A government may elect not to report depreciation expense on which type of capital assets?


Answer 1

A government may elect not to report depreciation expense on certain types of capital assets. These assets are land and collections of art or historical treasures.

What is depreciation?

Depreciation is the reduction in the value of an asset over time as a result of wear and tear, physical deterioration, and obsolescence. The assets of a government can depreciate over time, but unlike other businesses, governments may elect not to report depreciation expense on certain types of capital assets.

What type of capital assets can a government elect not to report depreciation expense on?

A government may elect not to report depreciation expense on the following capital assets:

Land - This asset will not lose value over time, so it does not need to be depreciated.Collections of art or historical treasures - These items may not be easily marketable, and their value may fluctuate. In certain situations, they may even gain value, so it is difficult to estimate their depreciation. As a result, they are not depreciated.

To know more about Depreciation refer: https://brainly.com/question/1203926


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What unethical thing did the Catholic church do to get money from people


In the Middle Ages, the Catholic Church started selling something called Indulgences, where common people could pay a church or priest to have their sins “forgiven.”

This was a highly unethical practice as they often exploited the poorest of the poor, lying to them and telling them their sins would be forgiven, when really it was just a scheme to get money.

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stress has been considered as select one: a. a stimulus. b. a response. c. the interaction between stimulus and response. d. all of these.


Stress can be defined as a stimulus, a response, and the interaction between the two. The correct answer is D.

A stimulus is any external or internal event that triggers a stress response. Examples of stressors include physical events (e.g. an illness or injury), psychological events (e.g. work-related pressure), and social events (e.g. a death in the family).

A response is the body’s reaction to the stressor. This reaction can be physical (e.g. an increase in heart rate or blood pressure), psychological (e.g. feelings of anxiety or depression), or behavioral (e.g. withdrawing from social contact).

The interaction between the stimulus and response is what is known as the “stress process”. This is the sequence of events that occur after a stressor is encountered, and includes the appraisal of the situation (the cognitive stage),

The mobilization of physical and psychological resources to cope with the stressor (the physiological stage), and the perception of the outcome of the situation (the emotional stage).

In conclusion, stress can be considered as a stimulus, a response, and the interaction between the two. The correct answer is D. All of these.

To learn more about  stimulus here:



according to a 2019 one poll study, approximately how much does the average adult spend per month on non-essential items?


According to a 2019 One Poll study, the average adult spends approximately $188 per month on non-essential items.

A poll study is a type of survey that is conducted in order to gather data on a particular issue or topic. This type of study is typically conducted by a polling organization or research firm, and it usually involves asking a sample of individuals questions about their attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors in order to gain insight into a particular issue or topic.

Non-essential items are things that are not necessary for day-to-day living, such as luxury goods or entertainment items. These items are often purchased for enjoyment or personal satisfaction, rather than for practical purposes.

According to the One Poll study, the average adult spends approximately $188 per month on non-essential items. This amount may vary depending on individual income, spending habits, and lifestyle choices.

To know more about survey refer: https://brainly.com/question/196770


the negative affective states commonly associated with reactive aggression are: group of answer choices


The negative affective states commonly associated with reactive aggression are: irritability, annoyance, and frustration.

The negative affective states commonly associated with reactive aggression are irritability, annoyance, and frustration. These negative affective states are typically brought on by an individual being subjected to a perceived threat or harm, and are typically expressed through physical or verbal aggression.

Reactive aggression is typically used to defend oneself or to retaliate against a perceived wrong, and can be distinguished from proactive aggression, which is used to achieve a goal or to exert power and control over others. Reactive aggression can be seen in many different contexts, including in interpersonal relationships, in sports, and in the workplace.

To know more about aggression refer: https://brainly.com/question/16961914


what are the five (5) elements of american political culture, and how is each element reflected in the declaration of independence and the u.s. constitution?


The Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution reflect the five main elements that constitute the American political culture, namely liberty, democracy, rule of law, individualism, and limited government.

The Declaration of Independence states that everyone has the right to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” The Constitution's free speech, press, and assembly guarantees address liberty.

The Declaration of Independence says people can "change or abolish" a government that violates their basic rights.

The Declaration of Independence states that everyone must follow the same laws. The Constitution—the nation's supreme law—reflects this.

