a production process produces 2.5% defective parts. a sample of five parts from the production process is selected. what is the probability that the sample contains exactly two defective parts? group of answer choices 0.2637 0.0058 0.0000 0.0250


Answer 1

The probability that the sample contains exactly two defective parts is 0.0058.

We may utilize the binomial probability formula to resolve this issue:

P(X = k) is equal to (n pick k) * p * k * (1-p) (n-k)

where n is the sample size, k denotes the number of successes, p denotes the likelihood that a success will occur, and (n pick k) denotes the binomial coefficient, which indicates the number of possible ways to select item k from n.

Here, n = 5, k = 2, and p = 0.025 (due to the fact that 2.5% of the pieces are flawed).

P(X = 2) therefore equals (5 pick 2)*0.025*2*(1 - 0.025)*3

We calculate P(X = 2) = 0.0058 using a calculator.

As a result, there is a 0.0058 percent chance that the sample has exactly two defective components.

Learn more about probability :


Related Questions

what does the red line on the graph represent? what does the red line on the graph represent? the average amount of solid waste generated by each household in the united states per year the total amount of solid waste generated by all people in the united states per year the average amount of solid waste generated by each person in the united states per year the period of time in years


The red line on the graph may also include other lines that represent related data, such as the total amount of solid waste generated by all people in the United States per year, or the period of time in years being measured.

Red line on the graph represents the average amount of solid waste generated by each person in the United States per year.

The red line on the graph is a useful tool for understanding the impact of solid waste on the environment and society as a whole.

It helps us to identify areas where we can make changes to reduce waste and improve our overall environmental performance and serves as a reminder of the importance of responsible consumption and waste management practices.

Red line on the graph represents the average amount of solid waste generated by each person in the United States per year.

This is a key metric in measuring the environmental impact of waste production in the country.
The average amount of solid waste generated per person is an important figure because it provides a more accurate picture of individual behavior and consumption patterns.

It takes into account factors such as population growth, changes in household size, and shifts in lifestyle and consumption habits.

By tracking this metric over time, policymakers and environmental advocates can gain insight into trends and patterns in waste generation and identify opportunities for reducing waste and promoting sustainability.

For similar questions on Graph



What is the value or arc PQ? Only enter numerical values.​


The value of arc PQ is 110°

What is circumference of a circle?

The circumference of a circle is the length of the 360 degree arc of that circle. Therefore the sum of the arc on a circumference of a circle is 360°

Therefore ,

8x-10+ 6x + 10x+10 = 360

24x -10+10 = 360

24x = 360

divide both sides by 24

x = 360/24

x = 15

therefore the value of x is 15

Arc PQ = 8x -10

substitute 15 for x

ArcPQ = 8×15-10

= 120-10

= 110°

therefore the value of arc PQ is 110°

learn more about circumference from



Which graph shows the solution to the inequality Negative 3 x minus 7 less-than 20 Group of answer choices A number lines goes from negative 10 to positive 10. An open circle appears at positive 9. The number line is shaded from positive 9 through negative 10. A number line goes from negative 10 to positive 10. An open circle appears at positive 9. The number line is shaded from positive 9 through positive 10. A number line goes from negative 10 to positive 10. An open circle appears at negative 9. The number line is shaded from negative 9 through positive 10. A number line goes from negative 10 to positive 10. An open circle appears at negative 9. The number line is shaded from negative 9 through negative 10.


The solution is all values of x greater than -9.

What is the correct graph for the given inequality?

The correct graph for the given inequality "Negative 3x - 7 < 20" is:

From negative 10 to positive 10, a number line runs. An open circle shows up at negative 9. From negative 9 to positive 10, the number line is shaded.

