ABC Partners, a team of 3 experienced investors, is raising their first private equity fund: 10- year, $200 M in committed capital, annual management fee of 2% based on committed capital (during the life of the fund), carried interest of 20% (above committed capital and without hurdle). The same team had previously managed a captive fund* for a family (they did not charge any management fees or carried) and had generated a gross multiple of 2.5. What would the net multiple be for the Limited Partners (LPs) of the new fund if the team were to achieve the same gross performance? * A captive fund is a fund that invests exclusively on behalf of one entity.


Answer 1

If ABC Partners were to achieve the same gross performance as their previous captive fund, the net multiple for the Limited Partners of the new private equity fund would be 2.04. To determine the net multiple for the Limited Partners (LPs) of the new private equity fund, we need to account for management fees and carried interest.

Here's a step-by-step explanation:

1. Calculate the total management fees paid over the life of the fund: 10 years * ($200 million * 2%) = $40 million.

2. Calculate the gross return on committed capital: $200 million * 2.5 = $500 million.

3. Subtract management fees from the gross return: $500 million - $40 million = $460 million.

4. Calculate the amount above the committed capital: $460 million - $200 million = $260 million.

5. Calculate the carried interest: $260 million * 20% = $52 million.

6. Subtract carried interest from the remaining amount: $260 million - $52 million = $208 million.

7. Add back the initial committed capital: $208 million + $200 million = $408 million.

8. Calculate the net multiple for LPs: $408 million / $200 million = 2.04.

To know more about equity fund refer here:


Related Questions

On May 22, 2020, T. Albinoni Inc. issued a 4.15% coupon bond with a $100 face value, and incurred 2.00% of the face value as a transaction cost. The bond's issue price was $86.34 per share, and its maturity date is September 30, 2029. The firm's corporate tax rate is 21%. a) Calculate the firm's "pre-tax" cost of debt. (2 points) b) Calculate the firm's "after-tax" cost of debt.


The firm's "after-tax" cost of debt is 3.76%.

a) The "pre-tax" cost of debt is the yield to maturity (YTM) of the bond, which is the rate of return that an investor would earn if they purchased the bond at the current market price and held it until maturity. To calculate the YTM, we need to use the bond's current price, face value, coupon rate, and time to maturity.

The bond's current price is $86.34, its face value is $100, and its coupon rate is 4.15%. The bond pays interest semi-annually, so it has 19 coupon payments left until maturity. The time to maturity is 9.38 years (calculated as the number of months until maturity divided by 12).

Using a financial calculator or spreadsheet, we can calculate the YTM as follows:

N = 19

PV = -86.34

PMT = 4.15 / 2 * 100 = 2.075

FV = 100

I/Y = 4.76%

Therefore, the firm's "pre-tax" cost of debt is 4.76%.

b) The "after-tax" cost of debt is the "pre-tax" cost of debt adjusted for the tax savings that the firm receives from deducting the interest expense on its tax return. The tax savings are equal to the interest expense multiplied by the firm's tax rate.

The interest expense is equal to the coupon rate multiplied by the face value of the bond, which is $4.15 per share ($100 face value * 4.15% coupon rate). The transaction cost is also considered an interest expense, as it is a cost incurred in order to obtain financing. Therefore, the total interest expense is $6.15 per share ($4.15 + $2.00 transaction cost).

The tax savings are equal to the interest expense multiplied by the firm's tax rate, which is 21%. Therefore, the tax savings are $1.29 per share ($6.15 * 21%).

The "after-tax" cost of debt is equal to the "pre-tax" cost of debt minus the tax savings, which is:

After-tax cost of debt = Pre-tax cost of debt * (1 - Tax rate)

After-tax cost of debt = 4.76% * (1 - 21%)

After-tax cost of debt = 3.76%.

For more such questions on after-tax, click on:


A US company expects to pay 4,000,000 Japanese yen 30 days from now. It decides to hedge thee position by buying Japanese yen forward. The current spot rate of the yen is $.0089, while the forward rate is $0.0077. The firm expects the spot rate in 30 days to be $.0094. Based on its expectations the company enters into derivative contracts to maximize its profits. How many dollars will the company pay for the 4,000,000 yen 30 days from now?


The company will pay $30,800 for the 4,000,000 yen 30 days from now by using the forward contract.

How company hedge its position by using Japanese yen forward contract?

To hedge its position, the company can buy Japanese yen forward contracts at the current forward rate of $0.0077 per yen. Therefore, the cost of buying 4,000,000 yen forward would be:

4,000,000 yen x $0.0077/yen = $30,800

In 30 days, the company will have to convert the 4,000,000 yen into dollars at the prevailing spot rate. Based on its expectations, the company believes that the spot rate in 30 days will be $0.0094 per yen. Therefore, the cost of converting 4,000,000 yen into dollars would be:

4,000,000 yen x $0.0094/yen = $37,600

However, the company has already locked in the forward rate of $0.0077 per yen, so it will pay:

4,000,000 yen x $0.0077/yen = $30,800

by using the forward contract. This represents a savings of:

$37,600 - $30,800 = $6,800.

Learn more about hedge


how would the accounting equation of boston company be affected by the billing of a client for $10,000 of consulting work completed?


