a proposition that outlines a course of action that the advocate believes should be taken would be called a proposition of value. group of answer choices


Answer 1

A proposition of value is a statement that outlines a recommended course of action that the advocate believes should be taken, based on their evaluation of what is desirable, beneficial or worthwhile.

This type of proposition is typically used in persuasive or argumentative contexts, where the advocate is seeking to convince their audience to adopt a particular perspective or take a specific course of action.

In order to be effective, a proposition of value must be clearly articulated and supported by evidence and reasoning. The advocate must present a convincing argument that demonstrates why their proposed course of action is preferable to alternative options, and how it will lead to a desirable outcome.

Propositions of value can be used in a wide range of contexts, from political debates and policy advocacy to marketing campaigns and personal decision-making. They are particularly useful when the advocate is seeking to change attitudes or behaviors, or when there is a need to prioritize or make choices between different options.

In summary, a proposition of value is a statement that outlines a recommended course of action based on an evaluation of what is desirable or beneficial. It is a persuasive tool that is used to influence others and promote a particular perspective or outcome.

For more such questions on Proposition of value.



Complete Question:

A proposition that outlines a course of action that the advocate believes should be taken would be called a proposition of value.

Related Questions

if you vote for candidates who support environmental causes, this represents which component of your attitude? question 9 options: a) action component b) expression component c) emotional component d) belief component


If you vote for candidates who support environmental causes, this represents the action component of your attitude. The action component Option A , refers to the behaviors or actions that are taken based on your beliefs and emotions towards a particular issue or topic.

In this case, your belief in the importance of environmental causes and your emotional attachment to protecting the environment would lead you to take action by voting for candidates who support these causes. The belief component of your attitude would be the underlying belief that the environment is worth protecting and preserving.

The emotional component of your attitude would be the positive feelings you have towards environmental causes, such as feeling happy or satisfied when you hear about efforts to protect the environment.

The expression component of your attitude would refer to how you communicate your beliefs and emotions towards environmental causes to others, such as through conversations or social media posts.

Overall, the action component of your attitude is important because it reflects your willingness to take concrete steps towards supporting the issues you care about.

By voting for candidates who support environmental causes, you are taking a direct action towards advancing these issues and making a positive impact on the world around you.Thus option A is correct.

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Both opinions and attitudes are primarily cognitive in nature. However, attitudes:a. have an emotional componentb. have an evaluative componentc. have both an emotional and an evaluative componentd. are transient in nature


Both opinions and attitudes are primarily cognitive in nature. However, attitudes option c. have both an emotional and an evaluative component

When our actions are inconsistent with our beliefs, attitudes, or values, this psychological phenomenon causes mental stress or discomfort.Cognitive dissonance can happen in a number of ways, like when we do something that goes against our personal beliefs or when we learn something that makes us think differently. The correct answer is option c

They might change their mindset by leading a more eco-friendly lifestyle, shift their beliefs about environmental conservation, or downplay the impact of plastic waste as a justification for their actions.

To Learn More About Dissonance



a study of preterm infants by tiffany field and her associates found that


A study of preterm infants conducted by Tiffany Field and her associates found that providing these infants with regular, gentle touch therapy had significant positive effects on their development. In this study, the researchers compared two groups of preterm infants - one group received regular touch therapy, while the other did not.

The touch therapy involved gentle stroking and massaging of the infant's body for 15 minutes, three times a day. The results of the study showed that the preterm infants who received touch therapy experienced greater weight gain, improved motor skills, and overall better developmental outcomes compared to the control group.

This improvement can be attributed to the stimulation of growth hormones in the infants' bodies due to the gentle touch. Additionally, the therapy helped reduce stress levels in the infants, promoting a sense of comfort and security.

In conclusion, the study by Tiffany Field and her associates highlighted the importance of gentle touch therapy for preterm infants' development. This therapy aids in weight gain, motor skill development, and overall well-being, providing a better foundation for these infants as they grow and develop.

To know more about Tiffany Field refer here:



marriages based on love, intimacy, and personal pleasure, as opposed to social obligation, are known as


Marriages based on love, intimacy, and personal pleasure are known as "companionate marriages."

These types of marriages prioritize the emotional connection between the partners over social obligation or economic benefits. Companionate marriages became more prevalent in the 20th century, as societal norms shifted away from arranged marriages and towards individual choice and autonomy. In a companionate marriage, partners often view each other as equals and share household and child-rearing responsibilities.

