a wildtype allele and a mutant allele differ by a few nucleotides in the gene sequence for an important protein in neuron metabolism. in an individual who is a heterozygote, both the mutant and the wildtype proteins are synthesized in neurons. at the organismal level, the mutant allele is:


Answer 1

Wild type and mutant are recessive alleles. The allele that is not expressed when there is heterozygosity. untamed type a person with a typical phenotype.

the trait that is typically present in an organism's natural population. mutant a person who deviates from the typical phenotype in some way. The terms "wild type" and "mutant" refer to people with normal phenotypes shared by the bulk of the natural population, while "mutant" refers to those whose phenotypes deviate from those of the normal population. Melanocytes, a kind of cell, are responsible for producing the protein melanin. Melanin has a crucial role in shielding the skin from the sun's UV rays, which may damage DNA and lead to skin cancer. Albinism is brought on by both alleles of the gene being autosomal recessive. Recessive mutant alleles are those that result in proteins with diminished or nonexistent function.

To know more about mutant on



Answer 2

Both mutant and wild-type alleles are recessive. the allele that is silenced in a heterozygote situation. a person with a characteristic phenotype is the untamed type.

A characteristic that is frequently seen in an organism's natural population. a mutant is a person whose phenotype differs in some manner from the norm. "Wild type" and "mutant" refer to individuals whose phenotypes are similar to those of the majority of the natural population.

"Mutant" describes individuals whose phenotypes differ from those of the normal population. The cell type called melanocytes is in charge of making the melanin protein. Melanin is essential for protecting the skin from UV radiation, which can harm DNA and cause skin cancer.

To know more about mutant Visit: brainly.com/question/28332228


Related Questions

The danger posed to fish in an aquarium by an overpopulation of bacteria caused by an algal bloom is most likely a

A. Decrease in water temperature.

B. Reduction in oxygen levels.

C. Decrease in food supply.

D. Removal of minerals



B. Reduction in oxygen levels. An algal bloom can cause an overpopulation of bacteria, which in turn can consume a lot of oxygen in the water. This can lead to low oxygen levels, which can be dangerous for fish and other aquatic life. Algal blooms can also lead to the production of toxins that can harm the fish and other inhabitants of the aquarium.

ultraviolet (uv) light can penetrate the skin and damage dna, and it can also destroy the b vitamin folate needed for bone-marrow maturation and the development of red blood cells. on the other hand, exposure to ultraviolet light is beneficial in the synthesis of vitamin d3, which is important for growth, calcium absorption, and bone development. the amount of ultraviolet light that penetrates the skin depends on the skin's pigmentation: more melanin (skin pigment) means less penetration. which of the statements do you think best describes natural selection as it applies to human skin pigmentation?


a trend toward darker or lighter skin, depending on the amount of UV exposure in a certain area.

The selection of dark skin in equatorial regions of the earth and light skin at the poles is made possible by the discovery that variances in skin color are most strongly connected to geographic latitude and average dose of UV radiation (UV-R). By shielding the body's folate stores from UV light and reducing neural tube abnormalities, darker, eumelanin-rich skin endowed a critical reproductive success. Contrary hypotheses that blamed dark complexion on things like protection from skin cancer or avoiding predators in low light were largely ignored in favor of the role that folate plays during pregnancy. According to research, modern Africans have almost no genetic variation in the melanocortin receptor (MC1R) gene, allowing melanocytes to produce a lot of eumelanin.  Outside of Africa, the MC1R gene differs significantly, allowing for lighter skin.  People with lighter skin were chosen for higher latitudes, primarily to increase the summertime conversion of 7-dehydrocholesterol to cholecalciferol, or vitamin D3.  Having enough vitamin D led to healthier immune systems, defense against some malignancies, and a decline in female pelvic abnormalities, which hindered childbirth. In theory, nature shaped us into the fittest versions of ourselves.

To know more about UV:



A forest ecosystem has different levels of organization. Arrange the levels of organization of the ecosystem in order so the smallest level with the fewest living things is on the top.


1.) organism (one living thing)

2.) population (a group of species)

3.) community (a group of a population that consists of two or more different species in a single place)

4.) ecosystem (all organisms in an environment that interact with each other, as well as its own populations)

An error in DNA where one base is replaced with another.


Single base substitutions are called point mutations

Will give brainliest!

5. A new element has been added to the periodic table. It is most comparable to the alkaline earth metals (like calcium and magnesium). How many electrons does it likely have in its outer shell? How can you tell?



A new element that is most comparable to the alkaline earth metals would likely have similar electron configurations as those elements. The alkaline earth metals are in group 2 of the periodic table, which means they have two electrons in their outermost shell (or valence shell). Therefore, it is likely that the new element would also have two electrons in its outermost shell.

It can be determined by the fact that the alkali and alkaline earth metals have similar properties, including similar electron configurations. Group 2 elements, which include the alkaline earth metals, have two electrons in their outermost shell, and so it is likely that the new element would also have two electrons in its outermost shell.

