answer ill give u a crown

Sickle-cell anemia is an interesting genetic disease. Normal homozygous individuals (SS) have normal blood cells that are easily infected with the malarial parasite. Thus, many of these individuals become very ill from the parasite and many die. Individuals homozygous for the sickle-cell trait (ss) have red blood cells that readily collapse when deoxygenated. Although malaria cannot grow in these red blood cells, individuals often die because of the genetic defect. However, individuals with the heterozygous condition (Ss) have some sickling of red blood cells, but generally not enough to cause mortality. In addition, malaria cannot survive well within these "partially defective" red blood cells. Thus, heterozygotes tend to survive better than either of the homozygous conditions. If 9% of an African population is born with a severe form of sickle-cell anemia (ss),
what percentage of the population will be more resistant to malaria because they are heterozygous (Ss) for the sickle-cell gene?


Answer 1

The percentage of individuals in the population that are heterozygous (Ss) for the sickle-cell gene will be 18%.

What is population?

Population is the total number of people, animals, or other living creatures in a certain area. It is typically measured by counting the number of individuals living within a given territory, and can be used to analyze population growth and density. Population estimates are often used to inform policy and decision making, such as targeted investment in public services, and the use of population data can help to understand economic, social, and health issues.

This is because for each individual with the homozygous recessive genotype (ss), there is another individual with the heterozygous genotype (Ss). Thus, for every 9% of the population with the homozygous recessive genotype (ss), there is an additional 9% with the heterozygous genotype (Ss), making the total percentage of individuals with the heterozygous genotype 18%. This means that 18% of the population will be more resistant to malaria due to their heterozygous condition.

To learn more about population

Related Questions

Which of the following indicates pests that are controlled by nematicides?
O nematodes
O virae
O bacteria
O slugs





Nematicides are a type of pesticide used to control pests that are nematodes, which are tiny, worm-like organisms that can damage plants by feeding on their roots. So the correct answer is nematodes.

Virae, bacteria, and slugs are not controlled by nematicides. Viruses are infectious agents that can cause diseases in plants. Bacteria are microorganisms that can also cause diseases in plants or animals. Slugs are mollusks that can damage plants by feeding on their leaves and stems.

cells sap of an aquatic plant growing in the pond. Ions Sodium Calcium Concentration in pond water (parts per million) Potassium 2 Chloride 50 1.5 180 Sodium ions Concentration in cell Potassium ions sap (parts per million) 30 150 1 200 Name the processes by which the following ions could have been taken up by this plant. ​



1. Sodium ions: Active Transport

2. Calcium ions: Passive Transport

3. Potassium ions: Active Transport

4. Chloride ions: Passive Transport

in a Pp x Pp cross what is the probability that offspring will inherit two p alleles?




each offspring of a Pp× Pp cross has a 50% chance of receiving either allele from either parent. So, the probability of inheriting two p alleles is 1/2 1/2. This equals 1/4.

type of selection seen in dogs and other domestic animals



Artificial selection


Humans have been selectively breeding plants and animals since time immemorial .This breeding lead to the creation of breeds thatdiffer from other breeds but are still under the same group . For eg . Dogs ( from wolfs )Cabbage , Cauliflower, brocoli evolved from a variety of wild mustard.It is often argued that if man could create new breeds within hundreds of years then nature could have done this same over millions of years .

Hope this helps!

Once all the members of a____ have this favorable trait, then it is referred to as an ____.

CLOZE-ing in on Science ​


Once all the members of a population have this favorable trait, then it is referred to as an allele.

What is an allele?

This refers to a variation of the same sequence of nucleotides that are found at the same place within the DNA molecule."The chromosomal or genomic location of a gene or any other genetic element is called a locus while the alternative DNA sequences at a locus are known as the alleles.

Genes are responsible for the traits of an organism. They act as instructions for protein synthesis. One pair of each gene is always present on homologous chromosomes, one from each parent. These Genes are known as alleles that play an important role in shaping the features of the individuals.

Learn more about allele on


What Are the 5 matching types of Minutiae?



