Apply a 90 degree rotation to the point (1, 2)


Answer 1



Step-by-step explanation:

90 degree rotation from (a,b) is (-a,b)

Related Questions

2 5. 8 11 X 2 -4 8 у 14 What is the equation of the given table?​




Step-by-step explanation:

Is the statement true or false? If false, give a counterexample.

For all real numbers a, b and c, a(b + c) = ab + bc.

A. true
B. false; a(b + c) = ab − ac
C. false; if a = b = c = 1, then 1(1 + 1) ≠ 1(1) + 1(1)
D. false; if a = 1, b = 2, and c = 3, then 1(2 + 3) ≠ 1(2) + 2(3)



D. false; if a = 1, b = 2, and c = 3, then 1(2 + 3) ≠ 1(2) + 2(3)

Step-by-step explanation:

A is false, because the a is being distributed/ being multiplied to all terms inside the parenthesis, and not the term b.

B is also false. There is no indicated negative signs.

C is also false because 1(1 + 1) is EQUAL to 1(1) + 1(1)

D is true.

you are listening to a playlist that has three hip hop songs 2 rock songs if they are a 15 more songs on this playlist and the ratio of hip hop song or rock song stayed the same how many of each type would be on this playlist ​


doing this fa points , sorry not sorry .

m= 4/5 - 2/5
————- = ?
-1 - -2



2/5 = 4/5 - 2/5 = m

Write 2.08 x 10^2 in standard form.​




Step-by-step explanation:

If you multiply 2.08 by ten to the second power (100) Then you get 208

Scientific notations are the way through which a very small or a very large number can be written in shorthand.  The given expression can be written in the standard form as 208.

What are Scientific notations?

Scientific notations are the way through which a very small or a very large number can be written in shorthand.  In scientific notations when a number between 1 and 10s is multiplied by a power of 10.

For example, 6,500,000,000,000 can be written as 6.5e+12.

The given expression can be written in the form of an expression as shown below.

2.08 x 10²

= 2.08 × 100

= 208

Hence, the given expression can be written in the standard form as 208.

Learn more about Scientific notation here:


HURRY PLEASE!! I’ll mark you as brainliest
Which graph shape would represent the connected
points in Celeste's function table?

A. A straight line that slopes up from left to right

B. A straight line that slips down from left to right

C. A symmetrical V shape that opens down

D. A symmetrical face shape that opens up



I believe the answer would be A

Step-by-step explanation:

There is no possible slope being involved so B, C, or D couldn't be the answer.


A. A straight line that slopes from left to right.

Step-by-step explanation:

y = mx + b

· Evaluate f(2a + b), where f(x) = 4x2 – 3x.​



2af+bf = 2af+bf

Step-by-step explanation

f(x) = 4x2 – 3x. =  x(4x−3)

Buddy downloaded 16 apps in 24 seconds. At this rate, how many apps could he download in one minute? (24 seconds = 2/5 of a minute) (1-1 Unit Rate)


I think it’s 60. You divide 24 by 16 then multiply by 4 I got 60
i think its A but im not sure.

What is true about segment R S and T U, if Point T has coordinates four, negative five. and U has coordinates (9, 2)?




Step-by-step explanation:

On a flight from New York to London, an airplane travels at a constant speed. An equation relating the distance traveled in miles, d, to the number of hours flying, t, is LaTeX: t=\frac{1}{500}dt=1500d. How long will it take the airplane to travel 800 miles?




Step-by-step explanation:

We know that Speed= distance/ time

But from the question, An equation relating the distance traveled in miles d to the number of hours flying t is t= 1/500d.

And the distance is given as 800 miles

Then, what we need is to substitute the given Distance into the equation of time.

t= 1/500d. Where d= 800 miles

t= (1/500) × 800 miles

t= 800 miles/500

t= 1.6hours

Hence, it will take the airplane to travel 800 miles , 1.6hours

Joe and Carmen are partners in a business. Joe makes $2.00 profit for every $5.00 profit that Carmen makes. If Carmen makes $20 on the first item they sell, how much profit will Joe make?


Joe will make a $8.00 profit

Claire and Richard are both artists. Claire uses the polynomial 50x^2+250 to decide how much to charge.Richard uses the polynomial 49x^2+350 to charge how much to charge for his painting.In each polynomial x is the height of the paintings feet. To the nearest tenth what height will both Claire and Richard charge for the same amount for a painting?



The height of the painting has to be 10 feet for both Claire and Richard to charge the same amount.

