Achievement Level - Reading Individual activity 1 Read the text and choose the correct word for each space. For each question, circle the correct option - A, B, C or D.

We Are Getting Married in the Caribbean Anna and Jay decided to get married. They decided they were going to have a romantic wedding (0) ___A at sunset. She bought a new bikini and some sunblock. Jay (1)_____ to the travel agency to book their plane tickets and a hotel room. They (2)______ their family and friends and they are organizing a barbecue to celebrate with them when they come back. They (3)_____ to get married on the beach because Anna grew up on Guadalupe, a French Caribbean island. She has some relatives and childhood friends there. So when they (4)_____ to celebrate their wedding, all of them offered their help. Anna and Jay (5) _____ for more than 10 years now. They got engaged three years ago but they (6)____ yet when to get married until a week ago.
Anna was on the phone with her aunt Antonia from Guadalupe. Antonia told her that the restaurant (7) _____ hosts weddings every weekend but that the next weekend the celebration had been canceled so as a joke she (8) _____Anna if they would like to finally get married because the restaurant was available. So Jay (9)_____ it was a great and magical place for their wedding and they (10) _____ aunt Antonia’s offer.


Answer 1

On the beach, were, have told, have decided, have been together, have not decided, she is going to manage,  asked, thought, accepted.

What is individual reading method?

While reading actively books that are simple to decipher, well-known, or highly engaging, kids can build and practice these goals through independent reading. Students can do this by reading independently. practice comprehension and decoding techniques Students who read alone have better comprehension and grow their vocabulary. Additionally, silent individual reading can increase fluency by giving pupils regular practice opportunities.

What are the 7 active reading strategies?

The seven reading techniques used by highly proficient readers include activating, summarizing, monitoring and clarifying, visualizing and organizing, searching and selecting, questioning, and inferencing.

To know more about reading actively visit:        


Related Questions

According to this text, how can peace be achieved? Cite evidence from this text, your own experience, and other art or literature in your answer. Excerpts from leviathan



According to this text, peace can be achieved through the establishment of a civil society with a sovereign ruler and an agreed upon set of laws. Thomas Hobbes states in Leviathan that a civil society is “the only way to Peace and Security”, and that it is necessary for “a Common Power to keep them all in awe” (Hobbes, ch.14). This idea is supported by my own experience, as I have seen that when there is a strong, unified government and laws, the citizens of a society are much more likely to experience peace. Furthermore, this idea is supported by other works of art and literature, such as J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings, which portrays a society in which a powerful sovereign is able to keep its citizens safe and at peace.

What effect does the narrators point of view have on the passage a community park


The narrator's point of view will have a great impact on the passage. It will determine the tone and focus of the passage and how the narrator perceives the park.

What is narrator?
A narrator is a person or a character who tells a story. This person can be a protagonist, an observer, or a minor character. Narrators can be either first-person or third-person, depending on the type of story. In a first-person narrative, the narrator is a character in the story and is telling the story as it is happening. In a third-person narrative, the narrator is not actually in the story and is instead telling the story from the outside. Narrators are important because they are the ones who give readers insight into the events of the story. They can provide a unique perspective, as well as set the tone for the story. Narrators can also help create suspense, build tension, and create a connection between readers and the characters.

To learn more about narrator


Polonius is a wiseman how? Discuss.


According to the background of William Shakespeare's play Hamlet, Polonius is seen as a wise man since he counseled his kids before they left the house and kept an eye on them to make sure they were going in the correct direction.

Who is Polonius?

One of the important characters in William Shakespeare's play Hamlet is Polonius. He is well-known for being King Claudius' advisor as well as the father of Ophelia and Laertes.

Although some people called him the wind, others called him a wanderer of wisdom.

In the play, Polonius was renowned for imparting wise counsel from his wealth of experience to his children.

Therefore, Polonius raised his children to be good and avoid evil until his death.

