An international bus touring company has two different ticket prices for its customers when they order online ahead of their departure time or at the gate:

Ticket Price Description:

Plan A: $19.95 per ticket online.

Plan B: $25.95 per ticket at the time of departure.

Plan C: $21.95 per ticket at the time of departure but in a group of 10 or more.

Write a program in Java that calculates a customer’s ticket when they order from all three plans. It should input customer name, mailing address, telephone number, which package the customer has purchased, and how many tickets were purchased.

Input Validation: Be sure the user only selects package A, B, or C. Display screenshots of the user using all three plans.


Answer 1


import java.util.Scanner;

public class BusTicketCalculator {

   public static void main(String[] args) {

       Scanner input = new Scanner(;

       // Get customer information

       System.out.println("Enter customer name:");

       String name = input.nextLine();

       System.out.println("Enter mailing address:");

       String address = input.nextLine();

       System.out.println("Enter telephone number:");

       String telephone = input.nextLine();

       // Get package and number of tickets

       System.out.println("Select a package (A, B, or C):");

       String packageOption = input.nextLine();

       while (!packageOption.equals("A") && !packageOption.equals("B") && !packageOption.equals("C")) {

           System.out.println("Invalid package selected. Please choose A, B, or C:");

           packageOption = input.nextLine();


       System.out.println("Enter number of tickets:");

       int numTickets = input.nextInt();

       // Calculate ticket price based on package and number of tickets

       double ticketPrice = 0;

       if (packageOption.equals("A")) {

           ticketPrice = numTickets * 19.95;

       } else if (packageOption.equals("B")) {

           ticketPrice = numTickets * 25.95;

       } else if (packageOption.equals("C")) {

           if (numTickets >= 10) {

               ticketPrice = numTickets * 21.95;

           } else {

               ticketPrice = numTickets * 25.95;



       // Display ticket information

       System.out.println("\nTicket Information:");

       System.out.println("Name: " + name);

       System.out.println("Address: " + address);

       System.out.println("Telephone: " + telephone);

       System.out.println("Package: " + packageOption);

       System.out.println("Number of Tickets: " + numTickets);

       System.out.println("Total Price: $" + ticketPrice);



This took a while as I am not extremely good at coding.


Answer 2
Here's an example Java program that calculates a customer's ticket when they order from all three plans and validates the input:

import java.util.Scanner;

public class TicketCalculator {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner input = new Scanner(;

// Input customer information
System.out.print("Enter customer name: ");
String name = input.nextLine();
System.out.print("Enter mailing address: ");
String address = input.nextLine();
System.out.print("Enter telephone number: ");
String phone = input.nextLine();

// Input ticket information
System.out.print("Enter package (A, B, or C): ");
String packageCode = input.nextLine().toUpperCase();
while (!packageCode.equals("A") && !packageCode.equals("B") && !packageCode.equals("C")) {
System.out.print("Invalid package. Enter package (A, B, or C): ");
packageCode = input.nextLine().toUpperCase();
System.out.print("Enter number of tickets: ");
int numTickets = input.nextInt();

// Calculate ticket price
double ticketPrice;
if (packageCode.equals("A")) {
ticketPrice = 19.95;
} else if (packageCode.equals("B")) {
ticketPrice = 25.95;
} else {
if (numTickets >= 10) {
ticketPrice = 21.95;
} else {
ticketPrice = 25.95;

// Display ticket information
System.out.println("\nTicket Information");
System.out.println("Customer: " + name);
System.out.println("Address: " + address);
System.out.println("Phone: " + phone);
System.out.println("Package: " + packageCode);
System.out.println("Number of tickets: " + numTickets);
System.out.printf("Price per ticket: $%.2f\n", ticketPrice);
System.out.printf("Total price: $%.2f\n", ticketPrice * numTickets);

In this program, we first use the `Scanner` class to input the customer's name, mailing address, and telephone number. We then input the package code and validate it using a `while` loop. If the package code is invalid, we prompt the user to enter it again until it is valid. We also input the number of tickets. We then calculate the ticket price based on the package code and number of tickets, using an `if` statement for packages A and B and a nested `if` statement for package C. Finally, we display the ticket information, including the customer's name, address, and phone number, the package code, the number of tickets, the price per ticket, and the total price. We use the `printf()` method to format the output with two decimal places for the ticket prices.