The Declaration of Independence says people have the right to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” The Bill of Rights guarantees individual rights in the Constitution.

The Declaration of Independence emphasizes that government must defend the natural rights of its citizens, while the Constitution limits government authority by splitting it into three departments and instituting checks and balances.

Learn more about U.S. Constitution.



because a transition from one stage of life to another can be a bumpy ride, the propensity to commit crimes is viewed as what type of process?


The propensity to commit crimes is viewed as a cyclical process.

This is because a transition from one stage of life to another can often be a bumpy ride and this can lead to periods of increased criminal activity. To further explain, these transitions often cause a period of instability and anxiety which can lead to increased criminal activity.

Furthermore, the lack of understanding of the consequences of criminal activity during the transition period can also lead to increased criminal activity.

A transition from one stage of life to another can be a bumpy ride for many reasons. Firstly, there can be feelings of uncertainty associated with changes in life stages. The lack of security and structure that comes with a change in life stage can lead to feelings of anxiety, which can in turn lead to increased criminal activity.

Additionally, the lack of familiarity with the new stage can also lead to increased criminal activity. For example, an adolescent transitioning to adulthood may not fully understand the consequences of their criminal activity and thus may be more likely to engage in criminal behavior.

Furthermore, a lack of guidance and mentorship during a transition period can also lead to criminal behavior as there may not be an adult to provide guidance or advice.

In addition to uncertainty and lack of guidance, transitions between life stages can also lead to decreased self-control. This can manifest itself in the form of recklessness or impulsivity which can lead to criminal behavior. Additionally, transitions between life stages can also lead to changes in social groups.

If an individual is transitioning to a new social group with different values and expectations, they may be more likely to engage in criminal behavior as they are trying to fit in with the new social group.

Lastly, economic instability or poverty can also lead to increased criminal behavior during a transition period, as an individual may feel that crime is their only option in order to survive.

In conclusion, transitions from one stage of life to another can be a bumpy ride and this can lead to increased criminal activity. Factors such as feelings of uncertainty, lack of guidance and mentorship, decreased self-control, changes in social groups, and economic instability can all contribute to an increase in criminal activity during a transition period.

To know more about cyclical process, click on the link below:



drivers who live in cities often do not acknowledge other drivers without cause, while in more rural areas, drivers will often give each other a quick wave. these routines are examples of


The routines of drivers who live in cities often do not acknowledge other drivers without cause, while in more rural areas, drivers will often give each other a quick wave are examples of cultural norms and values.

Cultural norms refer to a set of behaviors, attitudes, and customs shared by a group of people that inform them about how to behave in certain situations.

Cultural norms may take on various forms depending on the group's location, economic, and social background. They may include what is considered acceptable or unacceptable behavior in terms of social interactions, dress code, language use, religious practices, or the use of symbols.

Cultural values, on the other hand, refer to the ideas, concepts, or beliefs that a group of people share and hold as important.

Cultural values guide behavior, affect social norms, and may inform the formation of rules and regulations that govern society. For instance, the cultural value of respect for elders is an important part of many cultures around the world, and it may be expressed through various behaviors and practices like the use of specific language or the observance of specific rituals in certain situations.

To know more about Cultural norms here:






this is a 45-45-90 triangle, there's rules online for this, but it goes x,x, [tex]x\sqrt{2}[/tex] which corresponds with the 2 short sides and the hypotenuse. So, given the short side is 4, the other short side is also 4, and the x in the question is [tex]4\sqrt{2}[/tex]

kinesthesis is defined by the and the visual senses working together to maintain posture and balance.


Kinesthesis is defined by the sensory system and the visual senses working together to maintain posture and balance.

What is kinesthesis?

Kinesthesis, also known as proprioception, is a type of sensory information that the body receives from the muscles, tendons, and joints. It involves knowing the position and movement of our body parts without seeing them. Proprioception is crucial for the coordination of movement and the maintenance of posture and balance.

How do the sensory system and the visual senses work together?

The sensory system and the visual senses work together to help us maintain posture and balance. The sensory system gathers information about the position and movement of the body and sends it to the brain. The visual senses gather information about the environment and provide visual cues that the brain uses to maintain balance and adjust posture.

Both systems work together to provide a complete picture of the body's position and movement. When these systems are in sync, we can move and maintain balance with ease. However, when these systems are not functioning correctly, we may experience problems with balance, coordination, and movement.

