Anyone understand this geometry?


Answer 1

The length of the side AB is 6/√3. Option A

How to determine the value

There are six different trigonometric identities and their ratios. These identities are;


For their different ratios, we have;

sin θ = opposite/hypotenuse

cos θ = adajcent/hypotenuse

tan θ = opposite/adjacent

Using the tangent identity, we have;

tan 30 = AB/6

cross multiply the values

AB = tan 30 × 6

AB = 1/√3× 6

AB = 6/√3

Learn about trigonometric ratios at:


Related Questions

50 Points! Write the expression x^4+5x^2-8 in quadratic form, if possible. Photo attached. Thank you!


The expression x^4 + 5x^2 - 8 in quadratic form is: (x^2 + 8)(x^2 - 1)

How to solve the expression

It should be noted that to express the given expression x^4+5x^2 - 8 in quadratic form, we need to identify a suitable substitution that will allow us to rewrite the expression as a quadratic in a new variable.

One possible substitution is to let u = x^2, so that we can write:

x^4 + 5x^2 - 8 = u^2 + 5u - 8

We can then factor this quadratic expression as:

u^2 + 5u - 8 = (u + 8)(u - 1)

Substituting back u = x^2, we get:

x^4 + 5x^2 - 8 = (x^2 + 8)(x^2 - 1)

Therefore, the expression x^4 + 5x^2 - 8 in quadratic form is:

(x^2 + 8)(x^2 - 1)

Learn more about quadratic on


What is the value of k?

help pleaseeeee


The value of k in the given diagram is 10.

What is a linear pair?

A linear pair refers to two adjacent angles that are created when two lines intersect. The defining characteristic of a linear pair is that the sum of their measures is always equal to 180 degrees, which makes them supplementary angles. Essentially, a linear pair is a type of angle pair where the two angles are not only adjacent to each other, but they also add up to a straight angle. Linear pairs are frequently found in various geometric shapes, including triangles, quadrilaterals, and polygons. They also have real-world applications in areas such as architecture and engineering.

We know that sum of angles of a triangle is 180.

So in tringle XYZ,

Angle ZXY + Angle XYZ + Angle YZX = 180

Given angle values ZXY = 6k+10, YZX = 4K+5 and ZYM = 115

We see that Angle XYZ + Angle ZYM = 180, since they are a linear pair.

This means Angle XYZ = 180 - Angle ZYM = 180 - 115 = 65

Hence, Angle ZXY + Angle XYZ + Angle YZX = 180

6k+10 + 65 + 4K+5 = 180

10k + 80 = 180

10k = 180 - 80 = 100

k = 100/10 = 10

To know more about linear pair visit:


joyce painted 8 window frames in 10 hours while earning money for college. what was her painting rate in window frames per hour?


Joyce's painting rate is 0.8 window frames per hour.

Describe Algebra?

Algebra is a branch of mathematics that deals with mathematical operations and symbols to represent numbers and quantities in equations and formulas. It involves manipulating variables and equations to solve problems and analyze relationships between different mathematical objects.

In algebra, variables are used to represent unknown values. Equations and inequalities are used to describe relationships between variables, and algebraic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division are used to manipulate these equations and solve for unknown variables.

Algebra is used in many fields, including physics, engineering, economics, and computer science, and is an essential tool in many real-world applications. It is also a foundational subject in mathematics, and forms the basis for many more advanced mathematical topics, such as calculus, linear algebra, and abstract algebra.

To find Joyce's painting rate in window frames per hour, we can use the formula:

rate = output ÷ time

where output is the number of window frames painted and time is the time taken to paint them.

In this case, Joyce painted 8 window frames in 10 hours, so her painting rate is:

rate = 8 ÷ 10 = 0.8 window frames per hour

Therefore, Joyce's painting rate is 0.8 window frames per hour.