Related Questions

Smartphones evolved from basic cell phones and PDAs.​ True False





define the word computer


Answer: an electronic device for storing and processing data, typically in binary form, according to instructions given to it in a variable program.

Explanation: Computer defined


A computer is an electronic device that can store, retrieve, and process data. It can perform various operations on the data, including calculations, sorting, and organizing. Computers can run software applications, access the internet, and communicate with other computers. They come in various forms, including desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones.


Discuss the generation of computers in terms of □ the technology used by the (hardware and software) Computing characteristics (speed, i.e, number of instruction executed per second] Physical appeareance, and □ their applications.​


Computers have evolved through several generations, each characterized by hardware and software technology advances.

Different computer generations

The first generation (1940-1956) computers used vacuum tubes as the primary component and were the size of a room.

Second-generation computers (1956-1963) replaced vacuum tubes with transistors, reducing the size and cost while increasing speed.

Third-generation computers (1964-1971) used integrated circuits, further increasing speed and reducing size and cost.

Fourth-generation computers (1971-1989) used microprocessors, enabling the development of personal computers.

Fifth-generation computers (1989-present) use artificial intelligence and parallel processing to improve speed and functionality.

The applications of computers have also evolved from basic calculations and data storage to advanced tasks such as simulation, virtual reality, and machine learning.

Read more about computers here:


Pull the dollar amount that is being discounted for each of the products that are currently on markdown. Add this new column onto the end of your results and call it discount_amount.

Want a hint?
The discount amount


Add the sale price to the purchase price. Use the formula "=D2-C2" to add a new column called "discount amount" to the current results table. Duplicate this formula down to all rows.

What is the Excel formula for subtraction?

To begin a formula, click any empty cell, type the equal symbol (=), and then press Enter. Type a few numbers separated by a minus sign after the equal sign (-). 50-10-5-3, as an illustration. CLICK RETURN.

Why is it referred to as a concession rate?

The term "discount rate" is used to examine a sum of money that will be received in the future and determine its present worth. The definition of the word "discount" is "to deduct a sum." To determine a future value of money, a concession rate is subtracted.

To know more about column  visit:-


When using the Simple Query Wizard, Kirsten wanted to transfer all of her available data to a new table. She should click on the:
1.) double right-facing arrow.
2.) double left-facing arrow.
3.) single right-facing arrow.
4.) single left-facing arrow.



Kirsten should click on the double right-facing arrow in the Simple Query Wizard to transfer all of her available data to a new table.


In which situation does a linear search always perform better than a binary search?



Linear search can be suitable for searching over an unsorted array. whereas, Elements in the array need to be in sorted order for binary search. The binary search algorithm uses the divide-and-conquer approach, it does not scan every element in the list. Hence, It is the best search algorithm

pls mrk me brainliest

Consider the following Series object, s
Apple 10
Mango 20
Banana 30
Orange 40
i. Write the command which will display only apple.
ii. Write the command to increase price of all fruits by 10.


i. The command to display only apple would be:


ii. The command to increase the price of all fruits by 10 would be:

s += 10

This will add 10 to each element of the Series object s. The resulting Series object would be:

Apple     20

Mango     30

Banana    40

Orange    50

The command to display only apple would be and  The command to increase the price of all fruits by 10 would be.

What is Display command?

Only shows the address space you are interested in. On a production system, this command is preferred over the first two because it does not produce such a long list.

Naturally, you must be aware of the name of the address space you are looking for. For all of the servants in a controller, you can display the status of each servant thread on which a request has been dispatched right now, or you can display this thread status for a specific servant in the controller.

Additionally, you can show details about the dispatch threads handling a specific request, the dispatch threads handling the same request for a predetermined period of time, or the dispatch threads handling timed-out requests.

Therefore, The command to display only apple would be and  The command to increase the price of all fruits by 10 would be.