Step-by-step explanation:

The polynomial expression representing the charge for Claire's paintings is:

C = 50x² + 250

The polynomial expression representing the charge for Richard's paintings is:

R = 49x² + 350

Here x represents the height of the paintings feet.

Now compute the value of x such that both Claire and Richard charge the same amount as follows:

C = R

50x² + 250 = 49x² + 350

50x² - 49x² = 350 - 250

x² = 100

x = 100

Thus, the height of the painting has to be 10 feet for both Claire and Richard to charge the same amount.

The length of a rectangle is 11 less than 9 times the width. The perimeter of the rectangle is 18 inches


Length = 7   Width = 2

Step-by-step explanation:

L = Length

W = Width



2(9W-11) + 2W = 18

18W - 22 +2W = 18

20W -22 = 18

20W = 40

W = 2

L = 9(2)-11



4. What is the solution of the proportion 3 16 = 9 y ?




not really an academic subject lol just a stoopid inquiry
does anyone else stay up super late even if they're tired? like you haven't "completed" your day yet. just me?... TT_TT pls help

(my sleep schedule is very messed up) :,)



Yes me too! Except I watch movies because I have a feeling they won't be there tomorrow lol

Step-by-step explanation:

people wont solve my question i need it ASAP



A pig has 10,000 kg mass more than a mass

Step-by-step explanation:


what makes -1.3 a non integer



Decimal and fractions numbers are non-integers

Step-by-step explanation:

The answer is the third choice because integers are whole numbers that can be positive, negative, or zero. -1.3, however, is not a whole number, so it is not an integer. The reason is the third choice as decimals and fractions are not integers. Hope it helps!

Help with these math questions grade 12



1. 15.1%

2. 8.3%

3. 12%

4. 25%

Step-by-step explanation:


percent change = (new number - old number)/(old number) * 100%

percent change = (21300 - 18500)/(18500) * 100%

percent change = 15.1%

A positive percent change is a percent increase.

Answer: The percent increase is 15.1%.


percent change = (new number - old number)/(old number) * 100%

percent change = (298000 - 325000)/(325000) * 100%

percent change = -8.3%

A negative percent change is a percent decrease.

Answer: The percent decrease is 8.3%.


percent change = (new number - old number)/(old number) * 100%

percent change = (110 - 125)/(125) * 100%

percent change = -12%

A negative percent change is a percent decrease.

Answer: The percent decrease is 12%.


percent change = (new number - old number)/(old number) * 100%

percent change = (1500 - 2000)/(2000) * 100%

percent change = -25%

A negative percent change is a percent decrease.

Answer: The percent decrease is 25%.

Steven sells bags of different kinds of cookies. He made $27 selling bags of Oreos, $18 selling chocolate chips cookies, and $45 selling chunky sugar cookies. Each bag of cookies costs the same amount. What is the most that Steven could charge for each bag of cookies?



9 dollars

Step-by-step explanation:

It would be 9 dollars because that is the only common factor that could go into 27, 28, or 45.

Tina recorded the number of calories she burned during a bike ride. The graph shows Tina’s calories burned, y, after x hours. If Tina rode her bike at a constant rate for the first three hours, what was Tina’s average calories burned, in calories per hour, between hour 0 and hour 3?



the answer is B because 2x3 is ainzqwndwqncjnjqanc2ejn2qncb

Step-by-step explanation:

400 per hour was Tina's average calorie burn per hour between hours 0 and 3 if she rode her bike at a steady speed for the first three hours.

Given that,

Tina kept track of the calories she expended while riding her bike. After x hours, the graph displays Tina's calories burned, y.

We have to find what was Tina's average calorie burn per hour between hours 0 and 3 if she rode her bike at a steady speed for the first three hours.

What is a graph?

A graph is a visual representation or diagram that displays facts or values in an organized manner in mathematics. The relationships between two or more objects are often shown by the points on a graph.

Therefore, 400 per hour was Tina's average calorie burn per hour between hours 0 and 3 if she rode her bike at a steady speed for the first three hours.

To learn more about hours visit:


A can run 3 miles in 30 minutes. How long will it take
the runner to run 2.5 miles? Use the diagram to explain.



It will take her about 25 minutes.

Step-by-step explanation:

30 divided by 3 is ten.

It takes ten minutes to run each miles.