It's also worth mentioning that the new element is likely to have the same electron configuration as the closest alkaline earth element in the periodic table, and therefore would have two electrons in its outermost shell.

in mice, black fur (b) is dominant to brown fur (b). short tails (t) are dominant to long tails (t). what proportion of offspring will have black fur and long tails if the parents are both heterozygous for both traits?


The proportion of offspring that will have black fur and long tails if the parents are both heterozygous for both traits is 1/2.

Here it is given thаt both the pаrents аre heterozygous for the given chаrаcter. This meаns Bt genotype is present in both pаrents. Bаsed on the pаrents, the gаmetes аnd the possible offspring cаn be determined using а Punnett squаre.

Аt the end of the process the genotypic rаtio for black fur and long tails is 4 (BBTt) : 4 (Bbtt) : 4 (BbTt) : 4 (Bbtt)

The phenotypic rаtio will be 16 (Blаck fur and long tails) : 8 (black fur and short tails).

For more information about proportion of offspring refers to the link:



Therese is a 45-year-old lawyer and master’s swimmer. Swim practices are held at 11:30 AM or 6:00 PM at a pool near her office. Therese is frustrated because she gets very hungry during the day, and therefore, has a difficult time swimming strongly throughout either a noon or evening practice. She often leaves practice early because she becomes extremely hungry and sometimes lightheaded. She eats a bagel with fat-free cream cheese and a banana for breakfast, and a turkey sandwich with fat-free yogurt and baby carrots for lunch, every day.

Why is Therese so hungry throughout the day?

What dietary changes would you recommend to Therese, based on the brief food re- call provided? Please include specific meal planning ideas in your answer


There are several reasons why Therese may be experiencing hunger throughout the day despite her current diet.

First, her breakfast and lunch meals lack sufficient protein and healthy fats to keep her feeling full for long periods of time. Protein and fats are more satiating than carbohydrates, so by consuming more of these macronutrients, Therese will be less likely to experience hunger pangs.

Second, her lunch sandwich and breakfast bagel are high in refined carbohydrates which can cause a spike in blood sugar followed by a rapid drop, leading to feelings of hunger.

Finally, Therese may not be consuming enough calories overall to sustain her energy levels throughout the day. As a master swimmer, Therese's body is likely demanding more energy than her current diet is providing.

To combat these issues, I would recommend the following dietary changes:

Incorporate more protein into her meals, such as eggs, chicken, fish, or tofu.

Include healthy fats in her meals, such as avocado, nuts, seeds, or olive oil.

Replace refined carbohydrates with whole grains, such as quinoa, brown rice, or whole wheat bread.

Eat more nutrient-dense fruits and vegetables, such as broccoli, spinach, or berries.

Plan her meals in advance and make sure that she is eating enough calories to sustain her energy levels throughout the day.

Meal planning ideas:

Breakfast: Omelette made with 2 eggs, spinach, and a side of whole-grain toast
Mid-morning snack: Greek yogurt with berries and a handful of almonds
Lunch: Grilled chicken breast with quinoa and roasted vegetables
Afternoon snack: Carrots with hummus or an apple with peanut butter
Dinner: Grilled fish with brown rice and a side salad
Evening snack: Cottage cheese with berries or a hard-boiled egg.
With these dietary changes, Therese should be able to feel more full throughout the day and should have more energy during her swim practices.

Learn more about nutrition here: brainly.com/question/2044102


Therese may be hungry throughout the day despite her current diet for a number of reasons.

First, she doesn't eat enough protein and good fats at breakfast and lunch to be satisfied for a long time. Therese would experience fewer hunger pangs if she consumes more protein and fats because they are more satiating than carbohydrates.

Second, she eats a lot of refined carbs in her breakfast bagel and lunch sandwich, which can induce a blood sugar surge followed by a sharp drop in blood sugar, which makes you feel hungry.

Last but not least, Therese might not be taking in enough calories overall to keep her energy levels up all day. Therese is a master swimmer, therefore her body probably needs more energy than she is getting from her diet.

I would suggest making the following dietary changes to counteract these problems:

Add more protein-rich foods to her meals, like eggs, poultry, fish, or tofu.

Include wholesome fats in her meals, such as olive oil, avocado, almonds, and seeds.

Substitute whole grains like quinoa, brown rice, or whole wheat bread for processed carbs.

Consume more fruits and vegetables that are high in nutrients, such broccoli, spinach, or berries.

Make sure she is eating enough calories to maintain her energy levels throughout the day by planning her meals in advance.

Plans for your meals:

Breakfast: Whole-grain toast and an omelette with two eggs and spinach.

Greek yogurt with berries and a handful of almonds for a mid-morning snack

Lunch will consist of quinoa, grilled chicken breast, and roasted vegetables.

Afternoon snack: Apples with peanut butter or carrots with hummus

Fish on the grill with brown rice and a side salad for dinner.

Cottage cheese with berries for a late-night snack, or a hard-boiled egg.

Therese should be able to feel fuller for longer thanks to these dietary modifications, and she should have more energy for her swim meets.

Learn more about hungry nutrition here: brainly.com/question/2044102


one effect of magnesium deficiency in plants​


Chlorosis is one of the initial indicators of a magnesium deficiency.