To learn more about Command, refer to the link:


The assessment you are doing lives in the cloud. The program that grades it and saves your score lives in the cloud. Who might need to apply patches to this software? Select three options.

It depends on the operating system you are using. Some operating systems do not do updates.

The vendor that provides the course is responsible for updating its software.

You are responsible for keeping your browser updated if you are using your own computer.

The school is responsible for updating computers in its computer lab if you work at school.

Nobody needs to apply updates to their software. No patches are ever needed.



Explanation:The three options that might need to apply patches to this software are:

The vendor that provides the course is responsible for updating its software.

You are responsible for keeping your browser updated if you are using your own computer.

The school is responsible for updating computers in its computer lab if you work at school.

Describe the basic internal operation of magnetic hard disc



Magnetic hard disks (HDDs) are a type of storage device used in computers to store data persistently. Here are the basic internal operations of magnetic hard disks:

Platters: The hard disk consists of several circular disks called platters that are made of a rigid material like aluminum or glass. These platters are coated with a thin layer of magnetic material.

Read/Write Heads: Read/Write Heads are small electromagnets that are positioned above and below each platter. The heads move in unison and are attached to a mechanical arm called the actuator. The actuator positions the heads over the appropriate tracks on the platters.

Spindle Motor: The spindle motor rotates the platters at high speed, typically between 5400 and 15000 revolutions per minute (RPM). The faster the RPM, the faster the hard disk can read and write data.

Magnetic Fields: When data is written to the hard disk, the read/write heads create a magnetic field that aligns the magnetic particles on the platters in a specific pattern, representing the data being written.

Reading Data: When data is read from the hard disk, the read/write heads detect the magnetic pattern on the platters and convert it back into digital data. The read/write heads move rapidly over the platters, reading data from multiple tracks simultaneously.

File System: To organize and manage data on the hard disk, a file system is used. A file system keeps track of the location of data on the hard disk, as well as other information such as file names, permissions, and timestamps.

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Consider this list of numbers: 3 4 6 7 8 9. Assuming a Linear search starts with 3, after four comparisons, which number will be checked next?


Assuming a linear search starts with 3 and after four comparisons, the search would have checked the first four numbers in the list: 3, 4, 6, and 7. The next number to be checked would be 8 since it is the next number in the list after 7.

How does linear search work?

Here are the general steps of how a linear search algorithm works:

1. Start with the first element in the list or array.

2. Compare the first element with the target element.

3. If the elements match, return the index of the current element and exit.

4. If the elements do not match, move to the next element in the list.

5. Until the target element is located or the end of the list is reached, repeat steps 2-4.

6. If the target element is not found after searching the entire list, return a "not found" message.

A linear search is a simple search algorithm that checks each item in a list one by one until a match is found or the end of the list is reached.

Assuming a linear search starts with 3 and after four comparisons, the search would have checked the first four numbers in the list: 3, 4, 6, and 7. The search would have determined that the target number (the number being searched for) is not in the list up to this point, as it has not yet found a match. the search would continue with the next number in the list, which is 8. The search algorithm would compare the target number with 8, and if they do not match, it would continue to the next number, which is 9. Since 9 is the last number in the list, if the target number is not found in this step, the search would end with the result that the target number is not present in the list.

Therefore, the number to be checked next in a linear search after four comparisons, when searching the list 3 4 6 7 8 9 starting with 3, would be 8.

To learn more about linear search click here


Your organization's data cannot be pasted here. Only 300 characters are allowed.


This error message is informing you that the amount of data you are attempting to paste exceeds the maximum limit of 300 characters.

Explain this error in detail?

Many online platforms and applications have character limits in place to prevent users from entering or pasting an excessive amount of data, which can cause performance issues or make it difficult to read and manage the content.

To resolve this error, you may need to either reduce the amount of data you are trying to paste or find an alternative method for entering or transferring the information.

To learn more about data, visit:


I need help with a c# assignment. I am using Visual Studios and need it done with basic c# coding. It is a GUI application.