I don't have a diagram, but try drawing a graph with the information.  

what is the answer for −3x−6+(−1)


Hi it would be -9x-1 hope that helps



Step-by-step explanation:

Combine like terms

-6+-1 = -6-1 = -7

Hence, it's -3x-7

for how many tickets is the cost the same for club members and non-members?​



The cost will be the same for 2 club members as for 1 non-member.

Step-by-step explanation:

There will never be a number of tickets where the price for a given number of club members is the same for the same number of non-members.

However, if two club members purchase tickets, their cost is 2($3) = $6.

If one non-member purchases a ticket, the cost is 1($6) = $6.

help TWT ;-;-;-;-;-;-;​



Step-by-step explanation:


the answer is 1

Step-by-step explanation:

a cubic block of ice has a volume of 1,331 inches how tall is the block



The answer is 11. 11^3 is 1,331.

Step-by-step explanation:


Neuma has a container that held 9/54 of a kilogram of rainbow sprinkles she divided the sprinkles Evenly to put on top of the 9 servings of ice cream that she was making for her friends at the sleepover.To determine the weight of each serving neuma performed the calculations below she concluded that each serving weighs 1/6 of a kilogram. What is Neumas error?



c. neuma should have only divided 9 by 9, not 54 by 9.

Step-by-step explanation:

Neuma had a container that held 9/54 of a kilogram of rainbow sprinkles. she divided the sprinkles evenly to put on top of the 9 servings of ice cream that she was making for her friends at the sleepover. to determine the weight of each serving, neuma performed the calculations below. she concluded that each serving weighs 1/6 of a kilogram. what is neuma’s error?

a. neuma should have multiplied by 54, not divided.

b. neuma should have multiplied by 9, not divided.

c. neuma should have only divided 9 by 9, not 54 by 9.

d. neuma should have only divided 54 by 9, not 9 by 9

Neuma's calculation


= 1/6

Kilogram of rainbow sprinkles = 9/54

Ice cream servings = 9

Correct calculation

Weight of each servings = total weight / number of servings

= 9 / 54 ÷ 9

= 9 / 54 × 1 / 9

= 1 / 54

Each servings = 1/54 kilogram

c. neuma should have only divided 9 by 9, not 54 by 9.



Neuma should have only divided 9 by 9, not 54 by 9.

what is the equation of a line parallel to y=3x-2 and goes through the point (-1,1)



y = 3 x − 29

Step-by-step explanation:

First, let's find the slope of the line  

y = 3 x + 2

As the equation is already in slope-intercept form  

y = m x + c

Slope =  3

Let a point  ( x , y )  be on the new line.

By finding the slope again,

y − 1 x − 10 = 3

y − 1 = 3 ( x − 10 )

y − 1 = 3 x − 30

Which can then be converted to different forms:

Standard form:  

3 x − y = 29

Equation form:  

3 x − y−29 = 0

Slope-intercept form:  

y = 3 x − 29

graph{3x-y=29 [-32.3, 47.7, -34.1, 5.9]}

When Arjun makes hot cocoa, he adds 20\text{ mL}20 mL20, start text, space, m, L, end text of chocolate syrup for every 333 ounces of hot water. Arjun's brother, Eli, adds 45\text{ mL}45 mL45, start text, space, m, L, end text of chocolate syrup for every 666 ounces of hot water. Which hot cocoa is more chocolatey? Choose 1 answer: Choose 1 answer:



45mL hot cocoa is more chocolatey

Step-by-step explanation:

When Arjun makes hot cocoa, if he add 20mL of chocolate syrup to 3ounces of water, let us know the equivalent chocolate in one ounces of water.

20mL = 3 ounces

x = 1 ounce

cross multiply

3x = 20

x = 20/3

x = 6.67 mL

This means he must have add 6.67mL of chocolate to 1 ounce of water.

Similarly, if 45mL is added to every 6 ounces

45mL = 6ounces

x = 1 ounce

cross multiply

6x = 45

x = 45/6

x =  7.5mL

This means he must have add 7.5mL of chocolate to 1 ounce of water.

The hot cocoa that is more chocolatey is the one with the highest amount of chocolate in 1 ounce. That is 45mL hot cocoa


eli's cocoa is more chocolately. i would show proof (on khan academy), but I just skipped the q. :|

Step-by-step explanation:

A package of candy contains 8 mini candy bars. The cost of the package is $2. What is the unit price?​



16 8 * 2 = 16 <3

Step-by-step explanation:

Apply the Triangle Sum Theorem, and solve for x.
5x° (Angle G)
4xº(Angle H)
3xº(Angle J)




Step-by-step explanation:





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