a lottery offers a $1,000,000 prize to be paid in 20 equal installments of $50,000 at the end of each year. what is the future value of this annuity if the current annual rate is 7%? (round your answer to the nearest cent.)


Answer 1

The future value of this annuity if the current annual rate is 7%  $193,482.66.

To find the future value of this annuity, we'll use the future value of an annuity formula:

FV = P * [tex](((1+r)^{n-1)}/r)[/tex],

where FV is the future value, P is the annual payment, r is the annual interest rate, and n is the number of installments.

In this case, P = $50,000, r = 0.07, and n = 20.

Plugging these values into the formula:

FV = $50,000 * [tex](((1+0.07)^{20-1}/0.07)[/tex]

FV ≈ $50,000 * (3.86965)

FV ≈ $193,482.66

The future value of this annuity is approximately $193,482.66.

Know more about Annuity here:



Related Questions

Roger Water’s 22-year-old daughter Kashmir has just accepted a job with Interactive Intelligence Inc. (ININ), an up and coming technology firm from Indianapolis. ININ offers employees a Traditional 401(k) plan to which employees may contribute 5 percent of their salary. ININ will match $0.50 for every dollar contributed. Kashmir’s starting salary is $32,000.
3. If she retires at age 67, given the amounts in (1) and (2), how much can Kashmir withdraw and spend each year for 20 years from each alternative? Assume she continues to earn 10% (before tax) and remains in the 20% federal income tax bracket.


Based on the information provided, Kashmir can contribute up to 5% of her $32,000 salary, which equals $1,600 annually. Additionally, ININ will match $0.50 for every dollar contributed, which means they will contribute $800 annually. This brings Kashmir's total annual contribution to $2,400.

If Kashmir decides to invest in a Traditional 401(k) plan, she will not be taxed on the contributions or earnings until she withdraws the money at retirement age. Assuming she earns 10% annually (before tax) and remains in the 20% federal income tax bracket, Kashmir will be able to withdraw approximately $20,800 annually for 20 years.

Alternatively, if Kashmir decides to invest in a Roth 401(k) plan, she will be taxed on the contributions at her current tax rate, but will not be taxed on the earnings or withdrawals in retirement. Assuming the same rate of return and tax bracket, Kashmir will be able to withdraw approximately $18,300 annually for 20 years.

It is important to note that these calculations are based on certain assumptions and may not reflect actual market conditions or tax laws in the future. It is also important for Kashmir to consider her personal financial goals and needs before making a decision on which type of plan to invest in.

To know more about Kashmir refer here:



what information do sustainability reports tend to provide? 1. environmental impact and labor practices 2. product safety 3. innovation


Sustainability reports are comprehensive documents that provide: information about a company's sustainability practices, environmental impact, and social responsibility initiatives.

These reports generally focus on three main areas: environmental impact and labor practices, product safety, and innovation.

Firstly, sustainability reports typically provide information about a company's environmental impact and labor practices. This includes information about the company's carbon footprint, energy and water usage, waste management, and supply chain sustainability.

The report may also outline the company's efforts to reduce their environmental impact and promote sustainable practices throughout their operations.

Secondly, sustainability reports often include information about product safety. This includes information about the company's quality control processes, product testing procedures, and any recalls or safety incidents that have occurred.

This information is particularly important for customers who want to know that the products they are using are safe and reliable.

Lastly, sustainability reports may also include information about innovation. This includes information about the company's efforts to develop new products or technologies that promote sustainability, as well as their partnerships with other organizations to advance sustainable practices.

Overall, sustainability reports are an important tool for companies to communicate their commitment to sustainability and social responsibility to stakeholders.

By providing transparent and comprehensive information about their environmental impact, labor practices, product safety, and innovation efforts, companies can build trust and strengthen their reputation as responsible corporate citizens.

To know more about Sustainability reports, refer here:



Complete question:

what information do sustainability reports tend to provide?

Ms. Anh maintains a savings deposit with VCB Ha Thanh branch. This past year Anh received 10.75 million VND in interest earnings from her savings account. Her savings deposit had the following average balance each month: (in million VND) January 40 July 351 February 25 August 42.51 March 30 September 55 April 15 October 601 May 22.5|November 62.5 June 30 December 30 What was the annual percentage yield (APY) earned on Anh's savings account?


The annual percentage yield (APY) earned on Anh's savings account is 5.17%.

To calculate the annual percentage yield (APY) earned on Anh's savings account, we need to use the following formula:

[tex]APY = (1 + r/n)^n - 1[/tex]

Where r is the annual interest rate, and n is the number of times interest is compounded in a year.

