a triangle has side lengths in the ratio is inscribed in a circle with radius . what is the circumference of the triangle?


Answer 1

Therefore, the circumference of the triangle is 2r, which is equal to the diameter of the circle.

To find the circumference of the triangle, we need to first find the lengths of its sides. Let the three sides be x, y, and z, such that x:y:z is the given ratio. Without loss of generality, we can assume that x is the shortest side.

Let k be a constant such that y = kx and z = lx, where k and l are constants. Then, we have:

x + kx + lx = 2r

Simplifying this equation, we get:

x(1 + k + l) = 2r

So, we have:

x = (2r)/(1 + k + l)

y = kx = k(2r)/(1 + k + l)

z = lx = l(2r)/(1 + k + l)

The circumference of the triangle is the sum of its three sides:

C = x + y + z

Substituting the expressions for x, y, and z, we get:

C = (2r)/(1 + k + l) + k(2r)/(1 + k + l) + l(2r)/(1 + k + l)

Simplifying this expression, we get:

C = (2r(1 + k + l))/(1 + k + l)

C = 2r

Therefore, the circumference of the triangle is 2r, which is equal to the diameter of the circle.

learn more about circumference of the triangle



Answer 2

The area of the triangle is equal to A) 8.64. The Correct option is A) 8.64.

Let the lengths of the triangle be, 3x,4x,5x

Square of largest side = [tex]25x^{2}[/tex]

Sum of square of other sides = [tex]3x^{2} + 4x^{2} = 25x^{2}[/tex]

It is a right-angled triangle because the square of the greatest side equals the sum of the squares of the other sides.

The circumference of a right-angled triangle has a diameter equal to its hypotenuse.

hence, 5x=6 or x= [tex]\frac{6}{5}[/tex]

Now, two perpendicular sides are then,  [tex]\frac{18 }{5} , \frac{24}{5}[/tex]

[tex]Area = \frac{1}{2} \times \frac{18}{5} \times \frac{24}{5} = 8.64[/tex]

for such more question on triangle




A triangle with side lengths in the ratio 3 : 4 : 5 is inscribed in a circle of radius 3. The area of the triangle is equal to

A. 8.64

B. 12

C. 6

D. 10.5

Related Questions

Sky attempted to score a goal five times. For each attempt, she was equally likely to make a goal or miss. What is the probability that Sky scored at least two goals? Express your answer as a common fraction.


To solve this problem, we can use the binomial probability distribution. Let's define a "success" as scoring a goal and a "failure" as missing a goal.

Then, each attempt by Sky can be considered a Bernoulli trial with probability of success p = 1/2.

Let X be the number of goals that Sky scores in five attempts. Then, X follows a binomial distribution with parameters n = 5 and p = 1/2.

To find the probability that Sky scores at least two goals, we need to calculate the probability of the following events:

P(X ≥ 2) = P(X = 2) + P(X = 3) + P(X = 4) + P(X = 5)

We can use the binomial probability formula to calculate these probabilities:

P(X = k) = (n choose k) * [tex]p^k[/tex] *[tex](1-p)^(n-k)[/tex]

where (n choose k) is the binomial coefficient, which represents the number of ways to choose k items from a set of n distinct items.

Using this formula, we get:

P(X = 2) = (5 choose 2) * [tex](1/2)^2[/tex] * [tex](1/2)^3[/tex] = 10/32

P(X = 3) = (5 choose 3) * [tex](1/2)^3[/tex] * [tex](1/2)^2[/tex] = 10/32

P(X = 4) = (5 choose 4) * [tex](1/2)^4[/tex] *[tex](1/2)^1[/tex] = 5/32

P(X = 5) = (5 choose 5) * [tex](1/2)^5[/tex] * [tex](1/2)^0[/tex] = 1/32

Therefore, the probability that Sky scores at least two goals is:

P(X ≥ 2) = P(X = 2) + P(X = 3) + P(X = 4) + P(X = 5) = (10 + 10 + 5 + 1)/32 = 26/32 = 13/16

So the probability that Sky scored at least two goals is 13/16.

Learn more about “  binomial distribution “ visit here;



The total probability of scoring 1 goal is 5 * (1/32) = 5/32.Now we find the complementary probability:1 - (Probability of 0 goals + Probability of 1 goal) = 1 - (1/32 + 5/32) = 1 - 6/32 = 26/32.

Sky attempted to score a goal five times. For each attempt, she was equally likely to make a goal or miss. So the probability that Sky scored at least two goals is 13/16.

To find the probability that Sky scored at least two goals, we can use complementary probability, which means finding the probability that she scored fewer than two goals (either 0 or 1 goal) and subtracting that from 1.1.