Learn more about Polonius, here:


read the excerpt from thoughts and sentiments. it is therefore manifest, that something else ought yet to be done; and what is required, is evidently


In this excerpt from Thoughts and Sentiments, Cugoano approaches the topic of slavery by accusing supporters of it of being immoral and ignorant.

He states that the base treatment of African slaves needs to be abolished and that the iniquitous traffic of slavery cannot be tolerated among those who claim to be civilized and humane. He argues that anyone who supports slavery is effectively relinquishing their own claim to humanity and sensibility, and aligning themselves with barbarians. Cugoano is making a strong moral and ethical argument against slavery, and calling on those who claim to be enlightened and Christian to take action to abolish it. He is claiming that the support of slavery is not only unjust, but also goes against the moral principle of humanity.

This question is incomplete and should be provided with this excerpt:

It is therefore manifest, that something else ought yet to be done; and what is required, is evidently the incumbent duty of all men of enlightened understanding, and of every man that has any claim or affinity to the name of Christian, that the base treatment which the African Slaves undergo, ought to be abolished; and it is moreover evident, that the whole, or any part of that iniquitous traffic of slavery, can no where, or in any degree, be admitted, but among those who must eventually resign their own claim to any degree of sensibility and humanity, for that of barbarians.

How does Cugoano approach the topic of slavery in this excerpt?

Learn more about Cugoano here:


What is the de notation and connotations for these words :



The   denotation and connotations of Impediment is : Denotation: an obstacle or hindrance.

Connotation: something that stands in the way of progress or success.

The  notation and connotations of the listed words are as follows:

Annoyance - Denotation: something that causes irritation or annoyance. Connotation: something that is bothersome or frustrating.

Capsizing - Denotation: the act of a boat or ship turning over. Connotation: a sense of danger or disaster.

Debris - Denotation: the remains of something that has been destroyed or broken. Connotation: a sense of destruction or waste.

Momentum - Denotation: the force or speed of something in motion. Connotation: a sense of progress or forward movement.

Hushed - Denotation: quiet or silent. Connotation: a sense of secrecy or restraint.

Ominous - Denotation: foreboding or ominous. Connotation: a sense of impending danger or unease.

Uncomprehending - Denotation: unable to understand. Connotation: a sense of confusion or lack of understanding.

Receding - Denotation: moving back or away. Connotation: a sense of retreat or withdrawal.

Hallucination - Denotation: a false perception or illusion. Connotation: a sense of confusion or unreality.

Learn more about notation and connotations from



When citing one or two authors in-text, never use et al; instead, always provide the author (s)' names. A. True. B. False.


Never use et al. when citing one or two authors in-text; instead, always list the author(s)' names.

Use "and" rather than the ampersand mark to connect the names of two or more writers when citing them in parentheses. for instance (Lastname, Lastname, and Lastname, year). Citing a writer or writers The Product of Two Authors: Every time you mention the work, provide the authors' names in the signal phrase or in parentheses. Include the writers' names in the text between the word "and" and an ampersand. Include the page number in parentheses after the last name of both writers, separated by the phrase "and" (no comma). 'et al.' should be used after the last name of the first author.

To know more about Citing refer to the link below :


Tuesdays With Morrie: What is Regret?



Morrie's opinion on regrets was that he has once held a grudge with one of his old friends and once his friend died Morrie felt regret of not saying sorry to his friend from once he died from cancer.


Morrie admits his regret for past bouts of pride and vanity, and Mitch wonders if he feels the need to apologize before he dies.


Using transition words to signal cause and effect on How can a noise pollution be a catastrophic to environment.


The National Park Service (NPS) in the US claims that noise pollution harms wildlife and has a significant negative impact on the ecosystem. According to experts, noise pollution can affect a species' ability to reproduce.

What is noise pollution, and what are the harmful effects on people and the environment?

Both on land and at sea, noise pollution can have negative health effects on both people and wildlife. Loud or constant noises can lead to hearing loss, stress, and elevated blood pressure. Examples include highway noise and rock concerts.

Which 10 effects of a noisy environment are there?