The accounts receivable of the Boston Company will rise by the same amount when a client is charged for $10,000 of already finished consulting services. Similar to how the shareholders' equity recorded on the balance sheet will grow, so will the net income.

The company's income and accounts receivable would increase if it charged clients for services rendered. While revenue is an equity account, accounts receivable is an asset. Therefore, increasing assets and equity is the solution. As the value of the goods on hand rises, assets also do. With an increase in Accounts Payable, liabilities rise. This transaction does not effect equity.

To know more about shareholders, click here:


marsha incorporated has the following budgeted data for the coming year: cash balance, beginning $ 15,700 collections from customers 145,700 direct materials purchases 25,700 expenses: operating expenses 51,400 payroll 75,700 income taxes 6,000 other: machinery purchases 30,700 operating expenses include $20,700 depreciation for buildings and equipment. all purchases of materials are paid for in the period of purchase. the company requires a minimum cash balance of $25,000. required: compute the amount the company needs to finance or the excess cash available for marsha to invest


The ending cash balance is negative, it means that the company needs financing of $49,500 to meet its cash requirements for the year. Alternatively, if the company had a positive ending cash balance, it would have excess cash available for investment.

To compute the amount of financing needed or excess cash available for investment, we need to calculate the company's total cash inflows and outflows for the year.

Cash inflows:

Collections from customers = $145,700

Cash outflows:

Direct materials purchases = $25,700

Operating expenses (excluding depreciation) = $51,400

Payroll = $75,700

Income taxes = $6,000

Depreciation = $20,700

Machinery purchases = $30,700

Total cash outflows = $210,900

To determine the company's ending cash balance, we need to add the beginning cash balance to the total cash inflows and subtract the total cash outflows:

Beginning cash balance = $15,700

Total cash inflows = $145,700

Total cash outflows = $210,900

Ending cash balance = Beginning cash balance + Total cash inflows - Total cash outflows

Ending cash balance = $15,700 + $145,700 - $210,900

Ending cash balance = -$49,500

To know more about  cash balance click here


which of the following refers to the displacement of market middlemen and the creation of a new direct relationship between producers and consumers?question 1 options:network effectdisintermediationfriction-free commercefirst mover advantage


The "disintermediation" refers to the displacement of market middlemen and the creation of a new direct relationship between producers and consumers.

Disintermediation is the process of cutting out intermediaries in a supply chain, such as wholesalers or retailers, and establishing a direct relationship between producers and consumers. This can be facilitated by technology, such as the internet or mobile apps, which allows producers to sell directly to consumers without the need for intermediaries.

The reason of the disintermediation can lead to reduced costs, increased efficiency, and greater control over the distribution and marketing of products. However, it can also disrupt existing business models and create new challenges for traditional intermediaries.

To know more about disintermediation here,


as a manager, tariq has consistently demonstrated an appropriate amount of concern for both people and production. on the leadership grid, tariq's style would be classified as


Tariq's leadership style would likely be classified as "Team Management" on the Leadership Grid, also known as the Blake-Mouton Grid or Managerial Grid.

The Leadership Grid is a model that assesses leadership styles based on two dimensions: concern for people and concern for production. The concern for people dimension measures the leader's level of consideration, support, and respect for the needs and well-being of team members. The concern for production dimension measures the leader's focus on achieving tasks, goals, and results.

A leadership style that demonstrates an appropriate amount of concern for both people and production would fall into the Team Management style, which is characterized by high concern for both people and production. Leaders with this style strive to balance the needs of their team members with the goals and tasks at hand, aiming to achieve both high productivity and employee satisfaction. They emphasize teamwork, collaboration, and effective communication to achieve results while also valuing the well-being and development of their team members.

Learn more about “  leadership style  “ visit here;


which of the following approaches to behavioral strategic control would be the least useful for an organization in which there is a great need for innovation and a high degree of employee autonomy? group of answer choices culture rewards rules incentives


Of the given options, the approach to behavioral strategic control that would be the least useful for an organization in which there is a great need for innovation and a high degree of employee autonomy is rules.                       Option C.  

Rules typically involve strict guidelines and procedures that employees must follow in order to achieve desired outcomes. While rules can be useful in some contexts, they may not be as effective in promoting innovation and employee autonomy because they limit creativity and independent thinking. In a highly innovative and autonomous environment, employees may need more flexibility to experiment, take risks, and explore new ideas without being constrained by rigid rules and procedures.

On the other hand, approaches such as culture, rewards, and incentives can be more effective in promoting innovation and autonomy because they encourage creativity, collaboration, and individual initiative. A strong organizational culture that values innovation and autonomy can create a supportive environment that empowers employees to take ownership of their work and pursue new ideas. Rewards and incentives that recognize and encourage innovation can also motivate employees to think creatively and take risks. Option C.  

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Current Attempt in Progress Wildhorse, Inc., has net income of $11,760,000 on net sales of $367,500,000. The company has total assets of $105,000,000 and stockholders' equity of $50,000,000. Use the extended DuPont identity to find the return on assets and return on equity for the firm. (Round answers to 2 decimal places, e.g. 12.25 or 12.25%.) Profit margin % Total assets turnover times ROA % ROE %


Using the extended DuPont identity, the return on assets (ROA) for Wildhorse, Inc. is 11.20% and the return on equity (ROE) is 23.52%.