Minutiae are unique characteristics or features that can be used to identify an individual fingerprint. There are several types of minutiae, but the five most commonly used for fingerprint identification are:

Ridge ending: the point at which a ridge terminates

Bifurcation: the point at which a ridge splits into two separate ridges

Short ridge: a ridge that is shorter than the average ridge length in the fingerprint

Dot: a small, circular feature in the fingerprint

Island: a small, isolated area of ridges within a larger area of the fingerprint



The five types of minutiae commonly used in fingerprint analysis are:

1. Ridge endings: where a ridge terminates

2. Bifurcations: where a ridge splits into two branches

3. Short ridges: ridges that are shorter in length than the surrounding ridges

4. Ridge dots: small, circular ridges that are typically found at the intersections of two ridges

5. Ridge crossings: where two ridges intersect each other, forming an X shape. :)

Sonar stands for “sound navigation and ranging.” What assumption was proved wrong after the invention of sonar?



The assumption that was proven wrong after the invention of sonar is that sound does not travel well in water. Before the invention of sonar, it was believed that sound waves would be absorbed and scattered by the water, making it difficult to use sound for navigation and ranging. However, with the invention of sonar, it was discovered that sound can travel long distances underwater and be used to detect and locate objects, such as ships and submarines.

discuss what are the similarities and differences in reproduction in sea turtles, sea snakes, and marine iguana?


Reproduction in sea turtles, sea snakes, and marine iguanas all have some similarities, but also have some distinct differences.

Sea turtles, sea snakes, and marine iguanas all lay eggs. The female will lay eggs on a beach, or in a nest that she has dug out.

After the eggs are laid, the nest is then covered up and the female will leave.

The eggs then incubate on their own until they hatch.

The biggest difference in their reproduction is the way in which their eggs are incubated.

Sea turtles bury their eggs in the sand and rely on the warmth of the sun to incubate them.

Sea snakes lay their eggs on land and rely on the heat of the ground and the sun to incubate them. Marine iguanas rely on the constant warmth of the lava rocks on the beach to incubate their eggs.

The mating process of these three animals also differs.

Sea turtles mate in the ocean and the male turtles will compete for a female’s attention. Sea snakes also mate in the ocean and the males will fight for the female’s attention.

Marine iguanas, on the other hand, mate on land and the males will fight for the female’s attention.

Overall, sea turtles, sea snakes, and marine iguanas have some similarities in their reproduction, but also have some distinct differences.

From the way in which their eggs are incubated, to the amount of eggs they lay, to the way that they mate, these animals have unique and fascinating reproductive cycles.

To learn more about reproduction, click here:


The major tissue type that acts as "a gatekeeper" because it regulates the movement of materials in and out of certain body regions is ________ tissue.


The major tissue type that acts as "a gatekeeper" because it regulates the movement of materials in and out of certain body regions is Epithelial tissue.

The epithelium is a type of tissue in your body that covers all of your internal and external surfaces, lines hollow organs and cavities, and is the main tissue in glands. Depending on where it is in your body, epithelial tissue plays a variety of roles, including protection, secretion, and absorption.

There are four primary types of tissue that make up the organs in your body: Epithelial, Connective, Muscular, and Nervous.

Know more about epithelium here:


The major tissue type that acts as "a gatekeeper" because it regulates the movement of materials in and out of certain body regions is epithelial tissue.

Epithelial tissue is a type of tissue that lines the surface of the body and forms the covering of internal organs, glands, and cavities. It acts as a barrier between the internal environment of the body and the external environment. Epithelial tissue is composed of cells that are closely packed together, with little extracellular matrix between them. The cells have various specialized structures such as tight junctions, desmosomes, and gap junctions that help to provide a barrier and allow for selective transport of ions, molecules, and fluids. The tight junctions, in particular, are important for the regulation of movement of materials in and out of certain body regions, as they create a barrier that prevents the diffusion of solutes between the cells. This makes epithelial tissue an important "gatekeeper" for the body's internal environment.

Learn more about Epithelial tissue here:


cellular atp concentrations are maintained well above equilibrium concentrations in cells. explain how atp concentration relates to actual free energy changes of reactions that involve atp and why it is important to keep atp levels high.


Gibbs free energy and ATP are directly proportional to each other and storage of ATP is important to make unfeasible reactions to feasible reactions.

ATP hydrolysis is the catabolic response process by which synthetic energy that has been put away in the high-energy phosphoanhydride bonds in adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is delivered in the wake of dividing these bonds, for instance in muscles, by creating work as mechanical energy. The item is adenosine diphosphate (ADP) and an inorganic phosphate (Pi). ADP can be additionally hydrolyzed to give energy, adenosine monophosphate (AMP), and another inorganic phosphate (Pi).[1] ATP hydrolysis is the last connection between the energy got from food or daylight and valuable work like muscle withdrawal.

