A piece of nickel has a mass of 130g and a density of 8.90 g/em. A 60g piece of magnesium has a density of 1.78/cm' Which metal would displace more water form an overflow can?


Answer 1

Since magnesium has a larger volume than nickel, it will displace more water from an overflow can.

To determine which metal would displace more water from an overflow can

We need to compare their volumes.

We can use the formula:

Density = mass / volume

To solve for volume, we rearrange the formula:

Volume = mass / density

For nickel:

Volume = 130g / 8.90 g/cm³ = 14.61 cm³

For magnesium:

Volume = 60g / 1.78 g/cm³ = 33.71 cm³

Therefore, Since magnesium has a larger volume than nickel, it will displace more water from an overflow can.

Learn more about Density here : brainly.in/question/2786638


Related Questions

John is making his pasta dish. his mom eats 1/12 of pasta and his brother eats 1/6 of pasta. How much of pasta is left over?



1/4 of the pot is left.

Step-by-step explanation:

Let x be the total amount of pasta in the pot.

Then the amount of pasta her mother got= 1x/12

The amount of pasta her brother got=  1x/6

The total amount of pasta he serve= 1x/12 + 1x/6

First, convert them into like fractions, then

The total amount of pasta he serve= 1x/12 + 2x/12 = (x+2x)/12 = 3x/12 = 1x/4

Hence, 1/4 of the pot is left over.

Step-by-step explanation:

Mom: 1/12

Brother: 1/6

1/6 × 2/2 = 2/12

2/12 + 1/12 = 3/12

12/12 (= 1 whole) - 3/12 = 9/12 of pasta is left

Given f(x)=3x2−2 and g(x)=7−1/2x2, find the following expressions.
​(a)  (f◦g)(4)     ​(b)  (g◦f)(2)     ​(c)  (f◦f)(1)     ​(d)  (g◦g)(0)



To evaluate the composite functions (f◦g), (g◦f), (f◦f), and (g◦g), we need to substitute one function into the other and simplify the resulting expression.

(a) (f◦g)(4):

To find (f◦g)(4), we need to first find g(4) and then substitute it into f(x):

g(4) = 7 - 1/2(4)^2

= 7 - 8

= -1

Now we substitute g(4) = -1 into f(x):

(f◦g)(4) = f(g(4))

= f(-1)

= 3(-1)^2 - 2

= 1

Therefore, (f◦g)(4) = 1.

(b) (g◦f)(2):

To find (g◦f)(2), we need to first find f(2) and then substitute it into g(x):

f(2) = 3(2)^2 - 2

= 10

Now we substitute f(2) = 10 into g(x):

(g◦f)(2) = g(f(2))

= g(10)

= 7 - 1/2(10)^2

= -43

Therefore, (g◦f)(2) = -43.

(c) (f◦f)(1):

To find (f◦f)(1), we need to find f(f(1)):

f(1) = 3(1)^2 - 2

= 1

Now we substitute f(1) = 1 into f(x):

(f◦f)(1) = f(f(1))

= f(1)

= 1

Therefore, (f◦f)(1) = 1.

(d) (g◦g)(0):

To find (g◦g)(0), we need to find g(g(0)):

g(0) = 7 - 1/2(0)^2

= 7

Now we substitute g(0) = 7 into g(x):

(g◦g)(0) = g(g(0))

= g(7)

= 7 - 1/2(7)^2

= -17/2

Therefore, (g◦g)(0) = -17/2.

4. The elevation at ground level is 0 feet. An elevator starts 80 feet below ground level. After
traveling for 20 seconds, the elevator is 30 feet below ground level. Which statement describes
the elevator's rate of change in elevation during this 20-second interval?
A. The elevator traveled upward at a rate
1 rate of 2½ feet per second.
B. The elevator traveled downward at a rate of 2 feet per second.
C. The elevator traveled upward at a rate of 4 feet per second.
D. The elevator traveled downward at a rate of 4 feet per second.



