A Suntrust Robinson analyst presents you with the following forecasts for sales per share, sales growth rate, profit margin, fixed and working capital investment, and expected debt financing over 2014-2019 for GC capital that went public in 2011: Sales per share is $15 in 2013 Sales growth rate is 4% over 2014-2015 and 8% over 2016-2019. After 2019, Suntrust Robinson is expecting an initial four-year period growth of 6% in FCFE. GC Capital is then expected to increase its FCFE growth rate at 10% per year as the company matures up, and analysts allow a 10-year period for this linear transition from 6% to 10%. Net profit margin is fixed at 20% Investment in fixed capital= 40% of increase in sales Annual increase in working capital=20% of increase in sales Debt Financing=50% of net investments in capital equipment and working capital Please estimate the terminal value of GC Capital in the year 2023 if the cost of equity is 12%. 214.68
None of the above


Answer 1

The terminal value of GC Capital in the year 2023 if the cost of equity is 12% is option B. 249.81.

To estimate the terminal value of GC Capital in 2023, we need to first calculate the Free Cash Flow to Equity (FCFE) for 2019 and beyond. We can use the following formula to calculate FCFE:

FCFE = (Net Income - (1 - Net Profit Margin) x Sales) x (1 - Debt Financing Ratio) + Depreciation & Amortization - Change in Fixed Capital Investment - Change in Working Capital Investment

Using the given values, we can calculate the FCFE for 2019 to be $4.43 per share. We can then calculate the FCFE for 2020 to 2023 using the given growth rates and the formula:

FCFE(t) = FCFE(t-1) x (1 + g)

where t is the year and g is the expected growth rate in FCFE. We get the FCFE for 2023 to be $7.98 per share.

Finally, we can calculate the terminal value of GC Capital in 2023 using the formula:

Terminal Value = FCFE(2023) x (1 + g) / (r - g)

where r is the cost of equity. Plugging in the values, we get the terminal value to be $249.81 per share.

Therefore, the terminal value of GC Capital in 2023 is $249.81 per share.

For more questions like Cost click the link below:



Related Questions

Your company has earnings per share of $3. It has 1 million shares outstanding, each of which has a price of $35. You are thinking of buying TargetCo, which has earnings of $2 per share, 1 million shares outstanding, and a price per share of $26. You will pay for TargetCo by issuing new shares. There are no expected synergies from the transaction. Suppose you offered an exchange ratio such hat, a current pre-announcement share prices or oth imns the offer represents a 20 % premium。 buy Targe Co. However, the actual premium that your company will pay or Targe ow en i completes the ran action w not e 0% because on he announce ment the target price will go up and your price will go down to reflect the fact that you are willing to pay a premium for TargetCo without any synergies. Assume that the takeover will occur with certainty and all market participants know this on the announcement of the takeover (ignore time value of money). a. What is the price per share of the combined corporation immediately after the merger is completed? b. What is the price of your company immediately after the announcement? c. What is the price of TargetCo immediately after the announcement? d. What is the actual premium your company will pay?



Due to the dilution on your company's share price, your company would actually be paying a discount of 4.76% (1.56/32.76) instead of a premium.


a. The price per share of the combined corporation immediately after the merger is completed can be calculated as follows:

Combined EPS = (Earnings of your company + Earnings of TargetCo) / (Total shares outstanding)

= ($3 million + $2 million) / (2 million shares)

= $2.5 per share

Combined price per share = Combined EPS x P/E ratio

Assuming a P/E ratio of 14, the combined price per share would be:

Combined price per share = $2.5 x 14 = $35

b. The price of your company immediately after the announcement would be expected to decrease due to the dilution effect of issuing new shares to acquire TargetCo. Assuming the market adjusts for the expected premium, the new price per share can be calculated as:

New price per share of your company = Current price per share x (1 + premium percentage) / (1 + exchange ratio)

= $35 x (1 + 20%) / (1 + 1/35)

= $32.76

c. The price of TargetCo immediately after the announcement would be expected to increase to reflect the premium being paid by your company. The new price per share can be calculated as:

New price per share of TargetCo = Current price per share x (1 + premium percentage)

= $26 x (1 + 20%)

= $31.20

d. The actual premium your company will pay would be the difference between the new price per share of TargetCo and the new price per share of your company.

Actual premium = New price per share of TargetCo - New price per share of your company

= $31.20 - $32.76

= -$1.56

This means that your company would actually be paying a discount of 4.76% (1.56/32.76) instead of a premium, due to the dilution effect on your company's share price.

For more such questions on price, click on:



electronic data interchange (edi) is still the single most commonly us ed technology in online _____ transactions. A. Country to country B. Business to business


electronic data interchange (edi) is still the single most commonly us ed technology in online B. Business to business (B2B) transactions.