First, we need to calculate the total amount of interest earned by Anh during the year. We can do this by adding up the interest earnings from each month:

10.75 million VND = (40 x 0.5%) + (25 x 0.5%) + (30 x 0.5%) + (15 x 0.5%) + (22.5 x 0.5%) + (30 x 0.5%) + (351 x 0.6%) + (42.51 x 0.6%) + (55 x 0.6%) + (601 x 0.65%) + (62.5 x 0.65%) + (30 x 0.65%)

Next, we need to calculate the average monthly balance for the year. We can do this by adding up the balances for each month and dividing by 12:

Average monthly balance = [tex](40 + 25 + 30 + 15 + 22.5 + 30 + 351 + 42.51 + 55 + 601 + 62.5 + 30) / 12 = 104.38 million VND[/tex]
Now, we can use the formula to calculate the APY:

[tex]APY = (1 + r/n)^n - 1[/tex]
[tex]10.75 million VND = (104.38 million VND x r/12)^12 - 1r = 5.17%[/tex]

This means that for every 100 million VND in Anh's account, she earned 5.17 million VND in interest over the course of the year.

In conclusion, APY is an important factor to consider when choosing a savings account, as it reflects the actual return on your investment. By using the formula above, we can calculate the APY earned on Anh's savings account based on her average monthly balance and interest earnings.

To learn more about annual percentage yield here:



identify the broad opportunity areas of accounting. (check all that apply.)A. taxation, B. managerial, C. financialD. Marketing


The broad opportunity areas of accounting include A. Taxation, B. Managerial, and C. Financial. Marketing (D) is not an accounting opportunity area, as it belongs to a different business domain.

A. Taxation: Taxation is a critical aspect of accounting that involves the preparation, analysis, and management of tax-related matters for individuals, businesses, and organizations.

Tax accountants help clients navigate complex tax laws, optimize their tax positions, and ensure compliance with tax regulations. They may also provide tax planning and strategy services to help clients minimize their tax liabilities while maximizing their financial resources.

B. Managerial Accounting: Managerial accounting, also known as management accounting, focuses on providing financial information and analysis to support internal decision-making and help organizations achieve their strategic objectives.

Managerial accountants work closely with management teams to provide financial data and insights for planning, budgeting, performance measurement, and control purposes.

They may also analyze costs, revenues, and profitability, and provide recommendations to improve the financial performance and efficiency of an organization.

C. Financial Accounting: Financial accounting is the area of accounting that involves the preparation and reporting of financial information for external stakeholders, such as investors, creditors, and regulatory authorities.

Financial accountants follow generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) to ensure the accuracy, reliability, and transparency of financial statements, such as balance sheets, income statements, and cash flow statements.

Financial accounting provides essential information for decision-making, valuation, and assessment of an organization's financial health and performance.

To learn more about managerial accounting, refer below:



Mr. Smith purchased 50 shares of a company at $102 per share. The stock was bought on 50 percent
initial margin. The call money rate on the margin loan is 2%. Mr. Smith received a dividend of $0.50 per
share. He sold the shares at $108 per share. He paid commissions of $0.20 per share on the purchase and
$0.20 per share on the sale of the stock. What was the rate of return on this investment? (Show your


The rate of return on Mr. Smith's investment was approximately 3.77%.

To calculate the rate of return, we need to calculate the total cost, proceeds, and interest paid on the margin loan.

Total cost = (50 shares x $102 per share) + ($0.20 commission per share x 50 shares) = $5,140 + $10 = $5,150

Total proceeds = (50 shares x $108 per share) - ($0.20 commission per share x 50 shares) = $5,400 - $10 = $5,390

Interest paid on the margin loan = ($5,140 x 0.5 x 0.02) + ($2,570 x 0.02) = $51.40 + $51.40 = $102.80

Dividend received = $0.50 per share x 50 shares = $25

Net proceeds = total proceeds - total cost - interest paid + dividend received = $5,390 - $5,150 - $102.80 + $25 = $162.20

Rate of return = (net proceeds / total cost) x 100% = ($162.20 / $5,150) x 100% = 3.77%

Therefore, the rate of return on Mr. Smith's investment was approximately 3.77%.

For more questions like Investment click the link below:



business rules implement specific activities for a particular business process.


Yes, business rules are essential for implementing specific activities in a particular business process. They provide guidelines and constraints for decision-making and behavior within an organization. Multiplicities refer to the number of occurrences or relationships between objects in a system, which can also be controlled through business rules. Overall, business rules help ensure consistency and efficiency in business operations.

Business rules implement specific activities for a particular business process. They ensure that the activities are carried out in a controlled manner by setting boundaries and conditions, which helps in maintaining order and consistency. When a transaction, such as a deposit, takes place, business rules provide the necessary control measures to guarantee that the deposited amount follows the predefined criteria.

