Ariel wants to join the volleyball team in the fall, so she went to an overnight volleyball camp last weekend to practice her skills. Before she left, she packed a shower caddy shaped like a rectangular prism with a volume of 420 cubic inches. The caddy is 10
inches long and 5 inches tall.
How wide is the shower caddy?


Answer 1

The width of the shower caddy is 8 inches.

What is Volume?

Volume is a measure of the total amount of material that an object contains. In mathematical terms, volume is calculated by multiplying the length, width, and height of an object.

We can use the formula for the volume of a rectangular prism, which is V = lwh, where l is the length, w is the width, and h is the height.

We know that the volume of the caddy is 420 cubic inches, the length is 10.5 inches, and the height is 5 inches. Let's substitute these values into the formula and solve for the width:

420 = 10.5w × 5

Divide both sides by 52.5:

8 = w

Therefore, the width of the shower caddy is 8 inches.

To learn more about Volume visit the link:


Related Questions

What is the equation of the line 2x+3y+1=0 after it has been reflected across y=-1 and rotated about o(2,3) by 180


The equation of the line 2x + 3y + 1 = 0 after it has been reflected across y = -1 and rotated about O(2,3) by 180 degrees is -2x + y = 15.

To reflect the line 2x + 3y + 1 = 0 across the line y = -1, we need to subtract twice the y-coordinate of each point on the line from the equation of the line.

This is because the reflection of a point across a line is obtained by reflecting it across the line's perpendicular bisector, which is also the line with the same x-coordinates and twice the distance from the point to the line.

Subtracting twice the y-coordinate, we get:

2x + 3(-2y - 1) + 1 = 0

Simplifying the equation, we get:

2x - 6y - 5 = 0

Now, to rotate the line about the point O(2,3) by 180 degrees, we can use the rotation formula:

x' = 2a - x

y' = 2b - y

where (x,y) are the coordinates of a point on the original line, and (x',y') are the coordinates of the same point after rotation about the point (a,b).

Substituting the coordinates of two points on the line, we get:

(0,-1) → x' = 2(2) - 0 = 4, y' = 2(3) - (-1) = 7

(-1/2,0) → x' = 2(2) - (-1/2) = 4 1/2, y' = 2(3) - 0 = 6

Now, we can use the two points (4,7) and (4 1/2,6) to find the equation of the rotated line using point-slope form:

slope = (6-7) / (4 1/2 - 4) = -2

y - 7 = -2(x - 4)

y = -2x + 15

To learn more about reflection click on,


4. The radius of a cylinder is 3x-2 cm. The height of the cylinder is x +3 cm. What is the
surface area of the cylinder? Use the formula A=2x²+2xrh.
02x (3x2+10x-8)
O 27(12x+7x-2)
O 27(12x²-2x+13)
O 27(12x²-5x-2)



D: 27(12x² - 5x - 2).

Step-by-step explanation:

The formula for the surface area of a cylinder is: A = 2πr² + 2πrh

Given that the radius of the cylinder is 3x - 2 cm and the height is x + 3 cm, we can substitute these values in the formula and simplify:

A = 2π(3x - 2)² + 2π(3x - 2)(x + 3)

A = 2π(9x² - 12x + 4) + 2π(3x² + 7x - 6)

A = 18πx² - 24πx + 8π + 6πx² + 14πx - 12π

A = 24πx² - 10πx - 4π

A = 2π(12x² - 5x - 2)

Therefore, the answer is option D: 27(12x² - 5x - 2).



Step-by-step explanation:

Fruit Smoothle
O E. Talia can use 1
cup orange juice
cup yogurt
8 cup strawberries
8 cup blueberries
cup of ice
Blend all ingredients. Serve cold.
Makes 1 serving.
Which statement about the recipe is true? Mark all that apply.
cup strawberries to double the recipe.
O A. Talia can use
OB. Talia can use
OC. Talia can use
12 cup yogurt to make 3 servings.
cup blueberries to make 4 servings.
OD. Talia can use
cups orange juice to make 4 servings.
cup of ice to make 5 servings.


A. Talia can use 1 and 3/4 cup strawberries to double the recipe. B. Talia can use 1 and 1/3 cup yogurt to make 3 servings. D. Talia can use 2 cups orange juice to make 4 servings.

What is proportion?