[tex]m = \frac{ - 30 - ( - 80)}{20 - 0} = \frac{50}{20} = 2 \frac{1}{2} [/tex]

A. The elevator traveled upward at a rate of 2 1/2 feet per second. -30 > -80.

A retail manager constructs a 95% confidence interval to estimate the mean amount of money each customer spends per visit to the retail store. Assume that all conditions have been met. The one-sample t-interval is ($10.53, $31.89). The owner of the retail store will issue the manager a bonus if the customers spend $35, on average, per visit. Is it reasonable to believe this manager will receive a bonus? No. Because a different sample might give different results, no conclusion can be drawn. No. Because the interval does not contain $35, the manager would not be issued the bonus. Yes. Because the interval representing the mean amount customers spend per visit is entirely below $35, it is reasonable to believe the manager will be issued a bonus. Yes. Because the interval representing the mean amount customers spend per visit does not contain $35, it is reasonable to believe the manager will be issued a bonus.


The correct option is: No. Because the interval does not contain $35, the manager would not be issued the bonus.

What is an interval?

An interval refers to a range of values between two points on a numerical scale. It can be represented by two numbers, called endpoints, and includes all the values that lie between these endpoints.

The two common types of intervals are closed intervals and open intervals.

According to the given information:

In a confidence interval, the range of values within which the true population parameter (in this case, the mean amount of money each customer spends per visit) is likely to fall is estimated. A 95% confidence interval means that there is a 95% probability that the true population parameter falls within the interval.

In this case, the confidence interval is ($10.53, $31.89), which means that we are 95% confident that the true mean amount customers spend per visit falls between $10.53 and $31.89. Since the interval does not contain $35, it is not reasonable to believe that the manager will receive a bonus, as the estimated mean amount spent per visit is below $35 according to the confidence interval.

The correct answer is: No. Because the interval does not contain $35, the manager would not be issued the bonus.

To know more about interval visit: https://brainly.com/question/11180472


The number of potholes in any given 1 mile stretch of freeway pavement in Pennsylvania has a bell-shaped distribution. This distribution has a mean of 62 and a standard deviation of 11. Using the empirical rule (as presented in the book), what is the approximate percentage of 1-mile long roadways with potholes numbering between 51 and 84?


According to the empirical rule (also known as the 68-95-99.7 rule), for a bell-shaped distribution (or normal distribution), approximately:

- 68% of the data falls within one standard deviation of the mean
- 95% of the data falls within two standard deviations of the mean
- 99.7% of the data falls within three standard deviations of the mean

In this case, we can use the empirical rule to estimate the percentage of 1-mile long roadways with potholes numbering between 51 and 84.

To do this, we need to first calculate the z-scores for the values 51 and 84, using the formula:

z = (x - μ) / σ

where x is the value, μ is the mean, and σ is the standard deviation.

For x = 51:

z = (51 - 62) / 11 = -1

For x = 84:

z = (84 - 62) / 11 = 2

These z-scores tell us how many standard deviations away from the mean each value is. A z-score of -1 means that the value is 1 standard deviation below the mean, and a z-score of 2 means that the value is 2 standard deviations above the mean.

Now, we can use the empirical rule to estimate the percentage of 1-mile long roadways with potholes numbering between 51 and 84:

- The percentage of data within one standard deviation of the mean is approximately 68%. Since the mean is 62 and the standard deviation is 11, one standard deviation below the mean is 51, and one standard deviation above the mean is 73 (62 - 11 = 51, 62 + 11 = 73). Therefore, approximately 68% of the 1-mile long roadways have potholes numbering between 51 and 73.
- The percentage of data within two standard deviations of the mean is approximately 95%. Since two standard deviations below the mean is 40, and two standard deviations above the mean is 84 (62 - 2(11) = 40, 62 + 2(11) = 84), approximately 95% of the 1-mile long roadways have potholes numbering between 40 and 84.