To chart the arrangement, we initially confine the variable by adding 7 to the two sides of the imbalance:

Negative 3x - 7 + 7 < 20 + 7

Negative 3x < 27

Next, we divide both sides by -3, remembering to flip the inequality sign since we're dividing by a negative number:

Negative 3x/-3 > 27/-3

x > -9

Therefore, the arrangement is all upsides of x more prominent than - 9. Since these are the values that satisfy the inequality, we graph this by drawing an open circle at -9 on the number line and shading all values to the right of -9.

know more about inequality visit:



Over the past month, the Westminster library has loaned out many CDs, which are categorized by genre. Latin 86 rock 16 hip-hop 45 reggae 126 What is the experimental probability that the next CD loaned out will be a reggae CD?


Therefore , the solution of the given problem of probability comes out to be the experimental likelihood that a reggae CD will be the next one lent out is roughly 0.4615, or 46.15%.

What exactly is probability?

Any considerations technique's main objective is to determine the likelihood event that a claim is true or that a particular incident will happen. Any number from 0 to 1, where 0 traditionally represents a percentage and 1 typically denotes the degree of certainty, can be used to represent chance. A probability illustration shows the likelihood that a particular event will occur.


Given: 86 Latin CDs were lent out, 16 were rock CDs, 45 were hip-hop CDs, and 126 were reggae CDs.

=> CDs loaned out in total: 86 + 16 + 45 + 126 = 273

=> 126 reggae CDs were lent out.

Number of reggae CDs loaned out relative to the total number of CDs loaned out, experimental likelihood of lending a reggae CD

=> A reggae CD's experimental chance of being lent out  = 126/273.

We may calculate the experimental probability's approximation using a calculator as follows:

=> A reggae CD will be lent out with an experimental probability of 0.4615.

Therefore, the experimental likelihood that a reggae CD will be the next one lent out is roughly 0.4615, or 46.15%.

To know more about probability visit:





Step-by-step explanation:

Evaluate the following.
Write an exponential function of the form y=ab^x that has the given points
1. (1,5), (2, 7)


The exponential function of the form y=ab^x that has the given points is y = (25/7)(7/5)^x

Writing the exponential function

We can use the given points to set up a system of equations and solve for the values of a and b in the exponential function y = ab^x.

Using the point (1,5), we get:

5 = ab^1

Using the point (2,7), we get:

7 = ab^2

Now, we can solve for a and b by dividing the second equation by the first:

7/5 = (ab^2)/(ab^1

Simplifying this expression, we get:

7/5 = b

Substituting this value of b back into one of the original equations, we can solve for a:

5 = a(b^1) = a(b) = a(7/5)

Simplifying this expression, we get:

a = 25/7

So, the exponential function that passes through the points (1,5) and (2,7) is:

y = (25/7)(7/5)^x

Read more about exponential function at



the ____ numbering system is base 16; in other words, 16 numerals are used to express any given number


The hexadecimal system numbering system is base 16; in other words, 16 numerals are used to express any given number.

In this system, 16 numerals are used to represent any given number. The numerals used in this system are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, and F, where A represents 10, B represents 11, and so on, up to F, which represents 15.

This system is commonly used in computer science, as it is more compact than the decimal system, and allows for easier conversion between binary and decimal systems. In the hexadecimal system, each digit represents a power of 16, just as each digit in the decimal system represents a power of 10.

To know more about hexadecimal system here



five rectangles, and have integer side lengths. rectangle has a width of , rectangle has a width of rectangle has a length of rectangle has a length of and rectangle has a length of if all five rectangles have the same area , what is the least possible value of ?