This type of marriage also values communication and emotional support, allowing partners to develop deep emotional bonds and a sense of intimacy. While social obligations and economic benefits may still play a role in some marriages, the emphasis on love, intimacy, and personal pleasure has become a defining characteristic of modern companionate marriages.

For more about companionate marriages:



who was sanjeev worried about seeing the items on the mantel and around the house? question 1 options: his parents twinkle's parents the people attending their housewarming. twinkle's co-workers


Sanjeev is worried about seeing the items on the mantel and around the house is His parents.

Jhumpa Lahiri's "This Blessed House" examines the difficulties of integration in a foreign nation as well as the complications of cultural identity and marriage. The plot centers on Twinkle and Sanjeev, a newlywed couple, as they attempt to begin a new life together in America.

Throughout the entire book, the author uses symbols to illustrate how cultural differences can lead to disagreements and miscommunications between people, even those who are in close relationships. According to the narrative, ethnic heritage cannot be simply overlooked, and it is important to recognize and value the significance of culture in determining who we are.

To learn more about complications, click here.



a(n) layout is used when similar equipment and functions are grouped together and the order in which the product visits a function depends on the design of the item.


The layout referred to in your question is known as a process layout.

In this type of layout, similar equipment and functions are grouped together based on their similarities and the order in which the product moves through each function depends on the design of the item being produced. Process layouts are commonly used in manufacturing settings where a variety of products are produced using the same equipment and resources. This type of layout allows for more flexibility in production as it can accommodate changes in product design and demand.

To know more about process layout, please click:



all of the following are potential threats to the research validity of a study about a new diagnostic test except: a. assignment b. selection c. instrumentation d. maturation


all of the following are potential threats to the research validity of a study about a new diagnostic test except option a- assignment.

Assignment bias refers to the non-random allocation of participants to different study groups, which can lead to systematic differences between groups and affect the accuracy of the test's performance estimates.

Selection bias refers to the non-random sampling of participants from the population of interest, which can lead to a biased sample that does not accurately represent the population and affects the generalizability of the test's results.

Instrumentation bias refers to the use of flawed or unreliable measurement tools or procedures, which can affect the consistency and accuracy of the test's results.

Maturation bias refers to the natural changes that occur in participants over time, which can affect the test's performance estimates if these changes are not accounted for or controlled.

learn more about diagnostic test here:



the army with which cortés entered tenochtitlán had been significantly increased by


The army with which Cortés entered Tenochtitlán, the capital city of the Aztec Empire, had been significantly increased by several factors.

First, Cortés had made alliances with indigenous groups that were opposed to the Aztecs, such as the Tlaxcalans, who provided him with additional troops. Second, Cortés had also received reinforcements and supplies from Spain, which included weapons, armor, horses, and other equipment. Third, during his campaign in Mexico, Cortés had recruited additional soldiers from among the Spanish settlers and sailors who joined his expedition. All of these factors contributed to the significant increase in the size and strength of Cortés' army, which allowed him to overcome the Aztec defenses and ultimately conquer the empire.

learn more about alliances here:



King Henrv WIII is one of England's most memorable kings, After reading the text, what 3 events do you think be is most memorable for?


King Henry VIII is indeed one of England's most memorable kings, and there are several events that he is known for.

Here are three well known events:

His decision to break away from the Roman Catholic Church and establish the Church of England, which had profound religious and political consequences.

His six marriages and the controversies surrounding them, particularly his annulment of his first marriage to Catherine of Aragon and his execution of his second wife, Anne Boleyn.

His role in the English Reformation and his suppression of the monasteries, which transformed English religious life and helped to strengthen the power of the monarchy.

Read more about King Henrv WIII here:



How can you make a better, more informed decision when choosing what to do or buy?

Do chores

Know the opportunity cost

Make a random choice

Save money


To make a better, more informed decision when choosing what to do or buy, one should B) Know the opportunity cost.

What is the opportunity cost?

The opportunity cost is the cost of an alternative that is available to but not taken by the decision-maker.

Economists refer to the opportunity cost as the cost of a forgone alternative. Forgoing some alternatives is essential in decision-making because of the presence of limited resources, mutual alternatives, and choices.