If Gibbs free energy is less than zero(G<0) then it is said that reaction is possible to move in forward direction and ATP energy will release during the reaction but if (G>0) in that case that reaction is not possible to go in forward direction,in that case ATP energy which is stored in reactants that will be used to make reaction go in forward direction.

To know more about Gibbs free energy, visit here:


during interphase, dna with actively transcribing genes is typically classified as ? why is his important?


Option b is Correct. DNA having genes that are actively transcribed during interphase is often referred to as euchromatin.

The chromatin form of it prevents gene expression. The loosely coiled DNA seen in cells during interphase is known as chromatin. Proteins called transcription factors are involved in the process of turning DNA into RNA, or transcribed DNA. A large variety of proteins—aside from RNA polymerase—called transcription factors start and control how genes are transcribed.

Typically, DNA is bound by a transcription factor at a specific target sequence. To activate transcription, general transcription factors bind to certain DNA locations. RNA polymerase is positioned by these auxiliary proteins, which group together on the promoter, separate the double helix, and then launch the RNA polymerase to start transcription.

Learn more about transcribing genes Visit:


Correct Question:

During interphase, DNA with actively transcribing genes is typically classified as _________________? Why is his important?

A. heterochromatin

B. euchromatin

a sample of bacteria is collected from soil in a field that was recently treated with pesticides. the bacteria are classified, and a phylogeny is built to illustrate the soil bacteria diversity. what kinds of characteristics would be best for creating this phylogeny?


A phylogenetic tree might be constructed utilizing morphological (body shape), biochemical, conduct, or sub-atomic highlights of species or different gatherings. In building a tree.

Phylogeny is the portrayal of the transformative history and affinities between sets of organic entities. The outcomes are characterized in a phylogenetic tree that takes care of a visual work of affinities in light of shared or dissimilar physical and characteristic qualities.

A phylogenetic tree might be constructed utilizing morphological (body shape), biochemical, conduct, or sub-atomic highlights of species or different gatherings. In building a tree.

In the phylogenetic examination, stretching outlines are made to address the transformative history or connection between various species, organic entities, or qualities of an organic entity (qualities, proteins, organs, and so forth) that are created from a typical predecessor. The outline is known as a phylogenetic tree.

To learn more about phylogeny here


A phylogenetic tree can be created using the morphological (body form), biochemical, behavioral, or sub-atomic characteristics of various species or groups. constructing a tree.

The depiction of the evolutionary relationships and affinities between groups of organic organisms is known as phylogeny. A phylogenetic tree that considers affinities in light of shared or different physical and characteristic features is used to characterize the results.

Stretching outlines are used in the phylogenetic analysis to address how different species, organic entities, or characteristics of an organic entity (such as proteins, organs, and so on) have changed over time derived from a typical predecessor (and so on). A phylogenetic tree is the name given to the outline.

To know more about phylogenetic


describe one example of diffusion in the human body. in your description be sure to: (1) identify the place where diffusion takes place. (2) identify a substance that diffuses there. (3) identify where that substance diffuses from and where it diffuses to, at that place.


One example of diffusion in the human body is the diffusion of oxygen from the lungs to the body's cells through the bloodstream. The place where diffusion takes place is in the alveoli, which are small air sacs in the lungs. The substance that diffuses there is oxygen. Oxygen diffuses from the alveoli, where it is breathed in from the air, into the bloodstream.

The human body relies on diffusion to transport vital gases such as oxygen and carbon dioxide throughout the body. One key example of diffusion in the body is the transfer of oxygen from the lungs to the body's cells. The process begins in the alveoli, which are small air sacs in the lungs. Oxygen diffuses into the alveoli from the air that we breathe, and then it diffuses into the bloodstream.

The oxygen-rich blood is then pumped by the heart through the circulatory system to the body's cells. Once the oxygen reaches the cells, it diffuses into the cell's tissues and organs. Here, the oxygen is utilized by the cells in the process of cellular respiration to produce energy in the form of ATP. At the same time, carbon dioxide, a waste product of cellular respiration, diffuses out of the cells and into the bloodstream, where it is then transported back to the lungs to be exhaled. This process of diffusion ensures that the body's cells receive the oxygen they need to function properly and eliminates waste products.

To know more about lungs


Diffusion is how the lungs exchange gases. Compared to blood, the air in the alveoli has a higher oxygen content and a lower carbon dioxide content.

