A with interior color 1, "B2" means exterior color B with interior color 2, and so on.













Sure, here's an organized list of the first color combinations for the car with exterior colors A, B, C, and D, and interior colors 1, 2, and 3:

To learn more about combinations, visit



Write 35% as a fraction in lowest term



Step-by-step explanation:

35% [tex]= 0.35 = \frac{35}{100} = \frac{35/5}{100/5} = \frac{7}{20}[/tex]

a measure of association whose value may vary depending on which variable is considered the independent variable and which the dependent variable is called a(n) .


A measure of association whose value may vary depending on which variable is considered the independent variable and which is considered the dependent variable is called a directional measure of association.

This is because the value of the measure of association can change depending on the direction of the relationship between the two variables. Examples of such measures of association include regression coefficients, such as the slope coefficient in simple linear regression or the beta coefficients in multiple linear regression.

In these cases, the coefficient value will change if the direction of the relationship between the dependent and independent variables is reversed. Directional measures of association are statistical measures that are calculated based on the relationship between the dependent and independent variables. The value of the measure can vary depending on the direction of the relationship between the two variables.

For example, in simple linear regression, the slope coefficient represents the change in the dependent variable for each one-unit change in the independent variable. If the relationship between the two variables is positive (i.e., as the independent variable increases, the dependent variable also increases), the slope coefficient will be positive. However, if the relationship is negative (i.e., as the independent variable increases, the dependent variable decreases), the slope coefficient will be negative.

To know more about the Dependent variable, here



the resultant data are: forty mothers have taken the suspected drug during their pregnancies. of these mothers, 35 have delivered malformed infants. in addition, 10 other infants are born with malfunctions. the number of individuals who both did not take the drug and did not give birth to infants who were malformed was:


No. of individuals Suspected drug and didn't give birth to in infants malformed is 10.

Number of individuals who did not take the drug and did not give birth to malformed infants.

subtract the number of individuals who took the drug and gave birth to malformed infants.

The total number of mothers, and then subtract the number of infants born with malfunctions.

Total number of mothers = 40

Number of mothers who gave birth to malformed infants after taking the drug = 35

Number of infants born with malfunctions = 10

the number of mothers who did not take the

drug = 40 - 35 = 5

The number of infants born without malfunctions = Total number of infants - Number of infants born with

malfunctions = (40 - 35) + 5 = 10

For similar questions on Suspected



Each letter in the word ORLANDO is written on a card and put into a bag. What is the theoretical probability of choosing an “O”, putting it back and then drawing a “A”.


Hence, The theoretical probability of selecting a "O", returning it to the bag, and then selecting a "A" from the collection is 2/21.

What is the probability?

The probability  of an occurrence is a number used in mathematics to describe how likely it is that the event will take  place. In terms of percentage  notation, it is expressed as a number  between 0 and 1, or between 0% and 100%. The higher the likelihood, the more  likely it is that the event will take place.

What is the event in probability?

In probability theory,  an event is a set of outcomes  of an experiment to which a probability is assigned. A single outcome may be  an element of many different events, and different events  in an experiment are usually not equally likely, since they may include  very different groups of outcomes.

The  word  "ORLANDO"  consists of 7 letters,

in this word  "ORLANDO"  the  O letter is 2 times  and A is one times

probability  of "O" letters  is 2/7  before  there are two "O"s in  total out of the  seven letters because we are putting the first letter back before drawing the second.

After  that, there are  still 2 "O"s and 1 "A" in the bag for  the  second draw because  we placed the first "O" back. Because there is only one "A" out of a  possible three letters,  the probability  of drawing one on the second draw is one in three.

We multiply the   probabilities of each occurrence  to determine the probability that both will occur:

P("O" on the first draw)* P("A" on the second draw) = (2/7) * (1/3) = 2/21

The theoretical probability of selecting a "O", returning it to the bag, and then selecting a "A" from the collection is therefore 2/21, or roughly 0.095, or 9.5%.