Probability of scoring 0 goals: Since there are 5 attempts and she is equally likely to make a goal or miss (1/2 chance for each), the probability of missing all 5 is (1/2)^5 = 1/32.2.

Probability of scoring 1 goal: Sky could score in any of the 5 attempts, so we need to consider all possible ways of scoring one goal.

There are 5 ways (score in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, or 5th attempt). The probability for each of these scenarios is (1/2)^5 = 1/32.

Therefore, the total probability of scoring 1 goal is 5 * (1/32) = 5/32.Now we find the complementary probability:1 - (Probability of 0 goals + Probability of 1 goal) = 1 - (1/32 + 5/32) = 1 - 6/32 = 26/32.

To express this as a common fraction, we can simplify it by dividing both the numerator and the denominator by their greatest common divisor (GCD), which is 2:26/32 = (26/2) / (32/2) = 13/16So the probability that Sky scored at least two goals is 13/16.

to learn more about probability click here:



The average age in a sample of 90 students at City College is 20. As a result of this sample, it can be concluded that the average age of all the students at City College:


If the sample is not truly representative, the conclusion may not accurately reflect the actual average age of all the students at the college.

Based on the given information, it can be concluded that the average age of all the students at City College is likely around 20. However, it's important to note that this conclusion is only valid if the sample of 90 students is representative of the entire student population at City College. If the sample is not truly representative, the conclusion may not accurately reflect the actual average age of all the students at the college.

The average age in a sample of 90 students at City College is 20. However, based on this sample alone, it cannot be conclusively determined that the average age of all the students at City College is also 20. This is because the sample may not be fully representative of the entire student population. More information or a larger sample would be needed to make a more accurate conclusion about the average age of all students at City College.

to learn more about the sample click here:



If the sample of 90 students is representative of the entire student population at City College, then we can conclude that the average age of all students is approximately 20 years old.

Based on the given information, the average age in a sample of 90 students at City College is 20.

To determine if this sample can be used to conclude the average age of all students at City College, we need to consider these terms:

A subset of a population, which in this case is the group of 90 students at City College.

The entire group of students at City College that we want to make a conclusion about.
Average (Mean) Age:

The sum of ages divided by the total number of students, in this case, 20 years.

How well the sample reflects the characteristics of the entire population.
If the sample of 90 students is representative of the entire student population at City College, then we can conclude that the average age of all students is approximately 20 years old.

However, if the sample is not representative, the conclusion may not be accurate.

To make a more accurate conclusion, it is important to ensure that the sample is representative by using a larger sample size or random sampling methods.

For similar question on population.



Determine whether the given set S is a subspace of the vector space V. Note: Pn(R) is the vector space of all real polynomials of degree at most n and Mn(R) is the vector space of all real n x n matrices = OA. V is the vector space of all real-valued functions defined on the interval [a, b], and S is the subset of V consisting of those functions satisfying f(a) = f(b). B. V = P5(R), and S is the subset of V P5(R) consisting of those polynomials satisfying p(1) > p(0). C. V = C3(1), and S is the subset of V consisting of those functions satisfying the differential equation y'" + 2y = x2. D. V = Mn(R), and S is the subset of all skew-symmetric matrices. VE. V = C2(I), and S is the subset of V consisting of those functions satisfying the differential equation y" – 4y' + 3y = 0. F. V = R", and S is the set of solutions to the homogeneous linear system Ax = 0 where A is a fixed m X n matrix. OG. V = R", and S is the set of vectors (x1 , X2, X3 ) in V satisfying x1 – 4x2 + x3 = 3


S is a subspace of the vector space V.

For four conditions are satisfied,

The set S is a subspace of C3(1)

The set S is a subspace of Mn(R)

The set S is a subspace of C2(I)

The set S is a subspace of [tex]R^n[/tex]

The set S is not a subspace of P5(R) because it is not closed under scalar multiplication.

If p(x) is a polynomial in S, then 2p(x) may not satisfy the condition. [tex]p(1) > p(0).[/tex]

The set S is a subspace of C3(1).

The differential equation [tex]y\prime\prime\prime + 2y = x^2[/tex] is linear and homogeneous, so the sum of two solutions is also a solution, and a constant multiple of a solution is also a solution.

S is closed under linear combinations.

The set S is a subspace of Mn(R) because it is closed under addition and scalar multiplication.

If A and B are skew-symmetric matrices, then[tex](A + B)^T = A^T + B^T = -A - B = -(A + B), so A + B[/tex]is skew-symmetric. Similarly, if c is a scalar, then [tex](cA)^T = cA^T = -cA, so c A[/tex] is skew-symmetric.