As a result, carbon dioxide from the circulation and oxygen from alveoli diffuse to the blood. Temperature, concentration, and molecular mass are only a few of the variables that have an impact on the rate of diffusion. Diffusion is a crucial bodily function that helps molecules move through a variety of organs, including the lungs, kidneys, stomach, and eyes.

Simple diffusion and assisted diffusion are the two forms of diffusion. Diffusion is a process that aids in the flow of gases. Diffusion aids in the exchange of gases, water, salt, and waste in the human body.

To know more about Diffusion


Explain in your own words what being lactose tolerance means. Be sure you use the following terms in your explanation. enzyme, persistent, glucose, carbohydrate, lactose, monosaccharide, and hydrolysis.


Lactose intolerance is when someone has trouble digesting lactose, a sugar found in milk, and other dairy foods. If people with lactose intolerance eat dairy products, the lactose from these foods passes into their intestines, which can lead to gas, cramps, a bloated feeling, and diarrhea. Some people can have small amounts of dairy without problems. Others have a lot of stomach trouble and void all dairy products. Many foods, drinks, and digestive aids are available to help manage lactose intolerance eat something containing lactose, and an enzyme in the small intestine called lactase breaks it down into simpler sugar forms called glucose and galactose. These simple sugars are then absorbed into the bloodstream and turned into energy body doesn't make enough lactase to break down lactose. Instead, undigested lactose sits in the gut and gets broken down by bacteria, causing gas, bloating stomach cramps, and diarrhea.

his phylogenetic tree was constructed by comparing sequences for a homologous gene involved in development. Select the correct statement.


The nucleotide sequence of this gene in a mouse is more similar to that in a chicken than it is to that in a frog, and neither is as similar to that of this gene in either animal. Here option C is the correct answer.

Phylogenetic trees are used to infer evolutionary relationships between different organisms based on similarities and differences in their genetic or molecular sequences. In a phylogenetic tree, the organisms that are more closely related are grouped together and are more similar in their genetic sequences.

A frog is not the ancestor of both a mouse and a chicken. The common ancestor of a human and a frog and the common ancestor of a mouse and a chicken did not live at the same time, the common ancestor of a human and a frog lived much earlier than the common ancestor of a mouse and a chicken.

In this case, the nucleotide sequence of this gene in a mouse is more similar to the sequence in a chicken, and both are less similar to the nucleotide sequence of this gene in a frog.

Complete question:

This phylogenetic tree was constructed by comparing sequences for a homologous gene involved in development. Select the correct statement.

A - Frog is the ancestor of both a mouse and a chicken.

B - The common ancestor of a human and a frog and the common ancestor of a mouse and a chicken lived at the same time.

C - The nucleotide sequence of this gene in a mouse is more similar to the sequence in a chicken, and both are less similar to the nucleotide sequence of this gene in a frog.

To learn more about nucleotides


The nucleotide sequence of this gene in a mouse is more similar to the sequence in a chicken, and both are less similar to the nucleotide sequence of this gene in a frog

.According to , the nucleotide sequence of this gene in a mouse is more similar to the sequence in a chicken, and both are less similar to the nucleotide sequence of this gene in a frog.

A frog is not the ancestor of both a mouse and a chicken. The common ancestor of a human and a frog and the common ancestor of a mouse and a chicken did not live at the same time.

The statement that the nucleotide sequence of a homologous gene involved in development is more similar in a mouse compared to a chicken, and both are less similar to the sequence found in a frog, suggests that the mouse and chicken are more closely related to each other on the evolutionary tree than they are to the frog. This information can be inferred from the branch lengths and positions on the phylogenetic tree, where closely related organisms are represented by shorter branches that are closer together. This statement is supported by the comparative analysis of the sequences of the homologous gene, which is a widely used method in molecular phylogenetics to infer evolutionary relationships among different organisms. In summary, the statement suggests that mouse and chicken are more closely related to each other on the evolutionary tree than they are to the frog based on the comparative analysis of the sequences of the homologous gene involved in development.

find out more about nucleotide sequence


epithelia are strong membranes that function to bind the body together.


True ,epithelia are strong membranes that function to bind the body together.

Epithelia are formed by Intercellular junctions that works importantly in sealing the space present in between the cells by filling all the gaps also known as gap junctions.

