A psychological approach that emphasizes bodily events and changes associated with actions, feelings, and thoughts.


Answer 1

A psychological approach of Biological perspective emphasizes on bodily events and changes associated with actions, feelings, and thoughts.

Psychologists approach studying human behavior from several angles, or perspectives. For instance, psychologists that adopt a biological perspective hold that behavioral variations can be explained in terms of genes, brain development, and hormones, all of which might predispose a person to specific medical issues. The physiological approach makes the assumption that biological elements have a cause-and-effect relationship with our behavior and mental health, just as exposure to a disease might result in illness. Genes that a person inherits from their parents are among the biological elements that psychologists believe can affect whether they are inclined to certain illnesses. The environment has a significant impact on a person's behavior, and behavioral psychologists emphasize this influence and hold that conditioning is how we pick up new behaviors.

Learn more about Psychologists approach here



Related Questions

what of the state agencies provides training and assistance to local governments in the preparation for, response to, recovery from, and mitigation of disasters?


NDRRMC state agencies provides training and assistance to local governments in the preparation for, response to, recovery from, and mitigation of disasters .

The NDRRMC organizes and directs the governing actions in the nation's fields of communication, alerting systems, emergencies, transportation, evacuation, and rescue, as well as in those of engineering, health and rehabilitation, public education, and auxiliary services like fire fighting and the police.

Facilitating coordination, mobilizing resources for response, and information management, including communications, are the specialized tasks of the NDRRMC through OCD. The NDRP context is used as a guide to achieve complementarity; it does not replace event-specific, departmental, or agency planning.

To know more about disasters visit :



This type of organizational structure is based upon the concepts of division of labor, specialization, and unity of command. Key decisions are made at the top and filter down through the organization.
a) Hierarchical
b) Networked
c) Flat
d) Matrix
e) Social


a) Hierarchical type of organizational structure is based upon the concepts of division of labor, specialization, and unity of command.  Key decisions are made at the top and filter down through the organization.

A hierarchical organizational structure is a type of structure in which the organization is divided into different levels or layers, each with a specific role and level of authority. This structure is based on the concepts of division of labor, specialization, and unity of command. Key decisions are made at the top of the organization, such as by the CEO or board of directors, and then filter down through the organization to the lower levels. This structure is often seen in large organizations and corporations, where clear lines of authority and communication are necessary for effective decision-making and operation.

learn more about hierarchical organization here:



what philosophical positions acknowledges that technology has reconfigured our political and social reality and that it does influence human behavior in particular ways?


Technological realism, which holds that "although technology has its own force, it is not independent of political and social forces," is the middle ground between these extreme positions.

Technological realism recognizes that technology has reshaped our political and social realities, as well as our culture. Technorealism is an attempt to broaden the middle ground between techno-utopianism and Neo-Luddism by evaluating the social and political implications of technologies in order to give people more control over the shape of their future.

According to one account, Douglas Rushkoff and Andrew Shapiro popularized technorealism in the early 1990s. The goal, according to a manifesto released  that described the term as a new generation of cultural criticism, was not to promote or dismiss technology, but to understand it so that its application could be aligned with basic human values. Technorealism holds that a technology, no matter how revolutionary it appears to be, is simply a continuation of previous revolutions in human history.

Learn more about Technological realism,



________ are groups to which an individual wishes to belong, as when a young basketball player hopes to play someday for the Los Angeles Lakers.
a. membership groups
b. reference groups
c. aspirational or symbolic groups
d. subcultures


Aspirational or symbolic groups are groups to which an individual wishes to belong, as when a young basketball player hopes to play someday for the Los Angeles Lakers.

When a customer first learns about a new product and decides to try it, are they participating in the alternate evaluation process?

Consumers engage in the alternative assessment process when they decide to try a new product after learning about it for the first time. The willingness of individuals to test new products varies substantially. There are "consumption pioneers" in each category of products. They go by the name laggards as well.