All five rectangles have the same area of 60, and the sum of their dimensions is:

2 + 30 + 4 + 15 + 6 + 10 + 8 + 7.5 + 10

Let the width of rectangle 1 be w1, the width of rectangle 2 be w2, and so on. We know that all five rectangles have the same area, so we can set up an equation:

[tex]w1 * l1 = w2 * l2 = w3 * l3 = w4 * l4 = w5 * l5[/tex]

We can simplify this equation by dividing both sides by w1 * l1, which gives:

[tex]1 = (w2 * l2) / (w1 * l1) = (w3 * l3) / (w1 * l1) = (w4 * l4) / (w1 * l1) = (w5 * l5) / (w1 * l1)[/tex]

Let's define a new variable x = w2 * l2 = w3 * l3 = w4 * l4 = w5 * l5. Then we have:

[tex]w1 * l1 = xw2 * l2 = xw3 * l3 = xw4 * l4 = xw5 * l5 = x[/tex]

Now we need to find the least possible value of w1 + l1 + w2 + l2 + w3 + l3 + w4 + l4 + w5 + l5. Since w1 * l1 = x, we can rewrite this as:

[tex]w1 + l1 + 4 * sqrt(x / w1) + 4 * sqrt(w1 / x)[/tex]

To find the minimum value of this expression, we can take its derivative with respect to w1, set it equal to zero, and solve for w1:

[tex]d/dw1 (w1 + l1 + 4 * sqrt(x / w1) + 4 * sqrt(w1 / x)) = 1 - 2 * sqrt(x) / w1^1.5 + 2 * sqrt(x) / w1^2.5 = 0[/tex]

Solving for w1, we get:

[tex]w1 = 2 * x^(1/4)[/tex]

Substituting this back into our expression for the sum of the rectangle dimensions, we get:

[tex]w1 + l1 + 4 * sqrt(x / w1) + 4 * sqrt(w1 / x) = 2 * x^(1/4) + 2 * x^(3/4) + 8 * (x / 2)^(1/4)[/tex]

To find the minimum value of this expression, we can take its derivative with respect to x, set it equal to zero, and solve for x:

[tex]d/dx (2 * x^(1/4) + 2 * x^(3/4) + 8 * (x / 2)^(1/4)) = 1/2 * x^(-3/4) + 3/2 * x^(1/4) + 2 / (2 * x)^(3/4) = 0[/tex]

Solving for x, we get:

x = 4

Therefore, the least possible value of w1 is:

w1 =[tex]2 * x^(1/4) = 2[/tex]

And the dimensions of the rectangles are:

Rectangle 1: 2 x 30

Rectangle 2: 4 x 15

Rectangle 3: 6 x 10

Rectangle 4: 8 x 7.5

Rectangle 5: 10 x 6

To know more about rectangle. here



Can someone help me asap? It’s due tomorrow. I will give brainiest if it’s all correct.







Step-by-step explanation:

Write the point-slope form of the equation of the line that passes through the points (6, -9) and (7, 1). Include your work in your final answer. Type your answer in the box provided to submit your solution.


Therefore , the solution of the given problem of equation comes out to be 10x - y = 51 is the point-slope form of the equation of the line passing through the points (6, -9) and (7, 1).

Explain the equation.

Variable words are frequently used in complex algorithms to show consistency between two arguments that are opposed to one another. Academic expressions called equations are used to show the equality of various academic figures. Take into account the details in the z + 7 proposals.


The equation for the line passing between the points (6, -9) and (7, 1) must be found in the point-slope form.

Using the equation m = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1), find the slope (m) of the line, where (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) are the coordinates of the two points.

=> (x1, y1) = (6, -9)

=> (x2, y2) = (7, 1)

=> m = (1 - (-9)) / (7 - 6)

=> m = 10 / 1 m = 10

Consequently, the line's slope is 10.

=> y - y1 = m(x - x1)

=> m = 10 (x1, y1) = (6, -9)

=> y - (-9) = 10(x - 6)

=> y + 9 = 10x - 60

=> 10x - y = 51

Therefore, 10x - y = 51 is the point-slope form of the equation of the line passing through the points (6, -9) and (7, 1).

To know more about equation visit:



match the answers to the questions. ⚠️due tmr!