Epithelia are also considered as a the type of respiratory epithelium that is found within the linings of the trachea and other areas of respiratory tract, that helps in filtering and humidification of incoming air. They help our body to perform wide array of functions that include protection, secretion, absorption, filtration, diffusion, and excretion.

Complete question is

Epithelia are strong membranes that function to bind the body together. True or False

To learn more about Epithelia , here


False. Epithelia are not strong membranes that function to bind the body together.

While epithelia do serve a variety of functions in the body, including protecting underlying tissues, regulating the exchange of materials across membranes, and sensing changes in the external environment, they are not considered to be strong membranes that function to bind the body together. Other structures, such as connective tissues, are responsible for providing the physical support and strength needed to bind the body together.

Learn more about Epithilia:


Complete Question:

Epithelia are strong membranes that function to bind the body together. true/false.

which of the following is true about the north american diet? a. most of our protein comes from plant sources. b. approximately half of our carbohydrates come from simple sugars. c. most of our fats come from plant sources. d. most of our carbohydrates come from fibers.


Among the two Americans and Canadians, meat, eggs, and dairy are the main three protein sources, with fish and vegetables/nuts/seeds tumbling to the fourth and fifth spot, individually.

Attributes of the run of the mill American eating routine include: Not eating an adequate number of foods grown from the ground. Consuming refined grains rather than entire grains. Eating greasy wellsprings of protein, like broiled chicken, bacon, and frankfurter.

To meet the Dietary Rules for Americans, pick an eating routine with the vast majority of the calories from grain items, vegetables, organic products, low-fat milk items, lean meats, fish, poultry, and dry beans. Pick fewer calories from fats and desserts.

To learn more about diet here


True about the north American diet (b). approximately half of our carbohydrates come from simple sugars is correct option.

Monosaccharides are the building blocks of all carbohydrates. When it comes to the survival and well-being of living things, carbohydrates are one of the essential naturally occurring molecules. They perform a variety of functions, including supplying energy, storing energy, fertilizing, forming RNA, boosting the immune system, etc.

However, the carbohydrates are not all the same, and they can be split into four categories:





Each of them has a unique chemical makeup, giving them unique abilities. These many characteristics lead to various applications for each of them among living things. We all have a very good understanding of the smallest units, the monosaccharides and disaccharides, which are actually the ones that are referred to as sugars.

To know more about carbohydrates


which of the following findings would be expected in a 20-week-old fetus? select all that apply. skin is less transparent in appearance. skin is covered in vernix and lanugo. palate has just fused. blastocyst is beginning the process of implantation. sex is easily determined.


The 20-week-old fetus would be expected the skin to be less transparent in appearance, skin to be covered in vernix and lanugo, and sex to be easily determined.

Albinism, vitiligo, tinea versicolor, and other ailments can also contribute to translucent skin, which is often a genetic trait. Contact your doctor as soon as possible if your skin changes quickly, and you experience shortness of breath or other health problems associated with abnormally translucent skin.

Vernix, a waxy, cheese-like substance that surrounds the skin of a baby, safeguards it from amniotic fluid. Vernix eliminates chaffing on a baby's skin while it is still in the womb. Vernix adheres to a baby's skin more readily and provides skin protection when lanugo is prominent.

The sex can be discovered by ultrasound as early as 14 weeks, however, most doctors schedule them for 18 to 21 weeks. But it's not always entirely accurate. It's possible that your baby is in an uncomfortable situation that makes it impossible to see the genitalia clearly.

To know more about the 20-week-old fetus visit


The skin of the 20-week-old fetus should appear less transparent, be covered in vernix and lanugo, and be easy to distinguish between the sexes.

You are halfway through your pregnancy and five months along at 20 weeks. You can notice a change in your weight and belly button as your baby and uterus develop more.

Translucent skin is frequently a genetic feature, but other conditions such as tinea versicolor, vitiligo, and albinism can also cause it. If your skin changes rapidly, you develop breathing difficulties or other health issues linked to abnormally translucent skin, call your doctor as soon as you can.

A baby's skin is protected from amniotic fluid by vernix, a waxy, cheese-like material that surrounds it. During pregnancy, Vernix prevents chaffing on a baby's skin. When lanugo is present, vernix more readily attaches to a baby's skin and offers skin protection.

Because of the discomfort of the infant, it is impossible to observe the genitalia clearly.

To know more about fetus


where does glucose reabsorption occur in the nephron


The proximal tubule, which is where the majority of the glucose entering the tubular system is reabsorbed, ensures that urine is practically glucose-free.