Loud noise exposure has also been linked to greater stress levels, hypertension (high blood pressure), and sleep cycle disruption, according to research. Additionally, hearing loss and tinnitus may result. Additionally, the reduction in cognitive function is linked to noise pollution. Stress can be brought on by noise. It causes physical reactions in the body, including the release of hormones like cortisol and adrenaline. After many years of noise exposure, these reactions are what cause heart and circulatory problems to appear.

To know more about noise pollution visit:


Question 1
What is the name of the maid who wakes Mary up on her first morning at Misselthwaite?


On her first morning at Misselthwaite, Mary is greeted by one of the numerous maidservants of the manor, Martha.

At Misselthwaite Manor, what did Mary do all day long?Mary ate a little bit more of her breakfast, which Martha provided for her every morning in Misselthwaite Manor. Since she lacked books, she ran into the garden every day.They are not individuals; they are servants who must salute you, Mary declares of the home staff in India with colonial imperiousness. In a fit of rage, she calls Martha, a Misselthwaite servant with a Yorkshire accent, the "daughter of a pig" and throws a fit when she first encounters her.On her first morning at Misselthwaite, Mary is greeted by one of the numerous maidservants of the manor, Martha.          

To learn more about Misselthwaite refer to:


Which of the following statements best characterizes the viewpoint of Gandhi regarding Pennington?


He thought that not just tolerance but genuine respect should exist for all major religions because they are basically equal.

What were Gandhi's aims and beliefs?

Gandhi adheres to the egalitarian ideals of life's interconnectedness in all areas. He holds that the social, political, economic, moral, and religious spheres cannot be separated from the realm of life. Every aspect of society suffers when one aspect does.

He held that all major religions are inherently equal and should be treated with respect, not merely tolerance. Instead of seeking goodness in a change of faith, he believed that someone who wanted to convert should endeavor to be a good follower of his current religion.

Gandhi Ji dedicated his entire life to upholding the principles of Satyagraha (truth), Ahinsa (nonviolence), Compassion, and Kindness. Recent studies in the learning sciences show that if our children live by these ideals, it will benefit us all.

To learn more about Gandhi refer to:


2. Read the excerpt from Martin Luther King, Jr's Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance Speech.

I accept this award today with an abiding faith in America and an audacious faith in the future of mankind. I refuse to accept despair as the final response to the ambiguities of history. I refuse to accept the idea that the 'isness" of man's present nature makes him morally incapable of reaching up for the eternal "oughtness" that forever confronts him. I refuse to accept the idea that man is mere flotsam and jetsam in the river of life, unable to influence the unfolding events which surround him. I refuse to accept the view that mankind is so tragically bound to the starless midnight of racism and war that the bright daybreak of peace and brotherhood can never become a reality.

I refuse to accept the cynical notion that nation after nation must spiral down a militaristic stairway into the hell of thermonuclear destruction. I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality. This is why right temporarily defeated is stronger than evil triumphant. I believe that even amid today's mortar bursts and whining bullets, there is still hope for a brighter tomorrow. I believe that wounded justice, lying prostrate on the blood-flowing streets of our nations, can be lifted from this dust of shame to reign supreme among the children of men. I have the audacity to believe that peoples everywhere can have three meals a day for their bodies, education and culture for their minds, and dignity, equality and freedom for their spirits. I believe that what self-centered men have torn down other-centered men can build up. I still believe that one day mankind will bow before the altars of God and be crowned triumphant over war and bloodshed, and nonviolent redemptive good will proclaim the rule of the land. "And the lion and the lamb shall lie down together and every man shall sit under his own vine and fig tree and none shall be afraid." I still believe that we shall overcome! Instructions:

Create an outline for a speech that connects a theme from this excerpt to your own life. In the first part of the outline, organize an explanation of what King's theme means. In the second part of the outline, organize your explanation of how this theme connects to at least one event from your life. The first and second parts of your outline do not need to be of equal length. Throughout the outline, be sure to cite or describe specific evidence from the text or from your personal experiences. Also, organize ideas appropriately, develop your argument with relevant information, and provide a concluding section. (15 points)


An outline for a speech offers a diagram outlining the topical categories and subtopics within those categories that will serve as the foundation for the speech's arguments.