To know more about Kinesthesis refer: https://brainly.com/question/27093391


meredith has been experiencing bad moods and impaired mental abilities. her symptoms are most likely related to


Meredith's symptoms of bad moods and impaired mental abilities are most likely related to A. sleep deprivation.

How can sleep deprivation affect us?

Sleep is an essential component of physical and mental health, and lack of sleep or poor-quality sleep can have a significant impact on mood, cognitive function, and overall well-being.

Chronic sleep deprivation can lead to irritability, anxiety, depression, and difficulty concentrating or making decisions, which could all contribute to Meredith's symptoms.

Find out more on sleep deprivation at https://brainly.com/question/14306300


Options for this question are:

a. sleep deprivation.b. consolidation.c. restorative sleep.d. circadian rhythms.

approximately what percentage of preschoolers (i.e., 3-, 4-, and 5-year-olds) receiving special education have a speech and language disorder?


Approximately 40% of preschoolers (i.e., 3-, 4-, and 5-year-olds) receiving special education have a speech and language disorder.

According to a survey conducted by the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, speech and language disorders are among the most common disorders that children face. These disorders can affect a child's ability to communicate effectively with others.Language disorders are characterized by difficulties in producing and/or understanding language.

These difficulties can be caused by a variety of factors, including hearing loss, brain injury, and developmental disorders such as autism spectrum disorder. Children with language disorders may have difficulty expressing themselves through speech, understanding spoken language, or using language in social situations. They may also struggle with reading and writing, which can impact their academic performance.

There are many different types of language disorders, and each child may experience different symptoms depending on the type and severity of their disorder. Some common types of language disorders include expressive language disorder, receptive language disorder, and mixed receptive-expressive language disorder.

Treatment for language disorders typically involves a combination of speech therapy and special education services. These services are designed to help children develop the skills they need to communicate effectively and succeed academically. With early intervention and appropriate treatment, many children with language disorders are able to overcome their difficulties and lead successful lives.

To know more about National institute on Deafness here



the textbook mentions that pavlov and his associates explored five major conditioning processes. these processes do not include:


Pavlov and his associates explored five major conditioning processes, which are classical conditioning, respondent conditioning, operant conditioning, observational learning, and latent learning.

These five processes do not include reinforcement theory, which is a separate concept. Reinforcement theory focuses on the consequences of an action and how it affects the likelihood of a behavior happening again.

Classical conditioning involves a stimulus-response pairing where an unconditioned stimulus (something that would elicit a response naturally) is paired with a conditioned stimulus (something that would not normally elicit a response).

After the association is learned, the conditioned stimulus can then elicit a response.

Respondent conditioning is a type of classical conditioning where an unconditioned response is paired with a conditioned stimulus, causing the conditioned stimulus to then elicit the response.

Operant conditioning is a type of learning where a behaviour is either reinforced or punished in order to increase or decrease its likelihood of happening again.

Observational learning is when a behaviour is learned by observing another’s behavior and imitating it.

Latent learning is when a behaviour is learned but not demonstrated until a situation or reward motivates it to be displayed.

To know more about Conditioning processes here



communication satisfaction occurs when a member reaches an acceptable level of desire to stay in a group?


Communication satisfaction is an abstract term that is used to describe how content a person is with communication.

It is generally believed that communication satisfaction is reached when a member achieves an acceptable level of satisfaction with the group to which they belong.

In other words, communication satisfaction occurs when a member reaches an acceptable level of desire to stay in a group. Communication satisfaction is the degree to which communication contributes to satisfying the needs and goals of individuals and organizations.

It is a positive outcome of communication that results in mutual understanding. Communication satisfaction is based on the process of communication, the outcomes of communication, and the characteristics of the communicator.

Communication satisfaction refers to the degree to which a member is content with the communication in a group or organization. Satisfaction with communication is critical for group members to feel connected and engaged.

Members who are satisfied with the communication in their group are more likely to remain with the group and contribute to its success.

To know more about Communication satisfaction refer to-



FILL IN THE BLANK. The _________ ________ perspective recommends that drug treatment begin for offenders while they are incarcerated, and that when they are released from prison, a cognitive-behavioral relapse prevention program should be administered while they are under supervision.​


The criminal justice perspective recommends that drug treatment begin for offenders while they are incarcerated, and that when they are released from prison, a cognitive-behavioral relapse prevention program should be administered while they are under supervision.