To know more about symbolic groups, refer:



One way to experience (unconditional) positive regard in difficult situations (for example with parent who is abusive toward his or her child) is to:


Find within yourself the positive respect for the suffering human being in the same room with you. This is one approach to feeling (unconditional) positive regard in challenging situations (for instance, with a father who is abusive toward his or her child).

Unconditional positive regard is the fundamental acceptance and support of a person, regardless of what the person says or does, especially in the context of client-centered therapy. The idea was first developed by Stanley Standal in 1954 and later expanded and popularized by the humanistic psychologist Carl Rogers in 1956.

A person who experiences conditional positive regard might think, "If I win the game, everybody will love me." On the other hand, conditional positive regard suggests that praise and acceptance depend on actions.

To learn more about Unconditional positive regard, click here:



identify the artist of madonna enthroned with angels and prophets and at least two ways this work departs from the artist's byzantine predecessors.


The Madonna Enthroned with Angels and Prophets was painted by Cimabue Vasari. Cimabue's Madonna's drapery falls over her body, following the shape and lines of her body. Cimabue's Madonna sits with her legs spread, holding the infant Jesus on her lap.

It was originally painted for Florence's Ognissanti church. The church was built for the Humiliati, a small religious order at the time, and many acclaimed paintings were created for it. Giotto's Madonna Enthroned, in particular, was intended for the high altar.

Painting is the application of paint, pigment, color, or another medium to a solid surface. The medium is typically applied to the base with a brush, but knives, sponges, and airbrushes can also be used. Painting in art refers to both the act and the result of the action.

Learn more about madonna enthroned



think about your own life, and offer an example of how the thomas theorem can help to understand how you interpreted a specific situation or event.


According to sociologist W.I. Thomas our behavior depends not on the objective reality of a situation but on our subjective interpretation of reality. The consequences and results of behavior make it real.

For example, a teenager who is defined as deviant might begin to act deviant. He makes his label real.

According to sociologist W.I. Thomas, “ if a person perceives a situation as real, it's real in its consequences. ” This statement is also known as the Thomas Theorem. In other words, our geste depends not on the objective reality of a situation but on our  private interpretation of reality.

The consequences and results of  geste make it real. For  illustration, a teenager who's defined as  counter culturist might begin to act  counter culturist. He makes his marker real. People perceive reality else, and when they decide how they're going to view a person or a situation, they act consequently. Since we all perceive reality else, our  responses differ. Our  description of a situation as good or bad, to be embraced or avoided, dictates our response to it.

To know more about Thomas Theorem, Visit: brainly.com/question/24270891


fill in the blank. in a perception experiment, you would like to measure the experience of the subject in response to some stimulus being presented. since their experience is not directly observable, the experimenter must create___which give us something that can be observed and measured.


The experimenter must create the perception which give us something that can be observed and measured.

What is perception?

To represent and understand the information or environment that is being provided, sensory data must be recognized, organized, and understood. The neural system impulses that run through all perceptions are caused by chemical or physical stimulation of the sensory system. Perception is the active interpretation of these signals in addition to learning, memory, expectation, and attention on the part of the recipient. Sensory input is the process through which lower-level information is transformed into higher-level information. Perception appears to be relatively effortless while being dependent on complex brain system processes because this processing happens outside of conscious awareness. Since the advent of experimental psychology in the 19th century, psychology has improved its understanding of perception by combining a variety of approaches.

To learn more about perception, visit:



Can you please identify the audience of the selection and explain why you believe they are the audience. Then, explain at least two (2) rhetorical devices or fallacies that you identify in the argument. Demonstrate why they are that device or fallacy.