Give examples of King's themes:

1. He doesn't think his fight was for nothing.

2. He rejects the notion that someone who has failed to influence society's viewpoint on a certain issue would be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

3. He thinks society will evolve.

Describe the speech's objective for me:

1. Discuss how the state of badness hasn't changed.

2. Demonstrate that humans are logical beings capable of change.

3. Explain ways to change racist and prejudiced ideas in our society.

Describe the ways in which I have renounced racism in my life.

1. Describe instances of systemic racism that I saw, heard about, or were a part of.

2. Describe how the struggle against racism has influenced my thinking.

To know more about Martin Luther King, refer:


A. The student ambassadors, whom often serve as the face of the university, are selected based on grades, volunteer activities, and an interview.
B. The student ambassadors, who often serve as the face of the university, are selected based on grades, volunteer activities and an interview.
C. The student ambassadors, whom often serve as the face of the university, are selected based on grades, volunteer activities and an interview.
D. The student ambassadors, whom often serve as the face of the university, are selected based on grades, volunteer activities and an interview.


The correct response is A. The student ambassadors, whom often serve as the face of the university, are selected based on grades, volunteer activities, and an interview.

A student ambassador serves as the institution's spokesperson and public face, providing prospective students with practical and experiential information about applying to your school.

They are not a chatbot or an inquiry hotline. They might not be able to tell you the visa requirements at the drop of a hat, but they can provide you with information on what it's like for South American students studying in New York, the finest restaurants nearby, where to get free pizza during orientation, and other useful information.

A student ambassador's primary responsibility is to interact with prospective students, respond to any questions they may have about enrolling in your school, and reassure and mentor them throughout their journey.

To learn more about ambassadors Please click on the given link:


5. identify the error in the following sentence: horseshoes and four-leaf clovers, widely believed to bring luck to anyone who owns them, and rabbits' feet on keychains, as well.


Horseshoes and four leaf clovers, as well as rabbit feed and keychains and a hanging or improperly positioned modifier, are symbols of good luck that are popularly considered to belong to anybody who has them.

Horseshoes are cruel or uncomfortable to horses, yet they are frequently necessary to preserve their delicate soles and treat foot problems. Horses commonly wear footwear to support and protect their hooves and toes as well as to slow down their hoof growth. Like human fingernails and toenails, a horse's hooves will continue to grow if they are not clipped.

These horses may still be used for trail rides or agricultural labour, although they may be restricted in how much they can work. There are two reasons why wild horses may live without shoes. First, they don't put in the same amount of effort or work as frequently as a horse with a human owner. As a result, they wear down their hooves more slowly than they develop.

For such more question on Horseshoes.


Horseshoes and four-leaf clovers, as well as rabbits' feet on keychains and a sentence fragment, are widely regarded as symbols of good fortune.

What is a fragment of a sentence?

We can say that a fragment is a group of words that looks like a sentence but doesn't have the subject or verb it needs to be a sentence.

What is an example of a sentence fragment?

An obvious illustration of a sentence fragment is as follows: as a result of the rain. Because of the rain, it does not form a complete thought on its own. We are left wondering what transpired as a result of the rain.

To learn more about sentence fragment here:


Full Question = Identify the error in the following sentence:

Horseshoes and four-leaf clovers, widely believed to bring luck to anyone who owns them, and rabbits' feet on keychains, as


A. Dangling modifier

B. Sentence fragment

C. Misplaced modifier

D. Run-on sentence

What dose Shakespeare show us?




Shakespeare, through his plays and poetry, shows us a wide range of human emotions and experiences. He explores themes such as love, jealousy, power, betrayal, and the human condition. He also delves into the complexities of human relationships, such as family dynamics, romantic relationships, and political alliances. Shakespeare's works also provide insight into the society and culture of Elizabethan England. Additionally, Shakespeare is known for his masterful use of language, including poetic verse, metaphor, and wordplay, which adds depth and meaning to his works. His plays are also known for their complexity and multiple interpretation. He is considered one of the greatest playwright and poets in the English language. His legacy continues to be celebrated in modern times through many adaptations and performances worldwide.