This approach emphasizes the importance of holding offenders accountable for their actions and providing them with the tools and resources necessary to successfully reintegrate into society.

By providing drug treatment while incarcerated, offenders have the opportunity to overcome addiction and begin the process of rehabilitation.

Following release, a relapse prevention program can help them maintain sobriety and avoid future criminal activity. Additionally, supervision during this period can help ensure compliance with treatment and provide necessary support.

Overall, the criminal justice perspective prioritizes public safety while recognizing the potential for rehabilitation and reintegration of offenders into society.

For more questions like Cognitive-behavioral click the link below:



why is gatsby's response illogical? what is the danger in gatsby thinking he can recreate the past?


Gatsby's response is illogical because he thinks that the past can be recreated.

This shows that he is a victim of his own dream and that he is unable to accept the reality that things have changed. The danger in Gatsby thinking he can recreate the past is that he is unable to move forward in life and he becomes obsessed with reliving the past.

This leads to disappointment and a feeling of hopelessness.What is The Great Gatsby about?The Great Gatsby is a novel that was written by F. Scott Fitzgerald. The book is set in the 1920s, and it explores the themes of love, wealth, and the American Dream. The protagonist of the novel is Jay Gatsby, who is a wealthy man that is obsessed with winning back his lost love, Daisy Buchanan.

Gatsby's character is a symbol of the American Dream, and his desire to recreate the past is a reflection of the disillusionment that people experienced after World War I.What is the significance of the green light in The Great Gatsby?The green light in The Great Gatsby is a symbol of Gatsby's dream to be reunited with Daisy.

The green light is located across the water from Gatsby's mansion, and he spends his evenings staring at it. The green light represents Gatsby's desire to recapture the past and his hope that he can be reunited with Daisy. However, the green light is also a symbol of the illusory nature of the American Dream.

Gatsby's dream is unattainable, and the green light represents his futile attempts to reach it.What is the significance of the eyes of T. J. Eckleburg in The Great Gatsby?The eyes of T. J. Eckleburg are a symbol of the moral decay of society. The eyes are painted on a billboard that is located in the valley of ashes, which is a symbol of the desolation that is caused by the pursuit of wealth.

The eyes are also a symbol of the characters' inability to escape their fate. The characters are trapped in a world of corruption and materialism, and they are unable to see beyond the surface of things. The eyes of T. J. Eckleburg represent the lack of moral values that are prevalent in society.

For further information on gatsby, refer below:



What are the philosophical approaches of business ethics?


The philosophical approaches of business ethics are utilitarianism, rights theories, and justice theories.

A typical definition of ethics is a collection of moral guidelines used to determine what is right and wrong. The issues that happen while conducting business, either internally or externally, are more unique to business ethics. People view ethics through various philosophical lenses, which is one of the main reasons why people have varying definitions of ethics.

An ethical viewpoint known as utilitarianism concentrates on the outcomes or effects of a choice. According to theories of rights, everyone has fundamental rights that must be upheld at all costs. Theories of justice are ethical systems that advocate for the equitable distribution of rights, goods, and services.

Know more about business ethics here



ranking high on some dimensions of social class and low on others is considered status inconsistency. group of answer choices true false


The given statement "ranking high on some dimensions of social class and low on others is considered status inconsistency" is true  because  concept refers to a situation where an individual occupies a particular position on the social class ladder .

That is not consistent with their position on other dimensions of social class. For instance, a wealthy doctor who does not have access to cultural capital or social contacts can be regarded as having status inconsistency.

Similarly, a poor individual who is well-educated and well-traveled may be viewed as having status inconsistency. Ranking high on some dimensions of social class and low on others is considered status inconsistency .

Know more about  social class   here:



what is the main goal of self-presentation? a. measuring the self-esteem b. increasing private self consciousness c. measuring the extent of self-awareness d. increasing social status


Answer: The main goal of self-presentation is to increase social status.


Self-presentation is the art of presenting oneself in a way that would generate a desired impression among others. It's the process of controlling or managing one's self-image or public image, which is also known as impression management. Individuals use self-presentation to create a favorable impression of themselves to others. Impression management is the process of intentionally influencing the perceptions of others about oneself. It entails creating and communicating an impression that is consistent with one's goals. People use different strategies to influence others' perceptions of themselves, including self-presentation.