Multiplicities, on the other hand, define the minimum and maximum number of occurrences of an entity in a relationship. In the context of business rules, multiplicities help to establish the correct number of instances and associations that should exist, ensuring that the process complies with the defined guidelines.

In summary, business rules implement specific activities for a particular business process by providing control and setting multiplicities, which ensure that activities such as deposits are carried out correctly and consistently.

Read more about "Business rules": https://brainly.com/question/24038343


Imagine that you are a banker and one of your corporate client, Company A requested a short-term loan to purchase raw materials from Company B. Both companies A & B have strong financials and there is no negative information on either of those. Company A has very good relations with Company B since, Company A owns 70% of the common shares of Company B.
How would you evaluate the loan request based only on the above information?


Based on the information provided, the loan request seems viable due to strong financials, no negative information, and Company A owning 70% of Company B's common shares, indicating a strong relationship.

To evaluate the loan request, consider the following steps:

1. Assess financial strength: Both companies have strong financials, indicating they're likely able to manage debts and have a lower risk of defaulting on the loan.

2. Check for negative information: There is no negative information on either company, reducing potential risks associated with the loan.

3. Analyze ownership: Company A owns 70% of Company B's common shares, which suggests a strong relationship between the two companies. This ownership stake reduces the likelihood of disputes or issues related to the purchase of raw materials.

4. Examine the purpose: The loan is for purchasing raw materials, a common and essential business operation. Since both companies have strong financials, the loan should facilitate their business growth.

Considering these factors, the loan request appears to be a sound financial decision.

To know more about financial decision click on below link:



If the value of a Treasury bond was higher than the value of the sum of its parts (STRIPPED cash flows), you could 10 points Multiple Choice eBook a) profit by buying the stripped cash flows and reconstituting the bond. b) not profit by buying the stripped cash flows and reconstituting the bond. c) profit by buying the bond and creating STRIPS. d) not profit by buying the stripped cash flows and reconstituting the bond and profit by buying the bond and creating STRIPS. e) None of the options are correct.


If the value of a Treasury bond was higher than the value of the sum of its parts (STRIPPED cash flows) it means a) profit by buying the stripped cash flows and reconstituting the bond.

When the bond's coupon rate is higher than the prevailing market interest rates, making it attractive to investors. In this scenario, buying the stripped cash flows and reconstituting the bond (option a) would allow an investor to profit by purchasing the cheaper parts and creating a bond that is trading at a higher price. This is because the market is willing to pay a premium for the bond's attractive coupon rate.

Option b is incorrect as an investor could profit by buying the stripped cash flows and reconstituting the bond. Option c is also incorrect as buying the bond and creating STRIPS would not be profitable since the bond is already trading at a premium. Option d is partially correct as an investor would not profit by buying the stripped cash flows and reconstituting the bond, but they could profit by buying the bond and creating STRIPS. Therefore, the correct answer is option a. profit by buying the stripped cash flows and reconstituting the bond.

Learn more about cash flows at:



the relative importance of each facet of operational information is directly related to the degree to which a supply chain is positioned to function on a(n)


Supply chain management is operation of the inflow of goods, related to a product or service, from the procurement to final product. It's responsive, anticipant.

The relative significance of each hand of functional information is directly related to the degree to which a force chain is deposited to serve on a responsive or anticipant base

supply chain management deals with a system of procurement, operations , logistics and marketing channels so that the raw accoutrements can be converted into a finished product and delivered to the end client.

force chain operation is vital to society, furnishing the medium for getting products into the hands of consumers, from essential masses similar as food and drug to luxury particulars.

To know more about the Supply Chain Management,



Malcolm's boss just came into his office, obviously upset, and said, "I'm tired of you being late all the time on these projects. You need to clean up your act!" Malcolm is likeliest to respond by


Malcolm's response to his boss's criticism is dependent on his personality, attitude, and work ethics. However, here are some possible ways he could respond:

Apologize and take responsibility, Malcolm might say, "I'm sorry for being late. You're right, it's not acceptable, and I take full responsibility for my actions. I'll do my best to ensure that it doesn't happen again."

Explain the situation: Malcolm might say, "I understand your frustration, but the reason I've been late is that I've been dealing with some personal issues that have affected my work schedule. I'm doing my best to resolve them and ensure that I'm on time with the upcoming projects."

Ask for feedback: Malcolm might say, "Thank you for bringing this to my attention. Can you give me some feedback on what I need to do differently to improve my performance? I'm willing to learn and make the necessary changes."

Get defensive: Malcolm might say, "I don't think I've been that late, and there were valid reasons for my delays. Besides, the projects still got done on time, right?"

Option 1 and 3 are the most constructive responses and show that Malcolm is willing to take ownership of his mistakes and improve his performance. Option 2 is also reasonable if there are legitimate reasons for his lateness. Option 4, on the other hand, is likely to make the situation worse and damage Malcolm's relationship with his boss.

