a plane is headed due east at 600 mph with winds blowing at 85 ohm in the direction s 59 calculate final ?


Answer 1

The airplane flies at a final speed of 604.8 miles per hour while angled 2.98 degrees east of north.

We must apply vector addition to get the aircraft's flight's final speed. The speed of the aircraft can be seen as a vector with an axis going due east and a magnitude of 600 miles per hour. A vector having a magnitude of 85 miles per hour at an angle of 59 degrees west of north can be used to depict the wind's speed.

We determine that the ultimate velocity is 604.8 miles per hour with a direction of 2.98 degrees east of north using the Pythagorean theorem and trigonometry.

To know more about speed at inclination, visit,



Complete question - An airplane is traveling due east with a speed of 600 miles per hour. The wind blows at 85 miles per hour at an angle of 59 degrees. Determine the final speed of the airplane's flight.

Answer 2

the plane's final speed is approximately 650.6 mph in the direction 6.5° south of east

Hi! To calculate the final speed and direction of the plane, we need to consider both its eastward speed and the impact of the wind. Here are the given terms:

- Plane speed: 600 mph due east
- Wind speed: 85 mph at S59°E

First, let's break down the wind speed into its eastward (x) and southward (y) components using trigonometry:
- Eastward (x) component: 85 * cos(59°) ≈ 44.1 mph
- Southward (y) component: 85 * sin(59°) ≈ 73.3 mph

Now, we can find the plane's resultant speed in both directions:
- Resultant eastward speed: 600 mph (plane) + 44.1 mph (wind) = 644.1 mph
- Resultant southward speed: 0 mph (plane) + 73.3 mph (wind) = 73.3 mph

Finally, to find the final speed and direction, we can use the Pythagorean theorem and the arctangent function:
- Final speed: sqrt(644.1^2 + 73.3^2) ≈ 650.6 mph
- Final direction: arctan(73.3/644.1) ≈ 6.5° south of east

So, the plane's final speed is approximately 650.6 mph in the direction 6.5° south of east.

to learn more about kinematics, click on this -



Related Questions

an electric car's home battery charger uses 8.7 kilowatt for 11 hour. lf electricity costs s0.06 perkilowatt-hour, how much (in dollars, to the nearest penny) does it cost to charge the car's battery?use exact numbers; do not estimate.


The cost to charge an electric car's home battery charger is $52.02 (to the nearest penny).

The cost to charge an electric car's home battery charger can be calculated using the following equation:

Cost = (kW x hours x rate)

Where kW stands for kilowatts, hrs stands for hours and rate stands for the rate per kilowatt-hour.

In this case, we have: kW = 8.7, hrs = 11 and rate = $0.06

Therefore, Cost = (8.7 x 11 x 0.06) = $52.02

Therefore, it will cost $52.02 (to the nearest penny) to charge the car's battery.

To calculate this cost, we first multiply the kW (8.7) by the hours (11) to get the total kWh used (95.7). We then multiply this number by the rate ($0.06) to get the total cost of charging the battery ($52.02). This cost is to the nearest penny as we rounded up to the nearest cent when multiplying the kWh by the rate.

Complete Question:

An  electric car's home battery charger uses 8.7 kilowatts for 11 hours. If electricity costs $0.06 per kilowatt-hour, how much (in dollars, to the nearest penny) does it cost to charge the car's battery? Use  exact numbers; do not estimate.

To learn more about electric visit:



A loose spiral spring carrying no current is hung from a ceiling. When a switch is thrown so that a current exists in the spring, do the coils move closer together move farther apart not move at all


The coils in the spring will move farther apart when a current is passed through it because of the solenoid effect.

The solenoid effect describes the way a loose spiral spring expands when a current is fed through it. An electric current flows through a coil of wire to create a solenoid, a type of electromagnet. A magnetic field is produced when current passes through the coil, and the magnetic field lines are parallel to the axis of the coil. The amount of current flowing through the coil and the number of wire turns within the coil determines how strong the magnetic field is.

Because a loose spiral spring behaves like a coil of wire, the solenoid effect is seen in this situation. The magnetic field that is created around a spring when a current is sent through it has lines that are parallel to the spring's axis. The interaction between the magnetic field and the spring's current produces a force that pushes the coils apart.

To learn more about solenoids, refer to:



in an rc circuit what teh range of c needed for the capacitor to be 99.3% charged within 10 ms of turning the voltage source on ?