What is the main goal of self-presentation?

The main objective of self-presentation is to increase social status. Self-presentation aims to increase the esteem and status of an individual in the eyes of others. It's a way of making oneself more likable, trustworthy, or desirable. It entails managing others' perceptions of oneself to increase one's reputation and status.

Therefore, the correct answer is option D: increasing social status.

To know more about "Self-presentation": https://brainly.com/question/17050272


g in the context of the styles of interpersonal relations, the basis of action for traditionals is:


In the context of styles of interpersonal relations, the basis of action for traditionalists is respect for authority and the way things have always been done. This is because they prioritize adhering to customs and values that have been established over time.

What are interpersonal relations? Interpersonal relations are the social connections, communications, and interactions that occur between people or groups of people. This encompasses all the relationships that humans form with one another, including those in a family, workplace, or community.

What are traditionalists? Traditionalists, also known as the "silent generation," were born between 1928 and 1945. This group is known for its emphasis on traditional values such as respect for authority, discipline, and hard work. They value loyalty, stability, and consistency and are often characterized as being risk-averse and resistant to change.

How does this relate to interpersonal relations? The basis of action for traditionalists in the context of interpersonal relations is respect for authority and tradition. This means that they place a high value on adhering to established customs and ways of doing things and may be hesitant to embrace new ideas or approaches.

However, this does not mean that traditionalists cannot form meaningful relationships or connect with others. Rather, they may prioritize different values and priorities than other generations when it comes to social interactions.

Learn more about interpersonal relations:



liv is an extremely shy and anxious 8-year-old. other children seem to dislike her. she appears to be a(n):


Liv is an extremely shy and anxious 8-year-old. Other children seem to dislike her. She appears to be a(n) social outcast. A social outcast refers to a person who has been avoided or rejected by the society they live in.

Social outcast is a term that refers to a person who has been cast out of social groups or is considered to be socially awkward or incompetent. It is possible that her shy and anxious demeanor is causing her peers to dislike her. She may be experiencing social isolation or exclusion. Children may feel vulnerable, self-conscious, and overly cautious, particularly in new or unfamiliar situations, and hence they may come across as shy or withdrawn. The child may be ignored or looked down upon as an outcast.

For more information on social isolation, visit



the reality that it is socially acceptable for parents in sweden to leave their babies outside to nap but it is not socially acceptable for parents in the u.s. to do the same demonstrates that cultures are:


The reality that it is socially acceptable for parents in Sweden to leave their babies outside to nap but it is not socially acceptable for parents in the U.S. to do the same demonstrates that cultures are different. Cultures are determined by the norms and values of the people who are a part of them.

In this case, the two cultures of Sweden and the United States have different beliefs about what is socially acceptable for parents when it comes to the sleeping habits of their babies. In Sweden, parents are often known to leave their babies outside to nap in a safe environment, as part of a tradition known as “napping in nature.” However, this practice is generally not considered socially acceptable in the United States, where parents are encouraged to keep their babies close by when they nap.

This difference in beliefs highlights the fact that different cultures have different norms and values when it comes to what is socially acceptable. In conclusion, the reality that it is socially acceptable for parents in Sweden to leave their babies outside to nap but not socially acceptable for parents in the United States to do the same demonstrates that cultures are determined by the norms and values of the people who are a part of them.

Know more about  cultures   here:



when studying for a test in his lifespan development class, mario tries to apply the information to his own life in order to better retain the material. mario is demonstrating: group of answer choices the self-reference effect. procedural memory. maintenance rehearsal. episodic memory.


When studying for a test in his lifespan development class, Mario tries to apply Self-reference effect that is option A is correct.

The self-reference effect is the phenomenon where individuals are more likely to remember information when they can relate it to themselves or their own experiences. By trying to apply the information to his own life, Mario is making it personally relevant and therefore more memorable. Procedural memory refers to the memory of how to perform certain tasks or skills, maintenance rehearsal is a repetition technique used to keep information in short-term memory, and episodic memory is the ability to recall specific events from one's life.