Therefore, the approximate percentage of 1-mile long roadways with potholes numbering between 51 and 84 is approximately 95%.

A coordinate plane with 2 lines drawn. The first line is labeled f(x) and passes through the points (0, negative 2) and (1, 1). The second line is labeled g(x) and passes through the points (negative 4, 0) and (0, 2). The lines intersect at about (2.5, 3.2)
How does the slope of g(x) compare to the slope of f(x)?

The slope of g(x) is the opposite of the slope of f(x).
The slope of g(x) is less than the slope of f(x).
The slope of g(x) is greater than the slope of f(x).
The slope of g(x) is equal to the slope of f(x)


Therefore, the correct answer is: The slope of g(x) is less than the slope of f(x).

Where do the X and Y axes intersect on the coordinate plane, at position 0 0?

The origin is the location where the two axes meet. On both the x- and y-axes, the origin is at 0. The coordinate plane is divided into four portions by the intersection of the x- and y-axes. The term "quadrant" refers to these four divisions.

We can use the slope formula to get the slopes of the lines f(x) and g(x):

slope of f(x) = (change in y)/(change in x) = (1 - (-2))/(1 - 0) = 3/1 = 3

slope of g(x) = (change in y)/(change in x) = (2 - 0)/(0 - (-4)) = 2/4 = 1/2

The slope of g(x) is 1/2, which is less than the slope of f(x), which is 3.

Therefore, the correct answer is: The slope of g(x) is less than the slope of f(x).

To know more about slope visit:-





Step-by-step explanation:

50 Points! Write the expression x^4+5x^2-8 in quadratic form, if possible. Photo attached. Thank you!


The expression x^4 + 5x^2 - 8 in quadratic form is: (x^2 + 8)(x^2 - 1)

How to solve the expression

It should be noted that to express the given expression x^4+5x^2 - 8 in quadratic form, we need to identify a suitable substitution that will allow us to rewrite the expression as a quadratic in a new variable.

One possible substitution is to let u = x^2, so that we can write:

x^4 + 5x^2 - 8 = u^2 + 5u - 8

We can then factor this quadratic expression as:

u^2 + 5u - 8 = (u + 8)(u - 1)

Substituting back u = x^2, we get:

x^4 + 5x^2 - 8 = (x^2 + 8)(x^2 - 1)

Therefore, the expression x^4 + 5x^2 - 8 in quadratic form is:

(x^2 + 8)(x^2 - 1)

Learn more about quadratic on



What is one third plus eight twelves




Step-by-step explanation:

1/3 + 8/12 ⬅️(factor out by common factor, 4)

= 1/3 + 2/3

=1+2/ 3

=3/3 or 1

Jason bought 91.5 pounds of fruit for a class party. The class ate 0.2 pounds of the fruit. How much fruit is left?


91.3 pounds of fruit are left

Jason bought = 91.5 pounds

class ate = 0.2 pounds

You subtract the amount the class ate from the amount Jason bought to get the amount of fruit left.

91.5 - 0.2 = 91.3 pounds

What is the equation of the circle with centre
(1/2, 0)and radius 2?
Responses (attached)


The equation of the circle is (x - 1/2)^2 + y^2 = 15/4.

How to calculate the equation

The equation of a circle with center (a,b) and radius r is given by the equation:

(x - a)^2 + (y - b)^2 = r^2

Using the given values, the equation of the circle with center (1/2, 0) and radius 2 is:

(x - 1/2)^2 + (y - 0)^2 = 2^2

Expanding and simplifying, we get:

(x - 1/2)^2 + y^2 = 4 - 1/4

Therefore, the equation of the circle is:

(x - 1/2)^2 + y^2 = 15/4

So, the equation of the circle is (x - 1/2)^2 + y^2 = 15/4.