6) I don’t know what percentage of Americans will adopt open relationships in the next twenty years, but it will almost certainly increase. To avoid a new “culture war” over sexuality, I think it’s important for conservatives and religious people to understand that polyamorous openness can be integrated with marital commitment, family values, and pronatalism. It’s not helpful when the Catholic League, for example, denounces the new American Psychological Association’s Consensual Non-Monogamy Task Force (which I’m on), as evidence that the APA is “having a mental breakdown.” Historically, married Christians have been prominent in the swinger community, and have found ways to integrate sexual variety, family values, and Christian spirituality. …

The trouble is, most poly people are on the far-Left politically, and are atheist or New Age spiritually. Many polyamorists see poly as part of a broader progressive movement to undermine religion, capitalism, patriarchy, and the gender binary. The Green polyamorists who catastrophize about global warming are often anti-natalist and anti-family. Given the stigma against poly, the poly people willing to appear on TV are often young, eccentric “poly activists,” rather than mature professionals who happen to be poly. This makes open relationships look like some bizarre, unsustainable variety of Leftist virtue-signaling. But it’s a mistake to think that’s all it is, for three reasons. – Geoffrey Miller, “Polyamory Is Growing–And We Need To Get Serious About It.” Quillette.com, October 29 2019, https://quillette.com/2019/10/29/polyamory-is-growing-and-we-need-to-get-serious-about-it/


The audience of this selection is likely people who are interested in the topic of open relationships and polyamory, as well as people who are concerned about the potential for a "culture war" over sexuality.

How to explain the excerpt?

The author also seems to be addressing conservatives and religious people specifically, as they express a desire for them to understand that polyamorous openness can be compatible with certain values.

Rhetorical devices or fallacies identified in the argument:

Appeal to Emotion: The author uses the phrase "culture war" to evoke a sense of conflict and negativity, which may elicit an emotional response from the reader.

Strawman Argument: The author presents the Catholic League as an example of a group that denounces the new American Psychological Association's Consensual Non-Monogamy Task Force as evidence of a "mental breakdown." This presents the group in a negative light and implies that they are not open to understanding the concept of polyamory, which is a misrepresentation of the group's actual beliefs.

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A landowner who owned five acres on the shore of a lake gave verbal permission to a neighbor to cross over her land to get to the lake so he could fish. About three years later, a trespasser built a boat dock on the far west end of the landowner's land without her permission. The land was heavily wooded, and the dock could not be seen from the landowner's house, although if she had taken a walk along the shore she would have found it. The neighbor and the trespasser would see each other frequently while they were fishing, and when the neighbor bought a boat, the trespasser gave him permission to tie up the boat to the dock at any time. Soon thereafter, the trespasser died and left all of his property to his son, who lived in another state. Although the neighbor never contacted the trespasser's son, he kept his boat at the dock. About two years later, the landowner discovered the dock on her land and told the neighbor to remove his boat because she was going to have the dock torn down.
The neighbor filed for an injunction to prevent the landowner from tearing down the dock and to establish his right to continue to use it. Although the trespasser had died before he had sufficient time to gain title by adverse possession to the land on which his dock was built, the neighbor had been crossing over the landowner's land for about five and one-half years. The jurisdiction has a five-year requirement to establish title to land by adverse possession or to acquire prescriptive easements.
What is the likely ruling of the court?
A The landowner cannot tear down the dock because the neighbor had been using the dock for a sufficient amount of time to gain an easement by prescription.
B The landowner can tear down the dock because, although the neighbor has an easement by prescription, he did not build the dock himself and, therefore, had no right to gain title to the land by adverse possession.
C The landowner can tear down the dock, and the neighbor does not have an easement by prescription.
D The landowner can tear down the dock because once the trespasser died, the neighbor no longer had permission to use the dock and he did not have time to gain an adverse interest as to the trespasser's son


Option C is the most likely decision the court will make about the landowner. The option stated that "the landowner can tear down the dock, and the neighbor does not have an easement by prescription".


The owner of the land can take down the dock, and the neighbor has no right to use it. To get a prescriptive easement, usage must be open and known to everyone, harmful, and continuous and unbroken for the legal period. The neighbor used to be able to cross the landowner's land as long as she gave him verbal permission, so he only had a license. No matter how you look at the neighbor's usage of the dock in relation to the landowner's interest, the neighbor did not have enough time to get a prescriptive easement, so at least the initial three years of his use were not bad. So, both A and B are wrong.