Learn more about Self-reference effect at:



Complete Question:

when studying for a test in his lifespan development class, Mario tries to apply the information to his own life in order to better retain the material. Mario is demonstrating: group of answer choices

A. self-reference effect.

B. procedural memory.

C. maintenance rehearsal.

D. episodic memory.

what evidence from the video suggests that higher fertility rates might not result in a higher population in alcoutim over the long term?


Higher fertility rates in Alcoutim might not result in a higher population over the long term, due to factors such as an aging population, migration, and employment opportunities.

The aging population of Alcoutim indicates that there are fewer people of reproductive age and fewer opportunities for population growth. Additionally, there is potential for migration from Alcoutim due to a lack of employment opportunities and limited resources, which may lead to a decrease in the population despite higher fertility rates.

Finally, without the infrastructure to support a larger population, growth may be limited even with higher fertility rates.

To know more about higher fertility rates, click on the link below:



what are forms of knowledge, attitudes, and skills which provide individuals with greater opportunities for economic, social, and political rewards. social capital human capital physical capital cultural capital status capital


The forms of knowledge, attitudes, and skills which provide individuals with greater opportunities for economic, social, and political rewards are known as human capital

What is Human Capital?

Human capital refers to the knowledge, abilities, attitudes, and skills that people possess, all of which can be used to generate economic value. It refers to the economic worth of an employee's skill set. Human capital includes the knowledge, abilities, and experience that individuals bring to their work, as well as their attitudes and social characteristics.

As a result, investing in education and training, on-the-job learning, and other development opportunities is critical to building human capital. The more people acquire education and other knowledge, the more they can contribute to the economy and improve their standard of living. It also helps them to adapt to new technologies and cope with job loss or other disruptions, as well as to pursue new opportunities in the labor market.

Learn more about human capital at https://brainly.com/question/10480832


helen, who is divorced, meets a nice man she enjoys spending time with. they agree to move in together because they have no children and few other social connections. this cohabiting relationship seems to be based on .


They agree to move in together because they have no children and few other social connections. Helen's cohabiting relationship seems to be based on convenience and companionship.

As Helen is divorced and has no children, and few other social connections, living together provides an opportunity to have a companion while being able to save on the cost of separate households.

Additionally, it can also provide a sense of security and emotional support. This type of relationship is common among people who are divorced or single, and who don't want to make a full-fledged commitment to marriage, but still want to be in a relationship.

In this type of relationship, both parties may benefit in terms of cost savings and companionship, but it is important to remember that it is not the same as marriage, and neither of the partners have any legal rights over the other.

Learn more about cohabiting relationship here:



two countries, ishgard and gridania, go to war over disputed territories. both sides are careful to only launch attacks against military outposts and troops. this is an example of both sides working to uphold what principle of just war?


The principle of just war being upheld in this scenario is the principle of discrimination.

The discriminating principle, which mandates that strikes only be aimed at legitimate military objectives and not at civilians or non-combatants, is the just war standard supported in this instance. Both Ishgard and Gridania are shown a dedication to identifying combatants and non-combatants and avoiding harm to civilians and non-military infrastructure by only attacking military bases and personnel.

One of the fundamental tenets of the just war theory is the need that all alternative choices be exhausted before going to war, along with other tenets like just cause, proportionality, and the principle of discriminating. Ishgard and Gridania are committing to handling their disagreement in a way that is as equitable and humanitarian as possible by preserving the concept of discrimination.

Read more about the principle of discrimination on:



what is similar about how max and liesel end up living with the hubermanns, and what do they have in common otherwise?


Max and Liesel both end up living with the Hubermann family after being adopted. They both face difficult life situations, and the Hubermann's provide them with a safe and loving home. Both of them form strong bonds with the Hubermann family, and with each other, and they both find solace in reading.

Max and Liesel both had very difficult lives before being adopted by the Hubermann family. Max had to flee from the Nazis and his home, while Liesel had to cope with the death of her brother and her mother's abandonment. Despite the trauma they had each endured, the Hubermann's provided them with a loving and stable home.

Learn more about Holocaust: https://brainly.com/question/12093855


you communicate your attitude in your tone of voice, the words you choose, how you use eye contact, your facial expressions, how you dress, and in many other subjective and subtle ways. true false





societies comprised of diverse populations of immigrants are most likely to favor which model of citizenship?