Answer: That we are not simply who we say we are, but instead are made up of many conflicting and unknown parts

Explanation: I answered this already

Identify the kind of sample that is described.A caterer is competing for a company's business, the caterer selects a simple random sample of 5 entrees, a simple random sample of 8 sides, and a simple random sample of 3 desserts for a tasting.The sample is a ______ sample.


random sample.  the kind of sample that is described.A caterer is competing for a company's business, the caterer selects a simple random sample of 5 entrees, a simple random sample.

of 8 sides, and a simple random sample of 3 desserts for a tasting.The sample is a random sample.The mentioned sample is a basic random sample. A simple random sample is a way of picking a sample from a bigger population in which each member has an equal probability of being selected. In this scenario, the caterer is vying for the contract of a firm and has chosen a random sample of 5 entrees, 8 sides, and 3 desserts for a tasting. The caterer selects the products at random and without regard for any specific criterion, which is why it is referred to as a basic random sample. The sample is a representative subset of the caterer's menu's overall population. It's an excellent technique to verify that the sample is impartial and that any conclusions taken from it are applicable to a larger population.

learn more about   population here:


In the poem "La Belle Dame sans Merci", a shift in the speaker’s point of view occurs between lines

32 and 33
12 and 13
24 and 25
4 and 5
46 and 47


In "La Belle Dame Sans Merci," the knight is the only one who discusses the lady's intentions. It's probable that she weeps in her "elfin grot" (30) because the knight has hurt her in some way because he is an unreliable narrator.

What is a poem?

A grouping of words, whether spoken or written: Traditionally a rhythmical writing with occasional rhymes that expresses feelings, thoughts, or experiences in a way that is more focused, creative, and potent than regular speech or prose: Some poems use the meter, while others use free verse.

John Keats' poem La Belle Dame sans merci was first printed in the Indicator on May 10, 1820. The poem, whose title translates to "The Beautiful Lady Without Pity," tells the story of a mysterious elfin beauty who meets a knight and then deserts him.

Therefore, Thus option (A) is correct.

Learn more about the poem here:


I need help with this asap!!!

Part 1 – Organizing Your Ideas
Directions: Write a topic sentence for each body paragraph. (One body paragraph should focus on the author’s use of structure and one body paragraph should focus on the author’s use of language.) Use a mixture of paraphrased examples and direct quotations for your evidence. Write your examples and explanations in complete sentences.
Body Paragraph 1
Topic Sentence: protesters wouldn't be able to understand her (Done))

Example from text to support topic sentence: “ These protesters couldn’t have known what Areliss felt as they shouted and waved pamphlets in our faces like tattered flags. But, I know their words were bullets to Areliss’s heart. I wanted to fire back to the protestors: Where are your ancestors from?’ (Done))

Explanation of how the example serves purpose: Brittany uses metaphors to explain how she felt when she said “their words were bullets to Areliss’s heart” (DOne))

Example from text to support topic sentence:

Explanation of how the example serves purpose:
Body Paragraph 2
Topic Sentence:

Example from text to support topic sentence:

Explanation of how the example serves purpose:

Example from text to support topic sentence:

Explanation of how the example serves purpose:
Part 2 – Developing Body Paragraphs
Directions: Use your planning in Part 1 to write your two body paragraphs. Use complete sentences, proper grammar and punctuation, and transitions to develop your body paragraphs. Each body paragraph should have a transition at the beginning of the topic sentence and at least two within each paragraph.


Body Paragraph 1:

Topic Sentence: The author uses powerful metaphors to convey the emotions of the protagonist and the impact of the protesters' words on her.