In statistics, a proportion is a fraction or a percentage that reflects the proportion of a population's or sample's members who share a particular attribute to the population's or sample's overall size. It is a kind of ratio where the denominator is the entire population or sample size and the numerator is the number of people who possess a specific trait or attribute.

From the given ingredients and the serving size we can see that the correct statement is:

A. Talia can use 1 and 3/4 cup strawberries to double the recipe.

B. Talia can use 1 and 1/3 cup yogurt to make 3 servings.

D. Talia can use 2 cups orange juice to make 4 servings.

Learn more about proportions here:


The complete question is:

at what rate is the base of the triangle changing when the altitude is 20 cm and the area is 120 cm2?


The rate at which the base of the triangle is changing when the altitude is 20 cm and the area is 120 cm^2 is 0 cm/s.

To solve this problem, we need to use the formula for the area of a triangle, which is:

A = (1/2)bh

Where A is the area, b is the base, and h is the altitude.

We know that the area is 120 cm^2 and the altitude is 20 cm. So we can plug in these values and solve for the base:

120 = (1/2)b(20)

240 = 20b

b = 12 cm

Now we need to differentiate both sides of the equation with respect to time (t):

dA/dt = (1/2)(db/dt)h

We are given the value of dh/dt (which represents the rate at which the altitude is changing) is 3 cm/s. We need to find db/dt (which represents the rate at which the base is changing).

Plugging in the values we know, we get:

dA/dt = (1/2)(db/dt)(20)

Solving for db/dt, we get:

db/dt = (2dA/dt)/h

Plugging in the values we know, we get:

db/dt = (2)(0)/20

db/dt = 0 cm/s
Since the area is constant (120 cm²) and the altitude is constant (20 cm), the base of the triangle is not changing. Therefore, the rate at which the base is changing is: 0 cm/s

Learn about application of derivatives here:


A factory has two assembly lines, M and N, that make the same toy. On Monday, only assembly line M was functioning and it made 900 toys.
On Tuesday, both assembly lines were functioning for the same amount of time. Line M made 300 toys per hour and line N made 480 toys per hour. Line N made as many toys on Tuesday as line M did over both days.

Write an equation that can be used to find the number of hours, t, that the assembly lines were functioning on Tuesday.


Answer: First choice 480t = 300t + 900

Step-by-step explanation:

A factory has two assembly lines, M and N, that make the same toy. On Monday, only assembly line M was functioning and it made 900 toys.  

On Tuesday, both assembly lines were functioning for the same amount of time. Line M made 300 toys per hour and line N made 480 toys per hour. Line N made as many toys on Tuesday as line M did over both days.

Write an equation that can be used to find the number of hours, t, that the assembly lines were functioning on Tuesday.


Let say t is time in hrs for Which Both Assembly line worked

M made 300 toys per hr on Tuesday

Toys made on Tuesday at Assembly line M = 300 × t  = 300t  toys

N made 480 toys per hr on Tuesday

Toys made on Tuesday at Assembly line N = 480 × t  = 480t  toys

Toys Made by N on Tuesday  = Toys made by M on Tuesday + Toys made by M on Monday

480t = 300t + 900

=> 180 t = 900

=> t = 900/180

=> t = 5 hr

N capacity on tuesday Per hour * t  = M capacity on tuesday per hour  * t  + Toys made by M on Monday

N = N capacity on tuesday Per hour

M = M capacity on tuesday Per hour

=> t (N - M ) = 900

=> t = 900/(N-M)

Frank and Joey ordered a large pizza. Frank ate 20% of rye pizza and Joey at 4/5 of the pizza. What percentage of the pizza did they eat in all


The percentage of the large pizza they ate is 100%

To calculate the percentage of pizza they both ate we have to add and then covert the fractions to percentage.

Given from the question

Frank ate 20% of the large pizza and Joey ate 4/5 portion of the large pizza

Converting 4/5 into percentage

For converting into percentage we have to multiply 100 to the fraction

= 4/5 x 100

= 80%

Now, let us proceed by adding the collected two percentages to find out the total percentage of pizza consumed by Frank and Joey

20% + 80%

= 100%

The percentage of the large pizza they ate is 100%.

To learn more about fractions,


Please use Triangle Inequality to solve, I'm having a bit of trouble. I'd also appreciate if you just help me.


The value of x for the given triangle through which the perimeter of the given relation is satisfied is 10.

What about perimeter of triangle?