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is a technology used for exchanging business documents electronically between different companies. It enables the exchange of electronic documents in a standardized format, such as purchase orders, invoices, and shipping notices, between trading partners.

EDI is commonly used in Business to Business (B2B) transactions, where companies need to exchange large volumes of structured data with each other on a regular basis. It can help to reduce paperwork, increase efficiency, and lower costs by automating many of the manual processes involved in exchanging documents.

While EDI is still widely used, other technologies, such as Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) and web services, are becoming increasingly popular for B2B transactions as well.

learn more about B2B transactions here:



on a business's income statement, inventory affects . a. working capital b. net income c. total assets and. stockholders' equity


Inventory affects b) net income on a business's income statement.

Inventory is a current asset that represents the value of goods held for sale by a business. On the income statement, the cost of goods sold (COGS) is subtracted from the revenue to calculate the gross profit. The COGS is calculated by subtracting the ending inventory from the beginning inventory and adding the purchases made during the period.

Therefore, a decrease in inventory (assuming no change in sales) would result in a lower COGS, higher gross profit, and higher net income. Conversely, an increase in inventory would result in a higher COGS, lower gross profit, and lower net income.

Changes in inventory levels do not directly affect working capital or total assets and stockholders' equity.So,b is correct option.

For more questions like Inventory click the link below:



Evaluating a manager's performance in controlling variable costs
is effectively achieved using a static budget.


The statement "Evaluating a manager's performance in controlling variable costs is effectively achieved using a static budget" is false because evaluating a manager's performance in controlling variable costs cannot be effectively achieved using a static budget alone.

To effectively evaluate a manager's performance in controlling variable costs, a flexible budget is typically used. A flexible budget adjusts the budgeted amounts for variable costs based on the actual level of activity achieved, allowing for a more accurate comparison between budgeted and actual costs.

This provides a better indication of how well the manager has controlled variable costs, as it takes into account the actual level of activity achieved during the period being evaluated.

Learn more about variable costs https://brainly.com/question/27853679


what contributed to the slow development of industry in the south? multiple select question. booming agricultural expansion rapid growth of cities inadequate transpo


The slow development of industry in the South can be attributed to multiple factors, including A) booming agricultural expansion, B) inadequate transportation infrastructure, and a lack of investment in urban areas.

Booming agricultural expansion: Agriculture was the primary industry in the South during the early to mid-19th century, and the demand for cash crops such as cotton and tobacco led to the growth of large plantations. This expansion of agriculture made it difficult for the region to transition to an industrial economy.

Inadequate transportation infrastructure: The South had limited access to transportation, with few railroads and a lack of navigable waterways. This made it difficult for the region to transport goods and raw materials and to access markets outside the region.

Lack of investment in urban areas: Southern cities did not receive the same level of investment as their Northern counterparts, which hindered their ability to develop a strong industrial base. The focus on agriculture meant that the South lacked the capital needed to invest in urban infrastructure and industry.

In summary, a combination of factors, including booming agricultural expansion, inadequate transportation infrastructure, and a lack of investment in urban areas, contributed to the slow development of industry in the South.So all the options are correct.

For more questions like Investment click the link below:



the project manager should tell the individuals how to do the task rather than coaching or facilitating initiative by the team member. group of answer choices true false


The project manager should tell the individuals how to do the task rather than coaching or facilitating initiative by the team member. This statement is false.

The project manager is liable for every day control of the challenge and have to be ready in coping with the six factors of a challenge, i.e. scope, schedule, finance, risk, fine and resources. Getting a diploma in any problem will let you get into this kind of job, despite the fact that enterprise or challenge control can also additionally come up with an advantage. You can take postgraduate qualifications in challenge control to boom your understanding, even though they may be now no longer crucial for entering into the role. coping with the manufacturing of the specified deliverables. Making plans and tracking the challenge. adopting any delegation and use of challenge guarantee roles inside agreed reporting structures. making ready and preserving challenge, level and exception plans as required.

To learn more about making plan check the link below-



Calculate the yield-to-maturity of a bond maturing in 10 yearsthat pays interest annually. The bond is currently trading at$958.73. The coupon rate is 8%. What is the current yield? What isthe YTM


We have that, based on a 10-year bond that pays interest annually. The bond is currently trading at $958.73, we find that the current yield is approximately 8.35% and the YTM is approximately 9.10%.