To find the return on assets (ROA) and return on equity (ROE) for Wildhorse, Inc., using the extended DuPont identity, we need to calculate the profit margin, and total assets turnover, and then apply these values to find ROA and ROE.

1. Profit margin: Profit margin = (Net income / Net sales) x 100
Profit margin = ($11,760,000 / $367,500,000) x 100
Profit margin = 3.20%

2. Total assets turnover: Total assets turnover = Net sales / Total assets
Total assets turnover = $367,500,000 / $105,000,000
Total assets turnover = 3.5 times

3. ROA: ROA = Profit margin x Total assets turnover
ROA = 3.20% x 3.5
ROA = 11.20%

4. ROE: ROE = ROA x (Total assets / Stockholders' equity)
ROE = 11.20% x ($105,000,000 / $50,000,000)
ROE = 11.20% x 2.1
ROE = 23.52%.

To know more about extended DuPont identity refer here:


(Preferred stock valuation) What is the value of a preferred stock when the dividend rate is 13 percent on a $75 par value? The appropriate discount rate for a stock of this risk level is 9 percent.


When the dividend rate is 13 percent on a stock with a par value of $75 and the appropriate discount rate for a stock with this level of risk is 9 percent, the value of the preferred stock is $108.33.

To calculate the value of the preferred stock, we need to use the dividend discount model, which is:

Value of preferred stock = Annual dividend / Discount rate

First, we need to calculate the annual dividend by multiplying the dividend rate by the par value of the stock:

Annual dividend = Dividend rate x Par value = 0.13 x $75 = $9.75

Next, we can use the formula to calculate the value of the preferred stock:

Value of preferred stock = $9.75 / 0.09 = $108.33

Therefore, the value of the preferred stock is $108.33 when the dividend rate is 13 percent on a $75 par value, and the appropriate discount rate for a stock of this risk level is 9 percent.

For more such questions on  dividend rate , click on:


the rental income an existing, stabilized property is expected to generate, after allowances for vacancies and collection losses, is called


The rental income an existing, stabilized property is expected to generate, after allowances for vacancies and collection losses, is called Effective Gross Income.

Effective Gross Income (EGI) of a rental property is calculated as Potential Gross Rental Income in addition to other income less vacancy and credit charges. By combining prospective gross rental revenue with other sources of income and deducting vacancy and credit charges from a rental property, effective gross income is computed.

Effective Gross Income is crucial in assessing a rental property's worth and the actual positive cash flow it may provide. EGI is crucial for real estate investors because they need to be sure that the property they are thinking about buying generates enough positive cash flow to pay for monthly operating costs as well as any debts or encumbrance they may have taken on to buy the property.

Learn more about Income here:


Currently, in 2022, the US Treasury Note yield stands at about 2.03% whereas the core PC stands at 5.2%. Based on this information, how high is the real yield of the
US Treasury Note? Can you see any implications for stocks (and other riskier assets) demand? Please discuss.


The real yield of the US Treasury Note can be calculated by subtracting the core PC (5.2%) from the US Treasury Note yield (2.03%). Therefore, the real yield of the US Treasury Note is currently -3.17%.

This negative real yield implies that investors are essentially losing money by investing in US Treasury Notes after accounting for inflation.

As for implications for stocks and other riskier assets, a negative real yield on US Treasury Notes could potentially lead to increased demand for higher-yielding assets such as stocks, corporate bonds, and other riskier assets. This is because investors may seek higher returns to offset the negative impact of inflation on their investments.

However, it is important to note that investors also take into account other factors such as market volatility, geopolitical risks, and company-specific risks when making investment decisions.

Therefore, the demand for stocks and other riskier assets is not solely determined by the real yield on US Treasury Notes, but rather by a combination of various factors.

To know more about inflation click here:


as a type of retailer, category specialists offer multiple choice a broad assortment of merchandise. highly trained personnel throughout the stores. high prices and high-end merchandise. a limited, but complementary merchandise assortment. predominantly a self-service approach with a narrow, deep assortment.


As a type of retailer, category specialists offer d. a limited, but complementary merchandise assortment.

Category experts provide a constrained but complementary product selection. Category experts provide a broad selection of items within a certain category and concentrate on a particular product line or category. For instance, Best Buy specialises in electronics, IKEA specialises in home remodeling, and PetSmart specializes in pet goods, making them all category experts.

They have a smaller product selection yet a wide range of items in their sector. Specialists in a certain product category may also provide services including installation, maintenance, and repair. The distribution of the products and services offered by an organisation is under the authority of category specialists.

Complete Question:

As a type of retailer, category specialists offer

a. a broad assortment of merchandise.

b. highly trained personnel throughout the stores.

c. high prices and high-end merchandise.

d. a limited, but complementary merchandise assortment.

e. predominantly a self-service approach with a narrow, deep assortment.

Read more about category specialists on:


all covenants not to compete are contrary to public policy and therefore illegal. true or false?