The perimeter of a triangle is the total length of its boundary, which is the sum of the lengths of its three sides. The perimeter can be thought of as the distance around the triangle, and it is measured in units of length such as centimeters, meters, or feet. The perimeter of a triangle is an important geometric property that is used in many practical applications, such as calculating the amount of fencing needed to enclose a triangular-shaped garden or determining the length of wire required to form a triangular circuit.

According to the given information:

The perimeter of triangle is sum of all sides of the triangle

In which,

2x + 4 + 3x - 8 + x - 2 = 54

6x - 6  = 54

6x = 60

x = 10

To know more about triangle visit:




The exponential function to represent the number of new participants of the challenge as a function of the day number, is f(x) = 12 × 4ˣ.

How to find the exponential function ?

Let f(x) be the number of new participants on day x.

On day 0 (today), Aliyah, Kim, and Reese are the only participants. They each send selfies to 4 friends, so there will be 3 x 4 = 12 new participants on day 1.

From day 1 onwards, each new participant will send selfies to 4 friends. Therefore, the number of new participants will quadruple each day. This gives us an exponential growth function:

f(x) = 12 × 4ˣ

where f(x) represents the number of new participants on day x.

Find out more on exponential functions at


How do you find the period of a cosine function of the form y = cos bx?


The period of a cosine function of the form y = cos bx is equal to T= 2π/b where 'T' is the period of the cosine function and b is the coefficient of x in the function.

This formula tells us that the period of the cosine function is equal to the length of one complete cycle of the function.

it represents  the distance along the x-axis for the cosine function to complete one full oscillation.

The period of a cosine function of the form y = cos bx, first identify the coefficient b.

Use the formula T= 2π/b  to calculate the period 'T'.

For example,

Consider cosine function y = cos 2x,

The coefficient of x is 2.

Using the formula above, the period is equal to

Period = 2π/2

           = π

So the period of the function y = cos 2x is π.

This implies that the cosine function completes one full oscillation every π units along the x-axis.

Therefore, the formula used to calculate the period of the cosine function y = cos bx is given by T= 2π/b.

learn more about period here


Which theorem is shown by the diagram above?
a + b = c
a - b = c
a² + b² = c²
a²-b² = c²


The theorem is shown in a pythagoras theorem is c² = a² + b²

Which theorem is shown in a pythagoras theorem

The theorem shown in the Pythagorean theorem is "a² + b² = c²". This theorem is named after the ancient Greek mathematician Pythagoras, who is credited with discovering it.

The Pythagorean theorem applies to right-angled triangles and states that the square of the length of the hypotenuse (the side opposite the right angle) is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides.

Mathematically, we can express this as:

c² = a² + b²

Where c is the length of the hypotenuse, and a and b are the lengths of the other two sides (called the legs) of the right-angled triangle.

Read more about pythagoras theorem at


the table shows several packages of assorted spools of thread available at a store. what is the price per spool of each kind of thread?


I'm sorry, but I cannot provide a definitive answer to your question as I do not have access to the table you are referring to.

However, in general, to find the price per spool of each kind of thread, you would need to know the total price of the package and the number of spools in the package.

To calculate the price per spool, you would divide the total price of the package by the number of spools in the package. For example, if a package costs $10 and contains 50 spools of thread, the price per spool would be $0.20 ($10 ÷ 50 = $0.20).

You can use this method to find the price per spool for each type of thread in the table you are looking at.

For more questions like Spool  visit the link below:


A researcher wants to determine whether there is a linear relationship between number of rom-com movies and engagements. The table displays a partial computer printout of the regression analysis and is based on a sample of eight subjects.
Predictor Coeff St. Dev t Ratio p-Value
Constant 4.35744984 2.385747738 5.7382918 0.00375268
Rom-com movies 1.34457321 0.526645738

What is the value of the t-test statistic for H0: β = 0


The value of test statistic is 2.553089.

What is a test statistic?

A test statistic is a numerical summary of a sample that is used to make inferences about the population from which the sample was drawn. It is often used in hypothesis testing to determine whether a null hypothesis should be rejected or not.

The test statistic is calculated from the sample data and is compared to a distribution of the test statistic under the null hypothesis. If the test statistic falls in a region of the distribution that is unlikely to occur by chance, then the null hypothesis is rejected in favor of an alternative hypothesis.