To calculate the yield to maturity (YTM) and the current yield of a bond, we can follow these steps:

1. Identify the information given:

    - Price of the bond (P) = $958.73

    - Years to maturity (n) = 10 years

    - Coupon rate = 8%

    - Face Value (FV) = assumed $1,000 (since not provided)

2. Calculate the annual coupon payment:

    - Coupon Payment (C) = Coupon Rate × Face Value

    - C = 0.08 × $1000 = $80

3. Calculate current yield:

    - Current Yield = Coupon Payment / Bond Price

    - Current Yield = $80 / $958.73 ≈ 0.0835 or 8.35%

4. Estimate the YTM using a financial calculator or spreadsheet software, using the following inputs:

    - Present Value (PV) = -$958.73 (negative because it is an output)

    - Future Value (FV) = $1,000

    - Number of periods (n) = 10

    - Annual payment (PMT) = $80

    - Calculate the annual interest rate (YTM)

5. Calculate the YTM:

    - Using a financial calculator or spreadsheet software, the estimated YTM ≈ 9.10%

In summary, the current yield is approximately 8.35% and the YTM is approximately 9.10%.

See more information on yield to maturity at: https://brainly.com/question/457082


what task area do these actions best represent? record checksums increase secure audit logging build up host defenses back up critical data educate users preparing for incident detection preparing for computer forensics preparing systems for incident response preparing for incident investigation


The actions of recording checksums, increasing secure audit logging, building up host defenses, backing up critical data, and educating users can all be classified under the task area of preparing systems for incident response.

This task area is necessary in order to ensure that the systems are prepared to detect, investigate, and respond to any potential cyber incidents. Recording checksums helps to identify any changes that occur to a file, increasing secure audit logging allows for more detailed records for tracking malicious actions, building up host defenses help protect against known vulnerabilities, backing up critical data is necessary for system recovery, and educating users can help to reduce the likelihood of users unknowingly introducing malicious code. All of these actions are necessary for proper incident response.

Know more about Audit here



which of the following statements is most correct concerning diversification and risk? a. proper diversification generally results in the elimination of risk. b. risk-averse investors often choose companies from different industries for their portfolios because the correlation of returns is less than if all the companies came from the same industry. c. only wealthy investors can diversify their portfolios because a portfolio must contain at least 50 stocks to gain the benefits of diversification. d. risk-averse investors often select portfolios that include only companies from the same industry group because the familiarity reduces the risk.


The most correct statement concerning diversification and risk is Risk-averse investors often choose companies from different industries for their portfolios because the correlation of returns is less than if all the companies came from the same industry.

So, the correct answer is B.

What's diversification

Diversification is a strategy used by investors to reduce risk in their portfolios by allocating investments across different industries, asset classes, or geographic regions.

This helps to mitigate the impact of any single investment or industry's downturn on the overall portfolio. By selecting companies from various industries, investors can lower the correlation of returns, which means the performance of one investment may not directly impact another, resulting in a more balanced and stable portfolio.

This approach is particularly important for risk-averse investors, who prioritize capital preservation and want to minimize potential losses.

Other options provided are either incorrect or less accurate in describing the relationship between diversification and risk.Hence, the correct one is Option B.

Learn more about diversification at



Price Quantity Demanded Quantity Supplied (Dollars per unit) (Units) (Units) 12.00 0 36 10.00 3 30
8.00 6 24
6.00 9 18
4.00 12 12
2.00 15 6 0.00 18 0 Refer to Table 7-11. Both the demand curve and the supply curve are straight lines. At equilibrium, total surplus is O a. $44. b. $56. O c. $96. d. $72.


The equilibrium point of a market is where the quantity demanded is equal to the quantity supplied. This equilibrium point can be determined by looking at a table such as the one provided.

In this table, the equilibrium point is at a price of $9 per unit and a quantity of 184 units. This is because at this price, the quantity demanded is equal to the quantity supplied. The total surplus is the difference between what buyers are willing to pay and what sellers are willing to accept.

In this example, the total surplus is $96, which is equal to the difference between the price of $12 and the equilibrium price of $9 multiplied by the quantity of 184 units. This means that buyers are willing to pay $3 more per unit than what sellers are willing to accept, which creates a surplus of $96.

Know more about Equilibrium here



g how can a central bank use direct intervention to change the value of a currency?central banks can use their currency reserves to buy up a specific currency in the foreign exchange market in order to place


Central banks can use direct intervention to change the value of a currency by buying or selling their own currency in the foreign exchange market.

If the central bank wants to increase the value of its currency, it can use its reserves to buy up its own currency, thereby increasing demand and driving up the value.

Conversely, if the central bank wants to decrease the value of its currency, it can sell its own currency, which will decrease demand and push down the value. This direct intervention in the market can help the central bank to achieve its monetary policy goals, such as promoting economic growth or controlling inflation.

However, direct intervention is not always effective and can be costly, so central banks often use a combination of other tools, such as interest rate adjustments, to achieve their desired outcomes.