Below is the correct matching of the questions to the right answers

Mean average deviation - (C) The average deviation of the data from the mean.Range of a data set - (E) The difference between the highest value and the lowest value in a numerical data set.First quartile - (AB) The median in the lower half of the rank-ordered data.Second quartile - (B) The median value in the data set.Third quartile - (A) The median in the upper half of the rank-ordered data.Interquartile range - (D) The distance between the first and third quartiles of the data set.

What you should know about statistical measures

The statistical measures listed in the previous question are often used to describe and analyze statistical variables.

For instance, the range of a data set is a measure of the spread of values in a variable, while the quartiles and interquartile range provide information about the distribution of the variable. Mean average deviation is a measure of the variability of the variable around its mean value.

Learn more about statistical measures here:



1. Mean average deviation - The average deviation of the data from the mean.

2. Range of a data set - The difference between the highest value and the lowest value in a numerical data set.

3. First quartile - The median in the upper half of the rank-ordered data.

4. Second quartile - The median value in the data set.

5. Third quartile - The median in the lower half of the rank-ordered data.

6. Interquartile range - he distance between the first and third quartiles of the data set.

What you should know about statistical measures?

The statistical measures are often used to describe and analyze statistical variables. For instance, the range of a data set is a measure of the spread of values in a variable, while the quartiles and interquartile range provide information about the distribution of the variable. Mean average deviation is a measure of the variability of the variable around its mean value.

Read more about Range



___________ is the number of individual buy orders and the total number of shares that wish to buy. ​


Buy-side order flow is the number of individual buy orders and the total number of shares that wish to buy. ​

This is a crucial metric that is used by traders, investors, and analysts to gauge the demand for a particular security or asset.

The buy-side order flow refers to the number of shares that market participants want to purchase at a given time, and it provides valuable insights into the sentiment of the market. If there are more buy orders than sell orders, then there is a higher demand for the security, which can lead to an increase in the price of the asset. On the other hand, if there are more sell orders than buy orders, then there is a higher supply of the security, which can lead to a decrease in the price of the asset.

Traders and investors use buy-side order flow data to help them make informed decisions about when to buy or sell a security. By analyzing the number of buy orders and the total number of shares that wish to buy, they can identify trends and patterns in the market, and adjust their strategies accordingly. Additionally, buy-side order flow data can be used to help identify potential support and resistance levels for a security, which can be useful in setting stop-loss orders and other risk management measures.

Overall, the buy-side order flow is an important metric that provides valuable insights into the sentiment of the market and helps traders and investors make informed decisions about their investments.

To learn more about number here:



A circle with center O and radius 5 has central angle XOY. X and Y are points on the circle. ​If the measure of arc XY is 90 degrees, what is the length of chord XY?


The length of chord XY is 5√2.

What is the length of the chord?

It is described as the line segment that connects any two points on the circle's circumference without going through the circle's center. As a result, the diameter is the chord of a particular circle that is the longest and goes through its center. In mathematics, determining the chord's length can be crucial at times.

Here, we have

Given: A circle with center O and radius 5 has a central angle XOY. X and Y are points on the circle. ​If the measure of arc XY is 90 degrees.

We have to find the length of chord XY.

∠XOY = 90°

OX = OY = 5

We draw a perpendicular from the center to chord XY bisect XY at D.

Now, since OD bisects ∠XOY

∠XOD = ∠YOD = 90°/2 = 45°

Now, in ΔXOD

sin45° = XD/OX

1/√2 = XD/5

5/√2  = XD...(1)


sin45° = YD/OY

5/√2  = YD...(2)

Adding (1) and (2), we get

XD + YD = 5/√2 + 5/√2

XY = 5√2

Hence, the length of chord XY is 5√2.

To learn more about the length of the chord from the given link



A line intersects the points (-3, 4) and
(-2, 3). What is the slope-intercept
equation for this line?
y = -x + [?]


The slope-intercept equation of line is -1 and equation will be y = -x - 1.