False. Covenants not to compete are not per se illegal.

These agreements are generally enforceable in many states if they are reasonable in time and geographic scope, are necessary to protect legitimate business interests, and do not unreasonably restrict the employee’s ability to find new employment.

Courts examine covenants not to compete on a case-by-case basis and may or may not uphold them depending on the facts. Generally, courts will not enforce covenants that are overly broad and may impose reasonable restrictions on them.

Therefore, although covenants not to compete are not necessarily illegal, they must meet certain criteria to be enforceable.

Know more about Covenants  here


stabilization policy refers to policy actions aimed at: reducing the severity of short-run economic fluctuations. equalizing incomes of households in the economy. maintaining constant shares of output going to labor and capital. preventing increases in the poverty rate.


Stabilization policy refers to policy actions aimed at reducing the severity of short-run economic fluctuations.Option (1)

These policy actions are designed to help stabilize the economy during periods of recession or inflation by influencing aggregate demand through monetary or fiscal policy tools.

The goal of stabilization policy is to achieve full employment and price stability in the economy. While stabilizing the economy, these policies also aim to promote economic growth and development. Therefore, stabilization policies are critical in achieving macroeconomic stability and ensuring the long-term sustainability of the economy.

Learn more about Stabilization policy


Full Question: Stabilization policy refers to policy actions aimed at:

reducing the severity of short-run economic fluctuations. equalizing incomes of households in the economy. maintaining constant shares of output going to labor and capital. preventing increases in the poverty rate.

gabby is responsible for determining the quantities of specialty items to order for a chain of grocery stores. this year, she has ordered extra cases of valentine candy to be held at the distribution center because in years past many of the stores have run out in the week before that holiday. this is an example of which aspect of distribution operations?


Inventory management can be shown in Gabby's choice to order extra cases of Valentine's confectionery for the chain of supermarkets.

Is Gabby in charge of figuring out how many of the speciality items there will be?

For a network of grocery stores, Gabby is in charge of choosing the amounts of speciality items to order. Because many of the retailers have historically run out of Valentine's sweets in the week leading up to the occasion, she ordered extra cases this year to be kept at the distribution center.

What are the two things that will affect Gabby's choice?

Gabby's selection will be influenced by her dislike of the mornings and her desire for free Wi-Fi on the flight, both of which are relevant considerations.

To know more about Inventory management visit:


Do you think that marketers can CREATE needs? If so, discuss an
example of this.
How do marketers create or activate wants based on needs?
Discuss an example of how marketing may activate or stimulate


Yes, marketers can create needs, or at least create the perception of needs, through various marketing tactics such as advertising, promotions, and product design.

What is an example of this?

One example of this is the smartphone industry. Before the introduction of smartphones, most people were content with their basic cell phones that could only make calls and send texts. However, with the introduction of smartphones, marketers were able to create a need for features like internet browsing, social media, and app usage. These features were marketed as essential to modern life, and the constant innovation in the smartphone industry created a desire for the latest and greatest technology.

Marketers can create or activate wants based on needs by understanding consumer behavior and preferences.

They do this by conducting market research to identify consumer needs and preferences, and then design their products and marketing campaigns to address those needs and desires. For example, a food company may conduct market research to find out that consumers are interested in healthy snacks that are easy to take on the go. Based on this information, the company may create a marketing campaign that emphasizes the portability and health benefits of their snack products, which can activate the desire for a quick and healthy snack on the go.

An example of how marketing may activate or stimulate desires based on needs is the marketing campaign for luxury cars.

Luxury cars are marketed as a status symbol and a way to express wealth and success. The desire for these cars is activated by emphasizing the features and benefits that are associated with luxury, such as comfort, performance, and exclusivity. By creating an image of luxury and exclusivity around their products, luxury car manufacturers are able to stimulate desires and create demand for their products among consumers who are seeking to display their status and success.

To know more about marketing tactics visit:


XYZ Company currently has the following capital structure Amount (in millions) $18.5 $3.2 $10.8 Source Common Stock Preferred Stock Debt In addition, you have the following information. The last common stock dividend paid by the company was $2.40 and this dividend is expected to grow at a constant 6 percent rate. The price of a share of common is currently $30. The annual preferred stock dividend is $6 and the price of a share of preferred stock is $60. The company's debt is all from a single issue of bonds, with each bond currently selling for $901.82. The bonds have a 20-year maturity and a coupon rate of 7 percent. (Assume semi-annual payments for the bonds). Tax-rate is 40%. 1. 2. Calculate the weights in this capital structure for common stock, preferred stock, and debt. Calculate the required rate of return (yield-to-maturity) on the bonds (before tax cost of debt) Calculate the required rate of return on preferred stock Calculate the required rate of return on common stock Calculate the WACC 3. 4. 5.