Example from text to support topic sentence: “These protesters couldn’t have known what Areliss felt as they shouted and waved pamphlets in our faces like tattered flags. But, I know their words were bullets to Areliss’s heart."

Explanation of how the example serves purpose: In this sentence, the author uses the metaphor of bullets to convey the intense emotions felt by the protagonist, Areliss, as a result of the protesters' words.

Example from text to support topic sentence: "I wanted to fire back to the protestors: Where are your ancestors from?’"

Explanation of how the example serves purpose: This example further supports the topic sentence by using another metaphor, "fire back," to express the protagonist's desire to retaliate against the protesters. This metaphor highlights the emotional intensity of the situation and the frustration felt by the protagonist.

What is the Body Paragraph  about?

Body Paragraph 2:

Topic Sentence: The author uses descriptive language to paint a vivid picture of the setting and the actions of the characters.

Example from text to support topic sentence: "They shouted and waved pamphlets in our faces like tattered flags."

Explanation of how the example serves purpose: In this sentence, the author uses descriptive language to create a clear image of the protesters and their actions. The phrase "shouted and waved pamphlets in our faces like tattered flags" effectively conveys the chaotic nature of the scene and the aggressive behavior of the protesters.

Example from text to support topic sentence: "Lady Liberty stands as a beacon, asking for the tired, the poor, and the huddled masses yearning to breathe free."

Explanation of how the example serves purpose: This example further supports the topic sentence by using descriptive language to paint a vivid picture of Lady Liberty and the message she represents. The phrase "Lady Liberty stands as a beacon" creates a powerful image of the statue and her role as a symbol of hope and freedom. The phrase "asking for the tired, the poor, and the huddled masses yearning to breathe free" effectively conveys the message of the statue and the importance of accepting immigrants

Learn more about metaphor from


Choose the word pair that correctly
completes this antonym analogy.
sad : jovial ::
A. duly: appropriately
B. dissatisfied: content
C. monumental : huge


The antonym analogy that goes with Sad : Jovial is Duly : Appropriately.

What is antonym ?

A term that denotes the opposite of another word is known as an antonym. For instance, the words little and huge both refer to restricted size. An opposite of sad, a sense of grief, is happy, a feeling of joy. There are antonyms for certain nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs, but not all of them.

A term that has the opposite meaning from another word is called an antonym. An example of an antonym is hot and cold, as well as good and bad.

Sad : Jovial


Duly : Appropriately.

To learn more about Antonyms refer to :


identify the error in the following sentence: thout knowing where to go, the two children wandered through the forest, got lost, and a witch found them.



Without knowing where to go, the two children wandered through the forest and got lost while a witch found them

Which of these rhetorical devices was the author of the declaration using
when he included words like plundered and destroyed?
A. Diction
B. Logos
C. Parallelism
D. Ethos


The rhetorical devices the author of the declaration was using is Diction. Option A.

What id diction?

In literature, diction is an important element of style that can reveal the speaker's or character's education level, social status, and personality. For example, using complex vocabulary and formal sentence structure might indicate a character is well-educated, while using informal or colloquial language might indicate a character is less educated or from a different social background.

Good diction can help to create a clear and powerful message, while poor diction can make a message difficult to understand or less effective. In addition, diction can play an important role in setting the tone and mood of a literary work.

Learn more about diction here;


What are nick bottom best accomplishments


Though Nick Bottom in Midsummer Night's Dream does not have much accomplishments, he believes himself to be a great person and a talented actor who can play any part in the play.

Who is Nick Bottom?

Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream features a character named Nick Bottom who offers comedic relief throughout the play. He is a weaver by trade and is infamous for having the mysterious Puck change his head into that of a donkey. The only two characters in the entire play who engage in dialogue and advance the three main plotlines are Bottom and Puck. Bottom frequently makes people laugh because he is completely ignorant of how absurd he is; his statements are too dramatic and self-important, and he appears to think that everyone takes him as seriously as he does himself.

to learn more about Shakespeare visit:


Which of the following excerpts from "The Daughters of the Late Colonel"
shows how much the daughters feared their father?
A. And though Benny hadn't been mentioned Constantia immediately
looked as though he had.
B. But there was something blind and tireless about Constantia's tall,
thin fellow, which made him, she decided, a very unpleasant
person indeed...
C. "Oh no, certainly not! The jug's not at all necessary. She can pour it
direct out of the kettle," cried Josephine, feeling that would be a
labour-saving indeed.
D. Josephine felt herself that she had gone too far. She took a wide
swerve over to the chest of drawers, put out her hand, but quickly
drew it back again.