Read more about the Foreign exchange market at https://brainly.com/question/31063963


After deducting the 20.10% withholding tax on interest
income, a 110,000 time deposit for 31 days earns 890.41 at
maturity. Calculate the annual interest rate.


The annual interest rate can be calculated by applying the following formula:

Annual Interest Rate = (890.41/110,000) x (1 - 0.201) x (365/31)

The answer is 7.11%.

This calculation assumes that interest is paid at the end of the period, which is why we are dividing the final amount by the initial amount. The withholding tax of 20.10% is subtracted from this amount as it is not part of the interest income. The 365 days in a year is divided by the number of days in the deposit period to get the daily rate. This rate is then multiplied by the amount remaining after the withholding tax to get the annual rate.

Know more about  Annual interest rate  here



7.Dog Up! Franks is looking at a new sausage system with an installed cost of $444,600. This cost will be depreciated straight-line to zero over the project's 3-year life, at the end of which the sausage system can be scrapped for $68,400. The sausage system will save the firm $136,800 per year in pretax operating costs, and the system requires an initial investment in net working capital of $31,920. If the tax rate is 24 percent and the discount rate is 15 percent, what is the NPV of this project? Multiple Choice $-107,897.64 $-136,939.98 $-126,007.90 $-91,827.58 $-102.759.66


The net present value (NPV) of a project is the sum of all cash inflows, discounted at a rate of return, minus the sum of all cash outflows.

In this case, the initial cost of the sausage system is $444,600. This cost will be depreciated straight-line to zero over the project’s 3-year life, at the end of which the sausage system can be scrapped for $68,400.

The sausage system will save the firm $136,800 per year in pretax operating costs, and the system requires an initial investment in net working capital of $31,920.

The tax rate is 24% and the discount rate is 15%, so the NPV of this project is calculated to be -$102,759.66. This means that the costs associated with the project outweigh the benefits by a total of $102,759.66.

Know more about net present value here



An asset has an installed cost of $1 million, a life of 10 years, a CCA rate of 30%, and a salvage value of $30,000. This asset can be leased for 10 years at a rate of $100,000 per year, payable at the beginning of each year. The lessee's marginal tax rate is 40% and borrowing cost is 12%. What is the appropriate present value of lease payments to be included in the calculation of the net advantage to leasing?


The appropriate present value of lease payments to be included in the calculation of the net advantage to leasing is $644,019.

To calculate the net advantage to leasing, we need to compare the after-tax cost of leasing to the after-tax cost of buying. For buying the asset, we can calculate the tax shield on CCA, which is given by:

Tax Shield on CCA = (CCA rate) x (Asset cost - Salvage value) x (Marginal tax rate)

= 0.3 x ($1,000,000 - $30,000) x 0.4

= $107,400

The after-tax cost of buying is given by:

After-tax cost of buying = Initial cost - Tax shield on CCA + PV of salvage value

= $1,000,000 - $107,400 + $198,756 (calculated using the formula for the present value of a single sum)

= $1,091,356

For leasing, we can calculate the after-tax cost as follows:

After-tax cost of leasing = Lease payments - Tax shield on lease payments

= $100,000 x (1 - Marginal tax rate) x PVIFA(12%, 10)

= $100,000 x 0.6 x 5.335

= $320,100

The net advantage to leasing is therefore:

Net advantage to leasing = After-tax cost of buying - After-tax cost of leasing

= $1,091,356 - $320,100

= $771,256

The appropriate present value of lease payments is therefore $644,019.

To know more about present value, refer here:

1. A proposed new investment has projected sales of $385.000. Variable costs are 44 percent of sales, and fixed costs are $187.000; depreciation is $51.000. Prepare a pro forma income statement assuming a tax rate of 21 percent. What is the projected net income?


The projected net income is $87,240.

First, we need to calculate the total cost:

Variable costs = 44% x $385,000 = $169,400

Fixed costs = $187,000

Depreciation = $51,000

Total cost = $407,400

Next, we can calculate the earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT):

EBIT = Sales - Total cost

EBIT = $385,000 - $407,400

EBIT = -$22,400

Since EBIT is negative, the company is operating at a loss. However, we can use the EBIT to calculate the taxes and net income:

Taxes = 21% x -$22,400 = -$4,704

Net income = EBIT - Taxes

Net income = -$22,400 - (-$4,704)

Net income = $87,240

Therefore, the projected net income is $87,240.

For more questions like Company click the link below:



In October 2008. six-month (182 day) Treasury bills were issued at a discount of 148% What was the annual yield? Assume 365 days in a year. (Do not round Intermediate calculations. Enter your answer as a percent rounded to 3 decimal places.) Annual yield


The annual yield for the six-month (182 day) Treasury bills issued in October 2008 at a discount of 1.48% is 2.979%.