For this assignment, you are required to create the GUI for a timekeeping/payroll system for
The system should first allow an employee to enter his name and record the time he worked on
each project for a given week. Using the spreadsheet above as a guideline, the system must
allow the user to enter his name and the name of his supervisor. Next, the user must enter the
number of the week for which he is entering time. Assume a maximum of 52 weeks in a year.
Make sure the employee enters only a valid week number.
To record an employee’s hours, the user must enter the name of a client, a client’s contract, and a
project. For each of the seven days in a week, the user must enter hours worked or check a box
that indicates the day is a weekend, a holiday, or a vacation day. If the employee fails to enter
any hours for a day and fails to check the weekend/holiday/vacation box for that day, the system
should warn the user that the given day is missing information. The system should also ensure
that if any work hours are entered for a day, the checkbox for that day should NOT be checked.
Finally, the system should ensure that a user cannot enter more than 24 hours in a single day.
Once the hours are entered, the user should be able to “Submit” his hours by clicking a button
that will calculate his payroll information for the week and display it on the same screen.
Payroll information is calculated as follows:
All employees are paid for hours worked at a rate of $15 US dollars per hour. If the number of
hours worked in the week exceeds 40, the employee is paid time and a half for his overtime
hours. For example, assume an employee works 50 hours during a week, he will receive (40 X
$15) + (10 overtime hours X (1.5 X $15)) = $825.00. If an employee works less than 40 hours in
a week, the system should make note of this fact in a label beside the supervisor’s name.


1. Create a new Windοws Fοrms Applicatiοn prοject in Visual Studiο.

2. Design the GUI fοr the timekeeping/payrοll system. Add text bοxes, labels, buttοns, and checkbοxes as needed.

3. Write cοde tο validate the user input. Make sure the week number entered by the user is between 1 and 52. Alsο, make sure that the user enters valid wοrk hοurs (between 0 and 24) and checks the apprοpriate checkbοx if they did nοt wοrk that day.

4. Calculate the payrοll infοrmatiοn when the user clicks the "Submit" buttοn. Use cοnditiοnal statements tο determine if the emplοyee wοrked οvertime and calculate their pay accοrdingly.

5. Display the payrοll infοrmatiοn οn the same screen using labels οr text bοxes.

What is GUI?  

GUI stands fοr Graphical User Interface. It is a type οf user interface that allοws users tο interact with a cοmputer οr sοftware applicatiοn using graphical elements such as icοns, buttοns, text bοxes, menus, and οther visual elements.

To know more about windows visit:


Using JUnit 4's Assert class , write tests for the class covering following cases, 1. the put method will do nothing when passed should also do nothing when passed any empty string. , 2. each individual item can only be taken from the shelf once , 3. duplicate items can exist on the shelf at the same time


The put function's behaviour when null is provided is tested by the test Put Method With Null() method. We build a fresh Shelf object, place null on it, and claim that the shelf's size remains 0.

Which of the above JUnit 4 rules is used to check whether the method being tested is raising the required exception?

Assert Error Message for JUnit 4. We must utilise the Expected Exception rule if we wish to test the exception message.

What is Java's JUnit 4?

The Java programming language has an open-source framework for unit testing called JUnit. This framework is used by Java developers to create and run automated tests. Every time a new piece of code is added to a Java programme, certain test cases need to be run again.

To know more about function's visit:-


Choose the best answer to fill in the blank:
When you create a piece of writing that analyzes a website, you are using
information from the website under ______ guidelines.
OA. fair use
B. creative
C. academic
D. media review


Fair use is the answer


Fair use is the answer.


In my opinion I think copyright is better for a choice...

50 POINTS Type the correct answer in the box. Spell all words correctly.
What should the timing of transition slides be per minute?
Maintain the flow of the presentation to
slides per minute.


The timing of transition slides during a presentation depends on various factors, such as the purpose of the presentation, the type of content being presented, and the audience's attention span.

What should the timing of transition slides be per minute?

The timing of transition slides during a presentation depends on various factors, such as the purpose of the presentation, the type of content being presented, and the audience's attention span. In general, the timing of transition slides should be approximately 1-2 seconds per slide, which translates to about 30-60 slides per minute. This pacing allows the audience enough time to read and understand the content without getting bored or losing interest. However, it's important to remember that the timing should be adjusted based on the complexity of the information being presented and the audience's engagement level. Additionally, it's important to ensure that the timing of transition slides doesn't feel rushed or too slow, as this can impact the overall effectiveness of the presentation.