To know more about rate visit:


Given f(x)=3x2−2 and g(x)=7−1/2x2, find the following expressions.
​(a)  (f◦g)(4)     ​(b)  (g◦f)(2)     ​(c)  (f◦f)(1)     ​(d)  (g◦g)(0)



To evaluate the composite functions (f◦g), (g◦f), (f◦f), and (g◦g), we need to substitute one function into the other and simplify the resulting expression.

(a) (f◦g)(4):

To find (f◦g)(4), we need to first find g(4) and then substitute it into f(x):

g(4) = 7 - 1/2(4)^2

= 7 - 8

= -1

Now we substitute g(4) = -1 into f(x):

(f◦g)(4) = f(g(4))

= f(-1)

= 3(-1)^2 - 2

= 1

Therefore, (f◦g)(4) = 1.

(b) (g◦f)(2):

To find (g◦f)(2), we need to first find f(2) and then substitute it into g(x):

f(2) = 3(2)^2 - 2

= 10

Now we substitute f(2) = 10 into g(x):

(g◦f)(2) = g(f(2))

= g(10)

= 7 - 1/2(10)^2

= -43

Therefore, (g◦f)(2) = -43.

(c) (f◦f)(1):

To find (f◦f)(1), we need to find f(f(1)):

f(1) = 3(1)^2 - 2

= 1

Now we substitute f(1) = 1 into f(x):

(f◦f)(1) = f(f(1))

= f(1)

= 1

Therefore, (f◦f)(1) = 1.

(d) (g◦g)(0):

To find (g◦g)(0), we need to find g(g(0)):

g(0) = 7 - 1/2(0)^2

= 7

Now we substitute g(0) = 7 into g(x):

(g◦g)(0) = g(g(0))

= g(7)

= 7 - 1/2(7)^2

= -17/2

Therefore, (g◦g)(0) = -17/2.

What is the equation of the circle with centre
(1/2, 0)and radius 2?
Responses (attached)


The equation of the circle is (x - 1/2)^2 + y^2 = 15/4.

How to calculate the equation

The equation of a circle with center (a,b) and radius r is given by the equation:

(x - a)^2 + (y - b)^2 = r^2

Using the given values, the equation of the circle with center (1/2, 0) and radius 2 is:

(x - 1/2)^2 + (y - 0)^2 = 2^2

Expanding and simplifying, we get:

(x - 1/2)^2 + y^2 = 4 - 1/4

Therefore, the equation of the circle is:

(x - 1/2)^2 + y^2 = 15/4

So, the equation of the circle is (x - 1/2)^2 + y^2 = 15/4.

Learn more about equations on


Find the inradius of triangle ABC.

Find the circumradius of triangle ABC.

The sides of the triangle are 5, 29, and 42.


To find the inradius of triangle ABC, we can use the formula:

inradius = area / semiperimeter,

where the semiperimeter is the sum of the three sides divided by 2, and the area can be found using Heron's formula:

semiperimeter = (5 + 29 + 42) / 2 = 38

area = sqrt(s * (s - a) * (s - b) * (s - c)), where s is the semiperimeter, and a, b, and c are the lengths of the sides.

area = sqrt(38 * (38 - 5) * (38 - 29) * (38 - 42)) = 90

inradius = area / semiperimeter = 90 / 38 = 45 / 19

Therefore, the inradius of triangle ABC is 45/19.

To find the circumradius of triangle ABC, we can use the formula:

circumradius = a/(2*sin(A)) = b/(2*sin(B)) = c/(2*sin(C)),

where a, b, and c are the lengths of the sides, and A, B, and C are the corresponding angles opposite those sides.

We can use the law of sines to find the angles:

sin(A) = (area * 2) / (a * b)
sin(B) = (area * 2) / (b * c)
sin(C) = (area * 2) / (c * a)

where area is the same area we found earlier using Heron's formula.