S is a subspace of C2(I) because it is closed under addition and scalar multiplication.

If y1 and y2 are solutions to[tex]y\prime\prime - 4y\prime+ 3y = 0, then y1\prime\prime - 4y\prime + 3y1 = 0[/tex] and [tex]y2\prime\prime - 4y2\prime + 3y2 = 0[/tex].

Adding these equations gives [tex](y1 + y2)\prime\prime - 4(y1 + y2)\prime + 3(y1 + y2) = 0,[/tex] so [tex]y1 + y2[/tex]is also a solution.

Similarly, if c is a scalar, then [tex](cy)\prime\prime - 4(cy)\prime + 3(cy) = c(y\prime\prime - 4y\prime+ 3y) = 0[/tex], so cy is also a solution.

The set S is a subspace of [tex]R^n[/tex]because it is the null space of a fixed matrix A.

The null space of a matrix is always closed under addition and scalar multiplication.

The set S is not a subspace of [tex]R^n[/tex]because it is not closed under addition. If (1, 1, 0) and (0, 2, 1) are in S, then their sum (1, 3, 1) is not in S because. [tex]1 - 4(3) + 1 \neq 3.[/tex]

For similar questions on Subspace



perform the operation form the sum 3a^2-ab-2b^2 and 2a^2 +5ab "-3b^2." subtract a^2 "-3ab-4b^2" i searched up it wont work but help me please


The result of the operation 3a²-ab-2b² and 2a² +5ab "-3b² is

4a² + 7ab - b².

What is an algebraic expression?

An algebraic expression is a mathematical phrase that contains variables, constants, and mathematical operations. It may also include exponents and/or roots. Algebraic expressions are used to represent quantities and relationships between quantities in mathematical situations, often in the context of problem-solving.

Let's simplify the expressions and then perform the given operation:

3a² - ab - 2b² + 2a² + 5ab - 3b² - (a² - 3ab - 4b²)

Combining like terms within parentheses:

3a² - ab - 2b² + 2a² + 5ab - 3b² - a² + 3ab + 4b²

Combining like terms outside parentheses:

4a² + 7ab - b²

Therefore, the result of the operation is 4a² + 7ab - b².

To learn more about algebraic expression from given link:



Triangle PQR has vertex coordinates at P(4, 0), Q(4, 3), R(5, 1). If the triangle is translated so that Q′(4, −5), determine the translation direction and number of units.

8 units down
8 units up
8 units to the right
8 units to the left


The correct option is (a) i.e. The translation direction is downward, and the number of units is 8.

What is translation?

In mathematics, translation refers to the process of moving a geometric object from one location to another, without changing its size, shape, or orientation.

To determine the translation direction and number of units, we need to find the vector between the original point Q(4,3) and the new point Q'(4,-5).

The vector between two points is found by subtracting the coordinates of the initial point from those of the final point. Therefore, we have:

Q'Q = (4,-5) - (4,3) = (0, -8)

This tells us that the new point Q' is 8 units down (in the negative y-direction) from the original point Q. Therefore, the translation direction is downward, and the number of units is 8.

To learn more about translation visit the link:



Solve for length of segment d.
= 4 cm
b = 12 cm
c = 6 cm
4. ? =
Enter the segment length tha
belongs in the green box.
If two segments intersect inside
or outside a circle: ab = cd


Answer: Using the given information and the formula ab = cd, we can write:

d = (ab) / c

We are given b = 12 cm and c = 6 cm. To find ab, we can use the Pythagorean theorem:

a^2 + b^2 = c^2

where a is the unknown length we want to find. Substituting the given values, we get:

a^2 + 12^2 = 6^2

a^2 + 144 = 36

a^2 = -108 (which is not a possible solution)

This means that the given values do not form a valid triangle. Therefore, we cannot find the length of segment d using the given information.

Step-by-step explanation:

2. The coordinates of Quadrilateral WXYZ are W(-1, 1), X(2, -2), Y(7, 3), and Z(4, 6). Using
coordinate geometry, prove that Quadrilateral WXYZ is a rectangle.


The proof that the Quadrilateral WXYZ is a rectangle is shown below

Proving that Quadrilateral WXYZ is a rectangle.

To prove that Quadrilateral WXYZ is a rectangle, we need to show that it has four right angles.

First, we can find the slopes of each pair of opposite sides to determine if they are perpendicular.