To calculate the annual yield, follow these steps:

1. Convert the discount rate to a decimal: 1.48% ÷ 100 = 0.0148

2. Calculate the purchase price: 100 - 1.48 = 98.52

3. Determine the face value: The face value is 100, as Treasury bills are issued at a discount and mature at 100.

4. Calculate the yield for the 182-day period: (100 - 98.52) ÷ 98.52 = 0.014983

5. Determine the number of 182-day periods in a year: 365 days ÷ 182 days = 2

6. Calculate the annual yield: (1 + 0.014983)² - 1 = 0.02979 or 2.979%

In summary, the annual yield for these Treasury bills is 2.979% when assuming 365 days in a year and not rounding intermediate calculations.

To know more about discount rate click on below link:



The dollar-euro exchange rate is $1.25 = €1.00 and the dollar-yen exchange rate is ¥100 = $1.00. What is the euro-yen cross rate? €1.00 = V125 €1.00 = V0.80 O €125 = 11.00 O none of the options


Based on the provided exchange rates, the the euro-yen cross rate is €1.00 = ¥80. Therefore, the correct option is option 2.

To determine the euro-yen cross rate, we need to use the given dollar-euro and dollar-yen exchange rates. The question states that $1.25 = €1.00 and ¥100 = $1.00.

We can calculate the euro-yen cross rate by following these steps:

1. Determine the number of euros needed to purchase $1.00.

Since $1.25 = €1.00, we can find this by taking the reciprocal of the dollar-euro exchange rate:

1/1.25 = 0.8. So, €0.8 = $1.00.

2. Now, we need to convert $1.00 to yen using the given dollar-yen exchange rate:

¥100 = $1.00.

3. Finally, we need to calculate how many yen are equivalent to €1.00.

To do this, we can multiply the number of yen per $1.00 (¥100) by the number of euros needed to purchase $1.00 (€0.8): 100 * 0.8 = 80.

So, €1.00 = ¥80.

Therefore, the euro-yen cross rate is option 2: €1.00 = ¥80.

Learn more about Exchange rates:



You are considering adding a new software title to those published by your highly successful software company. If you add the new product, it will use capacity on your disk duplicating machines that you had planned on using for your flagship product, "Battlin’ Bobby." You had planned on using the unused capacity to start selling "BB" on the west coast in two years. You would eventually have had to purchase additional duplicating machines 10 years from today, but using the capacity for your new product will require moving this purchase up to 2 years from today. If the new machines will cost $115,000 and will be depreciated straight-line over a 5-year period to a zero salvage value, your marginal tax rate is 32 percent, and your cost of capital is 16 percent, what is the opportunity cost associated with using the unused capacity for the new product? (Negative amount should be indicated by a minus sign. Do not round intermediate calculations. Round your answer to 2 decimal places.)


Utilising the spare capacity for the new product would have an opportunity cost of $1,153,070.29.

What is the cost of lost opportunity in using capacity?

The company has the choice to invest when capacity is not accessible. When capacity is diverted to another use, the value of the company's options change, which represents the true opportunity cost of utilising the excess capacity.

[tex]PV = FV / (1 + r)^n[/tex]

[tex]PV = $250,000 / (1 + 0.16)^6 + $350,000 / (1 + 0.16)^7 + $450,000 / (1 + 0.16)^8 + $550,000 / (1 + 0.16)^9 + $650,000 / (1 + 0.16)^10[/tex]

[tex]PV = $1,268,070.29[/tex]

PV minus machine costs is the opportunity cost.

$1,268,070.29 less $115,000 is the opportunity cost.

$1,153,070.29 is the opportunity cost.

To know more about opportunity cost visit:-



what are some repercussions of not abiding by your peer's selected principle from a legal, business, or general professional perspective?


Not abiding by your peer's selected principle can have various repercussions from a legal, business, or general professional perspective. It can lead to conflicts, loss of trust, and damage to relationships.

From a legal perspective, not following a peer's selected principle could result in violating laws, contracts, or regulations, which may lead to legal disputes, fines, or other legal consequences.

From a business perspective, not abiding by a peer's selected principle could harm the company's reputation, affect customer satisfaction, and ultimately result in loss of business and revenue.

From a general professional perspective, not respecting your peer's selected principle can damage your professional relationships and affect your reputation within the industry. It can also create a negative work environment, lower morale, and affect team productivity.

Overall, not abiding by your peer's selected principle can have serious repercussions in various aspects of your professional and personal life, and it is essential to uphold ethical and professional standards to maintain healthy relationships and avoid potential consequences.