Substituting the values, we get:

sin(A) = 90 / (5 * 29) = 6/145
sin(B) = 90 / (29 * 42) = 10/87
sin(C) = 90 / (42 * 5) = 2/7

Now we can use the formula for the circumradius:

circumradius = a/(2*sin(A)) = b/(2*sin(B)) = c/(2*sin(C))

circumradius = 5/(2*6/145) = 29/(2*10/87) = 42/(2*2/7)

circumradius = 725/12

Therefore, the circumradius of triangle ABC is 725/12.

What are the answers to these questions?
Thus f(x) has a local max or min at A and a local max or min at B.


We can say that f(x) has a local maximum at A and a local minimum at B.

What is Function?

A function is a mathematical rule that assigns a unique output value to each input value. It describes the relationship between the input and output variables.

Critical numbers of a function are the values of the independent variable where the derivative is zero or undefined, indicating possible extrema or inflection points.

According to the given information:

To find the critical numbers of the function f(x), we need to find the values of x where f'(x) = 0 or f'(x) is undefined.

f(x) = cos(x) + √2/2

f'(x) = -sin(x)

Setting f'(x) = -sin(x) = 0, we get sin(x) = 0, which is true for x = nπ, where n is an integer. However, we only need to consider the values of x in the interval [0,2].

For n = 0, x = 0 is a critical number.

For n = 1, x = π is a critical number.

For n = 2, x = 2π is not in the interval [0,2], so we don't need to consider it.

Therefore, the critical numbers of f(x) in the interval [0,2] are A = 0 and B = π.

To find the nature of the critical points, we need to find the second derivative of f(x).

f''(x) = -cos(x)

Evaluating f''(x) at A and B, we get:

f''(A) = -cos(0) = -1, which means that f(x) has a local maximum at A.

f''(B) = -cos(π) = 1, which means that f(x) has a local minimum at B.

Therefore, we can say that f(x) has a local maximum at A and a local minimum at B.

To know more about Function visit :


Find the gradients of lines A and B


I'm afraid you forgot to add a picture?

what is the surface area of this figure ?


The surface area of this figure is determined as 980.5 m².

What is the surface area of the figure?

The total surface area of the figure is the sum of all the area of the six faces and it is calculated as follows;

Area of top face = 12.7 m x 11 m = 139.7 m²

Area of bottom face = 9.5 m x 16 m = 152 m²

Area of far right face = 12.7 m x 14 m = 177.8 m²

Area of far left face = 9.5 m x 14 m = 133 m²

Area of front face = 16 m x 14 m = 224 m²

Area of back face = 11 m x 14 m = 154 m²

Total surface area = 139.7 m² + 152 m² + 177.8 m² + 133 m² + 224 m² + 154 m²

= 980.5 m²

Learn more about total surface area here:


ZA =
Round your answer to the nearest hundredth.


Angle A equals 41.81°


A retail manager constructs a 95% confidence interval to estimate the mean amount of money each customer spends per visit to the retail store. Assume that all conditions have been met. The one-sample t-interval is ($10.53, $31.89). The owner of the retail store will issue the manager a bonus if the customers spend $35, on average, per visit. Is it reasonable to believe this manager will receive a bonus? No. Because a different sample might give different results, no conclusion can be drawn. No. Because the interval does not contain $35, the manager would not be issued the bonus. Yes. Because the interval representing the mean amount customers spend per visit is entirely below $35, it is reasonable to believe the manager will be issued a bonus. Yes. Because the interval representing the mean amount customers spend per visit does not contain $35, it is reasonable to believe the manager will be issued a bonus.


The correct option is: No. Because the interval does not contain $35, the manager would not be issued the bonus.

What is an interval?

An interval refers to a range of values between two points on a numerical scale. It can be represented by two numbers, called endpoints, and includes all the values that lie between these endpoints.

The two common types of intervals are closed intervals and open intervals.

According to the given information:

In a confidence interval, the range of values within which the true population parameter (in this case, the mean amount of money each customer spends per visit) is likely to fall is estimated. A 95% confidence interval means that there is a 95% probability that the true population parameter falls within the interval.