What is the slope?

m = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1) is the formula for calculating slope from two points on a line, (x1, y1) and (x2, y2). Here,

m = the line's slope

x1 is equal to the initial point's x-coordinate.

y1 is the first point's y-coordinate.

x2 is equal to the second point's x-coordinate.

The second point's x-coordinate is equal to y2.

x1 = -3, y1 = 4; x2= -2, y2=3

m = (3-4)/(-2 - (-3))

= -1 / (-2+3)

= -1/1

m = -1

Substitute the value in given equation:

y = -x + (-1)

y = -x - 1

Hence, the slope-intercept equation of line is -1 and equation will be y = -x - 1.

To know more about slope check the below link:



Which inequality is true when the value of w is -3?


-w-9>5.5 will be your correct answer.
-3-9 = 12
Therefore this equation is true. The others are false. Hope this helps you:)

Last Friday, AT&T closed at $41.68. AT&T pays an annual dividend of $1.98. Calculate the dividend yield


Answer: The dividend yield is the annual dividend payment divided by the stock's current market price, expressed as a percentage.

Dividend yield = (Annual dividend payment / Stock's current market price) x 100%

In this case:

Annual dividend payment = $1.98

Stock's current market price = $41.68

Dividend yield = ($1.98 / $41.68) x 100% = 4.75%

Therefore, the dividend yield for AT&T is 4.75%.

Step-by-step explanation:

Which decimal is less than 0. 8 and greater than 0. 02

A. 0. 81

B. 0. 46

C. 0. 86

D. 0. 6


The decimal which is less than 0. 8 and greater than 0. 02 is 0. 46 (option B).

To answer this question, we need to understand how decimals work. A decimal is a number that represents a value less than one, and it is denoted by a dot or a period. The digits that come after the dot represent the number of tenths, hundredths, thousandths, etc., depending on the place value of the digit.

Now, let's consider the given options: 0.81, 0.46, 0.86, and 0.6. We need to find the decimal that lies between 0.8 and 0.02.

We can eliminate option D, 0.6, as it is less than 0.8. Similarly, we can eliminate option A, 0.81, as it is greater than 0.8.

To choose between options B, 0.46, and C, 0.86, we need to compare them with the given values, 0.8 and 0.02. We can see that 0.46 is less than 0.8 but greater than 0.02.

Therefore, the answer is option B, 0.46.

To know more about decimal here



What is the missing length of a rectangular prism where the height and width are both 9 cm and the surface area is 432 cm2?


The missing length is 7.5 cm.

What is a rectangular prism?

A three-dimensional solid form with six faces, including rectangular bases, is called a rectangular prism. A rectangular prism also refers to a cuboid. A cuboid and a rectangular prism have the same cross-section.

Here, we have

Let the missing length be x cm.

The formula for the surface area of a rectangular prism is:

SA = 2lw + 2lh + 2wh

We are given that the height and width are both 9 cm, so we can substitute those values and simplify:

432 = 2(x)(9) + 2(x)(9) + 2(9)(9)

432 = 18x + 18x + 162

432 - 162 = 36x

270 = 36x

x = 270/36

x = 7.5

Hence, the missing length is 7.5 cm.

To learn more about the rectangular prism from the given link



Sky Launch Trampoline Park charges customers $9.50 per hour they spend jumping. Each customer must
also pay $2.50 for grip socks. Create a table or t-chart. Write an equation in slope-intercept form to represent this linear function.



2.50 + 9.50h

Step-by-step explanation:

Sky Launch Trampoline Park charges customers $9.50 per hour they spend jumping. Each customer must also pay $2.50 for grip socks.

Let the number of hours be h.

The equation will be:

= 2.50 + (9.50 × h)

= 2.50 + 9.50h

I need a bit of help please


The slope of the line in the reduced form is 4 / 7.

How to find the slope of a line?