Option D is also wrong since it would only matter if the trespasser's son had gotten a bad deal from the landowner if the neighbor had gotten a bad deal from the son.

Learn more about landowner here: brainly.com/question/14610957 #SPJ4

a researcher observed variation in plasma testosterone hormone levels in birds that was associated with variation in aggression: birds with higher levels of testosterone were more aggressive. in addition, experimental addition of testosterone increased an individual's level of aggression. which of the following is correct about this work? a. It is a proximate explanation of behavior.
b. An ethogram of this species should include testosterone level.
c. It exemplifies the comparative method.
d. It demonstrates behavioral inertia.
e. It builds on the work of Ivan Pavlov.


Furthermore, testosterone supplementation raised an individual's degree of hostility. It is a quick explanation for conduct. is accurate about this piece of work.  

Males' principal endogenous testosterone and anabolic steroid is testosterone. In humans, testosterone is crucial in the formation of male reproductive organs such as the testes & prostate, as well as in the promotion of secondary sexual traits such as increased bone and muscle mass and the body hair growth. Furthermore, testosterone is involved in both sexes' health and well-being, includes emotions, behavior, and the protection of osteoporosis. In males, low testosterone levels can cause anomalies such as frailty & bone loss. Testosterone is an androstane steroid with a ketone and a dihydric at position three and seventeen, respectively. It is biosynthesized from cholesterol in multiple processes before being converted to inactive metabolites in the liver.

Learn more about converted here



erikson was most concerned with: question 2 options: physical development social development motor development cognitive development


The eight phases of development that a healthy human should go through from infancy to late adulthood are described by Erik Erikson, a developmental psychologist, in his theory of psychosocial development.

Erik Erikson recognised the significance of social interactions and environmental influences in the formation of an individual's personality and sense of self. His theory is centred on how an individual's interactions with their environment and society mould their sense of self, and how this sense of self develops as they navigate various life phases.

The German-American developmental psychologist and psychotherapist Erik Homburger Erikson is renowned for his theories on how people grow psychologically. Identity crisis was a phrase he invented. A leading and important theory of development was created by ego psychologist Erik Erikson. Erikson's theory focused more on psychosocial than psychosexual development, despite the influence of psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud's work.

learn more about Erik Erikson here:



Decide whether or not the following samples are representative of the population. If they are not representative, try to explain the reasons. 1. To find the average GPA of all students in a university, use all honor students at the university as the sample.


Use the sample of all honor students at the university to get the average GPA of all students there. The selection of all honor students is not appropriate since the sample must be representative of the full sample.

What occurs when a sample does not accurately reflect the population?

A sample might even be referred to as a random sample if it is not representative. Although random sampling is a more straightforward sample technique, it carries a higher chance of sampling error, which could result in inaccurate findings or expensive tactics.

What distinguishes a sample from a representative sample?

Two methods are employed to assist verify that data is free of bias: representative sampling and random sampling.

To know more about representatives of people, visit:



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The vocabulary term that we can use here is election.

From the attitudes, the people that would not like this are republicans. They would prefer Lincoln had no opposition

The people that would like this are the Southerner democrats.

What was the election that saw Lincoln as President like?

In a four-way race, Republican Abraham Lincoln prevailed as the winner of the 1860 presidential election. Lincoln handily defeated Democrats Stephen Douglas, John Breckenridge, and John Bell in the Electoral College despite receiving less than 40% of the popular vote (Constitutional Union).

Lincoln overcame his initial concerns about losing to win sizable majorities in both the popular and electoral vote, in part because of the recent Union victory at the Battle of Atlanta.

Read more on Abraham Lincoln here: https://brainly.com/question/856804


When you measure your progress you stay on track, reach your target dates, and experience achievement that will help you reach your overall goal.True/False


When you measure your progress you continue to be on track, reach your target dates, and trip success that will help you attain your normal goal. Being sound in body, mind, and spirit; not purely the absence of ailment or infirmity defines... Short-term advantages of conduct trade can be necessary motivating forces.

What is the most important component in finding out an individual's degree of wellness?