Value of test Statistic = 1.34457321/0.526645738

= 2.553089

So, value of test statistic is 2.553089

Learn more about test statistic on


Timmy is building a model of a building in his town that is 180 meters. He is using a scale of 1.5 cm. = 3.5 meters. How tall will his model be?


Answer: 77

Step-by-step explanation: You could set up a proportion for this question. 1.5 centimeters = 3.5 meters x centimeters = 180 meters 1.5 x 180 / 3.5 Rounded to the nearest whole number, the answer is 77.

4. A fish tank is in the shape of a cuboid. It
has a base of width 80cm and length of 1.2 m.
Water is put into the tank to a depth of 70cm.
There are 700 000 small fish in the tank. Each
one of them needs a litre of water.
Is there enough water for the fish in the tank?


The volume of water in the tank won't be enough for the fish.

What is volume of a cuboid?

A cuboid is a solid shape or a three-dimensional shape. The volume of a cuboid is expressed as;

V = l×w× h

where l is the length, w is the width and h is the height.

The volume of water needed by the fish is 700,000× 1litre = 700,000 litres.

The volume of water the tank can occupy is

V = l× b× h

V = 80× 1200× 70

V = 6,720,000cm³

in litres ;

V = 6,720,000/1000

V = 6720litres

therefore the volume water in the tank is not enough for the fish

learn more about volume of cuboid from


Complete the table using the information given.


Using the above information, we can calculate the missing figures in the table and this is shown on the table attached.

What is the table about?

For the "Shorts" row: It's given that 42 people were wearing shorts.

Since it's mentioned that twice as many people were wearing closed-toed shoes as open-toed shoes, and 30 people were wearing open-toed shoes, we can deduce that 30 people were also wearing closed-toed shoes.So, the total number of people wearing closed-toed shoes is 30, and the total number of people wearing shorts is also 42, since they are the same group of people.

Therefore, the "Close-Toed Shoes" column in the "Shorts" row is also 42, and the "Total" column is the sum of open-toed and closed-toed shoes, which is 84.

To know more about table here:


See text below

30 people surveyed were wearing open-toed shoes.

1/3 of the people with open-toed shoes were wearing


• 42 people were wearing shorts.

Twice as many people were wearing closed-toed shoes

than open-toed shoes.

Complete the table using the information given.

                   Open-Toed Shoes              Close-Toed Shoes         Total

Shorts                     -------                           ------                               --------

Pants                         ------                           ----------                            ------

Total                          ------                           ----------                            ---------



Answer: 4

Step-by-step explanation:



Rewrite using the power property:


Rewrite by adding the logarithms together (multiplying) since they all have a common base of 6:


Simplify by multiplying:



Evaluate the logarithm:



A 30 pack of copy paper cost $48.30 a 32 pack cost $49.60 which is the better buy (help me explain it)



Step-by-step explanation:

the 32 pack because it costs just slightly more

Given a circle has a center at (-6, 14) and a diameter of 30, write the equation of the circle



The center of the circle is at (-6, 14), and the radius is 15, so we have this equation:

[tex] {(x + 6)}^{2} + {(y - 14)}^{2} = 225 [/tex]

a man can hit his target 25% of the time if he fires 4 shots in succession what is the probability that he will hit his target


The probability that the man will hit his target at least once in 4 shots is calculated using the complementary probability of him missing all 4 shots. Since he hits his target 25% of the time, he misses it 75% of the time.

The probability of missing all 4 shots is (0.75)^4 = 0.3164.

Now, to find the probability of hitting the target at least once, subtract the probability of missing all shots from 1:

1 - 0.3164 = 0.6836 or 68.36%.

So, the probability that the man will hit his target at least once in 4 shots is approximately 68.36%.

Learn more about probability:


At a computer manufacturing company, they produce two different types of computers. They can make 70 laptops per day while making 55 desktops per day. The company has a total of 14 machines to make computers. They can make a total of 905 computers per day. How many machines make laptops and how many make desktops?
Write a system of equations and solve.



Yo wassup bro, at this computer factory, they be making two types of computers, laptops and desktops. They churn out 70 laptops a day and 55 desktops a day. They got a total of 14 machines to make these computers. And they make a total of 905 computers a day. We gotta figure out how many machines are making laptops and how many are making desktops, ya know?

Alright, let's set up a system of equations to solve this. Let's call the number of machines making laptops "x" and the number of machines making desktops "y".