To know more about Malcolm's response



1. What is the principal amount if the interest at the end of 2.5 years is 4,500 with a simple interest rate of 6.01% per year?
2. How long does a 40,000 note with 4.02% simple interest have to run to equal 41,400?
3. What is the annual rate of interest if 16,000 earns 482 in 9 months?


Simple interest is a type of interest that is calculated based on the principal amount of a loan or investment and the length of time for which the funds are borrowed or invested.

1. The formula for simple interest is:

I = P * r * t

where I is the interest earned, P is the principal amount, r is the interest rate per year, and t is the time in years. We can rearrange this formula to solve for P:

P = I / (r * t)

Substituting the given values, we get:

P = 4,500 / (0.0601 * 2.5)

P = 30,003.33

Therefore, the principal amount is $30,003.33.

2. The formula for simple interest is:

I = P * r * t

where I is the interest earned, P is the principal amount, r is the interest rate per year, and t is the time in years. We can rearrange this formula to solve for t:

t = I / (P * r)

Substituting the given values, we get:

t = (41,400 - 40,000) / (40,000 * 0.0402)

t = 9.2 years

Therefore, the note has to run for 9.2 years to equal $41,400.

3. The formula for simple interest is:

I = P * r * t

where I is the interest earned, P is the principal amount, r is the interest rate per year, and t is the time in years. We can rearrange this formula to solve for r:

r = I / (P * t)

Substituting the given values, we get:

r = 482 / (16,000 * 0.75)

r = 0.0403 or 4.03%

Therefore, the annual rate of interest is 4.03%.

To know more about simple interest visit:



Next question You are considering a car loan with a stated APR of 6.85% based on monthly compounding. What is the effective annuse tato of this an The effective annual rate is % (Round to two decimal


The effective annual rate of the car loan with a stated APR of 6.85% based on monthly compounding is 7.07%. The effective annual interest rate is the real return on an interest-paying investment when compounding over time is considered.

The effective annual rate of the car loan can be calculated using the formula: [tex](1 + APR/n)^{n - 1}[/tex], where APR is the stated annual percentage rate and n is the number of compounding periods per year. In this case, the APR is 6.85% and the loan is compounded monthly, so n = 12.

Substituting these values into the formula, we get: [tex](1 + 0.0685/12)^{12} - 1 = 0.0707 \;or \;7.07\%[/tex]. Therefore, the effective annual rate of this car loan is 7.07%.

The effective annual rate takes into account the effect of compounding on the loan over a year, providing a more accurate representation of the true cost of borrowing. It is important to consider this rate when comparing different loan offers from different lenders to ensure you are getting the best deal.

In summary, the effective annual rate of the car loan with a stated APR of 6.85% based on monthly compounding is 7.07%.

To know more about APR refer here:



Complete Question:

You are considering a car loan with a stated APR of 6.85% based on monthly compounding. What is the effective annual rate of this loan? Round to two decimals.

What is the bond equivalent yield on a $1 million T-bill that currently sells at 92.775 percent of its face value and 126 days from maturity? vrite your answer in % and round it to 2 decimal places)


The bond equivalent yield is 4.08%.

How to calculate bond equivalent yield?

To calculate the bond equivalent yield on a $1 million T-bill, we need to use the following formula:

BEY = (FV - PV) / PV * 365 / d


BEY is the bond equivalent yield

FV is the face value of the T-bill, which is $1,000,000

PV is the purchase price of the T-bill, which is 92.775% of the face value, or $927,750

d is the number of days to maturity, which is 126 days

Plugging in the values, we get:

BEY = ($1,000,000 - $927,750) / $927,750 * 365 / 126

BEY = 0.0408 or 4.08%

Therefore, the bond equivalent yield on a $1 million T-bill that currently sells at 92.775% of its face value and 126 days from maturity is 4.08%.

Learn more about bond equivalent yield



mary believes that she is poor because she feels inferior, powerless, and lacks work ethic. mary’s beliefs best characterize ______.


Mary's beliefs best characterize an internal locus of control, as she attributes her poverty to her own feelings of inferiority, powerlessness, and lack of work ethic.

An optimist with an internal locus  of control is most likely to feel relaxed in a particular circumstance.

Regarding the correlation between optimism-pessimism and the subscale of locus of control, there was a significant and favourable relationship between optimism and internal control. the relationship between pessimism and external stimuli and the relationship between pessimism and unknown locus influences.

The locus of control is a person's perception of the underlying factors that are propelling the events in his or her life. For instance, students with an internal locus of control would blame poor study habits for their results, but students with an external locus of control might blame an unjust system.