Chlorosis is the term used to describe the yellowing of the leaf structure present in the spaces between veins, giving the leaf a marbling look. The reddish-brown-purple color of the leaf edges is another sign of chlorosis.

Plants can move magnesium around, so when there is a shortage, the older leaves' chlorophyll is destroyed and transferred to the new plant growth. Because of this, chlorosis symptoms appear first in older leaves.

In time, the chlorosis will appear in the new growth if the deficiency is not treated. The elder leaves will fall off as a result of the ongoing magnesium deficit, which causes leaf necrosis.

Magnesium also serves as an enzyme activator, therefore a lack will result in decreased enzyme activity, which will have an impact on plant growth. The disintegration of the ribosome structures, which are stabilized by magnesium, causes the plant to age prematurely.

Learn more about plants at


The hair cells on the ____ within the ____ are the last stop in the ear for sound waves before the auditory nerve sends those signals to the brain


cochlea, spinal chord. The sensory cells that make up the auditory system are called cochlear hair cells. The tectorial membrane is joined to stereocilia on these cells.

A hair cell's stereocilia are deflected by sound waves in the cochlea during auditory stimulation, which results in the generation of an electrical signal. The human ear is capable of picking up sounds throughout a wide frequency range, from the high-pitched buzzing of a mosquito to the low rumbles of distant thunder. The hair-like strands that collect on their tops give these sensory cells their name—hair cells—which they use to pick up sound waves.The organ of Corti, or the hearing organ, is located inside the cochlea, a fluid-filled snail-like structure. Cochlea lining is made up of microscopic hair cells.

To know more about cochlea, click here:



How would clay models of several different species compare through gastrulation? explain!


Clay models of several different species will compare through gastrulation through the different developmental processes they undergo during reproduction.

What is Gastrulation?

This is defined as an early developmental process in which an embryo transforms from a one-dimensional layer of epithelial cells which is called blastula and reorganizes into a multidimensional structure known as the gastrula.

This gives an insight on the different processes and steps which is carried out during the reproductive processes of the species which are being studied.

Read more about Gastrulation here https://brainly.com/question/8270805


the requirement that individuals select mates from outside certain groups is known as select one: a. exogamy. b. hypergamy. c. endogamy. d. homogamy.


The requirement that individuals select mates from outside certain groups is known as exogamy.

Exogamy is the requirement that individuals select their mates from outside of certain social groups. This can be based on various factors such as race, ethnicity, religion, socioeconomic status, or even specific family or clan affiliations. The practice of exogamy helps to promote genetic diversity and to avoid inbreeding and genetic disorders within a population. Exogamy is often found in cultures that practice a system of arranged marriages, where the goal is to form alliances and to maintain social connections between families. Additionally, exogamy is also used to preserve cultural or religious traditions, it is also seen as a way to avoid incestuous relationships. In general, exogamy ensures that individuals are exposed to a diverse group of people and cultures, leading to a more resilient and adaptable society.

To know more about homogamy



The requirement that individuals select mates from outside certain groups is known as (a). exogamy is correct option .

Exogamy is the practice of requiring people to choose their spouses from outside of particular social groups. This might depend on a variety of things, including colour, ethnicity, religion, social class, or even a person's identification with a particular family or clan. Exogamy is a method that supports genetic variation while preventing inbreeding and genetic problems within a group. Exogamy is frequently observed in societies that use an arranged marriage system where the main objectives are to maintain social ties between families and build alliances. Exogamy is also viewed as a means of avoiding incestuous connections and is utilized to uphold cultural or religious traditions. Exogamy generally makes sure that people are exposed to a variety of people and cultures, which makes society more flexible and resilient.

To know more about exogamy



why does mucus affect cephalopods?


Answer: In cephalopods, such as octopuses and squids, mucus plays an important role in maintaining the health of their skin and gills. The mucus protects the cephalopod's skin from abrasions, parasites, and infections, and it also helps to keep the gills moist and functional. Additionally, cephalopods use their mucus to control buoyancy and to aid in movement through the water. Overall, mucus is essential for the survival and wellbeing of cephalopods.


Mucus can affect cephalopods, such as squids and octopuses, in a number of ways.

Protection: Mucus is produced by the cephalopod's body and can act as a protective barrier against predators and parasites. It can also protect the cephalopod's skin from abrasion and damage from the surrounding environment.

Camouflage: Some cephalopods, such as squids, can manipulate the composition of their mucus to change color and texture in order to blend in with their surroundings. This is called camouflage and is an important survival mechanism for these animals.

Chemical signals: Cephalopods can also use their mucus as a way to communicate with other members of their species. They can secrete chemicals into their mucus that can signal to other cephalopods that they are of the same species or that they are ready to mate.

Mucus can also cause some problems for cephalopods, for example, if the cephalopod is in captivity and the water quality is poor the cephalopod may have difficulty in producing enough mucus to protect itself, which can lead to health problems.

Overall, mucus plays an important role in the survival and behavior of cephalopods, but it can also be affected by the surrounding environment and water quality which can cause health problems.

study suggests us freshwater fish highly contaminated with ‘forever chemicals’. true or false


True, the fish growing in presence of forever chemicals are highly contaminated with it.

