An art teacher has 3 pounds of clay. She wants to divide the clay equally among her 7 students. How much clay will each student receive?


Answer 1
About 0.43
Brainliest would be nice
Answer 2
3 divided by 7 =
0.43 or 43%

Related Questions

What does it mean to be “Un-American”? What do you think it meant to be “Un-American” in the 1940’s and 1950’s?




The term "Un-American" is used as a way of stating that an individual is a foreigner or does not believe in nor follow the values, standards, and goals that the US government stands for. The 1940s were a time of war. With World War 2 raging on, being "Un-American" at the time basically meant you were against the allied party and favored the axis party at that time. It was an extreme political view and extremely dangerous to be considered "Un-American" in such a time.

What was the name of the new political party Teddy roosevelt created?


The Progressive Party (often referred to as the "Bull Moose Party")

how did the industrial revolution come to the united states? how did the war of 1812 impact manufacturing in the united states?



1.The beginning of industrialization in the United States is usually pegged to the opening of a textile mill in Pawtucket, Rhode Island, in 1793 by the recent English immigrant Samuel Slater. 2. The War of 1812 provided tremendous stimulus to American manufacturing. It encouraged American manufacturers to produce goods previously imported from overseas


How many confirmed deaths were there in WW2? giving brainliest.


Answer:An estimated total of 70–85 million people perished, or about 3% of the 1940 world population (est. 2.3 billion). Deaths directly caused by the war (including military and civilians fatalities) are estimated at 50–56 million, with an additional estimated 19–28 million deaths from war-related disease and famine.


An estimated total of 70–85 million people perished, or about 3% of the 1940 world population (est. 2.3 billion).

No one knows the true origin of ice-cream, but the first published ice-cream recipe appears in "Mrs. Mary Eales's Receipts," a cook book that was printed in London in 1718. Sometime around 1832, an African American confectioner named Augustus Jackson created multiple ice cream recipes and invented a superior technique to manufacture ice cream. Ice cream soda was invented around 1874, but the real breakthrough may have been at the 1904 World's Fair in St. Louis, Missouri, when the American ice-cream cone was unveiled! a. Problem and solution b. Cause and effect c. Chronological d. Spatial / descriptive e. Sequence / process



c. Chronological


Chronological order in writing is the order of way things happened from beginning to last.

Therefore, the order of writing that is used in the excerpt is chronological because it traces the origin of ice cream and describes them in accurate order.

What do these statements describe?

1) Western nations colonized the Middle East and profited the resources there.

2) The U.S. strongly supported Israel.

3) Middle Eastern rulers and businessmen often adopted Western styles and culture.

4) The U.S. supported dictators in some Middle Eastern nations


What do the statements in the box describe?

in the box...

Westerns nations colonized the Middle East and profited from the resources there.

The U.S. strongly supported Israel.

Middle Eastern rulers and businessmen often adopted Western styles and culture.

The U.S. supported dictators in some Middle Easters nations.

A. causes of the Persian Gulf War

B. causes of the Iranian Revolution

C. reasons that militant Islamists resent the west

D. false accusations mad by Islamist leaders


C. reasons that militant Islamists resent the west


According to the statements in the box, it is described that western nations exploited the Middle East for their natural resources and benefited heavily from it. It is also noted that the United States supported Israel, who are the sworn enemies of the Islamsic militia, and there is already a cultural diffusion in the Middle East where people adopt Western culture and values, etc

All these given reasons are why Islamic militants hate America and other western countries so much.


Yes i also agree that jayilych4real is right


Can u give him brianly

How does heat affect a water droplet's state of matter?
with evidence from the passage.



The heat helps determine a water droplet's state of matter. For example, an increase in heat can cause a drop of water to turn into a gas.

What role does the ocean play in the carbon cycle? A. It releases CO2 into the air B. It absorbs CO2 from the air C. Neither A or B D. Both A and B



both A and B


mark brainliest, please.

What were the main causes and consequences of the civil war




cause Slavery. At the heart of the divide between the North and the South was slavery.States' Rights. The idea of states' rights was not new to the Civil War. ...


consequence The Civil War confirmed the single political entity of the United States, led to freedom for more than four million enslaved Americans, established a more powerful and centralized federal government, and laid the foundation for America's emergence as a world power in the 20th century.

