According to research, which country is reported has having a relatively low prevalence of bullying? A) Sweden B) Russia C) United States D) Germany


Answer 1

According to research, Sweden is reported to have a relatively low prevalence of bullying, thus correct option is option A.

The Olweus Bullying Prevention Program, developed in Norway in the 1980s and widely used in Sweden, has been credited with reducing bullying rates in Swedish schools. The program emphasizes school-wide efforts to promote a positive school climate, increase adult supervision and intervention, and provide social skills training for students.

Research studies have consistently found that Sweden has lower rates of bullying than many other countries, including the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom. However, it is worth noting that bullying remains a significant problem in Sweden and elsewhere, and more efforts are needed to prevent and address it.

Some experts also caution that cross-cultural differences in the definition and measurement of bullying can make comparisons between countries challenging.

Overall, reducing bullying requires a multifaceted approach that involves not only schools but also families, communities, and society as a whole. By promoting positive relationships, empathy, and respect for diversity, we can create safer and more supportive environments for all individuals.

Learn more about bullying at


Answer 2

According to research, Sweden (A) is reported as having a relatively low prevalence of bullying compared to the other countries listed.

Bullying is defined as any unwelcome hostile behavior(s) by another adolescent or group of youths who are not siblings or current dating partners, including an observed or perceived power imbalance, that is repeated several times or is highly likely to be repeated.

Finally, there are various causes of bullying, including fury, increasing anger, vengeance, jealously, and the need to be in charge. Bullying, on the other hand, has a number of negative consequences, including self-destructive behaviors, the development of anxious habits, and the chance of acquiring anxiety, depression, or both.

To read more about Sweden click here


Related Questions

The two major categories of communications are: a. verbal and nonverbal. b. direct and indirect. c. long term and short term. d. mass and interpersonal. e. informative and persuasive.


Verbal and nonverbal communication are the two major categories of communication. Verbal communication is the use of words while nonverbal communication is the use of body language and gestures.

Verbal communication involves speaking and writing to convey a message. Nonverbal communication involves body language and facial expressions, as well as any form of non-verbal communication such as gestures, touch, and eye contact.

Direct and indirect communication are also major categories of communication. Direct communication involves speaking directly to another person with the intention of getting a message across. Indirect communication involves speaking in a more subtle way, often leaving the other person to interpret the intended meaning.

Long term and short term communication are also two categories of communication. Long term communication is the process of conveying information over a long period of time, often about a specific issue or topic. Short term communication is the process of conveying information in a shorter amount of time for a specific purpose or goal.

Mass and interpersonal communication are also two categories of communication. Mass communication is the process of disseminating information to a large audience, often through media sources. Interpersonal communication is the process of exchanging information between two or more people in a direct and personal manner.

Informative and persuasive communication are also two categories of communication. Informative communication is the process of providing facts and data to an audience in order to educate them. Persuasive communication is the process of convincing an audience to believe or accept a certain idea or opinion.

Know more about Direct and indirect communication here


If you heard about the mango house in your class or read the book somewhere, PLEASE help me answer the questions down below!, I will give you alot of points too :)


I think the book so far is really engaging. I can definitely relate to Esperanza's situation and her feelings of wanting to escape her poverty and to make something of herself.

What is escape?

Escape is the act of leaving a dangerous, unpleasant, or otherwise undesirable situation. It can take many different forms, including physical, psychological, emotional, or spiritual. In some circumstances, it can involve leaving a physical location, such as a home, job, or country, or it can involve a more internal process, such as a mental or emotional release. People may seek to escape for various reasons, such as to avoid a situation or person, to gain freedom, or to experience something new. In some cases, escape can be a necessary step in the process of healing or self-discovery.

I believe that her desire to be more than her current life situation is very relatable and I understand why she wants it so bad. It represents hope, ambition, and a chance to have a better life.
I think it is not good that teenage girls and boys are treated differently in this story. Everyone should be treated equally regardless of their gender. This is because it creates an unfair power dynamic and can lead to gender inequality. It is important to recognize that boys and girls should have the same opportunities and be allowed to make their own choices in life.

To learn more about escape

how is the ""earthquake in slow motion"" continuing to change television in the 21st century?


The "earthquake in slow motion," also known as the shift towards streaming and on-demand television, continues to have a significant impact on the television industry in the 21st century.