The range of capacitance needed for the capacitor to be 99.3% charged within 10 ms of turning the voltage source on is greater than or equal to 56.3 times the resistance in ohms.

To calculate the range of capacitance needed for the capacitor to be 99.3% charged within 10 ms of turning the voltage source on in an RC circuit, we can use the following formula:

Vc(t) = Vmax * (1 - e^(-t/RC))

where Vc(t) is the voltage across the capacitor at time t, Vmax is the maximum voltage of the source, e is the mathematical constant approximately equal to 2.718, R is the resistance in ohms, C is the capacitance in farads, and t is the time in seconds.

When the capacitor is 99.3% charged, the voltage across it is 0.993 * Vmax. Substituting this value into the formula and solving for C, we get:

C >= t / (R * ln(1 / (1 - 0.993)))

C >= 10 ms / (R * ln(1 / 0.007))

C >= 56.3 * R

Therefore, the range of capacitance needed for the capacitor to be 99.3% charged within 10 ms of turning the voltage source on is greater than or equal to 56.3 times the resistance in ohms.

Know more about  RC circuit   here:



true or false. the plane that contains the earth's orbit around the sun is also called the plane of the ecliptic. when you look for the planets in the sky, you expect to find


True. The ecliptic plane is the plane that contains the Earth's orbit around the Sun. As they roughly orbit the Sun in the same plane, planets should be found close to the ecliptic while looking for them in the sky.

The apparent path of the Sun across the sky over the course of a year, as seen from Earth, is known as the ecliptic. The orbit of the Earth around the Sun is also contained inside this plane. The other planets in our solar system are similarly visible close to the ecliptic because they orbit the Sun in a similar general plane. The inclination of the planets' orbits and the Earth's rotation around the Sun, however, cause the positions of the planets with respect to the ecliptic to change throughout time.

learn more about planets here:



A boy wishes to make a catapult out of a rubber band of width 9mm and thickness 1.55mm. Determine the length of the band that must use so that when he stretches it by 0.25 of its natural length and releases it the velocity of a pebble of mass 0.006kg will be 30m\s. take the young modulus of the rubber to be 4×10^7 N\m^2​



To solve this problem, we can use the formula for the potential energy stored in a stretched spring or rubber band: U = (1/2) k x^2

where U is the potential energy, k is the spring constant, and x is the amount of stretch.

We can rearrange this formula to solve for k: k = 2 U / x^2

The velocity of the pebble can be found using conservation of energy:

(1/2) m v^2 = U

where m is the mass of the pebble and v is its velocity.

Rearranging this formula, we get: v = sqrt(2 U / m)

We can combine these formulas to solve for the length of the rubber band:

k = (4 U) / (0.25 L^2)

v = sqrt((8 U) / (0.006))

where L is the original length of the rubber band.

Since the width and thickness of the rubber band are given, we can calculate its cross-sectional area:

A = (9 mm) x (1.55 mm) = 13.95 mm^2 = 1.395 x 10^-5 m^2

Using the Young's modulus given in the problem, we can calculate the spring constant: k = (A / L) x (Y / 4)

where Y is the Young's modulus.

The formula for k above, we get: (4 A Y / L^3) x (U / 0.25) = 0.006 v^2

Solving for L, we get: L = (4 A Y U / 0.006 v^2)^1/3

Substituting the given values and solving, we get: L = 34.86 cm

Therefore, the length of the rubber band should be approximately 34.86 cm to achieve the desired velocity of the pebble

. The temperature of a sample of water increases from 20°C to 46.6°C as it absorbs 5650 calories of heat. What is the mass of the sample? (Specific heat of water is 1.0 cal/g °C) DE Miss(46.6-20 ) = 30.290


mass of the water sample is approximately 212.78 grams. To find the mass of the water sample, we can use the formula:

Q = mcΔT

where Q is the heat absorbed (in calories), m is the mass of the sample (in grams), c is the specific heat capacity of water (1.0 cal/g°C), and ΔT is the change in temperature (46.6°C - 20°C).

We are given Q = 5650 calories and the specific heat of water, c = 1.0 cal/g°C. Let's calculate ΔT and solve for the mass, m.

ΔT = 46.6°C - 20°C = 26.6°C

Now we can rearrange the formula to solve for m:

m = Q / (cΔT)

m = 5650 calories / (1.0 cal/g°C × 26.6°C)

m ≈ 212.78 grams

The mass of the water sample is approximately 212.78 grams.