In this case, the confidence interval is ($10.53, $31.89), which means that we are 95% confident that the true mean amount customers spend per visit falls between $10.53 and $31.89. Since the interval does not contain $35, it is not reasonable to believe that the manager will receive a bonus, as the estimated mean amount spent per visit is below $35 according to the confidence interval.

The correct answer is: No. Because the interval does not contain $35, the manager would not be issued the bonus.

To know more about interval visit:


Please solve this asap.​



height= 3cm

Step-by-step explanation:

to find the base of each triangle just half the bottom to get 4cm







Estimate the difference. Round each number to the nearest whole number, then subtract.
The difference is approximately



To estimate the difference, we need to round each number to the nearest whole number and then subtract the rounded numbers.

Rounding each number to the nearest whole number, we get:

10 rounded to the nearest whole number is 10

19 rounded to the nearest whole number is 19

19 rounded to the nearest whole number is 19

4 rounded to the nearest whole number is 4

19 rounded to the nearest whole number is 19

-2 rounded to the nearest whole number is -2

Subtracting the rounded numbers, we get:

10 - 19 - 19 - 4 - 19 - (-2) = 10 - 19 - 19 - 4 - 19 + 2 = -49

Therefore, the estimated difference is -49.

HELPPP PLEASEEE!!! Geometry checkpoint


The shaded region, the closest answer choice (B) is  20 square units.

What is the circumference in the definition of a circle?

The circumference of a circle is the length of the edge of the circle. If we cut  the circle and straighten it, the length of the border is the circumference of the circle.

 The central angle of  sector AOB is 2*35 = 70 degrees (because the central angle  is twice the circumferential angle). The remaining angle of triangle AOB is (180 - 70)/2 = 55 degrees.  Using trigonometry, we  find that the length of AB is:

AB = 2 * 8 * sin(55/2) ≈ 11.96 units

The shaded area can be divided into two parts: a sector with a central angle of 70 degrees and a triangle with base AB and height 8 units (the radius of the circle).

 The area of sector is

(70/360) * π * 8² ≈ 12.57 square units

The area of ​​the triangle is:

(1/2) * AB * 8 ≈ 47.82 square units

Therefore, the total area of ​​the shaded area is approximately:

12.57 + 47.82 ≈ 60.39 square units

Therefore, for the shaded region, the closest answer choice (B) is  20 square units.

Learn more about circumference of a circle here


Solve by using matrices.
2x -y + 3z = 180
-4x + 2y + 3z = 225
3x - 4y = 270
= -66, y = [?], z =


Solving the system of equations using matrices is : = -66, y = 163, and z = 11.

Solving the system of equations using matrices ?

To solve this system of equations using matrices, we can write it in the form AX = B, where:

A = coefficient matrix

X = variable matrix (containing x, y, and z)

B = constant matrix (containing the constants on the right-hand side of each equation)

So, we have:

| 2  -1  3 |   | x |   | 180 |

| -4  2  3 | x | y | = | 225 |

| 3  -4  0 |   | z |   | 270 |

We can solve for X by multiplying both sides of the equation by the inverse of A:

X = A^-1 * B

First, we need to find the inverse of A. We can do this by using the formula:

A^-1 = (1 / det(A)) * adj(A)

where det(A) is the determinant of A and adj(A) is the adjugate (transpose of the cofactor matrix) of A.

| 2  -1  3 |

| -4  2  3 |

| 3  -4  0 |

det(A) = 2(20 - 3(-4)) - (-1)(-40 - 33) + 3(-4*(-1) - 2*3) = 16

| 2  -1  3 |

| -4  2  3 |

| 3  -4  0 |

The cofactor matrix is:

| 2  9  6 |

| 12  0  -2 |

| 13  -9  8 |

Taking the transpose of the cofactor matrix gives us the adjugate of A:

| 2  12  13 |

| 9  0  -9 |

| 6  -2  8 |

So, we have:

A^-1 = (1 / det(A)) * adj(A) = (1 / 16) *

| 2  12  13 |

| 9  0  -9 |

| 6  -2  8 |

Multiplying A^-1 by B gives us:

| x |   | -66 |

| y | = | 163 |

| z |   | 11  |

Therefore, x = -66, y = 163, and z = 11.