One major change has been the increased emphasis on original content, as networks strive to create exclusive programming tha will draw viewers away from the streaming platforms. Another change has been the shift towards more flexible and personalized viewing options, such as the ability to watch shows on-demand or to customize viewing packages based on individual preferences.

Overall, the "earthquake in slow motion" is continuing to reshape the television landscape, with new technologies and platforms emerging to meet the changing needs and preferences of viewers.

Learn more about"earthquake


The "earthquake in slow motion" refers to the ongoing transformation of the television industry due to technological advancements and changes in consumer surplus.

In the 21st century, this transformation has continued to accelerate with the advent of new technologies such as streaming, on-demand viewing, and social media.

One significant change is the rise of streaming services such as Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, and Hulu. These services allow viewers to watch shows and movies on demand, without having to tune in at a specific time. This has led to a decline in traditional cable TV subscriptions and has forced networks to adapt their business models to remain competitive.

To know more about consumer surplus


a very short televised comment that captures a thought or perspective with immediate impact on viewers is known as


A very short televised comment that captures a thought or perspective with immediate impact on viewers is known as soundbite.

A soundbite is a short statement, usually no more than a few sentences, that is used in television and radio broadcasts. It is designed to capture a thought or perspective in a succinct and memorable way, making an immediate impact on viewers and listeners.

Soundbites are often used by politicians, celebrities, and other public figures to summarize their views on an issue, or to provide a quick response to a question. They can also be used to create a sense of urgency or drama in a television broadcast, or to create a memorable moment that viewers will remember.

To know more about soundbite, click here:


true or false: according to thualagant (2012), socially accepted ideas and beliefs about age and ability are related to sports participation partly because the body is central to one's sense of self and social identity.


A multifaceted study of the self-concept based on the social spirit of the self is called The Social Self. Self-esteem, self-centrality, self-intricacy, social interest, tag, power, marginality, openness, and identification with the majority are all emphasized. The answer is true.

"An evaluative perspective in which the label of disability marks a person as inferior and incapable of full participation in mainstream activities” is how Coakley (2017) defines ableism.

The groups we belong to influence our sense of self. We've seen in our discussion of social comparisons that who we compare ourselves to can have a positive or negative impact on how we feel about ourselves. Our membership in groups is another social factor that affects our self-esteem.

These are the public self, the self-idea, the genuine or social self, and the best self.

To learn more about Social Self here


please help and dont plagiarize

Click to review the online content. Then answer the question(s) below, using complete sentences. Scroll down to view additional questions.
Online Content: Site 1

What was the poverty rate in the United States during 2017 and how many people are included?



The poverty rate in United States during 2017

ncludes 39.7 million people which is as similar

the statistics of poverty in 2016.


12.3% is the rate of poverty officially in 2017 which

s reduced by 0.4% when compared to 2016. This

shows is the 3rd consecutive decline in poverty ra


During the period of 2016 to 2017, the poverty

people number decreased for people living in the

West, in families, outside metropolitan cities and fo

all workers who worked part-time along with peop

with disability, with high school diploma but no or

some college degree.

a test that discriminates against a particular group based on gender, race, ethnicity, or even disability is considered as a (an):


A biassed or unfair test is one that favours one particular group over another based on factors such as gender, race, ethnicity, or even handicap.

What is biased?

A biassed person favours one side or topic over another, which is also rather imbalanced.

Although the term "biassed" might simply refer to choosing one thing over another, it also means "prejudiced," and this prejudice can be strong. It might be difficult to see the other side of an argument or choice when a person is so biassed or heavily leaning in one direction. However, it's frequently used in a more casual manner, as in "My friend makes good paintings in the world, but I might be a little biassed."

some synonyms of Biassed


To know more about Biassed:


In the U.S. it is illegal as well as socially frowned upon to marry certain relatives. This is an example of a society that practices ________,Select one:a. kindred exogamyb. kindred paternityc. kindred endogamyd. kindred maternity


In the U.S., it is illegal as well as socially frowned upon to marry certain relatives. This is an example of a society that practices kindred exogamy. This means that individuals are expected to marry outside of their kinship or blood relations.