What is political ideology, and how does it affect political behavior and influence public policy?


Political ideology is a more or less consistent set of believes about policies government to pursue. Political scientists measure the extent to which people have a political ideology by seeing how frequently people use brought political categories (such as liberal and conservative) to describe their own views or to justify their preferences for candidates and policies. They also measure it by saying to what extent the policy preferences of a Citizen are consistent over time or based at any one time on consistent principles. Many scholars believe that Americans are becoming more ideological. On many issues, for example, the policy preferences of average Republican and Democratic voters now differ significantly from one another. There is clear evidence of political elites are more ideological today than they were just a generation or two ago the government attends more to elite views than to popular views, at least on many matters.


A political ideology is a certain set of ethical ideals, principles, doctrines, myths or symbols of a social movement, institution, class or large group that explains how society should work and offers some political and cultural blueprint for a certain social order.

i think it affects political behavior because political ideology shapes their views and what they identify as when it comes to politics. I don't really know sorry!


Which soil sample has a soil texture that is high in sand?

Sample A
Sample B
Sample C
Sample D



Sample C

That's the correct answer. Have a nice day :)

Answer:  Sample C


i took the test.

what led to the change in American lifestyle?



Changes in American Society


Changes in American Society

The economic expansion between 1815 and 1860 was reflected in changes in American society. The changes were most evident in the northern states, where the combined effects of the transportation revolution, urbanization, and the rise of manufacturing were keenly felt. In the northern cities, a small, wealthy percentage of the population controlled a large segment of the economy, while the working poor, whose numbers swelled by large‐scale immigration, owned little or nothing. Despite the “rags‐to‐riches” stories that were popular during the period, wealth remained concentrated in the hands of those who already had it. Opportunities for social mobility were limited, even though personal income was rising. Certainly there were craftsmen who entered the middle class by becoming factory managers or even owners, but many skilled workers found themselves as permanent wage earners with

Enlightenment ideas about ___________________ _________________ of ______________, _______________________ and ________________________ were becoming well-known around the time of the American Revolution.



not sure if this is what you're looking for. good luck.

One of the last survivors of the Holocaust, an elderly Jewish woman, is being interviewed by a news organization. She does not speak English well, and her children warn the reporter that she does not always understand things these days anyway. When the reporter gently asks the woman to talk about her experiences in the Holocaust, she looks at him, bewildered. Then she repeats the term back to him, “Holocaust?” Seeing that she does not understand, the reporter uses the Hebrew word. When he does, the woman’s eyes widen, and she nods solemnly. Which term did the interviewer MOST likely use to help the survivor recognize what he meant?




Ard Al-mi'ad


B. Shoah means catastrophe/utter destruction.

Who said Uncle Tom's Cabin started the Civil War?

Robert E Lee

Fredrick Douglass

Stephen A. Douglas

Abraham Lincoln​



Abraham Lincoln​


Hope this helped!!!

Stephen a. Douglas did a doughnut in the hell cat SRT I seen him do it

How is jazz music similar to classical music? How is it different?



But Jazz and Classical music are real opposites in other ways, and it’s the music itself that makes them so different.  Classical music is almost always written with fixed compositions, while Jazz favors improvisation and individual interpretation. Classical is composer driven; jazz is performer driven.

In Jazz, rhythm plays a major role but in Classical it is a subtle element that is definitely less prominent.  Jazz is more contemporary and rooted in African American folk forms, often utilizing pentatonic and/or blues scales, syncopated rhythms and odd meters. Conversely, Classical is rooted in Western European styles, which are based on a centuries-old diatonic system characterized by more basic rhythms and “even” time signatures.

Classical performances are traditionally based on pre-composed material, revitalizing scores from years past; whereas jazz is fresh with each performance with musicians extemporaneously re-composing in real time through the use of improvisation.


   thats what i found - but, whatsup Red Hots?


Jazz and Classical music are different in many ways, they do have common traits. ... Classical music is almost always written with fixed compositions, while Jazz favors improvisation and individual interpretation. Classical is composer driven; jazz is performer driven.

