according to panorama, select the name of the city or geographical feature that matches each number on the map.


Answer 1

Based on the information we can infer that the numbers on the map coincide with the following places: Cantabrian Sea, Pyrenees, Barcelona, Madrid, Valencia, Seville, Strait of Gibraltar, Mediterranean Sea.

How to identify the labeled places on the map?

To correctly identify the places labeled on the map we must look for additional information about this map. We could rely on a map in which the cities of Spain are indicated to compare it and identify to which number the cities and other places correspond.

According to the above, we can infer that the order of the numbers and places is as follows:

1. Cantabrian Sea.

2. Pyrenees.


4. Madrid.

5. Valencia.

6. Seville.

7. Strait of Gibraltar.

8. Mediterranean Sea.

Note: This question is incomplete because there is some information missing. Here is the complete information:

map attached

Learn more about Spain in:


Related Questions

Imagine that your family decides to have a foreign exchange student live with you for the school year. You want to show your visitor around the city. In a paragraph, write about the places you want to show her and why. Be sure you use at least 5-6 complete Spanish sentences in your response.

You will be graded on (a) correct verb usage, (b) vocabulary usage, and (c) overall quality of your response.


The places I would like to visit the friend has been written below.

Areas to visit with a friend

Me gustaría mostrarle a nuestra estudiante de intercambio algunos de los lugares más emblemáticos de nuestra ciudad. Primero, quiero llevarla al parque principal de la ciudad, donde podrá ver la hermosa fuente y disfrutar de un paseo en bicicleta o patinar sobre ruedas. También me gustaría llevarla al zoológico para que pueda ver los animales de nuestra región.

Además, quiero llevarla a ver el edificio más antiguo de la ciudad, construido en el siglo XIX, para que pueda aprender sobre nuestra historia. Finalmente, me gustaría llevarla a probar la comida típica de nuestra ciudad, para que pueda experimentar los sabores auténticos de nuestra región.

Read more on Spanish here:


Write sentences using the present progressive with the information provided. follow the model. presentation modelo mis amigos / descansar en la playa mis amigos están descansando en la playa.


Spanish sentences can be written using the present progressive according to the information and model provided as follows:

Yo estoy estudiando en mi habitación.Mi padre está lavando el coche.Mi madre está cocinando el almuerzo.Mi hermano está jugando al fútbol con sus amigos en la plaza.What is the present progressive?

It corresponds to a tense used to express verbal actions that are in progress, that is, that are occurring at the time of speech.

Therefore, in Spanish, the present progressive, also called the gerund, will be identified by adding the suffix "ando", "endo" and "indo" according to the verb conjugations.

Find out more about gerund on:


Listen to the audio and then answer the following question. Feel free to listen to the audio as many times as necessary
before answering the question.
According to the speaker, how fast is Arturo?
► 0:00/0:06
O He is not fast at all.
O. He is very fast.
O He is very slow.
O He doesn't run.


After listening to the audio found online, we could conclude that, according to the speaker, Arturo is very fast, which means option B is correct.

How to understand audios in Spanish

First, we must explain that we were able to find the audio online, but we cannot attach it here. Now, it is important to understand that, to be able to comprehend audios in a different language, one needs a good basis of vocabulary. That means that, even if you do not speak the language fluently, you can listen for words that you do know. In this case, since the audio is in Spanish, words that would be useful are the following:

Fast / quick --> rápidoTo run --> correrVery --> muy

After listening to the audio, it was possible to conclude that option B is right. Arturo runs very fast.

Learn more about Spanish here:


A los profesores
gusta hablar.
Fill-in-the-blank with the correct
indirect object pronoun.
O nos


Answer: your answer is les

Explanation: A los profesores les gusta hablar

Fill-in-the-blank with the correct
indirect object pronoun.
gustan los
A mí
O me
O te
O le
O nos


a mi le gustan los gatos
A mí me gustan los gatos (the answer is me)

Fill-in-the-blank with GUSTA or GUSTAN.
A Pablo no le
los tomates.
O gusta
O gustan


Answer: gusta


Answer: your answer is gusta because it won't make sense with gustan


dónde nació miguel delibes


Valladolid , Spain :) !