Learn more about internal locus here



want a clear calculation using a financial calculator
Q1) A $1,000 par value 10-year bond with a 10% coupon rate recently sold for $900. The yield to maturity: A) is 10%. B) is greater than 10%. C) is less than 10%. D) cannot be determined.


To calculate the yield to maturity of the bond, we need to use a financial calculator. The formula for yield to maturity is the discount rate that makes the present value of all future cash flows from the bond equal to its current market price. Here are the steps to calculate the yield to maturity:

1. Enter the following values into the financial calculator:

N = 10 (number of years)

PV = -900 (present value or price of the bond)

PMT = 100 (annual coupon payment, which is 10% of $1,000)

FV = 1000 (face value or par value of the bond)

2. Solve for the yield to maturity (YTM) by pressing the YTM button on the calculator.
The answer will be approximately 12.21%.

Therefore, the answer to the question is B) is greater than 10%. The bond's yield to maturity is greater than its coupon rate because it is selling at a discount (below its par value) in the market. When a bond sells at a discount, its yield to maturity is higher than its coupon rate. This compensates the investor for the lower price paid for the bond and the longer wait until the bond matures.

In summary, the yield to maturity is a crucial measure for evaluating a bond's potential return, especially when buying or selling in the secondary market. It considers the bond's price, coupon rate, time to maturity, and market conditions to provide a single number that represents the expected rate of return.

To know more about yield to maturity refer here



Deposits of 1100 are placed into a fund at the beginning of each year for 23 years. At the end of year 35, annual payments commence and continue forever. Interest is at an effective annual rate of 9%. Calculate the annual payment.


The answer of annual payment is $9,409.28.

How to calculate the annual payment of a perpetuity?

To calculate the annual payment, we need to first find the value of the fund at the end of year 34. This will be the present value of perpetuity that will provide the annual payment.

First, we find the future value of the 23 deposits of 1100 made at the beginning of each year for 23 years. We can use the formula for the future value of an annuity:

FV =[tex]P * ((1 + r)^n - 1) / r[/tex]


P = payment amount = 1100

r = interest rate per period = 9% / 1 = 0.09

n = number of periods = 23

FV = 1100 * ((1 + 0.09[tex])^2^3[/tex] - 1) / 0.09

= 1100 * 33.87049639

= 37,257.54603

The future value of the deposits is 37,257.54603 at the end of year 23.

Next, we find the future value of the fund at the end of year 34. We can use the formula for the future value of a lump sum:

FV = [tex]PV * (1 + r)^n[/tex]


PV = present value = 37,257.54603

r = interest rate per period = 9% / 1 = 0.09

n = number of periods = 11

FV = 37,257.54603 * (1 + 0.09[tex])^1^1[/tex]

= 104,547.5638

The value of the fund at the end of year 34 is 104,547.5638.

Finally, we can calculate the annual payment using the formula for the present value of a perpetuity:

PV = P / r


P = payment amount (what we need to find)

r = interest rate per period = 9% / 1 = 0.09

PV = present value = 104,547.5638

P = PV * r

= 104,547.5638 * 0.09

= 9409.28374

Learn more about annual payment



St. Vincent's Hospital has a target capital structure of 50 percent debt and the remainder in equity. Its cost of equity (fund capital) estimate is 12.1 percent and its cost of tax-exempt debt estimate is 7 percent. What is the hospital's corporate cost of capital? (Enter your answer as a percentage, omit the "%" sign in your response, and round your answer to 2 decimal places. For example, 0.12345 or 12.345% should be entered as 12.35.)


The hospital's corporate cost of capital is 9.5%.

To calculate the corporate cost of capital, we need to find the weighted average of the cost of debt and the cost of equity based on their respective proportions in the capital structure.

Let's start by finding the proportion of debt and equity in St. Vincent's Hospital's target capital structure:

Debt = 50%

Equity = 50%

Next, we can calculate the weighted average cost of capital (WACC) using the following formula:

WACC = (Cost of Equity x Proportion of Equity) + (Cost of Debt x Proportion of Debt)

WACC = (0.121 x 0.5) + (0.07 x 0.5)

WACC = 0.0605 + 0.035

WACC = 0.095 or 9.5%

For more such questions on cost, click on:



People who act like customers collect information on competitors are known as A. savvy consumersB. decoy shoppersC. mystery shoppersD. shopliftersE. the target market


B. decoy shoppers .Decoy shopping is a common practice in industries such as retail, hospitality, and healthcare, where companies use the information gathered by decoy shoppers to improve their own products and services,

gain a competitive edge, and better understand customer needs and preferences.

Decoy shopping is also used by regulatory agencies, such as the Food and Drug Administration, to monitor compliance with laws and regulations related to advertising, labeling, and product safety.