To learn more about specific Heat , click on this -



on a sunny spring day, while walking on the sidewalk near your house, you notice a puddle. next to the puddle you see a fire hydrant. which one is warmer to the touch? do you know why? assume each object received the same amount of sunlight.


When an object absorbs sunlight, the energy from the sunlight is converted into heat energy.

The amount of heat energy an object can hold is determined by its specific heat capacity, which is  amount of heat energy required to raise the temperature. Water has a higher specific heat capacity than metal, which means that it takes more energy to heat up water than it does to heat up metal. As a result, fire hydrant is able to absorb more heat energy from the same amount of sunlight than the puddle, and hold onto that energy for longer. This makes the fire hydrant feel warmer to the touch than the puddle, even though both objects received same amount of sunlight.

To know more about heat energy, here



if you comb your hair on a dry day, the comb can become positively charged. can your hair remain neutral? explain. (


When you comb your hair on a dry day, the friction between your hair and the comb can lead to the transfer of electrons from one material to another.

Electrons are negatively charged particles that are present in all materials.

The material that loses electrons becomes positively charged, as it has lost negatively charged particles.

In this case, the comb is likely to become positively charged as it loses electrons to your hair during the combing process.

The material that gains electrons becomes negatively charged, as it has gained negatively charged particles.

In this case, your hair is likely to gain electrons from the comb during the combing process, making it negatively charged.

However, whether or not your hair remains neutral depends on the balance of electrons that are transferred during the process.

If the transfer of electrons is balanced, such that the comb loses an equal number of electrons to the hair and the hair gains an equal number of electrons from the comb, then the hair will remain neutral.

If the transfer of electrons is unbalanced, and the hair gains more electrons than the comb loses, then the hair will become negatively charged.

In practice, it is difficult to achieve a perfectly balanced transfer of electrons, so it is possible that your hair may become slightly negatively charged when you comb it on a dry day.

However, the charge imbalance is likely to be very small and may not be noticeable.

Overall, the process of combing your hair on a dry day can lead to the transfer of electrons between the comb and your hair, resulting in the comb becoming positively charged and your hair becoming slightly negatively charged.

However, whether or not your hair remains neutral depends on the balance of electrons that are transferred during the process.

To know more about friction visit link :



A lizard accelerates from 2m/s west to 10.5m/s in 4 seconds. What is the Lizards average accelertion


Acceleration=change in velocity / time

which should be the first apparatus discontinued when relay operations are no longer needed? select one: a. pumpers at the water supply b. relay pumpers that are first in line c. relay pumpers that are last in line d. pumpers at the fire scene


When relay operations are no longer needed, the first apparatus that should be discontinued is B, the relay pumpers that are first in line.

This is because the first pumpers in line are the ones closest to the water source and are used to establish the relay, while the last pumpers in line are used to maintain the relay and deliver water to the fire scene. Therefore, once the relay has been established, the first pumpers in line are no longer needed as the remaining pumpers can maintain the water supply to the fire scene.

It is important to note that discontinuing any apparatus should be done in consultation with the incident commander to ensure that the water supply is still sufficient to effectively fight the fire. If the water supply is insufficient, it may be necessary to keep all pumpers in line or even call for additional resources to maintain the water supply.

Overall, the decision to discontinue any apparatus during relay operations should be based on the needs of the incident and the available resources to effectively fight the fire.

Know more about relay operations here:



Asteroid 433 Eros is one of the largest near-Earth asteroids. Forpurposes of this problem, assume it is spherical. The value ofg at its surface is 0.00600 m/s2 and the escapevelocity is only 9.95m/s. What is the raidus of Eros?


To determine the radius of asteroid 433 Eros, we can use the formula for escape velocity:

Escape Velocity (v) = √(2 * G * M / R)

v = escape velocity (9.95 m/s)
G = gravitational constant (6.674 x 10^-11 Nm²/kg²)
M = mass of Eros
R = radius of Eros

We also know the surface gravity (g) = 0.00600 m/s². Using this, we can determine the mass of Eros:

g = G * M / R²
M = (g * R²) / G

Now, substitute M in the escape velocity formula:

v = √(2 * G * ((g * R²) / G) / R)

Solve for R:

v² = 2 * g * R
R = v² / (2 * g)

Plug in the given values for v and g:

R = (9.95 m/s)² / (2 * 0.00600 m/s²)
R ≈ 8279 m

The radius of asteroid 433 Eros is approximately 8279 meters.