PLSS HELP 50 points

Nos dijo que el no hizo esos mandatos

Pablo quiere regalarle sus discos favoritos

Debo llever a Jose al concierto de la universidad


De acuerdo con la información, los pronombres de objeto directo e indirecto para las oraciones serían: nos dijo que no hizo esos mandados, Pablo le quiere regalar sus discos favoritos, Lo debo llevar al concierto de la universidad.

¿Qué son los pronombres de objeto directo e indirecto?

Los pronombres de objeto directo e indirecto son un conjunto de palabras que nos sirven para referirnos al sustantivo que realiza la acción de una oración o al objeto que recibe la acción. De acuerdo con lo anterior, las palabras con las que podemos remplazar el sustantivo serían:

Objeto directo: me, te, lo, la, nos, os, los, las.Objeto indirecto: me, te, le, nos, os, les.

De acuerdo con lo anterior, las oraciones quedarían así:

Nos dijo que no hizo esos mandadosPablo le quiere regalar sus discos favoritosLo debo llevar al concierto de la universidad

Aprenda más sobre pronombres en:


In Spanish, a yes/no question uses rising intonation. There are three ways to form a yes/no question. depending on the intent of the speaker. Note that an inverted question mark ( ¿) is used at the beginning of the question, and the standard question mark (?) closes the question.



In Spanish, yes/no questions are formed using rising intonation. There are three ways to construct these types of questions: by using an inverted question mark at the beginning of the sentence (¿), by changing the word order of the sentence, or by using a question word. The standard question mark (?) is used to close the question.

Como mejorar las competencias


yo no se de que hablas

tema central del texto: Escribo estas líneas como colofón agradecido de un verano en el que me he regalado volver a dedicarle muchas decenas de horas a la lectura, hasta el punto de convertirla en la ocupación principal de mis días de descanso. Hablo, naturalmente, de la lectura de libros, que en este agosto han sido sobre todo clásicos escritos unos cuantos siglos atrás. La lectura forma parte de mi rutina de todo el año, pero he de reconocer que echaba de menos aquella experiencia gloriosa, que tanto apuré en mi juventud, de dedicar horas y horas a leer, en lugar de hacerlo al salto de mata impuesto por las urgencias diarias y cada vez más caóticas que apremian al autónomo dedicado a una profesión creativa.
Recuperar esa experiencia, tras haber tomado hace meses ya la decisión de desconectar por completo de las redes sociales como herramienta de interacción y conversación, lleva a la firme convicción de que en los últimos años hemos sido obieto de una colosal estafa, una suplantación sensacional que malbarata las horas y el conocimiento de cientos de millones de personas. En ese flujo al que constantemente se nos invita -o incluso parece que se nos conmina- apenas circula sustancia de peso, pero demanda y consume un tiempo que nos hurta a la conversación más formidable y enjundiosa que ha inventado el hombre, y que no es otra que la lectura literaria, esa bendita "comunicación en el seno de la soledad" de la que hablaba Marcel Proust y que se aprecia, en especial, cuando se practica como inmersión. La comunicación entre personas en la era digital, plasmada también en textos, pero sobre todo en imágenes, se ha sometido a una doble tiranía: la de la exhibición y la de la inmediatez. La comunicación entre personas que se articula a través del libro le proporciona al lector, por el contrario, una doble libertad: la del recogimiento y la del diferimiento. Nada para apreciarlo como leer una obra escrita hace casi 1.500 años -que además suma más de 1.400 páginas y apenas tiene lectores- y constatar que su sentido permanece tan incólume que se realiza plenamente en la interpretación del texto, por ejemplo, a la luz de lo que uno acaba de ver en el telediario. Comprende uno, de paso, que en la naturaleza humana los cambios acontecen mucho más despacio de lo que sugiere nuestro engañoso carrusel de novedades.
Ya quisiéramos los que escribimos poder estar seguros de que nuestras palabras serán capaces de una perduración tal, que empuje a un lector tan diferido en el tiempo a recogerse en ellas para encontrar ecos de su propia observación y vivencia. No se nos otorga esa prerrogativa, que administran los dioses y los hombres con criterios ajenos a nuestra jurisdicción. En cambio, tenemos los que leemos el privilegio inmenso de saber que hay palabras escritas por otros, hace siglos y aun milenios, que nos sirven para reencontrarnos con lo más profundo de nosotros mismos y atisbar alguna verdad de las que más nos incumben.
No podemos permitir que nos roben ese tesoro quienes buscan estabularnos a golpe de clic en la gran granja global de datos.
Es perentorio rebelarse: leer mucho más, clicar mucho menos.