First, sodium ions and glucose are co-transported into the proximal convoluted tubule walls of the proximal tubule. This method of transport is also used for several amino acids. Glucose and amino acids immediately diffuse into the blood capillaries after entering the tubule wall along a gradient of concentration. The gradient is maintained because this blood is flowing. Finally, sodium is removed from the tubule wall by sodium/potassium ion active transport pumps and returned to the blood. The first step continues to take place as a result of maintaining a sodium concentration gradient in the proximal tubule lining.

Reabsorption in the early proximal convoluted tubule: The majority of the filtrate's constituent parts are reabsorbed in the tubule's first half (early proximal tubule). These include glucose, amino acids, phosphate, lactate, and citrate, which "piggyback" on sodium co-transporters, which transport sodium down its electrochemical gradient into tubule epithelial cells. Membrane proteins link the flow of two or more particular solutes together. The sodium gradient must be preserved for this to continue, hence sodium cannot be allowed to accumulate inside the proximal tubule wall's epithelial cells.

For more such questions on nephron, visit:


Glucose reabsorption occurs in the nephron in the proximal tubule. Approximately 65% of the filtered load is reabsorbed by proximal tubules.

By reabsorbing around 80% of the filtered bicarbonate, proximal tubules also play a crucial role in maintaining an equilibrium between the acid and the base. In a healthy normoglycemic subject, the glomeruli of the kidneys filter 180 grams of glucose per day, which is approximately one-third of the total energy consumed by the human body each day.

Diabetes, on the other hand, causes glucosuria when the filtered glucose exceeds the tubular system's capacity to transport glucose.

Know more about proximal tubules here:


The triple helix structure of collagen protein Is possible largely due to a. glycine and its small side chain b. an exact palring of pyrimidlnes and purlnes
c. the covalent disulfide bridges between cystelnes d. the absence of carboxyl groups


The triple helix structure of collagen protein Is possible largely due to (c) covalent disulfide bridges.

A fibrous protein called collagen serves as the structural framework for numerous bodily tissues, such as tendons, ligaments, skin, and bone. Three polypeptide chains, each of which is rich in the amino acid glycine and allows for tight packing of the chains, are aligned to produce the distinctive triple helix structure of collagen.

The presence of covalent disulfide bridges between cysteine residues on the various chains, which aid in holding the chains together, is largely responsible for the stability of the triple helix structure. Collagen is more stable since it does not include carboxyl groups. collagen is major component of extracellular matrix.

To know more collagen, click here,


Collagen protein's triple helix structure Is made possible in large part by (c) covalent disulfide bridges.

Collagen is a fibrous protein that serves as the structural framework for many bodily tissues, including tendons, ligaments, skin, and bone. Three polypeptide chains, each of which is rich in the amino acid glycine and allows for tight packing of the chains, are aligned to produce the distinctive triple helix structure of collagen.

The presence of covalent disulfide bridges between cysteine residues on the various chains, which aid in chain stability, is largely responsible for the triple helix structure's stability. Collagen is more stable because it lacks carboxyl groups. Collagen is an important component of the extracellular matrix.

To know more collagen :


if you were to divide a human head into equal parts using a frontal section and a transverse section, how and where would it be divided?


We were to divide a human head into equal parts using a frontal section and a transverse section into four parts; It would be divided verticаlly into аnterior аnd posterior portions, аnd horizontаlly аt аpproximаtely the top of the eаrs.

There аre three bаsic reference sections used in аnаtomy: the sаgittаl plаne, the coronаl plаne, аnd the trаnsverse plаne.

А coronаl or frontаl section divides the body into dorsаl аnd ventrаl (bаck аnd front, or posterior аnd аnterior) portions. А trаnsverse section, аlso known аs аn аxiаl plаne or cross-section, divides the body into crаniаl аnd cаudаl (heаd аnd tаil) portions. А sаgittаl section divides the body into sinister аnd dexter (left аnd right) portions.

If we were to divide a human head into equal parts using a frontal section and a transverse section, it would be divided into 4 parts: verticаlly into аnterior аnd posterior portions, аnd horizontаlly аt аpproximаtely the top of the eаrs.

For more information about the frontal section refers to the link:


which part of the nervous system contains the brain and spinal cord; processes, stores, and responds to information from the peripheral nervous system
a. The central nervous system consists of the brain and spinal cord.
b. The peripheral nervous system consists of nerves that branch off from the spinal cord and extend to all parts of the body.
c. The nervous system transmits signals between the brain and the rest of the body, including the internal organs.
d. all answers are correct


a.The central nervous system consists of the brain and spinal cord.The brain and spinal cord are the two components of the central nervous system.