The radius of asteroid 433 Eros is approximately 7.34 kilometers when  the escape velocity is only 9.95m/s.

To decide the sweep of space rock 433 Eros, we can involve the recipe for get away from speed, which relates the mass, range, and gravitational steady of an item to the base speed expected for an item to get way from its gravitational draw. The recipe for get away from speed is:

v = √(2GM/r)

where G is the gravitational consistent, M is the mass of the space rock, and r is the span of the space rock.

We are given that the departure speed of Eros is 9.95 m/s, and the worth of g at its surface is 0.00600 m/s². Involving the condition for g at the outer layer of a circular item:

g = GM/r²

we can address for M/r²:

M/r² = g/G

M/r² = 0.00600/6.6743×10⁻¹¹

M/r² = 8.9934×10⁸

Subbing this into the recipe for get away from speed, we get:

9.95 = √(2 × 6.6743×10⁻¹¹ × 8.9934×10⁸/r)

Tackling for r, we get:

r = 7.34 km

In this way, the sweep of space rock 433 Eros is roughly 7.34 kilometers.

To learn more about escape velocity, refer:



a series circuit has one 10 ohm resistor and 15 ohms of inductive reactance in a single inductor. what is the apparent power (total volt-amps) of this circuit.


The result is ,(a)  Z = sqrt((10^2) + (15^2)) = 18.03 ohms.
                    (b) the apparent power would be S = (120 V) x (1 A) = 120 VA.

To find the apparent power (total volt-amps) of a series circuit with a 10 ohm resistor and 15 ohms of inductive reactance in a single inductor, we first need to calculate the impedance of the circuit.

Impedance is the total opposition to current flow in an AC circuit and is a combination of resistance and reactance. In this case, we can use the formula Z = sqrt(R^2 + XL^2), where R is the resistance and XL is the inductive reactance.

To find the apparent power (S) of the circuit, we use the formula S = Vrms x Irms, where Vrms is the root mean square voltage and Irms is the root mean square current. Since we are not given any values for voltage or current, we cannot find the exact value of apparent power.

However, we can make some assumptions based on typical values for household circuits. For example, if the voltage is 120 volts (typical in the US) and the current is 1 amp,

To learn more about : power



According to Piaget's theory, infants develop behavioral schemes, whereas children develop ______ schemes. A) adaptive. B) active. C) mental. D) physical.


According to Piaget's theory, infants develop behavioral schemes, whereas children develop C) mental schemes.

According to Piaget's theory of cognitive development, infants develop "behavioral schemes" through which they learn about the world by engaging with objects in their environment through their senses and motor actions. As children grow and develop, they move beyond these initial behavioral schemes and begin to form "mental schemes", which are internal cognitive structures that allow them to organize and make sense of their experiences. Mental schemes involve the use of symbols and language to represent objects and ideas, as well as the ability to engage in more abstract and hypothetical thinking. Therefore, the answer to your question is C) mental.

To learn more about Piaget's theory, refer:-



According to Piaget's theory of cognitive development, infants develop behavioral schemes, which are patterns of action that allow them to explore and interact with their environment.

These schemes are primarily based on the infant's physical and sensory experiences, such as sucking, grasping, and looking.

As children grow and gain more experiences, they develop mental schemes, which are cognitive structures that represent the child's understanding of the world.

Mental schemes are based on the child's previous experiences and are used to process new information and experiences.

Piaget believed that mental schemes are constructed through a process called assimilation, in which the child incorporates new information into their existing mental schemes, and accommodation, in which the child modifies their existing mental schemes to better fit with new information.

Overall, Piaget's theory emphasizes the importance of active exploration and experiences in cognitive development.

The transition from behavioral to mental schemes highlights the increasing complexity of cognitive processing as children grow and develop.

To know more about Piaget's theory visit link :



what is the magnetic field inside a coil with the following conditions: 636 number of turns, 0.487 a of current and a length of 2.12 cms.


The magnetic field inside the coil is 0.036 T.

