A large semi-truck, with mass 31x crashes into a small sedan with mass x . If the semi-truck exerts a force F on the sedan, what force will the sedan exert on the semi-truck


Answer 1


Force Exerted by Sedan on Truck = - F


This question can easily be solved by using Newton's Third Law of Motion. Newton's Third Law of Motion clearly states that for every action force there exists an equal in magnitude reaction force. However, the direction of the reaction force is opposite to the direction of the action force. Mathematically,

Action Force = - Reaction Force

Hence, we have here:

Force Exerted by Semi Truck on Sedan = F

So, from Newton's Third Law of motion:

Force Exerted by Sedan on Truck = - Force Exerted by Semi Truck on Sedan

Force Exerted by Sedan on Truck = - F

Related Questions

A man is passing barrels of water to another person from a height of 7 meters. The barrel is attached to a roof that is 10 meters above the ground. The rope holding the barrel is 8 meters long and will break if the tension exceeds 638 N. How many liters of water can the man put in the barrel without the rope breaking (assuming that the barrel is massless)? (The density of water = 1000 kg/m3 and 1 m3 = 1000 L. Density = mass/volume.)


B it is because when you break hold


Describe the life cycle of a star before it collapses into a black hole.

Describe the life cycle of a star before it becomes a black dwarf.

What is the likely outcome of our sun? *
The sun will supernova and become a black hole.
The sun will swell, encompassing the inner planets and collapses into a dwarf star.
The sun will become a pulsar.

How Do You Know?

P.S. the how do you know is only for the last question


1) describe the life cycle of a star before it collapses into a black hole.

1) describe the life cycle of a star before it collapses into a black hole.ans: A star's life cycle is determined by its mass. The larger its mass, the shorter its life cycle. A star's mass is determined by the amount of matter that is available in its nebula, the giant cloud of gas and dust from which it was born. Over time, the hydrogen gas in the nebula is pulled together by gravity and it begins to spin. As the gas spins faster, it heats up and becomes as a protostar. Eventually the temperature reaches 15,000,000 degrees and nuclear fusion occurs in the cloud's core. The cloud begins to glow brightly, contracts a little, and becomes stable. It is now a main sequence star and will remain in this stage, shining for millions to billions of years to come. This is the stage our Sun is at right now.

2) describe the life cycle of a star before it becomes a dwarf.

ans: The life cycle of a low mass star (left oval) and a high mass star (right oval). ... As the core collapses, the outer layers of the star are expelled. A planetary nebula is formed by the outer layers. The core remains as a white dwarf and eventually cools to become a black dwarf.

3) what is the likely outcome of our sun?

ans: All stars die, and eventually — in about 5 billion years — our sun will, too. Once its supply of hydrogen is exhausted, the final, dramatic stages of its life will unfold, as our host star expands to become a red giant and then tears its body to pieces to condense into a white dwarf.

A student studies the effect of an object's speed on its amount of kinetic energy. This graph summarizes the data from the study Kinetic energy Speed Which statement best describes what the graph shows?
A. As speed increases, kinetic energy increases exponentially
B. As speed increases, kinetic energy stays the same
C. As speed decreases, kinetic energy doubles each time.
D. As kinetic energy increases, speed decreases exponentially​


The answer is A I Hope this answer helps you (i got the question right)


A. As speed increases, kinetic energy increases exponentially.


The amount of kinetic energy an object has depends on the speed. Kinetic energy is also known as "motion energy." This being said, if speed is increasing, decreasing, or staying constant, the kinetic energy of the object will too.

A stone is released from rest from the edge of a building roof 190 m above the ground. Neglecting air resistance, the speed of the stone, just before striking the ground, is:___________.



61 m/s


If the stone is realeased from rest, this means that its initial velocity is 0.As tha stone is only influenced by gravity, and the acceleration due to it is constant (near the surface of the Earth), we can apply the following kinematic equation:

        [tex]v_{f}^{2} - v_{o}^ {2} = 2* g* h (1)[/tex]

Replacing by the values of g=9.8 m/s², and h=190 m, rearranging and solving for vf, we get:vf = √2*g*h =√2*9.8 m/s²*190 m = 61 m/s (assuming that the downward direction is the positive one).

1. Name three branches of







Biology (life like cells, human reproduction, etc.)

Physics (Studies forces, like gravity.)

Chemistry (studies the atoms, the elements, etc.)

What are the three different types of muscle tissue?



skeletal,cardiac,and smooth.



Skeletal, smooth, and cardiac.


