A student observes that a mountain has a layer of coal at the top of it.
How did the coal come to be at the top of the mountain?*


Answer 1



Related Questions

Which one can be broken down further and element or a compound?



Elements are the simplest form of matter; cannot be broken down further by either physical or chemical means. Compounds are made up of two or more elements combined in definite quantities and in definite proportions by chemical bonds.


what is one common example of a double replacement reaction??????


The reaction:

AgNO3 + NaCl → AgCl + NaNO3

is a double replacement reaction. The silver traded its nitrite ion for the sodium's chloride ion.

Another example is the reaction between sodium sulfide and hydrochloric acid to form sodium chloride and hydrogen sulfide:

Na2S + HCl → NaCl + H2S

What evidence does not support the evolution of chloroplasts and mitochondria from prokaryotic cells?

A. O Fossilized remains of archaebacteria
B. O Double membranes of the organelles
c. Similar methods of reproduction
D. O Presence of circular DNA




“I have been trying to get the population of a fish pond to 80 for 3 hours”

This is a question my friend is asking, if someone could quickly answer by today that would be greatly appreciated :]



[tex]well, \: i \: think \: your \: friends \: get \: rate \\ \: is \: \frac{80 \: p}{3 \: hrs} = 26.67 {p(hrs)}^{ - 1} [/tex]

1. What is the density of an object that has a mass of 1,470 g and volume of 42 mL?




ρ =  m/V=  

1470 gram/42 milliliter

=  35 gram/milliliter

=  35000 kilogram/cubic meter

Which two of the following correctly describe what a gene is?

A packet of genetic information that can be passed down from one generation to the next
A DNA molecule
The entire collection of genetic information in a given species
A section of DNA that provides instructions for building a specific protein
I'm not sure



A section of DNA that provides instructions for building a specific protein and A packet of genetic information that can be passed down from one generation to the next


A DNA molecule is not a gene, it is a nucleotide. The entire collection of genetic information in a given species results isn't a gene although many genes comprise what is the genome.  Given that those two answers are not what genes are, the other two options are correct.

If a cell's organelle worked in an actual human factory and had the role of the electric generator, which organelle would it be?


Answer: mitochondria


An electric generator produces energy to do work. A mitochondria produces ATP to power the cell.

If star A is red and star B is blue which star is brighter



Star A


Although blue stars are hotter, red stars go through nuclear fusion faster than blue stars, which makes them give off more light :)

Which of the following is the most obvious type of problem that could be caused by inadequate sewage treatment?

1.Acid Rain
2.Noise pollution
4.Water pollution


Answer:water pollution


Your model should clearly illustrate cellular division (mitosis) as well as differentiation into specialized cells
can someone tell me what to draw i really dont kno?


It's this one here, just copy it. The Mitosis is the evolution of one cell which splits up into two new ones

Cellular division (Mitosis) is the biological process whereby a parent cell breaks itself into different parts called daughter cells.

This process is important because it helps to divide cells so that they can:

Experience growthRepair broken cellsReproduce, etc

Cellular differentiation is the process of a cell going from one form to a more specialized cell.

A good example of this is the process of a fetus being formed from a single celled zygote.

Attached below is an image of cell differentiation and cellular division.

Read more here:


Glucose is broken down in the cytoplasm of the cell. What is
this process called?



glycolysis hope this helps <3


In stage one, glucose is broken down in the cytoplasm of the cell in a process called glycolysis. In stage two, the pyruvate molecules are transported into the mitochondria




What would happen if the squirrel population were eliminated


It would disrupt the food chain

what happened as a result of over hunting whales


Everyone died snake kappa mf f d

Which of the following substances increases in amount during the cellular respiration of glucose?

Select one:
a. O2
c. ADP
d. Glucose


The answer is letter C. ATP


A. Is the participant
B. Is what the scientists manipulate in the experiment
C. The component that is measured. D. The results of the experiment​



B. Is what the scientists manipulate in the experiment.


The Independent variable is not dependent, or doesn't rely, on another variable in the experiment. So, it would make the most sense that they would manipulate the Independent so that they can watch and see how the dependent variable reacts to the manipulation, or the change, in the independent variable.

Some astronomers work for consulting firms that provide expertise to government agencies. Which of the following explains why an astronomer would work as a consultant?

An astronomer would be able to focus on research alone.

An astronomer would not have to obtain a national security clearance.

An astronomer would apply expertise to improve satellite designs.

An astronomer can make more money working as a consultant.


Answer: An astronomer would apply expertise to improve satellite designs

The one that explains why an astronomer would work as a consultant is an astronomer would apply expertise to improve satellite designs. The correct option is c.

Who is an astronaut?

An astronaut is a person who works in the areas of space. They have knowledge of space equipment, and technologies.

A satellite is an instrument that revolves around the planets. There are natural satellites and artificial satellites. Natural satellites are the moon and artificial satellites are made by space design artists and all the activities are checked by astronauts.

A consultant is an assistant that works with an astronaut. They have expertise in technologies and assistance in the making of space equipment.

Therefore, the correct option is c. An astronomer would apply expertise to improve satellite designs.

To learn more about astronauts, refer to the link:



Scientists have a theory about the relationship between climate and biodiversity. Which best describes this theory?