As the area of the coil increases, the magnetic field strength increases, and as the length of the wire increases, the magnetic field strength decreases. Understanding the factors that affect the magnetic field inside a coil is important in designing and optimizing various devices that use electromagnetic fields, such as transformers, motors, and generators. The magnetic field inside a coil can be calculated using the formula:

B = (μ₀ * n * I * A) / L


μ₀ = permeability of free space = 4π x 10^-7 T m/A

n = number of turns

I = current in amperes

A = area of the coil in square meters

L = length of the coil in meters

Substituting the given values,

B = (4π x 10^-7 T m/A * 636 turns * 0.487 A * (2.12 x 10^-2 m)^2) / (2.12 x 10^-2 m)

B = 0.036 T (Tesla)

To know more about magnetic field, here



the magnetic field of a long thin solenoid is approximately zero outside the solenoid and a uniform bsol inside the solenoid. a square conducting frame is located as shown. the large frame is located entirely outside the solenoid while the small frame is located entirely inside the solenoid. the frame and solenoid are oriented so their axis coincide. what is the magnetic flux through the square frame?


To calculate the magnetic flux through the square frame in this situation, we'll consider the magnetic field of the long thin solenoid and the area of the small square frame located entirely inside the solenoid.

The magnetic field inside the solenoid is approximately uniform and equal to Bsol, while the magnetic field outside the solenoid is approximately zero. Since the large frame is entirely outside the solenoid, the magnetic flux through it will be zero.

For the small square frame located entirely inside the solenoid, we'll use the formula for magnetic flux:

Magnetic Flux (Φ) = Bsol * Area * cos(theta)

Here, Bsol is the magnetic field inside the solenoid, Area is the area of the small square frame, and theta is the angle between the magnetic field lines and the normal vector of the square frame. Since their axes coincide, the angle theta is 0 degrees, and cos(0) = 1.

To find the area of the small square frame, multiply its side length (s) by itself:

Area = s * s

Now, substitute the Area and Bsol into the magnetic flux formula:

Φ = Bsol * (s * s) * 1

So, the magnetic flux through the small square frame is Φ = Bsol * s^2.

To know more about magnetic flux:



The ___ model of the atom states that an electron's exact location within an atom can not be determined, but its probable location can be estimated within a three-dimensional region called an atomic orbital and that an electron's properties within an orbital can only be described by a set of mathematical values called a quantum number


The quantum mechanical model of the atom states that an electron's exact location within an atom cannot be determined, but its probable location can be estimated within a three-dimensional region called an atomic orbital. In this model, electrons are not thought of as orbiting the nucleus in a fixed path, but rather they exist as standing waves with specific energies and angular momentum, described by a set of mathematical values called quantum numbers.

The quantum mechanical model is based on the principles of quantum mechanics, which describes the behavior of particles at the atomic and subatomic level. It provides a more accurate understanding of the behavior of electrons within an atom compared to earlier models, such as the Bohr model .

To know more about atomic orbital, here



when a guitar string plays the note athe sting virbrates at 440 hz what is the period of the vibration


The period of the vibration of the guitar string playing the note A is 0.00227 seconds. The period is the reciprocal of the frequency.

Frequency and Period of A Vibration

The relationship between frequency and period of a vibration can be described as

T = 1/f


T is the period.f is the frequency.

The frequency of the guitar string playing the note A is 440 Hz, which means it completes 440 cycles of vibration in one second. Find the period of the vibration!

To calculate the period (T), use the formula:
T = 1/f
In this case, the frequency is 440 Hz.
T = 1/440 Hz

T ≈ 0.00227 seconds

Hence, the period of the vibration is approximately 0.00227 seconds.

Learn more about period and frequency here:



question 1 what is a spectrum? a spectrum is the pattern of colors produced when light shines through a prism or a diffraction grating. a spectrum is a device used to study the constituent colors of light. a spectrum is the pattern of directions that light travels after reflecting off a surface.


A spectrum is the pattern of colors produced when light is dispersed into its constituent wavelengths, either by passing through a prism or a diffraction grating. Option 1 is correct.

Each wavelength corresponds to a different color and produces a unique spectral line or band. Spectra are used to identify the chemical composition of objects, such as stars, by analyzing the patterns of spectral lines produced by their light. Spectra can also be used to measure the velocity and temperature of objects, and to study physical processes such as absorption and emission of light.

In addition to visible light, spectra can also be produced for other forms of electromagnetic radiation, such as X-rays and radio waves. The study of spectra is called spectroscopy, and it is an important tool in many fields of science, including astronomy, chemistry, and physics. Hence Option 1 is correct.