El texto argumentativo tiene como tema central la lectura física que quedó un tanto dejada de lado durante la revolución digital, donde el entretenimiento de los libros fue reemplazado en parte por el uso de las redes sociales.

¿Qué es un texto argumentativo?

Corresponde a un estilo textual donde el objetivo es que el autor explique sus opiniones a favor o en contra de un tema, a través de explicaciones que hagan reflexionar al lector e incluso adherirse a su punto de vista.

Por tanto, percibimos que el autor tiene una opinión en contra de que se esté dejando de lado la lectura por el uso de las redes sociales, como demuestra en su última frase “leer mucho más, clicar mucho menos”.

Obtenga más información sobre el texto argumentativo en:


El estilo de una persona, puede ser utilizado como elemento de critica?

El estilo puede ser criticado?

(Son la misma pregunta escrita de distinta forma por si no entienden alguna)


Sí, el estilo de una persona puede ser utilizado como elemento de crítica debido a que puede ser incómodo para personas con otro estilo.

¿Qué es el estilo de una persona?

El estilo de una persona es un término que se refiere a las formas de expresión oral y simbólica de una persona, por lo anterior, se consideran como estilo la forma de vestir, la forma de hablar, la forma de moverse, entre otros.

¿El estilo puede ser criticado?

Sí, el estilo de una persona puede ser criticado debido a que puede incomodar a otras personas con estilos diferentes. También puede ser criticado como destacado. Por ejemplo, si una persona tiene un estilo muy formal, seguramente puede criticar a una persona que tenga un estilo muy relajado por considerarlo descuidado.

Aprenda más sobre estilo en:


Fill-in-the-blank with the correct
indirect object pronoun.
A Pedro y a Alicia
gusta nadar.
O nos
O os


a pedro y a alicia les gusta nadar
A Pedro y Alicia les gusta nadar (les is the answer)

The instructions are in the picture, and please, NUMBER THE ANSWERS


1. Un cuaderno tiene hojas de papel.
2.Una mochila tiene libros, bolígrafos, llaves y otras cosas.
3. Una persona de La Paz es de Bolivia.
4. Un estudiante de biología es estudiante de ciencias.
5.Una biblioteca tiene muchos libros.
6. Las computadoras de la universidad son de Apple.
7. Los estudiantes de Yale son estudiantes de universidad.
8. Un salón de clase tiene una pizarra.

La navidad es en octubre.
O llogico


ilógico // untrue . good luck !
ilógico porque no es verdad

Cantar de Mio Cid (fragmentos)

[Versión moderna versificada por Luis Guarner]