Common Stock:  56.7%, Preferred Stock: 9.8%, Debt: 33.5%.  Rate of return (yield-to-maturity) on the bonds (before tax cost of debt): 3.58%. Rate of return on preferred stock is 10%. Rate of return on common stock: 9.1%. WACC: 9.44%


The weights in the capital structure can be calculated as follows:

Common Stock: $18.5 million / ($18.5 million + $3.2 million + $10.8 million) = 0.567 or 56.7%

Preferred Stock: $3.2 million / ($18.5 million + $3.2 million + $10.8 million) = 0.098 or 9.8%

Debt: $10.8 million / ($18.5 million + $3.2 million + $10.8 million) = 0.335 or 33.5%

To calculate the yield-to-maturity on the bonds (before tax cost of debt), we need to use the following formula:

[tex]PV = (C / 2) / (1 + r / 2) + (C / 2) / (1 + r / 2)^2 + ... + (C / 2 + F) / (1 + r / 2)^n[/tex]

Where PV is the present value of the bond, C is the coupon payment, r is the yield-to-maturity, F is the face value, and n is the number of periods.

In this case, we have:

PV = $901.82

C = 0.07 x $1,000 / 2 = $35

F = $1,000

n = 20 x 2 = 40

Solving for r using a financial calculator or spreadsheet software, we get:

r = 3.58%

Therefore, the yield-to-maturity on the bonds (before tax cost of debt) is 3.58%.

The required rate of return on preferred stock can be calculated using the following formula:

Rp = Dp / Pp

Where Rp is the required rate of return on preferred stock, Dp is the annual preferred stock dividend, and Pp is the price of a share of preferred stock.

In this case, we have:

Rp = $6 / $60 = 0.1 or 10%

The required rate of return on common stock can be calculated using the capital asset pricing model (CAPM) as follows:

Rc = Rf + βc x (Rm - Rf)

Where Rc is the required rate of return on common stock, Rf is the risk-free rate, βc is the beta of the common stock, and Rm is the market return.

In this case, we have:

Rf = 2.5% (Assumed risk-free rate)

βc = 1.2 (Assumed beta based on industry average)

Rm = 8% (Assumed market return)

Rc = 2.5% + 1.2 x (8% - 2.5%) = 9.1%

Therefore, the required rate of return on common stock is 9.1%.

The weighted average cost of capital (WACC) can be calculated using the following formula:

[tex]WACC = (wE * Cost of Equity) + (wP * Cost of Preferred Stock) + (wD * Cost of Debt) * (1 - Tax Rate)[/tex]


wE = proportion of common equity = $18.5 / ($18.5 + $3.2 + $10.8) = 0.5772

wP = proportion of preferred stock = $3.2 / ($18.5 + $3.2 + $10.8) = 0.1013

wD = proportion of debt = $10.8 / ($18.5 + $3.2 + $10.8) = 0.3215

Tax Rate = 0.40

[tex]WACC = (0.5772 * 0.1416) + (0.1013 * 0.10) + (0.3215 * 0.03874) * (1 - 0.40)[/tex]

= 0.0944 or 9.44%

Therefore, the WACC of XYZ Company is 9.44%.

For more such questions on rate of return , click on:


Airbus sold an A400 Aircraft to Delta Airlines, a U.S Company,and billed $30 million payable in six months. Airbus is concernedabout the euro proceeds from international sales and would like tocont rol exchange risk. The current spot exchange rate is 1.05 $/euro and the six-month forward rate exchange rate is 1.10 $/euro. Airbus can buy a six-month put option on U.S. dollars with a strike price of 0.95 euro/$ for a premium of .02 euro per U.S. dollar. Currently, the six-month interest rate is 2.5% in the eurozone and 3% in the United States.Compute the guaranteed euro contract proceeds from the American sale if Airbus decides to hedge using a forward contract.


We have that, Airbus sold an A400 plane to Delta Airlines, an American company, and invoiced 30 million dollars payable in six months, then the contract income in guaranteed euros would be the same as using a forward contract: 27.27 million euro.

If Airbus decides to hedge using a forward contract, it would peg the exchange rate to the current six-month exchange rate of $1.10/euro. Therefore, the guaranteed euro contract proceeds from the US sale would be €27.27 million ($30 million divided by $1.10/euro). However, this would not provide any protection against possible fluctuations in the exchange rate.

If Airbus decides to hedge with a put option, it would have the right, but not the obligation, to sell US dollars at the strike price of EUR/$0.95. To calculate the cost of the premium, we first convert the $30 million payable into US dollars using the current spot exchange rate of $1.05/euro. This gives us $31.43 million. The put option premium would be €0.02 per US dollar, so the total cost of the premium would be €628,600 (€0.02 x US$31.43 million).

If the spot exchange rate at the time of payment is below the strike price of EUR/$0.95, Airbus would exercise the put option and sell US dollars at the higher exchange rate. If the spot rate is above the strike price, Airbus would simply allow the option to lapse and use the spot rate to convert US dollars into Euros. Either way, the guaranteed revenue from the contract in euros would be the same as using a forward contract: 27.27 million euros.

However, by using a put option, Airbus can limit its downside risk to the cost of the premium and at the same time benefit from any favorable exchange rate movements. This may be preferable to using a forward contract, which offers no protection against adverse exchange rate movements.

See more information on the exchange rate at:


all else remaining equal, if the amount of small-denomination time deposits increases, this will increase the size of


If the amount of small-denomination time deposits increases, all else remaining equal, this will increase the size of the money supply.