Learn more about slides in:


Why data centers are so secure and why is it built?​


To prevent any unauthorized breaking into the data center.

It is built to store data from users.

You started a business at home doing editing work. People share their manuscripts with you, and you do language editing and document formatting. Which type of computer will you need for this business? Mention two types of computers that
you could buy (2 points) and give the pros and cons of each (3 points)


Two types of computers that could be considered are desktops and laptops.


What is a Desktop?

Desktops are more powerful and customizable than laptops, making them ideal for heavy-duty tasks like video editing and gaming. They also tend to have larger screens, which can be helpful for working with multiple documents simultaneously. However, they are not portable and take up more space than laptops.

Laptops, on the other hand, are highly portable and ideal for working on the go. They also come with built-in batteries, allowing you to work without being tethered to a power outlet. However, they tend to be less powerful than desktops and may not be ideal for heavy-duty tasks.

Read more about computers here:


ASAP! Could somebody tell me the answer to 2.7.6 vacation guides in HTML? Copy and paste it please.


The vacation guide in HTML is given below based on how to navigate a vacation successfully.

The HTML Code

<!DOCTYPE html>



<title>Vacation Guide</title>



<h1>Welcome to our Vacation Guide!</h1>

<p>If you're looking for a perfect getaway, look no further! Our vacation guide offers the best travel tips and recommendations for a memorable vacation.</p>

<h2>Where to Go</h2>

<p>Whether you're looking for a tropical beach, a bustling city, or a scenic mountain view, our guide has you covered. We recommend exploring the stunning beaches of Hawaii, the vibrant culture of New York City, or the breathtaking views of the Rocky Mountains.</p>

<h2>What to Do</h2>

<p>There are endless possibilities for fun and adventure on your vacation. Try surfing, snorkeling, or hiking in Hawaii. Explore the museums, shops, and restaurants of New York City. Or go skiing, snowboarding, or hiking in the Rocky Mountains.</p>

<h2>Where to Stay</h2>

<p>There are plenty of accommodation options to suit your preferences and budget. Choose from luxurious resorts, cozy cabins, or trendy hotels. Our guide provides recommendations for the best places to stay in each destination.</p>


<p>With so many options for where to go, what to do, and where to stay, planning your vacation can be overwhelming. But with our vacation guide, you can easily plan a fun, relaxing, and unforgettable vacation.</p>



Read more about HTML here:


Discuss about the advantage of GUI operating system (MS-Window) over Text based operating system (DOS).​



i dont have a plan of this app please help

the digital world is exciting, but like everything else, it has its pluses and minuses. describe one and advantage and one disadvantage of living in a digital world



One advantage of living in a digital world is the ease and convenience of accessing information. With the internet, we have access to an abundance of information on virtually any topic, and we can access it from almost anywhere at any time. This can help us learn new things, stay informed about current events, and make more informed decisions.

One disadvantage of living in a digital world is the potential for social isolation and disconnection from the physical world. As we spend more time interacting with screens and devices, we may have less face-to-face contact with other people, which can lead to feelings of loneliness, depression, and anxiety. Additionally, social media and other online platforms can create a false sense of connection and belonging, leading people to prioritize their digital relationships over their real-life ones.


How ICT is important On entertainment​



Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has had a significant impact on the entertainment industry. ICT has revolutionized the way we create, distribute, and consume entertainment. In this essay, I will explore the importance of ICT in the entertainment industry.

Firstly, ICT has transformed the way entertainment is created. Advances in digital technology have made it possible to create and produce high-quality content more efficiently and cost-effectively. For example, digital editing software and computer-generated imagery (CGI) have made it possible to create visually stunning movies and television shows. Similarly, digital recording technology has made it possible to produce high-quality music recordings without the need for expensive studio equipment.

Secondly, ICT has revolutionized the distribution of entertainment. The rise of the internet and digital streaming services has made it easier than ever for people to access a wide variety of entertainment content. People can now watch movies and television shows, listen to music, and play video games on demand from anywhere in the world. This has made it easier for content creators to reach a global audience and has opened up new revenue streams for the entertainment industry.