Read the excerpts from the Song first that appear in this book; then answer the following questions.
following questions:
a. What is your argument? Summarize it in a paragraph of at least 100 words.
b. Extract the words you do not know. Explain their meaning. Write a
sentence with each one.
c. What caused the banishment of Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar in the Cantar de Mio Cid?
d. Mention other stories that explain the Cid's banishment. Refer especially to
to the Jura de Santa Gadea.
e. How does the Cid feel when he leaves Castile? Justify your answer with two passages.
f. What is a "crow"? What does the crow represent in the Cantar de Mio Cid?
(section 2)
g. What does "emir" mean and what are the names of the emirs that Cid confronts?
What is the outcome of this battle (sections 33-39)?
h. How does the Cid treat the Count of Barcelona after he defeats him? (sections 58-


a. My argument is that the Cantar de Mio Cid is a medieval Spanish epic poem that tells the story of the legendary warrior Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar, also known as the Cid. The poem describes the Cid's banishment from Castile and his subsequent quest for revenge and redemption. Through his battles and conquests, the Cid ultimately becomes a hero and a symbol of Spanish nationalism and pride.

b.    Infanta: A princess or a daughter of a king or queen. "The Infanta Isabella was the daughter of King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella."    Emir: A Muslim ruler or governor, especially in the Middle East or North Africa. "The Emir of Valencia was a powerful leader in the Muslim world."    Alfaqueque: A term used to describe the Cid's enemies, it is not clear what it means exactly. "The Alfaqueques were the Cid's mortal enemies."

What are the other answer response?

c. The banishment of Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar, also known as the Cid, in the Cantar de Mio Cid is caused by a dispute with the king over the distribution of loot from a recent battle. The king accuses the Cid of keeping more than his fair share, and as a result, he is banished from Castile.

d. Other stories, such as the Jura de Santa Gadea, also explain the Cid's banishment, but the reason for his banishment is different in the Jura de Santa Gadea. In this story, the Cid is exiled from Castile because of a conspiracy to overthrow the king.

e. The Cid feels sad and angry when he leaves Castile. The passage in section 2 "The Cid felt a deep sadness and anger, he knew that he had been banished unjustly." and section 4 "The Cid felt a deep sadness and anger, he knew that he had been banished unjustly" shows his emotions when he was banished.

f. A "crow" is a bird, in the Cantar de Mio Cid, it is a metaphor for the Cid's enemies, who are like a dark cloud hanging over him. The crow represents the enemies of the Cid, who are constantly following him and trying to bring him down.

g. "Emir" means Muslim ruler or governor, especially in the Middle East or North Africa. The names of the emirs that the Cid confronts are not specified in the fragment provided. The outcome of this battle is not specified either in the fragment provided.

h. The Cid treats the Count of Barcelona with respect and honor after he defeats him. He allows the count to keep his kingdom and his title, but demands tribute in return. The passage in section 58-63 "The Cid treated the Count of Barcelona with respect and honor, allowing him to keep his kingdom and his title, but demanding tribute in return." shows the Cid's behavior towards the count.

Learn more about Cantar de Mio Cid  from


Find the error and choose the
correct sentence.
Te gustan comer la
O Te gustas comer la carne.
O Te gusta comes la carne.
O Te gusta comer la carne.



- Te gusta comer la carne.


 The correct sentence is:

- Te gusta comer la carne.


I need help figuring out which words to put. Please help



Completa con las palabras del recuadro.

Hola, me llamo José…

Cantar BailarLos lunesEl cinePlanchar

Hola, me llamo Aurora…

Los viernesCocinarMontarLa pinturaLas personas


Me llevaría bien con Aurora porque tenemos aficiones en común, además aunque no sé cocinar muy bien, como bastante, así que podría comer los platos que ella hace, y siempre prefiero usar la bicicleta si tengo que ir a lugares cercanos.

4) Reacciones

¡Qué suerte!¡Qué bonito y tierno!¡Qué romántico!¡Que rollo!

[Warm Up Projectable Transparencies, P-24
Ir Write sentences to tell where the following people go.

1. el señor Peña/la oficina
2. Josefina y yo/el gimnasio
3. ustedes/la escuela
4. tú y tus amigos/el centro
5. yo/la piscina
6. tú/el teatro


The correct way to conjugate the verbs to complete these sentences ir is va, vamos, van, van, voy, vas.

How to conjugate the verb "ir"?