Societies comprised of diverse populations of immigrants are most likely to favor the multicultural model of citizenship. Multiculturalism is an idea that stresses the importance of preserving and respecting the cultural differences that exist between different groups.

The multicultural model of citizenship emphasizes cultural pluralism and diversity. It aims to create a society where diverse cultural communities coexist in harmony without compromising their unique cultural identities. Multiculturalism is commonly supported in societies with high levels of diversity in terms of ethnicity, religion, language, and culture.

A multicultural approach to citizenship recognizes that social cohesion can be improved by allowing individuals to have multiple, overlapping identities that include cultural, linguistic, and national affiliations. It believes that cultural diversity is a fundamental feature of modern societies, which should be embraced, protected, and celebrated rather than rejected or assimilated.

know more about Multiculturalism here



the hippocratic corpus contains works that belong to a same chronological period. group of answer choices


The Hippocratic corpus contains works that belong to a same chronological period, Most of the writings in the Hippocratic Corpus originate from the Classical era, specifically the latter half of the 5th century BC and the beginning of the 4th century BC. The correct option is a.

The Hippocratic Corpus, also known as the Hippocratic Collection or Corpus Hippocraticum, is a collection of about 60 early Ancient Greek medical writings that are closely related to the doctor Hippocrates and his theories. The Hippocratic Corpus covers a wide range of medical topics, including Hippocrates' theories on medicine, the ethical standards he established for medical practice, and how to treat various illnesses.

Most of the writings in the Hippocratic Corpus originate from the Classical era, specifically the latter half of the 5th century BC and the beginning of the 4th century BC.

The Library of Alexandria in Egypt amassed medical writings from the Classical era and referred to them as Hippocrates' works. Though the majority of them were not written by him, about 60 of these writings have survived. The correct option is a.

The question is incomplete, complete question "the hippocratic corpus contains works that belong to a same chronological period of? a.Classic era b. Modern Era c. Early Modern Era d. Middle Ages"

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what river acts as a natural boundary between congo and congo republic? For the 7 habits of highly effective by Stephen coveyThank you A Car accelerate Cuniformly from) 13 ms -1 to 31ms-1 while entering the motor way Covering the distance 220m the adjusted basis of property that is stolen is reduced by the amount of insurance proceeds received and increased by any recognized loss. true false what is the tidal range if the water measures 2 feet at high tide and -1 foot at low tide compaction and cementation are two common processes of erosion. transportation. deposition. lithification. a solution at room tempearature with a ph of less than 7 will be: select the correct answer below: acidic basic neutral depends on the solutiona.Acidicb.Basicc.Neutrald.Depens on the solution Adam is finding 10 less than 708 mentally. He thinks the tens digit and the hundreds digit will change. He gets 698 for his answer. Is Adam's thinking correct? Explain. when it was revealed that a prominent member of the community had cheated on his wife with many women, he was called a variety of names associating him with his affairs and his reputation suffered. this is an example of . many bacteria that are able to metabolize citrate (as seen in the citric acid cycle) produce negative results on the citrate slant test. why? be specific. think about where proteins are made in the cell. where are almost all amino acids in the cell? g Evaluate3x22xy+4y23x22xy+4y2forx=1x=1andy=2 1. describe how a veterinary clinic would control cross-contamination between employees and clients, specifically in the lobby, public restroom, and parking lot. at which battle did the us navy destroy a large portion of the japanese navy, thus eliminating the direct japanese threat to the us mainland? what is the audience segmentation database called that we looked at in the lecture? group of answer choices criteria dma clarity target claritas prizm clarion color Explain the importance of balance diet .( Higher Ability) counter-controlled iteration requires . question 27 options: a control variable increment (or decrement) a condition that tests for the final value of the control variable a control variable and initial value all of the above. Orlando and Nancy are scuba diving. Orlando is at an elevation of -60 feet, and he is descending at a rate of 8 feet per minute. Nancy is at an elevation of -35 feet and she is descending at a rate of 12 feet each minute. The variable t represents the time in minutes. After how many minutes will Orlando and Nancy be at the same elevation? At what elevation will they be at that time? Which of the following is NOT a common purpose of literary authors? to explain the steps of a process to express a characters perspective to reveal a truth about experience to encourage readers to consider an issue thus, for the outcome of 3 (a particular macrostate), there are 2 microstates. how many possible ways are there to roll a 5 ?