The use of decoy shoppers is legal as long as they do not engage in illegal or unethical behavior, such as stealing, damaging property, or misrepresenting themselves. Companies typically hire professional mystery shopping firms to recruit and train decoy shoppers and ensure that their activities are conducted in a lawful and ethical manner.

Learn more about Decoy here:



People who act like customers collect information on competitors are known as option c. mystery shoppers.

Mystery shoppers are individuals hired by companies to pose as regular customers and evaluate the quality of products, services, and overall customer experience. They collect information on competitors and provide feedback to help improve the company's performance. Savvy consumers and the target market refer to a group of informed and interested customers. Decoy shoppers are individuals who try to distract or catch shoplifters, and shoplifters are individuals who steal merchandise.
These individuals visit stores, interact with employees, and evaluate various aspects of the shopping experience in order to gather data on a competitor's products, services, and overall customer experience.

Therefore, the correct answer is option c. mystery shoppers.

Learn more about mystery shoppers here: https://brainly.com/question/31365439


What are ways that risks can be minimized by the company
management ( Hermes company )


The management of Hermes company can minimize risks through various strategies. These include conducting thorough risk assessments, implementing internal controls, maintaining adequate insurance coverage, fostering a strong risk management culture, and regularly monitoring and updating risk mitigation plans.

How Hermes company minimizes risk

Hermes, a luxury goods company, can minimize risks through various strategies.

Firstly, they can conduct regular risk assessments to identify potential threats and vulnerabilities. This allows them to develop appropriate risk management plans and allocate resources accordingly.

Secondly, they can implement effective internal controls, such as segregation of duties, to prevent fraud or errors.

Thirdly, they can ensure compliance with laws and regulations to avoid legal and reputational risks.

Fourthly, they can implement proper training and development programs for employees to ensure they are equipped with the necessary skills to manage risks.

Fifthly, they can diversify their product lines and markets to reduce reliance on a single product or market.

Lastly, they can have crisis management plans in place to respond quickly and effectively to any unexpected events. By implementing these measures, Hermes can minimize risks and maintain its reputation as a leading luxury brand.

Learn more about company management at



An analyst wanted to forecast exchange between USD/BRL. He collected the following information: Months Inflation-US Inflation-Brazil St(USD/BRL) 2013-09 1.8302% 0.03% 0.6603 2013-10 1.8000% 0.06% 0.6972 a.) Using the PPP model estimate forecast for USD/BRL for November 2013. Also calculate forecast error for the month of November. Now assume that analyst got actual inflation estimates for the month of November from the government publications for the US and Brazil and they are as follows: Months Inflation-US Inflation-Brazil St(USD/BRL) 2013-10 1.8000% 0.06% 0.6972 2013-11 1.5000% 0.02% 0.7090% b.) Using the PPP model estimate forecast for USD/BRL for December 2013. Also calculate forecast error for the month of December. c. Now that you have two forecast errors from ""a"" and ""b"" calculate mean square error for your forecasts.


The forecast for USD/BRL in November 2013 using the PPP model is 0.6986, and the forecast error for November is 0.0104.

The forecast for USD/BRL in December 2013 is 0.7045, and the forecast error for December is -0.0045. The mean square error for the forecasts is 6.05 x 10⁻⁵.

1. Calculate the relative inflation rate: (1+Inflation-Brazil)/(1+Inflation-US)

2. Multiply the relative inflation rate by the previous month's exchange rate to get the forecasted exchange rate.

3. Calculate the forecast error by subtracting the actual exchange rate from the forecasted exchange rate.

4. Calculate the mean square error by averaging the squared forecast errors.

For November 2013:
1. (1+0.0006)/(1+0.018) = 0.9994
2. 0.9994 * 0.6603 = 0.6986
3. 0.7090 - 0.6986 = 0.0104

For December 2013:
1. (1+0.0002)/(1+0.015) = 0.9998
2. 0.9998 * 0.6972 = 0.7045
3. 0.7045 - 0.7090 = -0.0045

Mean square error: ((0.0104²) + (-0.0045²))/2 = 6.05 x 10⁻⁵

To know more about exchange rate click on below link:



The International Fisher equation states that...
a) ...domestic inflation rates will tend to equal foreign inflation rates.
b) ...domestic real interest rates will tend to equal foreign real interest rates.
c) ...the expected exchange rate depreciation of the domestic currency is equal to the future inflation differential (foreign minus domestic inflation).
d) ...the difference between the bid-ask spread for an exchange rate is equal to the future inflation differential (foreign minus domestic inflation).


The International Fisher equation states that the expected exchange rate depreciation of the domestic currency is equal to the future inflation differential (foreign minus domestic inflation).(C)

The International Fisher equation is a key concept in international finance that links interest rates, exchange rates, and inflation. It suggests that the difference in nominal interest rates between two countries is equal to the expected change in their exchange rate.