Skeletal Muscles:

Skeletal muscles are the most familiar type of muscles; they make up most of the muscle mass in the body. Flexible bands of connective tissue called tendons attach these muscles to the bones in the body. Skeletal muscles control voluntary movement in the body.

Smooth Muscles:

Smooth muscles are involuntary muscles that we don’t consciously control. They are found within the walls of many organs and control the movement of these organs. For example, they enable the movement of food through the digestive system.

Cardiac Muscles:

Cardiac muscles are a special type of involuntary muscle. Located in the heart, these muscles control the contractions of the heart.

can u give me brainliest???

The drawing shows two identical airplanes at an air show. The airplanes are flying at the same speed. Airplane W is flying 50 m higher than airplane X. Which statement best describes the energy of the two airplanes?



Airplane X has more gravitational potential energy than Airplane W


Gravitational potential energy is defined as "the energy acquired by an object due to its positional change in presence of gravitational force."

That being said, gravitational potential energy depends on the height of an object above the ground. It also depends on the mass of the object and even further, the amount of gravitational force that is applied.

And if we take a look at the question again, we'd agree that the two airplanes are flying at different heights, this means their gravitational potential energy will be different. And as such, Airplane X has more gravitational potential energy than Airplane W

An airline employee tosses two suitcases in rapid succession with a horizontal velocity of 7.2 ft/s onto a 50-lb baggage carrier which is initially at rest. Problem 14.003.a Conservation of momentum: two colliding suitcases Knowing that the final velocity of the baggage carrier is 4.8 ft/s and that the first suitcase the employee tosses onto the carrier has a weight of 30 lb, determine the weight of the other suitcase. (You must provide an answer before moving on to the next part.) The weight of the other suitcase is lb.



m₁ = 70 lb


Here we will use the law of conservation of momentum:

m₁u₁ + m₂u₂ + m₃u₃ = m₁v₁ + m₂v₂ + m₃v₃


m₁ = mass of first suitcase = ?

m₂ = mass of second suitcase = 30 lb

m₃ = mass of baggage carrier = 50 lb

u₁ = initial speed of first suitcase = 7.2 ft/s

u₂ = initial speed of second suitcase = 7.2 ft/s

u₃ = initial speed of baggage carrier = 0 ft/s

v₁ = Final speed of first suitcase = 4.8 ft/s

v₂ = Final speed of second suitcase = 4.8 ft/s

v₃ = Final speed of baggage carrier = 4.8 ft/s

because after collision all three will have same speed


(m₁)(7.2 ft/s) + (30 lb)(7.2 ft/s) + (50 lb)(0 ft/s) = (m₁)(4.8 ft/s) + (30 lb)(4.8 ft/s) + (50 lb)(4.8 ft/s)

(m₁)(7.2 ft/s) + (216 lb ft/s) + (0 lb ft/s) = (m₁)(4.8 ft/s) + (144 lb ft/s) + (240 lb ft/s)

(m₁)(7.2 ft/s) - (m₁)(4.8 ft/s) = 168 lb ft/s

m₁ = (168 lb ft/s)/(2.4 ft/s)

m₁ = 70 lb

Wind eroding the rocks on a moutain is an example of the atmosphere interacting with the cryosphere
true or false





The cryosphere is all the part of the earth where water is in solid form. Where wind interacts with rocks, it is an example of atmosphere - geosphere interaction.

Rocks are part of the geosphere The geosphere is the part of the earth made up of solid rocks. Wind erosion occurs when wind wears down part of the geosphere.

what is the meaning of relative as a noun?



noun. a person who is connected with another or others by blood or marriage. something having, or standing in, some relation or connection to something else. something dependent upon external conditions for its specific nature, size, etc. (opposed to absolute).

What is the resultant velocity of a plane that is traveling at 245 m/s North and encounters a tailwind of 55 m/s North?





what is a proper way and a safe way to dispose batteries



throw them away............

You need to throw them away


A government that wants to increase its GDP would most likely take which
A. Increase the money supply to make it easier to borrow money
B. Decrease the money supply to slow the growth of inflation
C. Increase taxes on businesses that operate outside the country
D. Decrease taxes on citizens who are poor or unemployed



The correct answer is A. A government that wants to increase its GDP would most likely increase the money supply to make it easier to borrow money.


If the government wanted to increase its GDP, the most appropriate way to do so would be to increase the money supply both through issuance and through a reduction in bank reserve requirements, thereby increasing the circulating money in the hands of society.

This, in turn, would make citizens reinvest that money, increasing economic production and, therefore, the national GDP.