Freshwater fish and other aquatic species can become seriously contaminated with a class of toxins known as "forever chemicals," according to studies. These substances, commonly referred to as perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), belong to a group of synthetic chemicals that are resistant to decomposition in the environment and have a long persistence duration. They have been utilized in a vast array of commercial and consumer goods, including food packaging, nonstick cookware, and firefighting foams. According to studies, PFAS can build up in fish and other aquatic species, which can be harmful to their health and ability to reproduce.

It's critical to keep in mind that this is still a young field of study, and additional research is required to properly comprehend the effects of

To know more about fish, click here,



True, fish growing in the presence of permanent chemicals are heavily contaminated with them.

According to studies, a class of toxins known as "forever chemicals" can seriously contaminate freshwater fish and other aquatic species. These perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) belong to a class of synthetic chemicals that are resistant to decomposition in the environment and have a long persistence duration. They have been used in a wide range of commercial and consumer goods, such as food packaging, nonstick cookware, and firefighting foams. According to research, PFAS can accumulate in fish and other aquatic species, posing a threat to their health and ability to reproduce.

To know more about fish :



what substance is removed from the blood in the lungs to be exhaled?


Carbon dioxide is a waste byproduct of cellular respiration. Blood that is rich in carbon dioxide then returns to the heart via the veins. From the heart this blood is pumped to the lungs where carbon dioxide passes into the alveoli to be exhaled

drag the percentages on the left to answer the questions on the right. percentages may be used once, more than once, or not at all. resethelp parents 1. what is the probability that a gamete (egg or sperm) from this population carries a cr allele? blank 2. that a gamete from this population carries a cw allele? blanktarget 1 of 7target 2 of 7 offspring 3. of all the offspring resulting from all the matings in this population, what percentage should have the genotype crcr? blank 4. what percentage should have the genotype cwcw? blank 5. what percentage should have the genotype crcw? blanktarget 3 of 7target 4 of 7target 5 of 7 comparing p and q in parents and offspring 6. in the offspring generation, what is the frequency of the cr allele? blank 7. in the offspring generation, what is the frequency of the cw allele? blank


In this population, there is an 80% chance that a gamete possesses the CR allele. A gamete from this population carries a CW allele of 20%. Of all the offspring resulting from all the matings in this population, 64% should have the genotype CRCR.

The 4% percentage should have the genotype CWCW. 32% percentage should have the genotype CRCW. In the offspring generation, 80% is the frequency of the CR allele. In the offspring generation, 20% is the frequency of the CW allele. Every living thing, including humans, beetles, plants, and microbes, has an ancestor, according to evolutionary theory. Some species became extinct as a result of millions of years of evolutionary strain, yet others managed to survive. More diversity exists on Earth today than at any other time in its history. But life is still interconnected. For instance, all living things use DNA and are made up of cells. We now have an unified theory to explain what led to the diversity of species that exist thanks to the theory of evolution. Alleles are the several variations that can exist in a gene that codes for a certain trait. These versions represent various aspects of that attribute through distinct codes.

To learn more about gamete from the given link: https://brainly.com/question/29882202


The complete question is:

In Part A, you looked at a single genetic cross involving two parents of genotype Rr. Imagine now that instead of a single mating, you consider all the matings that occur in a population, and all the offspring that are produced.

The figure at right shows a population of flowers with two alleles for color, a red allele CR and a white allele CW . The allele frequencies across the entire population are 80% CR and 20% CW . In other words:

- The frequency of the CR allele, called p, is 0.8.

- The frequency of the CW allele, called q, is 0.2.

If the population is not evolving, then the population is said to be in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. In this case, the Hardy-Weinberg principle tells us that offspring inherit alleles as if they were drawn from the gene pool at random. This means that:

- The proportion of individuals with genotype CRCR is expected to be p2.

- The proportion of individuals with genotype CRCW is expected to be 2pq.

- The proportion of individuals with genotype CWCW is expected to be q2.

Furthermore, if a population is in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, the allele frequencies (p and q) and the genotype frequencies stay the same from one generation to the next:

1. What is the probability that a gamete (egg or sperm) from this population carries a CR allele? 

2. That a gamete from this population carries a CW allele?

3. Of all the offspring resulting from all the matings in this population, what percentage should have the genotype CRCR?

4. What percentage should have the genotype CWCW?

5. What percentage should have the genotype CRCW?

6. In the offspring generation, what is the frequency of the CR allele?

7. In the offspring generation, what is the frequency of the CW allele?

Which of the following is not a sustainable wastewater practice that an individual can do?

Don't flush prescription drugs
Use biodegradable flushables
Use trash bins for tissue
Flushing sanitary napkins


Individuals would do all the sustainable wastewater that are mentioned, which are using biodegradable flushables, using prescription drugs and using trash bins instead of flushing sanitary napkins. Thus, option B is correct.

What is sustainable wastewater ?

Sustainable wastewater management has been the need of the hour, as the using water in the way that would meets the current, ecological, social, and economic needs of an individual.

In order to increase the efficiency of the wastewater reuse by encouraging water reuse, reduction or recovery in our day to day lifestyle.