Learn more about matrix here:


25. Find m/T. 0 (9x-17) T (4x + 28) S R​



The given expression is:

m/T = 0(9x-17) / (T(4x + 28)S R)

Since the numerator is multiplied by 0, the entire expression becomes 0, regardless of the value of the denominator. Division by 0 is undefined in mathematics, as it is not a valid operation. Therefore, the result of m/T in this case is undefined.

You can double check urself ;D

A pack of 36 milk chocolate candy bars costs $23.20. Each bar weights 1.55 oz.
How much does one pound of these chocolate bars cost? (price per pound)
Hint: First, how many ounces of chocolate are in 36 bars? Then, create a T chart and find a unit rate of how it costs for 1 oz. Remember that there are 16 ounces in one pound.


So one pound of these chocolate bars costs $6.65.

what is unit rate?

A unit rate is a ratio in which the denominator is 1. It is a rate that compares a quantity to one unit of another quantity.

There are 36 candy bars, and each candy bar weighs 1.55 oz, so the total weight of 36 candy bars is:

36 x 1.55 = 55.8 oz

To find the price per pound, we need to convert the weight of the candy bars from ounces to pounds. There are 16 ounces in one pound, so:

55.8 oz ÷ 16 oz/pound = 3.4875 pounds

Now, we can create a T chart to find the price per pound:

                    Price        Weight

36 bars       $23.20         55.8 oz

1 pound          ?                 16 oz

To find the price per pound, we can use a unit rate. We know that 36 bars cost $23.20, so we can find the cost of one ounce:

$23.20 ÷ 55.8 oz = $0.41582734/oz

Now, we can use the unit rate to find the price per pound:

$0.41582734/oz x 16 oz/pound = $6.65323664/pound

Therefore, one pound of these chocolate bars costs $6.65.

To learn more about unit rates from the given link:


The number of potholes in any given 1 mile stretch of freeway pavement in Pennsylvania has a bell-shaped distribution. This distribution has a mean of 62 and a standard deviation of 11. Using the empirical rule (as presented in the book), what is the approximate percentage of 1-mile long roadways with potholes numbering between 51 and 84?


According to the empirical rule (also known as the 68-95-99.7 rule), for a bell-shaped distribution (or normal distribution), approximately:

- 68% of the data falls within one standard deviation of the mean
- 95% of the data falls within two standard deviations of the mean
- 99.7% of the data falls within three standard deviations of the mean

In this case, we can use the empirical rule to estimate the percentage of 1-mile long roadways with potholes numbering between 51 and 84.

To do this, we need to first calculate the z-scores for the values 51 and 84, using the formula:

z = (x - μ) / σ

where x is the value, μ is the mean, and σ is the standard deviation.

For x = 51:

z = (51 - 62) / 11 = -1

For x = 84:

z = (84 - 62) / 11 = 2

These z-scores tell us how many standard deviations away from the mean each value is. A z-score of -1 means that the value is 1 standard deviation below the mean, and a z-score of 2 means that the value is 2 standard deviations above the mean.

Now, we can use the empirical rule to estimate the percentage of 1-mile long roadways with potholes numbering between 51 and 84:

- The percentage of data within one standard deviation of the mean is approximately 68%. Since the mean is 62 and the standard deviation is 11, one standard deviation below the mean is 51, and one standard deviation above the mean is 73 (62 - 11 = 51, 62 + 11 = 73). Therefore, approximately 68% of the 1-mile long roadways have potholes numbering between 51 and 73.
- The percentage of data within two standard deviations of the mean is approximately 95%. Since two standard deviations below the mean is 40, and two standard deviations above the mean is 84 (62 - 2(11) = 40, 62 + 2(11) = 84), approximately 95% of the 1-mile long roadways have potholes numbering between 40 and 84.