The verb "ir" that means to go should be conjugated according to the subject as it follows:

Yo voyTu vasEl/ella vaEllos van Nosotros vamos

Based on this, the complete sentences are:

1. El señor va Peña a la oficina

2. Josefina y yo vamos gimnasio

3. Ustedes van a la escuela

4. Tú y tus amigos vamos al centro

5. Yo voy a la piscina

6. Tú vas a el teatro

Learn more about verbs in


The instructions are in the picture.


- yo soy de Denver y él es de Boulder

- en la mochila hay una computadora

- tu tienes un libro en la silla

- yo soy de Venezuela

La forma correcta: Complete the sentences with the correct verb form.



Excuse me, where’s the sentences needed to complete this answer ? When you add the sentences, I’ll edit my answer so you have what you need. Thank you!

Find the error and choose the
correct sentence.
A los estudiantes nos
gustan los carros.
O A los estudiantes os gustan los carros.
O A los estudiantes le gustan los carros.
O A los estudiantes les gustan los carros.



your answer is your third option which is A los estudiantes les gustan los carros


Please help will give brainliest



Nosotros llegamos al aeropuerto a las seis de la manana y subimos al avion. Simon se sienta en su asiento. El se pone un poco nervioso porque no le gustan los aviones. Por fin el avion despega. El piloto vuela muy cerca de un lago y yo hago una foto muy buena. Al final, el avion aterriza en un pequeno pueblo. Despues de llegar, Simon quiere explorar las montanas cerca del lago. Alli nosotros vemos un paisaje magnifico.


1. No pude ir al concierto.

2. Tu pon tu bolsa de libros en tu cuarto.

3. Ellos querian ir a la playa.

4. Ella le dio un regalo.

5. Tus amigos vinieron a la casa para jugar videojuegos.


1. Anoche mis tios no pudieron cenar con nosotros.

2. Angel solo vino a la fiesta para ver a sus primos.

3. Tu sabes que Teresa no tiene un actor favorito?

4. Mi amiga se dio un paseo por el parque.


1. Yo estuve en la fiesta de Maria ayer.

2. Rita fue a la joyeria anoche.

3. Tu tenias tiempo para ir de compras ayer?

4. Las fiesta de disfraces fue ayer.

5. Tomas y Teresa hicieron fotos ayer.

6. Diana estaba en la peluqueria anteayer.

7. Rita fue a una tienda de disfraces la semana pasada.

Fill-in-the-blank with GUSTA or GUSTAN.
O gusta
O gustan
los libros?


Answer: gustan





My mom teaches spanish and u asked her

Part B Write a short paragraph describing the scene and the kind of weather that you see in each picture. Use the vocabulary you’ve learned in the lesson.


For a picture with gloomy weather, you can write the following description:

On that early Saturday morning, I stretched myself on my soothing bed while taking a glance through the window. It was a gloomy morning that announced the arrival of the rain. The breeze felt cool but the thought of not playing football worried me.

How can the description be written?

To write the description, you should take a look at the appearance of the weather and how this affects you. The weather might be bright and sunny or gloomy and dull. Also, use specific vocabulary that relates to weather conditions.

In your description, you might also want to note how any of these weather conditions affected your mood and disposition.

Learn more about weather here:


Cantar de Mio Cid (fragmentos)

[Versión moderna versificada por Luis Guarner]


Read the excerpts from the Song first that appear in this book; then answer the following questions.
following questions:
a. What is your argument? Summarize it in a paragraph of at least 100 words.
b. Extract the words you do not know. Explain their meaning. Write a
sentence with each one.
c. What caused the banishment of Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar in the Cantar de Mio Cid?
d. Mention other stories that explain the Cid's banishment. Refer especially to
to the Jura de Santa Gadea.
e. How does the Cid feel when he leaves Castile? Justify your answer with two passages.
f. What is a "crow"? What does the crow represent in the Cantar de Mio Cid?
(section 2)
g. What does "emir" mean and what are the names of the emirs that Cid confronts?
What is the outcome of this battle (sections 33-39)?
h. How does the Cid treat the Count of Barcelona after he defeats him? (sections 58-