Therefore, Individuals would do all the sustainable wastewater that are mentioned, which are using biodegradable flushables, using prescription drugs and using trash bins instead of flushing sanitary napkins. Thus, option B is correct.

Learn more about wastewater on:



Scientists often experiment with brassica plants because brassica plants grow very fast and they produce seeds 30 days after being planted


The percentage of offspring with green stems will be 25%. The percentage of offspring with purple stems will be 75%.

A Punnett square is a graphical representation of the possible combinations of alleles that can result from a genetic cross. In this case, the Punnett square shows the possible genotypes (combinations of alleles) of the offspring when a heterozygous dominant (Rr) plant is crossed with a homozygous recessive (rr) plant.

The possible genotypes of the offspring are Rr and rr. The R allele is dominant and codes for purple stems, while the r allele is recessive and codes for green stems. When an R allele and an r allele are combined, the dominant R allele will mask the effect of the recessive r allele, resulting in a purple stem.

So in this cross, half of the offspring will inherit an R allele from the heterozygous dominant parent and half will inherit an r allele. As half of the offspring inherits R allele, they will have purple stems, which is half of the total offspring, which is 50%. The other half inherits r allele, they will have green stems, which is also half of the total offspring, which is 50%.

Learn more about genetic cross here: brainly.com/question/16991762


A quarter of the progeny will have green stems. Seventy-five percent of the progeny will have purple seeds.

A genetic cross can produce a variety of allele combinations, which are graphically represented by a Punnett square. The Punnett square in this instance illustrates the potential genotypes (combinations of alleles) of the progeny that could result from the mating of a heterozygous dominant (Rr) plant with a homozygous recessive (rr) plant.

The offspring's genotypes might be either Rr or rr. While the r allele is recessive and codes for green stems, the R allele is dominant and causes purple stems. Combining a R allele and a r allele will cause a purple stem because the dominant R allele will block the action of the recessive r allele.

In this hybrid, the heterozygous dominant parent will pass on a R allele to half of the offspring, and the other half will receive a r allele. Half of the progeny, or 50% of the overall population, will have purple stems since they inherited the R allele. The other half, or 50% of the total progeny, will have green stems if they acquire the r gene.

Learn more about brassica plants Visit: brainly.com/question/28429024


how does biomass and alcohol relate to the energy of the sun



I don't know if this is right but yeah here!


The link between biomass and the sun is photosynthesis. In this process, chemical energy is stored in the plants. When these plants die, the biomass is burned to release the energy, which is later transformed into heat energy and electrical energy.

Because this includes the transformation of energy, the production of biomass and alcohol is connected to solar energy. In order to release energy into the atmosphere, the biomass is burned repeatedly.

Plants absorb the sun's energy through photosynthesis and transform carbon dioxide and water into nutrients, resulting in biomass (carbohydrates).

Both direct and indirect methods can be used to convert the energy from these creatures into useable energy. Direct combustion of biomass can provide heat, direct conversion of biomass to electricity, or direct conversion of biomass to biofuel (indirect).

Learn more about Biomass at


if the pattern of inheritance for a trait is complete dominance, then an organism heterozygous for the trait would normally express


If the pattern of inheritance for a trait is complete dominance, then an organism heterozygous for the trait would normally express the dominant trait only. The interaction between two inherited copies of a gene that contributes to a certain trait and an observed trait is referred to as "dominant" in the field of genetics. 

An individual inherits one of each of the two alleles for each gene from each parent. One copy of the dominant allele is all that is required for the manifestation of a dominant trait. The effects of the other allele are hidden by the dominant allele and are referred to as recessive allele. An individual with two copies of a dominant allele often exhibits the same phenotype as an individual with only one copy.

To know more about trait please visit



If the pattern of inheritance for a trait is complete dominance, then an organism heterozygous for the trait would normally express A)the dominant trait only.

Each gene is expressed in terms of two alleles, each individual getting inherited from each parent. Presence of just one allele that is dominant enough of its existence is able to reflect the dominant trait. Dominant traits usually suppress the expression of recessive traits or non dominant traits.

Where a single dominant allele would express similar to the presence of two dominant alleles,  for the recessive traits to get expressed both recessive alleles must be needed.

To see more of the heterozygous questions visit at:



the introduction of exotic grasses into the western united states has resulted in decreased frequency of fire. group of answer choices true false


It is False that the introduction of exotic grasses into the western united states has resulted in decreased frequency of fire.

By increasing fine-fuel loads and continuity, invasive grasses that are prone to fire alter fire regimes and pose novel threats to ecosystems.

In fire occurrence and frequency models, grass invasion was significant, but not in fire size models. Invasive grasses may alter US fire regimes on a regional scale, as suggested by the significant differences in fire regimes and the significance of grass invasion in modeling these differences. In order to effectively manage ecosystems, it will be necessary to account for fire-promoting invasive grasses as concerns about US wildfires grow.

Know more about ecosystems here: https://brainly.com/question/13979184


The introduction of exotic grasses into the western united states has resulted in decreased frequency of fire.

The statement is false.