The slope of WX is:

m(WX) = (y2 - y1)/(x2 - x1) = (-2 - 1)/(2 - (-1)) = -1

The slope of YZ is:

m(YZ) = (y2 - y1)/(x2 - x1) = (6 - 3)/(4 - 7) = -1

Since the slopes of WX and YZ are equal , we know that they are opposite sides.

Now we can use the distance formula to check if the sides of the quadrilateral are congruent. The length of WX is:

√((2 - (-1))^2 + (-2 - 1)^2) = √18

The length of YZ is:

√((7 - 4)^2 + (3 - 6)^2) = √18

The length of WY is:

√((7 - (-1))^2 + (3 - 1)^2) = √68

The length of XZ is:

√((4 - 2)^2 + (6 - (-2))^2) = √68

We can see that opposite sides WX and YZ have the same length, as do opposite sides WY and XZ.

So, the quadrilateral is a rectangle

Read more about quadrilateral at



Chipwich Summer Camp surveyed 100 campers to determine which lake activity was their favorite. The results are given in the table.

Lake Activity Number of Campers
Kayaking 15
Wakeboarding 11
Windsurfing 7
Waterskiing 13
Paddleboarding 54

If a circle graph was constructed from the results, which lake activity has a central angle of 54°?


If a circle graph was constructed from the results, the lake activity has a central angle of 54° is Paddleboarding.

How to find lake activity?

To find the lake activity with a central angle of 54° in the circle graph, we need to determine the percentage of campers who chose that activity.

The total number of campers surveyed is 100, and the number of campers who chose paddleboarding is 54. Therefore, the percentage of campers who chose paddleboarding is:

54/100 x 100% = 54%

To convert this percentage to a central angle in degrees, we can use the formula:

Central angle = Percentage * 360°

So, the central angle for paddleboarding is:

54% x 360° = 194.4°

Therefore, the correct option is d. Paddleboarding.

Learn more about circle graphs, here:



in how many ways can you divide 5 people into two groups, where the first group has 2 people and the second has 3?


There are 10 ways to divide 5 people into two groups where the first group has 2 people, and the second group has 3 people.

There are two ways to divide 5 people into two groups where the first group has 2 people and the second has 3. The first way is to choose 2 people out of the 5 for the first group, which can be done in 5C2 ways, and then the remaining 3 people form the second group. The second way is to choose 3 people out of the 5 for the second group, which can be done in 5C3 ways, and then the remaining 2 people form the first group. Therefore, the total number of ways to divide 5 people into two groups with a group of 2 people and a group of 3 people is 5C2 + 5C3, which equals 10 + 10, or 20.
The formula for combinations is:

C(n, r) = n! / (r!(n-r)!)

where C(n, r) is the number of ways to choose r items from a set of n items, n! represents the factorial of n, and r! represents the factorial of r.

In this case, you want to choose 2 people from a set of 5. So, n = 5 and r = 2. Plug the values into the formula:

C(5, 2) = 5! / (2!(5-2)!)
C(5, 2) = 5! / (2!3!)
C(5, 2) = 120 / (2*6)
C(5, 2) = 120 / 12

So, there are 10 ways to divide 5 people into two groups where the first group has 2 people, and the second group has 3 people.

Learn more about factorial here: brainly.com/question/30956823


Complex numbers [tex]z[/tex] and [tex]w[/tex] satisfy [tex]|z|=|w|=1, |z+w|=\sqrt{2}[/tex].
What is the minimum value of [tex]P = |w-\frac{4}{z}+2(1+\frac{w}{z})i|[/tex]?


Okay, here are the steps to find the minimum value of P:

1) Given: |z|=|w|=1 (z and w are complex numbers with unit modulus)


Find z and w such that these conditions are satisfied.

Possible solutions:

z = 1, w = i (or vice versa)

z = i, w = 1 (or vice versa)

2) Substitute into P = |w-\frac{4}{z}+2(1+\frac{w}{z})i|

For the cases:

z = 1, w = i: P = |-1-4+2(1+i)i| = |-5+2i| = sqrt(25+4) = 5

z = i, w = 1: P = |1-\frac{4}{i}+2(1+\frac{1}{i})i| = |-3+2i| = sqrt(9+4) = 5

3) The minimum value of P is 5.

So in summary, the minimum value of

P = |w-\frac{4}{z}+2(1+\frac{w}{z})i|

is 5.

Let me know if you have any other questions!

Find the number of possibilities in each scenario

Find the number of ways 4 members from a family’s of 5 can line up for a photo shoot


There are  [tex]5[/tex] ways to choose 4 members from a family of 5 to line up for a photo shoot.

What is the number of possibilities?