Studies point out that the following five factors make the biggest distinction in usual health and wellness: 1) diet; 2) rest; 3) exercise; 4) posture; and 5) averting the use of alcohol, capsules and tobacco.

Overall bodily health encourages the stability of bodily activity, vitamin and intellectual well-being to preserve your physique in top condition. Obtaining an most beneficial degree of physical well-being permits you to nurture private duty for your very own health.

Learn more about overall goal here:


evaluate the causes and consequences of religious and intellectual movements on american reform during the mid-nineteenth century


Factors such as growth of nationalist sentiments, emergence of new economic forces, spread of education, impact of modern Western ideas and culture and increased awareness of the world strengthened the resolve to reform.

What gave rise to the American Reform movement?

The Second Great Awakening, a revival of religious faith in the early 1800s, contributed to these movements. The abolitionist movement and the women's rights movement were the two most significant reform movements in American culture.

Roman Catholic Church practises that generate revenue, such as the sale of indulgences. Reform requests made by academics in Europe, such as Martin Luther, John Calvin, Huldrych Zwingli. the development of the mechanical printing press, which facilitated the widespread dissemination of religious concepts and Bible translations.

To know more about American Reform, refer:



The theory of rational behavior
a. implies that people will always take the time to make perfectly informed decisions.
b. is an assumption that economists make to have a useful model for how decisions are made.
c. assumes that people will behave in the best interest of society as a whole.
d. none of the answers is correct


Option B is correct, The theory of rational behavior is an assumption that economists make to have a useful model for how decisions are made.

It is the cornerstone of rational choice theory, an economics theory that holds that people always choose actions that maximize their own personal value. Given the options available, these choices offer consumers the greatest benefit or enjoyment. If a person decides to retire early rather than continue working for the company and receiving a paycheck because she believes the benefits of doing so outweigh the costs, for instance, she may be acting rationally. The foundation of the rational choice theory is the presumption that rational actors are involved. The people in an economy who make logical decisions based on calculations and the information at their disposal are known as rational actors.

To learn more about rational behavior, click at:



this dominican monk published many writings exposing the cruelty of the encomienda system, and his advocacy guided the colonial government to abolish the system.


The colonial government abolished the encomienda system as a result of Bartolome de las Casas' campaigning. He was a Dominican monk who wrote extensively on the cruelties of the system.

What arguments did Bartolome de las Casas use to support his opposition to the encomienda system?

Bartolome was granted an encomienda by the Spanish king in 1513, but as soon as he realized the abuses and atrocities the Spanish were committing against the native population by means of the encomienda system, he renounced his encomienda and devoted the rest of his life to fighting for the rights of the Native Americans.

Who was Bartolome de Las Casas? He provided a response to the encomienda structure.

The encomienda would be dissolved, and Indians would be grouped into independent townships to serve as the king's vassals and pay tribute, according to a plan put forth by Las Casas. He persisted in asserting that the colonists' loss of Indian labor could be made up for by allowing the introduction of African slaves.

Learn more about encomienda system: https://brainly.com/question/20257814


study teams may use incentives for study participation; however, careful consideration should be given to avoid .


Offering incentives in a way that avoids coercion and undue influence is essential if we want to attract and keep individuals in high-quality research.

What do we mean by Coercion?

Threats are used to force a party to act against their will, particularly the threat of utilizing force against that party.

It involves a sequence of coercive actions that violate a person's right to free choice in an effort to elicit the desired reaction.

Examples of these behaviors include extortion, blackmail, or even torture and sexual assault.

By utilizing coercion as leverage, the victim can be persuaded to behave against their own best interests.

Coercion can involve not only physical but also psychological torture.

If we want to get people into high-quality research and keep them there, we must provide incentives in a way that minimizes coercion and undue influence.

Therefore, offering incentives in a way that avoids coercion and undue influence is essential if we want to attract and keep individuals in high-quality research.