For instance, capital is one of the limited economic resources.  Capital may be invested in Business or Product A instead of in Alternative B.

Thus, making informed decisions involve choosing from alternatives and Option B.

Learn more about opportunity costs at https://brainly.com/question/1549591.



a ............................

Este modelo te ayuda a entender el porqué y para qué de las cosas


This statement means that the model in question provides a framework or a way of thinking that can help you understand the reasons and purposes behind things.

Researchers can create experiments to test their hypotheses and provide answers to research questions by properly identifying and manipulating independent variables. Researchers can obtain precise and trustworthy data to analyze and draw conclusions from by being able to recognize and measure dependent variables.

These ideas could be used to plan and carry out experiments or studies to look into particular research questions or hypotheses in a larger class investigation. The experiments can be conducted more rigorously and methodically, producing results that are more solid and reliable, if it is possible to recognize, control, and measure independent variables and dependent variables. Additionally, the use of independent and dependent variables can aid researchers by making the causal connections between various variables more clear.

To know more about model, here



"This model helps you understand the why and the what for of things."

lily is beginning to develop a fear of strangers and will reach for her mother when she sees someone who is unfamiliar. it is likely that lily has just:


Lily's behavior of reaching for her mother when she sees someone who is unfamiliar suggests that she is experiencing a normal developmental phase called stranger anxiety.

Stranger anxiety is a common phenomenon that occurs in infants between 6-12 months of age, where they become fearful or anxious around unfamiliar people or situations. This is a normal part of social and emotional development, as infants are starting to develop a sense of attachment to their primary caregiver(s) and are becoming more aware of their surroundings.

During this phase, infants may become clingy, cry, or show other signs of distress when they are around unfamiliar people or in unfamiliar situations. This is because they are not yet able to understand that these new people or situations are not a threat to them, and they rely on their caregiver(s) for comfort and security.

It is important for caregivers to respond to the infant's needs during this phase by providing reassurance, comfort, and support. Over time, as the infant becomes more familiar with their environment and gains a sense of independence, their stranger anxiety typically lessens.

Learn more about stranger anxiety.



what are the three critical psychological states identified by the job characteristics model? (choose every correct answer.) multiple select question. responsibility for work outcomes knowledge of actual results of the work meaningfulness of work low absenteeism and turnover


The three critical psychological states identified by the job characteristics model are option A, B, and C: responsibility, knowledge, and meaningfulness of the work.

According to many motivational theorists, encouraging people to feel fulfilled in their work is essential to helping them become more motivated. This is where the Job Characteristics Model begins. It proposes five key job requirements that must be met in order to provide successful work outputs.

The motivation within self contends that leads to higher productivity and job satisfaction. These ultimately result in three psychological states, and these moods have an impact on desired professional goals. Different psychological states then can be identified as:

Responsibility for work outcomes reflects how much people feel their work has meaning and that it is recognized and appreciated.

The degree to which people feel accountable for the results of their job is measured by their level of experience with this duty.

Actual results of the work are known; to what extent people are aware of their performance in this regard.

To know more about the job characteristics model, refer:



To know more about the

Correct question:

What are the three critical psychological states identified by the job characteristics model? (choose every correct answer.) multiple select question.

responsibility for work outcomes

knowledge of actual results of the work

meaningfulness of work

low absenteeism and turnover

the term _____ refers to an individual's general opinion or philosophy concerning government. a. political efficacy b. political ideology c. heuristic d. partisanship


The term that refers to an individual's general opinion or philosophy concerning government is "a political ideology (b).

Political ideology refers to a set of beliefs and values that shape an individual's views on political issues and how society should be organized. It can encompass a wide range of political beliefs, such as liberalism, conservatism, socialism, libertarianism, and many others.

Political efficacy (a) refers to an individual's belief in their ability to influence the political process and bring about change.

Heuristic (c) refers to a mental shortcut or rule of thumb that people use to make judgments or decisions. While heuristics can be influenced by an individual's political ideology, they are not equivalent terms.

Partisanship (d) refers to an individual's affiliation with a particular political party or group. While an individual's political ideology may influence their partisanship, the two concepts are distinct.

Therefore, the correct option is B.

Learn more about political ideology:



implementation of the law group of answer choices leaves little discretion to the agency bureaucrats. is typically automatic because the laws in question are very specific. is always conducted at the state level. requires judgment because laws are often vague.