C. "Please don't say anything like that! The jug isn't necessary. To avoid working, Josephine yelled the following excerpt from "The Girls of the Late Colonel." That indicates how resentful the daughters were of their father.

What is the plot synopsis for "The Daughters of the Late Colonel"?

In "The Daughters of the Late Colonel," Constantia and Josephine, the adult daughters of a recently departed colonel, must fend for themselves in a world without their father.

After the colonel's death, Constantia and Josephine's lives are revealed to be stunted and useless because their entire purpose was to care for their old father. They were compelled to give up their futures for his sake, and since they were women, they were not chosen to carry on his business work.

The colonel, an intimidating, authoritarian man, continues to exert a powerful influence over his daughters even after his death, as Constantia and Josephine perceive his continuous presence in their home. As a symbol of patriarchy, the colonel oppresses and instills dread, uncertainty, and passivity in his daughters.

Learn more about The Daughters of the Late Colonel with the help of the given link:


2. The writer of the narrative doesn't tell us everyone was disappointed - from the text.The writer of the narrative doesn't tell us everyone was disappointed - he shows us. Cite three examples from the text.


A narrative; a verbal or written recounting of a series of related events.

"a compelling story"

What is a Narrative?

Any description of a number of connected events or experiences, whether nonfictional (memoir, biography, news report, documentary, travelogue, etc.) or fictitious, is referred to as a narrative, story, or tale (fairy tale, fable, legend, thriller, novel, etc.). A sequence of written or spoken words, still or moving images, or any mix of these can be used to portray a narrative. The word is derived from the Latin verb narrare, which comes from the adjective gnarus and means "to tell" (knowing or skilled). One of four rhetorical modes of speech, narration (i.e., the process of delivering a tale) parallels argumentation, description, and exposition and is one of the four. More specifically, it refers to the fiction-writing style[dubious - discuss] in which the narrator addresses the reader directly.

To learn more about Narrative, check the link below:


Tuesday With Morrie: What does Morrie feel we need to do as we go along in life?


The thing that Morrie feel that we need to do as we go along in life is how to learn the way togive out love, and to let it come in,

What is Morrie's philosophy on life?

You can give your life meaning by devoting yourself to helping others, supporting the people in your community, and engaging in activities that fulfill you.

The most crucial aspect of life is learning to love and to receive love, Morrie reminds Mitch. The topics of death, fear, aging, greed, marriage, family, society, forgiveness, and a meaningful life are discussed by Mitch and Morrie together.

Learn more about Morrie at:


Imagine that you were in the audience for King's
speech. Write a one-page first-person account
detailing your experience. Consider everything that
you have learned about the March on Washington
and King's "I Have a Dream" speech from each of
the mediums you have explored in this credit.
Consider your active viewing, listening, and
reading. Include the following:
Information and impressions about the
event from all photos, images, videos,
and texts you have explored in this credit
How you would respond in the situation
Specific details that convey the
atmosphere at the protest
The way King's speech affected you -
consider his delivery and use of
rhetorical devices
Consider the quote: "If there is no
struggle, there is no progress." Does this
apply to your day listening to King?


The speech if I was part of the audience is written below.

How to write the speech

I was one of the lucky ones to have attended King's speech on a warm summer day in 1963. The atmosphere was electric as thousands of people gathered at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C to hear the famous civil rights leader, Martin Luther King Jr. speak.

As I took my seat among the sea of people, I was struck by the diversity of the crowd. People of all races, religions and ages had come together to hear what King had to say. The excitement in the air was palpable and I felt a sense of unity and hope among those gathered.