This is done to avoid inbreeding and maintain genetic diversity within the population. Additionally, it also helps to establish social relationships and alliances between different families and communities. This practice is an important part of our society and helps to ensure the well-being of our population as a whole. In the U.S., it is illegal as well as socially frowned upon to marry certain relatives. This is an example of a society that practices kindred exogamy.

to know more about  socially please vist :-


____ are the most likely cause of an ems work-related fatality.


Transportation incidents are the most likely cause of an EMS work-related fatality.

Emergency medical services (EMS) workers provide essential services in responding to medical emergencies, accidents, and disasters. However, this work can be hazardous and comes with risks to the safety and health of EMS workers.

According to data from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), transportation incidents account for the majority of EMS work-related fatalities. This includes incidents involving ambulances and other emergency vehicles, as well as accidents that occur while responding to or returning from calls.

To know more about fatality, click here.


a study showed that after people bet on race horses, they felt more sure that those horses would win. this is an example of the principle of persuasion known as


The principle of persuasion at play in this scenario is cognitive dissonance.

Cognitive dissonance is a psychological concept that refers to the discomfort or mental stress that arises from holding two or more conflicting beliefs, attitudes, or values. In this case, the act of placing a bet on a racehorse creates a dissonance between the belief that the horse is a strong contender and the possibility that the bet may not pay off.

To reduce this discomfort, individuals may engage in various forms of rationalization or biased thinking, such as overestimating the likelihood of the horse winning, ignoring contradictory information, or seeking out information that confirms their belief. This can lead to an increased sense of confidence or certainty in the belief, even if it is not objectively supported by evidence.

The principle of cognitive dissonance has been widely studied in the field of social psychology and has important implications for understanding the processes of attitude formation, persuasion, and decision-making.

Click the below link, to learn more about Persuasion:


the deflation hypothesis of desert pavement formation states


The deflation hypothesis of desert pavement formation is a widely accepted theory that explains the process of how desert pavements are formed in arid environments.

According to this hypothesis, the formation of desert pavements is the result of a process called deflation.

Deflation is the process by which wind removes fine-grained sediments from the surface of the ground, leaving behind larger rocks and boulders.

The wind is able to pick up and transport the fine-grained sediments, but is not strong enough to move the larger rocks and boulders.

Over time, the repeated action of deflation causes the larger rocks and boulders to become concentrated on the surface of the ground, forming a layer that is known as a desert pavement.

This layer protects the underlying sediments from further erosion and helps to stabilize the surface of the ground.

In addition to protecting the underlying sediments from erosion, the desert pavement also plays an important role in regulating the hydrological cycle of arid environments.

The pavement acts as a natural filter, allowing rainwater to slowly seep into the ground, where it can be absorbed by plants and recharge groundwater supplies.

Overall, the deflation hypothesis of desert pavement formation provides a clear and compelling explanation for how these unique geological features are formed in arid environments.

By understanding this process, scientists can gain insights into the complex interactions between wind, water, and sediment that shape the surface of our planet.

To know more about deflation hypothesis here


TrueFalseQUESTION 10An increasing delay jitter is a good indicator of poor quality.


True, an increasing delay jitter is a good indicator of poor quality.

Delay jitter refers to the variation in time between the arrival of packets in a data stream. When there is an increasing delay jitter, it can cause interruptions and degrade the quality of the transmitted data, particularly in real-time applications like video conferencing or online gaming.

Delay jitter refers to the variation in delay of packets or signals in a network or system, often caused by congestion, routing issues, or processing delays. It can impact the quality and reliability of real-time applications such as VoIP, video conferencing, and online gaming.

Know more about delay jitter


ted bundy was found guilty of abducting, raping and murdering young women. he was considered a serial killer as well as


Ted Bundy was held responsible for kidnapping, raping, and killing young girls. He was regarded as a sociopath and a serial killer .

No, says Perpetua Neo, a psychologist and therapist who focuses with clients with DTP characteristics. According to her, "narcissists, psychopaths, and sociopaths do not have a feeling of empathy." They will never learn empathy, hence they will never be able to truly love someone.

A sociopath is unlikely to seek professional assistance or even be aware that they have ASPD. He was regarded as a sociopath and a serial murderer. Knowing the procedure for giving someone with ASPD a diagnosis is crucial for dealing and living with them.

Learn more about serial killer Visit:


the essential feature of criterion-related validity is establishing the relationship between performance on a test and performance on


The essential feature of criterion-related validity is establishing the relationship between performance on a test and performance on job.