Learn more about equations on



Amy and Zack each have 24 feet of fencing for their rectangular gardens. Amy makes her fence 6 feet long. Zack makes his fence 8 feet long. Whose garden has the better area? How much greater?



The answer is Zack garden

Determine the domain and range of the graph of this function.


x ≤ 4, -2≤ y ≤ 2  are the domain and range of the graph of this function.

What is the domain and domain of the function in the graph?

Another way to identify domains and feature sets is with graphs. Domain refers to the set of possible input values, so a chart's domain consists of all input values ​​displayed on the x-axis.

                                    A range is the set of possible output values ​​plotted on the y-axis. To find the domain and domain of the equation y = f(x), find the value of the independent variable x for which the function is defined. 

y = f(x)

according to the graph value of y

 x ≤ 4,

-2≤ y ≤ 2

Learn more about domain



Draw place value disk to represent the value of the following expressions

5 times 2=


When the two sections are combined, the total number of circles would be ten, representing the value of 5 times 2, which is 10.

What is number?

Number is a mathematical concept used to quantify or measure a quantity. It is a symbol or group of symbols that stands for a quantity, such as 2, 4, 5, 10, and so on. Numbers are used to express amounts, to count, and to measure. They are also used to represent relationships between quantities and to compare quantities.

A place value disk can be used to represent the value of 5 times 2, which is equal to 10. The disk would have two sections, one representing the number 5 and the other representing the number 2. The number 5 would be represented by five single circles in the “ones” section, and the number 2 would be represented by two single circles in the “ones” section. When the two sections are combined, the total number of circles would be ten, representing the value of 5 times 2, which is 10.

The place value disk is a useful visual tool to help students understand the concept of multiplication. It allows them to clearly see how the number of circles in each section are multiplied to get the final answer. This can help them better understand the concept of multiplication and how it works.

To know more about amount click-

Complete questions as follows-

The vector matrix -6, -3 is rotated at different angles. Match the angles of rotation with the vector matrices they produce.


Answer: Without the options for the vector matrices resulting from rotation, I cannot provide a specific matching. However, I can provide the general formula for rotating a vector by an angle of θ degrees counterclockwise as follows:

To rotate a vector with coordinates (x, y) counterclockwise about the origin by an angle of θ degrees, we use the following formula to find the new coordinates (x', y'):

x' = xcos(θ) - ysin(θ)

y' = xsin(θ) + ycos(θ)

Therefore, to obtain the vector matrix resulting from rotating the vector (-6, -3) by a certain angle of rotation, we plug in the values of x = -6 and y = -3 into the above formulas, and use the corresponding angle of rotation in degrees for θ.

Step-by-step explanation:

Solve x to make A||B



x = 7

Step-by-step explanation:

if A and B are parallel , then

4x + 14 and 3x + 21 are alternate angles and are congruent , that is

4x + 14 = 3x + 21 ( subtract 3x from both sides )

x + 14 = 21 ( subtract 14 from both sides )

x = 7

For A and B to be parallel then x = 7

What is a formula for the nth term of the given sequence? 18 , 21 , 24




Step-by-step explanation:

18, 21, 24

+3. +3




What are the answers to these questions?
Thus f(x) has a local max or min at A and a local max or min at B.


We can say that f(x) has a local maximum at A and a local minimum at B.

What is Function?

A function is a mathematical rule that assigns a unique output value to each input value. It describes the relationship between the input and output variables.

Critical numbers of a function are the values of the independent variable where the derivative is zero or undefined, indicating possible extrema or inflection points.

According to the given information:

To find the critical numbers of the function f(x), we need to find the values of x where f'(x) = 0 or f'(x) is undefined.

f(x) = cos(x) + √2/2

f'(x) = -sin(x)

Setting f'(x) = -sin(x) = 0, we get sin(x) = 0, which is true for x = nπ, where n is an integer. However, we only need to consider the values of x in the interval [0,2].

For n = 0, x = 0 is a critical number.

For n = 1, x = π is a critical number.