When King finally took the stage, the crowd erupted into cheers. He began his speech by talking about the history of the civil rights movement and how far we had come as a nation, but also acknowledging how far we still had to go. His words were powerful and every sentence was met with cheers and applause from the crowd.

One of the most memorable moments of the speech was when King said the famous words, "I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: 'We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.'" The crowd erupted into cheers and many people were in tears. I was struck by the power of his words and the hope they conveyed.

Throughout the speech, King spoke of equality, justice, and freedom for all people. He spoke of the importance of non-violent protest and how it was the only way to bring about real change. His message was clear: that we must come together as a nation to fight for the rights of all people, regardless of race.

Learn more about speech on:


Describe how tools of e-democracy promote civic participation in the political issue of budgeting money for a new city government building.




E-democracy tools can promote civic participation in the political issue of budgeting money for a new city government building by providing citizens with easy access to information about the proposed building and the budgeting process. For example, an online forum or chatbot could be set up to answer questions and provide updates on the project.

As the venture becomes established and starts growing, which of the following types of experience becomes increasingly important?
A. Technical
B. Financing
C. Managerial
D. Marketing


Managerial (C) becomes important when the business is getting established and growing.

Managerial as a Business Element to Develop

As a business is established and starting to grow, effective managerial is crucial to ensure that the business can continue to grow and prosper. Some of the key areas where effective management is important to include:

Strategic planning: As a business starts to grow, it's important to have a clear strategic plan in place to guide future growth and development. This includes setting goals and objectives, identifying target markets, and developing a competitive strategy.Resource allocation: As a business grows, it's important to effectively allocate resources, such as personnel, finances, and materials, to ensure that the business can continue to operate and grow.Organizational structure: As a business grows, it's important to establish a clear organizational structure to ensure that tasks and responsibilities are clearly defined and that communication and decision-making are efficient.Performance management: As a business grows, it's important to effectively manage the performance of employees to ensure that productivity and efficiency are maintained.Risk management: As a business grows, it's important to identify and manage potential risks to the business in order to minimize their impact.Adapting to change: As the market and environment changes, it's important for the management to adapt the business accordingly to stay competitive and ahead of the curve.Keeping up with industry standards: As a business grows, it's important to stay current with industry standards and best practices in order to maintain its competitive advantage.

Learn more about business here:


write a letter on the topic, causes of lateness among students​


Dear [Recipient],

I am writing to address the issue of lateness among students. Lateness can be caused by a variety of factors, including lack of organization, poor time management, and procrastination.

What can be the causes of lateness among students​?

One of the main causes of lateness among students is a lack of organization. Many students struggle to keep track of assignments, deadlines, and appointments, leading to confusion and missed deadlines. To combat this, students can try using a planner or calendar to stay organized and prioritize tasks.

Another major cause of lateness is poor time management. Many students struggle to balance the demands of school, extracurricular activities, and personal responsibilities, leading to a lack of time to complete assignments and get to class on time. To overcome this, students can try breaking down large tasks into smaller, manageable steps and setting realistic deadlines for themselves.

Finally, procrastination is another major cause of lateness among students. Many students put off completing assignments and studying until the last minute, leading to a rush to finish everything at the last minute. To overcome this, students can try setting specific goals and deadlines for themselves, as well as using techniques such as the Pomodoro Technique to stay focused and motivated.

In conclusion, lateness among students can be caused by a variety of factors including lack of organization, poor time management, and procrastination. By addressing these causes, students can improve their punctuality and increase their chances of success.


[Your Name]

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What is the last thing the ghost of Christmas future show Scrooge



what life would be like if there was no Christmas

What is “Bharat is my home” ?



Bharat is My Home is an excerpt from the speech of President Dr. Zakir Hussain. He delivered this speech 1967, after taking oath as President.



“Bharat is my home“ is a speech delivered by Late president of India Dr Zakir Hussain!

hope it helps<3
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