To learn more about spectrum, here



the magnetic field in the interstellar space of our galaxy has a magnitude of about 1010 t. how much energy is stored in this field in a cube 10 light-years on edge? (for scale, note that the nearest star is 4.3 light-years distant and the radius of the galaxy is about 8 104 light-years.)


The energy stored in the magnetic field in a cube of 12.7 light-years on edge is approximately 1.1 x 10⁷ joules.

The energy stored in a magnetic field can be calculated using the formula:

E = (1/2) × B² × V

where E is the energy, B is the magnitude of the magnetic field, and V is the volume of the region in which the field exists.

Given that the magnetic field in the interstellar space of our galaxy has a magnitude of 1.13 × 10⁻¹⁰ T and the volume of a cube of 12.7 light-years on edge, we can calculate the energy stored in this magnetic field as follows:

V = (12.7 ly)³

= (12.7 x 9.461 x 10¹⁵ m)³

= 1.39 x 10⁴⁹ m³

E = (1/2) × (1.13 × 10⁻¹⁰ T)² × 1.39 x 10⁴⁹ m³

E = 1.1 x 10³⁷ joules

Therefore, the energy stored in the magnetic field in a cube of 12.7 light-years on edge is approximately 1.1 x 10⁷ joules.

To learn more about joules the link:



The complete question is:

The magnetic field in the interstellar space of our galaxy has a magnitude of about 1.13 × 10⁻¹⁰ T. How much energy is stored in this field in a cube 12.7 light? years on edge? (For scale, note that the nearest star is 4.3 light? years distant and the radius of the galaxy is about 8 × 10⁴ light? years.)

burning of fuel in a car's motor reaches temperatures of 1,038 k. if the atmosphere is at 300 k, what is the maximum efficiency (in percent) of this heat engine? use exact numbers to two decimalplaces; do not estimate, do not include the % sign.


The efficiency of a heat engine is a measure of how much useful work it can produce from a given amount of heat energy input.

The Carnot efficiency formula provides an upper bound on this efficiency, and it depends only on the temperatures of the hot and cold reservoirs between which the engine operates. In this case, the hot reservoir is the temperature of the burning fuel in the car's engine (1038 K), and the cold reservoir is the ambient temperature of the atmosphere (300 K). Plugging these values into the Carnot efficiency formula gives us the maximum possible efficiency, which is 71.11%.

To know more about Carnot efficiency, here



heat that the body gains from the sun on a cloudless day would be categorized as


The heat that the body gains from the sun on a cloudless day would be categorized as radiant heat transfer.

Radiant heat transfer is the transfer of heat energy from one object to another through electromagnetic waves, without the need for any physical contact between the objects. This type of heat transfer occurs due to the movement of energy in the form of waves, such as heat energy from the sun. When sunlight reaches the Earth's surface, it is absorbed and re-radiated as thermal energy.

This energy then heats up the surrounding air, causing it to rise and creating convection currents. Radiant heat transfer is an important process in a wide range of fields, including physics, engineering, and climate science, and understanding it can help us better understand the behavior of heat energy in our environment.

To know more about heat, here



calculate the linear acceleration of the snowball as it rolls down the inclined section of the roof.


To calculate the linear acceleration of the snowball as it rolls down the inclined section of the roof, you need to use the formula for acceleration which is
a = (vf - vi) / t

Where a is the acceleration, vf is the final velocity, vi is the initial velocity, and t is the time taken for the change in velocity.

Assuming that the snowball starts from rest at the top of the inclined section of the roof, its initial velocity (vi) is zero. The final velocity (vf) can be calculated using the formula:
vf^2 = vi^2 + 2ad

Where d is the distance travelled and a is the acceleration due to gravity, which is 9.8 m/s^2.

Since the roof is inclined, the distance travelled is equal to the length of the inclined section of the roof. Let's assume that the length is 5 meters. Then, using the formula above:

vf^2 = 0 + 2(9.8)(5)
vf^2 = 98
vf = sqrt(98)
vf = 9.9 m/s

Now that we know the final velocity, we can calculate the acceleration using the formula for acceleration:
a = (vf - vi) / t

Since the snowball is rolling down the inclined section of the roof, we can assume that there is no external force acting on it, except for gravity. Therefore, the time taken for the change in velocity is the time it takes for the snowball to travel down the inclined section of the roof. Let's assume that this time is 2 seconds. Then:

a = (9.9 - 0) / 2
a = 4.95 m/s^2

Therefore, the linear acceleration of the snowball as it rolls down the inclined section of the roof is 4.95 m/s^2.