For n = 2, x = 2π is not in the interval [0,2], so we don't need to consider it.

Therefore, the critical numbers of f(x) in the interval [0,2] are A = 0 and B = π.

To find the nature of the critical points, we need to find the second derivative of f(x).

f''(x) = -cos(x)

Evaluating f''(x) at A and B, we get:

f''(A) = -cos(0) = -1, which means that f(x) has a local maximum at A.

f''(B) = -cos(π) = 1, which means that f(x) has a local minimum at B.

Therefore, we can say that f(x) has a local maximum at A and a local minimum at B.

To know more about Function visit :



How long did Lizzie practice on Thursday and Friday altogether?
Lizzie's Drum Practice
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
= 5 minutes
7 8
1 2



Lizzie practiced for a total of 14 minutes on Thursday and Friday combined.

On Thursday, she practiced for 5 minutes according to the table.

On Friday, she practiced for 9 minutes according to the table.

Adding these two times together, we get:

5 minutes + 9 minutes = 14 minutes

Therefore, Lizzie practiced for a total of 14 minutes on Thursday and Friday combined.

please help meeeee. What is the value of k?



k = 10

Step-by-step explanation:

the exterior angle of a triangle is equal to the sum of the 2 opposite interior angles.

∠ MYZ is an exterior angle of the triangle , then

4k + 5 + 6k + 10 = 115

10k + 15 = 115 ( subtract 15 from both sides )

10k = 100 ( divide both sides by 10 )

k = 10


k = 10


Exterior angle of a triangle is equal to the sum of remote interior angles.

In the given picture, the exterior angle is 115°, and remote interior angles are (4k + 5)° and (6k + 10)°.

Set up equation and solve for k:

4k + 5 + 6k + 10 = 11510k + 15 = 11510k = 100k = 10

Therefore the value of k is 10.

Calculate Volume of Air passing through Filter HEPA Filter 100ft/min *- Airflow 4ft 2ft Volume = Filter Area x Airflow Velocity


The volume of air passing through the HEPA filter is 800 cubic feet per minute (CFM).

Describe Volume?

In general, volume refers to the amount of space occupied by a three-dimensional object. In physics, volume is a measure of the amount of space an object takes up, typically measured in cubic meters (m³) or cubic centimeters (cm³).

In mathematics, volume is often used to refer to the measure of the size of a solid object or region in three-dimensional space. This measure can be calculated using various methods depending on the shape of the object or region, such as integration, formulae, or counting.

For example, the volume of a cube can be calculated by multiplying its length, width, and height together. The volume of a sphere can be calculated using the formula 4/3πr³, where r is the radius of the sphere.

In finance, volume can also refer to the number of shares or contracts traded in a particular market or stock exchange over a given period of time. High trading volume often indicates a more active market, while low trading volume may indicate less interest or activity in a particular security or market.

The formula for calculating the volume of air passing through a filter is:

Volume = Filter Area x Airflow Velocity

Given that the airflow velocity is 100 ft/min and the dimensions of the filter are 4 ft x 2 ft, we can calculate the filter area as:

Filter Area = Length x Width

Filter Area = 4 ft x 2 ft

Filter Area = 8 square feet

Now we can substitute the values into the formula:

Volume = Filter Area x Airflow Velocity

Volume = 8 sq ft x 100 ft/min

Volume = 800 cubic feet per minute (CFM)

Therefore, the volume of air passing through the HEPA filter is 800 cubic feet per minute (CFM).

To know more about area visit:



Please solve this asap.​



height= 3cm

Step-by-step explanation:

to find the base of each triangle just half the bottom to get 4cm







Which statements are always true regarding the diagram? Select three options. m∠5 + m∠3 = m∠4 m∠3 + m∠4 + m∠5 = 180° m∠5 + m∠6 =180° m∠2 + m∠3 = m∠6 m∠2 + m∠3 + m∠5 = 180°


The answer are in angle m∠5+m∠6=180°,m∠2+m∠3=m∠6,m∠2+m∠3+m∠5=180°.