Warmer climates promote higher biodiversity, allowing plants to grow year-round. This supports more organisms that rely on plants.
Colder climates promote higher biodiversity, reducing the competition among organisms for food. This supports stronger organisms that live longer.
Warmer climates promote higher biodiversity because they tend to receive more rainfall. This provides a source of water for more organisms.
Colder climates promote higher biodiversity because they are usually larger in size. This provides space for more organisms.





"warmer climates promote higher biodiversity because they tend to receive more rainfall. This provides a source of water for more organisms."


The correct answer is A




Position 4

have a good day

PLEASE ANSWER ASAP. Thank you. QUESTION: Explain the evidence that suggests that the universe is expanding.


One piece of evidence that proves that the universe is expanding is that there is a direct relationship between the speeds of distant galaxies and their distances from Earth. In fact, Hubble discovered that the farther away a galaxy is, the faster it is moving away from us. Although scientists today still don’t know the nature of this mysterious energy causing this acceleration, Hubble’s evidence has strengthened many theories about the large-scale structure of the universe.

How does the analogy contrast to the cell wall ?



An analogy for the cell wall is that thecell wall is like an outer wall along a castle (enclosed compound). The cell wall is a rigid outer barrier.


please mark as brainlist answers

Place a checkmark next to each cellular component necessary to build a bacterial cell:
plasma membrane
cell wall
Golgi apparatus
rouch endoplasmic reticulum
smooth endoplasmic reticulum


Answer: Cell wall, DNA,  plasma membrane


Please mark as brainliest if your want!

The cellular component necessary to build a bacterial cell include:

Cell membraneDNACell wallRibosomesCytoplasmFlagella

What is Bacteria?

These are micro-organisms which can't be seen with the eyes but with the use of instruments such as microscope.

They lack a nucleus and their DNA is usually found in the nucleoid region of the cell.

Read more about Bacteria here https://brainly.com/question/8695285


Which human activity has the most negative effect on the stability of an ocean environment



putting motor oil or leakage of oil in oil carrying ships

What challenges do Arctic areas face as a result of global warming? 2) What measures could help deal with the problem? 3) What do you predict will happen to Arctic ecosystems if no measures are taken to reverse the problem of global warming? Explain your reasoning. 4) Which measures do you think are most important to pursue?



Global warming is defined as the environmental issue that leads to long term heating of the earth due to human activities such as burning of fossil fuels.

1. Arctic areas are facing huge challenges due to global warming that includes rising sea levels, rapid melting of ice,  loss of fish stocks, birds and marine mammals, and changes in climate patterns.

2. Measures that help to deal with the problem are reduction in the use of hydrofluorocarbons, cutting emissions of black carbon, methane, reduce overfishing, and reduction of industrial waste.

3. If there will be no measure taken to reverse the problem of global warming in the Arctic ecosystem, it will cause flood and tsunami in the nearby continents due to the rapid melting of ice, changes in climate patterns, and lead to the extinction of many marine animals.

4.  Reduction of industrial waste is the most important measure to pursue because industrial waste contributes most of the greenhouse gases and causes air pollution, land pollution, water pollution, and nuclear pollution. So reduction is industrial waste will reduce the emission of harmful gases in the environment that can reduce the impact of global warming.

Where does a carnivore directly get its energy from?



From their food, for example when a human eats ... let’s say a burger. It has meat, vegetables and other good things for your body to get it’s vitamin and energy


_______ species are the first species to colonies disturbed or newly created environment


Native species should be the correct answer

Which term can be described as "many different species living together, interacting with each
other and with their physical environment?
A. a food chain
B. a food web
С. a nutrient cycle
D. an ecosystem


Answer: D

Explanation: community forms an ecosystem by its interaction with the abiotic environment. Species: A group of organisms that can potentially interbreed to produce fertile, viable offspring.

This food web represents a community in a rain forest.

If the beetles disappeared from this community, which changes would be
likely to occur? Select the three correct answers.

A. An increase in the number of strangler figs

B. A decrease in the population of sloths

C. A decrease in the number of boa constrictors

D. An increase in the population of fruit bats

E. A decrease in the population of poison dart frogs



A, C, E


If the beetles disappeared from this community, changes likely to occur include

an increase in the number of strangler figs, an increase in the population of fruit bats and decrease in the population of poison dart frogs

The beetles are insects which eat up strangler figs and a decrease mean an increase in its number.

The population of fruit bats will increase as they will have more strangler figs available for food.

Poison dart frogs will decrease because they feed primarily on beetles in the ecosystem.

Read more on https://brainly.com/question/18437306

Which of the following scenarios is representative of parasitism? A.Tapeworms living in mammal's intestinal tract B.Remora fish attaching themselves to sharks C.Birds feeding on insects stirred up by grazing animals D.Birds eating scraps of food from crocodile's teeth



A- Tapeworms living in a mammal's intestinal tract.


Parasitism is a symbiotic relationship between species, where one organism, the parasite, lives on or in another organism, the host, causing it some harm, and is adapted structurally to this way of life.

Hope this helps!

When stomata are closed during hot weather, Oxygen combines with RuBP and a wasteful process occurs, known as:

a. photo phosphorylation
b. photo transpiration
c. photochemical
d. photorespiration





What r the 4 seasonal stages of the year ?



Spring, Summer, Winter, and Fall


Please mark me brainliest]


Spring, Summer, Autumn (Fall) and Winter.


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