Learn more about Probability here:



A particular pancake recipe calls for 3 cups of flour to 1 cup of milk. What is the ratio of flour to milk if you double this


Answer: It should be the same?

(edit) Answer: The direct answer is 6:2 or 6 (cups) flour 2 (cups) milk

Step-by-step explanation: I'm Confused, the ratio is 3:1 or 1:0/3 even if you double the ratio it would be 6:2 the portions of flour will always 3 times the amount (measurement) of the milk. Correct me if i'm wrong, a bit perplexed why this question is asked.

whats the answer to this question (Please help me)


The correct option is C, the skews are different.

Which is best supported for both dot plots¨?

We have two dot plots and we want to see which statement is the best suported by these.

The right one is better distributed, so we can conclude that the correct statement is that the data have different skews.

The ranges may seem also to be different, but are the same ones, in the first one is:

20 - 12 = 8

In the second it is:

19 - 11 = 8

so the correct option is C.

Laern more about dot plots at:



If a book about airplanes costs $5.39, how much would it cost to buy 5 books about airplanes?



$5.39 × 5 = $26.95

5 books about airplanes would cost $26.95.

It would cost roughly $26.95, because one book cost $5.39, so if you were to buy 5 books, multiply 5.39 by 5 you would get 26.95

An electrician charges $45 an hour for labor and an initial fee of $55. The total cost c equals 45 times the number of hours x plus 55. Enter an equation for the relationship and use the equation to complete the table.


So, for example, if the electrician works for 1 hour, the total cost would be $451 + $55 = $100. If the electrician works for 2 hours, the total cost would be $452 + $55 = $145, and so on.

What is cost?

Cost refers to the amount of money or resources that are required to produce or acquire a good or service. It is often used to describe the expenses associated with a particular activity or project, including the materials, labor, overhead, and other expenses necessary to complete the task. Cost can also refer to the value or price that is paid or incurred for a particular item or service. In business and economics, cost is an important factor in determining profitability and efficiency, as it helps to evaluate the expenses and benefits of different options and make informed decisions about resource allocation.

The equation for the relationship between the total cost c and the number of hours x is:

c = 45x + 55

To complete the table, we need to plug in the given hours and calculate the total cost for each:

Number of hours (x) Total cost (c)

1 $100

2 $145

3 $190

4 $235

5 $280

So, for example, if the electrician works for 1 hour, the total cost would be $451 + $55 = $100. If the electrician works for 2 hours, the total cost would be $452 + $55 = $145

To know more about cost visit:



y+5=2(x+1) what is the X and Y intercept


X intercept = (3/2,0) y intercept = (0,-3)

The spinner shown is spun twice Use a tree diagram to record the sample space of the repeated experiment


Here is the tree diagram to represent the sample space of spinning the spinner twice:

sp1 - Possible outcomes of the first spin:

Red, Blue, Green

sp1 - Red

sp2 - Red Red, Red

sp2 - Blue Red, Blue

sp2 - Green Red, Green

sp1 - Blue

sp2 - Red Blue, Red

sp2 - Blue Blue, Blue

sp2 - Green Blue, Green

sp1 - Green

sp2 - Red Green, Red

sp2 - Blue Green, Blue

sp2 - Green Green, Green

So the full sample space would be:

{(Red, Red), (Red, Blue), (Red, Green),

(Blue, Red), (Blue, Blue), (Blue, Green),

(Green, Red), (Green, Blue), (Green, Green)}

Does this capture the correct sample space for spinning the spinner twice? Let me know if you need any clarification.

g suppose that the company releases a statement that the mean time for all patients is 2 hours. is this possible? is it likely?



Whether it is possible or likely that the mean time for all patients is 2 hours depends on the context of the situation and the characteristics of the data.

If the data on patient wait times is very tightly clustered around the 2-hour mark, such that there is very little variation or dispersion in the data, then it is possible that the mean time for all patients is 2 hours. However, in most real-world situations, it is unlikely that all patients would have exactly the same wait time, so it is unlikely that the mean time for all patients would be exactly 2 hours.