What is angle?

Angle is a geometric concept that is used to describe the relationship between two lines or planes. It is measured in degrees, with a full circle being 360 degrees. Angles are used in mathematics to measure the size of a shape and the amount of turn between two lines. In physics, angles are used to describe the force of friction, the direction of a force, and the direction of light. Angles can also be used to describe the orientation of objects in space.

case A) we have

m∠5+m∠3=m∠4 ----> equation A

we know that

m∠3+m∠4=180° -----> by supplementary by angles

m∠4=180°-m∠3 ----> equation B

substitute the equation- B in equation A



This equation is true when m∠2=m∠3


Is not always true

case B) we have

m∠3+m∠4+m∠5=180° ----> equation A

we know that

m∠3+m∠4=180° -----> by supplementary to angles

m∠4=180°-m∠3 ----> equation B

substitute equation B in equation A



This option is not true

case C) we have


we know that

m∠5 and +m∠6 are supplementary angles


Their sum is always 180 degrees


This option is always true

case D) we have

m∠2+m∠3=m∠6 -----> equation A

we know that

m∠5+m∠6=180° ----> by supplementary angles

m∠6=180°-m∠5 ----> equation B

substitute equation B in equation A



Remember that the sum of any of tAnswer:

Step-by-step explanation:

he interior angles that of a triangle must be equal to 180 degrees


This option is true for sure

case E) we have


To know more about angle click-

!!i’ll give brainlist!!

Tim is taking the path shown to bike to Greg's house. Tim travels an average speed of 15 mi/hr.
Determine how much time it will take Tim to get to Greg's house. (You may use decimals here)




Distance to Greg's house = 3.2 + 1.7 =

4.9 miles

Time to get to Greg's house =

(4.9 mi)/(15 mi/hr) = about .327 hours = about 19.6 minutes (19 minutes, 36 seconds)


Distance to Greg's house:

[tex] \sqrt{ {3.2}^{2} + {1.7}^{2} } = 3.6235 [/tex]

Time to get to Greg's house:

(3.6235 mi)/(15 mi/hr) = about .242 hours = about 14.49 minutes (14 minutes, 30 seconds)

The shortcut is about 4.9 - 3.6235 = 1.28 miles faster (about 5.11 minutes, or 5 minutes, 6 seconds faster)

A certain test has a population mean (mu) of
285 with a population standard deviation
(sigma) or 125. You take an SRS of size 400
find that the sample mean (x-bar) is 288. The
sampling distribution of x-bar is approximately
Normal with mean:




Step-by-step explanation:

You'll need a calculator for this one

Tentor, Inc., purchases disposable coffee cups on which to print logos for sporting events, proms, birthdays, and other special occasions. The owner received a large shipment of 861 cups this afternoon, and to ensure the quality of the shipment, he selected a random sample of 410 cups and identified 353 as defective.

What is the estimated proportion of defectives in the population? (Round the final answer to 3 decimal places.)


What is the standard error of the sample proportion? (Round your answer to 3 decimal places.)


What are the upper and lower bounds for a 98% confidence level? (Round the final answers to 3 decimal places.)

Upper bound is Answer

Lower bound is Answer


It is estimated that 0.861 percent of the population is faulty. The sample proportion's standard error is 0.022. A 98% confidence level has an upper bound of 0.910 and a lower bound of 0.812.

What is a proportion?

The comparative relationship between two or more things in terms of their size, amount, or number is referred to as a "proportion." Either a ratio or a fraction can be used to express it. The term "proportion" in statistics refers to the division of the total number of events by the frequency of each event.

The formula p = x/n, where p is the estimated proportion of defectives in the population, x is the number of defectives in the sample, and n is the sample size, can be used to determine the estimated proportion of defectives in the population.