The problem you are describing is a classic example of a combination problem, specifically choosing a certain number of items from a larger set without regard to the order in which they are arranged.

The formula to calculate the number of ways to choose "r" items from a set of "n" items without replacement is given by the combination formula, also known as "n choose r" or denoted as C(n, r). The formula is:

[tex]C(n, r) = n! / (r! \times (n - r)!)[/tex]

where "!" denotes the factorial of a number, which is the product of all positive integers up to that number.

In your case, you are choosing 4 members from a family of 5 for a photo shoot, and the order in which they line up does not matter. So you need to find C(5, 4).

Plugging the values into the formula:

[tex]C(5, 4) = 5! / (4! \times (5 - 4)!) = 5! / (4! \times 1!) = (5 \times 4 \times 3 \times 2 \times 1) / ((4 \times 3 \times 2 \times 1) \times 1) = 5[/tex]

Therefore,  there are  [tex]5[/tex] ways to choose 4 members from a family of 5 to line up for a photo shoot.

Learn more about possibilities here:



Choose the correct statement about best-fit lines. a. A best-fit line is close to most of the data points. b. A best-fit line describes the exact coordinates of each point in the data set. c. A best-fit line always has a positive slope. d. A best-fit line must go through at least two of the data points. Please select the best answer from the choices provided A B C D Mark this and return



a. A best-fit line is close to most of the data points.

Step-by-step explanation:

Best-fit lines help show trends or correlations in data

Best-fit Lines

Best-fit lines attempt to create a line that is close to most data points. This line is a function that can be used to estimate data points that are not a part of the original data set. Additionally, best-fit lines will show the trend of the data. For example, if the slope of the best-fit line is constant, then the data points are directly proportional.

Common Misconceptions

Although best-fit lines can be extremely accurate and helpful, they are not perfect. A best-fit line will attempt to minimize the distance between the line and data points, but it will rarely be perfect. In most cases, there is no way to write a line that will perfectly describe the exact coordinates of each data point.

Additionally, data sets can have any type of correlation. It does not need to be proportional or positive. This means that the slope of a best-fit line can be anything.

Finally, as aforementioned, best-fit lines try to fit the data as much as possible. However, this does not mean that the line has to go through any data points. It is possible for best-fit lines to not go through any data points at all.

Solve x^2 + 6x + 9 = 0 by graphing. Please enter the number part of your answer only.

If your answer has two numbers, enter them like this: x = 6 and -1 should be entered as "6, -1" (no quotes).




Step-by-step explanation:

You want the graphical solution to x² +6x +9 = 0.


The graph of the expression on the left shows it has a value of 0 when x = -3.

The solution is x = -3.


Additional comment

A graphing calculator is very helpful when you want a graphical solution.

If you want to graph this by hand, you can rewrite it as ...

  (x +3)² = 0

The graph of (x +3)² is a graph of the parent function y = x² after it has been shifted left 3 units. The graph will go through points (-5, 4), (-4, 1), (-3, 0), (-2, 1), (-1, 4). Of course the point at (-3, 0) indicates the solution is x=-3.

Can someone help with this? Find the area of the shaded region. Anything helps, thank you


Thus, the Area of shaded region for the given sector of circle is found as:

1.14 sq. cm.

Explain about the sector of circle:

Two radii that meet at the centre to form a sector define a circle. The sector is the portion of the circle created by these two radii. Knowing a circle's central angle measurement and radius measurement are both crucial for solving circle-related difficulties.


radius r = 2 cminternal angle Ф = 90 degrees

Area of shaded region = area of sector - area of triangle

Area of shaded region = Ф/360° * (πr²) - 1/2*base*height

Area of shaded region = 90/360° * (3.14*2²) - 1/2*2*2

Area of shaded region = 1/4*3.14*4 - 2

Area of shaded region = 3.14 - 2

Area of shaded region = 1.14 sq. cm

Thus, the Area of shaded region for the given sector of circle is found as:

1.14 sq. cm.

Know more about the sector of circle:



A triangle has two legs measuring 21 cm and 20 cm. Which of the following leg measurement will make a right triangle?


The leg measurement will make a right triangle is 21 cm.

What is hypotenous?

The longest side of a right-angled triangle, i.e. the side opposite the right angle, is called the hypotenuse in geometry.

Pythagorean theorem :

If p be the length of the hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle, q and r be the lengths of the other two sides, then

p² = q² + r²

The lengths of the other two sides of the given right-angled triangle are 20 cm and 21 cm. Put these values in the above theorem to get the desired result.

Now, p² = (20)² + (21)²

= 400 + 441 = 841

i.e. p = √(841) = 29

Therefore the length of the hypotenuse is 29 cm. The right angle traingle is 21 cm.