Thirdly, ICT has transformed the way people consume entertainment. The rise of social media and online communities has made it easier for people to connect with like-minded individuals who share their interests in entertainment. People can now share their favorite movies, music, and TV shows with friends and followers, and participate in online discussions about their favorite entertainment content.

In addition, ICT has also created new opportunities for interactive and immersive entertainment experiences. For example, virtual reality technology has made it possible to create fully immersive experiences that allow people to interact with entertainment content in new and exciting ways. Similarly, video game technology has made it possible to create interactive entertainment experiences that allow people to control the outcome of the story.

In conclusion, ICT has had a significant impact on the entertainment industry. It has transformed the way entertainment is created, distributed, and consumed, and has opened up new opportunities for interactive and immersive entertainment experiences. As technology continues to advance, it is likely that we will see even more innovation in the entertainment industry, which will continue to shape the way we experience and enjoy entertainment.

Understand the processes,
methods and information that
are used in the diagnostic

Describe the steps of the diagnostic process including:
– fault validation
– information gathering
– information analysis
– solution identification


The diagnostic process refers to the series of steps followed by healthcare professionals, technicians, and other professionals to identify the cause of a problem or symptom in a patient or system. The process involves a systematic approach that includes fault validation, information gathering, information analysis, and solution identification. Here are the steps in detail:

Fault validation: This involves confirming the symptoms or problems reported by the patient or user. This can be done through physical examination, diagnostic tests, or other means. It is important to validate the fault to avoid misdiagnosis or incorrect treatment.

Information gathering: In this step, relevant information is collected to help in the diagnostic process. This can include the patient's medical history, symptoms, previous medical tests or treatments, or information about the system being diagnosed.

Information analysis: The information collected is then analyzed to identify possible causes of the problem. This involves looking for patterns, associations, or relationships between the symptoms and possible causes. Various diagnostic tools and techniques may be used, such as blood tests, imaging studies, or specialized software programs.

Solution identification: Based on the analysis, potential solutions or diagnoses are identified. This may involve ruling out certain possibilities, conducting further testing or consultations with other professionals, or making a definitive diagnosis.

In summary, the diagnostic process involves a logical and systematic approach that includes fault validation, information gathering, information analysis, and solution identification. This process is critical in identifying the underlying causes of problems or symptoms and developing appropriate treatments or solutions.

Ashley has included a bar graph in a term paper she’s authoring using a word processor. To make sure that the graph is not cut off when printed, she decides that the page with the graph should be printed horizontally. What should Ashley do?

change the paper size of the page on which the graph is included
set landscape orientation for the page on which the graph is included
decrease the margins of the page on which the graph is included
zoom out of the page on which the graph is included


The thing that Ashley need to or should do is option B. set landscape orientation for the page on which the graph is included

What is the word processor about?

In this scenario, Ashley wants to make sure that a bar graph she has included in a term paper will not be cut off when the page is printed. One way to achieve this is to print the page horizontally, which means that the page will be printed in landscape orientation instead of the default portrait orientation.

Therefore, In portrait orientation, the page is taller than it is wide, which may not provide enough horizontal space for the graph to fit without being cut off. By changing the page orientation to landscape, the page is wider than it is tall, providing more horizontal space for the graph to fit within the margins of the page.

Read more about word processor here:


Amazon job assessment question

*Email from training team:

This is a reminder that your required Customer Obsession Training is due by the end of the day today. You must complete this training for your team to meet the 100% goal.*

*Task: You can work 8 hours today. Based on the information below about your current work, rank order the activities you will complete today.*

I feel like it should be in the order of the photo attached but the “expert” answer I’m seeing on here says it should be 1. Project 2. Issue 3. Meeting 4. Training

This makes no sense to me. First, I think the customer issue should be first because customer care is the most important part of being a customer support specialist. Also, the training MUST be completed by the end of day that day. If both of the 4 hr activities are first, you’ve already worked your 8 hrs. Saving the training until tomorrow is going against what you were told to do. And the team meeting, while not AS important as the others, is still something that should be attended for many reasons. There is also no information stating that the project is due that day. If the answers are put in the order in the photo, every activity will have progress made. Only two hours will have been completed on the project but that’s halfway done. You could finish the remaining two hours the next day and have nothing else to “make up”. I genuinely don’t understand why the answer I’ve seen is not even close to this so will someone please explain it to me???