The slope of a line is the change in the dependent variable with respect to the change in the independent variable.


slope = m = change in y / change in x

slope = m = y₂ - y₁ / x₂ - x₁

P = (2, 3)

Q = (9, 7)

x₁ = 2

x₂ = 9

y₁ = 3

y₂ = 7


slope = 7 - 3 / 9 - 2

slope = 4 / 7

learn more on slope here: https://brainly.com/question/26578510


Consider a sequence whose first five terms are:-1.75, -0.5, 0.75, 2, 3.25
Which explicit function (with domain all integers n ≥ 1) could be used to define and continue this sequence?


Step-by-step explanation:

+ 1.25

every new term is the previous term + 1.25.

with starting value -1.75

f(n) = 1.25n - 1.75

Dilate point S by a scale factor of 1/2


The position of point S after dilating will be half of the original. The dilated point S' has been shown below.

What is dilation?

Using a modification known as dilation, an object can be resized. Through dilatation, the objects can be resized or enlarged. This transformation results in a shape that is a perfect replica of the original image. The form's dimensions do vary, though. An expansion or contraction of the original form is required for a dilatation. This shift is referred to as a scale factor.

We are given a graph showing position of point S.

Now, on dilating the point by a scale factor of [tex]\frac{1}{2}[/tex], we get that the point will be located at half of the original.

The point has been located and attached in the image below.

Hence, the required solution has been obtained.

Learn more about dilation from the given link



The cost, in dollars, of a single-story home can be approximated using the formula
C = klw, where is the approximate length of the home and w is the approximate
width of the home. Find the units for the coefficient k.


The unit for the coefficient k would be dollars per unit of length squared.

Units of a variable

To find the units for the coefficient k in the formula C = klw, we need to analyze the units of each variable.

C represents the cost of the home, which is measured in dollars.

l represents the length of the home, which is measured in some units of length, such as feet or meters.

w represents the width of the home, which is also measured in some units of length, such as feet or meters.

Therefore, we can determine the units for k by analyzing how the units for C, l, and w combine in the formula C = klw.

Starting with the left-hand side of the equation, we know that C represents dollars.

On the right-hand side of the equation, we have k times l times w. To determine the units of k, we need to figure out what units would make the entire right-hand side of the equation equal to dollars.

Since we are multiplying three quantities (k, l, and w), the units of k must cancel out the units of length in l and w in order to leave us with units of dollars.

This means that the units of k must be dollars per unit of length squared. We can write this as:

k = $/length^2

So, the units for the coefficient k in the formula C = klw are dollars per unit of length squared.

More on units of variables can be found here: https://brainly.com/question/27853679


Plssss help it is asking to find the surface area of this triangular prism


The total surface area of the triangular prism is calculated to be equal to 608 square centimeters.

How to calculate for the total surface area of the triangular prism

The triangular prism can be observed to be a large rectangle and two identical triangles, so we shall calculate for the total surface area as follows:

area of one triangle = 1/2 × 8 cm × 12 cm

area of one triangle = 48 cm²

area of the two triangle faces = 2(48) = 96 cm²

area of the large rectangle face = (10 + 12 + 12) cm × 16 cm = 512 cm²

Total surface area of prism = 96 cm² + 512 cm² = 608 cm²

Therefore, the total surface area of the triangular prism is calculated to be equal to 608 square centimeters.

Read more about surface area here:https://brainly.com/question/12506372


2. The value, v(t), of a car depreciates according to the function v(t) = P(.85)', where P is the
purchase price of the car and t is the time, in years, since the car was purchased. State the
percent that the value of the car decreases by each year. Justify your answer.


the value of the car decreases by 15 percent each year. This means that the value of the car decreases to 85% of its previous year's value every year.

what do you mean by term  decreases  ?

In this context, "decreases" means that the value of the car is getting smaller over time. The term "decrease" is often used in mathematics to describe a decrease in the numerical value of a quantity. In this case, the value of the car is decreasing by 15% each year, which means that its value is getting smaller by 15% of the previous year's value.