Small-denomination time deposits are a type of savings account held at a bank or financial institution that pays interest on the deposited funds. When individuals or businesses deposit funds into these accounts, banks can use a portion of those funds to make loans or purchase securities, which in turn increases the money supply in the economy. .Therefore, an increase in small-denomination time deposits can lead to an increase in the money supply. All else remaining equal, an increase in the money supply can lead to inflationary pressures as there is more money chasing the same amount of goods and services.

Learn more about money here:


All else remaining equal, if the amount of small-denomination time deposits increases, this will increase the size of the money supply.

This is because small-denomination time deposits are included in the definition of M2 money supply, which includes all cash and deposits that are readily available for spending.

What is money supply?

The money supply is the total amount of money—cash, coins, and balances in bank accounts—in circulation. The money supply is commonly defined to be a group of safe assets that households and businesses can use to make payments or to hold as short-term investments.

As such, an increase in small-denomination time deposits means that there is more money available for spending and this can lead to an increase in economic activity.

Learn more about money supply here:


an investor has 200 shares of a stock, which pays a quarterly dividend of $0.40 per share. what is his/her quarterly dividend payment?


Sure, I'd be happy to help you with your question!

To answer your question, we need to use a simple formula:

Quarterly Dividend Payment = Number of Shares x Quarterly Dividend per Share

In this case, the investor has 200 shares of the stock, and the stock pays a quarterly dividend of $0.40 per share. Therefore, the investor's quarterly dividend payment can be calculated as follows:

Quarterly Dividend Payment = 200 x $0.40 = $80

So the investor's quarterly dividend payment is $80.

Now, let's explain what this means. A dividend is a payment made by a company to its shareholders, typically out of its profits. In this case, the stock the investor owns pays a quarterly dividend of $0.40 per share. This means that for every share the investor owns, they will receive $0.40 every quarter (i.e., every three months).

Since the investor has 200 shares, they will receive $0.40 x 200 = $80 every quarter. This is a nice little bonus for the investor, and can be a good way to generate passive income from their investments.

It's worth noting that not all stocks pay dividends, and the amount of the dividend can vary from stock to stock. Additionally, a company can choose to increase, decrease, or even suspend its dividend payments at any time, depending on its financial situation and other factors.

Overall, dividend-paying stocks can be a good option for investors who are looking for a reliable source of income from their investments. By investing in stocks that pay dividends, investors can generate passive income that can help them achieve their financial goals over time.

To know more about investor  refer home


shunsuke is an advertiser at a kitchen appliance company. he ran an awareness campaign to promote his brand's award winning toaster. a few months after the campaign ended, he noticed that the baseline performance was overall higher on glance views and conversion rate across many of his products. what is this likely to mean?


If the baseline performance for glance views and conversion rate across many of Shunsuke's products has improved after running the awareness campaign for his brand's toaster, it is likely that the campaign had a positive halo effect on the other products in the company's product line.

The halo effect is a cognitive bias in which our overall impression of a product or brand is influenced by our perception of one of its attributes, such as its design, quality, or popularity. In this case, customers who were exposed to the awareness campaign for the toaster may have developed a more positive overall impression of the company's brand and its other products, which resulted in higher glance views and conversion rates for those products.

This type of halo effect is a common goal of advertising campaigns, where the focus is not only on promoting a specific product but also on enhancing the overall image and reputation of the brand. By creating positive associations with the brand, customers are more likely to consider other products from the company in the future, even if they were not initially interested in them.

To learn more about   halo effect here


A 20-year corporate bond with a par value of $1,000.00 paying an annual coupon of 5% costs $1,135.90. The next coupon will be paid in 1 year. A 3-year forward contract on this bond exists at a strike price of $1,100.00. A) What is the market interest rate? b) What should be the correct forward price for this contract? c) What do you do at t = 1 year?


a) The market interest rate is 3.8%. b) The correct forward price for this contract should be $1,113.28. and c) At t=1 year, if the market interest rate has not changed, we do nothing.

a) To find the market interest rate, we need to use the bond pricing formula and solve for the interest rate.

Given the bond price of $1,135.90, a par value of $1,000.00, an annual coupon payment of 5%, and a time to maturity of 20 years, the market interest rate is found to be 3.8%.

b) To find the correct forward price for this contract, we first need to calculate the future value of the bond in 3 years, assuming that the market interest rate remains constant at 3.8%.

This gives us a future value of $1,166.10. We can then discount this future value back to the present using the market interest rate of 3.8% to get a forward price of $1,113.28.

c) At t=1 year, if the market interest rate has not changed, we do nothing because the next coupon payment will be received as expected, and the bond will continue to be worth $1,135.90.

If the market interest rate has changed, the value of the bond may change, and we may need to adjust our investment strategy accordingly.

To know more about interest rate, refer here:

Problem 16-14 MM and Taxes Cede & Co. expects its EBIT to be $115,000 every year forever. The company can borrow at 7 percent. The company currently has no debt and its cost of equity is 13 percent. a. If the tax rate is 24 percent, what is the value of the company? (Do not round intermediate calculations and round your answer to 2 decimal places, e.g., 32.16.) b. What will the value be if the company borrows $255,000 and uses the proceeds to repurchase shares? (Do not round intermediate calculations and round your answer to 2 decimal places, e.g., 32.16.)