An introduced species that overpopulates and damages its new environment is referred to as an invasive or alien species. Invasive species have a negative impact on habitats and bioregions, harming the economy, the environment, and/or the ecology.

As an example, the purple sea urchin (Strongylocentrotus purpuratus), which has decimated kelp forests along the northern California coast due to overharvesting of its natural predator, the California sea otter, can also be considered a native species that has become harmful to its native environment as a result of human changes to its food web (Enhydra lutris). Invasive species have grown to pose a significant economic, social, and environmental danger since the 20th century.

To know more about exotic grasses here:



joints can be immovable, slightly moveable, and freely moveable. describe one benefit of each type and include an example of where each exists in the human body


Immovable joints cartilage plate interposed, in slightly moveable joints cartilage plate symphysis whereas in freely moveable joints cartilage plate allows movement in two plains.

Joints are practically named unflinching (­synarthrotic), marginally portable (amphiarthrotic), or uninhibitedly mobile (diarthrotic). Less portable joints for the most part have greater steadiness. They can likewise be structurally­ gathered by the sort of tissue ­binding them at their intersections, for example, stringy, carti-laginous, and synovial joints. By and large, stringy joints are enduring, though synovial joints are uninhibitedly versatile. Cartilaginous joints might be either inflexible or somewhat mobile.

Immovable joints are those that don't permit development (or take into account, without a doubt, extremely slight development) at joint areas. Bones at these joints have no joint hole and are kept intact fundamentally by thick stringy connective tissue, typically collagen. These joints are significant for soundness and security.

Slightly moveable joints offers help for bones while taking into consideration restricted development. These are significant capabilities as it connects with the spinal section as spinal vertebrae help to safeguard the spinal line.

Freely moveable joints are grouped primarily as synovial joints. Not at all like stringy and cartilaginous joints, synovial joints have a joint cavity (liquid occupied space) between interfacing bones.

Illustration of above  three joints where they exist in human body are:

Elbows and lower legsRibs and abdomenShoulders and hips

To know more about joints,visit here:



Immovable joints do not allow movement and are present in skull structures. Slightly moveable joints have cartilages and are present in ribs and freely moveable joints allow proper movement and are present in shoulders.

Joints are basically of three types, immovable joints (­synarthrotic), slightly moveable joints (amphiarthrotic), and freely moveable joints (diarthrotic). Immovable joints are the ones that do not allow development or movement in the joint areas. They are important for soundness and security and are found in skull structures.

Slightly moveable joints provide help for bones allow only restricted movement. These joints are founds in the ribs. Freely moveable joints are categorized primarily as synovial joints. They allow proper movement and an example is ball and socket joint of the shoulder.

To know more about freely moveable joint here



clients with multiple myeloma have abnormal plasma cells that proliferate in the bone marrow where they release osteoclast-activating factor, resulting in the formation of osteoclasts. what is the most common complication of the pathology resulting from this process?


In different myeloma, the level of plasma cells increments to in excess of 10%. The expanded number of strange plasma cells can prompt bone obliteration and elevated degrees of calcium in the blood (hypercalcemia).

Evaluation. A few patients might need side effects or grumble they tire all the more effectively and feel powerless. Generally speaking, the principal side effect of MM is bone torment from the impacts of myeloma cells on the marrow; cracks might happen from debilitated bones. Other early signs might incorporate iron deficiency, intermittent contaminations, and fringe neuropathy.

Different myeloma, otherwise called myeloma, is a kind of bone marrow malignant growth. Bone marrow is the elastic tissue found at the focal point of certain bones. It delivers the body's platelets. Different myeloma influences the plasma cells (a kind of platelet) inside the bone marrow.

To learn more about myeloma here



The proportion of plasma cells increases to more than 10% in various myelomas. Increased levels of calcium in the blood and the destruction of bones can both be caused by the increased number of odd plasma cells (hypercalcemia).

Some people may experience negative effects or complain that they feel helpless and weary more quickly. The main adverse effect of MM is typically bone pain brought on by the effects of myeloma cells on the marrow; fractures may result from weak bones. Other early warning signs could be iron insufficiency, sporadic infections, or peripheral neuropathy.

A type of cancerous growth of the bone marrow is known as different myeloma, sometimes known as myeloma. The elastic tissue near the focal point of some bones is known as bone marrow. It delivers platelets to the body. various myeloma impacts the bone marrow's plasma cells, a type of platelet. The bone marrow experiences difficulty producing enough healthy blood cells as MM cancer cells multiply and develop within the bone marrow. This can result in illnesses like anemia, which is brought on by low amounts of red blood cells, and neutropenia, which is brought on by low numbers of the white blood cells known as neutrophils.

To know more about plasma cells



ome or all of the tissue donors (subjects) if the research indicates a positive link between mdr-1 mutation and early disease recurrence. what is the best procedure for an investigator planning to re-contact study subjects who provided tumor tissue for the study?


During the permission procedure, the investigator, conducting a study on the incidence of mutations to the MDR-1 gene in breast cancer should reveal his or her plan to contact the subject again. That is, before collecting and evaluating the research sample.