To know more about linear acceleration :



a smooth impression tray is coated with a(n) ____________ before the final impression material is placed in the tray.


A smooth impression tray is coated with a separating medium before the final impression material is placed in the tray.

In dentistry, an impression tray is used to take an impression of a patient's teeth and oral tissues, which is then used to create a custom dental restoration. Before placing the final impression material in the tray, a separating medium is applied to the tray's surface. This is typically a thin layer of material that acts as a barrier between the impression material and the tray to prevent the impression from sticking to the tray when it is removed from the mouth.

The separating medium may be a liquid or a paste, and it should be applied evenly and thinly to ensure an accurate impression. Without a separating medium, the impression material may distort or tear when the tray is removed, resulting in an inaccurate impression.

To know more about impression material, here



vehicle time headways and spacings were measured at a point along a highway, from a single lane, over the course of an hour. the average values were calculated as 2.5 s/veh for headway and 200 ft/veh for spacing. calculate the average speed of the traffic. 26


The average speed of vehicles on the highway, based on the given measurements, is approximately 80.48 miles per hour.

The average speed of vehicles on the highway can be calculated using the relationship between speed, time headway, and spacing. Specifically, we can use the formula:

Average speed = (Spacing ÷ Time headway) x 3600 ÷ 5280

Where 3600 is the number of seconds in an hour and 5280 is the number of feet in a mile.

Average time headway = 2.5 seconds per vehicle

Average spacing = 200 feet per vehicle

Plugging in the given values of time headway and spacing, we get:

Average speed = (200 ÷ 2.5) x 3600 ÷ 5280

= 80.48 mph (rounded to two decimal places)

To learn more about speed follow the link:



The complete question is:

Vehicle time headways and spacings were measured at a point along a highway, from a single lane over the course of an hour. The average values were calculated as 2.5 sec/veh for headway and 200 ft/veh for spacing. What was the average speed?

upon what basic quantity does kinetic energy depend? upon what basic quantity does potential energy depend?


Kinetic energy depends on the mass and velocity of an object. Potential energy, on the other hand, depends on the position or configuration of an object

The greater the mass and velocity of an object, the greater the kinetic energy.  The two main types of potential energy are gravitational potential energy and elastic potential energy.

Gravitational potential energy depends on an object's height and its mass relative to the Earth's gravitational force. Elastic potential energy depends on an object's deformation or stretching.

The more an object is deformed or stretched, the more potential energy it has. Overall, the basic quantities that determine the amount of kinetic or potential energy an object has are mass, velocity, position, and configuration.

To learn more about : energy



a space station, which has a ringed compartment is rotating with initial velocity 0.10 r a d / s 0.10rad/s and angular acceleration 0.01 r a d / s 2 0.01rad/s 2 . what is the space station's angular velocity after 960 960 seconds?


The space station's, which has a ringed compartment is rotating with initial velocity 0.10rad/s and angular acceleration of 0.01rad/s², angular velocity after 960 seconds is 9.7 rad/s.

To find the space station's angular velocity after 960 seconds, we can use the following equation that relates initial angular velocity, angular acceleration, and time:

Final angular velocity (ωf) = Initial angular velocity (ωi) + (angular acceleration × time)

Initial angular velocity (ωi) = 0.10 rad/s
Angular acceleration = 0.01 rad/s²
Time = 960 seconds

Now, we can plug these values into the equation:

ωf = 0.10 rad/s + (0.01 rad/s² × 960 s)

ωf = 0.10 rad/s + (9.6 rad/s)

ωf = 9.7 rad/s

So, the space station's angular velocity after 960 seconds is 9.7 rad/s.

More on angular velocity: https://brainly.com/question/13934235


a space ship is traveling at 0.7c when a laser beam is turned on that is directed in the direction the ship is traveling. what is the speed of the laser light?


A spaceship is traveling at 0.7c when a laser beam is turned on, directed in the direction the ship is traveling.

According to the theory of relativity, the speed of light in a vacuum is always the same for all observers, regardless of their relative velocities.

The speed of the laser light is always c, which is the speed of light in a vacuum, approximately 3.0 x 10^8 meters per second. This is because the speed of light is constant and does not depend on the speed of the source (in this case, the spaceship).


In this scenario, the spaceship is traveling at 0.7c, which means that it is moving at a speed that is 0.7 times the speed of light. When a laser beam is turned on in the direction of the spaceship's motion, the speed of the laser light is still c, as measured by an observer on the spaceship. This is because the speed of light is always the same, regardless of the motion of the source or observer.