Therefore, the approximate percentage of 1-mile long roadways with potholes numbering between 51 and 84 is approximately 95%.

17.) A fan has 4 settings marked 0,1,2,3. On the '1' setting, it rotates 100 times in one minute. The rate of rotation doubles on the '2' setting, and again doubles on the '3' setting. How many times will the fan rotate in 15 minutes on the '3' setting? A. 1500B. 3000 C. 4500 D. 6000 100 tho 212​


Step-by-step explanation:

Setting 1   = 100   rpm

Setting 2  = 200 rpm

Setting  3 = 400 rpm  

400 rotations each minute   for 15 minutes =  400 * 15 = 6000 rotations

Is the graph increasing, decreasing, or constant?
-8 -6 4
A. Decreasing
B. Increasing
C. Constant


Is the graph increasing, decreasing, or constant: C. Constant.

What is a graph?

In Mathematics and Geometry, a graph can be defined as a type of chart that is typically used for the graphical representation of data points or ordered pairs on both the horizontal and vertical lines of a cartesian coordinate, which are the x-coordinate (x-axis) and y-coordinate (y-axis) respectively.

By critically observing the graph shown above, we can reasonably infer and logically deduce that the graph is constant because it assumes only one y-value, which is represented by this equation y = 3.

In conclusion, the above is constant, rather than increasing or decreasing.

Read more on a graph here:


please help meeeee. What is the value of k?



k = 10

Step-by-step explanation:

the exterior angle of a triangle is equal to the sum of the 2 opposite interior angles.

∠ MYZ is an exterior angle of the triangle , then

4k + 5 + 6k + 10 = 115

10k + 15 = 115 ( subtract 15 from both sides )

10k = 100 ( divide both sides by 10 )

k = 10


k = 10


Exterior angle of a triangle is equal to the sum of remote interior angles.

In the given picture, the exterior angle is 115°, and remote interior angles are (4k + 5)° and (6k + 10)°.

Set up equation and solve for k:

4k + 5 + 6k + 10 = 11510k + 15 = 11510k = 100k = 10

Therefore the value of k is 10.

Draw place value disk to represent the value of the following expressions

5 times 2=


When the two sections are combined, the total number of circles would be ten, representing the value of 5 times 2, which is 10.

What is number?

Number is a mathematical concept used to quantify or measure a quantity. It is a symbol or group of symbols that stands for a quantity, such as 2, 4, 5, 10, and so on. Numbers are used to express amounts, to count, and to measure. They are also used to represent relationships between quantities and to compare quantities.

A place value disk can be used to represent the value of 5 times 2, which is equal to 10. The disk would have two sections, one representing the number 5 and the other representing the number 2. The number 5 would be represented by five single circles in the “ones” section, and the number 2 would be represented by two single circles in the “ones” section. When the two sections are combined, the total number of circles would be ten, representing the value of 5 times 2, which is 10.

The place value disk is a useful visual tool to help students understand the concept of multiplication. It allows them to clearly see how the number of circles in each section are multiplied to get the final answer. This can help them better understand the concept of multiplication and how it works.

To know more about amount click-

Complete questions as follows-

A coordinate plane with 2 lines drawn. The first line is labeled f(x) and passes through the points (0, negative 2) and (1, 1). The second line is labeled g(x) and passes through the points (negative 4, 0) and (0, 2). The lines intersect at about (2.5, 3.2)
How does the slope of g(x) compare to the slope of f(x)?

The slope of g(x) is the opposite of the slope of f(x).
The slope of g(x) is less than the slope of f(x).
The slope of g(x) is greater than the slope of f(x).
The slope of g(x) is equal to the slope of f(x)


Therefore, the correct answer is: The slope of g(x) is less than the slope of f(x).

Where do the X and Y axes intersect on the coordinate plane, at position 0 0?