Know more about Coercion here:



A. Even though he won the blackjack game, the proprietor felt bad that he could not give Eduardo the payout he was due.
B. Even though he won the blackjack game, the proprietor felt badly that he could not give Eduardo the payout he was due.
C. Even though he won the blackjack game, Eduardo did not receive the payout he was due, for which the proprietor said he felt bad.
D. Even though he won the blackjack game, Eduardo did not receive the payout he was due, for which the proprietor said he felt badly.


Option C is correct, Even though he won the blackjack game, Eduardo did not receive the payout he was due, for which the proprietor said he felt bad.

A casino banking game is blackjack. The world's most popular casino banking game is this one. It derives from the Twenty-One family of casino banking games, which includes 52-card decks of cards. The European card games Vingt-et-Un and Pontoon as well as the Russian card game Ochko are also members of this family. The game is first mentioned in France in 1888 and in Britain in the 1770s and 1780s; however, the earliest set of rules, known as Vingt-Un, was only published in Britain in 1800. The dealer at a blackjack table stands in front of five to nine players at a semicircular table. One to eight ordinary 52-card decks are combined and shuffled. For each round to begin,

To learn more about blackjack game, click at:



i move to divide the motion so that the question of whether we have a float and the theme of the float can be considered separately.


By doing so, the members can consider each part separately and vote on each part independently. Dividing the motion can help ensure that each part receives proper consideration and attention.

The speaker is requesting to divide the motion into two separate parts: the question of whether they have a float and the theme of the float.

This enables more focused conversation and improved decision-making. The speaker may believe that it is important to consider the two parts separately, as the question of whether they have a float may be more straightforward than deciding on a theme.

Thus, by doing so, the members can consider each part separately and vote on each part independently.

learn more about motion here :



Which of the following factors best accounts for the rise of interest groups and the decline of political parties in recent years?

answer choices
National parties have become too closely identified with controversial issues.

Court decisions have restricted the political parties' abilities to recruit new-members.

It is less expensive to join an interest group than to join a political party.

Interest groups have been more successful in avoiding negative press coverage than have political parties.

Interest groups are better able to articulate specific policy positions than are political parties.


The correct option (D) Interest groups are better able to articulate specific policy positions than are political parties.

A political party is an organization that organizes candidates to run in elections in a specific country. It is common for members of a political party to hold similar political beliefs, and parties may promote specific ideological or policy goals.

Political parties have become an important part of almost every country's politics as modern party organizations have developed and spread throughout the world over the last few centuries. A country with no political parties is extremely unusual. In some countries, there is only one political party, whereas in others, there are several.

Parties play an important role in the politics of both autocracies and democracies, though democracies typically have more political parties than autocracies. Autocracies are often governed by a single party, and some.

Learn more about Political parties



a psychologist designs an experiment on the effects of exam preparation strategy on long-term memory. she randomly assigns college students to one of three groups in the experiment. group 1 studies using visual information only. group 2 studies using auditory information only. group 3 does not study at all.


An experiment on the impact of exam study methods on long-term memory is created by a psychologist. Exam preparation study is an independent variable and exam results for the student as the dependent variable.

The dependent variable is the calculated result of the experiment which are the principles that change on account of a change in the situation used in the experiment. The dependent variable is the productivity of the function of the experiment from different inputs to the experiment that is the liberated changeable.

The independent variable is the change captured as the cause of the wanted effect that is noticed and calculated as the weak change. Long-term memory refers to the thought process in the brain that takes facts from the temporary memory store and creates enduring thoughts.

To know more about independent variables refer to: https://brainly.com/question/29392600


The three steps involved in planning are (1) deciding which goals the organization will pursue, (2) deciding what strategies to adopt to attain those goals, and (3) deciding how to allocate organizational resources to pursue the strategies that attain those goals.


An organization's leaders develop their future vision and decide on their goals and objectives through the process of strategic planning.