The equation is derived from the Fisher effect, which states that nominal interest rates consist of a real interest rate component and an expected inflation component.

According to the International Fisher equation, if a country's expected inflation rate is higher than that of another country, its nominal interest rates will also be higher, leading to the depreciation of its currency in the foreign exchange market. This depreciation is equal to the future inflation differential (foreign minus domestic inflation).(C)

To know more about exchange rates click on below link:



be19.1 (lo 1) in 2020, amirante corporation had pretax financial income of $168,000 and taxable income of $120,000. the diff erence is due to the use of diff erent depreciation methods for tax and accounting purposes. the eff ective tax rate is 20%. compute the amount to be reported as income taxes payable at december 31, 2020.


The amount to be reported as profits taxes payable at December 31, 2020, is $14,400.

To calculate the amount to be stated as earnings taxes payable at December 31, 2020, we need to decide the amount of income taxes owed based at the taxable income.

The taxable earnings is $120,000, and the effective tax rate is 20%, so the profits tax owed is:

$120,000 x 0.20 = $24,000

However, the economic profits is $168,000, which is higher than the taxable earnings because of the distinction in depreciation strategies. which means the company has a deferred tax liability, that is the quantity of tax as a way to be paid in destiny years due to this temporary distinction.

The deferred tax legal responsibility can be calculated as follows:

Deferred tax legal responsibility = (monetary earnings - Taxable income) x Tax rate

Deferred tax liability = ($168,000 - $120,000) x 0.20

Deferred tax liability = $9,600

consequently, the amount to be reported as profits taxes payable at December 31, 2020, is:

Profits taxes payable = Tax owed - Deferred tax legal responsibility

Earnings taxes payable = $24,000 - $9,600

Earnings taxes payable = $14,400

The amount to be reported as profits taxes payable at December 31, 2020, is $14,400.

Learn more about Tax:-






Here break-even level of income means TC and TI being equal. Hence in the above table when,

saving equals to $0 because saving is the difference between income and expenses.

carlise and mary are the only two editors of mystery novels in the city of readville. if carlise and mary collude to earn more profits, they would:


If Carlise and Mary collude to earn more profits, they could use a number of strategies to do this.

For example, they could agree to not publish any books that would compete with each other's works, or they could agree to charge the same prices for their books. They could also agree to share profits or profits from book sales. This would allow them to maximize their profits without having to worry about competition from other authors.

Additionally, they could use their combined clout to negotiate better terms from publishers and booksellers. This could allow them to get better royalty rates, larger advances, and more favorable book placement in stores. By working together, Carlise and Mary could increase their profits without having to sacrifice their own individual creativity.

Know more about strategies here



In financial analysis, it is important to select an appropriate discount rate. A project's discount rate must be high to compensate investors for the project's risk. The return that shareholders require from the company as a compensation for their investment risk is referred to as the cost of equity. Consider this case:Markung's Co. is a 100% equity-financed company (no debt or preferred stock); hence, its WACC equals its cost of common equity. Markung's Co.'s retained earnings will be sufficient to fund its capital budget in the foreseeable future. The company has a beta of 1.65, the risk-free rate is 5.5%, and the market return is 7.2%. What is Markung's Co.'s cost of equity?a) 29.13%b) 8.31% c) 10.01% d) 19.08%


Markung's Co.'s cost of equity is 8.31%. Therefore, the correct option is B.

In order to calculate Markung's Co.'s cost of equity, we can use the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM). The CAPM formula is as follows:

Cost of Equity = Risk-free rate + (Beta * (Market return - Risk-free rate))

Given the information provided:
Beta = 1.65
Risk-free rate = 5.5%
Market return = 7.2%

Let's plug the values into the CAPM formula:

Cost of Equity = 5.5% + (1.65 * (7.2% - 5.5%))

Cost of Equity = 5.5% + (1.65 * 1.7%)

Cost of Equity = 5.5% + 2.805%

Cost of Equity = 8.31%

So, cost of equity is 8.31% which corresponds to option B.

Learn more about Cost of equity:



Cash flows that have been adjusted with the certainty equivalent method should be discounted by the
A. opportunity cost of capital.
B. risk-adjusted discount rate.
C. pure play beta.
D. marginal cost of capital.
E. risk-free interest rate.


B. risk-adjusted discount rate. The certainty equivalent method is a method of adjusting cash flows to account for the effects of risk.

This method adjusts the cash flows for the time value of money by discounting them at the risk-adjusted discount rate instead of the opportunity cost of capital or the marginal cost of capital.

The risk-adjusted discount rate is a rate that takes into account the risk inherent in the cash flows and the risk free rate of return. It is determined by estimating the expected rate of return for the cash flows, taking into account the risk associated with the project or investment.