The essential feature of criterion-related validity is establishing the relationship between performance on a test and performance on the external criterion.

This involves collecting data on both the test scores and the criterion measure, and then analyzing the relationship between the two using statistical methods.

There are two main types of criterion-related validity: concurrent validity and predictive validity.

In both cases, the goal is to establish a strong and significant relationship between the test scores and the criterion measure. This can be done using statistical measures such as correlation coefficients or regression analyses.

To know more about criterion-related validity here:


According to Strain and Hammeter, what can teachers do so that they become more comfortable with disturbing behavior?
A. Remove the child from the class so that the teacher can be more effective with the other children
B. Report the family to social services since the parents have not been involved with trying to solve the child's problem
C. Focus on small successes and avoid blaming parents or other uncontrollable events
D. Stop looking at why the child is misbehaving and just intervene by providing consequences for the misbehavior


According to Strain and Hammeter, teachers can become more comfortable with disturbing behavior by focusing on small successes and avoiding blaming parents or other uncontrollable events.

C. Focus on small successes and avoid blaming parents or other uncontrollable events.

This approach emphasizes a positive and proactive approach to managing challenging behavior in the classroom. Instead of focusing solely on the negative behavior, teachers can look for and acknowledge small successes or positive changes in the child's behavior. This can help build a positive relationship with the child and create a more conducive learning environment.

Removing the child from the class (option A) may not always be an effective solution and may not address the underlying causes of the behavior.

Learn more about “ uncontrollable events.  “ visit here;


According to Strain and Hammeter, teachers can become more comfortable with disturbing behavior by focusing on small successes and avoiding blaming parents or other uncontrollable events.

This means that instead of getting frustrated or overwhelmed by the behavior, the teacher can look for small positive changes or improvements in the child's behavior and build on those. It is not recommended to remove the child from the class or to report the family to social services without first trying to work with them and understand the underlying causes of the behavior. Additionally, simply providing consequences for misbehavior without understanding the reasons behind it is unlikely to be effective in changing the child's behavior in the long term.

Learn more about behavior here:


in robert merton's terms, people who overzealously and cruelly enforce bureaucratic regulations can be classified as


In robert merton's terms, people who overzealously and cruelly enforce bureaucratic regulations can be classified as Robert Merton, bureaucrats are those who blindly follow bureaucratic rules and regulations. The correct answer is d. retreatists.

Bureaucrats are those who hold positions in bureaucracies and carry out their duties in accordance with rules and formal procedures without taking into account the organization's larger objectives.These people, in Merton's words, get "tunnel vision," failing to see the wider picture because they are so preoccupied with adhering to the policies and procedures of their organisation.

The benefits of bureaucratic processes to an organisation can include speeding work processes and reducing errors, but they can also result in rigidity, contempt for organisational goals, and stasis.According to Merton, an emphasis on rules and procedures sacrifices creativity and invention, which are essential to an organization's long-term success. In addition, bureaucrats could become unduly dependent on the systems of power that uphold the status quo, which would make it more challenging for the organisation to adjust to changing conditions.

Complete question:

In robert merton's terms, people who overzealously and cruelly enforce bureaucratic regulations can be classified as

a. ritualists.

b. rebels.

c. innovators.

d. retreatists.

To know more about bureaucrats visit:


In Robert Merton's theory of deviance, people who overzealously and cruelly enforce bureaucratic regulations can be classified as conformists.

Conformists are individuals who accept both the cultural goals and the institutionalized means to achieve them. They conform to societal norms and values, and they strive to achieve success through socially approved channels. However, in some cases, this conformity can lead to a rigid and inflexible adherence to rules and regulations, resulting in excessive enforcement and even cruelty towards those who do not conform.

This behavior is known as "rule-bound" conformity and can have negative consequences for both individuals and society as a whole.

To know more about Conformists, click here:


according to the text the human problem refers exclusively to natural or humanly


According to the text, the term "human problem" refers to issues that arise from both natural and human-related factors.

These problems encompass a wide range of challenges, including environmental concerns, societal issues, and individual struggles. By addressing and finding solutions to these problems, we can work towards a more sustainable and harmonious world for everyone.