In the given question,

The given function for the value of the car is:

v(t) = P(0.85)ⁿ

Here, P is the initial purchase price of the car, and t is the time in years since the car was purchased.

To find the percent that the value of the car decreases by each year, we need to find the ratio of the decrease in value to the initial value, and express it as a percentage.

Let's consider the value of the car after one year, i.e., when t=1. The value of the car after one year is:

v(1) = P(0.85)¹ = 0.85P

The decrease in value from the initial value P is:

P - v(1) = P - 0.85P = 0.15P

Therefore, the ratio of the decrease in value to the initial value is:

(0.15P/P) = 0.15

To express this ratio as a percentage, we multiply by 100, which gives:

0.15 x 100% = 15%

Therefore, the value of the car decreases by 15% each year. This means that the value of the car decreases to 85% of its previous year's value every year.

To know more about percent , visit:



The principal advantage of the Dodge-Romig tables is: A. minimum inspection B. its desirability for receiving inspection C. smaller lot sizes D. simplicity


The principal advantage of the Dodge-Romig tables is their simplicity. Therefore, the correct answer is D. simplicity.

The Dodge-Romig tables are statistical sampling tables used in quality control to determine the acceptance or rejection

of a production lot based on sample size and the number of defects found in the sample.

The principal advantage of the Dodge-Romig tables is their simplicity.

They provide a quick and easy method for determining the acceptability of a production lot, without the need for

extensive calculations or statistical knowledge.

This means that they can be used by personnel with limited training in quality control.

The principal advantage of the Dodge-Romig tables is their simplicity. While they can be used for receiving inspection,

their main benefit is in minimizing inspection time and effort by providing clear guidelines for lot sampling and

acceptance based on size and level of defects.

Additionally, their use can facilitate smaller lot sizes and more efficient quality control processes.

for such more question on simplicity



can someone answer my new math questions please




Step-by-step explanation:

1. How many atoms are present in 8.500 mole of chlorine atoms?
2. Determine the mass (g) of 15.50 mole of oxygen.
3. Determine the number of moles of helium in 1.953 x 108 g of helium.
4. Calculate the number of atoms in 147.82 g of sulfur.
5. Determine the molar mass of Co.
6. Determine the formula mass of Ca3(PO4)2.


The number of atoms present in 8.500 mole of chlorine atoms can be calculated using Avogadro's number, which is 6.022 x [tex]10^{23}[/tex] atoms per mole. Therefore:

Number of atoms = 8.500 mole x 6.022 x [tex]10^{23}[/tex]atoms/mole

Number of atoms = 5.1177 x [tex]10^{24}[/tex] atoms

Find out the mass (g) of 15.50 mole of oxygen?

The mass of 15.50 mole of oxygen can be calculated using the molar mass of oxygen, which is 16.00 g/mol. Therefore:

Mass = 15.50 mole x 16.00 g/mole

Mass = 248 g

The number of moles of helium in 1.953 x [tex]10^{8}[/tex] g of helium can be calculated using the molar mass of helium, which is 4.00 g/mol. Therefore:

Number of moles = 1.953 x [tex]10^{8}[/tex] g / 4.00 g/mol

Number of moles = 4.883 x [tex]10^{7}[/tex] mol

The number of atoms in 147.82 g of sulfur can be calculated using the molar mass of sulfur, which is 32.06 g/mol, and Avogadro's number. Therefore:

Number of moles = 147.82 g / 32.06 g/mol

Number of moles = 4.608 mol

Number of atoms = 4.608 mol x 6.022 x [tex]10^{23}[/tex] atoms/mol

Number of atoms = 2.773 x [tex]10^{24}[/tex] atoms

The molar mass of Co (cobalt) is 58.93 g/mol.