Answer: A. Increase the money supply to make it easier to borrow money

Explanation: I just took the test on Ap ex

Apply the general results obtained in the full analysis of motion under the influence of a constant force in Section 2.5 to answer the following questions. You hold a small metal ball of mass a height above the floor. You let go, and the ball falls to the floor. Choose the origin of the coordinate system to be on the floor where the ball hits, with up as usual. Express all results in terms of , , and . Just after release, what are and



y(i) = h

v(y.i) = 0


See attachment for elaboration

What is the maximum speed with which a 1200-kg car can round a turn of radius 92.0 m on a flat road if the coefficient of static friction between tires and road is 0.65





Given data

mass m= 1200kg

radius r=92m

coefficient of friction μ=0.65

We know that



mv2/r = μsmg  

v^2/r = μsg  

vmax = √(rμg)

Substituting our data we have




The name for this type of energy is
A.potential energy
D.kinetic energy​



[tex]kinetic \: energy \: is \: the \: energy \: of \: a \: body \: in \: motion. \\ that \: is \: energy \: of \: a \: body \: that \: is \: moving.\\ while \\ potential \: energy \: is \: the \: energy \: of \: a \: body \: by \: the \: virtue \: of \: its \: position \: \\ that \: is \: energy \: of \: a \: body \: that \: is \: not \: moving.[/tex]


Determine the acceleration that results when a 12 N net force is applied to a 3 kg object.
a. 4 m/s​ 2
b. 6 m/s​ 2
c. 12 m/s​ 2
d. 36 m/s​ 2



4m/s^2 ( A)


The solution is in the attached file

Velocity which stone gains when falling from height of 80 m is approximately equal to *

A. 0
B. 1 m/s
C. 8 m/s
D. 40 m/s
E. 300 m/s





Suppose the angle of incidence of a light ray is 42°.What is the angle of reflection?



angle of reflection will be also 42°


we know that ------------- angle of incidence=angle of reflection

Sally is on a large sailboat that comes to a stop a small distance from the dock. Since it is such a small distance, Sally decides to jump to the dock. She makes the jump, but the large sailboat moves away from her as she jumps. Since Sally is interested to see what happens on other boats, she makes the same jump from a rowboat that is much smaller than the large sailboat. Which boat will move away from Sally more slowly



The rowboat will move away from sally more quickly because the rowboat because the sailboat is larger in mass


Gnerally the row boat will move away from her quicker than the sailboat this is because the mass of the sail boat is larger than the row boat , hence the frictional force that opposes motion will be greater in the sailboat than in the row boat.

un avión aterriza en la superficie de un portaaviones a 50 m/s y se detiene por completo en 120 metros, ¿cuál es la aceleración necesaria para detenerlo?



La aceleración necesaria para detener el avión es - 10.42 m/s².


Un movimiento uniformemente acelerado (M.U.A) es aquél cuya aceleración es constante y la velocidad de un objeto cambia a medida que el movimiento evoluciona.

Siendo la aceleración "a" el cambio de velocidad al tiempo transcurrido en un punto A a B, la velocidad inicial la velocidad que tiene un cuerpo al iniciar su movimiento en un período de tiempo y la velocidad final la velocidad que tiene un cuerpo al finalizar su movimiento en un período de tiempo, entonces en  M.U.A se cumple:

Vf² - Vo² = 2*a*d


Vf: Velocidad final Vo: Velocidad inicial a: Aceleración d: Distancia recorrida

En este  caso:

Vf: 0 m/s, porque el avión se detieneVo: 50 m/sa: ?d: 120 m


(0 m/s)² - (50 m/s)² = 2*a*120 m


[tex]a=\frac{(0 m/s)^{2} -(50 m/s)^{2} }{2*120 m}[/tex]

a= - 10.42 m/s²

La aceleración necesaria para detener el avión es - 10.42 m/s².

Which of the following is not true about taxes? A. Mandatory sum of money by government so that it can operate B. Due on April 15th C. largely collected to support private businesses D. Collected by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS)


Answer would have to be A

In the figure below, a block of 1.67 slides on a track with different levels, which has friction only at the highest point where the kinetic coefficient of friction is uk = 0.35. If the block has an initial speed V0 = 7.5m/s and the highest point of the track is at ℎ = 2.1 above the initial position of the block, calculate the distance where the friction force for the block is.



2.0 m


Energy is conserved.