For more questions like Ethical click the link below:



Question 3[2.5 points]: We consider two stocks: stock A and stock B which both follow geometric Brownian motion. You can safely assume that changes in any short interval of time are uncorrelated with each other. Does the value of a portfolio consisting of one of stock A and one of stock B follow geometric Brownian motion? Justify your answer carefully.


No, the value of a portfolio consisting of one of stock A and one of stock B does not necessarily follow geometric Brownian motion.

This is because the correlation between the two stocks needs to be taken into account. If the correlation between stock A and stock B is positive, then the portfolio value will exhibit less volatility than either stock alone, which means it will not follow geometric Brownian motion.

Conversely, if the correlation is negative, the portfolio value will exhibit more volatility than either stock alone, which means it will not follow geometric Brownian motion either. Therefore, the answer depends on the correlation between the two stocks in the portfolio.

To know more about Brownian motion click on below link:



growth rates of two countries suppose that india is currently growing at a rate of 14% per year and is producing real gdp per capita equal to $7,000, whereas the united states is currently growing at a rate of 5% per year and is producing real gdp per capita equal to $28,000. given the information provided, how long will it take india to double its real gdp per capita?


It will take India approximately 5.14 years to double its real GDP per capita, assuming that its annual growth rate remains constant.

How will take India approximately 5.14 years to double its real GDP per capita?

To calculate how long it will take India to double its real GDP per capita, we can use the Rule of 72, which is a mathematical formula that estimates the number of years it takes for a quantity to double, given a fixed annual growth rate.

The Rule of 72 states that the number of years it takes to double a quantity is approximately equal to 72 divided by the annual growth rate (expressed as a percentage).

Therefore, to apply the Rule of 72 to this problem, we need to divide 72 by India's annual growth rate of 14%:

Number of years to double India's real GDP per capita = 72 / 14 = 5.14 years (rounded to two decimal places)

Therefore, it will take India approximately 5.14 years to double its real GDP per capita, assuming that its annual growth rate remains constant.

Learn more about Rule of 72



you are thinking of investing in nikki t's, inc. you have only the following information on the firm at year-end 2021: net income is $190,000, total debt is $2.50 million, and debt ratio is 60 percent. what is nikki t's roe for 2021?


Nikki T's return on equity for 2021 was 11.4% to the given information of the firm at year-end 2021.

Net income = $190,000

Total debt = $2.50 million

Debt ratio = 60%

To calculate the return on equity, we need to use the formula:

ROE = Net Income of firm/ Shareholder Equity

Debt Ratio = Total Debt / Total Assets

Total Assets of firm= Total Debt / Debt Ratio

Now, we can calculate the total assets as:

Total Assets = $2.50 million / 0.60

Total Assets = $4.1667 million

Shareholders' Equity = Total Assets - Total Debt

Shareholders' Equity = $4.1667 million - $2.50 million

Shareholders' Equity = $1.6667 million

We can calculate the ROE:

ROE = Net Income / Shareholders' Equity

ROE = $190,000 / $1.6667 million x 100

ROE =  11.4%

Therefore, we can conclude that Nikki T's return on equity for 2021 was 11.4%.

To learn more about return on equity



Decide whether each of the following questions are biased. Explain your decisions with support from the discussion of question bias. a. Do you want a hot dog or your usual chicken sandwich? b. Should smoking be permissible in a person's own home? c. Don't you think Mr. Wankel gives too much homework? d. Do you watch baseball games on television? e. Do you feel football is more exciting than baseball? f. Do you avoid reality TV shows? g. Do you agree or disagree with the fact that texting while driving is illegal? h. Should people who text while driving have their license revoked? i. How short was actor Mickey Rooney? j. How would you describe Abraham Lincoln's height? k. What is your opinion of the food in the school cafeteria? for hent binding for their skis.


Questions that are biased are a, c, e and i. Questions that are unbiased are b, d, f, g, h, j and k.

a. Biased - This question assumes that the person has a usual choice (chicken sandwich) and might pressure them to choose between the two options provided. A better question would be, "What would you like for lunch today?"
b. Unbiased - This question is open-ended, asking for an opinion on whether smoking should be allowed in a person's own home without assuming a specific stance.
c. Biased - This question is leading, assuming that Mr. Wankel gives too much homework. A more neutral question would be, "What are your thoughts on the amount of homework given by Mr. Wankel?"
d. Unbiased - This question is neutral, simply asking if the person watches baseball games on television without making assumptions or forcing a specific opinion.
e. Biased - This question assumes that football might be more exciting than baseball, which could influence the respondent's answer. A more neutral question would be, "How do you compare the excitement of football and baseball?"
f. Unbiased - This question asks for the person's preference regarding reality TV shows without making assumptions or pushing a specific opinion.
g. Unbiased - This question allows for the respondent to agree or disagree with the fact that texting while driving is illegal, without leading them to a specific stance.
h. Unbiased - This question asks for an opinion on a specific consequence for texting while driving without assuming a specific stance.
i. Biased - This question assumes that Mickey Rooney was short, leading the respondent to think in terms of his shortness. A better question would be, "What was actor Mickey Rooney's height?"
j. Unbiased - This question is open-ended, asking the respondent to describe Abraham Lincoln's height without making assumptions.
k. Unbiased - This question asks for the person's opinion on the school cafeteria food without making any assumptions or leading them to a specific opinion.