The order in which the activities should be completed may depend on the specific context of your work and the urgency of each task.

How to explain the ranking

However, here is a possible explanation for the order suggested in the answer you saw:

Project: The project may be a priority because it requires four hours of work and it may have a specific deadline that needs to be met. Completing the project first allows you to make significant progress and ensures that you are meeting your obligations to your team and your employer.

Issue: Addressing customer issues is indeed important and should not be neglected. However, the suggested answer assumes that the customer issue is not urgent and can be addressed in the remaining four hours of your workday.

Meeting: Attending team meetings is important for collaboration and communication with colleagues. However, if the meeting is not a top priority, it can be scheduled for later in the day or even postponed to another day.

Learn more about activities on;


Write your own function, named Quizzer, which when called will do the following:

Generate 2 random integers between 1-10 (inclusive)
Print the 2 numbers to the screen as a math problem, e.g. 2 * 10 = ?
Ask the user what the product (multiplication) of the 2 numbers is (e.g. the answer to the math problem)
Return True if the user's answer was correct, False otherwise.
Additionally, your solution should include a main program which, when your python file is run will call your Quizzer function (one time) and store the result from Quizzer in a new variable named success. If success is True after Quizzer is done running, print to the screen: "Good job!" Else, print to the screen the "Better luck next time."


Below is a possible implementation of the Quizzer function that meets the requirements you described:


import random

def Quizzer():

   # Generate 2 random integers between 1-10 (inclusive)

   num1 = random.randint(1, 10)

   num2 = random.randint(1, 10)


   # Print the 2 numbers to the screen as a math problem

   print(f"{num1} * {num2} = ?")


   # Ask the user what the product (multiplication) of the 2 numbers is

   user_answer = int(input("Enter your answer: "))


   # Check if the user's answer was correct

   if user_answer == num1 * num2:

       return True


       return False

# Call Quizzer function and store the result in a new variable named success

success = Quizzer()

# Check if success is True and print appropriate message to the screen

if success:

   print("Good job!")


   print("Better luck next time.")

What is the function about?

A computer function is a block of code that performs a specific task or set of tasks within a program. In programming, functions are used to modularize code, making it easier to read, write, and maintain. Functions typically accept input parameters, perform a series of operations on the input, and then return a result.

Functions in programming languages like JavaScript, Python, and Java are defined using a specific syntax. Here's an example of a simple function in JavaScript:


function addNumbers(num1, num2) {

 return num1 + num2;


Read more about function here:


Explain the Police powers- -Suggest scenarios which reflect the acceptable situation between all necessary means without the cause of death and the deadly force.​



Police powers refer to the legal authority given to law enforcement officers to maintain public safety, prevent crime, and enforce laws. While police officers are allowed to use force to carry out their duties, they are also required to use only the necessary amount of force needed to resolve a situation.

Acceptable situations where police officers may use force without causing death or resorting to deadly force may include scenarios such as:

Arresting a suspect who is resisting arrest: If a suspect is resisting arrest or attempting to flee, police officers may use reasonable force to detain them. This could include using handcuffs or physical force to subdue the suspect, but it should not cause any serious injury or death.

Preventing harm to self or others: In situations where individuals are posing a threat to themselves or others, police officers may use force to prevent harm. For example, if a person is threatening to harm themselves or others, police officers may use non-lethal force, such as pepper spray or a taser, to disarm them and bring them under control.

Controlling violent or dangerous situations: If a situation is violent or dangerous, police officers may use force to control the situation and protect civilians. This could include using non-lethal weapons, such as batons or rubber bullets, to subdue violent or aggressive individuals.

Enforcing laws: In situations where individuals are breaking the law, police officers may use force to enforce the law and bring the situation under control. For example, if a person is engaging in a physical altercation in public, police officers may use force to break up the fight and prevent further violence.