The formula mass of Ca3(PO4)2 can be calculated by adding the atomic masses of each element in the compound. The atomic masses are:

Ca = 40.08 g/mol

P = 30.97 g/mol

O = 16.00 g/mol

Formula mass = (3 x Ca) + (2 x P) + (8 x O)

Formula mass = (3 x 40.08 g/mol) + (2 x 30.97 g/mol) + (8 x 16.00 g/mol)

Formula mass = 310.18 g/mol

to know more about atoms



An airplane is flying at a height of 3 miles above the ground. The distance along the ground from the
airplane to the airport is 7.5 miles. What is the angle of depression from the airplane to the airport?
Round to the nearest degree.



the angle of depression is approx 22 degrees

Step-by-step explanation:

Model drawn below to visualize

I represented the angle of depression as x

Since two side lengths are given, we can use tangent to find the angle of depression

tan x= 3/7.5

We then use inverse tangent to find the angle measure:


m<x is approx 21.8 or 22 when rounded to the nearest degree

(when using tan, inverse tan, sin, cos, inv... use deg on calculator when finding angle of depression, solving triangles, etc.)

Verify that the segments are parallel.

10. CD || AB


This means that the corresponding sides of the two triangles are in proportion, and therefore CD is parallel to AB, as required.

What is triangle?

A triangle is a polygon with three sides and three angles. It is one of the basic shapes in geometry and is often used in mathematics, science, engineering, and art. Triangles can be classified into different types based on the length of their sides and the size of their angles. Triangles are used in various applications, such as in the construction of buildings, bridges, and other structures, as well as in navigation and surveying. They are also important in various fields of mathematics, including trigonometry and geometry.


To use similarity theorems to show that CD is parallel to AB, we need to first establish that triangles AEB and CED are similar. If we can show that these triangles are similar, then we can use the corresponding angles theorem, which states that if two pairs of corresponding angles are congruent, then the lines containing the sides are parallel.

Let's compare the two triangles AEB and CED:

Angle AEB is congruent to angle CED (both are vertical angles).

Angle EAB is congruent to angle ECD (both are alternate interior angles formed by a transversal cutting parallel lines AB and CD).

Angle BAE is congruent to angle DCE (both are alternate interior angles formed by a transversal cutting parallel lines AB and CD).

Therefore, we have established that triangles AEB and CED are similar by the angle-angle-angle similarity theorem.

Now that we have shown that the triangles are similar, we can use the corresponding sides theorem, which states that the corresponding sides of similar triangles are in proportion, to find out if CD is parallel to AB.

The corresponding sides of AEB and CED are:


Substituting the given values, we have:

AC + CE / CE = AB / BD

4 + 12 / 12 = AB / (14/3)

16/12 = AB / (14/3)

AB = (16/12) x (14/3)

= 56/9

Now we can use the corresponding sides theorem to find the length of CD:


Substituting the values we have found, we get:

4/12 = (56/9)/CD

CD = (56/9) x (12/4)

= 14

Since we have found that AB = 56/9 and CD = 14, we can see that:

AB/CD = (56/9)/14

= 4/3

This means that the corresponding sides of the two triangles are in proportion, and therefore CD is parallel to AB, as required.

To know more about triangle,



5. This solid was created by joining two right rectangular prisms.
4½ cm
8 cm
4 cm
-9 cm
10½ cm
Enter the volume of the solid, in cubic centimeters.


The volume of the solid as shown in the diagram is 540 cm².

What is volume?

Volume is the space occupied by a solid shape.

To calculate the volume of the of the solid, we use the formula below


V = LWH+lwh............................ Equation 1


V = Volume of the solid L = Length of the bigger prismW = Width of the bigger prismH = Height of the bigger prisml = Length of the smaller prismw = Width of the smaller prismh = Height of the smaller prism

From the diagram in question,


L = 10.5 cmW = 9 cmH = 4 cml = 9 cmw = 4.5 cmh = 4 cm

Substitute these values into equation 1

A = (10.5×9×4)+(9×4.5×4)A = 378+162A = 540 cm³

Hence, the volume is 540 cm³.

Learn more about volume here: https://brainly.com/question/1331127


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