The term "human problem" can refer to a wide range of issues or challenges that humans face, both individually and collectively. Some examples of human problems might include: Existential questions about the meaning of life and our place in the world, Mental health challenges such as anxiety, depression, and addiction, Societal issues such as inequality, discrimination, and injustice, Environmental problems such as climate change and habitat destruction.

Ultimately, the human problem can be seen as the struggle to navigate and make sense of the complexities of the world around us, as well as the challenges that arise from our own biology, psychology, and social structures. While there are no easy solutions to many of these problems, human beings have shown remarkable resilience and adaptability in the face of adversity, and continue to strive towards a better understanding of themselves and their place in the world.

To know more about human problem, please click on:


the first statment in every paintcomponent method should be a call too


The statement "The first statement in every paint Component method should be a call to" is incomplete and requires further information to provide an accurate answer.

However, it is generally recommended in Java Swing programming that the first statement in a paint Component() method should be a call to the super. paint Component(g) method. This is because the paint Component() method is used to paint the graphical components of a GUI, and calling the super. paint Component(g) method ensures that the default painting behavior of the parent component is preserved.

By calling the super. paint Component(g) method, the background color of the component is cleared, and any child components are painted in the correct order. This helps to prevent graphical artifacts and ensures that the components are painted correctly.

Learn more about “ paint component method “ visit here;


one way of understanding perceptual development is to think of it as a built-in tendency to seek ________.


One way of understanding perceptual development is to think of it as a built-in tendency to seek patterns and organize sensory information.

This allows individuals to make sense of their surroundings and better navigate their environment.

Pattern recognition: Human brains are wired to recognize patterns and make sense of sensory information. From a young age, individuals have a natural inclination to identify patterns and regularities in their environment, such as shapes, colors, sounds, and textures.

This innate tendency to recognize patterns allows individuals to organize sensory information into meaningful wholes, which helps them make sense of their surroundings and understand the world around them.

Cognitive processes: Perceptual development involves various cognitive processes, including perception, attention, memory, and cognition, that work together to process sensory information and create meaningful experiences.

For example, perception involves the brain's ability to interpret sensory inputs from the environment, such as visual, auditory, and tactile stimuli, and make sense of them.

Attention allows individuals to selectively focus on relevant sensory information while filtering out irrelevant information. Memory helps individuals encode, store, and retrieve perceptual information, which contributes to the development of cognitive representations and mental models of the world.

Cognition, including processes such as reasoning, problem-solving, and decision-making, also plays a role in perceptual development as individuals use their cognitive abilities to interpret and make meaning of sensory information.

Environmental influences: Perceptual development is also influenced by the individual's environment, including their experiences, culture, and social context.

The environment provides the sensory inputs that individuals perceive and interpret, and it shapes the way individuals learn to organize and make sense of sensory information.

For example, cultural and social factors can influence individuals' perception of visual and auditory stimuli, as different cultures may prioritize different sensory cues or interpret sensory information differently.

Environmental experiences, such as exposure to diverse sensory inputs, can also shape perceptual development by providing opportunities for individuals to refine their perceptual skills and learn new ways of organizing sensory information.

To learn more about social factors, refer below:


a feminine style of communication tends to place more emphasis on this than a masculine style of communication:group of answer choices taskrelationshipsgoalsarguing


Answer: Relationships

What is Feminine style of communication? It refers to communication style which places a high value on creating and maintaining connections among individuals. In this, problem solving is accomplished by interaction and conversation, not by retreating and contemplating. A feminine style of communication tends to lay more emphasis on relationships than a masculine style of communication.

While both styles can focus on tasks and goals, a feminine communication style prioritizes building connections and fostering empathy in conversations. This means that women may place more importance on understanding others' perspectives and emotions in a discussion, whereas men may be more likely to focus on achieving concrete objectives. While both styles have their strengths, but understanding and valuing relationships can be a key asset in building strong and effective communication and fostering effective performance towards desired objectives.

Learn more about Feminine style of communication: https//


An individual characterizing what Erikson called "stagnation" is unable to
a. contribute to a society's continuation
b. for a superego
c. think in an encapsulated manner
d. make meaningful appraisals concerning hassles.


Option A is correct, An individual characterizing what Erikson called "stagnation" is unable to contribute to a society's continuation.