Furthermore, the statement that the mean time for all patients is 2 hours may be misleading or inaccurate if it does not take into account other factors that may affect wait times, such as the time of day, the day of the week, the severity of patients' conditions, and the efficiency of the hospital's operations. Therefore, it is important to consider not only the mean time but also other measures of central tendency and dispersion, as well as other factors that may impact patient wait times, in order to fully understand and interpret the data.

Mia removes the plug from a trough to drain the water. The volume, in gallons, in the trough after it has been unplugged can be modeled by f(x) = 10x2 −19x + 6, where x is time in minutes. Which of the following equations will reveal the time in minutes when the trough is empty?


Therefore, the time in minutes when the trough is empty is approximately 0.313 minutes.

To find the time in minutes when the trough is empty, we need to solve the equation f(x) = 0, since f(x) represents the volume of water in the trough.

So, we need to solve the quadratic equation:

[tex]10x^2 - 19x + 6 = 0[/tex]

To solve this equation, we can use the quadratic formula:

[tex]x = (-b ± \sqrt(b^2 - 4ac)) / 2a[/tex]

where a = 10, b = -19, and c = 6.

Plugging in these values, we get:

[tex]x = (-(-19) ± \sqrt((-19)^2 - 4(10)(6))) / 2(10)[/tex]

[tex]x = (19 ± sqrt(241)) / 20[/tex]

So, the two solutions are:

[tex]x = (19 + \sqrt(241)) / 20 \approx1.807 minutes[/tex]

[tex]x = (19 - \sqrt(241)) / 20 \approx0.313 minutes[/tex]

However, only the second solution makes sense in this context, since the trough cannot be empty before we start draining the water. Therefore, the time in minutes when the trough is empty is approximately 0.313 minutes.

To know more about quadratic visit:



A biologist is studying the growth of a particular species of algae. She writes the following equation to show the radius of the algae, f(d), in mm, after d days:

f(d) = 7(1.06)d

Part A: When the biologist concluded her study, the radius of the algae was approximately 13.29 mm. What is a reasonable domain to plot the growth function? (4 points)

Part B: What does the y-intercept of the graph of the function f(d) represent? (2 points)

Part C: What is the average rate of change of the function f(d) from d = 4 to d = 11, and what does it represent? (4 points)


Part A: A reasonable domain to plot the growth function would be from d = 0 to d = 11.

Part B: The y-intercept of the graph of the function f(d) is 7

Part C: The average rate of change of the function f(d) from d = 4 to d = 11 is approximately 0.64 mm/day.

Domine and y-intercept of a function:

The domain of a function represents the set of input values for which the function is defined and can produce a meaningful output.

The y-intercept of a function represents the value of the function when the input is equal to zero.

The average rate of change of a function from x = a to x = b is given by the slope of the secant line passing through the points (a, f(a)) and (b, f(b)).

Here we have

A biologist is studying the growth of a particular species of algae. She writes the following equation to show the radius of the algae, f(d), in mm, after d days:

=> f(d) = 7(1.06)^d

Since it is given that the radius of the algae was approximately 13.29 mm when the biologist concluded her study, we can set f(d) = 13.29  

=> 13.29 = [tex]7(1.06)^{d}[/tex]

=> ln(13.29/7) = d ln(1.06)

=> d = ln(13.29/7)/ln(1.06) ≈ 11  

Therefore, A reasonable domain to plot the growth function would be from d = 0 to d = 11.

Part B: The y-intercept of the graph of the function f(d) represents the value of the function when d = 0.

Substituting d = 0 into the given equation, we get:

f(0) = 7(1.06)⁰ = 7

Therefore, The y-intercept of the graph of the function f(d) is 7

Part C: The average rate of change of the function f(d) from d = 4 to d = 11 is given by the slope of the secant line passing through the points (4, f(4)) and (11, f(11)). Using the given equation, we can evaluate f(4) and f(11):

f(4) = 7(1.06)⁴ ≈ 8.84

f(11) = 7(1.06)¹¹ ≈ 13.29

The slope of the second line passing through these two points is:

Slope = (f(11) - f(4))/(11 - 4) = [ 13.29 - 8.84]/7 = 0.64


The average rate of change of the function f(d) from d = 4 to d = 11 is approximately 0.64 mm/day.