The term'multidrug resistance mutation 1 (MDR1)' refers to a particular mutation that can develop at the MDR1 gene, which is also known as the ABCB1 gene. "a MDR1 gene mutation that renders individuals more susceptible to the harmful effects of some drugs."

Although it is generally accepted that MDR1 expression plays an important role in conferring resistance to adjuvant chemotherapy in women with disseminated breast tumor cells, data supporting this view are lacking. Inconsistent at best.

For more information on breast tumor cells, visit :



Complete question :

A researcher conducting a study on the incidence of mutations to the MDR-1 gene in breast cancer has preliminary evidence of a link between mutated MDR-1 and early recurrence. The researcher begins a new trial using prospectively collected tissue samples to further examine the link between the genetic abnormality and disease progression. He believes that he may want to re-contact some or all of the tissue donors (subjects) if the research indicates a positive link between MDR-1 mutation and early disease recurrence. What is the best procedure for an investigator planning to re-contact study subjects who provided tumor tissue for the study?

The researcher should disclose his or her intention to contact the subject again when requesting permission to perform a study on the prevalence of MDR-1 gene alterations in breast cancer. Specifically, prior to gathering and analysis the research sample.

A mutation in biology is an adjustment to the nucleic acid sequence of an organism's, virus's, or extrachromosomal DNA.  DNA or RNA can be found in the viral genome. Errors in DNA replication, viral replication, mitosis, meiosis, or other types of DNA damage (like pyrimidine dimers from exposure to ultraviolet radiation) can result in mutations. Damaged DNA may then undergo error-prone repair, particularly microhomology-mediated end joining, cause an error during other types of repair, or result in a replication error (translesion synthesis). Due to mobile genetic elements, mutations can also be caused through the insertion or deletion of DNA segments.

A specific mutation that can occur at the ABCB1 gene, also known as the MDR1 gene, is referred to as the " multidrug resistance mutation 1 (MDR1)". "a MDR1 gene mutation that increases a person's susceptibility to particular medications' adverse effects."

There is a dearth of evidence to support the widely held belief that MDR1 expression is a significant factor in conferring resistance to adjacent chemotherapy in women with disseminated breast carcinoma cells. is, at best, inconsistent.

For more much questions on cancer, refer:



steroid hormones are synthesized from amino acids. T/F


steroid hormones are synthesized from amino acids is false.

Instead of amino acids, cholesterol is used to create steroid hormones. All animal cells' plasma membranes and cell membranes include a lipid called cholesterol. A class of hormones known as "steroid hormones" includes the cholesterol-derived hormones progesterone, estrogen, and testosterone.

A variety of enzymatic processes transform cholesterol into the various steroid hormones during the manufacture of steroid hormones. The body's physiological activities, such as growth and development, metabolism, and reproductive function, are controlled in part by these hormones.

Hormones are slow acting in comparison to quick acting nervous system.

To know more about hormone, click here,



It is incorrect to say that steroid hormones are synthesised from amino acids.

Steroid hormones are made from cholesterol rather than amino acids. A lipid known as cholesterol is found in the plasma membranes and cell membranes of all animal cells. The cholesterol-derived hormones progesterone, oestrogen, and testosterone are all members of the "steroid hormone" class of hormones.

During the production of steroid hormones, a number of enzymatic processes convert cholesterol into various steroid hormones. These hormones regulate the body's physiological activities, such as growth and development, metabolism, and reproduction.  Hormones are slower to act than the nervous system.

To know more about hormone :



15) what types of structures and what principles are similar in photosynthesis and cellular respiration?


The majority of life on Earth depends on two biological processes: photosynthesis and cellular respiration. Both of these processes utilize a number of similar chemicals, including oxygen, water, carbon dioxide (CO2) , glucose, as well as other complex steps (ATP).

The "powerhouses" of the cell, mitochondria break down fuel molecules and harvest energy during cellular respiration. Both plants and algae include chloroplasts. They are in charge of collecting light energy for photosynthesis, which produces carbohydrates.

Biochemical processes like photosynthesis and cellular respiration move matter and energy across the biosphere. The exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between living things and their surroundings is brought on by these two processes.

Learn more about cellular respiration Visit: brainly.com/question/2809259


Photosynthesis involved the use of sunlight energy to forms sugars and oxygen. The process of cellular respiration makes use of these sugars and oxygen to synthesize energy for the plant body. Both the processes make use of electron gradients to accomplish their function.

Photosynthesis process occurs in the chloroplast of the cells. The process occurs in two phases: first is the light reaction that captures the sun's inorganic energy to convert it into organic and usable forms of energy. And the second is light-independent reaction that makes uses of the formed energy to synthesize food.

The products of the photosynthesis process are the reactants of the cellular respiration process. Hence, accomplishment of photosynthesis is essential for respiration to take place.

To know more about cellular respiration, here



Which of the following statements is/are correct concerning biodiversity?

Biodiversity has a spiritual value

The conservation of biodiversity is crucial to protect our health

Food biodiversity is the central component of quality diet and food safety

Global anthropogenic change is the cause of the unprecedented loss of biodiversity in the planet

Biodiversity refers to diversity of life in all its forms, from the molecular level to the ecosystem level


The statement which are correct regarding biodiversity are the conservation of biodiversity is crucial to protect our health and Global anthropogenic change is the cause of the unprecedented loss of biodiversity in the planet.Thus, option B and D are correct.