Learn more about hypotenuse, here:



Hello solve this, what is 9 x 5/7


Answer: 6 3/7

Step-by-step explanation:

9/1 x 5/7

If we multiply the numerators and denominators, we get 45/7 or 6 3/7 as a mixed number.


[tex]\frac{45}{7}[/tex] or 6.4285

Step-by-step explanation:

First, multiply 9 and 5, which gives you 45.


Then, divide 45 by 7.


That gives  you  [tex]\frac{45}{7}[/tex] or 6.4285

Hope this helps!

Which of the following phrases can be used to represent -11?
the opposite of -11
eleven greater than zero
eleven below zero
positive eleven




Eleven below Zero

Step-by-step explanation:

Every number below zero (less than zero) is a negative number.

This is for the unit 4 lesson 7 Triangles Unit Test please help. Identify the combination of angle measures that could form a triangle


The combination of angle measures that could form a triangle are (a) 22, 140, 18 degrees and (c) 55, 67, 58 degrees.

In a triangle, the sum of the three interior angles is always equal to 180 degrees. Therefore, if the sum of the given angle measures is equal to 180 degrees, they could form a triangle.

For option a) 22 + 140 + 18 = 180, so the given angles could form a triangle.

For option b) 72 + 92 + 46 = 210, which is greater than 180, so the given angles could not form a triangle.

For option c) 55 + 67 + 58 = 180, so the given angles could form a triangle.

Therefore, the correct options are (a) 22,140,18 degrees and (c) 55,67,58 degrees

Learn more about triangle here



The given question is incomplete, the complete question is:

Identify the combination of angle measures that could form a triangle

a) 22,140,18 degrees

b) 72,92,46 degrees

c)  55,67,58 degrees

Louise and girl lol repaired a computer and we're paid 1165.50 if Carla work for 12 hours and Louis work for nine hours how much was their pay per hour?


The amount of their pay per hour is $55.5

How to determine the amount?

The given parameters that will help us to get the amount are.

Louise repaired a computer for each hour she works and we're paid 1165.50

The question reads that if Carla work for 12 hours and Louise work for nine hours

this implies that 12x + 9x = 1165.50

This implies that 21x = 1165.50

Dividing both sides of the equation by 2 to get

21x/21 = 1165.50/21

x = 55.5

So, their  their pay per hour is $55.5

Learn more about hourly payment on https://brainly.com/question/17347088


Identify all of the vertical pairs


The pair of vertical angles are;

<E and <F

<T and < U

What are vertical angles?

Vertical angles are defined as a pair of non-adjacent angles formed when two lines intersect.

When two lines intersect each other, then the opposite angles, formed due to intersection are called vertical angles or vertically opposite angles.

A pair of vertically opposite angles are always equal to each other.

These angles are congruent and of the same measure.

From the diagram shown, we have the angles as;

Vertical pairs as;

<E and <F

<U and < T

Learn about vertical angles at: https://brainly.com/question/1673457


Please help me with this homework


Answer: 144π

Step-by-step explanation:

The equation for the area of a circle is πr², with r being the radius given in the problem. The radius, as a reminder, is the distance between the middle of the circle and any point along its outer curve. Here, we know the radius is 12 because the line to the middle of the circle indicates we are finding the radius since it goes halfway and not all the way to the other side of the circle. We can plug into the equation and solve it.

A = πr²

A = π(12)²

A = 144π

I hope this helps!

hel help me me please ​




1: Add the exponents instead of subtracted.  Correct answer [tex]h^{2}[/tex]

2: 9/3 is 3 not 6.  Correct answer 3[tex]b^{5}[/tex]

3: This answer is correct.  You subtract the exponents when you divide.

[tex]n^{2-6}[/tex] is [tex]n^{-4}[/tex]

4: The 5 should be in the numerator.  Correct answer [tex]\frac{5}{c^{8} }[/tex]

5:  You add the exponents when you are multiplying the bases and subtract the exponents when you are dividing the bases.  Correct answer is  [tex]d^{4}[/tex]

6: [tex]2^{3}[/tex] = 8 Correct answer [tex]\frac{a^{4} }{8b^{24} }[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

Helping in the name of Jesus.

Topic 7: Tangents
For questions 19-20, determine if AB is tangent to circle C.


Based on the definition of the tangent of a circle and the Pythagorean triple of a right triangle, AB is not tangent to circle C in both question 19 and 20.

What is the Tangent of a Circle?