Initial KE = Final PE + Work done by friction

½ mv² = mgh + Fd

½ mv² = mgh + mgμd

½ v² = gh + gμd

½ v² − gh = gμd

d = (½ v² − gh) / (gμ)

d = (½ (7.5 m/s)² − (10 m/s²) (2.1 m)) / ((10 m/s²) (0.35))

d = 2.0 m

A 66-N ⋅ m torque acts on a wheel with a moment of inertia 175 kg ⋅ m2. If the wheel starts from rest, how long will it take the wheel to make one revolution?



t = 5.77 s


This exercise will use Newton's second law for rotational motion

            τ = I α

             α = τ / I

             α = 66/175

             α = 0.3771   rad/s²

now we can use the rotational kinematics relations, remember that all angles must be in radians


            θ = 1 rev = 2π radians


            θ = w₀ t + ½ α t²

as the wheel starts from rest w₀ = 0

             t = √ (2θ/α)

let's calculate

             t = √ (2 2π / 0.3771)

             t = 5.77 s

Help solve these two problems im having trouble trying to start these problems?​



25.  Approximately 8.1 meters

26. North 1.31 km, and East 2.81 km



Notice that the displacements: 6 meters east and 5.4 south create the legs of a right angle triangle. The hypotenuse of that triangle will be the distance (d) needed to cover in order to get the ball in the hole in one putt. That is:

[tex]d=\sqrt{6^2+5.4^2} =\sqrt{65.16} \approx 8.072\,\,\,m[/tex]

which can be rounded to 8.1 m.


Notice that the 3.1 km at an angle of 25 degrees north of east, is the hypotenuse of a right angle triangle that has for legs the east and north components of that distance.

We can find the leg corresponding to the east displacement using the cosine function (that relates adjacent side with hypotenuse):

[tex]east\,\, comp=3.1 * cos(25^o)\approx 2.809\,\,km[/tex]

and we can calculate the north component using the sine function that relates the opposite side to the angle with the hypotenuse.

[tex]north\,\,component = 3.1 * sin(25^o) \approx 1.31 \,\,km[/tex]

How have the owners of the game reserve invested in the local community?


Answer:They have made community members shareholders so they get a share of the profits, which they use for schools and healthcare clinics

Explanation: Edmentum


shareholders of the community get profits and that is used for schools and healthcare clinics. cs. 


Forces are expressed in ________. (newtons or mass)



Mass isn’t even a unit of measurement

In an RL series circuit, an inductor of 4.74 H and a resistor of 9.33 Ω are connected to a 26.4 V battery. The switch of the circuit is initially open. Next close the switch and wait for a long time. Eventually the current reaches its equilibrium value. At this time, what is the corresponding energy stored in the inductor? Answer in units of J.



The energy is   [tex]U =  18.98 \  J [/tex]


From the question we are told that

   The inductor is  [tex]L  =  4.74 \ H[/tex]

    The resistance of the resistor is [tex]R =  9.33 \  \Omega[/tex]

    The voltage of the battery is [tex]V =  26.4 \  V[/tex]

Generally the current flowing in the circuit is mathematically represented as

      [tex]I =  \frac{V}{R}[/tex]

=>   [tex]I =  \frac{26.4}{9.33 }[/tex]

=>   [tex]I =  2.83 \ A[/tex]

Generally the corresponding energy stored in the circuit is  

       [tex]U =  \frac{1}{2} * L  *  I^2[/tex]

        [tex]U =  \frac{1}{2} *  4.74  *  2.83 ^2[/tex]

       [tex]U =  18.98 \  J [/tex]

6. A cat walks 1.5km South and then 2.4km East. What is the total displacement of the cat?

7. A boy scout troop hikes 10.0 km East and then hikes an additional 7km North. What is the total displacement of the boy scout troop?

8. A go-kart is moving 23 m/s on the track. The track is 152m long. How long will take for the go-kart to reach the end of the track?

9. If a snail moves at a pace of .01m/s and it travels for 1 hr. How far does the snail get?

10. It takes 3 hr and 10 min to ride the tram to the top of Pike’s Peak in Colorado. The tram will travel a total distance of 14.32 km. What is the speed of the tram?



6. 3.9 km SE

7. 17 km NE

8. 3496 seconds

9. 36 m

10. 13.27 km/m


6. and 7. added both numbers

8. multiplied both numbers

9. 60 x 60 = 3600

3600 x 0.01 = 36

10. 60 x 3 = 180

180 + 10 =190

190 / 14.32 = 13.27

Question 1 of 15

All digits shown on the measuring device, plus one estimated digit, are


Answer here






The digits in a measurement that are considered significant are all of those digits that represent marked calibrations on the measuring device plus one additional digit to represent the estimated digit (tenths of the smallest calibration).

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