When we substitute values, we obtain:

p = 353/410 = 0.861

As a result, the population's estimated defectiveness rate is 0.861.

The formula SE = √(p(1-p)/n), where SE is the standard error and n is the sample size, can be used to get the standard error of the sample percentage.

When we substitute values, we obtain:

SE is equal to√(0.861(1.0.861)/410) = 0.022.

As a result, the sample proportion's standard error is 0.022.

Using the following formula, the upper and lower bounds for a 98% confidence level can be determined:

Lower bound = z*SE - p

Upper bound = z*SE + p

where z is the z-score for a 98% degree of confidence.

We discover that the z-score corresponding to a 98% confidence level is roughly 2.33 using a z-table or calculator.

When we substitute values, we obtain:

Lower bound is equal to 0.861 - 2.33*0.022, or 0.812.

Upper bound is equal to 0.861 + 2.33 * 0.022 = 0.910.

Consequently, the range of a 98% confidence level is as follows:

Maximum: 0.910

Upper limit: 0.812

To know more about proportion visit:



It is estimated that 0.861 percent of the population is faulty. The sample proportion's standard error is 0.022. A 98% confidence level has an upper bound of 0.910 and a lower bound of 0.812.

What is a proportion?

The comparative relationship between two or more things in terms of their size, amount, or number is referred to as a "proportion." Either a ratio or a fraction can be used to express it. The term "proportion" in statistics refers to the division of the total number of events by the frequency of each event.

The formula p = x/n, where p is the estimated proportion of defectives in the population, x is the number of defectives in the sample, and n is the sample size, can be used to determine the estimated proportion of defectives in the population.

When we substitute values, we obtain:

p = 353/410 = 0.861

As a result, the population's estimated defectiveness rate is 0.861.

The formula SE = √(p(1-p)/n), where SE is the standard error and n is the sample size, can be used to get the standard error of the sample percentage.

When we substitute values, we obtain:

SE is equal to[tex]\sqrt{\frac{0.861(1.0.861)}{410)}[/tex]= 0.022.

As a result, the sample proportion's standard error is 0.022.

Using the following formula, the upper and lower bounds for a 98% confidence level can be determined:

Lower bound = z*SE - p

Upper bound = z*SE + p

where z is the z-score for a 98% degree of confidence.

We discover that the z-score corresponding to a 98% confidence level is roughly 2.33 using a z-table or calculator.

When we substitute values, we obtain:

Lower bound is equal to 0.861 - 2.33*0.022, or 0.812.

Upper bound is equal to 0.861 + 2.33 * 0.022 = 0.910.

Consequently, the range of a 98% confidence level is as follows:

Maximum: 0.910

Upper limit: 0.812

To know more about proportion refer the below link



Compute the following

(a) Calculate the scalar projection and projection of (5,3) onto (7,-2)

(b) Interpret this projection graphically


The scalar projection and projection vector of vector (5,3) onto vector (7,-2) can be calculated by using the appropriate formulas and then interpreted graphically.

The scalar projection of (5,3) onto (7,-2) was found to be 29/53, and the projection vector was found to be (203/53, -58/53). This graphical representation illustrates the projection of vector (5,3) onto vector (7,-2).

What is graph?

Graph is a data structure that consists of nodes and edges, which are used to represent relationships between different objects. A graph is often used to represent the real-world relationships between objects such as cities, towns, and roads. Graphs can also represent abstract relationships such as between two people or mathematical formulas. Graphs are widely used in computer science, networking, and mathematics.