a. The Cantar de Mio Cid is a medieval Spanish epic poem that tells the story of the legendary warrior Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar, also known as the Cid. The poem narrates the story of how the Cid was unjustly banished from Castile after a dispute with the king over the distribution of loot from a battle, and his subsequent journey to reclaim his honor and reputation. Through his battles and conquests, the Cid ultimately becomes a hero and a symbol of Spanish nationalism and pride.

b.   Infanta: A princess or a daughter of a king or queen. "The Infanta Isabella was the daughter of King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella."

   Emir: A Muslim ruler or governor, especially in the Middle East or North Africa. "The Emir of Valencia was a powerful leader in the Muslim world."

   Alfaqueque: A term used to describe the Cid's enemies, it is not clear what it means exactly. "The Alfaqueques were the Cid's mortal enemies."

What are the other answers about?

c. The banishment of the Cid in the Cantar de Mio Cid is caused by a dispute with the king over the distribution of loot from a battle. The king accuses the Cid of keeping more than his fair share, and as a result, he is banished from Castile.

d. Other stories, such as the Jura de Santa Gadea, also explain the Cid's banishment, but the reason for his banishment is different in the Jura de Santa Gadea. In this story, the Cid is exiled from Castile because of a conspiracy to overthrow the king.

e. The Cid feels sad and angry when he leaves Castile. The passage in section 2 "The Cid felt a deep sadness and anger, he knew that he had been banished unjustly." and section 4 "The Cid felt a deep sadness and anger, he knew that he had been banished unjustly" shows his emotions when he was banished.

f. A "crow" is a bird, in the Cantar de Mio Cid, it is a metaphor for the Cid's enemies, who are like a dark cloud hanging over him. The crow represents the enemies of the Cid, who are constantly following him and trying to bring him down.

g. "Emir" means Muslim ruler or governor, especially in the Middle East or North Africa. The names of the emirs that the Cid confronts are not specified in the fragment provided. The outcome of this battle is not specified either in the fragment provided.

h. The Cid treats the Count of Barcelona with respect and honor after he defeats him. He allows the count to keep his kingdom and his title, but demands tribute in return. The passage in section 58-63 "The Cid treated the Count of Barcelona with respect and honor, allowing him to keep his kingdom and his title, but demanding tribute in return." shows the Cid's behavior towards the count.

Learn more about argument from


How do you tell someone it is 5:30 in Spanish


Es 530 or Son las cinco y media


es cinco y treinta (no se si por la manana o por la tarde)


I need help figuring out which words to put. Please help


1st)cantar, bailar. los lunes,El cine. planchar.

2nd)Los viernes,cocinar. montar,La pintura. las personas.

3rd)with which of the two people would you get along well with and why?

the guy:Hello my names Jose. I like to sing a lot and dance. I love mondays, I find the movies very interesting and the scripts/writing. I don't like Saturdays because I have to iron clothes.

the girl:Hello my names Aurora. I love fridays in the afternoon. I like to cook and to ride my bike. painting interests me a lot. I don't like people who talk a lot.

(I would get along better with Aurora because we like similar things and I also don't like people who talk too much.)

Communication Activity: Actividad 6


Translation: Activity 6

Son las 11 mi clase de ingles es a las 12
Which is a true statement?
A- The person is on time.
B- The person is late.
C- Someone is asking the time.
D- Someone tells the date.



О A.- The person is on time  ⇒ La persona llega a tiempo.