Who contributes to maintain the balance of nature?

Every species on the Earth contributes significantly to the nature's intricate balancing act. Forests are the fragmented as the result of the natural disturbances just like fires or changes in land use like building roads.

As the result of these habitat alterations, biodiversity has significantly impacted since limited habitat fragments can only maintain weak populations that are more susceptible to extinction.

Therefore, The statement which are correct regarding biodiversity are the conservation of biodiversity is crucial to protect our health and Global anthropogenic change is the cause of the unprecedented loss of biodiversity in the planet.Thus, option B and D are correct.

Learn more about biodiversity on:



Which of the following best describes the fundamental principle when controlling pests in school settings?
O avoidance methods do not work in schools
O eliminate pests whenever possible
O avoidance of pesticides whenever possible
O eliminate pests using only pyrethroids


The best option is: "Avoidance of pesticides whenever possible." This is because pesticides can be harmful in school settings.

Why Avoidance of pesticides whenever possible is best option?

The fundamental principle when controlling pests in school settings is to avoid the use of pesticides whenever possible. This is because pesticides can be harmful to both human health and the environment, and there are often safer and more sustainable alternatives available.

Instead, pest control efforts in schools should focus on prevention methods, such as proper sanitation and exclusion techniques, to reduce the likelihood of pests appearing in the first place. When pests do appear, non-toxic methods, such as trapping or physical removal, should be used whenever possible.

Pyrethoids can be used as a last resort, but it is important to consider the potential health and environmental risks before applying these chemicals.

To learn more about pesticides, visit:  https://brainly.in/question/3926984


what major organs are housed in the thoracic cavity


The heart, lungs, thymus, trachea, bronchi, esophagus, and major blood vessels are all located in the thoracic cavity.

The respiratory (lungs, bronchi, trachea, and pleura) cardiovascular (heart, pericardium, great vessels, lymphatics), nervous (vagus nerve, sympathetic chain, phrenic nerve, recurrent laryngeal nerve), immune (thymus), and digestive (esophagus) systems are all present in the thoracic cavity. Typically, the thoracic cavity can be divided into distinct compartments. The mediastinum and pleural cavities in particular. The left and right lungs and pleura are housed in two separate pleural cavities.

Know more about thoracic cavity here: https://brainly.com/question/1395419


The heart and lungs are the two main organs housed in the thoracic cavity. The thoracic spine, diaphragm, and ribcage form a huge chamber known as the thoracic cavity.

The majority of the thoracic cavity is occupied by the lungs, which are situated on either side of the heart and are in charge of gas exchange. The thoracic cavity's core, just slightly to the left of the midline, houses the heart, which is in charge of pumping blood throughout the body.

The second-largest hollow region in the body is the thoracic cavity, often known as the chest cavity. The sternum, or breastbone, the spinal column, and the ribs encompass it. The diaphragm, a muscular and membrane wall, separates it from the abdominal cavity, the body's largest hollow region. The tracheobronchial tree is made up of the lungs, middle and lower airways, the heart, vessels that carry blood from the heart to the lungs, big arteries that carry blood from the heart into the general circulation, and major veins that collect blood for return to the heart. The pericardium, a sac made of fibrous membrane, covers the heart and merges in with the arteries' trunks that run to and from it. The esophagus, which connects the throat to the Stomach, is also located within the thoracic cavity.

To know more about thoracic cavity  click on the below link:



Why are ferns common in damp forests, but not in grasslands,deserts, and other dry environments


Answer: This is because they need to absorb water DIRECTLY from their surroundings. Have a nice day ;)

overshadows the other allele in the heterozygous state
a. dominant
b. phenotype
c. recessive
d. Linked genes.


Dominant allele overshadows the other allele in the heterozygous state.

A dominant allele in genetics is one that predominates over the other allele when they are heterozygous. It indicates that the dominant allele will be expressed and its related attribute will be obvious in the individual's phenotype when an individual has two different alleles at a specific genetic locus, one of which is dominant. Recessive alleles are those that lack the dominant allele.

The physical or perceptible traits of an organism are known as its phenotype, and they can be altered by both genetic and environmental factors.

Linked genes are genes on a chromosome that are adjacent to one another and are inherited together, albeit they may not always be dominant over other alleles.

To know more about allele, click here,



overshadows the other allele in the heterozygous state is dominant.

A capital letter designates a dominant gene. The dominant allele in a person with the genotype Tt will be a capital letter, or T. a set of genotypes that can regulate an organism's height. In this case, the allele denoted by T is dominant.

A capital letter designates a dominant allele (A versus a). The combinations that are feasible are AA, Aa, and aa since each parent contributes one allele. Aa people display the recessive trait, whereas offspring with either an AA or an Aa genotype will have the dominant phenotype expressed phenotypically.

Variants of a given genome that appear on the same chromosome are referred to as alleles. When one allele overrides or obscures the impact of other accessible variations, it is referred to as being dominant.

Learn more about dominant here:



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