Erikson identified the central conflict of maturity as Generativity versus Stagnation. In his renowned "8 Seasons of Man" (1950), the virtue of care is attained through resolving the seventh conflict. The main concern with generosity is "establishing and guiding the next generation." Generativity happens when a person can redirect their energy to support and mentor the future generation. It is a concern for a generalized other (as well as those close to an individual). Stasis is the opposite of generativity. It is the sensation of laziness, lack of passion, and disengagement from both private and public issues. It might also signify an underdeveloped sense of self or a very extreme case of narcissism.

To learn more about Erikson's stagnation, click at:


The correct answer is a. An individual characterizing what Erikson called "stagnation" is unable to contribute to a society's continuation.

Homburger, Erik Erikson was a developmental psychologist and psychoanalyst who was of German and American descent. He is most known for his theory on how people develop psychologically. Identity crisis was a phrase he invented. The foundation of Erikson's theory was what he saw as a sequence of core conflicts that characterize different periods of our life. Our interactions and connections with people are at the heart of the disputes. The theory holds that resolving each disagreement successfully leads to "virtues," or positive outcomes.

Stagnation refers to a period in adulthood where an individual feels a lack of productivity and a sense of being stuck in their current life stage. This can lead to a lack of contribution to society and a feeling of unfulfillment. It is not related to the other options provided, such as having a superego, thinking in an encapsulated manner, or making meaningful appraisals concerning hassles.

To learn more about Erikson, click here:


always wearing bright highly visible clothing when working near equipment is a method to avoid a


potential workplace hazard known as struck-by accidents. Struck-by accidents refer to incidents where a person is hit or struck by a moving object, such as equipment, vehicles, or falling objects.

Wearing bright and highly visible clothing can help workers avoid such accidents by making them more visible to others in the area. Positive visual cues like bright colors and reflective materials can help draw attention to the worker, reducing the likelihood of a collision or accident. This is especially important in environments where workers are operating around heavy machinery or in areas with high vehicle traffic.

Learn more about potential workplace,


The three types of stepfamilies are stepfather, stepmother, and
blended. is true or false


i think its true if not im so very sorry.

How were enslaved people transported to be sold in the markets at Pensacola and New Orleans? From which states where they transported?


The slaves were bought the the European slave trade markets and shipped all over the Atlantic to be bought into the places like New Orleans and Pensacola.

The African continents were the home of the adbucted slaves. They were bought from their home and sailed all over the Atlantic ocean so that they could be sold in the cruel markets owned by European slave traders in New Orleans and Pensacola. Internal slave trade within the United States was another method of moving enslaved individuals, with many coming from the Deep South states of Mississippi, Alabama, and Louisiana, to the markets at Pensacola and New Orleans.

To know more about slaves market, visit,


serena was introduced as earning a phd in the topic of discussion with various peer-reviewed publications. this introduction gives serena


This introduction gives Serena credibility and authority in the topic of discussion, as her PhD and various peer-reviewed publications demonstrate her expertise and knowledge in the subject matter.

Serena's PhD, which stands for Doctor of Philosophy, is a doctoral degree that signifies her advanced level of education and specialization in a particular field.

Obtaining a PhD typically requires years of rigorous academic study, research, and the completion of a dissertation, which demonstrates Serena's dedication and commitment to her field of study.

The fact that she holds a PhD indicates that she has achieved a high level of expertise and knowledge in the topic of discussion.

Additionally, the mention of Serena's peer-reviewed publications further enhances her credibility. Peer-reviewed publications are articles or research papers that have been critically evaluated by experts in the field before being accepted for publication.

This process ensures that the content of the publication is reliable, accurate, and of high quality. By having her work published in peer-reviewed journals, Serena's expertise and knowledge in the subject matter are validated by her peers, which adds to her credibility and authority on the topic.

Overall, Serena's possession of a PhD and her publication of peer-reviewed articles lend her credibility and authority in the topic of discussion.

These credentials indicate that she has undergone rigorous academic training, conducted research, and received validation from her peers, all of which contribute to establishing her expertise and knowledge in the subject matter.

To learn more about research, refer below:


there are many sushi restaurants in the united states and many mcdonald’s-style fast-food restaurants in japan. this is an example of?
a. the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis.
b. cultural diffusion.
c. counterculture.
d. a culture war.