The origin is the location where the two axes meet. On both the x- and y-axes, the origin is at 0. The coordinate plane is divided into four portions by the intersection of the x- and y-axes. The term "quadrant" refers to these four divisions.

We can use the slope formula to get the slopes of the lines f(x) and g(x):

slope of f(x) = (change in y)/(change in x) = (1 - (-2))/(1 - 0) = 3/1 = 3

slope of g(x) = (change in y)/(change in x) = (2 - 0)/(0 - (-4)) = 2/4 = 1/2

The slope of g(x) is 1/2, which is less than the slope of f(x), which is 3.

Therefore, the correct answer is: The slope of g(x) is less than the slope of f(x).

To know more about slope visit:-




Step-by-step explanation:

What is one third plus eight twelves




Step-by-step explanation:

1/3 + 8/12 ⬅️(factor out by common factor, 4)

= 1/3 + 2/3

=1+2/ 3

=3/3 or 1

given that log c3 = 0.914



≈ 0.153

Step-by-step explanation:

using the rules of logarithms

log x - log y ⇔ log ([tex]\frac{x}{y}[/tex] )

[tex]log_{b}[/tex] b = 1


[tex]log_{c}[/tex] ( [tex]\frac{4}{c}[/tex] )

= [tex]log_{c}[/tex] 4 - [tex]log_{c}[/tex] c

= 1.153 - 1

= 0.153

Tentor, Inc., purchases disposable coffee cups on which to print logos for sporting events, proms, birthdays, and other special occasions. The owner received a large shipment of 861 cups this afternoon, and to ensure the quality of the shipment, he selected a random sample of 410 cups and identified 353 as defective.

What is the estimated proportion of defectives in the population? (Round the final answer to 3 decimal places.)


What is the standard error of the sample proportion? (Round your answer to 3 decimal places.)


What are the upper and lower bounds for a 98% confidence level? (Round the final answers to 3 decimal places.)

Upper bound is Answer

Lower bound is Answer


It is estimated that 0.861 percent of the population is faulty. The sample proportion's standard error is 0.022. A 98% confidence level has an upper bound of 0.910 and a lower bound of 0.812.

What is a proportion?

The comparative relationship between two or more things in terms of their size, amount, or number is referred to as a "proportion." Either a ratio or a fraction can be used to express it. The term "proportion" in statistics refers to the division of the total number of events by the frequency of each event.

The formula p = x/n, where p is the estimated proportion of defectives in the population, x is the number of defectives in the sample, and n is the sample size, can be used to determine the estimated proportion of defectives in the population.

When we substitute values, we obtain:

p = 353/410 = 0.861

As a result, the population's estimated defectiveness rate is 0.861.

The formula SE = √(p(1-p)/n), where SE is the standard error and n is the sample size, can be used to get the standard error of the sample percentage.

When we substitute values, we obtain:

SE is equal to√(0.861(1.0.861)/410) = 0.022.

As a result, the sample proportion's standard error is 0.022.

Using the following formula, the upper and lower bounds for a 98% confidence level can be determined:

Lower bound = z*SE - p

Upper bound = z*SE + p

where z is the z-score for a 98% degree of confidence.

We discover that the z-score corresponding to a 98% confidence level is roughly 2.33 using a z-table or calculator.

When we substitute values, we obtain:

Lower bound is equal to 0.861 - 2.33*0.022, or 0.812.

Upper bound is equal to 0.861 + 2.33 * 0.022 = 0.910.

Consequently, the range of a 98% confidence level is as follows:

Maximum: 0.910

Upper limit: 0.812

To know more about proportion visit:


It is estimated that 0.861 percent of the population is faulty. The sample proportion's standard error is 0.022. A 98% confidence level has an upper bound of 0.910 and a lower bound of 0.812.

What is a proportion?

The comparative relationship between two or more things in terms of their size, amount, or number is referred to as a "proportion." Either a ratio or a fraction can be used to express it. The term "proportion" in statistics refers to the division of the total number of events by the frequency of each event.