(yes I g00gled it)


Think about it

Could there ever be another American civil war? Why or why not??



Yes. Our second amendment guarantees that if a tryant were to rise to power, we can defend ourselves. And with how divided this country is over every little thing, I wouldn't be surprised if a civil war is coming soon. But people are lazy so it may not after all.

Alternatively, if we can band together and stop the constant division, we could potentially eliminate the possibility of one.

Que es lo mas importante que es lo mas importante de las etapas de la rebolucion francesade las etapas de la rebolucion francesa


Se considera que la Revolución francesa tuvo dos fases fundamentales: una, primera, de Monarquía Constitucional, entre 1789 y 1792; y otra, segunda, de Gobierno de la Convención, entre 1792 y 1794, en la cual se distingue el periodo del Terror, de 1793 a 1794, en la que se imponen las reivindicaciones sociales de

Imagine riding on a sled, or in a wagon, or perhaps a school bus that stops quickly or suddenly. What happens to your body if you are not expecting the sudden stop?



I become frightened.


Because I didn't expect that to happen,I become frightened due to the sudden stop.

Vladimir Putin viewed the Chechen separatist movement as which of the following A) A military failure B) A continuation of the Cold War C) A peace initiative D) Global terrorism​, More than one can be picked


Answer: A

Explanation: i am sorry if this is wrong

Which piece of information would most help a historian create an interpretation of this photograph of workers in a factory?


The location of the factory in the photo

Answer: the oration of the factory in the photo


how does a totalitarian dictatorship operate




Totalitarianism is a concept[1][2] for a form of government or political system that prohibits opposition parties, restricts individual opposition to the state and its claims, and exercises an extremely high degree of control over public and private life. It is regarded as the most extreme and complete form of authoritarianism. In totalitarian states, political power has often been held by autocrats (i.e. dictators or absolute monarchs) who employ all-encompassing campaigns in which propaganda is broadcast by state-controlled mass media.[3]

Totalitarian regimes are often characterized by extensive political repression, a complete lack of democracy, widespread personality cultism, absolute control over the economy, massive censorship, mass surveillance, limited freedom of movement (most notably freedom to leave the country) and widespread use of state terrorism. Other aspects of a totalitarian regime include the use of concentration camps, repressive secret police, religious persecution, state religion or state atheism, the common practice of executions, fraudulent elections, possible possession of weapons of mass destruction and a potential for state-sponsored mass murder and genocides. Historian Robert Conquest describes a totalitarian state as one which recognizes no limit on its authority in any sphere of public or private life and it extends that authority to whatever length is feasible.[3]

As a political ideology, totalitarianism is distinctly modern and has complex historical roots. Historian and philosopher Karl Popper traced its roots to Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel's conception of state and especially to the political philosophy of Karl Marx.[4] Others, like Theodor W. Adorno and Max Horkheimer, trace the origin of totalitarian doctrines to the Enlightenment, and especially to idea that man 'has become the master of the world', a master unbound by any links to nature, society, and history'.[5] In the twentieth century the idea of 'absolute state power', was developed by Italian fascists and concurrently in Germany, by jurist and later Nazi academic Carl Schmitt working during the Weimar Republic (1920s). Italian Fascist Benito Mussolini proclaimed: "Everything within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state." Schmitt used the term Totalstaat in his influential 1927 work The Concept of the Political on the legal basis of an all-powerful state.[6] The term gained prominence in Western anti-communist political discourse during the Cold War era as a tool to convert pre-World War II anti-fascism into post-war anti-communism.[7][8][9][10][11]

Totalitarian regimes are different from other authoritarian regimes. The latter denotes a state in which the single power holder, usually an individual dictator, a committee, a junta or an otherwise small group of political elite, monopolizes political power. In this sense, "the authoritarian state [...] is only concerned with political power and as long as it is not contested it gives society a certain degree of liberty."[12] Radu Cinpoes writes authoritarianism "does not attempt to change the world and human nature."[12] In contrast, Richard Pipes writes a totalitarian regime attempts to control virtually all aspects of the social life, including the economy, education, art, science, private life and morals of citizens. Some totalitarian governments may promote an elaborate ideology, with "[t]he officially proclaimed ideology" penetrating "into the deepest reaches of societal structure and the totalitarian government seeks to completely control the thoughts and actions of its citizens."[13] It also mobilizes the whole population in pursuit of its goals. Carl Joachim Friedrich wrote that "a totalist ideology, a party reinforced by a secret police, and monopoly control of [...] industrial mass society" are the three features of totalitarian regimes that distinguish them from other autocracies."[12]

Write about AIDS in Africa. No less than 250 words.