Setting goals and choosing a course of action to achieve them are both part of the management task of planning. Managers must foresee future situations and be aware of the current environmental factors affecting their firm. Thinking about the steps necessary to accomplish a goal is the planning process. Foresight, the fundamental ability for mental time travel, is the foundation of planning. The ability to plan ahead and exhibit foresight is assumed to have evolved early in the course of human evolution. An essential characteristic of intelligent conduct is planning. It entails applying logic and creativity to visualize both the desired outcome and the processes required to get there. Planning's relationship to forecasting is a crucial factor. Planning envisions what the future may look like while forecasting attempts to anticipate what it will look like.

Learn more about planning here



we will start by choosing the best research design. of the following options, which would be best for finding out if there is a hot hand in basketball?


The Correct option :B. Naturalistic Observation

Naturalistic observation is a qualitative research method in which you record your research subjects' behaviors in real-world settings. In a naturalistic observation, you avoid interfering with or influencing any variables. Naturalistic observation can be thought of as "people watching" with a purpose.

Naturalistic observation, also known as fieldwork, is a research methodology used in many fields of science, including ethology, anthropology, linguistics, the social sciences, and psychology, in which data is collected as it occurs in nature, with no manipulation by the observer.

Observing an animal's eating patterns in the forest is one example, as is observing student behavior in a school setting. Researchers use unobtrusive methods during naturalistic observation to avoid interfering with the behavior they are observing.

Learn more about Naturalistic Observation




Full Question: Of the following options, which would be best for finding out if there is a hot hand in basketball?

A. Case Study design

B. Naturalistic Observation

C. Experimental design

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1) The Estate with the greatest Land, Money, and Power in society is known as "The Nobility." It is important to note that the above is referred to as a Social Pyramid System.

2) Note that the estates with the most people in it were those categorized as everyone else.

3) The estate with the smallest power was also people (that is everyone else)

4) This social structure may trigger to a revolution if the people or estate decide that they will no longer be ruled by the few who wield the most power.

How does the Pyramid System or Social Class work??

A social class or pyramid is a hierarchical social grouping of humans, the most common of which are the upper, middle, and lower classes. Education, money, occupation, income, and loyalty to a specific subculture or social network can all be used to define social class membership.

Social class members are exposed to a variety of subcultures that prepare them for specific tasks in society. Social class is thought to be an effective method of distributing roles in society. Through role allocation, a society sets people's social responsibilities.

Learn more about The Nobility:



In the world of career training, what are values?



Loyalty. Spirituality. Humility. Compassion. Honesty. Kindness. Integrity. Selflessness.


Your work values are the subset of your fundamental beliefs and ideas—core principles that are an important part of who you are. They include things like honesty, service, self-respect, respect for others, peace, and success.

Why does Enkidu curse the trapper and the harlot?
What curses does Enkidu heap upon the hunter and the harlot?
What was Enkidu's curse?
Why does Enkidu angrily curse Shamhat?


Enkidu curses the harlot and the trapper in the epic of Gilgamesh as they are responsible for civilizing him and taking him away from his wild and carefree life in the wilderness.

Enkidu feels betrayed by them and wishes for retribution. The specific curses that Enkidu heaps upon the hunter and the harlot are not specified in the epic. Enkidu's curse is his anger and disappointment towards the trapper and the harlot for changing his ways and taking him away from his wild life. He curses Shamhat, the harlot, for seducing him and taking away his freedom.

In ancient Mesopotamian mythology, Enkidu was a legendary character who served as Gilgamesh's friend and partner in battle. Gilgamesh was the king of Uruk.

Learn more about Enkidu here: brainly.com/question/2431222


help please

The Highest Court in our government is the ____________________. They do not receive many cases as they choose which cases they take and do not take many.


The Highest Court in our government is the Supreme court. They do not receive many cases as they choose which cases they take and do not take many.

What is the Structure of Supreme Court of the United States?

The Supreme Court of the United States is the highest court in the land and the only part of the federal judiciary that the Constitution requires.

The number of Supreme Court Justices is determined by Congress rather than the Constitution. There have been as few as six, but there have been nine Justices since 1869, including one Chief Justice.

All Justices are nominated by the President, confirmed by the Senate, and serve for life. Because Justices are not required to run or campaign for re-election, they are thought to be immune to political pressure when making decisions.