So, we got two equations here:

The total number of computers they make in a day is 905, so we can write: x laptops + y desktops = 905.

They got a total of 14 machines, so we can write: x + y = 14.

Now, let's solve this system of equations to find the values of x and y, man. Once we got those, we'll know how many machines are making laptops and how many are making desktops at this computer factory, yo!

The length of one leg of a right triangle is 2 times the length of the other, and the
length of the hypotenuse is 12. What is the length of the longest leg?



[tex]\frac{24\sqrt{5} }{5}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

Let's start by assigning one of the unknown legs with the variable x.

We know that the other leg is 2 times the length of x, so we can write:


We also know that the length of the hypotenuse is 12.

From here, we can use the Pythagorean Theorem.

Recall that the Pythagorean Theorem is:


where a is the length of one leg, b is the length of the other leg, and c is the length of the hypotenuse.

Let's substitute the values. We have:

[tex]x^2+(2x^2)=12^2=\\x^2+4x^2=144=\\5x^2=144=\\x^2=\frac{144}{5}=\\x=\frac{12}{\sqrt{5} }[/tex]

Let's rationalize the denominator by multiplying the numerator and denominator by [tex]\sqrt{5}[/tex], like so:

[tex]\frac{12}{\sqrt{5} } =\\\frac{12\sqrt{5} }{5}[/tex]

Therefore, [tex]x=\frac{12\sqrt{5} }{5}[/tex]

Let's solve for 2x:

[tex]2x=\\2(\frac{12\sqrt{5} }{5})=\\ \frac{24\sqrt{5} }{5}[/tex]

So, the length of the longest leg is [tex]\frac{24\sqrt{5} }{5}[/tex]

Ms. Yamato's gross pay is $2644. Her deductions total $548.30.

What percent of her gross pay is take-home pay?
A. 84%
B. 79%
C. 21%
D. 18%


Thus, the correct Percent response is B) 79%.

what is a percent?

Percentage refers to a portion of every hundred. Although the abbreviations "pct.", "pct.", and occasionally "pc" are also used, it is frequently shown using the percent sign, "%".

If you have 100 apples and distribute 10 of them, for instance, you have distributed 10% of your total apple supply.

We deduct Ms. Yamato's deductions from her gross income to determine her take-home pay:

$2644 - $548.30 = $2095.702.

By dividing her take-home pay by her gross pay and multiplying the result by 100%, we can determine what proportion of her gross pay is taken home:

($2095.70 / $2644) * 100% = 79%

Thus, the correct response is B) 79%.

To know more about percent visit:


One gallon of paint covers 400 square feet. What is the least amount of paint needed to paint the walls of a room in the shape of a rectangular prism with a length of 17 feet, a width of 15 feet, and a height of 12 feet? Write your answer as a decimal. Gal


We need at least 3.465 gallons of paint to paint the walls of this room.

The area of the two rectangular faces on either end of the prism is:

length x height = 17 x 12 = 204 square feet

The area of the two rectangular faces on the sides of the prism is:

width x height = 15 x 12 = 180 square feet

The area of the top and bottom faces of the prism is:

length x width = 17 x 15 = 255 square feet

The total surface area of the prism is:

2(204) + 2(180) + 2(255) = 1386 square feet

Now, we divide surface area by coverage of one gallon of paint:

1386 / 400 = 3.465

To know more about surface area , here


Harry is organizing a picnic. He can spend at most $24. 00 on beverages. Iced tea costs $2. 00 per gallon and lemonade costs $2. 50 per gallon. If x represents the number of gallons of iced tea and y represents the number of gallons of lemonade, which inequality shows the number of gallons of each drink that he can buy? Identify the number of gallons of iced tea that Harry can buy if he buys 5 gallons of lemonade.


Harry can buy 5 gallons of tea.

Some working out:
5y = (2.50x5)
5y = 12.50 (lemonade)

24-12.50 = 11.50
11.50/2 = 5 r 1.5

Therefore Harry can buy 5 gallons of lemonade and 5 gallons of iced tea and still have $1.50 left over from his original $24 dollar budget


Harry can buy 5 gallons of lemonade and 5 gallons of iced tea and still have $1.50 left over from his original $24 dollar budget

Step-by-step explanation:

James fills the rectangular prism 80 percent with sand. How many cubic inches of sand are in the rectangular prism.