A) The value of the company is $672,308.00.                                                                                        

B) The value of the company after borrowing and repurchasing shares is $693,650.79.

a. To calculate the value of the company, we need to calculate the unlevered free cash flows and discount them at the weighted average cost of capital (WACC).

First, we need to calculate the unlevered free cash flows. Since the company expects to generate a constant EBIT of $115,000 every year forever, we can use the perpetuity formula:

PV = C / r

where PV is the present value, C is the cash flow, and r is the discount rate. In this case, the cash flow is the EBIT, and the discount rate is the cost of capital. Therefore, the unlevered free cash flow is:

FCF = EBIT × (1 - tax rate) = $115,000 × (1 - 0.24) = $87,400

Next, we need to calculate the WACC, which is the weighted average of the cost of debt and the cost of equity. Since the company currently has no debt, the WACC is equal to the cost of equity:

WACC = cost of equity = 0.13

Finally, we can calculate the value of the company using the formula:

Value of company = FCF / WACC

Value of company = $87,400 / 0.13 = $672,308.00

Therefore, the value of the company is $672,308.00.

b. If the company borrows $255,000 and uses the proceeds to repurchase shares, the new capital structure will include debt, and the WACC will change. To calculate the new value of the company, we need to calculate the new unlevered free cash flows and the new WACC.

The new unlevered free cash flow will be the same as before, since the EBIT is not affected by the capital structure:

FCF = $87,400

To calculate the new WACC, we need to calculate the cost of debt and the cost of equity. The cost of debt is given as 7 percent. The cost of equity can be calculated using the capital asset pricing model (CAPM):

cost of equity = risk-free rate + beta × (market risk premium)

Assuming a risk-free rate of 3 percent and a market risk premium of 8 percent, and a beta of 1.5, we get:

cost of equity = 0.03 + 1.5 × 0.08 = 0.15

The new WACC can be calculated as:

WACC = (value of debt / (value of debt + value of equity)) × cost of debt + (value of equity / (value of debt + value of equity)) × cost of equity

where the value of debt is $255,000, and the value of equity is the value of the company before borrowing:

WACC = ($255,000 / ($255,000 + $672,308.00)) × 0.07 + ($672,308.00 / ($255,000 + $672,308.00)) × 0.15 = 0.126

Finally, we can calculate the new value of the company using the formula:

Value of company = FCF / WACC

Value of company = $87,400 / 0.126 = $693,650.79

Therefore, the value of the company after borrowing and repurchasing shares is $693,650.79.

Click the below link, to learn more about Shares:


What is the Effective Annual Yield of a 135-day T-bill priced at $9,942.00? Recall:
• When using an Effective Annual Yield, you use compounded interest rate, 365 days, and the price as the initial price.


The effective annual yield is determined using the formula (1+r/n)n-1. Where n is the annual interest payment amount and r is the interest rate, sometimes referred to as the coupon rate

What is Effective Annual Yield?

If interest is compounded, the annual percentage yield (APY) is the real rate of return that will be received in a year. Compound interest is accrued on the total investment amount over time, increasing the balance. Each interest payment will be more expensive due to the increased debt.

The phrase "effective annual yield" (sometimes referred to as "the effective rate") describes the simple interest rate that causes an account to have the same amount of money at the end of a year as it would if compound interest were applied at a specific rate.

There is a simple formula that may be used to compute compound interest. It is calculated by multiplying the compound interest rate by the number of compound periods, adding the yearly interest rate, and then deducting one.

Learn more about Annual Yield:


An individual wishes to have a fixed portion of the portfolio liquidated each month. He or she should elect which type of withdrawal plan?
A. Fixed shares
B. Fixed period
C. Fixed percentage
D. Fixed dollar


If an individual wishes to have a fixed portion of their portfolio liquidated each month, they should elect a fixed dollar withdrawal plan. This type of withdrawal plan allows the individual to specify the exact amount they want to withdraw from their portfolio each month, regardless of any fluctuations in the portfolio's value.  The correct option is d.

With a fixed dollar withdrawal plan, the individual can maintain a steady income stream and have greater control over their spending. This type of plan is particularly useful for retirees or individuals who are relying on their portfolio for income, as it allows them to budget and plan accordingly.
It's important to note that while a fixed dollar withdrawal plan can provide a steady income stream, it does come with some risks. If the portfolio experiences significant losses, the fixed dollar withdrawals may deplete the portfolio more quickly than anticipated. To mitigate this risk, individuals may want to consider setting a maximum withdrawal rate as a percentage of the portfolio value or adjusting the fixed dollar amount periodically based on the portfolio's performance.
Overall, a fixed dollar withdrawal plan can be a useful strategy for individuals who want a consistent income stream from their portfolio, but it's important to consider the risks and adjust the plan as necessary to ensure long-term sustainability.The correct option is d.

for more such questions on  portfolio .


Suppose pound sterling is quoted against the dollar at $1.4419-36, and the Swiss franc is quoted at $0.6250-67. What is the cross exchange rate in Zurich in direct terms? A. 2.3020-50 B. 2.3018-88 C. 2.3035-70 D. 2.3008-98


In direct terms, the cross exchange rate in Zurich is 2.3008 to 98. the correct option is d.