Read more about Supreme Court



Which of the following approaches see value in multiple treatment approaches and attempts to integrate aspects of various models?


An integrative approach to treatment sees value in multiple treatment approaches and attempts to integrate aspects of various models.

This approach recognizes that different individuals may respond differently to different treatments, and that a combination of different approaches may be more effective than a single approach. Integrative approaches may include combining elements of different therapeutic modalities such as cognitive-behavioral therapy, psychodynamic therapy, and humanistic therapy, or combining traditional and alternative treatments such as medication and mindfulness practices. Integrative approach is a therapeutic approach that seeks to incorporate multiple modalities and perspectives in the treatment of a client. This approach believes that different individuals may respond differently to different treatments and that a combination of different approaches may be more effective than a single approach. This approach can bring together different aspects of various therapeutic methods and use them in a more individualized and holistic way.

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Help me please and thank you !!!! An oligopoly takes into account the decisions made by other companies before lowering its price.. true or false How would prenatal health expectations be different for twins than a baby who is a single birth? 5 complex sentences that contain subordinate clauses (noun, adjective, and/or adverb). Underline the subject and verb in the main part of the sentence with one line for the subject and one line for the verb. For the complex sentence the subordinate clause will be introduced by a relative pronoun or subordinating conjunctions That subordinate clause will have a subject and verb as well. Underline this subject with one line and the verb with two lines. How do you isolate the variable in x + 5 = 12? A small town surveyed 250 adults one Haiti of whom were parents about whether a Park should be expanded the results showed that 150 of adults who were parents and 40 of the adult who were not parents thought the park should be expanded useless information to complete the two way table can chicken broth be substituted for chicken stock? Please help I need the answers ASAP. The equation of the line is ____? technological innovations in agriculture, military technologies and power generation shaped the history of medieval europe. examine one form of technological innovation from this time period and explain how it helped create a society that would give rise to the scientific revolution. what if this technology was never invented what would be different now? why? list references. if she needs to allocate her waking time of 15 hours between these two activities, how much studying is she going to do per day? How does a Temperature & Phase Change relate to a humanHow does a Temperature & Phase Change relate to the environment Lit 4 way to improve the following poorly written email: Dear Buddie, Hey - make it a uper, uper fun day today at work. Hey - we've got ome new compliance rule. You had better follow them or ele omething may happen on your next performance review. LOL Jut Kidding. Read them however -- they are attached and I don't have time to tell you what top 3 thing you need to know about them. But I do know they are uper important. Have fun. Joe Sr. Your Bo Which of the following linesfrom "True Stories of Historyand Biography" uses a tonethat reveals Hawthorne'sattitude toward IsaacNewton?A. When his master was gone, up rose littleDiamond, jumped upon the table, andoverthrew the lightB. The papers immediately caught fire.C. from his conduct towards the little dog,you may judge what was the sweetness ofhis temper Jasmine's average speed was 33 3/4 miles per hour.How far did she travel if it took her 3 1/5 hours?A. 79 1/2 miles B. 89 1/2 miles C. 98 miles D. 108 miles if a country sold more goods and services to the rest of the world than they purchased from the other countries, then the country has a: give three examples of text specific to a particular function in a business environment and then indicates the specific and/or legislative requirements for each text client returns to the clinic two days after receiving treatment for diarrhea caused by a campylobacter jejuni infection. the client reports a tingling sensation that began in the toes yesterday and has spread to the feet and legs today. the nurse notes muscle weakness in the legs and that the client is having difficulty walking steadily. based on this data, what does the nurse suspect is wrong with the client? How did the United States raise most of the funds needed to pay for the war? (5 points) Group of answer choices through mass production in industries through the sale of war bonds through loans from Allied powers through taxes on income and certain goods Henry VIII blamed several of his wives for failing to give him a son. Anne Boleyn and Catherine Howard (his second and fifth wives) were beheaded. He divorced two more of his six wives. Do you think he was correct in blaming his wives?