Answer: HIV/AIDS originated in Africa in the early 20th century and is a major public health concern and cause of death in many African countries. AIDS rates vary dramatically although the majority of cases are concentrated in Southern Africa. Although the continent is home to about 15.2 percent of the world's population,[1] more than two-thirds of the total infected worldwide – some 35 million people – were Africans, of whom 15 million have already died.[2] Sub-Saharan Africa alone accounted for an estimated 69 percent of all people living with HIV[3] and 70 percent of all AIDS deaths in 2011.[4] In the countries of sub-Saharan Africa most affected, AIDS has raised death rates and lowered life expectancy among adults between the ages of 20 and 49 by about twenty years.[2] Furthermore, the life expectancy in many parts of Africa is declining, largely as a result of the HIV/AIDS epidemic with life-expectancy in some countries reaching as low as thirty-four years.[5]

Can someone please help me with this.






Which country marched through the French capital and was met with a surrender from Napoleon?


The French invasion of Russia, known in Russia as the Patriotic War of 1812 was begun by Napoleon to force Russia back into the Continental blockade of the United

Who claimed the United States ought to declare war on Mexico and make Mexico take new Mexico back? a. Bill Richardson c. George Curry b. Teddy Roosevelt d. General William T. Sherman


D.general william T sherman

what did nazis think about people who were considered non-aryans



The Nazis claimed to observe a strict scientific hierarchy of the human race. Hitler's view towards race and people can be found throughout Mein Kampf but more specifically in chapter 11 "Nation and Race". The standard-issue propaganda text issued to members of the Hitler Youth contained a chapter on "the race of the German people" that heavily cited the works of Hans F. K. Günther. The text seems to address the European races in descending orders on the Nazi hierarchy


The modern day country of
was established from the remnants of the Ottoman Empire.
a. Iraq
b. Egypt
c. Turkey
d. Iran



C. Turkey


Turkey was established from the remnants of the Ottoman Empire and was declared a republic in 1923.


Turkey is the most closely associated country with Ottomon empire. Indeed whole Turkey was a part of it earlier in the past and battle of Gallipoli was fought between Ottoman and Allied power in 1915 which Turkey still celebrates.


Por que jesus dice que la vida de las personas es más importante que el alimento y el cuerpo más importante que el vestido


La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

A pesar de que no anexaste opciones o incisos para responder, podemos comentar lo siguiente.

Jesús dice que la vida de las personas es más importante que el alimento y el cuerpo más importante que el vestido, porque para el maestro Jesús de Nazareth, lo que verdejamente importa es el interior, el alma de las personas, no las cuestiones materiales.

Para Jesús, el Padre habita dentro del cuerpo humano. Él decía que Dios está en el interior de los hombres y las mujeres. Por esa razón, lo importante está en nuestro interior, no en las cosas materiales y superfluas.

Él enseñó que para que el cuerpo estuviera bien, nuestro interior debería de estar bien. Deberíamos tener pensamientos puros y ayudar a los demás. Para Jesús, las cosas materiales como el dinero  y la ropa cara, eran cuestiones superfluas.


what is a quote Akeer has said in “A long walk to water”



A nurse, a white woman, came up to Nya and said, "Her sickness came from the water" She then said, "Akeer should drink only good clean water. If the water is dirty, you should boil it for a count of two hundred before she drinks it".


Akeer is sick from drinking unhealthy water. She has cramps, stomachache, diarrhea, and a fever. Their choices are either to walk a few days worth to a doctor for meds, or stay home and hope she starts to get better.

Akeer doesnt have any direct quotes.

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