By discounting the cash flows at the risk-adjusted discount rate, the time value of money is taken into account and the effects of risk are minimized. This allows for a more accurate estimation of the net present value of the cash flows, making it easier to make decisions about their worth.

Know more about risk-adjusted discount rate here



What is the futuro equivalent of $2,000 invested at 8% simple interest per year for four (4) years? a. FW- $1,640 b. FW = $3,640 FW = $2,040 O d. FW $2,640


The future value (FW) of the investment after four years is $2,640. So, the correct answer is option d.

To calculate the future equivalent of $2,000 invested at 8% simple interest per year for four (4) years, we can use the formula: FW = PV x (1 + i x n) Where FW is the future worth, PV is the present value (in this case, $2,000), i is the interest rate (8% or 0.08), and n is the number of years (4).

Plugging in the numbers, we get:
FW = $2,000 x (1 + 0.08 x 4)
FW = $2,000 x 1.32
FW = $2,640

Alternatively, we can also use FW = P + (P * r * t) Where: FW = future value, P = principal (initial investment), r = interest rate per year (as a decimal), t = time in years. Now, let's plug in the given values: P = $2,000, r = 8% = 0.08, t = 4 years
FW = 2000 + (2000 * 0.08 * 4)
FW = 2000 + (160 * 4)
FW = 2000 + 640. The future value (FW) of the investment after four years is $2,640. So, the correct answer is d. FW = $2,640.

To know more about future value, refer here:



A project is expected to generate annual revenues of $120,900, with variable costs of $76,000, and fixed costs of $16.500. The annual depreciation is $4.050 and the tax rate is 40 percent What is the annual operating cash flow? Ο $18,660 Ο $46,520 Ο $32.450 Ο $28.400 S63,020


The annual operating cash flow for the given project is $18,660. Therefore, the correct option is option 1.

It is given that a project has an annual revenues of $120,900, variable costs of $76,000, fixed costs of $16,500, annual depreciation of $4,050, and a tax rate of 40 percent.

To calculate the annual operating cash flow follow these steps:

1. Calculate the Earnings Before Interest and Taxes (EBIT):

EBIT = Revenues - Variable Costs - Fixed Costs

EBIT = $120,900 - $76,000 - $16,500

EBIT = $28,400

2. Calculate the Earnings Before Taxes (EBT):

EBT = EBIT - Depreciation

EBT = $28,400 - $4,050

EBT = $24,350

3. Calculate the Taxes:

Taxes = EBT * Tax Rate

Taxes = $24,350 * 0.4

Taxes = $9,740

4. Calculate the Net Income:

Net Income = EBT - Taxes

Net Income = $24,350 - $9,740

Net Income = $14,610

5. Calculate the annual Operating Cash Flow (OCF):

OCF = Net Income + Depreciation

OCF = $14,610 + $4,050

OCF = $18,660

So, the annual operating cash flow for this project is option 1: $18,660.

Learn more about Operating cash flow:



a fast-food restaurant stocks bread, meat, sauces, and other main ingredients, but does not assemble and cook its burgers and sandwiches until a customer places an order. which cost driver is the restaurant efficiently using to cut costs?


A fast-food restaurant stocks bread, meat, sauces, and other main ingredients, but does not assemble and cook its burgers and sandwiches until a customer places an order. Supply chain efficiencies are used by the restaurant.

How successfully a corporation uses resources to produce and transport items, as well as how efficiently it moves things from one location to another at the proper time and place, is referred to as supply chain efficiency.

The main goal of every company's supply chain management strategy should be to increase chain efficiency. Being effective in the supply chain can help a business save money while maintaining customer satisfaction, thus this sector needs to be optimized.

Learn more about supply chain efficiency:



what would the outcome be if the american government didn't save the banks from the 2008 financial crisis


If the American government didn't save the banks from the 2008 financial crisis, the outcome would likely be:
many banks would have failed, leading to a significant loss of jobs in the banking industry and a decline in the availability of credit for businesses and consumers.

The overall economy would have suffered more severe consequences, such as a deeper and more prolonged recession, with higher unemployment rates and lower economic growth. The collapse of major financial institutions would have had a cascading effect on other industries, potentially causing more businesses to fail and leading to further job losses.

The confidence in the financial system would have been severely damaged, leading to a decrease in investment and consumer spending. Government intervention would have been necessary at a later stage to restore stability and confidence in the financial system, potentially at a higher cost than the initial bank bailouts.

In summary, without the American government stepping in to save the banks during the 2008 financial crisis, the economy would have likely faced a more severe recession, higher unemployment rates, and long-lasting effects on various industries. The intervention prevented a more serious collapse and allowed for a gradual recovery of the financial system.

To know more about American government  refer here:-



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