The volume of sand in the rectangular prism is 80 percent of the total volume, which can be written as:

0.8 x V = 0.8(L x W x H) cubic inches

What is rectangular prism?

A three-dimensional object with six faces, including two at the top and bottom and four lateral faces, called a rectangular prism. The prism's faces are all rectangular in shape. There are three sets of identical faces as a result.

We need to know the dimensions of the rectangular prism to solve the problem. Let's assume the dimensions are length = L inches, width = W inches, and height = H inches.

The volume of the rectangular prism is given by V = L x W x H cubic inches.

If the rectangular prism is filled 80 percent with sand, then 20 percent of the volume is empty space. So, the volume of sand in the rectangular prism is 80 percent of the total volume, which can be written as:

0.8 x V = 0.8(L x W x H) cubic inches

Therefore, we need to know the dimensions of the rectangular prism to find the volume of sand.

Learn more about volume of rectangular prism on:


The complete question is:

James fills the rectangular prism 80 percent with sand. How many cubic inches of sand are in the rectangular prism?

the ricardo household used w cubic feet of water during a summer month express the number of ccf of water they used algebraically


Ricardo used w/100 Ccf of water.

Given that, Ricardo household used w cubic feet of water in a month of summers,

we need to express the number of ccf of water they used algebraically,

Ccf = A CCF is a unit of measurement of volume.

The CCF is used to measure gas consumption, used in the billing of natural gas and water delivered to households.

1 CCF = 100 cubic feet

CCF means Centum Cubic Feet.

1 cubic feet = 0.01 Ccf


w cubic feet = 0.01 × w Ccf

= w / 100

Hence, Ricardo used w/100 Ccf of water.

Learn more about unit conversion, click;


i need some help with this problem i don’t really understand it




Step-by-step explanation:


Find the number of permutations with of the letters in each word


The trigonometry functions when calculated are sin(A) = 18/34 and cos(A) = 30/34

Calculating the trigonometry functions

From the question, we have the following parameters that can be used in our computation:

The right triangle

Where we have

Opposite = 18Adjacent = 30Hypotenuse = 34

Using the above as a guide, we have the following:

sin(A) = 18/34

cos(A) = 30/34

Hence, the values are sin(A) = 18/34 and cos(A) = 30/34

Read more about right triangles at


Solve the IVP given by y''+y=t, y(0)=1, y'(0)=-2


The solution to the IVP given by y''+y=t, y(0)=1, y'(0)=-2 is y(t) = cos(t) - (3/2) sin(t) + (1/2) t.

To solve the Initial Value Problem, we can use the method of undetermined coefficients, which involves assuming a particular form for the solution to the non-homogeneous equation y'' + y = t, and then finding the coefficients of the terms in that form by substituting it back into the equation.

First, we find the general solution to the homogeneous equation y'' + y = 0

The characteristic equation is r² + 1 = 0, which has solutions r = ±i. Therefore, the general solution to the homogeneous equation is

y_h(t) = c₁ cos(t) + c₂ sin(t),

where c₁ and c₂ are constants determined by the initial conditions.

Next, we assume a particular form for the non-homogeneous solution, based on the form of the right-hand side t. Since t is a linear function, we assume that the particular solution has the form

y_p(t) = a t + b.

Substituting this into the differential equation, we get

y''_p + y_p = t

2a + (at+b) = t.

Equating coefficients, we get

a = 1/2, b = 0.

Therefore, the particular solution is

y_p(t) = (1/2) t.

The general solution to the non-homogeneous equation is then the sum of the homogeneous and particular solutions

y(t) = y_h(t) + y_p(t)

= c₁ cos(t) + c₂ sin(t) + (1/2) t.

To determine the constants c₁ and c₂, we use the initial conditions:

y(0) = c₁ cos(0) + c₂ sin(0) + (1/2) (0) = c₁ = 1,

y'(0) = -c₁ sin(0) + c₂ cos(0) + (1/2) (1) = c₂ - (1/2) = -2,

so c₂ = -3/2.

Therefore, the solution to the IVP is

y(t) = cos(t) - (3/2) sin(t) + (1/2) t.