Because laws are frequently imprecise and open to interpretation, the implementation of law may necessitate judgement. Hence, option 4.

Some laws are quite precise and give agency bureaucrats minimal leeway, many laws are vague and require interpretation. This means that agency bureaucrats must use their discretion when applying the legislation to specific circumstances or situations.

The nature of the law to be executed determines the body of the implementation. Overall, the nature of the law and its intended purpose affect the amount of latitude given to agency bureaucrats in implementing it.

To know more about law implementation, visit,



Complete question - Implementation of the law -

group of answer choices

1. leaves little discretion to the agency bureaucrats.

2. is typically automatic because the laws in question are very specific.

3. is always conducted at the state level.

4. requires judgment because laws are often vague.

according to cherlin the weakening of social norms that define peoples behavior in a social insitution is know as


According to Andrew Cherlin, the weakening of social norms that define people's behavior in a social institution is known as institutional deinstitutionalization.

This describes the process through which the formal laws, frameworks, and standards that control institutions of society like marriage, education, and religion lose their influence and effectiveness in policing behaviour.

For instance, institutional deinstitutionalization in the context of marriage refers to the weakening of norms and expectations surrounding marriage, such as the expectation of faithfulness and lifetime commitment, which can result in a rise in divorce rates and non-marital cohabitation.

According to Cherlin, institutional deinstitutionalization is a crucial aspect of contemporary societies and has important ramifications for both people and the operation of social institutions.

For such more question on social institution:



With respect to diversity leadership, the "valuing differences" leadership approach to diversity refers to a) creating upward mobility for minorities and women. b) building quality relationships with respect for diversity. c) achieving full utilization of diverse human resources. d) adopting characteristics of majority cultures in order to succeed. e) allowing members to reach their full potential.


With respect to diversity leadership, the "affirmative action" leadership approach to diversity refers to: option a creating upward mobility for minorities and women.

Genetic endowment  can be defined as those attributes or traits  a person or an individual inherit. On the other hand leadership can be defined as the ability of a person to lead others and to  possess leadership skills and qualities.

Leadership is not a genetic endowment based on the fact that leaders are not born but they are made. This implies that a person can become a leader when  the person has the qualities of a leader. The correct answer is option A.

Learn more about  genetic endowment here:



T/F: Stuttering is a result of language that is learned incorrectly upon acquisition.


Stuttering is not a result of language that is learned incorrectly upon acquisition is False.

Stuttering is a speech disorder characterized by disruptions in the normal flow of speech, often manifesting as involuntary repetitions, prolongations, or blocks in the production of sounds, syllables, or words. These disruptions can interfere with effective communication, but they do not result from incorrect language learning.Stuttering has a complex etiology, with factors such as genetics, neurophysiology, and environmental influences playing a role in its development. Research has shown that there is a strong genetic component to stuttering, with multiple genes being implicated in its occurrence. Neurophysiological studies have also revealed differences in brain structure and function in people who stutter, including abnormalities in the speech motor areas and auditory processing regions.Environmental factors, such as stress or a high linguistic demand, can exacerbate stuttering, but they do not cause it. It is important to note that stuttering is not a reflection of a person's intelligence or language abilities. Individuals who stutter are typically able to understand and use language at the same level as their peers who do not stutter.In summary, stuttering is not a result of incorrect language acquisition but is rather a complex speech disorder with genetic, neurophysiological, and environmental factors contributing to its development. It is essential to understand this complexity to provide appropriate support and interventions for individuals who stutter.

For more such question on Stuttering



An important social center for the Greek community was the ______. A) village. B) marketplace. C) saloon. D) coffeehouse.


d) coffeehouse

hope this helps

communications if your 8-year-old brother tells you he is in love with his schoolmate, you should treat his disclosure with respect and empathy because:


Responding to your 8-year-old brother's disclosure with respect and empathy is important for his emotional well-being, helps him navigate complex emotions, and builds a strong relationship between you both.

Firstly, it takes courage for an 8-year-old to share such personal feelings with someone, especially if they feel vulnerable or uncertain about their emotions. Showing empathy and respect can help your brother feel heard and validated, which is important for his emotional well-being.

Secondly, love and relationships are complex concepts that can be difficult for anyone, let alone an 8-year-old, to navigate. By treating his disclosure with respect and empathy, you can help him feel safe and supported as he tries to understand his feelings and figure out how to express them appropriately.