The peripheral nervous system is composed of nerves that emerge from the spinal cord and cover the entire body. The majority of your senses are fed information by PNS into your brain. You can move your muscles thanks to the signals it transmits. The brain uses signals from your PNS to command essential, automatic functions like breathing and pulse. An upper motor neuron transmits motor information from a region of the brain down the spinal cord. From the brain to the brainstem, upper motor neurons can also travel.

To know more about nervous system, click here:


The condition in which an organism has extra sets of chromosomes is called _____.


Polyploidy is the term used to describe the situation where an organism contains extra sets of chromosomes.

The heritable state of having more than two complete sets of chromosomes is known as polyploidy. Plants frequently have polyploid DNA, as do several fish and amphibian species. Instead of the typical 46 chromosomes per cell, a cell with triploidy has an additional set of chromosomes, making a total of 69 chromosomes present in the cell.

During fertilization, the extra pair of chromosomes comes from either the mother or the father. It occurs when a newborn is developing and has an extra set of chromosomes, which are DNA-carrying threadlike structures. Typically, a triploid pregnancy ends in an early miscarriage.

Learn more about chromosomes Visit:


The condition in which an organism has extra sets of chromosomes is called polyploidy.

It states that polyploidy is a chromosomal mutation that may provide benefits to an organism, especially in plants. It is observed in many examples of plants, including crop plants such as bananas, limes, and strawberries. It is important to note that numerical abnormalities in chromosomes is also known as trisomy and an example of this is Down Syndrome, which is marked by mental disability, learning difficulties, a characteristic facial appearance and poor muscle tone (hypotonia) in infancy.

Find out more about polyploidy.


Which of the following uses of commodity crops represents an indirect way the crop enters the human food
O corn used as animal fodder in the dairy industry
Orice sold primarily as human food
O soybeans pressed to extract cooking oil
O cotton providing fiber for fabric manufacture


'Corn used as animal fodder in the dairy industry' represents an indirect way the crop enters the human food system.

What do you mean by crop?

Crop in biology refers to a plant organ or appendage that is used to store energy. It can also refer to the edible portion of a plant, such as grains, fruits, or vegetables. The crop is part of the digestive system of animals, such as birds and mammals, where food is stored before it is passed to the stomach for further digestion. In plants, the crop is often a modified leaf or stem that is used to store energy. Examples of plants with crops include grasses and cereal grains.

Corn used as animal fodder in the dairy industry does not directly enter the human food system. Instead, the corn is fed to animals such as cows, which then produce milk, meat, and other dairy products that humans consume. Thus, it is an indirect way that the crop enters the human food system since it is not consumed directly by humans.

Hence, option A is correct.

To know more about crops,


Can anyone help 50 points for biology
Using the image below identify the following structures please


A1 = phosphate head
A2 = fatty acid chain/tail
B = glycolipid
C = glycoprotein
D = polysaccharide
E = cholesterol
F = extrinsic protein
G = intrinsic or channel protein

There are seven types of proteins. Three of them are structural, mechanical, and nutrient. What are the other four


Proteins can be divided into seven different categories: storage, transport, contractile, hormonal, enzyme, and contractile proteins.

Cells use proteins for a variety of purposes. They function as enzymes that catalyse chemical events, offer structural support, control how substances move through the cell membrane, defend the body against disease, and organise cell signalling pathways. All proteins fall into one of seven different categories of proteins. These consist of proteins that are structural, storage, transport, contractile, hormonal, enzyme, and antibody.Organic molecules called proteins are found in all living things. They perform a wide range of tasks, such as transportation, organising, and defence. Proteins have up to four different layers of structure and are made up of chains of amino acids.

To know more about proteins, click here:


For this lab report, you will be discussing the results shown in the data table from the previous page. Some of the questions
you should address in the discusssion include the following:
1. What were the independent variable and dependent variable in this experiment? In this experiment, what is being
altered for each trial and what is being recorded for the results.
2. Explain why counting the number of oxygen bubbles produced is an acceptable method to determine the rate of
photosynthesis. What is the connection between the oxygen bubbles and photosynthesis?
3. Why do white and green light colors cause different rates of photosynthesis?
4. Explain any possible sources of error in the experiment.