(a) Scalar Projection:
The scalar projection of vector A onto vector B can be calculated by using the following formula:

Projection = (A⋅B)/|B|

In this case, the scalar projection of (5,3) onto (7,-2) is:

Projection = (5⋅7 + 3⋅(-2))/(7⋅7 + (-2)⋅(-2))
           = (35 - 6)/53
           = 29/53

Projection Vector:
The projection vector of vector A onto vector B can be calculated by using the following formula:

Projection Vector = (A⋅B/|B|²)B

In this case, the projection vector of (5,3) onto (7,-2) is:

Projection Vector = (5⋅7 + 3⋅(-2))/(7⋅7 + (-2)⋅(-2)) ⋅ (7,-2)
                 = (35 - 6)/53 ⋅ (7,-2)
                 = (29/53)⋅(7,-2)
                 = (203/53, -58/53)

(b) Interpretation Graphically:
The projection of vector (5,3) onto vector (7,-2) can be interpreted graphically as follows:

First, draw the two vectors (5,3) and (7,-2) on a graph. Then draw a line from the origin to the tip of vector (7,-2). This line will represent vector (7,-2). Next, draw a line from the origin to the tip of vector (5,3). This line will represent vector (5,3).

Finally, draw a line from the tip of vector (7,-2) to the tip of vector (5,3). This line will represent the projection vector of (5,3) onto (7,-2). The length of this line will be the scalar projection of (5,3) onto (7,-2).

This graphical representation illustrates the projection of vector (5,3) onto vector (7,-2).

To know more about graph click-

is trigonometry hard?​



yes it is pretty hard but I believe I. you

2 only can you solve associative, identity and inverse of this ​


The set 2Z is associative under the operation *, has an identity element of 2, and every element (except for 0) has an inverse element.

Solving the associative, identity and inverse of this the set

The set 2Z is defined as follows:

2Z = {2n | n ∈ Z, a * b = a + b}

Associative element:

There exists an associative element in 2Z if, for all a, b, and c in 2Z, the equation a*(bc) = (ab)*c holds.

Let a, b, and c be arbitrary elements of 2Z:

a = 2n₁

b = 2n₂

c = 2n₃

Then we have:

a*(bc) = a(2n₂2n₃) = a(4n₂n₃) = 2n₁ + 4n₂n₃ = 2(n₁ + 2n₂n₃)

(a*b)c = (2n₁2n₂)*2n₃ = (4n₁n₂)*2n₃ = 8n₁n₂n₃ = 2(2n₁n₂n₃)

Therefore, a*(bc) = (ab)*c, and 2Z is associative under the operation *.

Identity element:

There exists an identity element in 2Z if there exists an element e in 2Z such that, for all a in 2Z, the equation ae = ea = a holds.

Let e be an arbitrary element of 2Z:

e = 2n

Then we have:

ae = a2n = a + 2n = 2m, where m = n + (a/2) ∈ Z

ea = 2na = a + 2n = 2m', where m' = n + (a/2) ∈ Z

Therefore, e = 2n is an identity element in 2Z.

Inverse element:

There exists an inverse element in 2Z if, for all a in 2Z, there exists an element b in 2Z such that ab = ba = e, where e is the identity element.

Let a be an arbitrary element of 2Z:

a = 2n

Then we need to find an element b in 2Z such that ab = ba = e = 2.

We have:

ab = ba = 2n*b = 2

Therefore, b = 1/(2n) is the inverse of a in 2Z if n ≠ 0.

Read more about set at



8. You and 4 friends are going to an event, and you want to keep the cost below $100 per person. Write and solve an inequality to find the total cost, x.


The answer is on the image shown :

How do you write 4/15 as a decimal?



Step-by-step explanation:

There are two ways to write 4/15 as a decimal.

**Method 1: Using long division**

1. Divide 4 by 15.

2. The quotient is 0.26.

3. The remainder is 6.

4. Since the remainder is not zero, we need to bring down a zero and continue dividing.

5. We get 0.266666...

**Method 2: Using a calculator**

1. Enter 4/15 into the calculator.

2. Press the "equals" button.

3. The answer is 0.266666...

The decimal representation of 4/15 is 0.266666..., which is a repeating decimal. This means that the 6 repeats indefinitely.


The answer is 0.2666

Step-by-step explanation:



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