Lastly, responding with respect and empathy also helps to build a strong and trusting relationship with your brother. It shows that you are a safe person to talk to and that you value his thoughts and feelings, which can be especially important as he continues to grow and face new challenges.

To learn more about personal feelings



jayla just opened a fitness studio in her hometown. since her goal is to become the leading fitness studio in the area, she approaches five of the most talented trainers at competitive gyms and offers them more money to come work for her. once they are hired, she tells each of them that they need to book at least five training sessions per day. what key component of a goal does this requirement best describe?



an objective


mt. auburn cemetery was described as ‘the american equivalent to richmond park.’ this means that:


Was it the public space that people preferred? They were, after all, the initially established "parks" in the nations they represented.

Mount Auburn Cemetery in Cambridge, Massachusetts, was the country's first pastoral or garden cemetery. It is a National Monument of Historic Interest and the final resting place of many important Boston Brahmins.

It represented a striking break with Colonial-era burying fields and church-affiliated graveyards when it was officially opened in 1831 and a set of classical monuments in a rolling groomed topography. The emergence of this style of landscape corresponds with the growing usage of the name "cemetery".

Taken from the Greek meaning "a sleeping place," rather than a graveyard. This language and mindset supplanted the traditional harsh image of death with the afterlife represented by old cemeteries and church burial grounds.

Learn more about Auburn here:



Mt. Auburn Cemetery is considered to be the American version of Richmond Park, which is a famous park in London.

This comparison suggests that Mt. Auburn Cemetery is a significant cultural and historical landmark in the United States, much like Richmond Park is in England. It also implies that both locations have a similar level of importance and beauty, as well as being popular destinations for visitors and locals alike. Overall, the comparison highlights the significance and value of Mt. Auburn Cemetery as an important American landmark and cemetery. Similar to that, Cambridge, Massachusetts's Mt. Auburn Cemetery is a sizable and significant cemetery. It is well-known for its stunning landscaping, stunning natural surroundings, and the numerous famous people interred there, including scientists, statesmen, and poets. Mt. Auburn Cemetery, like Richmond Park, is a prominent cultural landmark that welcomes tourists from all over the world.

Learn more about Richmond Park here:


regarding sex differences in friendships, which of the following is false? multiple choice male-male friendships tend to emphasize shared activities and common interests. both women and men see their other-sex friends as more loyal and helpful than their same-sex friends. female-female friendships tend to emphasize conversational and emotional expressiveness. women and men report equal levels of closeness in their same-sex friendships.


The false statement regarding sex differences in friendships is - "Both women and men see their other-sex friends as more loyal and helpful than their same-sex friends." Therefore the correct option is option B.

According to research, women are more likely than men to view their same-sex friends as being more dependable and supportive than their friends of another gender.

This might be because female friendships with other females are more close and emotionally open, whereas male friendships are more activity-based and less concerned with emotional disclosure.

It's crucial to keep in mind that these are broad patterns and that there is a great deal of individual variation in how men and women make and keep friends. Therefore the correct option is option B.

For such more question on friendships:



1. if the wave theory of democracy is correct, then will the number of democratic countries increase or decline?


If the wave theory of democracy is correct, then it suggests that the number of democratic countries will increase over time.

This theory suggests that democracy spreads from one country to another through a process of contagion, where the success of democratic transitions in one country encourages and inspires others to follow suit. This means that as more countries successfully transition to democratic systems of government, the number of democratic countries in the world should continue to increase. However, it's important to note that this theory is not a guarantee and there are many factors that can impact the spread of democracy, including economic and political instability, external intervention, and cultural and historical factors.

Know more about wave theory here:



Many people wrongly assume that a company will be ethical if it
a. attracts high-profile investors
b .rewards employees for high performance
c. provides adequate compensation to employees
d. simply hires ethical employees
e. performs highly on the stock market


b - rewards employees for high performance.

Rewarding employees for their hard work, dedication and ethical behaviour is a great way to promote ethical practices in a company. By rewarding employees for their high performance, the company is sending a message that it values ethical behaviour and is willing to reward employees who do the right thing.