Learn more about Functions at



in par 12.2 cm 9.3 cm 9.3 cm 7.9 cm 26.5 cm 9.3 cm 17.2 cm 9.3 cm. ? 21.5 cm​


Stop using brainly. This whole website has became a big money grab over the last few months and they will remove all your posts and answers unless you pay them money. I've had it happen several times now.

Nancy placed 3 red pins and 12 yellow pins on the cork board. What percentage of the pins were red pins?




Step-by-step explanation:

We Know

Nancy placed 3 red pins and 12 yellow pins on the corkboard.

What percentage of the pins were red pins?

We Take

(3÷12) x 100 = 25%

So, 25% of the pins were red pins.

( -9, 7) and (4, 7)?


The equation of the line that passes through ( -9, 7) and (4, 7) is y = 7.

Calculating the linear equation of the points

Given that

( -9, 7) and (4, 7)

Since both points have the same y-coordinate of 7, we know that they lie on a horizontal line.

Using the point-slope formula, we can find the equation of the line that passes through (-9, 7) and has a slope of 0 (since it's a horizontal line):

y - y1 = m(x - x1)

y - 7 = 0(x - (-9))

y - 7 = 0

y = 7

So the equation of the line is y = 7.

Read more about linear equation at



50 POINTS!!!! Rewrite the function by completing the square f(x) = x^2 - 8x - 2



The rewritten function by completing the square is:


The solutions of the function are:


Step-by-step explanation:

Given function:


To rewrite the function by completing the square, begin by adding and subtracting the square of half the coefficient of the term in x. (Place these between the term in x and the constant).





We have now created a perfect square trinomial from the first three terms: x² - 8x + 16.

[tex]\boxed{\begin{minipage}{8.5 cm}\underline{\sf \large Perfect Square Trinomial}\\\\\sf A perfect square trinomial is a polynomial of the form $a^2 + 2ab + b^2$ or $a^2 - 2ab + b^2$, where $a$ and $b$ are constants. \\\\When factored, a perfect square trinomial becomes the square of a binomial: $(a + b)^2$ or $(a - b)^2$. \\\end{minipage}}[/tex]

Factor the perfect square trinomial x² - 8x + 16.


Simplify by subtracting the numbers outside the parentheses:


Therefore, the given function rewritten by completing the square is:

f(x) = (x - 4)² - 18

The solutions to a quadratic function are the x-values which satisfy the equation f(x) = 0. Therefore, to find the solutions, set the function equal to zero and solve for x.

[tex]\begin{aligned}f(x)&=0\\\implies (x-4)^2-18&=0\\(x-4)^2-18+18&=0+18\\(x-4)^2&=18\\\sqrt{(x-4)^2}&=\sqrt{18}\\x-4&=\pm\sqrt{18}\\x-4+4&=\pm\sqrt{18}+4\\x&=4\pm\sqrt{18}\\x&=4\pm\sqrt{3^2 \cdot 2}\\x&=4\pm\sqrt{3^2} \sqrt{2}\\x&=4\pm3 \sqrt{2}\end{aligned}[/tex]

Therefore, the solutions of the function are:


The americans with disabilities act states that ramps must have an angle less than or equal to 4.8 degree angle in a right triangle has a 1:12 ratio for the legs. Select all designs of a ramp that meet the americans with disabilities act requirements. Answers to pick from : Right triangle with legs 3 meters and 33 meters. Right triangle with legs 1 meters and 15 meters. Right triangle with legs 12 meters and 140 meters. Right triangle with legs 12 meters and 150 meters. right triangle with legs 24 meters and 240 meters.