There are many sushi restaurants in the united states and many McDonald's-style fast-food restaurants in japing. this is an example of cultural diffusion.

Which of the following best illustrates the Sapir–Whorf hypothesis quillet?

The words for globe, Earth, and world are not comparable in an indigenous language.

What would be an illustration of anything that would be a part of a person's or a society's material culture?

Material culture includes all tangible items made or used by people, including furniture, ornaments, art, monuments, buildings, clothing, and any other ponderable items.

What one of the following is a social norm?

When you meet someone, shake hands. Keep a close gaze on the person you are speaking to. Avoid sitting next to someone, unless the theater is packed. Never approach a stranger so closely that you can touch their arms or hips.

To Know more about tangible items


The behaviors that we engage in do not impact the world, while the world shapes the behavioral choices that are made. true or false


The given statement is False. Our behaviors do impact the world around us and in turn, the world also shapes the behavioral choices we make.

It is a dynamic relationship between our actions and the environment. Our behavior can have both positive and negative impacts on the world, and the state of the world can influence our behavior and decision-making. Therefore, it is important to be mindful of our actions and their potential effects on the world.

Learn more about behavioral here:


Answer: False.

Our behaviors do impact the world and the world also shapes the choices we make. Our actions have consequences and can affect the environment, society, and individuals around us. The behaviors that we engage in can have a significant impact on the world, whether it be positive or negative. Our choices and actions can affect the society, environment, other people, and even future generations.

At the same time, the world we live in (external factors) can also shape our behavioral choices, as we may be influenced by social norms, cultural values, and economic incentives. The external factors such as culture, upbringing, and society, economy, and policies framed by government can also influence the behavioral choices we make. However, it is important to recognize that we still have agency and can make conscious choices to shape our own behavior and impact on us.

Learn more about Behavioral Traits: https//


ben seems to have the midas touch. he can recognize opportunity where others see only problems. his focus is on providing results for customers. ben has a(n) personality.


Ben seems to have a proactive personality.

A proactive personality is characterized by an individual's ability to take initiative, recognize opportunities, and anticipate potential problems or challenges. People with a proactive personality tend to be self-starters who are willing to take risks in order to achieve their goals.

In the case of Ben, his ability to recognize opportunities where others see problems, and his focus on providing results for customers, both suggest that he has a proactive personality. This personality trait may be particularly valuable in entrepreneurial or leadership roles, where individuals need to be able to take the initiative and identify opportunities for growth and success.

To know more about personality, click here.


Source ______ refers to the message source's perceived social value. A) valence. B) attractiveness. C) class. D) hierarchy.


Source attractiveness refers to the message source's perceived social value. Therefore, option B) attractiveness is the correct answer.

Source valence refers to the positive or negative attributes associated with the source, such as whether the source is trustworthy or likable. Source class refers to the social class or status of the message source, which can influence how the message is perceived. Source hierarchy is not a commonly used term in the context of message source characteristics.

The concept of source credibility suggests that the perceived credibility of a message depends on the credibility of the source of that message. One aspect of source credibility is the source's perceived social value or class. This refers to the perceived level of prestige or status that the source has in the eyes of the audience.

Learn more about source's here:


T/F 6. A recently proposed theory of followership includes followership characteristics, leader characteristics, followership and leadership behaviors, and followership outcomes.


The given statement, "A recently proposed theory of followership includes followership characteristics, leader characteristics, followership and leadership behaviors, and followership outcomes." is true because it refer to the actions that followers and leaders engage in to work together effectively.

The theory of followership proposed by Chaleff (2003) includes four components: followership characteristics, leader characteristics, followership and leadership behaviors, and followership outcomes.

Leader characteristics include qualities such as empathy and integrity that enable leaders to establish strong relationships with their followers.  Finally, followership outcomes describe the positive outcomes that can result from effective followership, such as personal growth and organizational success.