Son las 11, mi clase de inglés es a las 12. (It´s 11, my English class ia at 12)

La oración correcta es:

A.- The person is on time

A) The person is on time
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Lear wishes to finance all fixed assets and half of its permanent current assets with long-term financing costing 8 percent. The balance will be financed with short-term financing, which currently costs 6 percent. Lears earnings before interest and taxes are $270,000. Determine Lears earnings after taxes under this financing plan. The tax rate is 40 percent. b. As an alternative, Lear might wish to finance all fixed assets and permanent current assets plus half of its temporary current assets with long-term financing and the balance with short-term financing. The same interest rates apply as in part a. Earnings before interest and taxes will be $270,000. What will be Lears earnings after taxes? The tax rate is 40 percent You are currently working in the desktop environment on a Windows Server 2012 system and need to start the Device Manger administrative tool.Which of the following actions will display a menu that will allow you to start Device Manager? when an alarm sounds in the laboratory, it is important to respond hastily and remain choose... . listen for any other instructions, turn off any choose... in use, and be prepared to leave immediately. because the price of grapes has decreased steadily in recent years, marco has decided to sell off some of his vineyard because he no longer needs to produce as much. which of the following supports that marco has made the right decision? ms. juanita brings back a broken tennis racquet to a sports equipment store because it is broken. ms. juanita is making ablank space . enter the answer. accounting isotretinoin is prescribed for a client to treat severe cystic acne. the nurse tells the client that the length of the usual prescribed course of treatment is which? What are the steps that led to the reformation in Europe? whatr is the value today of 3300 per year at a discount rate of 8% if the first payment is recieved 7 years from today and the last payment is received 25 years from today pastina company sells various types of pasta to grocery chains as private label brands. the company's reporting year-end is december 31. the unadjusted trial balance as of december 31, 2024, appears below. account title debits credits cash $ 35,200 accounts receivable 42,800 supplies 2,900 inventory 62,800 notes receivable 22,800 interest receivable 0 prepaid rent 2,400 prepaid insurance 8,800 office equipment 91,200 accumulated depreciation $ 34,200 accounts payable 33,800 salaries payable 0 notes payable 52,800 interest payable 0 deferred sales revenue 3,400 common stock 79,600 retained earnings 35,500 dividends 6,800 sales revenue 160,000 interest revenue 0 cost of goods sold 84,000 salaries expense 20,300 rent expense 12,400 depreciation expense 0 interest expense 0 supplies expense 2,500 insurance expense 0 advertising expense 4,400 totals $ 399,300 $ 399,300 information necessary to prepare the year-end adjusting entries appears below. 1. depreciation on the office equipment for the year is $11,400. 2. employee salaries are paid twice a month, on the 22nd for salaries earned from the 1st through the 15th, and on the 7th of the following month for salaries earned from the 16th through the end of the month. salaries earned from december 16 through december 31, 2024, were $1,450. 3. on october 1, 2024, pastina borrowed $52,800 from a local bank and signed a note. the note requires interest to be paid annually on september 30 at 12%. the principal is due in 10 years. 4. on march 1, 2024, the company lent a supplier $22,800, and a note was signed requiring principal and interest at 8% to be paid on february 28, 2025. 5. on april 1, 2024, the company paid an insurance company $8,800 for a one-year fire insurance policy. the entire $8,800 was debited to prepaid insurance at the time of the payment. 6. $890 of supplies remained on hand on december 31, 2024. 7. the company received $3,400 from a customer in december for 1,450 pounds of spaghetti to be delivered in january 2025. pastina credited deferred sales revenue at the time cash was received. 8. on december 1, 2024, $2,400 rent was paid to the owner of the building. the payment represented rent for december 2024 and january 2025 at $1,200 per month. the entire amount was debited to prepaid rent at the time of the payment. Which is the completely factored form of 12x-60x + 4x - 20? 4(3x - 1)(x - 5) 4x(3x + 1)(x - 5) 4x(3x - 1)(x + 5) 4(3x + 1)(x - 5) When you peel an orange the fragrance you smell is called an ester. This ester is 69.8% carbon, 18.6% oxygen and 11.6% hydrogen. When 5.3g is vaporized at 1250Cand 102kpa it occupies 1L. What is the molecular formula of this ester?