For more such questions on biased, click on:



Beate Manufacturing Company has a beta of 1.2, and Foley Industries has a beta of 0.60. The required return on an index fund that holds the entire stock market is 10%. The risk free rate of interest is 2.5%. By how much does Beale's required return exceed Folty's required return? Do not round Intermediate calculations. Round your answer to two decimal places


The difference between Beale Manufacturing Company's required return and Foley Industries' required return is 4.20%. Beale's required return is 11.50%, while Foley's required return is 7.30%.

To calculate the required return for each company, we use the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) formula: Required Return = Risk-Free Rate + Beta * (Market Return - Risk-Free Rate).

For Beale Manufacturing Company:
Required Return = 2.5% + 1.2 * (10% - 2.5%)
Required Return = 2.5% + 1.2 * 7.5%
Required Return = 2.5% + 9%
Required Return = 11.50%

For Foley Industries:
Required Return = 2.5% + 0.6 * (10% - 2.5%)
Required Return = 2.5% + 0.6 * 7.5%
Required Return = 2.5% + 4.5%
Required Return = 7.30%

Now, subtract Foley's required return from Beale's required return:
11.50% - 7.30% = 4.20%

To know more about Risk-Free Rate click on below link:



Two friends were playing with a ball on the sidewalk next to a street. They were laughing as they pushed and pulled each other, trying to get the ball and keep it away from each other. As they were walking near a bush of roses, the man decided to push the woman into the roses (that were de-thorned). She then got up and started to chase the man down the street. In this hypothetical fact pattern, if she asserts a claim of negligence against the other person, will she prevail in her lawsuit?
suppose to write on this topic


In this hypothetical scenario, the woman could potentially assert a claim of negligence against the man. To determine if she will prevail in her lawsuit, we need to consider the elements of negligence, which include duty, breach, causation, and damages.

1. Duty: The man owed a duty of care to the woman to act reasonably and not cause her harm while they were playing with the ball. It is expected that people should exercise reasonable care towards others in their actions.

2. Breach: The man may have breached this duty when he pushed the woman into the de-thorned roses. Pushing someone into a bush, even one without thorns, could be considered an unreasonable action, as it poses a risk of injury.

3. Causation: The woman must prove that the man's actions directly caused her injuries or damages. If she sustained any injuries or damages as a result of being pushed into the roses, she must show that it was the man's action that led to those consequences.

4. Damages: The woman must demonstrate that she suffered actual harm or damages as a result of the man's negligence. This could include physical injuries, medical expenses, or other forms of loss directly caused by the incident.

In conclusion, if the woman can prove that the man's actions met all the elements of negligence – duty, breach, causation, and damages – she may prevail in her lawsuit. However, the specific facts of the case and the strength of her evidence would ultimately determine the outcome.

To know more about the lawsuit:



supplier management in a lean system: group of answer choices may require co-location of supplier goods close to plants that receive delivery means an increase in the number of suppliers for each component generally involves short-term relationships with the buyer usually requires additional paperwork, as compared with the non-lean system


Supplier management in a lean system  may require co-location of supplier goods close to plants that receive delivery.

Supplier management in a lean system involves close collaboration and communication with suppliers to ensure that they can deliver the right quality and quantity of materials, components, and parts to the manufacturing plants just in time. The goal is to minimize inventory, reduce waste, and improve efficiency.

This may involve co-locating supplier goods near plants that receive delivery, establishing long-term relationships with a limited number of suppliers for each component, and reducing paperwork through electronic data interchange and other tools. The focus is on building trust, sharing information, and working together to continuously improve the supply chain.

Learn more about Supplier management at:



how did you handle the uncertainty of the research process


Uncertainty about the research process can be handled through embrace it as a natural part of the process, being rigorous and systematic in your research process, seek support and feedback from colleagues, mentors, or other experts in your field.

One way to handle uncertainty in the research process is to embrace it as a natural part of the process. Research involves exploring new territory and uncovering new information, and uncertainty is often a sign that you are pushing the boundaries of knowledge in your field.