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a(n) _______ is a container that helps to organize the contents of your computer. Dani Corporation has 7 million shares of common stock outstanding. The current share price is $79 and the book value per share is $6. The company also has two bond issues outstanding, both with semiannual coupons. The first bond issue has a face value $70 million, a coupon of 8 percent, and sells for 94 percent of par. The second issue has a face value of $40 million, a coupon of 9 percent, and sells for 107 percent of par. The first issue matures in 23 years, the second in 6 years. a. What are the company's capital structure weights on a book value basis? (Do not round intermediate calculations and round your answers to 4 decimal places, e.g., .1616.) b. What are the company's capital structure weights on a market value basis? (Do not round intermediate calculations and round your answers to 4 decimal places, e.g., .1616.) a. Equity/Value a. Debt/Value b. Equity/Value b. Debt/Value c. Which are more relevant? Market value weights Book value weights 7. Suppose you begin to work selling ads for a newspaper. You will be paid $50/wk plus aminimum of $7.50 for each potential customer you contact. What is the least amount ofmoney you earn after contacting eight businesses in 1 wk? Correct the following sentences that have problems with colons. 11. The mournful tune began with this line "Yesterday is but a sweet memory."12. At the Chinese restaurant we ordered these appetizers steamed dumplings, fried won ton, and egg rolls.13. Three clues suggested that the thief was in a hurry the open window, the muddy footprints on the rug, and a broken vase next to the table.14. When a thunderstorm is coming, follow these steps to avoid damage to your personal computer (1) turn off the computer, (2) turn off the surge protector, and (3) unplug the system at the wall.15. The following items can be picked up in the lost-and-found-room a red umbrella, a pair of gray mittens, and a leather key case. A(n) _______ is an agreement between two parties to perform certain activities for some consideration. Which dancer was the favorite partner of Marie Sall? The average annual return over the period 1886-2006 for stocks that comprise the SAP 500 is 5% an the standard deviation of return is 15%. Based on these numbers what is a 95% confidence interval?A. -12.5%, 17.5%B. -15%, 25%C. -25%, 35%D. -25%, 25% You have befriended an elderly woman in your neighborhood. She confides in you that she does not trust banks, so she keeps her $25,000 in savings under her mattress. She also does not trust lawyers, so she has no will. She has been told by her doctor that she does not have much longer to live. She has almost no surviving family except for a long-lost nephew out in California. She asks you to hold onto her money, and when she dies, to locate her nephew and give the $25,000 to him. You are reluctant, but since she trusts no one else, you promise to do as she asks. When she dies, you locate the nephew, but learn that he is an alcoholic crackhead who begs for money by day and then drinks and does drugs all night. You also learn that a wonderful orphanage in your neighborhood is about to be closed because the bank is going to foreclose on its mortgage. This orphanage has done an enormous amount of good, providing a good home to many orphaned children. The only thing that will save the orphanage is a donation of $25,000. You fear that if you give $25,000 to the nephew, he will go on a binge and waste the money. What do you do, give the money to the deserving orphanage, or keep your promise to the woman and give the money to her nephew? (You are not an ethical egoist, so keeping the money is not an option!) Do you give the money to the nephew or give it to the orphanage? I need some help please 5 takeaways about Molluscs Key factors influencing aggregate demand locally for Jamaica Fiberglass Limited a rectangular garden is 24 feet long. if you walk diagonally across the garden, you would walk 30 feet. how many feet wide is the garden? suppose that prior to conducting a coin-flipping experiment, we suspect that the coin is fair. how many times would we have to flip the coin in order to obtain a 98% confidence interval of width of at most .15 for the probability of flipping a head? (note that the z-score was rounded to three decimal places in the calculation) a) 241 b) 185 c) 238 d) 188 e) 247 f) none of the above when a retailer is considering whether to participate in apple pay, is the decision process like a new-task purchase, a straight rebuy purchase, or a modified rebuy purchase? explain your answer. at its $31 selling price, atlantic company has sales of $15,500, variable manufacturing costs of $4,000, fixed manufacturing costs of $1,000, variable selling and administrative costs of $2,000 and fixed selling and administrative costs of $1,000. what is the company's contribution margin per unit? what is inches to feet shannon suffers from recurrent attacks of intense fear that seem to occur for no reason. shannon is most likely suffering from: research shows that managers spend less than 10 hours per week writing messages such as e-mails, memos, letters, and reports. select one: true false the body of commonsense knowledge and procedures by which ordinary members of a society make sense of their social circumstances and interactions is referred to as ______. one similarity between the student non-violent coordinating committee (sncc) and the southern christian leadership conference (sclc) is that they both a existed primarily in georgia. b had mostly white leadership. c promoted passive resistance. d were established in savannah.