Learn more about Initial Value Problem here





Step-by-step explanation:

Graph #          Matching equation

1                             |-3x|

2                            |-x|

3                           -|2x|

You can tell which one matches by finding the slope and whether the V points up or down

Other Questions
please someone help and give answers !!! Writing an Informative Essay about a Utopia (15-27)The structure of a body paragraph should be:____________________ sentence, ____________________ and ____________________ statement. (concluding, supporting, topic) identify the broad opportunity areas of accounting. (check all that apply.)A. taxation, B. managerial, C. financialD. Marketing People who act like customers collect information on competitors are known as A. savvy consumersB. decoy shoppersC. mystery shoppersD. shopliftersE. the target market King Henrv WIII is one of England's most memorable kings, After reading the text, what 3 events do you think be is most memorable for? why does glass containing an iced beverage feel cold one of the difficulties of finding a coase theorem solution to the problem of flu vaccine externalities is that: What is the bond equivalent yield on a $1 million T-bill that currently sells at 92.775 percent of its face value and 126 days from maturity? vrite your answer in % and round it to 2 decimal places) Qu pensaba Jaime de la ciudad de San Juan?(el Libra se llama El viaje perdido) 3. In a sports centre, the ages of 100 people were recorded as follows: Age Under 20 years 20 to 29 years 30 t0 39 years 40 to 59 years 60 years and over Number of people 30 15 12 14 29 Fri, 24 Mar 2023 Angle (i) complete the table above to show the angle for each categ rounded off to the nearest degree. (ii) construct a pie chart using the circle below. business rules implement specific activities for a particular business process.depositedcontrolmultplicities a fast-food restaurant stocks bread, meat, sauces, and other main ingredients, but does not assemble and cook its burgers and sandwiches until a customer places an order. which cost driver is the restaurant efficiently using to cut costs? Pros and Cons of Interest GroupsProsConsCan monitor government action Mostly benefit well-funded groups(1)(2)Which numbered pair of phrases best completes the table?OA (1) Can inspire political participation; (2) Are overly focused onone group's goalsOB. (1) Increase public awareness of policy issues, (2) Generallysupport only third partiesC. (1) Help reduce the amount of money spent in politics; (2) Areassociated with unethical tacticsOD. (1) Raise money to support important causes; (2) Cannot sue infederal courts marriages based on love, intimacy, and personal pleasure, as opposed to social obligation, are known as 20Question 66. A pea plant with yellow seeds (YY) is crossed with a pea plant withgreen seeds (yy)., All seeds from the resulting plants are yellow. Yellow is:a. dominantOb. recessivec. heterozygousNo answer text provided.5 pts< Previous Find the surface area of the sphere. Use 3.14 for pi.sphere is 7 yd Please Help MeOrganize and Develop Your Ideas WorksheetWriting Prompt: Read the letter to the editor I, Too, Have a Dream. How does the writer use structure and language to persuade her readers and support her feelings about immigration? Write an essay using evidence from the letter to answer the question.Thesis Statement: Type your thesis statement from the last lesson here.Part 1 Organizing Your IdeasDirections: Write a topic sentence for each body paragraph. (One body paragraph should focus on the authors use of structure and one body paragraph should focus on the authors use of language.) Use a mixture of paraphrased examples and direct quotations for your evidence. Write your examples and explanations in complete sentences.Body Paragraph 1Topic Sentence:Example from text to support topic sentence:Explanation of how the example serves purpose:Example from text to support topic sentence:Explanation of how the example serves purpose:Body Paragraph 2Topic Sentence:Example from text to support topic sentence:Explanation of how the example serves purpose:Example from text to support topic sentence:Explanation of how the example serves purpose:Part 2 Developing Body ParagraphsDirections: Use your planning in Part 1 to write your two body paragraphs. Use complete sentences, proper grammar and punctuation, and transitions to develop your body paragraphs. Each body paragraph should have a transition at the beginning of the topic sentence and at least two within each paragraph. which intervention should the nurse discuss with a client who has an allergic disorder and is requesting information for allergy symptom control? a. that air conditioning or humidifiers should not be used b. the client should avoid the use of sprays, powders, and perfumes c. pull shades instead of curtains should be used over windows d. the mattress should be covered with a hypoallergenic cover e. the client should be advised to wear a mask when cleaning What is the solution to the equation 3/5x-4-37x+8?A x = -6B x=-1C x = 1D x = 2 Next question You are considering a car loan with a stated APR of 6.85% based on monthly compounding. What is the effective annuse tato of this an The effective annual rate is % (Round to two decimal