In all of these situations, police officers are expected to use only the necessary amount of force needed to resolve the situation and should avoid causing serious injury or death whenever possible. It is important for police officers to receive proper training in the use of force to ensure they can make sound decisions and use appropriate levels of force when necessary.


Azim and his team are invited by a client to attend a group meeting. The client runs a mid-sized financial consulting and auditing firm. The group meeting is about gathering requirements for the new website. The client would like the website to bring the firm more business and make the firm's presence felt in the market. In the meeting, Azim finds that several people are brainstorming and randomly throwing out suggestions. Azim thinks this might confuse his team later regarding which requirements must be met. What can Azim do to gather a confirmed set of requirements from the client group?

A. Note down all suggestions diligently and later select whichever requirements are the easiest to implement. in the

B. Stop the discussion and schedule a one-on-one meeting with each person

C. Determine a central person in the client group, and seek input only from that individual.

D. Let the meeting continue as is, but later speak with the head of the IT department to clarify requirements.

E. Jump into the discussion and brainstorm along with the client team members.​


To gather a confirmed set of requirements from the client group, Azim can take the following steps:

B. Stop the discussion and schedule a one-on-one meeting with each person.

This will allow Azim to have a more focused conversation with each person and get a better understanding of their individual requirements. It will also prevent confusion later on regarding which requirements must be met. By speaking with each person one-on-one, Azim can ensure that all requirements are captured and that his team can deliver a website that meets the client's needs.

DRIVING QUEST UNIT 19: Question 6: Many alcohol-impaired individuals still believe they can drive due to.

-the natural ability of alcohol to boost confidence.
-the fact that alcohol changes perception and sharpens the motor skills.
-the fact that alcohol changes perception and allows to become uninhibited.




The correct answer is "the fact that alcohol changes perception and allows them to become uninhibited."


Many alcohol-impaired individuals still believe they can drive due to the fact that alcohol changes perception and allows them to become uninhibited. Therefore, option C is correct.

Alcohol consumption can have various side effects on the body, especially when consumed in excessive amounts. Some common side effects of alcohol include impaired judgment and decision-making, slowed reflexes and coordination, memory problems, digestive issues, liver damage, cardiovascular effects, weakened immune system, sleep disturbances, mood changes, and mental health issues.

Learn more about the effects of alcohol, here:


Write a C++ program that will implement all of the sorting algorithms. The program
should accept different unsorted data items from user and sort using all algorithms and
should tell which algorithm is efficient for that particular unsorted data items.


For things like this I would highly recommend ChatGPT. Copy your question and ask the bot

Write a program that’s asks for the number of checks written during the past month, then computers and displays the banks fees for the month. (PYTHON))


Here's an example Python program that asks for the number of checks written during the past month and computes and displays the bank fees for the month for Ally Baba bank:

# Ask for the month and number of checks written
month = input("Enter the month: ")
num_checks = int(input("Enter the number of checks written this month: "))

# Validate the input
if num_checks < 0:
print("Cannot enter a negative number")
# Compute the bank fees
base_fee = 10.0 # base fee for the month
if num_checks < 20:
per_check_fee = 0.10 # fee per check for fewer than 20 checks
elif num_checks < 40:
per_check_fee = 0.08 # fee per check for 20-39 checks
elif num_checks < 60:
per_check_fee = 0.06 # fee per check for 40-59 checks
per_check_fee = 0.04 # fee per check for 60 or more checks
total_fee = base_fee + (num_checks * per_check_fee)

# Display the bank fees for the month
print(f"\nCheck Fees Summary\nMonth of statement: {month}\nFor writing {num_checks} checks, the bank fee is ${total_fee:.2f}")

In this program, we first ask the user to enter the month and the number of checks written using the `input()` function and convert the latter to an integer using the `int()` function. We then validate the input to ensure that the number of checks is not negative using an `if` statement. If it is not negative, we compute the bank fees using a base fee of 10 dollars and a fee per check that depends on the number of checks written. Finally, we display the check fees summary using the `print()` function and the f-string syntax to format the output with two decimal places.
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