In geometry, the tangent of a circle is a line that intersects the circle at exactly one point, which is called the point of tangency. This line is perpendicular to the radius of the circle at that point. This means that it forms a right angle at that point.

19. If AB is tangent to circle C, the lengths of the triangle ABC will form a Pythagorean triple. Let's check:

4.8² + 7.2² = 12²

74.88 = 144 [not true} Therefore, AB is not tangent to circle C.

20. Also, we will have the following:

15² + 11.2² = 6.8²

350.44 = 46.24 [not true].

AB is not tangent to circle C.

Learn more about the tangent of a circle on:



The conditional statement "P(K) - Plk + 1) is true for all positive integers k"is called the inductive hypothesis. (You must provide an answer before moving to the next part.) True or False True False


True. The Conditional statement is known as the inductive hypothesis.

In mathematical induction, we use this hypothesis to prove that a certain statement or equation is true for all positive integers.

The process involves proving a base case for the smallest possible value of k and then using the inductive hypothesis to prove that the statement is true for the next consecutive value of k.

This process can be repeated infinitely, proving that the statement is true for all positive integers.
Let's say we want to prove that the sum of the first n positive integers is [tex]n(n+1)/2[/tex] for all positive integers n.

We can start by proving the base case for n=1, which states that [tex]1(1+1)/2 = 1.[/tex]

Now, assuming that the statement is true for some positive integer k, we can use the inductive hypothesis to prove that it is also true for k+1.

This involves showing that[tex](k+1)(k+2)/2 = k(k+1)/2 + (k+1)[/tex] which simplifies to the original equation.

By using the inductive hypothesis, we can prove that the statement is true for all positive integers.
Statement "[tex]P(K) - P(k + 1)[/tex] is true for all positive integers k" is indeed the inductive hypothesis. [tex]1(1+1)/2 = 1[/tex]

It is an important concept in mathematical induction, allowing us to prove statements and equations for all positive integers.

For similar questions on Conditional Statement



The arrival times of vehicles at the ticket gate of a sports stadium may be assumed to be poisson with a mean of 25 veh/hr. It takes an average of 1. 5 min for the necessary tickets to be bought for occupants of each car. (a)what is the expected length of queue at the ticket gate, not including the vehicle being served? (b)what is the probability that there are no more than 5 cars at the gate, including the vehicle being served? (c)what will be the average waiting time of a vehicle?


(a) The expected length of the queue, not including the vehicle being served, is 0.625 vehicles.

(b) The probability that there are no more than 5 cars at the gate, including the vehicle being served, is approximately 0.0176.

(c) The average waiting time of a vehicle at the ticket gate is 1.5 minutes or 0.025 hours.

(a) To find the expected length of the queue at the ticket gate, we need to calculate the expected number of vehicles waiting in the queue at any given time. This can be found by using the Little's Law, which states that the expected number of customers in a stable system is equal to the arrival rate multiplied by the average time spent in the system.

In this case, the arrival rate is 25 vehicles per hour, and the average time spent in the system is the time it takes to buy the tickets, which is 1.5 minutes or 0.025 hours. Therefore, the expected number of vehicles waiting in the queue is

E[N] = λW = 25 x 0.025 = 0.625 vehicles

So the expected length of the queue, not including the vehicle being served, is 0.625 vehicles.

(b) To find the probability that there are no more than 5 cars at the gate, including the vehicle being served, we need to use the Poisson distribution with a mean of 25 vehicles per hour. Let X be the number of vehicles arriving in an hour, then X Poisson(25).

P(X ≤ 5) = ∑ P(X = k) for k = 0 to 5

= ∑ (e^(-λ) × λ^k / k!) for k = 0 to 5

= e^(-25) × (25^0 / 0!) + e^(-25) × (25^1 / 1!) + ... + e^(-25) × (25^5 / 5!)

Using a calculator or software, this probability is found to be approximately 0.0176.

(c) The average waiting time of a vehicle can be found by dividing the expected number of vehicles waiting in the queue by the arrival rate. From part (a), we know that the expected number of vehicles waiting in the queue is 0.625 vehicles. The arrival rate is 25 vehicles per hour. Therefore, the average waiting time of a vehicle is

W = E[N] / λ = 0.625 / 25 = 0.025 hours or 1.5 minutes

So the average waiting time for a vehicle at the ticket gate is 1.5 minutes.

Learn more about probability here



Sam is fishing in a new catch and release pond that was just stocked with 3

bluegill, 4 catfish, 7 bass, and 2 carp. He catches a fish, releases it, then

catches another. What is the probability that he caught a bluegill, then a carp?


The probability that Sam catches a bluegill, then a carp is 1/40.