The formula p = x/n, where p is the estimated proportion of defectives in the population, x is the number of defectives in the sample, and n is the sample size, can be used to determine the estimated proportion of defectives in the population.

When we substitute values, we obtain:

p = 353/410 = 0.861

As a result, the population's estimated defectiveness rate is 0.861.

The formula SE = √(p(1-p)/n), where SE is the standard error and n is the sample size, can be used to get the standard error of the sample percentage.

When we substitute values, we obtain:

SE is equal to[tex]\sqrt{\frac{0.861(1.0.861)}{410)}[/tex]= 0.022.

As a result, the sample proportion's standard error is 0.022.

Using the following formula, the upper and lower bounds for a 98% confidence level can be determined:

Lower bound = z*SE - p

Upper bound = z*SE + p

where z is the z-score for a 98% degree of confidence.

We discover that the z-score corresponding to a 98% confidence level is roughly 2.33 using a z-table or calculator.

When we substitute values, we obtain:

Lower bound is equal to 0.861 - 2.33*0.022, or 0.812.

Upper bound is equal to 0.861 + 2.33 * 0.022 = 0.910.

Consequently, the range of a 98% confidence level is as follows:

Maximum: 0.910

Upper limit: 0.812

To know more about proportion refer the below link


16. Mandy solved this system of equations using elimination. She says that the system has no solutions. Is her statement true or false? 9x + 15y = 6 5y=-3x+2 A True B False​


Answer: We can solve this system of equations using elimination as follows:

9x + 15y = 6

5y = -3x + 2

To eliminate y, we can multiply the second equation by -3 and add it to the first equation:

9x + 15y = 6

-15y = 9x - 6

Simplifying the second equation, we get:

-5y = 3x - 2

Now we have two equations in terms of x and y:

9x + 15y = 6

-5y = 3x - 2

If we multiply the second equation by -3 and add it to the first equation, we get:

9x + 15y = 6

15y - 9x = 6

Simplifying, we get:

6y = 2

Dividing by 6, we get:

y = 1/3

Substituting y into the second equation, we get:

5(1/3) = -3x + 2

Simplifying, we get:

-3x = -13/3

Dividing by -3, we get:

x = 13/9

Therefore, the solution to the system of equations is (x, y) = (13/9, 1/3).

Mandy's statement that the system has no solutions is false. The system has a unique solution.

Step-by-step explanation:

Question 1 of 5
Which expression is equivalent to?x1/3



[tex]\frac{?x1}{3}[/tex] is the answer as in ?x1/3 the ?x1/3 is = to ÷3.

so therefore the answer could also be [tex]\frac{?x1}{3}[/tex].

( please note that the [tex]\frac{x}{above}[/tex]  symbolises ×by )

Hope this helps and gets brainliest.

Good luck with studies.

Determine the domain and range of the graph of this function.


x ≤ 4, -2≤ y ≤ 2  are the domain and range of the graph of this function.

What is the domain and domain of the function in the graph?

Another way to identify domains and feature sets is with graphs. Domain refers to the set of possible input values, so a chart's domain consists of all input values ​​displayed on the x-axis.

                                    A range is the set of possible output values ​​plotted on the y-axis. To find the domain and domain of the equation y = f(x), find the value of the independent variable x for which the function is defined. 

y = f(x)

according to the graph value of y

 x ≤ 4,

-2≤ y ≤ 2

Learn more about domain


please answer in detail​



y = 2x + 4

Step-by-step explanation:

the equation of a line in slope- intercept form is

y = mx + c ( m is the slope and c the y- intercept )

y = 2x + 3 ← is in slope- intercept form

with slope m = 2

• Parallel lines have equal slopes , then

slope of line AB is m = 2

line AB crosses the y- axis at (0, 4 ) ⇒ c = 4

y = 2x + 4 ← equation of line AB

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