Elodea exposure time is a constant that is unaffected by the dependent variable, photosynthetic rate, or distance from the light source.

What was the dependent variable in the Elodea experiment?

Elodea exposure time is a constant that is unaffected by the distance from the light source, the rate of photosynthesis, or the dependent variable.

The independent variable is the cause. Your study's other factors are irrelevant to how valuable it is. The dependent variable is the result. The value of the independent variable changes as it changes.

The dependent variable, which measured the rate of photosynthesis, was the number of bubbles that appeared when the light source was on. Photosynthesis will alter based on the amount of light.

Light output is a separate parameter (how close the light is). The number of oxygen bubbles released is the dependent variable (the rate of photosynthesis).

To learn more about Elodea experiment refer to:


if protein x (lectin) speeds up cell division, why does it actually seem to have a negative effect on root growth in soybean plants


We have outlined the lectins found in soybean plants' immunomodulatory properties as well as their impact against illness, including antimicrobial action.

On T lymphocyte cultures, lectins can be utilized as mitotic agents to promote cell proliferation that is started by their cross-linking with TCR on cell surface. This connection may activate particular signaling pathways that encourage cells to start the cell cycle for DNA replication. Lectins can attach to ribosomes and prevent the production of proteins.

Additionally, they can activate the caspase cascade and alter the cell cycle by causing non-apoptotic G1-phase accumulation mechanisms, G2/M phase cell cycle arrest, and apoptosis. Additionally, lectins can reduce telomerase activity and stop angiogenesis.

Learn more about soybean plants Visit:


Lectin has a negative effect on root growth in soybean plants because of its' immunomodulatory properties and antimicrobial action.

A single cell divides into two offspring, who subsequently divide her to form new cells. As new cells are created as old cells divide, we refer to these processes as "cell division" and "cell reproduction." Cell growth and chromosome replication precede cell division, which is also a part of  cell cycle.

An antimicrobial is a substance that either eliminates or inhibits the growth of bacteria. Antimicrobial drugs can be categorised based on the microorganisms they are most effective against. Antibiotics are used to treat bacteria, whereas antifungals are used to treat fungi.

To learn more about cell division here


scientists are continually discovering and documenting new species, although the rate of discovery of new species varies by group. in general, how would the discovery and documentation of species new to science change your estimates of the numbers of species that are potentially threatened? why is the discovery of new species sometimes a critical conservation issue?


Scientists are continually discovering and documenting new species, although the rate of discovery of new species varies by group.The numbers of species that are potentially threatened because it is endagered sometimes a critical conservation issue.

Vulnerable unit referred to species that considered to be facing a high risk of extinction in the wild. Endangered referred to new species that facing an extremely high risk of extinction in the wild. It is an organism that helps define an entire ecosystem.

Species critically endangered because they are loss of genetic variation and habitat. It is so important for us to protect our new species becuase it privodes healthy ecosystem which depend on plant and animal as well as for ecological cycle.

Learn more about discovering new species click on the link here:


The main source of downward convection flow in the mantle is called _____ridge-pullslab-pullslab-pushridge-push


Slab - pull is the main source of downward convection flow in the mantle .

The force that a cold, dense oceanic plate exerts as it descends into the mantle as a result of its own weight is known as a slab-pull. Subduction is the term for this action.

The oceanic plate has a higher density than the hotter mantle underneath it, and because of this, the plate sinks into the mantle. A geophysical process known as slab pull occurs when a subducting tectonic plate cools and subsequently becomes denser, pulling the rest of the plate downward. A cold, solid oceanic plate that is being pulled into the mantle by its own weight is known as a slab. According to the hypothesis, the oceanic plate sinks into the mantle because it has a higher density than the hotter mantle underneath it.

For such more questions on Slab pull:


The primary cause of the mantle's downward convection flow is slab-pull.

A slab-pull is the pressure that an oceanic plate experiences as it sinks into the mantle as a result of its own weight. This action is known as subduction. The oceanic plate sinks into the mantle because it has a higher density than the hotter mantle beneath it. When a subducting tectonic plate cools and consequently gets denser, dragging the rest of the plate downward, this geophysical phenomenon is known as slab pull.

A slab is a cold, dense oceanic plate that is being dragged into the mantle by its own weight. The theory holds that the oceanic plate descends into the mantle because it has a larger density than the mantle underneath it, which is hotter.

For such more questions on Slab pull Visit:


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