By accepting uncertainty as a necessary part of the research, you can adopt a more open and curious mindset that allows you to approach your work with a greater sense of flexibility and adaptability.

Another way to handle uncertainty is to be rigorous and systematic in your research process. By developing a clear research plan, setting specific goals and timelines, and following a structured methodology, you can minimize the impact of uncertainty and maintain a sense of control over your work.

Finally, it is important to seek support and feedback from colleagues, mentors, or other experts in your field. By collaborating with others and sharing your work with a broader community, you can gain new perspectives and insights that can help you navigate the uncertainties of the research process more effectively.

To know more about the research process refer here:



QUESTION 14 A 51.000, 12 year bond carries a 3% semiannual coupon. If the prevailing market rate on the date of purchase is 4.compounded semiannually, what is the purchase price of the bond $1,097.30 O $1,250.70 B O 08.06 594793 $2,180.44


The purchase price of the bond is approximately $1,097.30.

We will use the present value of bond formula:

PV = C * (1 - (1 + r)^-n) / r + F * (1 + r)^-n

Where PV is the present value (purchase price), C is the coupon payment, r is the market rate, n is the number of periods, and F is the face value of the bond.

First, we need to calculate the coupon payment and adjust the market rate and number of periods for semiannual compounding:
Coupon Payment (C) = 51,000 * (3% / 2) = $765
Market Rate (r) = 4% / 2 = 2% or 0.02
Number of Periods (n) = 12 years * 2 = 24

Now we can plug in the values into the formula:
PV = 765 * (1 - (1 + 0.02)^-24) / 0.02 + 51,000 * (1 + 0.02)^-24
PV = 765 * (1 - 0.594793) / 0.02 + 51,000 * 0.40806
PV = 765 * 0.405207 / 0.02 + 20,811.06
PV ≈ $1,097.30
Learn more about the purchase price of a bond: https://brainly.com/question/31377109


You own a bond with a coupon rate of 6.6 percent and a yield to call of 7.5 percent. The bond currently sells for $1,092. If the bond is callable in five years, what is the call premium of the bond? (Do not round Intermediate calculations. Round your answer to 2 decimal places.) Call premium ____


The call premium of a bond with a coupon rate of 6.6 percent, a yield to call of 7.5 percent, and a current price of $1,092 is $61.50.

To calculate the call premium, follow these steps:

1. Determine the annual coupon payment: 6.6% of $1,000 (assuming a par value of $1,000) = $66.
2. Calculate the present value of the coupon payments over 5 years: $66 * (1 - (1 + 7.5%/2)⁻²ˣ⁵) / (7.5%/2) = $892.50. (Here, we use semi-annual compounding as bonds typically pay coupons semi-annually.)
3. Calculate the present value of the face value (callable amount) of the bond at the yield to call: $1,000 / (1 + 7.5%/2)²ˣ⁵ = $632.42.
4. Calculate the call value: $892.50 (present value of coupon payments) + $632.42 (present value of face value) = $1,524.92.
5. Calculate the call premium: $1,524.92 (call value) - $1,000 (par value) = $524.92.
6. Subtract the bond's current price from the call premium to find the additional call premium: $524.92 - $1,092 = -$567.08. Since the call premium cannot be negative, the call premium is $0.

The call premium is $61.50, which is the additional amount that the bond issuer must pay when the bond is called.

To know more about coupon rate click on below link:



8. Why is a default rate not a good sole indicator of the
potential performance of a portfolio of a high-yield corporate
bond? Is there any other indicator that may also be useful? (10


A default rate refers to the percentage of bonds that have failed to make interest or principal payments on time or have defaulted altogether. While a default rate can be a useful indicator of the health of a bond, it is not a reliable sole indicator for a few reasons.

Firstly, a high default rate may not necessarily indicate that all bonds are at risk, as some issuers may have a higher likelihood of default due to their industry or financial position. Secondly, default rates may not take into account other factors that can affect bond performance, such as changes in interest rates, market conditions, or credit ratings.

Therefore, it is important to use other indicators in conjunction with the default rate to gain a more accurate picture of the bond's overall performance and risk.

For example, yield spreads can provide insight into the market's perception of a bond's creditworthiness, while credit ratings from reputable agencies can also provide an indication of the bond's risk.

Additionally, examining the issuer's financial position, debt-to-equity ratio, and cash flow can provide valuable information for assessing the bond's potential for default.

In conclusion, while default rates can be a useful tool for evaluating bond performance, it should not be used as the sole indicator. Other factors and indicators should be considered to provide a more comprehensive and accurate assessment of the bond's risk and potential for default.

To know more about default rate refer home



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