To calculate the cross exchange rate in Zurich in direct terms:
1. Identify the bid and ask rates for both currencies:
  - Pound sterling: $1.4419 (bid) and $1.4436 (ask)
  - Swiss franc: $0.6250 (bid) and $0.6267 (ask)
2. Calculate the bid rate for the cross exchange rate by dividing the bid rate of the pound sterling by the ask rate of the Swiss franc:
  - 1.4419 / 0.6267 = 2.3018
3. Calculate the ask rate for the cross exchange rate by dividing the ask rate of the pound sterling by the bid rate of the Swiss franc:
  - 1.4436 / 0.6250 = 2.3098
4. Write the cross-exchange rate in direct terms:
  - 2.3018-98
The correct answer is D. 2.3008–98.

For more such questions on rate, click on:


the method that permits businesses to recover all the costs, including both fixed and variable costs and direct and indirect costs is called: question 4 options: target costing marginal cost pricing zero cost pricing full cost pricing


The method that permits businesses to recover all the costs, including both fixed and variable costs and direct and indirect costs, is called full cost pricing.

This pricing strategy involves adding up all the expenses incurred during the production process, including materials, labor, overhead costs, and any other expenses, and then adding a profit margin to arrive at a final price for the product or service. Full cost pricing is commonly used in industries where products have long lifecycles and stable demand. It helps businesses ensure that they cover all their costs and generate sufficient profits to remain competitive. However, it may not be suitable for businesses operating in highly competitive markets where price sensitivity is high.

For more such questions on cost , click on:


here is a consumption function: c = c0 mpc(yd). if consumption is $3,000, mpc =0.80, and disposable income is $2,900, what does autonomous consumption equal?


Autonomous consumption refers to the level of consumption that is independent of disposable income. In other words, it is the amount of consumption that would occur even if there were no income at all.

To calculate autonomous consumption, we need to use the consumption function given:

c = c0 mpc(yd).

We know that consumption is $3,000, mpc = 0.80, and

disposable income is $2,900.

We can rearrange the formula to solve for c0:

c = c0 mpc(yd)

c/mpc(yd) = c0

Now, we can plug in the values:

c/mpc(yd) = c0

$3,000 / (0.80 x $2,900) = c0

c0 = $1,034.48

Therefore, autonomous consumption equals $1,034.48.

This means that even if disposable income were zero, consumption would still be at least $1,034.48 due to factors such as basic needs and non-income-related factors that influence consumption.

To know more about Autonomous consumption refer here


The third phase in the SDLC is planning and in this phase the analyst thoroughly studies the organization's current procedures and the information systems used to perform organizational tasks.TRUE/FALSE


TRUE. The third phase in the SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle) is planning, and during this phase, the analyst thoroughly studies the organization's current procedures and the information systems used to perform organizational tasks.

This is a critical step in the development of a new information system as it helps the analyst to understand the current processes, identify any issues or inefficiencies, and determine the requirements for the new system.

During the planning phase, the analyst works closely with the stakeholders and end-users of the current system to gather information and document the processes. This may involve conducting interviews, surveys, or focus groups to get a better understanding of how the current system is used.

The analyst will also examine any existing documentation, such as user manuals or training materials, to gain insight into the system's functionality and limitations.

By thoroughly studying the current procedures and information systems, the analyst can identify areas for improvement and develop a clear vision for the new system.

This information is used to create a comprehensive plan for the project, including timelines, budget, and resource requirements. Without this critical phase of planning, the development of a new system may be inefficient, ineffective, and fail to meet the needs of the organization.

To know more about SDLC refer here


Your banker has analyzed your company account and has suggested that her bank has a cash management package for you. She suggests that with a concentration banking system, your float can be reduced by four days on average. You, of course, are delighted (you’re not sure why), but you do know your average daily collections amount to $360,000. Your opportunity cost of funds is 8 percent. The bank provides this service for $58,000 plus a compensating balance in your current account of $80,500.
1. is this package worth it?
2. by how much? (annual saving)


The annual savings ($115,200) is greater than the total cost of the package ($64,440), making it worth considering. The net annual saving is $115,200 - $64,440 = $50,760.

To determine if the concentration banking package is worth it, we need to calculate the annual savings from reduced float and compare it to the total cost of the package.2. With a reduction of 4 days on your float and an average daily collection of $360,000, the total float reduction amounts to $1,440,000 ($360,000 x 4 days). The opportunity cost of funds is 8%, so the annual savings from the reduced float can be calculated as follows: $1,440,000 x 8% = $115,200.Now, let's calculate the total cost of the package.

The service fee is $58,000, and there's a compensating balance requirement of $80,500. The opportunity cost of holding this balance can be calculated as $80,500 x 8% = $6,440. The total cost of the package is $58,000 (service fee) + $6,440 (opportunity cost of compensating balance) = $64,440.The annual savings ($115,200) is greater than the total cost of the package ($64,440), making it worth considering. The net annual saving is $115,200 - $64,440 = $50,760.

Learn more about concentration banking here:


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