Answers are ,Right triangle with legs 3 meters and 33 meters, Right triangle with legs 1 meter and 15 meters, Right triangle with legs 12 meters and 140 meters, Right triangle with legs 12 meters and 150

what is Right triangle ?

A right triangle is a triangle that has one angle equal to 90 degrees (a right angle). The other two angles are acute angles (less than 90 degrees). The side opposite to the right angle is called the hypotenuse, and the other two sides are called legs.

In the given question,

The ratio of the legs of the right triangle for a ramp should be 1:12, which means that for every 1 inch of rise, there should be 12 inches of ramp length. To calculate the angle of inclination, we can use the inverse tangent function, which gives us the angle whose tangent is equal to the ratio of the legs. The angle of inclination should be less than or equal to 4.8 degrees.

Let's calculate the angle of inclination for each ramp design:

Right triangle with legs 3 meters and 33 meters:

The ratio of the legs is 3:33, which simplifies to 1:11. The length of the ramp is 11 times the height of the rise. The angle of inclination is:

arctan(1/11) ≈ 4.76 degrees

The angle of inclination is less than or equal to 4.8 degrees, so this ramp design meets the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Right triangle with legs 1 meter and 15 meters:

The ratio of the legs is 1:15. The length of the ramp is 15 times the height of the rise. The angle of inclination is:

arctan(1/15) ≈ 3.81 degrees

The angle of inclination is less than or equal to 4.8 degrees, so this ramp design also meets the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Right triangle with legs 12 meters and 140 meters:

The ratio of the legs is 12:140, which simplifies to 3:35. The length of the ramp is 35 times the height of the rise. The angle of inclination is:

arctan(3/35) ≈ 4.56 degrees

The angle of inclination is less than or equal to 4.8 degrees, so this ramp design meets the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Right triangle with legs 12 meters and 150 meters:

The ratio of the legs is 12:150, which simplifies to 2:25. The length of the ramp is 25 times the height of the rise. The angle of inclination is:

arctan(2/25) ≈ 4.62 degrees

The angle of inclination is less than or equal to 4.8 degrees, so this ramp design meets the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Right triangle with legs 24 meters and 240 meters:

The ratio of the legs is 24:240, which simplifies to 1:10. The length of the ramp is 10 times the height of the rise. The angle of inclination is:

arctan(1/10) ≈ 5.71 degrees

The angle of inclination is greater than 4.8 degrees, so this ramp design does not meet the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Therefore, the ramp designs that meet the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act are:

Right triangle with legs 3 meters and 33 meters.

Right triangle with legs 1 meter and 15 meters.

Right triangle with legs 12 meters and 140 meters.

Right triangle with legs 12 meters and 150 meters.

To know more about Right triangle , visit:



An animal population N(t) is modeled by the differential equation:
dN/dt = -0. 001N(N - 110)(N - 99). If N(0)=A, where A is a positive integer, what is the maximum value of the positive integer A such that extinction will occur?


For the given integer, the maximum starting population size that will eventually lead to extinction is 98, since any larger value will result in the population either stabilizing at a positive value or growing indefinitely.

The equation in question is:

dN/dt = -0.001N(N - 110)(N - 99)

Here, N represents the population size, and dN/dt represents the rate of change of the population with respect to time. The right-hand side of the equation tells us how the population size changes over time, and it's determined by the current population size N, as well as the two constants 110 and 99.

We can do this by setting dN/dt equal to zero and solving for N:

dN/dt = -0.001N(N - 110)(N - 99) = 0

=> N = 0, N = 99, N = 110

We can then plot the direction field (i.e., arrows indicating the direction of change) on each interval, and use this to determine the behavior of the solution curve. In this case, we can see that the direction of the arrows changes at each critical point, indicating that the population behavior switches between growing and declining as we move from one interval to the next.

Specifically, we can see that if the initial population size A is less than 99, the population will decline to extinction. If the initial population size is between 99 and 110, the population will initially decline but then grow and eventually stabilize at N = 110. If the initial population size is greater than 110, the population will grow exponentially and tend towards infinity.

To know more about integer here



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