This can help create a culture of ethical behaviour and ensure that employees are more likely to make ethical decisions in their work. Additionally, rewarding employees for their performance can help to boost morale, resulting in increased productivity and efficiency. In conclusion, rewarding employees for their high performance is a great way to promote ethical practices in a company.

Know more about Ethical decisions here



speakers regulate the conversation through which two major types of speaker cues?


Speakers regulate the conversation through two major types of speaker cues: turn-taking cues and backchannel cues.

Turn-taking cues are used to signal that a speaker is finished speaking and that it is now the other speaker's turn to speak. Examples of turn-taking cues include pauses, intonation patterns, and gaze direction. Backchannel cues, on the other hand, are used to signal that the listener is actively engaged in the conversation and is following the speaker's train of thought. Examples of backchannel cues include nodding, saying "uh-huh," and making brief comments such as "I see" or "interesting. "By using these cues, speakers can manage the flow of conversation and ensure that it remains productive and focused.

Learn more about conversation here:



Speakers regulate the conversation through two major types of speaker cues, which are "turn-taking cues" and "backchannel cues."
Turn-taking cues are used by speakers to indicate when they are finished speaking and when it is time for the other speaker to respond. These cues may include pauses, changes in tone, or specific phrases.

Backchannel cues are used by speakers to show that they are actively listening and engaged in the conversation. These cues may include nodding, making eye contact, or using verbal affirmations such as "uh-huh" or "I see."
By utilizing these two types of speaker cues, speakers can effectively regulate the flow of conversation and maintain a balanced and engaging dialogue.

To know more about  Speaker cues visit : https://brainly.com/question/11867254


A migration pattern in which initial migrants prepare the way for family members and friends to follow, creating migrant clusters from specific locales in their new settings is called


Chain migration is a type of migration where the first migrants clear the way for family members and friends to follow, forming migrant clusters from certain locations in their new surroundings.

In this cycle, the original migrants settle down in a new place and then make use of their social networks and resources to assist their family members and friends who are also migrating to the same place.

As a result, communities or clusters of migrants from particular places are formed in the new environment. The social, economic, and cultural aspects of both the sending and receiving populations can be significantly impacted by chain migration, which is a frequent trend in many migratory patterns.

Learn more about migration Visit: brainly.com/question/28393628


true or false 9. this technique incorporates both positive and negative staining methods.


The answer is: True. Some staining techniques do incorporate both positive and negative staining methods to provide better contrast and visualization of cellular structures.

Positive staining involves the use of dyes that bind to specific cellular components, while negative staining involves staining the background, leaving the cellular components unstained. By combining these methods, researchers can achieve a more detailed and informative view of the specimen.

Know more about cellular components



social media can contribute to the productivity of companies of all sizes and industries by:


Social media can contribute to the productivity of companies of all sizes and industries in several ways. Firstly, it can provide a platform, Secondly, social media can be used as a marketing tool, and Thirdly, social media can be used for collaboration.

It can provide a platform for companies to engage with their customers and get feedback on their products and services. This can help companies improve their offerings and provide better customer service, leading to increased productivity and sales.

Social media can be used as a marketing tool to promote a company's brand and reach a wider audience. This can lead to increased visibility and brand recognition, ultimately leading to increased sales and revenue.

Social media can be used for collaboration and communication within a company. This can improve productivity by facilitating communication and making it easier for employees to share ideas and work together on projects.

Overall, social media can be a valuable tool for companies of all sizes and industries, helping to improve customer engagement, increase brand awareness, and facilitate collaboration among employees.

To know more about social media marketing, refer here:



decides to attend a small liberal art college so she can be a big fish in a small pond which concept best explains this?


The concept that best explains this decision is the desire to stand out and excel in a smaller, more focused community.

By attending a small liberal arts college, the student is intentionally choosing a setting where she can be a big fish in a small pond, rather than a smaller fish in a larger pond. This can be advantageous for students who want to receive more individualized attention from professors, have more opportunities to take on leadership roles, and build a strong sense of community with their peers. Ultimately, the goal is to set oneself apart from the crowd and achieve success in a more supportive and personalized environment.

A college that places a strong emphasis on undergraduate studies in the liberal arts and sciences is known as a liberal arts college or liberal arts institution of higher education. In contrast with a professional, vocational, or technical curriculum, such universities seek to transmit a broad general knowledge and foster general intellectual abilities.

To learn more about Liberal arts college, click here:



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