To learn more about Theory of relativity. Please Visit:



A laser beam is activated and pointed in the direction of a spaceship that is moving at 0.7c.

The speed of light in a vacuum is constant for all observers, regardless of their relative velocities, according to the theory of relativity.

The speed of the laser light is always c, or around 3.0 x 108 metres per second, the speed of light in a vacuum. This is due to the fact that the speed of light is independent of the source's (in this example, the spacecraft's) speed and is always constant.

In this scenario, the spaceship is traveling at 0.7c, which means that it is moving at a speed that is 0.7 times the speed of light. When a laser beam is turned on in the direction of the spaceship's motion, the speed of the laser light is still c, as measured by an observer on the spaceship. This is because the speed of light is always the same, regardless of the motion of the source or observer.

learn more about theory of relativity here:



Question 9 (2 points)
(10.03 MC)
In a few sentences, describe what this weather map tells you about the weather. (2 points)

a weather map of Florida with an L in northern Florida and an H in southern Florida


This weather map indicates that there is low pressure in the northern part of Florida (labeled with an “L”) and high pressure in the southern part of Florida (labeled with an “H”).

What is pressure?

Pressure is a measure of the force per unit area that is applied to an object. It is the ratio of the force applied to the surface of an object to the area of the surface on which the force is applied. Pressure is measured in units of force per unit area, such as Pascals (Pa), pounds per square inch (psi) and bars. Pressure can be exerted by liquids, gases, and solids. A higher pressure will have a greater effect on an object than a lower pressure. Pressure affects the behavior of matter, and it is an important factor in many scientific and engineering fields, including fluid dynamics, thermodynamics, and mechanical engineering. Pressure can also be used to measure the altitude of an object.

This could mean that the northern part of Florida is experiencing more inclement weather, such as rain or wind, while the southern part of Florida may be experiencing more pleasant weather, such as sunny skies and mild temperatures.

To learn more about pressure



in this simplified version of the sgd update there is a clear relationship between momentum and the batch size . what is that relation? specifically, let's assume we train a model with momentum and a batch size . how should we change the momentum if we now have a gpu with more memory and can use a batch size of ? specify the momentum that would lead to equivalent gradient updated in the simplified sgd update equation above. round to two decimal digits (e.g. 0.12).


The equivalent gradient updates as momentum 0.9 with batch size B = 32 in the simplified SGD update equation.

What is the relation?

The relationship between momentum and batch size in the simplified version of SGD update is that increasing the batch size leads to a decrease in the effective learning rate, which in turn requires an increase in momentum to maintain the same level of stability.

If we train a model with momentum and a batch size of B, and now have a GPU with more memory and can use a batch size of B', we should increase the momentum by a factor of sqrt(B/B') to maintain the same level of stability.

To find the equivalent momentum for the simplified SGD update equation, we can use the formula:

momentum' = momentum * sqrt(B/B')

For example, if we initially trained with momentum = 0.9 and batch size B = 32, and now have a GPU with enough memory to use batch size B' = 64, we would calculate:

momentum' = 0.9 * sqrt(32/64) = 0.9 * 0.7071 = 0.64 (rounded to two decimal digits)

Therefore, using a momentum of 0.64 with batch size B' = 64 would lead to equivalent gradient updates as momentum 0.9 with batch size B = 32 in the simplified SGD update equation.

Learn more about SGD



| 1)
Students investigating chemical reactions conducted the
experiment you see here. An antacid tablet was dropped in to plastic
bag containing 10 ml at 22°C distilled water. The bag was
immediately zipped closed and the chemical reaction proceeded until
completion. Cite evidence to confirm that this was a chemical reaction
A gas was produced.
The tablet disappeared.
C) There was a color change.
D) There was a change in mass. ​


Evidence that supports the occurrence of a chemical reaction includes the production of gas, the disappearance of a reactant, the formation of a new substance, a color change, or a release of energy. The correct answer is A).

In this experiment, an antacid tablet was dropped into a bag containing water, and the bag was sealed. The fact that a gas was produced during the reaction indicates that a chemical reaction occurred. Gas production is often a sign of a chemical reaction, as it means that new chemical bonds have formed, releasing gas as a byproduct. Therefore, option A is the correct answer.

To know more about chemical reaction, here



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