The probability of catching a bluegill on the first try is 3/16, since there are 3 bluegills in the pond out of a total of 16 fish. Once Sam releases the first fish, there are 15 fish left, and 2 of them are carp. Therefore, the probability of catching a carp on the second try is 2/15.

To find the probability of both events occurring together (catching a bluegill and then a carp), we need to multiply the probabilities of each event. So the probability of catching a bluegill, then a carp is

P(bluegill and then carp) = P(bluegill) x P(carp | bluegill not caught)

We use "bluegill not caught" in the second event to indicate that the pond has one less fish after the first event, and we can't assume that the first fish is still in the pond.

P(bluegill and then carp) = (3/16) x (2/15)

P(bluegill and then carp) = 1/40

Learn more about probability here



g fit the logistic regression model to predict diabetic status based on age and glucose levels. what is the odds of ratio of being diabetic for older adults compared to adults while controlling for glucose levels? round your answer to 0.01.


To calculate the odds ratio of being diabetic for older adults compared to adults while controlling for glucose levels in a logistic regression model, we exponentiate the coefficient estimate for Age. For example, if the estimate is 0.05, the odds ratio is 1.65.

To obtain the odds ratio for older adults compared to adults while controlling for glucose levels in a logistic regression model predicting diabetic status based on age and glucose levels, we would need to look at the coefficient estimate for the age variable. Let's say the logistic regression model is

logit(P(Diabetic)) = β_0 + β_1Age + β_2Glucose

where P(Diabetic) is the probability of being diabetic, Age is the age in years, and Glucose is the glucose level in mg/dL. β_1 represents the coefficient estimate for Age.

To calculate the odds ratio for older adults (e.g., those who are 10 years older than the average age in the sample) compared to adults while controlling for glucose levels, we can exponentiate the coefficient estimate for Age and round to 0.01. That is

OR = exp(β_1*10)

For example, if the coefficient estimate for Age is 0.05, then:

OR = exp(0.05*10) = 1.65

This means that for every 10-year increase in age, the odds of being diabetic compared to non-diabetic increase by a factor of 1.65 while holding glucose levels constant.

To know more about logistic regression model:



The Hack family is planning a trip to a theme park next fall for nights. After much research, they have found several deals for lodging at the theme park. They have narrowed it down to three hotels: the Contemporary Resort, the Fun Times Resort, and The Princess Resort. Based on the rates in the table below, which is the best deal?


the Princess Resort is the best deal with a total cost of $657 for a four-night stay.

What is Total fixed cost?

Total fixed cost refers to the cost of all fixed assets which incur a fixed cost irrespective of the level of production in a company.

The Contemporary Resort costs $239 per night, so the total cost for four nights would be:

$239 × 4 = $956.

The Fun Times Resort costs $189 per night, so the total cost for four nights would be:

$189 × 4 = $756.

The regular cost is $219 per night, so the total cost for three nights would be:

$219 × 3 = $657. But since they get the fourth night free, the total cost for four nights would be:

$657 + $0 = $657.

Comparing the three options, the Princess Resort is the best deal with a total cost of $657 for a four-night stay.

To know more about Total fixed cost visit,



Write a quadratic function in intercept (factored) form that passes through (-4,0), (4,0), and (−2,12).​


The equation of the quadratic function is y = -x² + 16 in intercept (factored) form.

How to Write a Quadratic Function in Intercept Form?

To write a quadratic function in intercept (factored) form that passes through (-4,0), (4,0), and (−2,12), we need to use the factored form of the quadratic equation:

y = a(x - r)(x - s)

where a is the leading coefficient, and r and s are the x-intercepts.

From the given points, we can see that the x-intercepts are -4 and 4, so we have:

y = a(x + 4)(x - 4)

To find the value of a, we can use the point (-2, 12) which lies on the curve. Substituting these values, we get:

12 = a(-2 + 4)(-2 - 4)

12 = a(2)(-6)

a = -1

Thus, the quadratic function in intercept (factored) form that passes through (-4,0), (4,0), and (−2,12) is:

y = -1(x + 4)(x - 4)

y = -(x²- 16)

y = -x² + 16

Learn more about quadratic function on:



Lin plans to swim 12 laps in the pool. She has swum 9.75 laps so far.

How many laps does she have left to swim? Use y
for the number of laps that Lin has left to swim.


Lin plans to swim 12 laps and has already swum 9.75 laps, so the number of laps she has left to swim can be found by subtracting 9.75 from 12:

y = 12 - 9.75

Simplifying the right side:

y = 2.25

Therefore, Lin has 2.25 laps left to swim.

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